Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #50

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the connections between Islam and the culture of the western world, emphasizing the importance of learning from experiences and stories to establish relationships. They stress the need for effort and attention to develop and nurture relationships with people and their environment, as it is crucial to build healthy relationships. The speakers also touch on the emotional state of people in various situations and how they react to them. They emphasize the importance of acceptance and ownership in Islam, finding success in relationships through witness and evidence, and balancing fear and terror. The conversation also touches on the Middle East and the importance of creating culture and values to regain the meantime.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Shafi dmba Well, mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't even the theorem

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says this.

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There are two of the

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many great ambia Allahu salam, O Allah subhanho wa Taala, who

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really, really touched my heart.

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When I read their stories, they're hugely inspiring.

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And these two revivals and musasa.

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And the reason they inspire me

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is because of this wonderful,

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very, very beautiful and very normal connection that they had with Allah subhana wa geladeira.

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When you read the story of Musa Lisa revivalism, you see that Allah subhanaw taala, chose to actually report conversations with the arrival of Sara, Allah subhanho wa Taala reported this conversation between him and Eva Marie Salaam, and he was very young, when he was very young, when he said Rebecca to El Mota, or show up, show me how to bring something back to life after it is dead. And then the whole thing, the rest of the conversation were also handled that I showed him and then he asked him to, you know, catch for birds and tame them and so on and so on. Now, also musasa there are these beautiful conversations that we are going to look at that at one of them really

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shallow, the, the sense of,

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of all of this that we get from the lives of these troviamo salaam

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is the one on one beautiful connection that

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these prophets of Allah geladeira who had with him, for them Allah was not a remote being who they just worship, right ritualistically worship whatever number of times a day that was made for for them. And then that was it. No, for them. Allah subhanaw taala was extremely real. Allah subhanaw taala was with them. While we're Miko Marina Macondo

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well akara who lay him in Abilene very

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well. Acaba, La La himan co comm while I kill to zero all of these irons in the water which we have when I was little I mentioned and he said that he is with you wherever you are, he is closer to you than your regular way.

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And that he is the closest to you even though you do not see him in different sort of this was the fault I'm not saying the muscle is there I'm Andy very miserable. Read the hora they did not, but I'm saying that the sense of these I was for them. This was with them. This was real to them. Right to Busan is

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a last one subhanaw taala, as I said was not a remote entity, great and glorious and magnificent. Who they just worshiped. And that was a no this this was Allah was was real to the deen they talked to Allah Subhana Allah they asked him questions. You know, sometimes they told him there are difficulties in life. I don't use the word complaint because we do not complain. But they, you know, they mean they had a tough time difficult times. They asked Allah subhanaw taala

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they had any desire anything they wish they asked Allah subhanaw taala this was the beauty of the relationship of these

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with our last panel that and I think this is the the biggest lesson that we can learn. When we read about these I have the Quran and we read the stories of, of the of the NBA musella. Now, we gave to the point where Busan is

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working with is working in the

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in the house of journalists, and he has married his daughter, and he spent the term that he had with you Trevor to set up the rules like his mother, for example was to serve him for eight years grazing sheep and whatever he needed rule. And Sherman asaram said to him, if you do make it 10 years then this is your exam on me. But eight years is what is our is our every month.

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juryless which of the two terms is eight years or 10 years musala ceram work and Jubilee Salaam said that he completed 10 years with that, and He therefore did a PSA. And this is also one of the great qualities of the ebrd was something that we need to learn, which is always give more, give more. And this is what our solar system taught us. And he said when you even for simple things like weighing simple things like dealing with customers dealing with each other, I always said always give more don't just give what you should give you should give that was justice, but also as a result said give more than what you should give right. So this is the XR do on the side of of of more rather

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than less. Now Alice model is telling us the history of massage around the for profit road so that we understand how Musa Lisa was trained by Allah subhanaw taala

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unless we're gonna put him through different experiences, because usually Salaam who need that experience in his power, and he needed to understand that society from the inside. This is also I usually set up who had first hand knowledge of how that society work, because he was brought into that society at the lowest possible level as a slave and then he rose to the highest possible level that somebody of his

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caliber could have risen, which was as the minister of the crown because of the Federal because the the

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position of royalty of course was only for the royal family and usable is that goes to the next highest position that he could have risen to.

