Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Qur’an – Parable #36 – The Mushrik (Polytheist) vs. The Muwahhid (Monotheist)

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a parable that suggests that individuals are not all equal, and that comparison is impossible. It uses various examples and examples of parables to illustrate this. The speaker discusses the concept of multiple gods and the need for everyone to commit to their creed. The parable of Glorified being a lot above what one has achieved, and how one can claim it and try to dominate one, emphasizes the importance of humanism and forgetting about our creds, and reminds listeners to focus on pleasing others and not wanting to do anything for pleasure.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on to the next parable.

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We move on to the next parable and this is

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in Surah Zoomer

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verse number 29. Allah subhanahu wa tada says

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Bharat Allahu Mehta, Raja v Shoraka outta Shakira una hora

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de la jolla. Halle as we met Allah Al Hamdulillah

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Bill accelero Mila

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Allah subhanho wa Taala here gives us the comparison of

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the machinery

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and the way

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the mushrik who worships several gods and the Morehead the person of tawheed who worships one God. Allah subhanahu attallah says

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a lot of a lot met Allah. A lot presents a parable or a julienne fee for aka outta Sharky soon.

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A lot presents a parable

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a slave man

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that belongs to multiple disputing partners, meaning one slave is owned by several different

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by several different masters

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while julienne Salomon, Lee Roger

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and another man

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who belongs exclusively to one master,

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and then Allah says, healthiest we animate Allah.

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Are they equal in comparison?

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Are these two men are they equal? Are these two slaves with these two scenarios? Are they equal?

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It's a rhetorical question. The answer is obviously no they are not equal. So the answer law says Alhamdulillah. So All praise belongs to Allah, to whom Allah Allah moon, but most of them do not know.

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Right before this parable, Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke about parables

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and how he has sent every kind of parable in the Quran. what are called door opener leanness, if he had the Quran in Colima de la la jolla to the Quran, we have certainly set forth every kind of lesson, every kind of parable for people in this Quran, core and for so that perhaps they will be reminded la lomita Corona core and an Arabian or hora de virgin, la la mia chacun. It is a core and revealed in Arabic without any crookedness. So perhaps they will be

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yet Khun la la mia taco so that perhaps they will be conscious and fearful of Allah.

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And then Allah gives us this parable.

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Here, Allah subhanahu wa taala mentions the example of the mushrik. Allah compares him to a slave who is owned by several partners.

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If a slave ends up in the hands of more than one master,

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they share him equally.

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So he has to carry out the commands

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have all of them

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This one is commanding him to go and bring me this. The other one is commanding him to you know, come and help me with this. Each one is commanding him with something.

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there are times when it is impossible to obey the command of more than one

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because sometimes they will be commanding, you know, conflicting, contradictory commands, how will this lead be able to? How will he be able to please his masters?

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And so Allah gives us this parable to say look, this is how the mushrik is who worships several gods.

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he devotes himself to the worship of multiple Gods

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Can he please all of them?

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He can never please them all at the same time, and therefore

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Therefore, these gods will never be pleased with him.

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If they were truly, you know, gods, they will never be pleased with him,

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he can never please them, and they will therefore never be pleased with him. On the other hand,

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what is the example of the word,

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the person of tawheed,

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the person who only worships one God,

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He is like a slave who is owned only by one master.

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And so when a slave only has one master to serve, he has only one person who is commanding him. And he can therefore easily carry out his commands, and he could easily please him.

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So he knows that what is Master, he knows basically what his master wants.

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And he also knows how to please him.

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He's not confused, like the other slave, who has several masters.

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Or being one master, it's possible,

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trying to please Him is possible.

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He knows what his master wants from him. And he knows how to please Him. And so he is at peace,

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compared to the one who has more than one owner.

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Not only that, but because he is pleasing to his master. And his master gives him full attention.

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And he carries out the commands of his master.

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His master ends up becoming pleased with him. And his master, ends up becoming merciful towards him,

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takes care of him.

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When compared to the one who is shared by several owners, all of those owners are upset at the at the slave. He's not doing what we want him to do.

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Because he can't, they're not pleased with him. So they're not going to be merciful towards him, they're not going to take care of his needs.

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This is the example of the head, the one who worships one God, the one who worships a lot alone.

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Since he recognizes the oneness of his Lord, and devotes his worship to Him alone,

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then he is now deserving of the pleasure of his lords of Hannah who went to *, and he is deserving of the mercy of his Lord, and He is deserving

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of being taken care of by his Lord Subhana, who want to add,

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he obeys his Lord,

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because he's only

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listening to one set of commands and that is from Allah.

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He is not obeying anyone elses come in.

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And so his Lord becomes pleased with him. His Lord is merciful towards him, and his Lord will take care of all of his needs.

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And this is not, this is not in the case of the one who worships more than one God,

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who has several masters, several lords, and so he is not deserving of having any mercy, of having any pleasure of having his needs taken care of, because he hasn't pleased them.

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And he hasn't gotten their full attention.

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And so, this is the profound comparison that Allah gives us here. Comparing shirk to toe heat, comparing the person of ship to the person who

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is there any comparison between these two? What a beautiful comparison Allah gives us? And then Allah asks, Helier stoia and you must

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do these two scenarios.

