Mohammad Elshinawy – The Venom & The Serum #06 The Prescribed Punishments For Sins

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and characteristics of sinful crimes in Islam, including deterrent behavior, atonement, and forceful punishment. They also touch on the use of the Hlax law and the theory of deterrent behavior. The speakers provide examples of cases where actions can be executed in similar ways, and stress the importance of strong faith in the Prophet operation to prevent sinful behavior. They also mention the use of slander and the potential consequences of killing a victim.
AI: Transcript ©
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So welcome back to our discussions on a job with caffeine. If you're playing right now Laura's

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book regarding addiction to sin and how to break away from it once and for all. And today's session will will still be part of the scare package that in little clay and Raheem a whole lot

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unloads onto the questioner, in hopes that enough fear will get him to flee from

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that life that has him riddled and,

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and stuck, except that now he will speak about the prescribed punishments in Islam for since the the Hadoop for the most part. And so today, it'll claim spoke about diseases being like poisons and being like sins being like poisons and diseases, and then the importance of DUA and then all of these different kinds of spiritual ailments that happen, the more and more you sin or the greater and greater the sin is. And then he went from there to speak also about how much leverage you give shaytaan against yourself when you are complacent or you are

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sinking into that that cesspool that that mud of that swamp of sinning. Now he's going to tell you

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not just the spiritual side, but even the legal side should scare you. So even though I am the spiritualist is going to introduce you today to meditate I am the jurists, the 14th.

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He basically says that if all of these punishments we have we've already spoken about, if they don't frighten you enough, he literally says this, if you're not scared enough yet, and they have no impact on your heart, or enough impact on your heart, then bring to mind the legal punishments Allah has prescribed in this world, in his Sharia for some of these crimes. You know, like for example, amputating cutting off the hand of the thief, or flogging, whipping someone for, for fornicating or for drinking in toxic and drinking something like wine or stoning to death in a gruesome manner. He says in a gruesome manner. And we'll come back to that for the, the adult or the one who while

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having been previously married, commits fornication

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or whipping a person for a slanderous word that they alter right, accusing someone else of not being chaste.

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And so on and so forth. And so he says, The way to think about this is the following

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little bit of like a preface on this issue. He says, sins are three types. These are not levels you're just types and there's a great wisdom in that that these are not levels

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three types of sins in terms of their legal consequences

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so one type of sin there is neither a prescribed punishment a head a head this something that's specific prescribed punishment I'll use the term had the lot tonight. There is neither a had the punishment a prescribed punishment. Nor is there an atonement like a Farah Farah is something you you you you do or pay in order to atone for expiate erase the sin it has a one category doesn't involve has no consequence in terms of her dude, or in terms of the Be careful rot. He said, and these are two types. This is me a little bit of Mind Map tonight. Two types, neither have hadoo Dorka Farah. Number one, people are naturally averse to them. Like what? Like drinking urine, like

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drinking wine, like eating dead animals like a rotting animal Mater, right, carry on. And otherwise, he says, and it's very wise of the Shetty to not place any sort of deterrent, because generally speaking, if they are deterrence enough, like naturally, people aren't so tempted about these things, right?

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Hence, there's no need,

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he says, or

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people are inclined to them. But the harm of these sins consider them like

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minor sins sometimes. But the harm of these sins is less than the harm that could be involved if they were to receive the prescribed punishment.

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So he gives the example of looking or kissing or touching or talking, or stealing in significant amounts stealing a Twizzler or something, right, stealing a penny, these sorts of things. So that's the first category neither prescribed punishments nor khalfan nor atonements.

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But so you're not inclined to there's no reason to put a punishment there to keep you away from it. Because like most people are staying away from it anyway, it's disgusting. Or people may be inclined, but it's not to the extent that to the extent that it would benefit from a had the punishment, there would be more harm than good. It wouldn't be very effective. And the reason we're saying wouldn't be very effective, because sometimes it's not a minor sin. We'll come to that. It could be a huge crime, but there's no prescribed punishment for it. It could be a bigger crime than the crimes that do have restrike punishments for them. So there's a different reasoning here a

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different reason why there's no head, the head that won't be very effective. That's the idea.

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So that's the first category the second category he says there's no prescribed punishment there's no dude but there is a thorough like, what

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there's a photo there's something you pay or do to make up for it. Like what?

