Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Evolution Of Fiqh – Part 11

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the decline of practices such as church-based practices and protecting one's health, as well as the importance of media coverage on the future of writing and the lack of respect for the industry. They stress the need for people to be prepared for life without certain elements and avoid giving up on their beliefs, as well as the negative impact of "igrimim," which can lead to embarrassment and confusion. The speakers emphasize the importance of trusting information and following "igrim 842 guidelines to avoid damaging the environment.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine robot. So this is inshallah will be hopefully the last session that we will have talking about the story of Philip or the history of legislation.

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We covered I believe,

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to a great extent, the time of the revelation of the, during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then we'll move on to the second stage, which is the life of the companions of the Sahaba of the prophets of Salaam, mainly the fought for rightly guided caliphs and holophone Rashid one. So that's roughly speaking from year 11, after hedgerow to year 40, after hedgerow.

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And then

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the third stage is the stage of a hill alpha Aloma where you might Caliphate which as we said, roughly as well, we can say started around 40 until the moment of 120 130. That's the third stage that we started in the development and the evolution of film. And then we'll fly bassia around half an embassy, which is the episode Caliphate from the year, let's say roughly 130 to around 270. So that was the last thing probably we focused on. And we said, this is the time when the mother had emerged, the well known mother have, generally speaking, they emerged and they became popular, they were very well established. Afterwards what happened, as we said, these mother, half of these

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scholars developed, started developing the students. And the students of the students and the scholars of these labs started developing with them. So it was written down by the students, sometimes by the originators of the mother had themselves like in the case of a man Shafi specifically, but mainly It was written down by the students, which we call the Dwayne will fuckery. And we mentioned that the development of Hades and the fact that it was documented was put in was in collections and masani. This also helped in the development of

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these scholars afterwards, specifically, the followers of the mother have, they focused on

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what we can call the Harrier roll method in our way, which is basically developing the madhhab and

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establish establishing it more scientifically in a more systematic way. So, you would see these these colors of these men that have started writing down what we call Mattoon, Moton or meten main texts, main texts.

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So you will have among these books will usually short texts that summarize them, summarize them

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and then you will have scholars who will explain these Mouton will explain these Moton.

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So they would say after the Imams of the originators of the mother hen, there was what we call the duino method. The Winona method was basically when the students or the man himself wrote down the fatawa documented them and had a collection of them doing then the scholars moved into something that is basically what we can call generally speaking to hurry liminality dilemma that is to study them and have completely focused on this method and start to develop texts out of this method, short texts that we call meta and then explanations, extended elaborated explanations on these short texts, which we call However, he or she, however, she also okay is now generally speaking, the

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mother I have went on

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these collars took the mother hub as frameworks to function within the function within. So the Hanafi scholars who decided to follow them as Abu hanifa they decided to work there within the framework of madhhab, Abu hanifa, the principles that were established by Abu hanifa and his main students, specifically Abu Yusuf Ali, and to a great extent as well Mohammed bin Hassan shibani.

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Then an Imam Malik

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his book was later on written down

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and we have a model one and if Dr. Maliki were disclosable matter, we medically have written down the Fatah women medical nominee then later on. The scholars have admitted

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He started writing down these short texts, and then explaining them. The same thing happened with him. I'm a chef, everybody remember chef, he said he had the advantage of writing down his own method. So he wrote, he documented his own film, specifically in his book alone. And his book alone, but later on his students specifically like animals, and he

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is one of his best students. He's he wrote his own book on on Fifth, and then the scholars of the half of the Shafi madhhab started writing more books, specifically that Neville Shafi is became very well known for writing what we call Mattoon very short texts on the film, and then they would explain that one of the most famous books on Photoshop and much one very famous met no Abuja no Abuja

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until today's it's been used, but no, Abuja is a very short and if you read it, you won't even understand it. Even Arabs, they read it, they won't understand it.

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So this is why they needed what we call However, she also wrote explanations and commentaries on them.

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Remember what we said he disliked to write his own fatawa. So he would focus on Hadith, but later on his son, and some of his students as well, they wrote down the dilemma. They tried to collect the facts and the questions that Amanda had answered, collect them in these collections. So we have these big collections of Mr. Mr. Mohammed, and then later on, the scholars developed their own books on the handling of the hab, and then develop the Mattoon. For example, one of the most famous until today, one of the most famous Moton or short texts on

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Philippine Hambling henneberry is zagal mascagni. That

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also, if you read it, most likely you won't understand what it means.

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These very short texts are very difficult to understand. And this is what is mentioned, by the way, some like the

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some of those who wrote about the history of legislation, they consider this to be a decline,

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that people instead of disclosing instead of being concerned with the the Quran and the Sunnah, and how the fuck is taken, taken from them or distilled from them, they actually focused on creating these very complicated short, very short texts that are very difficult to understand and make them the main books are.

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So this was considered by some to be

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a sign of decline. Although some scholars see this as definitely the phenomenon. That means people are

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as an innovative approach as an innovative approach, more of an like development infant, rather than a decline. So there's a debate there.

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The main decline came with what we call a sub, okay, blind following golden motherhood, which was accompanied by some some sort of sectarianism, some cynicism and bigotry among Muslims.

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So people would even some, like some of the folks in the lab, they said when Maddie comes down on and Missy, and Maddie come down, they would draw rule, they would rule over people by our metal, backing for Hanafi. Well, by the Hanafi. Maliki by the Maliki meta shefali. By the chef, we mentioned previously, as well, there was some big debates that led sometimes to even fight physical fighting among followers of the mother head, and we said that some of them would not even marry from the other mother.

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All of this, as we said, this is part of the decline. And unfortunately, some scholars as well were involved in this. But there were still scholars from all the mme, who would not succumb to that level, who would still hold on to following the Quran, and the sooner and who would still perform he had within the madhhab. And even though they differed with other MediaHub, they would not look down upon the others, they would consider this to be an issue of St. Olaf.

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multiple perspectives on the same thing, and they would respect this, and they would respect this. So this was the case on and off, on and off throughout the time from 270 until our time, so this kind of sectarianism and partisanship would grow and then it would fade away, grow and fade away. So you know, take cycles sometimes would be up, sometimes it would go down, and so on and so forth, and hamdulillah we are living at a time when it has actually faded away to a great day.

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talking about 60 years ago

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in Mecca and Helen, and it was also an Al Azhar was also in a German Army in Damascus.

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There were 404 places to pray for Gemma's. So then God would go on.

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In. So in Damascus, and in German oma, we,

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the chef series would start the Salah, and the HANA fees will be sitting back.

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Because Syria is mainly Shafi and hanafy. So the chef series will start their prayer and the hanafis will be sitting at the back of the masjid observing them, they have nothing to do with them. So the chef is would finish their Gemma and they would leave the masjid then the Hanafi Imam would come and they will make any karma and the hanafis would pray together.

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That wasn't only in,

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in the image or image alone, there wasn't an album in for, for Germans,

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for Japan. So the handle is would pray first, then probably shaffir is then the henna fees. And then the magic is each one has their own Gemma and your other a few of our of the magic he might have, for example. And it's the chef at jamara, you sit and you don't join them, you just look at them, or you engage in a conversation.

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So hamdulillah our times, we don't have this, we don't have this. So this is such a good thing. There's one sign of another one mentioned that I have just because sometimes these get very sensitive.

