Mirza Yawar Baig – Jumuah 112 What Will We Answer Part 9

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a disturbing event that took place in South Africa during the 80s and 90s. Nelson Mandela died due to oppression and was not a Muslim, and many experienced similar struggles. The event is described as a tragedy and a sad event, and guests are encouraged to bring history and knowledge to people. The importance of learning about Islam and its cultural significance is emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and acceptance of Islam. The segment also discusses the importance of learning about Islam's appeal and its cultural significance, as well as the importance of learning about the importance of acceptance and the return of the beast. The segment also touches on the importance of learning about Islam's appeal and its cultural significance.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the London Isla

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salatu salam ala Olympia, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela.

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My dear brothers and sisters and elders Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We continue with our series of lectures on the questions that we will have to answer

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the questions of the grave, and the questions of

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we completed a set of lectures referring to the question of the grave. The first of those questions mandra book.

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Today we talk and we begin the series on the second question, which is Medina,

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what is your religion? What is your deen?

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And of course, as we know, right answer is D Islam.

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My V is Islam.

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But the

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trick is that this question cannot be answered by memorizing it. We will be only able to say that if we live by that,

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and therefore I ask Allah Subhana Allah to enable us to understand what is the meaning of the and to live by that deed for the rest of our lives, no matter whatever we have been doing till today.

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It's only the race is one only at the end.

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And so, there is hope.

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And the door over the door are turning towards Allah subhanaw taala is open until our last moment.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala not to

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not to allow us to delay turning around until the last moment because we don't know when that last moment is going to be a oneness.

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My sister's

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The first question of the grave mandrem book related to our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala Jalla Jalla Allah

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and his rights over law.

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The second question

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has to do with our relationship with the world because the in is the way to live in the dunya. The second question is all about

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the rights of the slaves, the rights of the creatures.

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What our Deen is,

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relates to the method, the way on which we lead our lives.

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What decisions we made and why

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what we did and what we stayed away from and why

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it has to do with how we treated people, how we treated the environment, how we treated animals, how we lived in society, and what kind of society we created and supported.

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Medina is a question that has to do with the kind of lifestyle that we promoted. And what we deplored and denigrated.

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My brothers and sisters, I remind you that Deen is a combination of five things,

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a pizza which is creed and belief, a vida which is all acts of worship,

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which is manners mamilla, which is dealings with other people, and masirah, which is society,

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then is a combination of all of these.

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And the second question martynuk refers to all of these.

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Today is a very sad day.

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Because today

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a man passed away a man died,

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who exemplified

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hope hold a bag in Islam.

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But to the best of my knowledge, he was not a Muslim.

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Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala knows what anyone's last moments are and those counts and we do not know what they were.

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So I do not say that the man died without Islam. I hope he died with Islam. Because it doesn't matter whether other people considered him to be a Muslim or not. What matters is if Allah subhanho wa Taala considered him to be a Muslim and if he accepted Islam,

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even a minute before he died, then in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will count him as a Muslim.

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And this man was Nelson Mandela.

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I just want to say to you two things about his man, which is that I'm saying this as a matter of great Abrams for us

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1400 and something years ago, and he went to place in the world, which had never happened before.

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And that event was

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that a person

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who and whose people those who followed him,

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had been persecuted mercilessly. They had been

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prosecuted, they had been looted. They had their their rights had been oppressed, they had been killed, they had been tortured. The material has been usurped.

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And eventually they were banished from their land.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala gave that man and gave his people victory over the oppressors.

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Absolute victory, complete victory over the oppressors. And Allah subhanaw taala gave that man the right to do what he wished with his oppressors who are now his captives.

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And that man did something which had never been done before.

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Which is that he forgave them.

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He forgave them.

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And he said, there is no blame for you today.

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And he said, Yeah, for Allah, Allah, Allah.

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May Allah forgive me and you.

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History had never seen such an incident. From the time men walked the earth.

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And then,

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after that day,

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which was in the

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sixth century.

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In the 20th century, in 1995,

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another man did the same thing.

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Which is, that having been persecuted mercilessly, him and his people.