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So breaking your oath breaking your oath may require a photo not all yes, all cases, but it may not be a sin, but it will always require a photo. Okay.

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My head for the Democrats are talking about an oath now. What else?

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Yes, so my rotten hedge to deliberately violate the sort of the Haram state that sanctimonious states you're in when you're in hajj and umrah Very good. What else?

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Yeah, to deliberately without an excuse, break your fast, you have to make it up. But you also have a cafardo. Right, according to so many scholars, so that's category two, no prescribed punishment, but there's an atonement. Category three is when there is a prescribed punishment,

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which is greater obviously, then a photo like this is something that's done to you, against your will, if it applies to you, it's not something you do, right. And so in that case, obviously, there would be no photo, if there's a had had sort of accounts for both.

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He says, and that is only when the Hadoop or only when Hadoop plural have had when human nature like our just our appetites, our temptations, generally are prone to being inclined to get like it's an impulsive crime, it just you're you're driven to it so fast that you need a head, you know, the head is the punishment, I keep saying what had in Arabic means boundary. So you need this fence erected for you. Because you could just at any minute, sort of just pounce on it or fall prey to it. So you need to fence. He said that in that case with these crimes, that they're impulsive crimes.

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The punishment the head is not any random had to either it is proportionate to two things, the harm involved in this crime, the harm involved. And number two, the strength of the drive the human drive for this the impulse.

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And so he's basically saying you need to appreciate that the punishment in terms of her dude punishments

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is actually not just profoundly wise in its break down from Allah, but profoundly merciful as well meaning God's code, including the penal code, it came perfectly structured, to stop people to deter people from crimes and to ensure the greater good of society, people's interests as a collective as a whole.

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The choice of which punishment, which had the punishment per crime is very profound and merciful. So let's talk about that for a second. I'm going to step away from the replay for a second, I have to sort of build this out, because there's so many like misunderstandings about this subject, and also just we don't live under Islamic governance.

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And so we're unfamiliar with this. And people also love to sort of fear monger on you guys have these you know, dudes punishments where you guys like jump off people's hands and jump off people's, you know, ears and there's no year by the way, they love to add stuff like you Muslims believe in angels and into fairies with no no just angels, not the truth. Anyway, so the Hadoop, the Hadoop, okay, what are the Hadoop in Islam, the Hadoop are prescribed by a law punishments, divinely dictated punishments that the ruler is going to carry out, okay. These are not some sort of

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manifestation of Allah's Anger.

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How do we know this? Because if they were about Allah's Anger purely solely about that, the bigger the crime, the bigger the head, whereas the greatest crimes in Islam in the Islamic value system hierarchy don't have any hadoo to them. Right? Like shear is the biggest crime in Islam there's no had for sure. Someone's born and lives his own life most non Muslim not had interest.

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There's no had different interests. There's a had different fornication no had different interests. Interests, these are dozens of times more graver worse of a crime than fornication. So why is it so hard to for that? So it's not sort of like an anger metric? And anger?

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Yeah, I'm talking about just dude.

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Get you and get you engaged. We're getting there to Allah.

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And so why are there Hadoop in this? Dunya? Why, right. In the claim, and others are so many scholars sort of they pointed out, okay, that's where they get to the issue of like impulsive crimes. How do we stop them that? And they said, this also clarifies that the point of the Hadoop isn't just atonement, it isn't just Joab they're also

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zellige IP. So Joab it means reparations, they repair a mistake. They're not just to get the person forgiven. They're also ZIL AGID, they're also deterrence from other people from society spiraling down that path. And, you know, this is really interesting, because even nowadays, like, it's not like, we know how to handle people committing crimes and criminals, even in 2023, in United States of America, right? Like, we have the largest prison system on the face of the planet, right? It's not working very well at all. And so why is it it's working very well, let me just borrow something from the bag of the criminologists, criminology is the study of the psychology of criminals how

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criminals think, right? And so this is not my niche, but I can reference you to some studies, where they speak about what they call deterrence theory. Deterrence theory is how like theories, ideas, right on how we can deter people from committing crimes. Some have suggested even here and now that our system is broken, why is it broken? They say because, look, when the criminal is about to jump into a crime, he considers two factors. Okay. Number one, how likely am I to get caught?