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And some of the books are

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like they would be they would include the sectarianism even when they talking about? So, for example, there was an issue of

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if there is the if we, if this is

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a dead animal, a dead animal.

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And it's in a public place like Main Street, and it smells, what should we do with it? So some said you would bury it, some said you would burn it. Some of the scholars in that might have said you would burn it, some said you would,

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you know, throw it somewhere else. And so on and so forth. Now one of the scholars, he said, No, we throw it to a chef and he so he could eat it. And that's when it's in a book office. Okay, so these are the, this is what we call this kind of tasks. So that was part of the decline. That was part of the decline, you would find a lot sometimes like you'd find in some of them are not the modality some of the scholars who fell into this task. So I would actually say like the Maliki's they will be the last ones to enter Paradise. And the Day of Judgment.

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Our might have would be the first. That's what I said. So these things are there.

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So this kind of sectarianism that was part of the decline. That was part of the decline. Now let's look at the

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at the at the bright side of the development effect. So what I said there was a decline but it wasn't that gloomy. It wasn't that gloomy you would have moments and times or periods of revival and advancement. And

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for example, you have

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something appeared, what we can call and most who are athletes, okay, yeah, encyclopedias, of

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encyclopedias of that appeared at certain times.

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The scholars really praised the book of Allah mohalla by a man if it hasn't, although he hasn't. He refused them at the hub. And he made it obligatory on every Muslim to make he had every Muslim, even an an illiterate, illiterate person. He has to make his job for him. But he he was a very intelligent man, he doesn't mean okay, you pick up the Quran, he had no, he says, You wish he had his who to follow. But you have to work to getting yourself off the ground where you can actually reach a point where you can make is to hide yourself from the Quran and the Sunnah. And he goes to the point where he says even he had his head, I'm sorry, technically, this heroin, and it's only

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allowed out of bottled water out of necessity, out of necessity. But imagine a man has brought a book that all the scholars respect, and it's called an mohalla. It's called mohalla. Where he, it's really a fucking encyclopedia. So he deals with issues of faith. It's very well organized as well. And he takes the rulings from the Quran, the sooner he shows you exactly how he takes the rulings. So this is where it's why it's very helpful and if they actually should study mohalla by even hazard and he would be

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The opinions of others and he would criticize them sometimes harshly, sometimes very harshly.

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Another book that's considered to be more of an encyclopedia as well was alimony by even Kodama

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alimony by

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alimony is really an encyclopedia.

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And although

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Kodama is a henneberry

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but this is why we call this such books, encyclopedias because they don't only include the crude, the madhhab they include the other modalities as well. So I'll move on a dime and then makani he would take the rulings from the Quran and the Sunnah, show you exactly how to deal with the texts. And then he would mention the other modalities, and he would discuss with them how they took the rulings from the Quran and Sunnah and he would argue against them or sometimes for them.

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So you will actually by studying an alimony you will be studying not only the, the humbling man, you will be studying more or less the form of

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the formula.

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Another book that there's at such a high standing is Elijah more

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Shahada a much more by ANOVA. We know it's another encyclopedia as well, Mundo is very strong as well. And we call this Tim but when he takes the rulings from the clans and the way he deals with that. So this book over mohalla, is actually a very important book is considered to be an encyclopedia. But remember, never we passed away before completing it before finishing it. And at the beginning, he was very elaborate. But then he decided to take it a little bit like have a

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He wasn't more like elaborate as he was at the beginning. So he decided to take a shorter approach to things not mentioned everything.

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So this was a very bright thing during the history of recently in our times in the last 100 years, a few encyclopedias appeared

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first, in the mesh for the most was started in Damascus. And it was Sheikh Mustafa zelicah. Chief Mustapha czaka, who started this effort in the University of Damascus gem and the mosque was also supported by the old path in Syria at the time. That was in the early 50s. In the early 50s, it really began very well, but unfortunately, was not completed. So a few volumes, and then a couple of volumes. And

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they started with taharah. And I don't think I don't think they finished later on was very good project. Then Azhar decided actually to do their own

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in Egypt to do the encyclopedia. And they started but they didn't, they didn't also finish. But then the effort was taken up by Kuwait. So we haven't moved to alpha t.

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and muswellbrook. Here. And also they

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they actually enlisted the help of chef master.

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Chef Mustafa was one of the Grateful

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Grateful part of our times of our time.

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So and he was also the one who actually the best was fully in terms of a solid.

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And probably that was the most successful. And also so you actually have here in the library, you can see it as blue, as I think around 41 volumes.

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41 volumes now, I'm not sure if it's complete, but it's it's an excellent work. It's written easily written very easy language accessible, and

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brings the opinions of the different format that I have as well. So it makes it accessible. This is what inside these modern encyclopedias are about. So that's probably was the most successful encyclopedia and also alpha PA, which is printed in our Kuwait work developed by the Wizard of Oz off the hook off ministry in Kuwait. And as I said, you have it there. You also I think in that library, you will have you can see what's good to check these books. Just have a look at them.

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I think you have more than a copy of a nominee there and you haven't held up as well. As much more is not there. I haven't seen it.

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I've been able to measure is provided an explanation. You're talking probably the explanation of cyber hairy bandits. Which one just to see the books that relate to them, of course.

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Okay, so that was

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the one these were the encyclopedias. The development of an idea. That's another important bright aspect of during this period of time, not the model. But as I said from 2270 onwards, the development

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Well, yeah that was a very beautiful and important development in

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fact here are principles that you would find in the Quran and the Sunnah mainly sometimes stated clearly, like the prophet SAW them says La da da da da da da

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should not be inflicted nor reciprocated

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okay. So, you should not harm other people and

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other people should not harm you.

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So harm should be eliminated.

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So this is taken as one of the main 50 Maxim's which we might be next course might be actually talking about this.

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So, it was written like a law, blah, blah, blah. Or sometimes it was given an alternative kind of wording like a bottle use a normal user, whatever harm it should be eliminated, it should be eliminated. So you would find this, the beauty and the power of the 30 Maxim's or Korea is that they apply to countless cases. You look at you look at everything, even like the sauce, like the hedonist and the punishments in Islam. Why do you think they are actually legislated in order to remove harm, because when there is murder, when there's punishment,

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there's less it's less likely to be like to, for people to commit crimes, when there is punishment for theft, people are less likely to commit crimes or to commit theft. So the reason this will last Montana says welcome, Phil kasasa, kasasa hypertonia Delta,

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are people of understanding in causes in these punishments? There is life for you. Why? Because harm would be taken away by this guy, because they are a deterrent factor, a deterrent factor. So everywhere you look at Islam, you will see the rulings actually, clearly, you will find this element that harm is taken away by these rulings, a main theme in almost everything in Islam, that harm is taken away.

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This serves the fuqaha when they deal with a new issue, and they don't know exactly, you know, which ruling to apply to it, or which principles fall under. Sometimes the 50 rulings are the tipping point or the factor that really makes them may find a decision or come arrive at a decision about this. So there is an issue that's contested. And it seems to be a very fair debate on both sides. Bringing For example, this car either or this Maxim a bottle user. So you would see where is more harm. And and when is the harm removed? And okay, this ruling would be leaning towards that side.

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So some of the words are very general some of them are very specific, like one of the very specific Maxim's or rules, cool local danger, woman fat and for whatever, every loan that brings about a benefit to the lender.

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This benefit is Riba.

