Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #2 – The Believer vs. The Hypocrite

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss three parables and their significance, including the parable of the believer and the Diabet, the parable of the munafo and the Holy Spirit, and the importance of constant testing and hardship through trials. They emphasize the need for individuals to experience trials and experiences, as well as the importance of following the Prophet's instructions to deal with difficult experiences and trials. The speakers also discuss the use of words like "backs" and "backs" to describe tests and trials, as well as the importance of being a believer in anticipating challenges and endurance of evil.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala milania Allah, Allah He ultramarine

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what Allah Allah He was such a big woman today. He had he was standing up soon after he got to me Dean, Allah Allah aluminum and when Sabina Lambton I didn't really know what I

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was looking at the original adult

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minister Noonan Cola, una Sena rubbish rush Li soy dairy via Siri Amiri operetta melissani

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salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Last week we

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covered an introduction to the topic of

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the prophetic parables which basically refers to the parables that we find in the Sunnah, from the statements of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so we went through an introduction and then we started with our first parable. And that was the parable of the men, the believer.

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And how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam compared the believer to the date palm tree, and we mentioned and discussed how

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the believer resembles the date palm tree. Today we move on to two more parables.

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The first one that we have is

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the parable of the believer and the hypocrites

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or the believer and disbeliever. What is the example of the believer and what is the example of the munafo the hypocrite and the calf? That is brilliant.

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this hadith is found in Bukhari and Muslim

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it is agreed upon.

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And so in the version of cyan Buhari the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the authority of CAD or the logline

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and even ab usul Allahu alayhi wa sallam upon matter, Luna mini calahorra Mati miniserver

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to say he or her re humara with ID to hammer.

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One methylone Muna.

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Tell Rosati, latters Yoku in jianzhu hammer rotten wahida here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the example of the believer

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is that of a fresh tender

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which the wind it bends it sometimes. And other times, it makes it to be straight.

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And the example of the hypocrite is that of a pine tree,

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which keeps straight

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until once it is uprooted certain

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in the version of Sahih Muslim the Prophet Sal seldom he says metal will mean chemical harm it means

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to find you a hairdryer who knows what I did.

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To who Lou was, I don't wanna feel free metal zeti and Mooji de la de la.

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Yo coonan Jaya, more water wahida.

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The example of the believer is that of a standing planet.

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The wind sometimes shakes it, and sometimes leaves it raising it up.

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And then it comes to it's destined to end.

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And the example of the hypocrite is that of a hard standing pine tree,

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which is not affected by anything, but it is uprooted once and for all.

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In other narrations of the same hobbies, instead of munafo it mentions Catherine

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in other versions of this Hadith, instead of Al Muna, fix the hypocrite, it mentions the Catholic

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and so this heavy compares the believer to the hypocrites and the disbeliever

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in how each one they live their lives.

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And so the believer goes through tests and trials and tribulations that Allah subhanahu wa tada puts him through while the hypocrite and the disbeliever they don't.

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And so the example of the believer here

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Is that of a fresh

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that is soft and not hard.

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So when the wind comes, it causes the plant

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to sway to bend in the direction of the wind.

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Then when the wind goes away,

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it goes back to its normal position.

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Then when another wind comes,

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it bends it

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in the direction of the wind,

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perhaps it is in other direction.

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But the point is that this plant,

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it always bends in the direction that it is that it is taken.

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Regardless of the direction, it always goes in the direction that it is blown.

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And so basically submits this plant, it's submitted to the wind.

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And then, when it when there is no wind, it remains standing in its normal position.

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But this plant, it never gets uprooted.

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Meaning that

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it goes with the wind, and it remains as it is.

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And it doesn't fall.

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And it continues like this until the end of its life.

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So, how does this resemble the believer?

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In what way does this resemble the believer?

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The believer is constantly tested by Allah subhanho wa Taala in this life, suffering through different kinds of calamities, hardships, whether it be

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with regards to his physical health, whether it be with regards to his family, whether it be with regards to his wealth.

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Whatever the case, the believer is in constant trial

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and hardship.

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And so sometimes he lives in prosperity in good times.

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But other times he's living in adversity, tough times. It's all the tough times they resemble the plant when it is blown.

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And the good times it resembles the plant when when there's no wind, it's standing still.

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But how does a believer deal with these hardships and these trials and these calamities that he's tested with?

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He deals with them just like the plant without falling.

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by submitting,

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submitting to the decree of Allah.

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Allah has put him through this test he submits to him.

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He bends

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in submission just like the plant.