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Okay. Number two, the severity of the punishment? How bad is it gonna be? If I get caught? They think about it this way. Right. And so the operated theory, the theory that's operated on in the most for the most part, United States, of course, included is that they put all of their eggs in one basket, which is what, how to catch the criminal, you're invested in surveillance and forensics, right, all of that to catch the criminal. But they this according to that counter theory that agrees very much with the Hadoop system, in a sense that the severity of the crime, at first glance, the severity of the punishment, at first glance, is not intense enough. Like you know, you go into

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prison and you go get cable TV, and you sit with your boys. It doesn't seem that bad at first, but when they're actually in, by the way, just like, oh, man, I wish someone would just cut my hand off and send me back to my parents send me back to my wife and kids, right? Like, if they had a choice, they would probably give up a limb and spend a 15 or 30 year sentence, in any case. So they were not invested very much in the severity of the punishment. And so, like, there are people I used to know, that would steal on purpose would tell the guy who owns the grocery store, call the cops so that I can spend the night in bookings, it's warmer, and I'll get a meal. Right? He doesn't have it, right.

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So it's sort of like the better of his two options in any case. So what are her dude? High level? Let me just zoom out a little bit more before I jump back in her dude are four or five punishments because people act like Shediac is punishments, right. Now, if you open up like if you go to any physical book fair, comm manual Islamic law, it's going to be like 810 12 volumes. Okay.

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On average, about 2% of that book is related to produce. Let's just size things up correctly. But 2% This dude, sounds like Islamic law is the punishments, right? About 2% of this is dude, and by the way, 2% is a lot. Why is it a lot because in all of Islam, there's only

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Five crimes

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and one of them's controversial whether they're dude or not, what are they? What are the head the crimes the crimes in Islam that have a had the punishment tell me

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murder would be just last slide so slander is one right to slander someone accused them of impropriety or like you know, fornication that's one that's called What else is there?

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Stealing theft said if if stealing hits a certain threshold significant you know, even in here we have like grand and petit larceny, significant stealing, setting a cop that has a punishment as well. What else do we have?

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Okay, killing, right. What else?

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committing adultery. What else?

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For an intoxication,

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those five basically, essentially, essentially

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Alhaji mille Islam or post stating, some scholars consider the head, some don't like giving up a downward angle does not consider

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that as it is basically another layer of punishment. That's called discretionary. It's almost like give me a ticket or like, throw me a beating. It's up to the authorities to determine what's going to work. But it can never reach the severity of the dude, because the dude is supposed to be the most severe and they're only about five or four. Likely likely, intoxication is also not the head it's as easy to discretionary. Why because you will find in the earliest Columba the each dished out a different punishment for someone who's drinking. So now you're down to really like four. Right? What are the four?

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Let's review. So killing would actually be precise, it wouldn't really be ahead, right?

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Because you can forgive someone who killed your family member, right? The hadoo there's no forgiving these are sort of the rights of the community.

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So you have Hiraga I took killing in the first time just to be like lenient Hiraga is basically vigilantism someone who's like a road bandit and or a drug dealer or rapists or someone who's like an outlaw. Right? A vigilante Harada to mention certain made and they are killed. This could include a murderer, basically, right. Someone on the rampage, just psychopaths on Yeah, for sure. A vigilante. The second one was what fornication and it depends on whether they were previously married or not to before, or they weren't. And then there's other there's slander, that slander that Earth

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and then they're stealing those four. Got it? Those are basically the dude. So if there's only four, that's like one line, how's it 2% of the 50 books? Because the vast majority of the discussion on Hadoop in the fifth books is when you're not supposed to apply the Hadoop.

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Because the Prophet SAW Selim said it that Hadoop is Schubert inhibit applying these prescribed punishments with any doubt any reasonable doubt, they're innocent till proven guilty. So if you can almost never

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apply this rule, then why is it there?

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Why is it there?