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General, but yes, specific to a specific area.

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So for example, I'll give you a loan.

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And once I gave you the lawn, you keep giving me gifts, or you have you do some kind of business. So you give me some exemptions.

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Right, give me some exemptions. So these exemptions, these gifts that I'm given by you, because I lent you money, that's considered to be by the

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is considered to be rebel.

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Until you pay me back.

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Well, even then you want to give me gifts, that's fine. That's not enough.

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So this is very important. This is very important.

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So this would help solve a lot of issues, a lot of problems. Okay. I borrowed money from so on. So I'm gonna do for example, I work as a plumber, can I work for him and give him her maybe discount a bigger discount? Or, or I'm selling some stuff? Maybe I'll give him a very special price. Why are you giving him a special price just because he lends you the money?

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Because that's going to affect the relationship. That's going to affect the relationship. Okay. So that's a rule that the scholars have found out. How did they find out by looking at so many things, rulings in Islam, they all seem to be pointing to this. So they decided to materialize it and word it within a very clear structure and they put it in exact wordings. So everyone can see it. Instead of it being known only to the scholars who have studied the Sharia. No, now we make it available so everyone can see it. So we put it in it, put it in an exact wording.

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Where everyone has access to it. So it becomes a reference point. These are providers of

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the Hanafi scholars have really excelled from an early stage with a provider for providing a lot of their focus actually based on COVID. So this was a very good development. This was a very good development, the

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the documentation, proper documentation, and encyclopedias, started only recently, only recently 30 3035 years ago.

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So they started taking a very good place within the last 30 years.

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Prior to that, there were mainly the work of individual scholars based on their own, you know, research, and so on and so forth. But now they've become more documented, more, like, accessible to everyone more canonized, so to speak.

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Another development, we said, was Al mocassin, the development of Al mocassin, which are the objectives of Sharia,

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and apostles were a very good development. As I said, they were always there behind the scenes, but the first month to really bring them and materialize them and put them in a very clear structured framework was the man I've always had a shot let me format and dose in his book more

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and more, and a little bit in analysis on but mainly in a more of a part.

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And he basically said, Islam came

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make life better.

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By taking care of things at three levels, necessities of Berea necessities, these are things if they are jeopardized, or they are violated life becomes almost unbearable, unbearable, and these are the religion.

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The religion, okay, have the gain. So Islam was sent you find everything Islam is actually pointing towards preserving the religion, which means the region of truth, your right to know Allah, and to follow the guidance of Allah,

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and to secure your place in paradise. So everyone has the right to this

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system came to preserve this second life, preserve life

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and higher

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on us.

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And third, an apple

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sanity, your reasoning ability to think so there's why alcohol, drugs, anything that intoxicates you is how long because it takes away your mind takes away your consciousness.

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your honor and dignity and your right to know your parents.

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Right to Know Your parents that you know you're where you came from.

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So the scholars, sometimes they say, which is honor and dignity, and sometimes they say it's unnecessary, actually, both are strongly related.

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So we said, Have the dean have enough, have Bo, and Apple, have Bo,

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K and L man, possessions and property. So everything in Islam came to preserve these five, these are the number one, these are the number one, they can not be jeopardized. And this is why when any of the instructions in Islam put any of those at jeopardy. It's compromised.

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For example, eating pork is Hello in Islam. But if you are in a state where your life is on the line, because there's nothing to eat, and you're starving to death, there's only pork here you can eat it. Here you can eat it, how long? Or how is compromised here? Because now one of the main necessities is at jeopardy.

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The second level is Alhaji yet and how do you get all the things in life that we need? Or we need to get a we need to repel and get rid of that if they are not observed. life becomes very uncomfortable.

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very uncomfortable. very uncomfortable. Like how do you get for example,

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Scott to say having a house

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to live in.

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Having a house to live in. Having a place to live in

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eating food what's beyond the basic necessity

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what's beyond the basic necessity

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In order to survive if you eat just bread and water you live, right? That's necessity. But let's say for example, eating

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meat and chicken every other day.

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eating fruits, different types of food.

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Wearing nice respectable clothes.

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necessity for clothing, for example, which is preserving the self. Okay? If you wear what protects you from cold, for example, but it might be really ugly might be big size, and doesn't really look nice. But the fact that it fits you and it looks nice and it feels comfortable. Besides protecting you protecting your body, that's the second level hadn't yet had yet the needs, needs, General needs, that they are violated, life becomes very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

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So you can survive and can live all your life life without them, right. But life would be extremely hard. And then the third level, which is less, and that's adesina yet things that improve the quality of life. More have luxuries, more of luxuries.

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So having cornflakes for morning in the morning,

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right? Having your French Vanilla parolee or a cup of coffee. Yeah, something like this. These are the things that improve the quality of life. Having you know,

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buying leather leather couches

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is testing yet improve the life perfumes wearing perfumes. It's not a necessity. It's not a very strong need. Okay, but it's tested it improves the quality of life of your experience in life.

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So these are tests in here. So Islam does provide but first and foremost we have to provide for the necessities. And then if these are taking care of the importance now shifts to the strong needs Hajji yet, if these are taken care of, then people are allowed to look more into destiny.

00:32:14 --> 00:32:18

Okay, things that beautify and make life more luxurious.

00:32:22 --> 00:32:33

That's very basic explanation. There are dynamics for how these three levels interact, okay. And they have an impact on a lot of the rulings. And they're very important, by the way for our times.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:50

So we said, our ideal for clear the four key Maxim's and Mikasa, the Sharia science of the objectives of Sharia, when fully developed developments, and they lead to a lot more systemization a lot more systemization.

00:32:53 --> 00:32:55

solfa, also developed greatly

00:32:57 --> 00:33:21

developed greatly during this period. So we started with the amount of chef he made in his book or reseller. But then afterwards, it really developed, it really developed, this became a specialization and its own self by its own self. It has had its own merit its own position. And the scores were called, or solely like someone who specialized.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:28

And some great really like books have emerged, great names have appeared.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:49

Probably among the most notable among I could be having my own bias because probably studying us all from generally There are two main trends and two main trends, there is the Hanafi

00:33:50 --> 00:33:59

that's has its own word, and there is the jumbo, the other three mother had the other three mother have more similarity within themselves

00:34:01 --> 00:34:20

than the Hanafi has with them. So this Hanafi there is a lot of a lot in common, but still, like the Hanafi school and the school ism was a bit more distinct. The other females that have were more close to each other in terms of a soul. So the terminology is pretty much the same definitions are the same, a lot of the issues and also the fact that they study are pretty much the same.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:51

Obviously, they disagree about certain things among themselves, but still like whereas the HANA fees, they have even the terminology sometimes is different. The terminology is sometimes different. So they have developed their own terminology. So maybe I'm coming from the gym Hall perspective with soul fit. So I might be reflecting my own bias as well that that the most notable skulls have sold to me as far as I saw where make a lot of them came from

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

the especially the ones who made a big difference. So they come from Shafi mainly and second family

00:35:01 --> 00:35:01


00:35:04 --> 00:35:05

so you have an

00:35:07 --> 00:35:09

shafee madhhab mainly you have

00:35:14 --> 00:35:21

a mammal held on Main algae waney he wrote the famous meten or text on salsa which is a well thought

00:35:23 --> 00:35:25

of art and he also has

00:35:28 --> 00:35:30

elbow Han Solo, which is one of the main books and

00:35:32 --> 00:35:33

so he was a big thing and salsa

00:35:35 --> 00:35:39

or Rosie, who wrote in my soul, one of the main books in the soul.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:43

And you also have remember hazari

00:35:45 --> 00:35:48

female Casa de Rosa Mustafa

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

and have also Alibaba we

00:35:56 --> 00:35:59

these are scholars Shafi scholars, means closing.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:07

In Maliki, you have any mammal coffee?

