Karim Abuzaid – Reflections upon The Chapel Hill Shooting

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The speaker discusses the importance of having a history of history in order to build a successful life. They also mention a woman who lost her son to a gunman in a community and later passed away. The speaker emphasizes the need for history in order to build a successful life.
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I mean
Why should one Illa Allah what's the whole reason?
Why she had one number handmaiden.
sallallahu alayhi wa led or something he was
a lovely as well when I reflect upon
the parents of the three young men, young men and the two girls
who were shot
in Chapel Hill. I say Subhan Allah, what a great calamity.
If you actually choose
or look upon the greatest calamity that a person can be inflected with, is this one.
That you lose your own son.
Your own home.
schoolers they say, as normal Jessa
everman Bella,
the greater the calamity, the greater the reward.
gonna be a long one.
Call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Allah Subhana Allah Allah says,
when he was taken away or decreed just upon one of the children of a servant of his, he would say to the angels in heaven from Whoa, man, that
was my servant.
And they will go there and they will find the first thing and handle
then the angels will come back to Allah subhanaw taala Listen, Allah knows your
Allah will say
my service
occurred to me who felt the same
I took away from him a piece of his liver, and he's praising me. If no the average The engine was
built for him house in gentleman called the house. The house is
worth he sorted in an essay.
And then used to come and sit with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in his halaqa
and used to be your son with him.
And he used to play with him
in front of us who
asked him
Do you love him? Look the amount of love he has for his son.
We love you as much as I love my son.
A couple of days later his son passed away.
So he missed him.
So he sent for him. When he returned, what happened? My son passed away. He knew how much he loved his son so much.
And he said to him Allah Salva
within to be contented, satisfied that every time you want to enter agenda of the ad, your son will be ahead of you opening the gates for you.
Losing your child with a Boolean
at least this
in Chapel Hill still believes that his son or his daughter
possibly will go to the gym.
Because we can feel that
we don't decide who will agenda.
We don't
I was told about the brother who was killed in your community because they the brother was telling me when he got shot, he said it three times. Allah Allah Allah Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, Allah Allah Allah wa Mohammed hamatos hula Chateau La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah He passed away.
Amina Daniela Illa Illa ma Hua Jin, Yeoman Mina De
Luca, Masada medulin. Jen, you will go to them
but losing your child to the dounia your child doesn't believe in so he's
doesn't believe in Allah. This is what I'm talking about today.
I'm talking about giving up your child to be a victim
to this world.
Stop, reflect and do something about it. I love homeschooling as well. It's a fantasy emelina What's up with them and
Catherine? Allahu
Allahu Muslim, Muslim, and Muslim ina bellami Allahumma.
Me Islamic ID
in the notitia head
muslimeen Allahumma. glamorizing muslimeen What
was the nada de Leon? Allahumma
what has been our Sina taqwa Allah Medina who does and magazine Allahumma? Dena Divina
of Hulu.