Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2006 – Durban – Day 3-4

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The message of Islam subhanho wa Taala is discussed, including the importance of avoiding evil deeds and living in a way that is causing harm to others. The speaker emphasizes the need for caution and watchfulness when discussing issues, including hair growth and parenting. The importance of shaving and trimming for shaving is also emphasized, and the need for forgiveness and staying away from sin is emphasized. The competition for a job is mentioned, and attendees can win prizes for suppressing anger and forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim In the name of Allah most Gracious, Most Merciful. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala

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nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi what? woman who humbly son in Isla Yomi Deen. All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala creator nareesha cherishes sustainer protector of one and all blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam blessings upon all his companions and all the believers May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all in our offspring, who will come until the day of the AMA amin

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honor the rule ama beloved brothers and sisters dear listeners, we all know that this is the month of mercy where Allah subhanho wa Taala in tonight's verses has given us several reminders from amongst these reminders, they are those that are connected to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in order to strike the balance, Allah subhanho wa Taala has also presented warnings so that men can take heed from amongst these warnings Allah subhanho wa Taala tells myself and yourselves and all mankind, yo mata jido colonna

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Camila Min

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wama Mila.

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Madden, Merida,

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Ville como la luna, Allah,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us of the day of the AMA, telling us that on that day, every soul shall have in front of it all its deeds, all the good that was done by that soul will be present in front of that particular soul. And all the evil that was done by that soul will also be present. But the soul will be wishing that there was a huge distance between the soul and the deeds committed by that particular soul whilst it was in the dunya. And Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to say, definitely Allah is warning you about himself, which means about his punishment, and about His justice. And yet Allah ends the verse by saying, But definitely, Allah subhanho wa Taala is most

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merciful upon his worshippers. What we understand from this is, on the day of the AMA, in front of us, we will have our deeds, the good deeds, there is a there is a difficulty or there is something we need to be worried about regarding the good deeds and that is, we should not live our lives in such a way that we implement many good deeds but give them away to others by backbiting, cheating, deceiving, and doing wrong against our fellow Muslims, because if we are to

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give these deeds away, then on the day of Dr. Massoud Hana, Allah subhanho wa Taala describes such people as the bankrupt. He says a bankrupt person is the one who comes with a lot of Salah, a lot of Zakah a lot of good deeds, but he has cheated this one deceived that one Swan, that one and so on, eaten the wealth of this one, and stolen the rights of the other one, all the good deeds will be given to those until the person is left with no good deeds. and thereafter the evil deeds of all the people who are still remaining will be given to this person and the person may be thrown in the fire of Jannah May Allah subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. So it is good to do good deeds, but it is

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very important to look after these good deeds and bring them in the intact form on the day of the AMA. Similarly, those who have done evil deeds, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, there will be no denial on that day. Because even if the soul denies Allah subhanho wa Taala will bring the bodies in which the souls lived in to bear witness as a separate entity. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding and comprehension of his greatness. Imagine the souls that are our souls which are living in these bodies that we feel are ours, the two may be separated on the day of the arm and the body will come as a separate entity bearing witness against the soul. That look this is what I did.

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Imagine the organs of the body have to speak and say this is what I was involved in. Or this is what the owner of the soul or the soul had forced me into though I was cursing the soul and so on. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us if we have to ponder for a moment. It is a very, very serious day. It is something very, very great that we all need to be concerned about. So Allah subhanho wa Taala strikes the balance between hope and mercy. And the other hand, the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his punishment

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He's justice as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us from his mercy for definitely these are the days of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to inform us of how we will achieve success and I'm sure we've all heard it many times only.

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To him boo,

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Tabby, Rooney, baby boo boo,

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boo, boo.