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When the wind blows, it submits. It bends in the direction of the plant or the wind.

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And it does not object and the believer does not object to

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the believer does not object to the cover of Allah. Whatever Allah has decreed, he submits to it. He accepts it. He does not object.

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He does not he is not stubborn, trying to fight against what Allah has decreed. Questioning Allah.

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Why have you put me through this test? objecting to the decree the color of Allah?

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How does a believer do this? What makes him to patiently endure through the tough trials of life and these tests

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by realizing that these are tests from Allah

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and Allah subhanahu wa taala only afflict the believers, with these calamities and these hardships for their own good

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and not

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because Allah wants to do us harm.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala never puts us through hardship.

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Because he does not want good for us but rather the opposite. He makes us to go through he makes the believers to go through the calamities that they go through in this life for their own good

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and this is the son of a wife

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Hannah Montana with regards to us human beings, the closest we are to Allah, the mortal lachesis.

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Sadly, bw will cost probably a lot more. He asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Yasukawa, who are the people who are most severely tested?

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Who are those people who who've had it worse.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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the MBR the prophets,

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the next best, meaning those who are closest to the profits,

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and then the next best and so on and so forth.

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And then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a person is tested according to his religious commitment.

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If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, he will be tested more severely.

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And if he is weak in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment.

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trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him. So what we learned from this hadith is that these trials are

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an expiation for our sins.

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When the believer hears this, it makes him to

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endure the tests of life.

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And so, this realization, it causes the believer to be patient, to persevere through even the most toughest ordeals and calamities, knowing

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that this is erasing lessons. This is

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preparing for me a great reward with a light

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as long as I remember and steadfast and patient through this adversity. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Now you'll see bill Muslim may not have been one I was holding. What I mean when I was

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when I

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had to show Can you share who had a lack of follow up?

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The Muslim is never afflicted with discomfort, with illness, with anxiety, with grief, with the mental worry, or even the pricking of a thorn. Even that small, you get pricked with a torn,

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it bothers you.

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But even to that degree, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, none of this happens except that Allah will XP, his sins on account of his patients.

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As long as he's patient, as long as he does not complain.

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And in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, and then he read aloud, he hi Ron, use him in

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there, whoever Allah wants good for him.

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He afflicts him.

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As long as a lot of what's good for you, you will be afflicted by Allah.

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If Allah wants Good for you, Allah will make you go through tests and trial.

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And that's why the prophets and the and the messengers, they went through the toughest, more than what anyone else can ever go through.

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Because they were the closest to Allah.

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And so these hardships calamities

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the trials, the tribulations of this life for the believer,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala afflict him with it, for his own good

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and the believer is like that planet, submitting.

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constantly going through trial and test but

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submitting not complaining not objective.

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So this is how the believer is like, that plant that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described as for other than the believer, the munaf if the hypocrite or the cafe, the disbeliever, then his example is that of a hard, firm, tall standing pine tree.

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The Prophet also

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described him as the pine tree

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That does not shake,

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nor is it moved by the winds.

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But instead,

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when Allah when, when Allah wills for this tree to come to an end, Allah sends a storm and

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this tree suddenly is uprooted.

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This is how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam describes the monastic and the cafe.

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So this could mean two things. Firstly, that the disbeliever enjoys this life and is not tested like the believer

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said the believer is constantly going through tests and tribulations.

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And that resembles the plant that when the wind comes, it moves, and then when the wind goes, it stands straight.

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And it continues to do this.

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So the believers are constantly in this trial

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and test whereas the disbeliever he does not go through those

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SOS tests and trials.

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But when his time is up, when the time is up for the caffeine or the moon effect,

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then Allah subhanahu wa tada seizes him,

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to taking him not letting them go.

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And then his eternal life will be one of misery.

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The second thing that it could mean is that the caffeine

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may be tested in this life.

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But his reaction is different than that of the believer.

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So the believers reaction, what is it? One of submission?

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The believer, how does he deal with the trials and tribulations of life?

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by submitting this is the decree of a lot, I submit, I don't object I don't complain.

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Just like the plant

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that submits with the wind.

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Whereas the calf ear

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he stands stubbornly

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in those tests, and those tribulations and those calamities, and does not take any admonition from them, it doesn't get him closer to Allah.

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So this is why the prophet SAW Selim compares him to the pine tree

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that stands tall and firm, not shaking.

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So when the calf is tried and tested,

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it doesn't shake him.

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He remains as he is.

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And read a story

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from one of the great scholars of Islam even harder or less Kalani,

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who was a great scholar of Hadith.