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To scare people, it's to protect society. Like think of fornication, I'm going to try to be sort of not too explicit. Obviously, a lot of kids hear

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fornication you need four witnesses. Those four witnesses can't just have seen some people right? In the dark or under a blank No, they have to have seen seen seen right everything and they're gonna get crushed question. Right. What was on the right side of the room? What was on the left side of the room? What color was this? And if any of them don't align, they all get whipped for slander. That's why Islamically it has never been carried out. It has been carried up for confession. Someone said I prefer this way route. It's not the Sunnah, but some people have done this confession through testimony has never happened. They never reached the threshold for indicting convicting someone on

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Xena because why that's what it's really about. It's about stopping the rest of society for for people to be able to line up their testimonies in this explicit detail means what? This is not Zina, this is what the promotion of Xena This is *. Well, how else would we see all of this? Does that make sense? And so that tells you more and more that the point of these her dude is not just so this person will be forgiven or just because Allah is angry, so he's acting out his anger. This is to protect society from a whole side. He's about jump off a cliff. In that sense

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This is the greatest mercy you can have on society. Someone's about to jump off a cliff. We grabbed him by his arm, he's gonna sue me now that I hurt his wrist. Right? That's what's happening. It's collective suicide. And these four in particular, are impulsive crimes, quick money, right? You steal a whole lot of money real fast, has to be a lot of money, certain amount, at least, Zina right, but is also usually done not because you're pulled to it, but because you're pushed to it. Anger. Usually you sort of lash out at someone, and you want to sort of quickly crush them, or their reputation or otherwise. So it's the impulsive crimes, there's a higher fence for them. That is the

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concept of producing Islam, utterly merciful. That's what I'm gonna claim is trying to say. Make sense? Good. Now, let's get back to nuclear Rahim Allah.

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He actually even goes on to go further. I'll read through some of what he says here.

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He says, Consider how Allah cuts the hand of the thief, the thief gets his hand cut, okay? Because that is the tool of the crime. But he doesn't cut the tongue of the slander. Why? Because there will be greater harm in cutting off the tongue. It would be too much it would be excessive to cut off the tongue. He says, and someone can also say how come he cuts off the hand of the thief when it was the hand that stole but he doesn't cut off the Oregon of the fornicators since the fornicator. Use that Oregon, why doesn't he cut off the Oregon?

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He says because that would also be excessive. It would number one he says end his offspring and it could kill him. And that's not the punishment. It's not death.

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Obviously for the fornication or adultery, he says number two.

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This Oregon, the private part is a concealed body part. So we won't deter others from committing the crime. Like if this was amputated. No one knows it's been amputated. Society's not gonna see oh, man, I don't want that happening to me. Where that was part of the point. When someone is in town without a hand. Everyone knows pretty much why he doesn't have a hand. Right?

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And then he says number three is that cutting the hand still leaves him with another hand. But cutting the tongue or the Oregon the there's no replacements. He mentions others as well. But I'll just stop here. Someone can still misuse this recording tonight. If they don't allow for context, but even the Quran is misused out of context right. Then he says So your point Yeah, he says and there are two types of punishments right there are a Shara. Yeah, well Korea, there are the punishments with which you know we are entrusted to carry them out, meaning the government right not the Imam of the Masjid. Let alone just a bunch of folks and they're like minded fellows, right?

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There is the prescribed punishment that had the sugary then there is a of global Korea, the cosmic punishment, meaning what Allah destined in the universe to happen. So Allah does things in the universe to happen is what we've discussed in previous chapters. Right? He says, there's two, the cosmic ones, there's too spiritual and too physical. The two spiritual are the pain and the misguidance that come with sinning that we've discussed in previous chapters. And the two physical are one in this world and one in the next world once again, some of which we've discussed. He says, and a person may experience both he may experience the rule of Allah as carried out by the state.

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In addition to some catastrophe or some other that comes his way, but that hardly ever happens. That hardly ever happens.

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And it need not happen. He said, If a person genuinely repents, but if a person gets it carried out, it will remove the need for the qaderi punishment for his heart to go blind for his you know, his Eman to bleed whatever it may be.

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He says, if it is carried out, there will be no need for the cutlery or the cutlery will be drastically reduced. He says and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that for one had to be established one of these punishments to be established on Allah's Earth is better for them than to receive rain for 14 days. Because remember, everything we said about how sins ruin the planet and all of that the fact that it could be purified through ahead and deter others from sort of getting normalizing this crime. This is better for people than having vegetation that year. Because the downside of letting these things go it has to happen. The punishment has to happen.