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After countless people numbers are not known how many South Africans

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died under the oppression of the aborted white supremacy regime.

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And after this man was sentenced

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to life imprisonment until he died,

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it was the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala that that life imprisonment would last for 27 years.

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There are many among you who have not lived for 27 years.

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Nelson Mandela and his people stayed in the prison for 27 years longer than you have been alive.

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And yet in 1995, when the country became independent thanks to their struggle, and when Nelson Mandela had power in his hand,

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Nelson Mandela

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what sadly, had not been done

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for the past 14 centuries.

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And that is,

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he forgave his oppressors.

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He forgave those

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personally and on behalf of his people, he forgave those who oppression.

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And he talks about reconciliation.

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Through twice in the history of mankind, Has this happened?

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only twice.

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From the time a man walked the earth to today when I stand here, only twice

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once by Muhammad Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and the second time

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by Nelson Mandela.

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Very very tragic and sad to say

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that not only was the example of the humbler Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Azza wa sallam not repeated for 14 centuries,

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that when it was repeated, it was not a Muslim who did it.

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Why am I talking to you in the Juma football about Nelson Mandela

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Because this homebuyer is about the second question in the grid,

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which is about

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our Deen, which is about living this religion.

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And I'm giving you the example of a man who lived by those principles even though to my to the best of my knowledge, he was not opposed to it. And why am I giving you that example because in the modern world today, I don't have any other example.

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I do not have any other example. I wish I had a million other examples, then I would have said Nelson Mandela died big deal. So what many people die?

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I cannot say that. I say that it's a great tragedy.

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And we are not only with the people of South Africa,

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in the grief

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but I

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in my personal capacity

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and inshallah, on your behalf,

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we salute the man

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who at least brought life

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even though he was not a Muslim,

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who are brought alive and showed us

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that it is possible to live

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by the Sunnah of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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And because of his action,

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today, nobody can say that that action of forgiving the oppressors.

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That action of forgiving those who transgress against us, was an action of wannabe he was special. And therefore, really, we can't emulate that action doesn't apply to us. Nobody can say that. And who put the seal on the tongues of those who want to say that Nelson Mandela.

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It is the hochma of jelajah Allahu Allah subhanho wa Taala that he sent for us, a person who was not even a Muslim to the best of my knowledge, to show that it is possible to live by the Sunnah masala

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to show that this son of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is not out of debt.

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That is not all stories.

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That is not something which is no longer practicable in today's world,

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to show us and to prove to us beyond all doubt. Then the Sundar Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam is alive and well

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and can be practiced. And whoever practices that sadhana, whether he is a Muslim or not a Muslim will benefit from it, and will see the good results of it.

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The argument is complete. The project is complete.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to open our eyes to this before our eyes are open for us.

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Nelson Mandela exemplified hope Oliva, and I want to share with you a very small story which is very, very important.

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There is something called the Nelson Mandela Foundation,

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which does a lot of charitable work.

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Hewlett Packard in South Africa supported that foundation for some projects. And the President of Hewlett Packard in South Africa, requested for a meeting with the President of South Africa of that time who was Nelson Mandela

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when he was in office as the president.

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This request was granted and the president of Hewlett Packard was invited for breakfast with the president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

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When the President when the president of Hewlett Packard when his driver drove into the presidential palace and the man got out of the car, who does he see? waiting for him at the foot of the steps. Nelson Mandela himself

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you know, and I know enough about protocol to know that it is not even expected for the president of our country

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to meet a guest

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and his guest is not a head of state.

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This guest is not the king or queen of England. does get his guest is not the president of America. This guest is a executive. He is not even the CEO of Hewlett Packard worldwide. He is a local executive of a company in his country.

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Nelson Mandela by a stroke of his pen could have chucked Hewlett Packard into the sea if he wanted.

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What is he exemplifying here? He is exemplifying here.

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The Islamic principle, the Sunnah of being good to your guests.

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Being good to your guests, doesn't matter who the guest is. We are not good only two guests who are

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great and powerful people. We are good to every guest.

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So Nelson Mandela meets the man at the foot of the stairs, he takes him inside the house. They sit for a while breakfast is announced.

