Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Quran – Parable #9 – The Birth of Isa

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The parable from the Bible suggests that Islam's desire to create Adam is a miracle, while the church's desire to create a woman without a father is also a miracle. The parable also points out that the church's desire to create a woman without a father is a miracle. The importance of understanding the parable for leaders is emphasized, along with debating with the right people and timing for the right time. The need for strong foundation and knowledge is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In ERISA, law he can utterly

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fall who mean to Robin

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nacala who

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is Smith Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Nanak milania Anna Alcala, he urged him while he was so happy woman he had he was telling me so Nettie laomi Deen alumni Lima in February

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when Fannie Mae alum Tina was it now from the shrapnel years, probably shortly surgery where Sally Emory wife Laurie, aka Dr. Melissa Hokulea. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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We move on to the next parable, which is in Surah Al e Imran,

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in verse number 59.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the parable and the similitude of the birth of a salary etc.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, indeed, the example of the ISA,

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in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam.

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Hall, aka Hulu to rob for call Allah who

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McCall Allah who confided, He created him from dust, and then said B.

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And there he was in existence.

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And so here a loss of Hannah, who would the highlight compares the birth of ERISA alayhis salaam, to the creation of Adam.

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And this verse

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comes in Surah, to add a Emraan

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among many verses,

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that were revealed when a delegation came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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from Niger on

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and so this was a Christian delegation who came to Medina in the ninth or the 10th year of the Hydra.

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And they came and they had public debates with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed many areas

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from Saudi Arabia and Iran.

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In response to the claims of these Christians, and that's why we noticed earlier Emraan Allah subhanho wa Taala talks a lot about

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the previous prophets

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like Sadie Salaam, and his birth, and also Allah subhanho wa Taala. commands a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to address annual keytab

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many of the ayat start with kuliah lol kita

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And so this verse, verse number 59, comes along with these verses.

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And so,

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among the things that these Christians had asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. They said, Why do you insult our companions?

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Meaning Why do you insult me Sally?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked them, What do I say?

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So they said, You say that he is a servant of Allah.

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And so this was their objection. They consider this an insult.

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So he said, Yes.

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He said, Allahu Allahu wa sallam said, Yes, he is the servant of Allah and His messenger. And the word that Allah breathed in Miriam, who was a virgin.

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So they became even more enraged.

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And so they said,

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Have you ever come across

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a human being who was born without a human father?

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And so it was here that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed

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this verse.

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In the method he said in the law

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msla Adam,

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kala Kahuna, Robson, makalah, who can

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indeed be an example of a reset in the sight of Allah is a God of Adam. He created him from dust. And then he said, We, and there he was. So in order to refute the Christians, Allah subhanho wa Taala brought an example, from something that they already believed in.

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And that was the creation of Adam, without a mother, without a father.

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This is something that they already believed in.

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So if Adam alayhis salam was created without a father,

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rather without even a mother,

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then why is it difficult to believe that? He said, he said, I'm couldn't be born without a father?

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And so their objection was?

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How can we accept that a human being is born, you know, comes into the womb of a female human being without a father. This was their question. This was something that they couldn't understand. Or it was, you know, what they were trying to justify their belief that arisa has a father, and their arisa is a son of a lot. Well, he has.

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So if Adams creation was a miracle,

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if the creation of the first human being was a miracle, since

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he came into being without a father, and without a mother, but rather he came into existence by Allah as a word couldn't be.

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And then there he was, then the birth of a salary his Salam was also a miracle, without the need to attribute to him a father.

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That's how simple the message that Allah subhana wa, tada wanted to get across to them.

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Not only that, but the Christians, they give their essentially his solemn divinity, because of his miraculous birth.

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So we say, based on this logic,

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Adam alayhis salam would be more deserving of divinity

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than Isa because he also does not have a mother, whereas

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he sadly, did have a mother.

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So this is another

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way of refuting the Christians, we say that

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you give, ie Sally has sent them divinity.

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And you say that he is a law or the son of a law, you give him

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attributes that only belong to Allah, divine attributes.