00:36:08 --> 00:36:09

Man Pallavi?

00:36:13 --> 00:36:16

As far as I believe he's Maliki, I hope I'm not mistaken.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:18

I will?

00:36:20 --> 00:36:23

I think he's medic. Yes. And you have the mount Michelle Bobby himself.

00:36:34 --> 00:37:10

Okay, so slowly, further developed into very distinct science and its own, you know, fields of study within within solfege itself. And it really became a very well defined science, explaining the back ground effect, what are the dynamics in the back end of them that are working in the back end, so developed, and it's really a very powerful science and it sharpens your mind. It does sharpen your mind, any student of knowledge, the moment they study your soul, and reach a good level in it, this is a turning point in their life.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:12

It takes your

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

intellectual abilities, to a completely different level,

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

is a very powerful tool

00:37:23 --> 00:38:01

is a very powerful tool. And it puts you gives you a very powerful, strong perspective on alpha and the differences why this call is different. And you can see one once you standing on the grounds of a soul, you understand that this difference can be resolved. And there are differences that cannot be resolved. And you can see why. And you can tell so you find someone saying oh, this issue we have to resolve it between them at the hub, we have to get all together. by speaking coming from a salary perspective. You can see there's no way you can get people to agree on this. There's no way I can, why because the difference is in the soul and the very principles. So it's not a matter of Oh, he's

00:38:01 --> 00:38:05

taking this text or he's ignoring this text, it's not like this, okay.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:07

So soul

00:38:08 --> 00:38:25

has developed greatly, Mashallah. But there was after saying, roughly speaking, and there is by the way, Imam is Zeff Kashi, who's Shafi remember the Dena sirkeci, one of the main School of salsa, he wrote an encyclopedia. It's called

00:38:28 --> 00:38:31

the encompassing all encompassing ocean,

00:38:32 --> 00:38:48

on a soul. And he really hasn't left anything or have a soulful accent that he put in that book. And the book, I think, is six volumes, six volumes, and I believe you can actually find it even there. I think you can find it. If I'm not mistaken. Yes, it should be there.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:25

Yeah, so. So the scholars after after that, after these main scholars usually do so I became more repetitive. So you would study some books, and then you study other books like and this was a point of frustration for me at some stage, I was really very interested in this whole effect. So I started going into the main books, read them, studied them study with some of the scholars, then I started getting more books. So all the new books that I'm buying.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:55

As I read through them, I read this before I read this before I read this before I read this before, even the examples are the same. So there's a lot of repetition, a lot of and to the letter, sometimes 10 pages, just copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste. So there was less renewal in the school faculty say from around 600 until our times until our times there's less, you know, nothing really so much new x with very few exceptions, with very few exceptions.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:10

Some of the people are the personalities that really made the difference throughout the history, in terms of we mentioned,

00:40:12 --> 00:40:18

was evident to me after the four emails, okay after the forums share for the sound to me.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:37

And he really made a big difference, in terms of his work was more about integration, synthesis. He's a person, he's an encyclopedic person. He studied all of them. He said, all of them adab. And he knew them very well. He knew them very well. And

00:40:38 --> 00:41:12

he extensively studied all of them. So he mastered them, and he's since synthesize them. And he was very knowledgeable, knowledgeable of the Quran and the Sunnah, and very knowledgeable of the old mme as well, specifically, all of these companions, and a Tabby. So even Timmy has somehow brought a new flavor to an approach to by bringing it back to its origins, which is the Koran, the sooner the fatawa of the companions, and ottaviani without compromising without compromising the contributions of the scholars.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:53

That was the unique approach of it in Samia. So he would not look down upon the contributions of the scholars of the former head. On the contrary, oftentimes, he would benefit from them a lot. And he would sometimes argue, make a case against them. And sometimes he would lean with this man. So he was he came comes with a handy handy background, but sometimes he would take the opinion of the interviews, after discussions, and sometimes he would take the shaft aim at that and he would, so he was a much to his highest level of he had someone who's got all these tools to be able to make a stand. So, that was the very important landmark when it comes to even taymiyah that he brought about

00:41:53 --> 00:42:12

a synthesis. So even though he would argue sometimes against some of the issues that are there in the modality, he would not look down upon them, he would not neglect them. On the contrary, he learned a lot and he would approve of and he would appreciate and he would praise these mother and the scholars of these weather for their contributions

00:42:20 --> 00:42:31

have been Timmy his understanding of pseudophakic was very profound. And although the MacArthur the Sherry our written after everything here, Mama Shaka became after you've been Tamia, not that much even like,

00:42:32 --> 00:42:37

I think in his early early years, it's me I was still alive, but

00:42:43 --> 00:42:59

shutter was an under loss. I mean, to me, I was in a sham and in Egypt sometimes. So such a long distance. And we have to know about even taymiyah them during his life. His books were banned after his death, his books were banned, as well.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:16

And his fatawa appeared later on later on. So it's even Timmy is still a lot of the acid of Sharia, a lot of them acid of Sharia, you will find them scattered around his book. And

00:43:18 --> 00:43:20

like one of my teachers, she has mature, he's the one who brought

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

who made the tape verification and

00:43:26 --> 00:43:29

like, the book will morph apart by Sharpie.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:51

He's the one who took very good care of it, and chased the different transcripts. And he brought the full text of it, and made it available with a lot of notes and explanations. So it's the best copy so far. I think he did that 20 years ago. So he says, I can see a lot of influence from even taymiyah on a sharpie,

00:43:53 --> 00:44:03

I can see a lot of influence from given to me on a shadow me. Sometimes there are statements that are obviously taken from everything very clear. So the influence is seeing them.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:16

So even Samia was such a big influence a mom shadow me through his books, specifically and more of a part on the Mikasa. The Sharia was such a great influence as well, in terms of soul.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:22

There could be other scholars here and there. But as I said, I'm still speaking from my perspective.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:27

I can see that I mean, to me is probably the main

00:44:29 --> 00:44:35

I would say personality that really broke that kind of decline when it came to

00:44:38 --> 00:44:44

the history of so it was a very unique landmark and the development of

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

as a person.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

Now let's come to our present time. That doesn't mean they were they were not great scholars. They were great scholars, but what I'm talking about in terms of developing developing the future

00:45:00 --> 00:45:27

And the legislation and the approach okay, but there were great scholars within all the former them, but still they were working within the framework of them and they did not necessarily bring such a huge development to the history of in our times. Some developments are very interesting. First what we call the mme as for key the assemblies of scholars. Some scholars today would like to call this Alicia handle Gemma

00:45:28 --> 00:45:37

which is group each day. So instead of one scholar making this Jihad not a group of scholars, scholars would come together and make an ht had about an issue

00:45:38 --> 00:45:46

that's unique, that's unique. So, we have an image of myself he did the engender, I was fully was the first one

00:45:49 --> 00:45:52

to be established. And then we have other mazama different countries

00:45:54 --> 00:46:00

as hard as mathematic 30 in Egypt, and there is a mathematical belief,

00:46:01 --> 00:46:09

which is the assembly of Iftar for Europe, headed by Dr. Russo Kabali.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:21

And there is the assembly of North American jurists, which is I believe Amgen, right called Amgen am j

00:46:23 --> 00:46:24

headed by Dr. Saleh so

00:46:26 --> 00:46:34

so these are assemblies of where the skulls come together try to make each Jihad collectively as a group.