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But he says but on the opposite end when these legislative punishments are suspended,

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and the tilba of a person between him and Allah is not strong enough, then the punishments returned to being *, were returned from being prescribed to being cosmic Allah destinies among people.

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And then he goes on actually into a lengthy discussion about the one of the most hopeful is in the Quran. But the reason he gets into it is because it mentioned that the angels of Allah azza wa jal, who carry his throne yesterday Runa Lavina Amano, they seek forgiveness for every believer. He's like make Toba and the angels are making it with you. They're praying with you. And they say Rob bene was there at that Kula che and Rama Tanwar enema. Oh our Lord.

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You are more vast than anything in your mercy and in your knowledge and your mercy. be considered with them. And in your knowledge you know about them. You know how weak they are. You know how shaitan is like putting all these booby traps everywhere. Notice the names mercy and knowledge. Then they say the angels felt the fiddly Lavina taboo, whatever also be like working him either badger him so forgive those who taboo who make Toba. So you make Toba and the angels are with you. Those who carry Allah's throne are with you praying for you

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and protect them from the torment of the Fire to add later or one skip one one I later just for the interest in interest of time, the angels continue to make dot right to says Oh ALLAH admit them into your paradise and the after that it says Joaquim was say yet and protect them from the awful consequences of their evil deeds. Is it the performance of the evil deed that they're saying protect them from the say add meaning to evil deeds. Some scholars said this or protect them from the say you add meaning sue in October, the evil outcome of the evil deeds. It's close. They're close to each other. But because

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nevermind, let's just keep it there. And then he says here's another subset of the legislative punishments, the prescribed punishments. He says Now these legislative punishments that Allah legislated these hurdles are three levels. One of them is execution, and one of them is amputation, and one of them is what flogging would think. He said execution was legislated for apostasy. That's according to claim Rahim Allah and the majority again it is not agreed upon it is not they had according to it Nephi inference for them or criminal law for instance, and others, he says what this is important, execution is for apostasy

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and things like it. Then he goes on to say murder, adultery and same * acts. Why is he comparing apostasy with adultery, murder and same * acts he says he doesn't leave you to guess. He says because people's religions rarely ever stay intact when these are practice.

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And then he cites Imam Muhammad Muhammad Rahim Allah is saying, well I lived with them then that delicately our oven Mina Xena and I don't know of any sin after murder. So I remember one believes within Islam not covered within Islam now the greatest is murder after that nothing but Xena should be considered the greatest of sins. I don't know of any sin after murder greater than adultery. And you know Imam Muhammad himself he cited

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for the proof of this.

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The hadith of mustard There's a famous hadith of Mr. Udo the Allah one when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked

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a you them be out of them? What are the greatest sins of all?

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So he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Ted Jalla Allah He then were who are Kolak to set up a rival to Allah when he's the one who created you.

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And then he said to him film A and then what he said, and tough to La Villa Dhaka, Maha Fattah and Yatta on my Mac and to kill your own child out of fear that he will eat with you, meaning you have to share your food with him.

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This was a practice some people had even the parental instinct in their head died.

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He said and then what he said and Tasmania be highly lengthy Jarick to commit fornication or adultery. In that case, it would be adultery with the halal

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Have your neighbor meaning his wife halal for him, not for you the halal of your neighbor.

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So there's the order once again. But there's something else in this hadith that no claim points out. He says

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while nothing can beat, or come closer to disbelief shared with Allah, like murder and fornication, murder and fornication themselves can climb can get worse.

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And he says, you find this in the Hadith? Because the Prophet SAW said, it didn't just say to kill someone, the question was, what's the greatest of all, so he mentioned the greatest form of shit. Which is to set an equal with Allah.

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Because Sherif takes many forms, right? So to set an equal rival with Allah, then murder, he didn't just say any murder, he said, murdering your kid, because that's compounded now not just murdering anyone. You also betrayed your responsibility towards your child. And likewise, when he got to Zina, he didn't just say Zina, he said Zina with your neighbor because now you didn't just commit Zina. You committed Zina against

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someone that was married, but not just someone that was married someone that has the right of the neighbor. So he's saying if there's more factors, it becomes more amplified or compounded the severity, but all in all these the greatest of all the greatest of sense.

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So, these and that is why these gets execution

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because they are the greatest of sins that are not that far from disbelief itself. Okay, yes, yeah.