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When they go to the breakfast table, Nelson Mandela asked this man, the president of Hewlett Packard, he says wasn't there somebody else with you in the car?

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The man said, here's my driver.

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Johnny, wait a minute. Nelson Mandela himself, the President of South Africa goes out to the parking lot.

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And we made it do that because he was short of servants. He didn't do that, because he didn't have an armed guard. He didn't do that, because there was no ADC to the president.

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He did that because that was his.

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That was his o'clock.

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He goes into the parking lot. He

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meets the driver of this man who's sitting in the car and he says your boss wants you to join us for breakfast. Please listen to the language. He said your boss wants us to join us for breakfast, please come.

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This driver of the black South Africa is delighted.

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He comes inside he has breakfast with his boss and with the president of South Africa.

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That was over. They take leave, they go home. On their way home. The driver says to his boss, he said Sir, I want to thank you very much. Because today, thanks to you.

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A lifelong dream of mine came true.

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So the boss says What are you talking about? He says it was my lifelong dream that I would that I should meet Nelson Mandela, the president of my country.

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And not just any president. This is like for Indians to meet Gandhiji, which is you know, it's a

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there's a Mandela is not just the president of South Africa, I wanted to meet Nelson Mandela, and thanks to you today. Not only did I meet him and chicken with him for a second. I actually had breakfast with him.

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And I want to thank you very much for this.

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So his boss said, You know, I don't understand why you're thanking me.

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Why are you thanking me?

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He says, I'm thanking you, because President Mandela came and told me that you invited me inside for breakfast.

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But there's also a politician. Mandela also needed votes. Mandela could also have used this and quite rightfully could have said, please come I want you to have breakfast with me, because you are a black South African like me. And this is a black man's country, and therefore bla bla bla bla bla, and all of this could have been on television, you could have done all that.

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He could have done all of that.

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What does he do?

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Not only does he invite the man

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he does it in a way which brings the hearts of the black man and the white man together.

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That is the meaning of reconciliation.

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That is the meaning of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And that's why I say today is a tragic day.

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At that man

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I hope there will be among us those

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who can exemplify the flock of Mohammed Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah.

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And then when people like me stand here and talk about those examples, they will be taking Muslim names.

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My brother's he says,

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one of our biggest problems is that we live in an imaginary world where we seem to have two kinds of Muslims.

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There is one kind to believe that as long as the akiza and Eva is right, nothing else matters.

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Our o'clock can be those of

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our dealings can be those of Allah. And our Masha can be that of the machinery in America. But we will still enter genital for those who Allah with Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Allah.

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So that's one kind of people

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and there is another group

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We seem to believe the opposite.

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That as long as our manners and our dealings with people are good, we can have any kind of facade in our akiza

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It doesn't matter.

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We can worship or we need not worship.

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It doesn't matter. We can follow the Sunnah leaves Asana, it doesn't matter.

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As long as we are good to the people as long as we are charitable as long as we smile at people as long as we deal honestly with people that's the only thing which matters and we will enter Jonathan fields will Allah with Rasul Allah is Allah Allah, Allah usasa.

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My brothers and sisters, both these kinds of people are gravely mistaken.

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Both are gravely mistaken.

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It is not enough to be correct only in APA and to be wrong in everything else.

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And it is not enough to be good only in Aflac and marvelous and be completely upside down in the APA. Both are the cause of great grief, which are asked Allah subhanaw taala to save us from.

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We are one kind of people who give importance to the outward appearance alone, the hijab, the beard, the prayer in the masjid,

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the length of the trousers,

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and so on, but they pay scant attention to honoring contracts, to honoring promises to be merciful to people, to being truthful to being trustworthy,

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to being friendly.

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To being charitable to being compassionate, they pay scant attention to any and all of these things. They become harsh and rude. And they seem to be perpetually angry with the whole world ever ready to criticize people seemingly on a crusade to find faults in others

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and to correct them in the worst possible way.

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They have no respect for elders, no respect for scholars for teachers. They are arrogant and obnoxious and they condemn themselves to a life of misery and frustration.

