Mufti Menk – Is Hajj Really Compulsory?

Mufti Menk
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The speaker discusses the concept of worship and the need for permission from the soul to receive worship. They also mention that some people can afford it but others decline and are declined by the allama. If one is unable to afford it due to health reasons, it is considered a violation of the license.
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This act of worship also connected to your body as well as your wealth. If you cannot afford it and you cannot manage then Allah subhanho wa Taala is not going to punish you. Hajj does not become compulsory upon a person unless and until they have the means to go there. The means would mean the permission from the soul pan from authority so you need to have a visa. Some people can afford it but they're declined the visa has not followed it you continue applying until you get the visa it becomes fara. If you cannot afford it by in terms of money, it is still not fun up until you can afford it and if you are unable to do it because of your health then the allama have spoken about

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how you may send someone on your behalf in order to fulfill it. If you are sickly and unable to do it.

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