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It could,

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it could

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hypothetically it could long discussion

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with could this could abortion fall under this.

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So, after 120 days, this is a living being, this is a human being the scholars all agree that by 120 days, the installment has taken place. This is a person this is a human being, this is a sanctified life. Okay, they only disagree before that. And so now the only thing left is going to be what are there any excuses?

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Did someone put her or him under the wrong impression that they thought it was okay. Right, there could be a shootout involved. It roll Duda we should go hot. So these sorts of crimes, it tapers or tempers their magnitude, the excuse of ignorance, right? I mentioned to you today in the whole book, The guy said If Allah is able to grab a hold of me, sometimes the greatest of things could be excused or lessened in their severity due to ignorance.

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And there could be other excuses as well. amputation. That's the second one. He says amputation. He's saying they match up perfectly was legislated for stealing. Because it's done in secrecy. This is not a Mohammed, this is not a bandit. Like open, right? This is someone stealing it is usually is done in secrecy. So the absence of his hand is what blows the cover off a secret. Right? It exposes him.

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And this is why he said whipping would not be enough wouldn't be fair wouldn't suffice. He said and the third is flogging, flogging whipping. That's for which ones that's where intoxication and slander because those corrupt the minds and those corrupt reputations, and so they are lesser relatively but deserve to be deterred from

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that's why he's saying there's three types in terms of the form of execution of

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00:33:46 --> 00:33:50

Then he goes on to say this is a Millennium now. So again, the Juris

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he actually goes into the different levels of kuthodaw as well. atonements and why and the wisdom behind each and revive. I've omitted all of that deliberately, he says now let's talk about levels. Now let's talk about levels. Sometimes it doesn't always correlate the head to the prescribed punishment with the level of sin but now let's talk about levels of sins. He said sins are four types.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:20

He says the first level these are as the noble the HEMA, yeah,

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these are the sins of livestock.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:30

The Hema is like usually the docile livestock animals, you know,

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the domestic animals, right? He says, this is like, you know, greed being bent on satisfying the desire of your stomach, the desire of your private parts, which are obviously these are the root, this is the root of fornication is the root of stealing. And the root of you know, usurping someone's wealth like an orphans, wealth, being stingy being a coward. All of that is what these are mostly fat, Bohemia. These are the qualities of cattle. The sins that have cattle, you're acting like cat

00:35:00 --> 00:35:18

Though that's the least of them right? He says now greater or maybe I should go downwards, right greater in severity are asleep at the seborrhea which are the qualities or the noob here in this book he calls them the same thing

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of predator animals so the lions and the Tigers and the bears not the like the the lamb and the goat and the cow, right? So now we're talking about the predator animals. And this is like, sins that are in the form of fits of rage, right? Aggression

00:35:40 --> 00:35:43

hurting the weak and the vulnerable, right?

00:35:45 --> 00:36:02

And then the pits below that is as the noble shaitana Yeah. These are the sins the satanic sins. Like, what are the sulfat of shaitan? Tell me guys, come on, keep stay awake. Some qualities of shaitan you guys don't know. Shaitan Mashallah.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:04

pure souls.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:55

Okay, right. He's He's Muhtar Kent bear. He's prideful, right? He is envious. He's deceitful. He's, he promotes and beautifies evil, right? Those are the qualities of shaitan now, this is not like a predator animal. I told you last week when I gave you the wolf example, the wolf is a predator aggressive Hunter vicious, but it's for his survival. I gotta eat shaytaan wants to hurt you even if he gets nothing out of it. Right? It's malicious. He wants and by the way, like the the animal just oh, I'm hungry. Now I'm going to eat the predator. Right? I'm going to go attack another week or animal shaitan sits there and plots these animals on plot. Oh man. I'm gonna get them. You know. I'm

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gonna set them up and knock them down. Didn't humiliate. I'm gonna write so scheming, conniving, deceitful, envious

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that's the Nova shaytani this is your resembling now shaitan himself. But shaytaan wants to bring you on level beneath that he wants you under his feet in the fire. So there's one final level or class of sins. And this could sometimes forfeit your entire Islam devour all of your good deeds actually. Which is the noble they call them a ROB Benny some call them Amelie al Maliki. Maliki, yeah, not Malik. Malik could be angelic, but Malik is king like, so these are the qualities of God. These are the qualities of the King, the supreme King Subhan Allah Allah. Basically an English nowadays we call it the god complex, right people who lay claim to that which only belongs to the

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Almighty. subhanho wa taala. Clay claim to greatness lay claim to supremacy, like lay claim to perfect knowledge. You know, everyone shouldn't be listening to me, right? You actually believe that?