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They slander anyone who disagrees with them. They pronounce Cofer on them as if they are the owners of Jana and Jana and not Allah subhanho that

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these people have no influence in society and they live and die as failures.

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Rasul Allah is Allah than a solemn said about such people have these

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wishes is

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narrated by Abu hora de la mano reported from Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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He said, Do you know who is destitute?

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And then as I said, a poor man amongst us is the one who has neither DRAM with him nor well.

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And he

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said, No, the destitute of my oma would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection, with Serato with prayers and with fasting and saga. But he would find himself bankrupt on that day, as he would have exhausted his funds of virtues, since he hurled abuse upon others, and shared the blood of others and beat others. And his virtues would be credited to the account of the one who suffered at his hand. And it is good deeds for short to clear the account, then his sins would be entered in his account and he would be thrown into the jail.

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What is more few times, then going into the Hellfire for the sins of somebody else?

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My brothers and sisters, I remind myself, I knew that Islam is not a set of religious rituals alone. Neither is it a social reform movement. Islam is a composite comprehensive and complete combination of our relationship with Allah. And as a result of that relationship, our relationship with these creatures, human and others,

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we relate to the creatures because of our relationship with Allah Jalla Jalla.

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It is through the creation that we recognize Allah subhanho wa Taala by seeing and reflecting on his science, and it is because of our obedience to Him, that we treat the creation in a particular way. Both are intrinsically related. Add to that the concept of accountability, where we will be called to account for what we did and what we chose not to do, and you have the most complete way of life that anyone can imagine or hope for, and that is called al Islam.

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There is no separation of Deen from dunya in Islam.

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This is one of the biggest fallacies that has been foisted upon us by people of ignorance. And we in our own ignorance, swallowed the story lock stock and barrel and are running around completely confused. There is no separation of the from dunya because the is the name of the way to live in the dunya. There is no Dean in the cover. There is no Dean in the grave.

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In the grave is the question. What was your the How did you live in the world? Whose Where did you follow?

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To live by the Dean of Islam in the dunya was the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this was the way that he taught us. Our brothers and sisters I remind myself I knew that success lies only and only in the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and not in any other way.

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This simple seminal, foundational basic and absolute truth is Islam. Which will spell the difference between Jenna and jahannam We ask Allah for Jana and we asked his protection from Jana.

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To believe in this is called al Islam

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to have complete faith in it so that we live our lives by it is called Yaki

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and that is what will help us and what I asked a lot for, for myself and for all of you.

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My brothers and sisters they kalama La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah has two aspects. La Ilaha Illa, Allah is the inner aspect and Mohammed rasulillah is the outer aspect. La ilaha illa Allah is what we believe in our hearts. And mohammadu Rasul Allah is how we express and demonstrate that belief in our lives in the outside world.

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What must happen is that when someone sees a Muslim, he must see the manifestation of the kalama in his entire self, his appearance, his talk and his actions.

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Let us examine ourselves and see if this is happening in our lives. And if it is not happening, then let us take some action to change ourselves and our environment before it is too late.

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So what is our deed?

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How do we answer this question? Maddie Look,

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my brothers and sisters and elders. As I mentioned earlier, our deed is a combination of five things, either Eva, mamilla, and Marcela.

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Let's go over the essentials of each of these

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about the Akita I want to begin with the famous Hadith in Bukhari narrated by Omar Abdullah Katara Allahu

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Allah narrated and he said I heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, the reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he intended. So who Whosoever emigrates for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry his emigration is for what he immigrated for. And this is a Buhari

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the first hubby's in the body.

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My brothers and sisters, Akita is simply a key there is not simply knowing what to believe, but to actually believe in it, and to live by it. The best way to begin this journey is by reminding ourselves constantly about his hobbies also relies on a seller which is famous and which we all know I include this in the reminder about a painter because we are working because who we work for,

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draws us clearly to our Akira, who do we believe in?

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It is essential that we keep our Akita pure and free from any form of ship and ensure that we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and not join anyone else in his worship or in asking for help.

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It is, it is in these two things. And most commonly in the latter, that we make serious mistakes which can take us out of Islam.

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Eman will live which is the foundation of our Akita is to see something happening and recognize the power of Allah alone who is making it happen.