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Important thing here for us to understand is that in life, we also go through difficulties, right, we also go through difficulties, we have to

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think about this in this way that insha Allah knows that these are difficulties and Allah subhanaw taala is putting us through to teach us lessons. And these lessons will be for our benefit going forward in life. Right? So anytime there's a difficulty, the tendency would be to complain about it and to you know, groan and moan about it in Brazil. Why is this happening to me? Michelle hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen ask Allah subhanaw taala for his help and say, Allah, this comes to me, because you have written it for me, you have decreed it for me. And I know that you will decree and you will write only that which is beneficial for me. Because we are the affair vehicle sale in your

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hand there is only hair in your hand there is only the best and therefore Wallah, I asked you to make this the best for me and asked you for your help, so that I don't fail in this test. And then I need a real and the idea. I learned the lesson that you want me to learn from this test. Think about this

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subject the MBR were tested the most I was tested more than any of them. Yeah. I think about that, that the kinds of tests we are talking about it's very easy simply to read stories right for the entertainment values and I stories I'm the lead is a beautiful stories of the horror and stories from this episode of Amazon seller. So they are good stories just in stories. They are also true stories. This is not you know, fantasies are not mythology. But the purpose of the story is to learn a lesson from the story. So it's very important take a small incident is a story and then just sit and reflect on it. Put yourself in that place and say how would you feel if you were in that place?

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Think about that. We are looking at Musa al Salaam he

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was in this place in in Egypt and there was this whole interaction you know between him and

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and that they were they were these two people fighting one was one from his own people and the money's right another one was and you should 50 was a Coptic you should and

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Musa Hassan tried to intervene in that fight and accidentally hit the other man and the man died right now. Sorry Salah is on the on the run because he is being pursued Musa his life is in danger and he has to leave Egypt and he does not even have think about his he does not even have time to bid farewell to his family to tell anyone where he is.

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He just disappears. I think about his parents think about his family. They have no idea what happened rabies even alive or dead right out of the blue Suddenly, the man has got second thing is now himself. He has no time even to prepare for

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hour. He can't take any clothes, he can't take any bedding. He can't take any food. He just has to run the way he was sad when he simply walked through the desert to those lands all the way to Marion. And

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in the process, he says wore out his shoes. Imagine how many miles he would have, you know how many hundreds of miles he would award and alone by himself. Remember these are these are, even today, if you think of doing that, I definitely don't advise you to just walk off into the blue on your own, you probably will perish, right? And the chances even today of just perishing are, are pretty high. Now imagine those days how thing must have been right how to be what kind of dangers and so on? How did you sleep? Or where did you sleep at night? How did you sleep at night? What did he find for food? What did he eat? Now again, remember also, that Moosa isora had been trained as a soldier. So

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he was, he was a warrior, he was treated as a soldier, maybe had, you know, most people, in those days carried a personal weapon, if nothing else, it would, it would be a dagger.

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Even if it wasn't a sword or spear, anything elaborate would be some kind of flavor, we had to hear some small weapons, so maybe he will he, you know, hunted some small animals or something and, and cook them and eat them.

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Maybe he had him for the last marathon, I would have given him the knowledge of plants and so on. So he knew where to find water. He knew what plants to read things about this, think about this and say that how important for example, in our education of our children and so on It is to teach them these things, how to take care of themselves, how to be in nature, how to take care of themselves, how to deal with, with all kinds of, you know, potential, hardship, and so on so forth. It's very important also to look at these things from this perspective. Second thing is, emotionally Now think about him here as a man suddenly from being a prince in the royal family of being a prince in the Royal

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Palace. He is now a fugitive running for his life, right? So from from the top, he comes right down to the bottom, and that happens instantly. In a matter of just one incident. The whole thing there are a plague and even 10 minutes, but that's it his life is as far as his life he certainly does. Or he is he's in in grave danger. And he is threatened his life is threatened and his life is over. Now, this is the situation of Sally Sarah the water what is happening inside emotionally How is he dealing with it? What does he feel what does he how does it affect his mind? What is his source of sustenance, so sisters of course, is Allah subhanaw taala.

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So, these are the things to for us to think about. Then he reaches Maria and he is fine these two ladies they are trying to grill to water their sheep and the others are not allowing them to do that. So he intervenes and he helps him to water the water the sheep and then these ladies go and Musa is now his you know, he's

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thinking well, you know, I here's a situation I'm in new country. I hope I have somebody will help me What will happen to me, right? And then he sits there and he makes his VA and he says Allah whatever hire that can come to me from you.

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I am the I'm afraid I'm I am in need of it right I'm in need of whatever benefit that you can send my way and the further loss rather than sensitive. Now.