00:46:41 --> 00:46:54

There are some personalities that appeared and really brought some kind of revival, powerful revival. And I would say one of the biggest influences was shaped Muhammad Nasir Al Bundy. He was such a big influence.

00:46:56 --> 00:46:58

In the sense he revived

00:46:59 --> 00:47:00


00:47:01 --> 00:47:10

which is or the, the approach to the Quran and the Sunnah, based on the understanding of the companions, and the Tabby hain

00:47:12 --> 00:47:15

and although shall Benny does not disregard them?

00:47:16 --> 00:47:34

On the contrary, and when you read his, he consults a lot from them, because he himself grew within the Hanafi madhhab himself grew within the Hanafi background. And then later on when he was asked, What's the best way to study fifth he said the best way to study is to study within Amitabh

00:47:36 --> 00:48:00

and then after you must do the tools and enrich a high level of knowledge, then you can after you have gained these tools, now you can break from them and have one you will have. You see a strong point that women have is not in line with what you believe is the truth, slowly, but he says the best way to master is to study it within a month every week, he was asked what do you personally recommend, which might have gives you the best tools and

00:48:01 --> 00:48:09

probably like builds your what we call medical for to fit his skills and abilities. He recommended that and as I was shuffling.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:35

But sometimes some of the people who ascribe to shadow banning or fellowship Taliban, you find them completely disregarding them in a very negative sense. But anyone who really understands, like the feeling of shadow banning, he says that she felt bad he was never disregarded. Maybe some of his statements were misinterpreted. Some of his followers did not really, you know, properly, you know, take his approach.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:50

So that led to some kind of impression that he was against them or that but he was against the law. So I was against this sectarianism and the blind following of their head, as opposed to something that is clear in the Quran or the Sunnah.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:12

Some influences I'm talking specifically about. So I'm just trying to see okay, the influencer. So, so she had an event he revived the, basically

00:49:14 --> 00:49:17

the importance of the texts when it came to the Hadees.

00:49:18 --> 00:50:00

Because as at some stage, a lot of the study, you know, the studies were based on the Mattoon, and you if you study these Moton, or these texts for key texts, they don't have any, as soon as we said they are meant more of an innovative approach, but there's no Quran and Sunnah. So, sometimes people will study for years without really consulting or understand the evidence might come later, but they would study the words of the scholars. So shall we ban he was pretty much against this. And he revived an approach that is heavily based on the Quran and the Sunnah and statements of the early generations in

00:50:00 --> 00:50:13

essence. So this is why some people took him to be opposing them under him, but he actually wasn't. So his influence when it comes to, because he obviously his main specialties Hadith is that he brought this into the

00:50:14 --> 00:50:31

he brought him back, it's always been, but at some stage in like its importance was watered down, but she could have been he brought that back again, put that back again emphasized it heavily. And his influence is witnessed. Everywhere, almost everywhere.

00:50:37 --> 00:51:25

I see some of the people who really had such an influence and some kind of acceptance as well. And although I know some people will disagree with this is schaefers qaradawi, she spoke about we had such a big influence, the fact that a lot of his fatawa are taken seriously. And in terms of making he heard about things, you know, our time when his photo was well was challenged by a lot of the scholars. So whether you agree with him or I agree with him or not, that's irrelevant, or what I'm talking about the influence. And so he's been, as I said, and since he heads the, the, for a long time, he headed the assembly of scholars in different countries, and in Europe as well. He had such

00:51:25 --> 00:51:40

a big influence. So his fatawa were widely accepted, widely adopted by so many people. And even some of the scholars who opposed him like 3020 years ago, some of them actually taking his photography today, they actually making the same photo today.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:52

And as I said, regardless of whether you are I agree with him on disagree with him, that's completely irrelevant. I'm just saying about what seems to be the influence. Now, what is the state of today

00:51:54 --> 00:52:03

to us has been less, it has some bursts here and there in certain pockets, and sometimes it comes out takes a vicious kind of face.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:36

ball handler speaking of our times, probably because the Muslim Ummah has been challenged a lot. So the Muslims, there's this sense of unity, that we're all in the same plight, and also Muslims being displaced a lot having also with means of communication and transport being easier. There's a lot of communication, and also Muslim minorities living in other countries. And the scholars paying a lot of attention to Muslim minorities as well, this has sort of diluted the borders between them,

00:52:38 --> 00:52:42

and has brought people together, which is a very good influence. It's a very good influence.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:45

Yet there is a state of

00:52:48 --> 00:52:50

collectively speaking, there is a state of

00:52:53 --> 00:53:16

in decisiveness when it comes to a lot of issues, new issues. So you'll find this cause very hesitant to give a ruling about new issues. Sometimes scholars would give very precocious fatawa, about new issues. And then later on, these things would change. These things would change. So there is a lot of precaution. So this is why there's in decisiveness, generally speaking.

00:53:17 --> 00:53:18


00:53:19 --> 00:53:20

a lot of the

00:53:22 --> 00:53:29

UN I personally think that the connection between the scholars and the general masses has been weakened.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:39

In the sense there is a lot of public personalities who will talk about issues of Islam without these people who have people having the proper training.

00:53:40 --> 00:54:01

So you have a lot of Muslim speakers today. They don't have the proper training, in fact, in our data, and also in all of these tools. And they're speaking and they have wide audiences, wide audiences, the internet social media has contributed greatly to this. So you have a lot of personalities.

00:54:02 --> 00:54:04

This has taken people away from the scholars,

00:54:06 --> 00:54:18

people who seem to be more talkative people are following them. A lot of scholars sometimes there are issues where the scholars decide to remain silent, not because they don't have an answer, but because they know it's wiser to be silent now.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:46

People don't appreciate people want someone to give them an answer regardless, just give me an answer. Give me an answer. But these issues are sometimes fall off from the verse what Allah says yeah, you already know Amanullah let us know Anusha in tube delicata soco are you who believe don't ask about things that when they are revealed to you and shown to you, it will actually cause you harm and discomfort and maybe, you know, other negative impact another negative impact.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

So, the connection between the scholars don't feel that they are so much welcomed by the masses. Don't feel that they are that much trusted, that they are so much heard among the masses. So they

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

are very careful with their approach. And that's true. An example, when the revolution took place in Egypt.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:11

Some scholars spoke

00:55:13 --> 00:55:19

and they change their previous positions. And that was a reason for them to be really tried.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:25

And I will take one example Shabbos halloweenie, he remained silent.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:53

He remained silent. Later on a couple of years later, he said that he did not like that. He did not like the situation, people rebelling. He said he wasn't comfortable about that. He wasn't comfortable about this. So he said, and I couldn't speak because of people were completely out of their minds. People were not willing to listen to anyone who would say no. And it would be a big trial for him. And he didn't want to lose the people. So

00:55:54 --> 00:56:04

he realized that his silence was better than speaking at that time, because he thought he might be in a position to advise people when that hype fades away.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:19

So that's just one example, one contemporary example. Some scholars were speaking from other countries that this was not right. This was not the right approach to deal with these kind of, you know, rulers, this was not the right way. These people were

00:56:21 --> 00:56:29

labeled as sold out as agents as so on and so forth. Right. So there was a lot of confusion.