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It is to recognize that it is not the worldly material means that have the power to do anything. But the power the hand, which is behind those material means which is causing the effect to happen. It is

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For us to have at the basic minimum, the intelligence of the dog, which when someone throws a stone at it, it doesn't bite the stone, but it goes for the person who threw the stone.

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It is a pity, that this can be said about human beings.

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The dog recognizes that stones can do nothing on their own.

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But it seems that human beings do not recognize this.

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Human will arrive is to recognize that everything in creation is a stone, which has no power of its own to help or harm, it can do nothing, it can influence nothing, it cannot even help itself, let alone help you or me.

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imagined alive is to recognize acknowledge accept and respect that the power to cause benefit or harm is only and only with Allah, and that he does whatever he wishes, and in his hand is only

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only goodness.

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Aveda is to accept the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the messenger ship of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the last and final messenger, the last and final NaVi and soul, after whom there is no other Nabhi and no other suit.

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accepting these means to obey Allah and His messenger and all things without argument or difficulty, and to consider this a great favor from Allah, that is sent his NaVi salatu salam amongst us and a way of life, the deen of Islam, which enables us to live a beautiful life in this world and be rewarded with gender in the era. Truly, what more can anyone want than to be rewarded merely for living?

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In the beautiful hair is known as heavy divine, our akiza is beautifully described.

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It's the return on the authority of your heaven Jamar that he came across underlining Omar or the Allahumma while he was entering the masjid, and he underlined Omar

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Omar said, My father

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told me one day we were sitting in the company of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam when they appeared before us, a man dressed in pure white clothes, his hair extraordinarily black. There were no signs of travel on him, none amongst us recognizing. At last he sat with a messenger sallallahu sallam, he knelt before him, placed his plays the palms of his hands on the thighs of Rasulullah saw salah and he said Muhammad, inform me about Islam.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said al Islam is that you testify and you bear witness that there is no danger but Allah, that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and you establish Salah, and you pay zakat, and you observe the fast of Ramadan, and you perform hajj, if you are able to bear the expense of the journey. He the Inquirer said, You have told the truth.

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Put yourself in the situation. The Sahaba had never seen anything like this in their lives, somebody can come and ask a question. And he gives an answer. And the man says you have spoken the truth, which means that the person who asked the question knew the answer before it was given, then why is he asking the question?

00:33:37 --> 00:33:39

Samba was such

00:33:40 --> 00:34:00

a delana was asked, describe Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam space. And I said I cannot describe his fishes or why can't you describe the fish on Amazon seller? You spent so many years in the company. He said I spent time in the company of Rasulullah salam, but I never looked at his face out of other.

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So I cannot describe the face or never dare to look at his face. This was the lab and here was a man who came and not only did he look at Ross Ross Ross Allen, he addressed him directly as Mohammed, he did not say you're a surah Allah He came and sat with his knees touching the knees of the provinces. He put his hands on the thighs and

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never dare to touch them.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:36

And then the man asked the question and he testifies, the answer is correct. The Zara were absolutely flabbergasted. They were absolutely amazed Who is this man?

00:34:40 --> 00:34:40

Who said

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he said it amazed us that this man would behave like this that he would ask this question then he would confirm the answer verify the truth himself. He said we had never seen anything like this.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:58

And he said the man then asked a second question and he said inform me about a man

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He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied that you affirm your faith in Allah, in his angels in his books in his messengers in the day of judgment and you affirm your faith in the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala about good and evil

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and he the Inquirer said you have spoken the truth

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and the inquire there again said inform me about Ali son. And he Rasul Allah sallallahu wasallam said Allah Hassan is that you worship you pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala as if you are seeing him, for though you do not see him, he barely sees you. The Inquirer said, again, he affirmed this and he said, inform me about the hour of resurrection, when will it happen? Rasul? Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the one who is asked, knows no more than the one who is asking.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:22

He the Enquirer then said then tell me some of the indications of it. Tell me some of the signs of this day of judgment. And he sallallahu wasallam said the signs are that the slave girl will give birth to her mistress, and that you will find barefooted destitute goat herds, vying with one another in the construction of tall magnificent buildings.