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Until this time, we are looking at hardship but after hardship comes ease, so when you're looking at hardship until now it was always thing from here onwards is what here onwards is because now he needs surely Salah, he gets married, he has this protection of shrivel is around for 10 years. He's got a job he's got. He's got married, he has a home he's got he's got a family, who looks after him who loves him who respects him. So all of these good things out, come to him. You know, think about this. This is the issue of relationship. The reason I mentioned this to you is the story of Musa Ramadi and eventually set up and we look at

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this is part of our lesson today for level the MBA. But in connection with that.

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The point we must understand is that this whole religion of Islam is a religion of a relationship. The relationship between the app then is objectivism. It's a one on one relationship. It has no intercession intercessor it has no intermediaries not interest. It has no intermediaries. There is no representative

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Have God on earth to whom you talk to, instead of talking to a to Allah, there is no representative of God on earth,

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whose forgiveness you seek, instead of seeking forgiveness to Allah, there is no representative of God on earth. In before whom you confess your sins, instead of confessing to Allah, this is a relationship of between the, with a slave and His love, His astera His material is his creator, which is the relationship of complete and total, yuppie a relationship of huge dignity. Think of Just think about it in the sense that Allah Subhana Allah gave us so much dignity, that Allah said that even if you commit a sin, thank God, this is not even. We're not even talking about the great and good people. Right? So dignity for those who are pious and so we talk about dignity for sinners,

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dignity for people who have disobeyed Allah who had older people like us who actually deserve Allah to handle that as punishment. People who deserve to be humiliated before Allah. Allah says, No, even if you are committed sins, don't tell anybody about it. Tell me directly between me and you, in front of the people. I will hide your sins and I will give you a right Allah is a power Lu is offers ro Allah. Allah is the one who covers the seeds and porch, and he's on who forgives them, even for the sinner Allah. Allah gave him enormous dignity. And Allah says there is no need to humiliate yourself before another person is no need to confess your sins to another person. There is no need

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to go to another person and say I have sinned. Forgive me. No, you have sinned. * Allah about this and Allah knows already that imagine this is the beauty of this beautiful religion of ours. Allah gives dignity even to a sinner.

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And others are gonna say, Oh, yeah, Eva, the lovey rasa who Allah unforeseen luck now to be Rahmatullah in Allah, you have to go by Jamie, in a world of him, you know, this beautiful is where Allah said, say to them, yeah, well, I must say to them, yeah, I bury all my slaves, oh,

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who have

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transgressed against themselves, Allah, Allah and those who have transgressed against themselves, my slaves who have transgressed against themselves, do not lose hope and do not lose faith in the mercy of Allah, verily, and truly a lot of animal data, forgives all sins, and he is the most forgiving and most merciful.

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This is a lot to handle. And this is the third of that Musa alayhis salam had with the last panel that is that of the revivalism had with them.

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But for the stories of the collapse, these are the two ambia, whose stories again, we again use so many times, the resorptive Rahim itself, in the name of gravity syrup, the story appears so many times Moser is alive is in 28 of the 30 days of the last round. These are very important, and we are live and we have a lot very important our souls of Allah and Allah subhanaw taala told us their story in great detail, because he loved them, they loved him. And because Allah subhanaw taala wants us to learn from their stories, so that we can adopt them. So think about that. See the importance of our loop with Allah, our sisters,

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remember this, that we entered Islam by making a statement and by making a covenant about a relationship and that relationship is the relationship between us and a lot of how do you enter Islam. You enter Islam by saying I chose to lie in the law washer, one number her mother also loved, I bear witness and this is my heart. And I'm saying it to my live I will live my life like that. I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. And that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the Messenger of Allah Subhana Allah. This is how we begin that relationship should

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wash on Amazon. So this is how we come into the come into Islam. And then how do what is the evidence of that? What is the proof of that? How do we prove that we prove that Salah, what is Allah? Allah subhanaw taala said it was the victory again. I have because Santo Musa is established the salah for my ziggu How do I do that by Rob sanlucar I recently Oh kumbhakarna also Allah so Allah, Allah. So let's pray as we have seen me pray. So the hokum is from Allah. The method is Robert as well as ourselves, and those that are taught is that we Elisa and we learn from him without the method

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The problem cannot be completed and cannot be