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The address is to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inform them, oh prophet of Allah, inform them O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if you claim to love me, meaning if you claim to love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then or sorry if you claim to love Allah subhanho wa Taala then follow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you claim to love Allah, your Creator, your nourishes the one you are going to return to, if there is a claim of love, follow that claim by action. What is the action, follow the messenger follow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam follow all his examples and you shall find that Allah will love you in return and He will give you or he

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will forgive you and grant you Jenna, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant myself and yourselves that

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what has also the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam come with, he has come with two major categories of rules and regulations. Each category is divided into several other categories. The first category, the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The commands are divided into that which is followed, and that which is not followed, but it is a command. And the prohibitions are divided into that which is totally haram and that which is mcru, and that which is detested. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to prioritize, and we should always be taking steps in the right direction a loser is the one who finds himself spiritually elevated today and not tomorrow. A

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Winner is the one who finds himself more spiritually elevated today than yesterday and has aimed to in fact elevate his or her spirituality in a in a greater manner. Tomorrow, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us upliftment rather than going back because it is also the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam his way and his Sunnah, that ultimately, we are all trying to adopt. I'd like to give you a little example of the beard. With all due respect to those who don't have beards, it is assumed to have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam if we have aimed and we have an objective or a goal that we'd like to achieve, I'd like to have a beard, for example, and we need to work towards it. Let me

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start for example, growing one hair at a time, every time it is shaved. If I have one hair extra, isn't that a step in the right direction. By the time the year ends, I'll have 365 hairs, the following year it will be doubled and so on. At least in 10 years, I'll have got somewhere but if we don't have a plan of action, we are never going to get anywhere where Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us steadfastness. Remember, I've only given a simple example like that. There are many many examples that we can look at May Allah subhanho wa Taala bring us to the right path. And may He bring us as quick as possible because remember when it is the time of soccer, rot and death, it will be too

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late. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to mention

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what Zachary Allahu Salatu was Salam was told when he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala for a sign. You know, he was an old man and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him news of a child. And this brings hope to those who don't have children and still meaning and they are reaching old age Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala if it is written for you, it will definitely come in your direction. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make all those who have children make those children the coolness of their eyes, and those who do not have offspring. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant and pious and healthy offspring who will also be the coolness of their eyes, and May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala use the youngsters and use of this oma as champions of the oma to serve this Deen in one way or another. I mean, so Zachary, Allah salatu salam asked Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Give me a sign. Give me some form of comfort from you. People will ask me I don't know what to tell them. Now when a problem is too big or too big, and one is fearing that if he was to try and clarify the issue, it might result in a bigger problem. It might result in a huge disaster. It might not solve the problem. Then sometimes we need to also look at this remedy. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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Toka Toka

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your sign your gift

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Is that you should not speak to people at all for a period of three days, let it clarify itself. Time heals all wounds as the as it is said. And to be honest with you, we've been repeating this all along to say, we need to be careful what comes out of our mouths, we need to be careful and we need to be watchful of our utterances, because it is only through what we utter that we are known. And it is only through what we utter that we are judged. And it is only through what we utter that we become what we are May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us hypocrites, and May He grant us the the power to be in control of our tongues, especially when we are angry, because anger, as we will see

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in one of the verses that was read tonight is very, very dangerous. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. So that is with regards to silence and remaining silent when we do not know what to say or how to put forward what we'd like to put forward. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of what the disciples of Jesus May peace be upon him said what the disciples of Isa Allah His salatu wa sallam said, they said abana

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tabernero Sula effects, Giovanna Masha Hedy in our Abba, oh you Who has created us, who nourishes us, who cherishes us, who sustains us, who protects us who we shall, whom we shall return to, we have believed in the messenger,

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we have believed in that which you have revealed, and we have followed the messenger. So write us or record us as being from amongst those who have borne witness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers also from amongst those who have borne witness, remember these are the ads that appear in the Quran. They are not in the Quran for no reason. They are in the Quran so that I can learn from them. You can learn from them, we can look at them. Look at what these disciples were saying. And look at how great that was that it is mentioned by Allah, Allah azza wa jal, he says, This is the O r ob, we have believed in what you have revealed and we have followed the messenger. So write us as those who