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And he was also call via Kovach. He was

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what you can call the chief justice, the head Judge of Egypt of his time.

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And one day he was riding on his carriage

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being pulled by horses.

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And the people were surrounding him.

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And he came across a Jew

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would sell oil.

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And obviously this juice, you know, being a seller of oil.

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He's not wearing the best of clothes.

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His clothes are stained with oil.

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And he's basically not in the best of state.

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So he stops.

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They've been huddled

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and he asks him,

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he says your profit

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he said

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a dunia I mean what general capital?

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That our Prophet sallallahu wasallam says

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that the dunya is the prison for the believer.

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But a paradise for the disbeliever.

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So he asked, this Jew is asking in hydrolysed colony

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How can I be

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In the state, I am humiliated, not having the luxuries of the dounia.

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While you are in the state that you are in,

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how could this be, if

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this is what your prophet has said.

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So, even harder, he says, he says to him,

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I am in a prison,

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in terms of what Allah has promised the believers with of reward and blessing,

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because the dunia compared to the alpha is nothing.

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So, in this dunya, I am in a prison compared to what awaits for me in the era

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of reward of luxuries.

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As for you,

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you are in a paradise in terms of what is prepared for you

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of punishment if you die as a disbeliever. Meaning that you are in a paradise, you have the freedom to do what you want, you're not submitting,

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to have loss of Hannah Montana, but you're living as you want.

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Not restraining yourself

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compared to what awaits you in the absence

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of punishment, and misery. So, it is said that the Jew was really affected by these words.

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And it was a means for him to accept Islam.

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And there are many lessons that we can learn from

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this Hadeeth and this parable that we have, among the lessons that we learn is, first and foremost.

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That part of being a believer is that you will be tested

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and try.

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And the more your religious commitment, the more your test.

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As a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that those were tried and tested the most are the prophets, and then those who are closest to them.

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And that the more your religious commitment, the more your tests will be. These are the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So the believer is it resembles the planet,

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the fresh tender plant,

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that when the wind comes,

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it blows it. This is the times of adversity.

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And then when the wind goes, it stands back up in its previous position. And these are times of prosperity for the believer.

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But times of prosperity for the believer are not always.

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But rather,

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he is always a believer is always between adversity and prosperity always between good times and tough times.

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This is the son of Allah. So Allah,

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he decided for regarding the believers that they will always be through this through these two states.

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The second lesson that we learned is that the believer deals with the calamities and the tests that are afflicted with by enduring patient

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by persevering

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by submitting not complaining, not objecting.

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That why did a lot do this to me.

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And objecting like the atheist, many people who become atheist.

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They become atheists because

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of this very

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phenomenon that they call the problem of evil.

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That How could there be a merciful, compassionate God?

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If people have to suffer

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and many people, they went through something in their lives, a very tough experience a calamity.

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And because of their weak man, they left Islam and they put the blame on that.

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And so they objected

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to Watson Hana.

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And so the believer, he realizes that this is a loss decree

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that can never have been avoided.

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And there must be good in it.

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There must be good

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for the believer, there must be good in it.

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And so when Allah subhanho wa Taala sends tribulations and calamities, he sends it for one of two reasons, either

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for our own good

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or as a punishment.

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And so for the believer, it's for our own good

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because Allah would never punish

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the best of human beings, his prophets and his messengers, and we learned that they were tested the most.

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And so the believer is satisfied by it and does not object to it, but rather hopes to be compensated for that hardship. In

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the third lesson that we learned is that the hypocrites

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and the disbeliever they live a life of enjoyment in heedlessness in hossler.

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But when their time is up,

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they are met with punishment

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being compensated for their rejection and for their heedlessness.

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So, the hypocrite and the disbeliever as a process that um said in this Hadith,

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that they are like that pine tree, it is shaped by the winds, but

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when its time comes up, it is suddenly uprooted.

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It is taken away in one goal.

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And that is basically the evil ending.

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The evil ending that

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the caliphate and the hypocrite are met with.

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And finally, among the lessons that we learned from this hadith is

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that the hypocrite and the disbeliever they may be tested with calamities in this life. No one denies that.

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Just like the believer, but it does not change them.

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With regards to the believer, it gets them closer to Allah.

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With regards to the caliphate, it doesn't get them closer to Allah.

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But rather they remain stubborn upon their conferred upon their ways, not taking admonition from these tests in these trials, so this is the parable that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Davis comparing the believer to

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the hypocrite and the Catholic

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