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obeyed. That is the importance of the position of supervisor setup. So we are talking about we enter Islam by accepting and owning this beautiful relationship of honor. And then we remain in Islam. And this is the evidence of our being Muslims that we worship Allah subhanaw taala in the way that will Hama sallallahu Sallam showed us we don't worship Allah subhanaw taala in any way we please, it might please me to worship Allah subhana wa tada in a different way. For example, I might say that also told us that the slave is closest to Allah in sudo and therefore I might say well, you know what, I'm going to start my Salah in such that not in Korea, which is the furthest distance from

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sudo. I'm going to start my Salah in sudo and I will end my salon Sue. I will just be one such that. And in this saga I will read and write and say whatever I want and then I will get up on my saliva. Sarah is not a video Salah is not even done us there is no Salah, there is no Salah, what is Salah, Salah is to do it the way of sort of like somebody selling products, the way in which there is them there is oh that is rude and so on.

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So we enter Islam by accepting and owning a relationship. We remain Islam without relationship and then remember when we go into our grave when we die,

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what is the first question that is asked? What is the first question that the Leica will ask us? mandra book? Who is your Rob?

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They will not say

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no. They are not asking you for a definition.

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They are not asking you for information.

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They are asking you about your relationship with them. Man rabuka who is your

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they know who is

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the game on his order. He said them.

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mundra, boom is your What is the answer? Robbie Allah.

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My Robbie

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Robbie, may Allah decree that this is the answer we give when this question is asked for us. I have another sister this Dean is a dean of a relationship. Remember, like all relationships, relationships are like plants. They're like plants. If you plant the plant a branch

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then what do you need to feed it and need to water

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you need to give it the plant food.

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The fertilizer and you need to water the plant. If you do that, the plant will grow. It will flower it will fold it will give you a beautiful aroma reliever sweet. So it will be something which will be a delight to your eyes.

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But if you don't do that, if you do not fertilize it and if you do not water, what will happen

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gradually the plant will shrivel and the plant will dry. And eventually if you ignore it long enough, the plant will die.

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Now a relationship is like that every relationship even in this life, relationships with our friends relationship with our parents relationship with our children relationship with our, with our spouses, they are all like plants, they all need to be watered, they all need to be taken care of. They all need for you to be constantly aware of them for you to attend to them for you to go look after them.

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Right, I'm just started planting a garden here. And every alternate day and I have to water the garden because it's very hot.

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It takes me an hour and a half

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of watering.

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But I know if I want that garden to grow and it's expensive plants are expensive.

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So it's quite an quite a quite an amount of money that's been put into it.

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And I want you to grow and there have been some flowers which are very beautiful. Some of our neighbors going to disagree love your flowers. So the point I'm making is that if I want that to happen if I want those flowers to happen if I want those plants to bloom in that hour I have every opportunity I have to do it.

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I can't say today I'm so busy. No but I have to go on holiday for 20 days. No, no, no, no.

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whatever needs to be done needs to be done.

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So I have to spend the time they spend their time with those plants. point I'm making is any relationships requires attention. any relationship requires contract. any relationship requires your presence in it.

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And it requires whatever it is needed to develop and nurture that relationship. So also our relationship with Allah, so also our relationship with the solar cell. It needs our presence in the relationship. It needs our effort to nurture that relationship.

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That's the question I asked myself. That's the question I request you to ask yourself.

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What is the effort we're making?

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These get very,

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very specific about it. Like metrics, measure it and say, how many hours a day do I spend

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with Allah? meaning in the event of Allah, whether it is Salah, or reciting, or making liquor or whatever?

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How many times how many hours how many minutes

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and then work yourself throughout the day?

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How connected Are you with Allah subhanaw taala

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I always tell people talk to Allah. Talk to Allah. Will Allah subhanho wa Taala understand every language all languages are signs of Allah, we are able to love

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So talk to a lot of anger in your language.

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Praise Him glorify Him, thank him, ask him what his what his version is forgiveness is marvelous as well. I like what you created, you know, I put out some birdfeeders the number of words that come to those feeders, the people my friends who live around here this and we did not even know that there are so many verses with so many different words, we never saw that. Sure, so hamdulillah I have now created an album in which I keep posting photos and those of you who are on the roof to receive the album if you're not in the group or the group in Syria

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just simple things like this you put out to feed and you get a huge number of words and then the whole the behavior of those words just now in the summer is starting and the first batch of chicks has hatched so what I've got is young of four or five different species and the way those young behave Robert also a millennials believe on on bugging the daylights out of the parent for food, even though they're perfectly capable of getting the food themselves. It's very amusing I mean, I have great fun I just you know I it's I put the video just outside my study window. So while I'm working all day I look at the look out of the window is fantastic. You know entertainment for me, I

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don't need any television, I don't need anything I just see the novella. And of course the asking Allah Allah so Allah to look at is the Allah subhanaw taala put me to feed those words. So I will spend the money I go by the stuff, I see it, I get it on my iPad, and the card is already got it.