00:38:04 --> 00:38:07

subjugating others even creation, right.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:14

When the mad scientist I call him mad scientist, they,

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when they successfully what's her name?

00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

The first clone cheap I forgot her name right now.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

Dali, when they first created Dali,

00:38:28 --> 00:38:43

some mad scientist who claims to be Muslim, said once on the news that this is a greater scientific development than even the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary

00:38:44 --> 00:39:15

or the villa. Right. Or as you know, you're sort of trivializing You're mocking a miracle of God. Right? The Immaculate Conception the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary without a father. Be some blessings be upon him. Dr. Hudson Hodge once mentioned he's a physician that he heard a cosmetic surgeon one see coming out of like the SIR the Oh are we are just fixing his mistakes are Altavilla. Right?

00:39:17 --> 00:39:29

Without getting into sort of the rebuttal to that, but the narcissism the god complex, right? These are the worst qualities and they could forfeit every last good deed a person has

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been what MLK wants you to know is that I'm only putting these levels they're not for you to say okay, I'm not so bad yet. It's for you to say this is all a continuum. If I'm in here, I will get there. Right? Like if you're greedy, Bohemia livestock I want to eat more. I want sort of like the sexual desire more. You It's limited the dunya is limited so you will become aggressive you will become predatorial right? It lends itself to the dog eat dog mentality.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:25

The dogfight so you become predatorial. Once you become predatorial become sort of part of your your fabric, you become stained this way. And then you start hurting without even needing to hurt, hurt just because you like to hurt statistic. And then once you're there, you become confrontational with Allah Himself. Something shaitan himself didn't really do. shaytaan was sort of changing the subject.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:50

When Allah said to him, why don't you prostrate to add them. He wasn't confrontational. He wasn't as vulgar as some human beings. He said, But I'm better than him. It's not what I asked you. I asked the he didn't say, you know, I don't have to listen to you. You sort of try to divert the conversation. Right? Some humans are worse than this. They are vulgar with their Lord SubhanAllah. Darla mission accomplished for shaitan.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:56

And he also says the last thing you know, I'll cite here, he says that

00:41:00 --> 00:41:04

most human beings are locked into a bohemian.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:12

It's pretty interesting. No guarantee and it's not a great thing. It's a continuum. But most people are locked in Albania why?

00:41:16 --> 00:41:26

He says because the nature of livestock is cowardice. And so you're afraid of the punishment, the risk of stepping it up being aggressive.

00:41:28 --> 00:42:12

It's like a circle. All right. I'm greedy. But because I'm greedy, I'm afraid the risks are afraid the risks I'm just gonna stay greedy. I will overdo it. And this of the reasons why I'll do it are so good at the entry level to protect society from stepping further the risk is very high. Anyway, I hope that point came full circle. The last of tonight's discussion points he says in the Quran and the Sunnah, and the sahaba. And the great Imams of Islam all agree that sins can generally be divided into major and minor because you know the term kabbah if major sins enormities is in into is in the Quran, and so many a hadith. So even though some scholars do not, like the dichotomy, the

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break of major and minor, they say they're all major if your heart's not in the right place, you belittle a major, A minor it, could it what's the difference? Anyway? They do have valid points to make. Don't misunderstand me, but he's saying that there's really not much room for discussion here. That's what he's saying. He's saying what should what can be discussed is, what is the difference between a major and a minor for us as people trying to purify ourselves, a major sin renders you immediately fasten, immediately, like in a flagrant category, right? Which means what? There is no guarantee to be forgiven from this without repentance. According to most scholars. You can just make

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up for it with good deeds, big good deeds can't because the Prophet SAW Selim said, the five prayers and Ramadan Ramadan, camera to camera, and Joomla to Joomla and one narration are all erasers of evil deeds, so long as the major are avoided mentioned to anybody in Kibera, right. This is like a Muslim authentic hadith. So because the greatest good deeds will get you forgiven, but not for the major, meaning they can't guarantee forgiveness for the major. You need to make Toba. You need to have sincere regret for Allah regarding the major to get those looped into the forgiveness. That's the idea. Yes, yeah.