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He the narrator Omar Al Khattab said, then he the Enquirer got up and walked away and disappeared.

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But I stayed with him the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for a long while, and he sallallahu Sallam then said to me,

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do you know who this Inquirer was? I replied, Allah knows Allah and His Messenger know best.

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And then he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said,

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that was jabril

00:37:02 --> 00:37:03

la Salaam

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

and he came to you in order to instruct you in matters of religion.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:13

He came to teach you your deen

00:37:17 --> 00:37:19

Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina, Muhammad,

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Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah,

00:37:24 --> 00:37:27

Allah, Allah, Mohammed, Mohammed.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:32

This is how do you say in Muslim?

00:37:34 --> 00:37:35

My brother and sisters,

00:37:36 --> 00:37:37

I want to conclude

00:37:38 --> 00:37:44

by saying that it is incumbent, it is compulsory, it is advisable.

00:37:45 --> 00:37:46

It is highly recommended.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:06

It is very wise and sensible for us to study the appeal, to understand the correct Islamic appeal, and to consciously believe in it, and to live by it on this depends our eternal fit.

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Make no mistake. Think about this. We spend a lot of time

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give or take a year or two about 15 years acquiring what we call our school education.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:29

By the time you graduate in standard or grade 12, you have spent give or take a year, 14 to 15 years in school.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:44

And you know, and I know that after that 15 years of full time dedicated education. If that is the only education you have, then you might get the job of a watchman nightwatchman in a building like this.

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That's all you will get.

00:38:49 --> 00:39:00

If that's the only education you have, that is all you will get, after spending 15 years full time. And depending on the school, you go through sometimes of fortune.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:08

When our children hit the streets, after graduating out of school,

00:39:09 --> 00:39:13

they are completely and totally useless to themselves and to all of mankind.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:24

And yet we never question is willing to give away a fortune to give education which is completely worthless.

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were passing the exam depends on momentary memory at a particular time.

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Our exams do not measure knowledge, make no mistake, our exams do not even measure memory. Our exams measure only recall

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at a particular moment.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:51

And yet we never question the value of this education.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

The reason I'm saying this is because I want to ask myself this question. You spend 15 years on an education which is what

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Even in this dunya and in the UK Of course it is worthless.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:10

How much time do you and I spent on learning about the correct aqeedah of Islam

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education which will benefit us in this dunya and which will ensure as insha Allah,

00:40:21 --> 00:40:26

Allah tala before Li wa karami genital.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:28


00:40:29 --> 00:40:31

how much time do we spend on that?

00:40:34 --> 00:40:39

As you are aware, we did a whole series are akiza here, all those lectures are up on YouTube

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go and watch them if you like.

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And other than sisters,

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why do we do this?

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The question that we have to ask ourselves is, what is the level of my appeal? What is the level of my yaqeen that I will die, that I will stand before Allah that I will actually be asked these questions in the cover that I have to actually answer these questions, what is the level of our key

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please understand

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that with the right withdrawn either all our actions have no meaning have no value, because they would have been done for someone other than Allah. You cannot work for somebody and ask payment from somebody else.

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The same rule applies, you cannot do things for others and ask the reward from Allah. It won't come.

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So, in terms of the question of Enoch,

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we have covered the first part of the which is the importance of Akira I have not given you a class on Akita it is not required I generated for you what is the Braille which is a complete composite description of what that is? For details, please refer to the sources that I mentioned. We asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live by this Deen to learn this deal. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to fill your lives with the Baraka of this Deen and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to illuminate you and your lives with the back of this Deen. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make your lives beacons of guidance for all those who come into contact with you. We ask Allah subhana wa

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tada to save you from all the trials and tribulations of this life and the next We ask Allah Subhana Allah to fill your war and the war of all those who went before you and who will come after we will know. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to save you from

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the questioning of the grave. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept your device to make you and get you close to Allah subhanho wa Taala so that every one of you is counted among the earlier of Allah so that Allah subhana wa tada will accept all your grace and Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with you and never be displeased with Allah la hora de Ville Karim Allah Allah. He was mine

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