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have been witness who are those who have been witness, they are the martyrs in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember, martyrdom is not only in the battlefield, but they there are several categories of martyrs. All of them are granted that lofty rank, may Allah subhanho wa Taala. grant that to us as well. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala solves a dispute between the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. What was the dispute? Everyone feels and thinks and believes that he is more close to Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. All these Abrahamic religions, each one feels that he is closer to Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies it, saying who is closer to

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Abraham, do you want to know in our lives, cb Ybarra, Hema leadin, as

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may know, Indeed, those who are the closest to Ebrahim Allahu salatu salam, or those who follow him regarding monotheism,

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regarding one Allah, remember, the Christians now believe in a trinity, not all the Christians, but the vast majority of the Christians believe in a trinity and that is a form of ship. It is a form of polytheism associating Isa Alayhi. Salatu was salam, as a partner with Allah subhanho wa Taala, after he left or after he was raised into heaven.

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So that is something that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam spoke about, oh, people of the book, do not say three in one and one in three, do not say that. Say our Creator is one singular alone. That is better for you. This is what the Quran says. So those who are closest three, Brahim Allahu salatu wa sallam are definitely the ones who are closest to him in belief. What did he say? He looked at the stars, the moon, the sun, all creation, and then he turned and he says, Nay, I believe in whoever created all this, whoever he is, I know he is one because there has never been clash between these various creatures, like the sun in the moon. If there was more than one God for each

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of these creatures, they would have clashed at least once, but the fact that they've never clashed Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam says, I know that he is one, whoever the deity is that created entire creation that we all depend on, that is whom I surrender to and I will call him Allah, the worshipped one, because I owe my worship to him. My life to him my death to him. pole in our soil. It was Suki Yama, here, Yo Mama T Lila la bien la la mina la sharika. Say, My prayer is for him.

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My prayer is for the one who created me in

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nourish me and nourishes me still cherishes me and sustains me, the one who protects myself and all other creatures. My prayer is for him. My sacrifice is for him. My life is for him. My death is for him everything is owed to him. There is no partner that he has no partner that he will ever have. That is Abrahamic monotheism. And this is who Allah subhanho wa Taala says, if a person believes in such belief of monotheism, they are the closest to Abraham, or Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to say and do you want to know who else is the closest to Ibrahim alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, those who obey this particular prophet who is this prophet Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Why? Because he came with the exact monese ism that was brought by Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam in Islam, the glorification of creatures is prohibited any creature that is created by Allah subhanho wa Taala to glorify these creatures is an insult to the Creator. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us really and truly believe in him that is pure and pristine. I mean,

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so this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, those who truly believe in the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are the ones who are the closest to Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mentioned once again about righteousness. And this is a point that is mentioned in tonight's verses regarding spending.

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He had to

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to him,

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you will never achieve true righteousness until you spend from that which you love the most.

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Why? It is very simple, because at times, we as men are weak, and we love material issues more than our love for Allah subhanho wa Taala a person has a motorcar. He loves that motorcars so much that he cannot give it up. He will make sure it is clean speaking Spanish he will have a timetable to wash the car to service the car, but he forgets about his timetable regarding his creator when it comes to Salah.

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Look at that we've given priority to material issues over Allah subhanho wa Taala I can serve as my motor vehicle every 5000 kilometers but five times a day I can't come and service myself in the masjid. So that is why Allah says that what you love the most splendid in order to gain closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala The question was asked regarding the Hey, whether we should shave it or clip it when it comes to online Hajj, the answer is quite simple. You're allowed to either shave it or to trim it more than a certain amount. But the criteria is as follows. Each one should know that shaving is better than just cutting or trimming. But we should bear in mind that the deciding factor