00:56:31 --> 00:57:12

So the scholars are no longer occupying the high position they usually occupied. And another reason that contributed to this was the scholars were usually respected by the government. But these days, the scholars are not really given their position by the government, the only ones who are given their position by the governments are the ones who are pro government. And obviously, there are exceptions. There are exceptions. So like, looking at the state of Egypt, today, you recognize what's happening with these scholars, right. So who are these scholars that are brought to the forefront who are given the positions or given the platform,

00:57:13 --> 00:57:38

and the scholars who are not in line with the government policies, these people are pushed to the side. So this also contributed business, the the, most of the governments do not hold the scholars in high esteem. People did not don't respect the scholars that much of people don't even know who the scholars are, hold arised scholars are. So these also contributed to this kind of disconnect.

00:57:39 --> 00:57:56

As I said, also, the media has contributed in the sense there are a lot of speakers, loudspeakers, who talk about religion without any training. And some of these people might even be either non Muslims who pretend to be Muslims, or these are people who are serving other agenda.

00:57:58 --> 00:58:07

So you have great figures, like some of the very common like people who got some popularity, but now what happens is fading away, a person called Adnan Ebrahim.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:46

And Brian is someone who started I don't know, really what he studied, I think, is Switzerland or in Austria. And he started making some nice statements about things that are happening, and he gained so much popularity. But when you look at this person, listen to him, he doesn't have, he cites books, and so on and so forth. You know, having access to books doesn't really, even if these are difficult books, it's not what you find in the books. It's the collective understanding when you have a collective understanding, because everything is part of a context, when you don't have this collective and deep understanding of the heritage of the Muslims of the Quran and the Sunnah. You

00:58:46 --> 00:58:53

can't just pick up a book and say, Oh, this is what he says, and this is how it applies to our times, you don't know you don't understand the context. So

00:58:56 --> 00:58:58

so this is for this is one example.

00:59:03 --> 00:59:20

So that's the issue the differences have, as well sometimes pushed people away from listening to others. So you have such a big divide between people who follow the scholars that ascribe to what we call Sophia.

00:59:21 --> 00:59:49

And you have people on the other side are ascribed to probably other schools like Sufism, sometimes intellectual ism. So there's such a huge divide, although in terms of al Qaeda, this divide from my perspective is justified, is justified. But in terms of you will find a lot of different issues are actually do not reach that level. Don't do not reach that level. But once you disconnect yourself from that person completely, everything he says is wrong.

00:59:51 --> 01:00:00

Everything he says is wrong. But if anyone who's been reading and looking into over the last 30 years, you will find trends changing. So there was a

01:00:00 --> 01:00:30

Huge divide. Yes, your focus there, our focus here. That's it. But now a lot of the Fatah are actually, you know, bridging a lot of our, our bridging and so on and so forth. But is there a very specific trend, I personally don't see a specific trend I at least I can't see a specific trend, there is not enough authority that is given to the scholars. So people are and there is not so much agreement and unity among the scholars.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:52

So, there is a state of confusion, there is a state of confusion now. The issue of fatwas shopping is very common. fatwas shopping is very common. Photo shopping is very common these days. So, a person would jump from one photo to the other based on what they desire, based on what they desire.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:03

I have to say that chef in the band, he gave a lot of influence.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:10

And that's not only shadow banning, but it's also backed by what you can call

01:01:11 --> 01:01:52

the scholars in Saudi Arabia, specifically shade him and basil haematologica. When I say mean, they popularize the pretty much identical school of thought in terms of focusing on the on the Sunnah, and the photography of the companions of Italian in and the early generations. So there's a lot of focus. And this gained a lot of popularity. Among the masses, this gained a lot of popularity. And I think it had such a positive impact, I think it has, although some people as I said, misused it, a lot of people misused it, in the sense, they started talking ill about some of the scholars from the mothership, or some of the contributions of the scholars have them in their head, but if you look

01:01:52 --> 01:02:34

carefully into the fatawa of these three scholars, you will find a lot of respect for what the scholars have produced within other frameworks. So they had this even scholars from like, sometimes a Sufi background, but in terms of they have great contributions, you will find these colors acknowledging this, and they would be recognizing this, and there would be sometimes there would be online with this, okay. So, sometimes these colors have been misunderstood. And this kind of misunderstanding led to sometimes pushing the divide greater within certain circles. But you will find that in recent years, there is a some kind of bridging that is taking place in terms of the

01:02:34 --> 01:02:51

recent kind of bridging, but is there a deaf, definitive kind of pattern as to how where fit is going? I personally can't see, maybe there are patterns, maybe, but I personally cannot see, I cannot see

01:02:54 --> 01:03:12

the emergence of groups like ISIS, and Jabhat, Al Nusra, and applied and so on, so forth. And the fact that these are gaining sometimes some popularity among Muslims, is actually problematic. And it shows that the scholars, the well respected scholars, like

01:03:13 --> 01:03:28

when they are taken away from positions of authority, and they they're not the main reference point for the masses to learn from, the masses can get lost, can lose their way and start being diluted by such extreme groups.

01:03:31 --> 01:03:37

The political trauma that Muslims have been through from the days of colonialism,

01:03:38 --> 01:03:39

then to

01:03:41 --> 01:03:42

the loss of Palestine, the

01:03:44 --> 01:03:52

occupation in Palestine, and now in recent years, what's happening, specifically in Iraq, Syria.

01:03:54 --> 01:04:11

I mean, Muslims are living in such hard times, and this is having an impact on them. This is having an impact on the Muslims, unfortunately, in terms of even so the divide is, well, people are not listening to this callers as they should. And probably there is.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:23

The scholars probably need to take a stronger stance when it comes to these but I personally subscribe to the position that the scholars know what they're doing.

01:04:24 --> 01:04:41

They're human beings, their assessment of the situation can be sometimes wrong, but when they decide not to talk not to speak, I think they have a point there. I do think they have a point there. Because our times are very troublesome times. And making a statement sometimes, even if it's true, might cause more harm.

01:04:42 --> 01:04:59

And we generally as general people, General Muslims might not be able to foresee what these cars are able to capture with their wisdom, generally speaking. So, to me the state of generally speaking yes academically, it's excellent

01:05:00 --> 01:05:24

academically, it's excellent. There's a lot of dissertations, academic studies, there is a lot of development. But in terms of the impact that is having on the masses, this is not up to the desired level. So to me, it's a bit confusing. It's a bit confusing. I hope Allah subhanaw taala will tell them Britain will bring more more goodness about. Okay, so these are

01:05:25 --> 01:05:26


01:05:29 --> 01:05:29

Any questions?

01:05:31 --> 01:05:34

Comments? Anyone can see a pattern.