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I bring it home, I put it to the fetus.

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Now, what is the lesson? The lesson is that just like a lot of anabella put me as the Zarya as the means to feed his creatures, I just wonder about something else. So other flow of is as the Zarya to feed me. So the word is not worried about the food? Why should I worry about my food?

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This is the whole the whole point of studying the lives of your variables, alarm and reading and so on. So what is this to help us to understand

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that when we

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when we read these stories, put yourself in that space. And think about the same I was in a place of muscle a seller walking across this desert, not knowing where to go, who told him we did have a map to go from Egypt to McGill?

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who showed him the way?

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What was the following with with geo tracking was he doing?

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What he went and he arrived at the right place at the right time.

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This is what Allah wants us to see, and reflect and appreciate. And that's what I want you to do. I want you to think about these things and say, don't just mechanically, you know, listen to the lecture or mechanically read the stories, put yourself in that space and say, in that space, what would I have done? What would be my situation? What would I do?

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So Moselle is a law, that medium traveling the land, so that he could learn his job was as the shepherd of sheep. Now I have done a whole lecture on the lessons to be learned from as a shepherd of sheep. Very interesting how a lot of and made a lot of almost every heavy.

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Shepherd of sheep sources have mentioned this. He said every Navy was a shepherd of sheep. Because the the lessons you learn from that including the resources

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Observe, Russell Russell also was the shepherd of sheep, in his in his childhood, used to be used to graze his, the sheep of,

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of his of his, of his family and of the ones. Now,

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why because the sheep, sheep are the weakest of our livestock, the shepherd has to be very alert to protect his sheep. You can't just leave the sheep also run over there, they wander here and there. They don't have a particular degree of sense of direction, so they go and get lost. So the shepherd cannot afford to forget to regardless go to sleep or leadership. Next thing he knows the sheep are all gone, he has no idea how to find it. And finally, no matter what does she do, she cannot stand severe punishment. So the shepherd takes it takes us he can watch the sheep heart, the sheep will die. So the shepherd has to have a lot of patience and suffer, and he cannot afford to hit the sheep

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with anger because the sheep might die. As soon as I mentioned this, he said that the shepherds of cameras by nature have to be they become arrogant because they are dealing with an arrogant animal, that the camel always has this very super serious expression on his face. And it's a it's a tough animal. It's a big animal. It's a tough animal, it's a dangerous animal. Cow can easily kill a person and sometimes they do they get they go into the equivalent of a bus, that elephant goes into the breeding season, the big meals are, they are massive, and they are no one kick will the television knock your head off. So that when they is the shepherd of camels if he has to, even if he

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has to hit a camel, he has written the gavel extremely hard for the gavel, even to register the something has happened.

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So the by nature, the shepherds of camels, they become very arrogant people, horses again, you know, very, very managerial horse, by nature, because he's high up, he's sitting on this very noble creature, it gives him a sense of pride.

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But not a shepherd of sheep. shepherds of sheep are humble, they are protective, they are alert, they are kind and compassionate. How many times it was, you know, in my country, I've seen this many times, I've seen shepherds actually carrying a sheep on their shoulders. In sometimes they're moving the whole flock and his little, little baby,

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which can't keep up.

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So the shepherd, the you know, the Lamb, he picks it up, and he puts it drops it on his shoulders.

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And he walks with the sheep, he what he does is leave the ship there and leave the lab there to die. No, he does that.