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should be is my love for my hair more or my love for my Creator more What is it? The answer for that question will help us decide whether we should actually shave the head off or the hair of the head off or we should leave it if I'm leaving it because I love my hair too much and I'm leaving it for the wrong reasons. We must understand it is something it is a creature most probably if you are like me, two years you will be bald May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us all and there will be nothing to actually shave because you've just got to use the razor over the head for purposes of fulfilling that final part of the hombre or the Hajj metal as of Hannah who Allah grant us

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understanding so I hope we've understood why Allah says you will achieve true righteousness when you spend from that which you love most if that particular item is being an obstacle between you and your Creator and you find you now love something material much more than your love for Allah subhanho wa Taala if you'd like to reverse it, spend that out in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the power of unity

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and the fact that it is our duty as Muslims to try our best to unite us anymore be happy lei Jamia

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Roku, hold fast to the rope of Allah subhanho wa Taala and do not disunite this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says so what is the solution? We see so much disunity on the globe today? Do you know what is the solution? The solution starts in our own houses and homes. How many brothers and sisters are not speaking with each other? How much disunity is there in homes of one mother one father or one father and so on? May Allah subhanho wa Taala unite us in our homes in our families thereafter in our societies, communities and then cities and countries inshallah thereafter the region, the continent and several continents. That is the myth the way forward. But our problem is

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we want to solve

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local issues before solving issues right at my doorstep. May Allah Subhana Allah, Allah grant us really and truly a plan of action, rather than just saying words these people are doing nothing those people are doing nothing regarding this issue that issue if we are to look in our lives, there are so many issues whereby we can do something about our own lives, and we are doing absolutely nothing. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us from double standards. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala

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speaks of the race and the competition that he has initiated. It's a competition when we hear of big big competitions where you have a ticket to London, a ticket to New York, a motor vehicle and so on big prizes many of us want to take part sometimes we don't even look at whether it is halal or haram. But we want to take part Why? Because what is to be one is very big. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us from heroin. here Allah is giving us the biggest competition. Allah is saying what sorry, Oh, I'd like you to raise to that is what Allah is saying. Reach towards, make haste towards towards what? Raise compete with one another when it comes to what? Mobile fear it will not become

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forgiveness of your praise, make haste. Each one of us should make haste. Do you know what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do? Because he is the winner of the race.

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But he is in the category of ambia Allahu wa salatu wa sallam. He was spotless sinless, he didn't need to haste to the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But still on a daily basis, he sought forgiveness, bearing in mind with all sincerity bearing in mind what he was saying, Yeah, Allah, forgive me I have sinned 100 times a day, he sought forgiveness and in one duration more than 100 times a day. Where are we today? May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to win the competition at least one day out of all the days where we need to seek true forgiveness. And we need to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy. And Allah continues to say, look, the competition doesn't stop there.

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Make haste and race towards forgiveness of your job and make haste towards gentleness that is Jenna, that we are aiming for. May Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to us now do you think he is not going to describe how we are going to get there? No. He describes absolutely everything. Firstly, he says Do you know the width of Jana is wider than the width of the skies and the heavens sorry, the skies and the earth put together. Whatever width you'd like to measure all these planets in what you can see whatever width you'd like to measure that one gender which each individual is going to get is according to what Allah subhanho wa Taala describes even wider and that this is the width What about

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the length, may Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to us.

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So he's saying it has been prepared for the benefit of those who are conscious of Allah, or that little mu turkey in that Jana has been prepared for those who are conscious of Allah, whatever we do, bear Allah in mind, we walk out of here, bear Allah in mind, walk into your home, your house, speaking with your wife, your children, your relatives, your neighbors, your friends, your enemies, they ally in mind, it should never ever be forgotten that Allah subhanho wa Taala is with us watching us we are answerable to him for everything we do. So Allah subhanho wa Taala continues and he says, Who are the mu takim? Let me inform you, there are two verses thereafter that describe the

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mu 13. Very important versus Allah says those who spend