01:05:37 --> 01:05:39

Anyone can see a pattern

01:05:42 --> 01:06:30

for the development of Flipkart our times what is happening? What is happening academically, I can say for sure. There is a lot of development, amazing development. There is. But in terms of the impact has an is this because this is mainly micro. This is micro, you know, development. It's all the details and the small stuff. But there is no major mega trend that is overtaking and taking it in a completely new direction. And it's not a huge development. Like when you see Manish Shafi, he bridged such a huge divide, as you notice between modasa aim at the hospital Hadeeth, he bridged that in such a powerful way that brought a profound approach, a man had been humbled, made very good

01:06:30 --> 01:06:38

use of producing and hiding the availability of Howdy. When it was collected, he made a very profound use to create a method that is very strongly based on the sooner

01:06:40 --> 01:06:45

even taymiyah integrated a lot of these schools and so on so forth. So

01:06:46 --> 01:07:18

previously, bringing the science or the knowledge of the effect of the people of Iraq all together in such a very applicable form. And such systematic school of thought that was profound Imam Malik to get the knowledge of the companions and the children and the grandchildren of the companions put it within one method, and make it based on one book of Hadith. That's very profound as well. So no major trends are taking seem to be taking place at this stage. That's within the academia as the issue. Yeah.

01:07:25 --> 01:07:34

What's happening is the lifestyle and trends of society changing. So for example, three years islamically solid

01:07:37 --> 01:07:41

rules governing the Islamic world under the hood.

01:07:42 --> 01:07:50

disappeared, now you're Muslim rulers, some people but nothing governing people, you just have a Muslim government for the flat

01:07:51 --> 01:07:56

right now. So you have that trend that change, but the rules have changed.

01:07:57 --> 01:08:00

So again, you have to apply.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:06

But there's something about sofa, a sofa is doesn't change by time,

01:08:08 --> 01:08:31

then it doesn't change, there's no need for it to change, it tells you how to handle the text. When there is a command, what does it mean obligation or recommendation? For example, when something is mentioned in tooth to tie, like in two different texts, in one text is general one text is specific. How should we take in general or specific? So these rules are universal.

01:08:38 --> 01:08:41

The Muslim minority among the anomalous and

01:08:42 --> 01:08:43

that's the new trend,

01:08:44 --> 01:08:48

and people are having a difficult time we're having a difficult time trying to apply it

01:08:50 --> 01:08:52

getting purple for us.

01:08:54 --> 01:09:07

Yes, yes. Truly Muslim minorities. There have been by the way throughout the Muslim history, Muslim minorities, there have been and you will find in the fatawa a lot

01:09:08 --> 01:09:35

of fatawa for Muslim Muslims living in non Muslim countries there are but it was never as such a big scale as it is in recent times. So probably that's one of the main needs that really a lot of develops around the minorities for humans. There have been some attempts, some scattered fatawa here and there some books here and there, but no proper kind of development effect for Muslim minorities. Really? Yes.

01:09:39 --> 01:09:41

majority country because they just can't handle

01:09:50 --> 01:09:54

regarding that issue, and then you have some closing Be patient.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

Yeah, yeah. And then wait patiently.

01:10:01 --> 01:10:01


01:10:06 --> 01:10:32

we have to understand the limitation that the Muslim minority is living in non Muslim countries is relatively new. And for folk to develop around this, it's going to take time. And it's not that the scholars are not giving fatawa scholars are trying to give their best, but scholars are also holding back because sometimes they understand they don't, and they don't necessarily relate fully to the circumstances. So this is why they are careful when they give their fatawa. And also,

01:10:34 --> 01:10:41

there are some trends that you will find some people say, for example, we have to take everything from the scholars who are living in the Muslim countries,

01:10:42 --> 01:10:55

we have to refer to them, generally speaking, we have to, but we have to bridge that gap by having people students of knowledge who are very strong or based here, who are connected to the scholars who are able to bridge both worlds.

01:10:57 --> 01:11:33

This is missing, although there is a there is a great number of people who have studied overseas. And so but they're not fulfilling this. So what you find, some of them decide to move to Muslim countries, or still take the fatawa of the scholars as they are as they apply to Muslim countries and tried to force them here within a context where it might be very challenging to apply them or implement them, or there might be certain, like, characteristics that it cannot be applied in that fashion. But on the other side, you have people say forget about those colors, they don't understand anything about what we go through, forget about it, let's make our own rulings. That's also an

01:11:33 --> 01:11:35

extreme, which is not acceptable.

01:11:36 --> 01:11:38

Because Still,

01:11:39 --> 01:12:17

the West has not really produced scholars of such high caliber, let's let's face it, maybe there's one or two here or there. But that's not enough. And even one or one, one or two over there, if they are not in touch with this cause over there, if they're over there, if they do not create an open dialogue, and create an intellectual environment where these these ideas can be discussed back and forth, and so on and so forth. I mean, the victim will be the Muslim minorities, still not being able. So you either take them to this extreme or that extreme is still none of them is really working. Because fifth is not only Okay, let me do it. And that's it has consequences. Because if

01:12:17 --> 01:12:24

you're doing what's how long, although someone is telling you it's valid, it's gonna have consequences on your faith on your circumstances. Yeah.

01:12:34 --> 01:12:35

without naming

01:12:39 --> 01:12:40


01:12:42 --> 01:12:48

what tends to happen if you have shaped you, quote unquote, you who studied with the scholars,

01:12:50 --> 01:12:53

and then they come here and they live as Muslims.

01:12:56 --> 01:13:01

But they study and they come here and then they either disconnect from scholars.

01:13:06 --> 01:13:07

Any type of

01:13:15 --> 01:13:25

political divide, yes, there might be this divide, okay. Yes, some people are saying, Okay, let's disconnect from those colors, okay, because we want to build our own circuits on and so forth.

01:13:27 --> 01:13:31

I don't see this as ideal. But sometimes we're very quick to judge as well.

01:13:32 --> 01:13:34

This is a transitional stage.

01:13:35 --> 01:13:54

This is a transitional stage. And what I think it will lead actually to, because if you take an extreme approach is going to backfire. So once it might take some time, and it will backfire, then people still come back probably and find a more ideal, more ideal situation. So I don't think we should jump quickly to labeling.

01:13:56 --> 01:14:14

I think we should see if someone is going to an extreme, please try to Okay, they're trying to fill a gap is fill another gap where? Well if there's some damage there, we minimize it. And if there is some shortcoming, why don't we complement each other. And I think Muslims need to think in that fashion instead of like, Oh, he's wrong in his way.

01:14:15 --> 01:14:40

Specifically, these times this kind of approach is going to make you weaker, regardless, the other person could be wrong. But you just saying this and taking an attitude, just like that is going to have an impact on the overall Muslim community. You need to realize, at some stage, as we said previously, like Imam Shafi saw the need, for example, we're holding so much the Hadith, and not even seeing the meaning behind the Hadith.

01:14:41 --> 01:14:59

He didn't necessarily say that's wrong. And looking at the way he saw that they would sometimes elaborate so much on the meanings and depart away from the words. He didn't necessarily say that was wrong. He saw the marriage there and the marriage there and he tried to bridge the gap and that's why he brought a contribution. So

01:15:00 --> 01:15:18

This kind of either or, or black or white approach is really has been doing a lot of, you know, harm to the Muslims, I think we should take that in more brotherly fashion. And instead of accusing people with their intention, because I see sometimes accusing people's intentions comes so much into play that, oh, he's he has some hidden agenda.