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So this is the the nature of this was rather a bit overzealous, because unless worker knew who what kind of people the only side work, they were very much like this, like sheep, they would go off and do some things. And they would get themselves into trouble. And then they would blame each other and all kinds of stuff. And they you know they might have a loser is one of the hardest lives going because these people they would not listen to him and then they would argue with him and all sorts of things that they did, all of which were obviously not easy on him. But he had he had to have the patience with various people. What are you going to do you can he can walk away walk away from them,

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he can't just oh he is he has to look after the USN for the

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Now again, the other side loser is it was sent to the oldest monarchy

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of the time or the biggest monarchy of the time. The Pharaoh of Egypt, who had declared himself to be divine right interestingly the pharaoh is not the only one or declare himself wi in this, this tendency to declare themselves divine seems to have been a very kingly thing with many kings in ruling many Muslims. There are many Muslim kings who used to have people worshipping them they had people who come standard greeting for was to make such that was the king and this was the Muslim king who

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had people putting their heads on the forums on the floor out of so called respect for the male operators, but this is what he did. Now the pharaoh the pharaohs they ruled over the Empire on the upper and lower Nile for centuries and their wealth was legendary. Now just think of I don't know how many of you have been to the to visa in, in outside of Cairo, where the pyramids and the first impression you get when you go there. Now apart from the fact that every

00:34:48 --> 00:34:59

then all the people that are they try to call you but the point is that the first impression you get when you see the universe is this thing is to take our This is a what must have been the wealth

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of Kings whose tombs were like this.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:41

So this was a tomb that they made for themselves. And many of those pyramids were all referred all the midwives The king was alive, because he was building it for himself. Imagine what kind of well the what was what was this palace will be like, or palaces must have me obviously will didn't have one So one must is palaces a bit like what was what? How did he dress what kind of little gold and silver and whatnot, I imagine with the kind of wealth. Egypt was the the the rice bowl or the bread bowl of the world at the time, the entire Roman Empire of Egypt was to support

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rats, it was huge. And these were the kings of Egypt. So this was legendary.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:52

Well, Musa alayhis salaam was also set to the bunnies, right? Who,

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who had some signs of the Gambia, but who had mixed up the original Dean with a lot of local customs and traditions and whatnot. So they, again, also they had been living under operation for so long, that they had lost their dignity and their values, and therefore they were lacking in character. This happened to them. Today, the same thing is happening to us Muslims, we have been living in, under in subjugation for so long, that we seem to have, by and large, and for those who do hope this does not apply or party well, as well, we'll give you more strength. But for a lot, almost today, we have become cowardly. We don't stand up for our own rights, we have become corrupt, we don't support

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each other, we sneak on each other, right, all kinds of evils which are the evils off of a slavish mentality, we have no idea no chain, or our ankles and wrists, at least not yet. Right? But the stains are here in the head. And in the heart, there is the heart is filled with fear of human beings. Fear of people would cover this with shameless cowardice, instead of having the dignity of hearing only Allah subhanaw taala jelajah were easily intimidated. And we live in fear of people instead of giving in with the concern that Allah handler must not be displeased with us think about this man, urban Israel, who was fighting with Egyptian, he immediately the next day, he's fighting

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with another person. And when Musa goes there, he immediately says, you want to kill me, like you kill the other man yesterday.

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We have no problem betraying someone who saved his life just one day before, that. This happens to people who live in oppression, who lose their nobility and character, when they have been exposed to this divide and rule policy for a long time. And they become fractured, and they become incapable of loyalty and compassion and concern. And they become totally selfish that I said this is our condition is the condition of Muslims today. Globally speaking, we have lost the natural nobility, that used to be our signature, once upon a time, you've lost that dignity. And consequently, we have lost respect in the communities in which we live. As I said, again, I'm not making a general

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statement. I'm not saying everybody like that. But the majority of us are like that, whether we like to accept it or not, Moser is

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what came to such people. And it was his huge.

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It was his huge task for him that he had, you know, that he had given

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to not just to

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take these people out of slavery and so on, but also to,

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you know, to,

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to give them Saudis qualities back, to help them to come back through

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the right path, with at least sell this quality. And this is the thing that I

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that I want to

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that I want to emphasize and say that at the end of the day, we live or die, by our values, we are only as good as our values. And if you allow our values to get compromised, then you will find that no matter how much of wealth you might have, no matter how much of what position and so on and so forth, the values are gone, then we are finished. And therefore it's very important for us when we raise our children, and before children literally go for a raise ourselves, many of us have been May Allah protect us and Allah forgive our parents, these values for many people, they will not even give it to them when they were being raised as should. So we have to instill these values ourselves,

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and then communicate these values.

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To the next generation ask us, to help us to enable us to learn from the stories of young valuable syrup and to practice those things in our lives so that we regain the dignity that we had the dignity of courage, the dignity of Allah, the dignity of suffer the dignity of asking no one except Allah subhanho wa Taala the dignity of a relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala we talk to him, we love to be in his presence, gentle, gentle, and then we benefit from the knower and the liat of the of being in that way sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi

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wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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