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and levena FICO is

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probably mean

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those who spend when the economic times are difficult, and when they are easy. When when they are in hardship, they're still spending and when they are in ease, they are still spending and those who would suppress their anger and they extinguish their anger. Those are the 13 they are conscious of me. They know that I am there. They know that they are answerable to me because they have suppressed the anger. Let us try and take part in this competition in Sharla. Every time we suppress our anger, we are one up. It's like buying one more ticket for that particular competition. May Allah grant it to us. So let us become conscious of our temper. And every time we feel we want to burst because of

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our temper, suppress it and say Allah, that's my name in the competition once again. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says will Athena and in us those who constantly forgive other people, let's each one of us think who has wronged us and how much have they wronged us? Who is the worst person that has wronged against us a Muslim, we will come up with a name. It's not very difficult. forgive that person here and now it's not impossible. And then by forgiving that person, you've put your name back into that competition on a bigger piece of paper or on a bigger slate or whatever you want to call it.

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So that there is a greater chance of you being picked up. And the winner is not just one. The prizes are countless the winners are so many that we don't even know the precise figure of those who will enter into Jenna, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant that to us. So every time you control your anger, every time you forgive others, you have a chance of being forgiving yourself and you have a chance that the anger of Allah will be extinguished when it comes to against you. That is something we need to think of. My anger was extinguished against someone so Allah anger will be extinguished against me. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us intellect and understanding. Then the second part of

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the verse Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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and before I say what he says, You know what happens sometimes the person is good, but shaitan makes them drop. So Allah gives us hope. Remember, this is the month of mercy Allah says, When levena either Filofax ii schatten mo

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camela for stones are only gonna be those who have committed an immoral acts and they have oppressed themselves. If they immediately regret and remember a laugh, and they seek forgiveness immediately after committing the act of immorality. Allah says they seek forgiveness I will forgive them because there is none other than myself who forgives their sins. And Allah says for them, we have prepared beneath which are rivers that flow and so on and so on and so on. And Allah says those are the Motoki. Imagine with a team. It is possible that someone has taqwa, but out of human nature or out of shape and plan and plot and out of shape and handiwork. It is possible that a good Muslim can

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also fall into a sin. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us, so to give hope to those who may have sinned, Allah says Don't worry, if you remember me and you seek forgiveness and you promise never to repeat it again. Then I will forgive you and you are the one whom I have prepared Jana for Allah subhanho wa Taala Have mercy on all of us. Imagine if this verse wasn't there. Or if this ruling wasn't there, many of us would actually be hopeless and we would feel once I've committed one sin, I am doomed. I'd rather stay away from the masjid stay away from everything because as it is, I'm going into the fire. Now what's the point of living know Allah subhanho wa Taala says there is a

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greater point to live because now you have a challenge to wipe out the evil you've done by doing more and more good. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give that to us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of

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a very, very important issue. And that issue is the fact that every single one of us is going to depart. We are all going to leave. And it is only correct for me to repeat this verse because the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says axioo the Cahaba millet that increase the remembrance of that item, which destroys all desires and lasts, what item destroys desires and lasts, a man is desiring whether it is halal or haram. He has big hopes. But whenever he thinks of his health, and he thinks of death, and that it might overtake him any minute, it actually decreases or destroys his lasts. In the in the case of

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an Islamic lusts and desires we hope and we pray that it will destroy them totally. And in the case of those desires that are permissible, may Allah subhanho wa Taala not make them such in our lives that we forget that we are going to die. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Good No no.

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World War

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Two was phone

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a woman

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or men hire to do

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Every soul shall taste death.

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And definitely your reward or your recompense you will achieve on the day of the AMA whosoever has been saved from the fire and is granted empty entry into Jenna on that day. That is the person who has succeeded for definitely this dunya is only a deception. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the awakening and the ability to look at this dunya and to find how it is actually a deception, and may He let that be a point for us to strive and struggle towards achieving merit on the day of the AMA and towards the achieving Jenna or sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah Nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah he'll be handy subhanak Allahumma Hamdi eyeshadow Allah Allah Allah interest of your community

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