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Are they equal?

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Are these two scenarios equal?

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There are two opposites, there is no way that you can compare ship to toe hate.

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There is no way that you can say that a mushrik is equal to a more hint that he caffeine is equal to admin.

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The two are never equal.

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And so

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Among the lessons that we learn from this parable is

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firstly, this parable is a logical argument against the existence of multiple gods or against the concept of shift, which is to believe that

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others besides a lot deserve our worship.

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This parable that Allah gives us is a logical argument against the concept of check.

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And so, the slave owned by several disputing masters will always be confused between because their masters you know, his masters will always give conflicting orders. Similarly, one who worships multiple Gods will never find peace between them, since each God will try to claim what it created.

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And this reminds us of a similar argument Allah gives us against shift and refuting

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the concept of their existing multiple

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God's law says, met to have a law in order to mean the law says Mehta has a law who Mean while adding one can ama who mean Illa

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Allah has never taken any children.

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A lot has never taken any offspring.

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Nor is there any god besides Him.

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Either Leatherhead kulu lamb mahalo aka, why Allah, Allah, Allah bow to him. And I doubt if that was the case that there are multiple gods, then each God would have taken, what it created would have claimed what it created, and they would try to dominate one another. Each God would try to dominate the other. Because the very meaning of a god is one who has full power and authority, one who has created everything. So if there are more than one God, if there are multiple gods, then each God will claim what it created, and will try to dominate and become you know, the, the dominant, the dominant God. So Allah completely refutes this idea here. In this verse subhana wa yamnaya seafood

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law concludes by saying, Glorified is a lot above what they claim.

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So whenever we hear

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of such things being claimed, about Allah,

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that he has partners, or that there are other gods besides Him, or anyone insults Allah, in any way we say so behind Allah He I'm your seafood. So behind Allah, He

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una Lu, one Kabira. Glorified be Allah, above what they try to describe him and above what they claim about.

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The second lesson that we learn here is that just like a slave with one master, can never be compared to a slave with multiple masters. Likewise, the wind, the person of tawheed, can never be compared to the machine.

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The person of tawheed can never be compared to the person of shift. That is why a lot concludes by asking how are we adding metadata?

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Are these two equal? Unfortunately, nowadays,

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even some Muslims want to say that, you know what, we're all equal. And they call for this concept of, you know, humanism. And for the sake of humanity, let us unite and forget about our differences. You are a Muslim, I am a Christian, you commit shit, I only worship a lot alone. We're all the same forget about these differences.

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So this idea of trying to unite the religions and forget about our credo fundamental creedal differences. This is a concept completely rejected by the Quran itself.

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As a lot asks here, are the equal

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the two are not equal. Why are you trying to make them equal? Finally, among the lessons that we learn here is that

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and this is a very, very important point I want us as Muslims to pay attention to because many times we think we are people of tawheed

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You know, we don't commit ship,

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we are saved.

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But yet tawheed is superficial for us.

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And it is not ingrained in our hearts.

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And so what causes us to diminish in our to hate

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and to remain unsuccessful and unhappy in this life

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is when we try to please and obey others.

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This is the lesson I want us to learn here. That what causes us to diminish in our towhead in our hearts, and to remain unsuccessful, and unhappy in this life is when we try to please and obey others, instead of trying to please and obey a lot alone.

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Many of us, we know that we're supposed to obey and please a lot alone.

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We know that.

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when our man is weak, you start trying to please others.

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And we'll be others even when it goes against the obedience of Allah and the pleasure of Allah.

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So the happiest people are those who focus, the happiest people are those who focus only on pleasing Allah. They are the happiest people.

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before you make any decision, ask yourself,

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ask yourself

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What does Allah want?

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Don't ask yourself, What do the people want?

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And this is the mistake we always make, before we make especially big decisions, we think, how will the people react to my decision?

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Will they be pleased or not?

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And so, before we make any decision, ask, let us ask ourselves, what does a lot one, not what do the people want. And so there will be people who will be unhappy

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at your decision.

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If you do it for the sake of Allah, yes, there will be people unhappy.

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But there will also be people who will be happy.

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And above all, a loss of Hannah who Allah will be happy with you. And as long as allies pleased

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and happy with you.

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Then it doesn't matter

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who is happy and who is not happy from among the human beings, because all that matters is pleasing Allah and making him happy. Because in the end, not only will Allah be happy and pleased with you, but he will make the people to become pleased with you. This is the promise of a law, that whoever

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strives to please Allah

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through obeying Him subhanahu attallah whoever does that,

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then not only will Allah be pleased with him, not only will Allah loves him,

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but this person will be granted acceptance by everyone on earth as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in an authentic hadith

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and so we ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to strengthen our tawheed in our hearts, and not to just simply make us people who

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believe in his oneness, and our people of tawheed

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outwardly, but also people have tawheed inwardly where we are devoted to Allah alone in our hearts, and not devoted to others, and trying to please others, we ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to forgive us our shortcomings and to forgive us our sins. With that we come to the end of this session. So hi, Nicola melby Hambrick she had to lie to Hitler and pesto fuuka tube he like, was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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