Mirza Yawar Baig – Eid ul Adha 2024 Khutba

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The speaker reminds the listeners to be mindful of the spirit of the sacrifice they are about to make and to submit their faith to Allah. They also remind listeners to be mindful of the symbol of Islam, which is the mixture of the substance and the physical reality of the word. Finally, the speaker reminds listeners to be mindful of the importance of building relationships with Allah Subhan continuous.
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Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah,
as we are gathered here today
to listen to the Khutba of Eid ul
it would do us well to remind ourselves
of the spirit of the sacrifice
that we are about to make.
best or the best form of worship that
you can possibly do is the the
There is nothing that pleases
Allah more on this day.
The son of Adam does not do any
on the day of sacrifice, which is more
pleasing to Allah
than the sacrifice of animals.
In another hadith in in, Musa Adi by
and, in Ibn Majah, Imna Maja. Abu Warr
Allah, who and who,
that Rasulullah said,
whoever can afford to offer a sacrifice
but does not do so, let him not
pray approach
our place for prayer, the Idga.
If Allah
has given us the ability
then this is something which is worthy for
us and we must do it. My brothers
and sisters, I want to remind myself and
you that the meaning
of being Muslim is to submit to Allah
without question,
without argument,
without reservation
or hesitation,
to submit joyfully
and eagerly.
That is the symbol of our trust in
him, and that trust is what earns his
pleasure and his help.
That is why the iconic symbol of Islam
is the sajdah,
a state of total
and complete submission
and helplessness before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, a
symbol of total unhesitating
a symbol of total
trust and faith.
The life of Ibrahim, Alaihi Salam, is a
symbol of all these things. The reward of
and trust
is the nusrat
of Allah,
the help of Allah,
who is not subject to any of his
comes only and only from obedience.
Is the gift that Allah
to those who are obedient to him.
We cannot live a life of disobedience
and expect our hearts to be filled with
the and
Allah says it is neither their meat nor
their blood that reaches Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
but it is taqwa
from you that reaches him. Thus, we have
made them subject to you that you may
magnify Allah
for his guidance to you and give glad
tidings, oh Muhammad
to the Muslim world. Truly, Allah Subhanahu Wa
defends those who believe.
Verily, Allah does not like
any treacherous
and that is people who are
to Allah.
Every act of worship
has an essence
and a physical manifestation.
The manifestation
the physical manifestation
of Salah is the Qiyam and the Ruqo
and the Sujood,
but its essence is the Khusho,
the humility, the awe, the reverence, the concentration
towards Allah
The manifestation
of fasting
is to withhold ourselves
from everything
that breaks the fast from sunrise to sunset,
but its essence is Taqwa.
The Taqwa of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The
consciousness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in everything
that we say and do. The manifestation of
Hajj is Tawaf and
Sahih and standing in Alafa and so on,
but its essence
is honouring
the symbols of
Allah The manifestation of Dua is the raising
of hands
and the praise and the request, but its
is the brokenness
and the need of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The manifestation
of zikr
is saying Allah, Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah,
La ilaha illallah, Subhanallah,
and so on. But its essence is the
remembrance, the actual reverence and the love of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in what we are
saying when we say the
good. For on the day of judgement, I
remind myself anew that it is the hearts
that will be exposed
and only those who come with a heart
that is repentant and submitted completely and totally
to the will of Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
Kalbun Salim
who will be saved.
Let us, therefore, monitor our hearts as well
as our speech and actions.
My brothers and sisters, I would like to
remind myself and you that the Nusrah, the
help of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la comes only
to those who choose to be obedient to
Him, Jallajalagu.
And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta'ala provides
for them from sources that they could not
But all that is only for the muttaqoor,
the obedient, not for the fasihkur,
not for the rebellious.
Selective obedience
is disobedience.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said,
O believers,
enter into Islam wholeheartedly
and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan,
he is your sworn enemy. Now brothers and
sisters, in the kind of world we live
to build a relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is increasingly more important. Since you can
only give what you have, your responsibility
is twofold.
You need to build a relationship for yourself
as well as to create an environment at
home where there is concern
for Allah and this concern is voiced on
and worked on. A concern for the pleasure
of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Remember, you can only give what you have.
Only a lighted lamp can light the lamp
of others and illuminate the world. Remember
that when you and I are lying
with our breath stuck in our throats,
a time that will come upon every one
of us, man or woman, It is only
that connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala which
will help.
All your money and friends and power and
family and your politics and your
your willing and dealing will not be able
to do anything to help you even to
breathe easily.
They cannot make you live, and they cannot
even help you to die easily.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has said this
to us very clearly.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said very, very clearly
that when you are there with your breath
stuck in your throat and they are standing
there watching you dying,
Allah said,
They cannot do anything. We are there with
you, but we are not visible to you
or to them. So leave them
and obedience, leave obedience to them
and leave pleasing them by displeasing Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala and cling to the obedience of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala no matter who is
Remember that the only one who is displeased
with obedience to Allah is Shaitan
who sometimes looks like a human being. Ignore
him and recall the example of the ambiya
who we follow.
I would like to wish you all a
wonderful Eidurajah
and request you in the middle of your
enjoyment of eating good food and meeting relatives
and friends to spare a little time to
remind each other and remember
the true spirit of sacrifice that was here.
To remember and remind each other of Muslims
in other parts of the world who don't
have the means
or the safety
to celebrate this Eid. Muslims in in Gaza,
especially Muslims in Sudan, Muslims in Yemen, Muslims
in all over the play in the world
where they are not able
to celebrate
this great,
age of ours in safety like you and
I are doing here. I want to remind
you that many such people also live right
amongst us. Let us go and look for
them and bring a smile to their faces
and ensure that they have a good full
meal today
and that their children wear good clothes. May
be pleased with you and accept your worship
to all of you.