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Then you should say the same about Adam alayhis salam, but rather, you should give Adam and Islam more

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because he was born without a mother and without a father.

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And so this is the example that was upheld, of which Allah gives us here, the parable, the similitude, comparing the birth of Salah to the creation of Adam center, we have many lessons that we can learn from this area. Among these lessons is first of all,

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that Allah subhanahu attallah created our Isa it has Salaam in this particular way, in order to show us what Allah subhanahu wa tada is capable of doing.

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And that everything goes back to Allah has power to His will and to his decision.

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And so Allah creates what he wants, as he wants. And there is none who can stop a loss of Hannah who attalla from doing as you wish.

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And so this is why even Marian was shocked when the angel came and told her

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that you know, I am coming to you with the glad tidings

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of a son.

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You are gonna be pregnant with a son.

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So she was shocked. Call it Robbie. And now you're kulu Lee what I don't want me I'm zesty Bashar

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she said yeah, Rob,

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how can I possibly have a son

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when no human being has ever touched me? What was the response of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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baleka daddy killer who yo Lupo NIOSH

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Thus, a loss of Hannah who

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creates what he wishes,

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either cobalt and run for Indiana Yakuza who couldn't fire cool. If he decides a matter. All he has to say is B.

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And that's it. There it is.

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And so the lesson that we learned from this is

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the lesson that we learned from this statement couldn't fire cool

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is that everything is in the hands of a loss of Hannah, whoever had

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a loss of Hannah who was Allah can create things,

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according to

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the laws that govern this universe that he has created. Or if Allah wills, He can create things that are outside of these laws that govern this universe, and this creation.

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And so all he has to say is,

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in there it is,

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no matter how impossible, it may seem to us. The second lesson that we learned from this parable, is

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that the strength of an argument

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the strength of an argument, whose premise

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is something that is agreed upon by our opponent,

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its strength is stronger,

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then most arguments out there. And so if you're debating with an opponent, you should use an argument that

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is based upon a premise that they agree to.

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So for example, with an atheist, you're not going to

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say to him, that what exists, because look at these

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verses in the Quran, that prove his existence.

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You know, for the atheist, he doesn't agree on the fact that this

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is real.

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And so here, the Christians, they agree that Adam alayhis salam was born without a mother and without a father.

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And so this is why some kind of without a uses this particular analogy instead of any other. If Allah wanted, he could have given another example.

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or some other kind of argument.

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If Allah wanted, he could have, he could have said

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he doesn't have a son. And that's it. End of discussion, as a lot has mentioned in other places in the

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while I'm yet tested one identity,

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that he has not taken any son.

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But in the context of these are yet we understand that it was a dialogue and a debate that was happening. And so in a debate you need to use, you need to use arguments that are convincing.

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The third lesson that we learned from this parable, and this

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is the permissibility of debating with the people of falsehood

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by using convincing arguments that destroy their positions.

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However, what we should understand here is that debates should only be held at the right time,

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with the right people,

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and in front of the right audience,

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and also

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something very, very important. And that is, with the right people representing the Muslim side.

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So many times

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those representing the Muslim side of a debate,

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are not the best people to be debating.

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And so what happens is that the truth that we possess,

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ends up becoming diminished. And people leave from the debate.

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Having been convinced that falsehood is a truth.

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This is as a result of

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the wrong people getting up to debate.

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And so

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a Muslim who wants to debate he should have a strong foundation

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in terms of Islamic knowledge. At the same time, knowledge is insufficient without having skills for debating. That's why even taymiyah he has a beautiful statement. He says,

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Not anyone who has some form of knowledge is necessarily able to express it. You can be a scholar, but you may not have the ability.

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teach or your teaching skills are not as strong.

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He goes on to say, for knowledge is one thing and explaining it is another and debating with it is yet another and then refuting the arguments of the opponents is yet another thing. So these are four different things. Having knowledge is one thing.

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Being able to express that knowledge and explain it is another, and then debating with the knowledge that you have is another thing, and then responding to the opponents and their arguments. Having that skill and that ability is yet another thing.

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And so,

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this is a very, very beautiful lesson that we learned from the statement of intent.

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