Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Qur’an – Parable #30 – The Deeds of the Disbelievers 2

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses two parables related to deeds, one about a shower in a factory and the other about a man in the heart of a believer. They compare the deeds to a desert with no life, and emphasize the importance of good deeds to benefit individuals. The speaker provides examples of parables and lessons learned from the parables, including the loss of hope and negative consequences of losing one's good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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After that we move on to the next parable,

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which comes after a few verses after this.

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And here we have two parables.

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And they are back to back verses.

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Verse number 39 and verse number 40, of sewer tunnel.

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And both of these parables are

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the opposite, the opposite of the parable of the light of Allah.

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And so we just spoke about the parable of the Lost lights light.

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And this is basically the light of a man in the heart of the believer. Now we look at the opposite of that. And that is the darkness, the darkness that the cafe lives in.

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And so, Allah subhanahu wa tada says, In verse number 39, of suta to know

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says here in verse 39, of sorts to note, as for the disbelievers, as for those who disbelieve,

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their deeds are like a mirage, in a desert,

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which a thirsty one, he thinks it is water.

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Until when he comes to it, he finds it to be nothing.

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Instead, he finds a law before him meaning in the hereafter.

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And Allah will pay him his due, he will recompense him in full and a lot is swift in reckoning.

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And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala compares the deeds of the kuffaar.

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He compares the deeds of the kuffar to a mirage in the desert.

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this parable is concerning basically the end result of the deeds of the kofod.

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And previously we took another parable, talking about the same thing, the same theme.

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What is the end results? What is the end result of the the good deeds that the kuffar do.

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And so the end result is that their deeds go to waste and they don't benefit from them in any way whatsoever.

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And this is the parable we have here. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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he compares the deeds of the disbelievers to a mirage in the desert.

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But this parable here, it is concerning the disbelievers who think that they are rightly guided

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the disbelievers who think that they are rightly guided in the next verse, and the next parable that we will take.

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It is the same thing the deeds of the disbelievers, but the disbelievers who are ignorant, and who don't know if they are rightly guided or not.

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But here in this parable, we are talking about the disbelievers who think that they are rightly guided.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala compares their deeds to a mirage in the desert. And so a mirage in the desert is what it means is basically it doesn't even have to be in the desert, but

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in the heat of the summer.

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Many times if you look in the distance,

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you were outside and you look in the far away distance, you can see what seems to be water.

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You can see what seems to be water. But in reality, it is not water.

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But simply an illusion

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is an illusion you are being deceived.

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But when do you find out that? Oh, it was only an illusion. When do you find

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you know this wasn't really water,

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you find out only when you come to it, and you find that there is nothing there.

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And so this is exactly how

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this is exactly how

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the kuffaar are, or anyone who is ignorant of the truth.

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This is how they are, whether they be disbelievers, or whether they be some Muslims who are misguided, who are, you know, indulging in different kinds of innovations.

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They think that they are upon right guidance. But when the realities become clear to them, and the veil of misguidance is removed, they see that what they had been upon of beliefs, and actions all along, was nothing but false.

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And far from the truth.

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Notice how awesome Hannah who Allah mentions that the Mirage is in an empty land,

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in a desert

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in a barren land,

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a loss of Hannah who attalla says

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we see it in

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levena cafaro Anna Lou, Casa Robin, basically it

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is basically

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a barren land, a desert,

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which has no life, no vegetation, no animals, no humans.

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And the Mirage is simply an illusion,

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no reality to likewise

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are the hearts of these misguided people.

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Likewise is their hearts. Their hearts are empty of the life of a man and the light of guidance.

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Also, notice how Allah mentions

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Yes, sir, boom, boom, and

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the thirsty person thinks that it is water, high tide, imagine a hula hoop. Until when he comes to it, he finds that there is nothing there. And so such a thirsty person, when he is in desperate need of something to quench his thirst.

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He comes to find out that what he had thought all along was water. That will quench his thirst he comes in, he finds that it's not water. Likewise, we'll be these people when they come on the Day of Judgment.

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At a time when

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they will be desperate.

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They'll be desperately in need of their deeds. But when they come they'll find that there's nothing here. There's no trace of their good deeds. As Allah says elsewhere, what Kadima? Ilana, I'm Illumina ml for jalna, who have a mentor, and then we will turn to what they had done of good deeds.

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And we will make it to become like dust that is dispersed before their very eyes, the rewards of their deeds will become reduced to particles, dust that is dispersed at a time

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when they are desperately in need of those rewards. So this is the example of the misguided person who thinks that he is upon guidance. This is the parable that Allah gives concerning his deeds that he does. Among the lessons that we can learn from this parable

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is firstly,

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there is no person upon false hood, who hopes for his false hood to benefit him,

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except that he will not find it benefiting him at a time when he will be in most in need of it.

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And so,

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those who are misguided,

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like we said, whether they be kafar

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whether they be misguided Muslims who belong to misguided *,

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or they follow at our end involved in certain kinds of practices and innovations that are contrary to Islam.

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While thinking that, you know, they are upon guidance, while thinking that the good deeds that they're doing are actually going to benefit them.

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And so on the day of judgment when they will come, hoping to find their rewards, they won't find anything.

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The second lesson that we learned is that any good deed that is not purified with a man any good deed that is not purified with a man and a claw sincerity.

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It is like a dead animal.

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What is the ruling concerning a dead animal? Is it halal or haram?

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When we say dead animal we're talking about alma mater.

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And so in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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four Vedas from eating and Mita hood Li Malika Mater

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alma mater is Harun what is a meter and meter is an animal that you find that is dead, you don't know how it died,

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it was not slaughtered

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in accordance to you know, Islamic rules.

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It may have been, you know, it may have died of an injury, it may have been killed by a predator whatever the case be.

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So it is held on for us to take that and to slaughter it and to cut it up and eat it. It's hard on

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any good deed that is not purified with a man is like alma mater.

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You cannot eat its meat, even if it is from the most delicious and the most precious of animals.

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And so your good deeds no matter how great they are,

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no matter how

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profound your good deeds are, if you did them without a man,

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meaning a casita, he performs good deeds, no matter how great those good deeds are.

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Or if you did it without a class

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and you're Muslim, and you did it without sincerity, then it's of no value, no matter how precious the deed may seem outwardly.

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The third lesson that we learned is

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that the end result of the 30%

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that Allah mentions here,

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the thirsty person who is in a desert, and you know, he saw what he thought to be water.

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And it was only a mirage. And so he comes to, and he finds out that it's not water.

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The end results for him is that he simply loses hope

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finding water at this particular moment.

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he says, Okay, let me move on. Perhaps I'll find water elsewhere.

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So he loses hope, temporarily.

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But then he'll move on

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and look for water elsewhere.

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As for the cafe,

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not only will his end result be that he doesn't find any reward for his good deeds.

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But on top of that,

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he won't have any chance to move on.

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Like the thirsty person in the desert,

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you won't have any opportunity to come back to the dunya to come with a man

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and good deeds.

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For him, he will face nothing but punishment

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and punishment that is eternal. We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to grant us a man and to keep us firm upon it and to grant us his loss in sincerity of intention

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with regards to our good deeds, and without we come to the end of

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with that we come to the end of this session

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and inshallah tada in the next session, we will move on to the next verse here in order to know the next parable.

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And that is verse 40. of sorta

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so panic along I'll be damned ik a shadow, like you know, Hitler and so fuuka were too late, was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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