00:43:37 --> 00:43:54

But Toba? Yes. So it's the far until the image demo after a call after pajama. When when they separate those two terms, seeking forgiveness and seeking repentance, they're all inclusive terms. They mean, they mean everything, right?

00:43:56 --> 00:44:07

Because when I say seek forgiveness, just by itself, just by itself, does that mean lip service? No, it means seek forgiveness while the inner state is sort of regretful but when I put them in the same sentence

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11

to boo

00:44:13 --> 00:44:17

thermistor Mr. Pharaoh is the female elite. He was the federal No, what's the other if

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20

there's an idea

00:44:22 --> 00:44:46

in Nila tubal Allah, in the Lester for Allah to Willie, I seek forgiveness from Allah and I repent to Him. When they come together in the same sentence, then they take on more specific separate meanings. But when you separate them, they represent the whole package. That's the idea. Like Amen, Islam. Same thing, right. Okay. Just because I want to finish I'm actually seven minutes over

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an hour How do you know what the major sin is? He spends pages mentioning to you all the different opinions on what is what makes the cut of a major sin, but I'll just share with you the

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00:45:01 --> 00:45:41

opinion and remember that heavier handling of the heavy is very well known scholar who authored a book on al Qaeda at the major sins, and He identifies them as five categories. So anything that's called they can be a major sin is obviously a major sin. Sama Hadid say you know, in them in Actuarial kava and yeah, so barrage actually the one of the biggest of the major sins is for a man to curse out his parents. They said Yeah, Rasul Allah Who would ever curse out his parents? He said, who are Rajul? Yeah, so whoever Rajan fire so Baba who were OMA is when a man curses out another man's father and so in return he curses out his mom and his dad is not how it works because that one

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and then you get both cursed out. So you're you cursed out your mom and dad because you triggered this.

00:45:47 --> 00:46:29

So but he called it a cabal and one of the greatest sins Okay, that's one category. The other category is it involves they had the punishment obviously, if it sort of requires a firm fence, it's of the major sins right? So we're gonna we're gonna talk about number two. Number three, it is threatened with punishment elsewhere, like in the hereafter threatened with hellfire. So in the Prophet SAW, Selim said there are two classes of people that I have not seen, meaning they will arise after me. He said, basically, relentless tyrants that are constantly flogging people's backs. Right brutal tyrants, he said and women that are clothed but naked, I'm summarizing the Hadith for

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you. It's like Musa Herrera, they are wearing clothes, but their clothes are not concealing them sufficiently. So these two are of them that means brutality. And that means sort of revealing clothing or major sins. Why? Because the higher dimensions what people have the fire two classes of people have the fire number four

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though those whom he curses Elena Sato Salam so when he curses the drinker of intoxicants or the consumer of riba of interest that makes it automatically a major sin

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or he disqualifies their faith the Quran may disqualify the faith of people that taunt other believers are taught to fellow human beings or stereotype bit salesmen for Zuckerberg and EMA, and how awful it is to get labeled with Fuzu. Being a festive after you've been a movement after Eman so that's something that disqualifies your faith or for example, the Prophet SAW Selim said

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Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Yo, Carlo Manuel Rasul Allah columella min Jarrah who Baba eka. I swear he doesn't believe he doesn't believe he doesn't believe meaningfully believe. They said who he said the one who's neighbor does not feel secure from his harm. So to give your neighbor insufficient reasons to feel reassured regarding you is a major sin

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is a major sin because it disqualifies your faith on the tongue of the prophets Allah Allah Azza wa sallam. That's it. May Allah azza wa jal protect our faith and yours and purify us all from sins and all that lead to them and all that could be triggered by them. May Allah azza wa jal not allow us from the stand from this gathering except with our sins forgiven. those of them that we know and those of them that we don't. I mean, he make what is remaining of our life better than one has passed and the very best day of our lives that we meet him and guide us and guide with us and guide for us our loved ones Allahumma Amin, allah sallallahu, ala kind of dnm Muhammad Ali, he was Javi

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