01:15:20 --> 01:15:58

Oh, this person is connected to some other people, we don't know who they are, how can how can you come? This person from their perspective is coming with everything they can, okay, they're wrong, we have to acknowledge that fine, but they have some good stuff. Let's see what how we can minimize whatever if there's harm there, how we can minimize it, and bridge the gap. Because, you know, no one is going to be Allah's gift to the world, by the way, and so solve the problem has to be collected, the challenge is so big, and there is no individual who is able to solve it. Unless the magic comes. But it's it's a collective, it's a collective, it's a we, we we complement each other,

01:15:58 --> 01:16:02

we complete, you know, this, this whole drawing that we call

01:16:11 --> 01:16:20

the structure of the report is generally speaking flexible. I don't want it to be more like a university buy thing. But generally speaking, you'd have to have what we call a literature review.

01:16:21 --> 01:16:30

You know, what, give a background basically, on what you're taught, what's the main topic you're talking about? Give a summary of the opinions, the different opinions?

01:16:35 --> 01:16:43

is good to have historical approach. Yes, you can choose it or you can say you can have, you can have a chronicle historical

01:16:45 --> 01:16:49

description, or you can have maybe, or the former that have this how variable.

01:16:50 --> 01:16:53

So you can choose any kind of approach?

01:16:57 --> 01:17:17

It could be, it could be, it's up to you. It's up to you. Yeah. So you will see some people yes, where the divide is getting bigger. Yes. And these are pushing into this extreme, people are pushing into the extreme this extreme. But if you look at another group, you will find there's another group that's actually taking from both and getting closer. So it's hard to read from now, which trend will be the dominant?

01:17:20 --> 01:17:27

It's really hard to, but there is a great ROI. As far as I can see, there's a good number of people who actually

01:17:29 --> 01:17:32

standing in the middle, and the less,

01:17:33 --> 01:17:34

I would say,

01:17:36 --> 01:18:00

they don't have like the the reservation, that those have against those or those have against those. So somehow, the and this group in the middle is actually seems to be growing. And if you look at an another group of people who see us fund some people completely disillusioned with all of this and say, forget about it, and some of our youth actually leaving the deen altogether. Or you will find some other group and they would say, No,

01:18:01 --> 01:18:21

this is all historical stuff. Let's leave it. And let's start understanding and from our, with our own modern mentality. So depends where you're looking at, yes, there's so many people, and there are so many groups, so to speak, and each group is going a different direction. But which trend will be the most dominant that's really hard to read, it's really hard to read Yes.

01:18:24 --> 01:18:38

You should take knowledge from someone that you trust their knowledge, and trust their data. And you trust their religiosity as a person the right the level of their righteousness and devotion and, and truthfulness as a person.

01:18:40 --> 01:18:42

And don't get involved in the rest.

01:18:44 --> 01:19:21

That's it. Because this kind of discussion don't take from someone who was happy this question or someone who was this and that, okay, this is something truly is the students of knowledge and the scholars really, really understand. But this has been misused so much, to make it more. So it has become this has become an issue instead of becoming a solution. It became an issue. So you'd find someone going around people, and there are so many of those people going around, what's his app data? What's your arcada? Are you without any of this or that, and even among other sooner, there are issues where the scholars have different around certain words with different time of the moment

01:19:21 --> 01:19:38

Buhari, the issue of Hulk Iran, there is a certain statement what scholars have assumed they have different about so remember how they said that statement people may take fear on him. And that's why he died by the way. He died in distress because of that accusation. Yeah. So.

01:19:39 --> 01:20:00

So today, you have people chasing this collars of Alessandra where there are issues sometimes where the scholars disagree about certain wordings and he's marked there, his motor his motor, he's this he's that once you started testing people, and this became an issue and the The problem is that it has become an outlet.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:13

For people's ego, people say I'm protecting the DEA, and I'm careful who to take religion from not on, but you just saw narcissists, you want to put people down. And this came as a way for you to express it, which sounds legitimate to you.

01:20:15 --> 01:20:54

It has become political. So what I recommend is, you find a scholar that you trust them to ADA, because you trust the doctor, where do you trust the data? From? Whom? How did you get this decision? How did you make this decision? You don't have knowledge? So how do you trust the data? I know, you don't know. How do you trust the data? Oh, you know, the scholars have? How do you know these collars? their recommendation, how do you know that they are on the correct data. Basically, when you don't have knowledge, you baseless. So basically, what I say, follow this color that you truly respect their data that is based on the fate of the generations, hold on to that person, learn

01:20:54 --> 01:21:01

from him or their students, if you don't have direct access to them, from their students to be a bridge for you to that towards that person, and hold your tongue back.

01:21:03 --> 01:21:35

You doubt someone's attitude or someone's issues, don't take from them, but don't talk about them. That's none of your business. That's none of your business. That's the problem that people thought I'm defending the dean, they started slandering the scholars, left, right and center, and everything. Now who to take knowledge from when you advance in knowledge, to a certain extent, where you feel safe to take from that person who has knowledge in that area. And I don't find that level of knowledge with other I don't have access to scholars upon the correct athletes who have this knowledge.

01:21:37 --> 01:22:10

So, I do study this, why, among some of these calls, that you will find today, even the very well known scholars that we we know, they have studied with this and that when he has an issue with al Qaeda, but they said with him, for example, the Arabic language and so on and so forth. So is updated on it, the answer is all related. There's only this kind of, you know, a separation is just for academic study. But everything is related. But now, take from where, where do we? Mainly if we want to understand Sahih Bukhari where do we go to

01:22:11 --> 01:22:12

fatale Barry

01:22:13 --> 01:22:19

Albury, who is it written by Eben hedgerows, Kalani will has asked me what was exactly the ashari

01:22:20 --> 01:22:22

all this Coronavirus, genetic form is

01:22:25 --> 01:22:33

Charlotte Muslim. What do we got for short Muslim mainly now? So Hannah was doing and now he was what? Mainly ashari

01:22:35 --> 01:22:37

Why didn't the scholars of Arizona dumped these books.

01:22:41 --> 01:22:57

So we have to be careful about how to deal with the issue. So advice. The practical advice is basically take from a person that you trust the rapada the the knowledge, their tools, and their religiosity and the sense of fairness and the ethics

01:22:58 --> 01:23:03

take from them and don't get into all that political stuff. Because it's taking people away from even the truth

01:23:04 --> 01:23:05


01:23:16 --> 01:23:55

new Muslims or new practicing people will get them straight into the politics. This person's arcada is dodgy. This person is that warn against that person? These people want to learn about Allah teach them about Allah but they're also about the Hadith. Teach them how to pray and how to do this and are you believe for example, take from the mean, okay. Tell him Okay. Then from that scholar, then from his books, a lot of his books have been translated a lot of the students are around a lot of them are English speaking. So learn from them. And that's the advice I give you. But you don't create a monopoly over this person. Okay, you are mine.

01:23:56 --> 01:24:06

You are mine basically. So you if you take who to take from you have to consult with me. I mean, you don't have this authority over them. Tomorrow they will dump you right

01:24:07 --> 01:24:07


01:24:09 --> 01:24:21

Jazakallah Hayden was nice having you here. I said I also a way to feedback. So whatever feedback whether it's positive or negative, feel free No. no reservations, then inshallah anything we can use inshallah, to improve

This Course presents fiqh from a wide view, beneficial for any student of knowledge. The course starts from the Fiqh at the time of the prothet Mohamed (SAW) up to our time. The main book of the Course is The Evolution of Fiqh by Dr. Bilal Philips.

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