Kamil Ahmad – Allahs Most Beautiful Names #33

Kamil Ahmad

AI: Summary ©

The speakers discuss the names of Islam, including Hadith, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha, Alaysha,
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala at Emanuel a Camilla Ania Allah Halal Halal Tilda, he urged Mehreen.

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While early he was Sufi women, their behavior was standing up sooner. Suniti he Eli Yomi Diem along the aluminum ion phenomena when Vemma alum tena was in

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Bucha majority I mean linear semi cola forget Tabby Aruna Sana what are their Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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Over the course of this, of these

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of these lectures, we've been going through

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the names of Allah subhanho wa taala, and grouping up the names that have similar meanings.

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And so several of Allah's names.

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They have similar meanings and can be grouped together under one team.

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As we neared the end

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of the names that we find in the Quran and the Sunnah, we have several names that

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don't really go together in terms of in terms of their meanings. And so

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from now on, we'll take those remaining names.

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And so, inshallah Jota will take approximately four names every,

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every Friday,

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that don't have any particular relation to one another.

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And so, today, the names that we have

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are al Haj Yi,

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a city,

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Al Jamil and Akbar Yip,

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Al, Howie, US city, l Jamil and octogon.

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Although out of these four names to you know they do do go together as we will see when we cover their meanings.

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And so,

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these names

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unlike many of the previous names that we have covered, none of them none of these four names are mentioned in the Quran.

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None of these four names are mentioned in the Quran. However, they are mentioned in various Hadith.

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So, Allah ye

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which is different than a hive

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Alhaj we covered previously in the very beginning we did and how you will consume and so Alhaj is the all living

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from a Hyatt

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and he is two years at the end. So he is only one year her and yeah and he is her and two years and this comes from the word and higher

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and higher.

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And so this name has been mentioned in

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into a hadith The first one is the hadith of yalla in omega or the Allahu found in Buddhahood and unnecessary.

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The Sunnah of the Buddha would unnecessary and graded as authentic question, Danny, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he saw a man who was bathing washing

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in a public area without without anything to cover himself.

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So he did not he wasn't wearing any Tsar or any lower garment.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam God on the member

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praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and said in Allah azza wa jal her Yun city run you should will hire our sitter, you should will hire our setter for either test to confirm your status

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that Allah is happy

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and he is seated.

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So whenever one of you washes takes a bath, let him to cover himself let him to cover himself.

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So this is the first Hadith the second hadith is the hadith of Salman Rushdie Allahu I'm

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found in Abu Dawood and ultimately also greeted as being authentic by Chef Alberni, and this is a Hadith that we previously took

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because there is another name in this hadith and that is Al Karim

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al Karim.

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And so in this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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In the Quran, how ye you'll carry

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your stash even Abdi, Rafa de la, and Yahuda who now so for

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that your Lord is how you

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And Kareem generous

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and he is ashamed

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to turn away the empty hands of his servant when he raises them up to him.

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And so we spoke about this hadith previously.

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So these are

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the Hadith where Allah's name he is mentioned as a city.

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It is mentioned in one Hadith and we've already mentioned the Hadith.

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So the Hadith we mentioned,

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where the prophet saw some saw a man bathing in public without anything to cover himself. And then he got on the member and he said, in Allah azza wa jal Hayyan CityLab

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so this is where citied is mentioned.

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As for Al Jamil Allah's name Al Jamil

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it is mentioned in the hadith of Abdullah bin Masaru Dorthy. Allahu Han

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is mentioned two Hadith. The first is the hadith of Abdullah bin Massoud found in Sahih, Muslim

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ly the halal janitor and Kenneth he called me he

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missed call Buddha Ruthenian Qaeda

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that none will enter Jannah who has an atom's weight of Kibera of pride in his heart?

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So a man he asked Yasuda Allah What about a person who likes to wear fine clothes and fine shoes?

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allaha Jammie loon you had been gentle.

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While keep rubab total shock, wantonness.

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He said

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as if to you know basically a prove that there's nothing wrong with wearing fine clothes.

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He said that Allah is beautiful and Jamil and he loves beauty,

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but rather pride and then he defined what pride is said pride is to reject the truth. When the truth comes to you to reject it, because of your pride.

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And this is like the, you know, the Cofer of courage. Who many of them they disbelieved, even though the truth was clear to them, Why out of pride out of arrogance.

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So this is rejecting the truth and the other thing that the Prophet SAW Selim mentioned, as being coming under Kibber is despising people

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to reject the truth and to look down on others.

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And so this is Allah's name Al Jimmy.

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Actually, it's only one Hadith. This hadith is the only place that is mentioned. The other name that we have is up by him

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up by YouTube and that is found in the hadith of Abu Huraira Ravi Allahu hang in Sahih Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allahu Allah Yebo

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la Yakubu in La Plata Yeva that Allah is tube. He is good. And he does not accept anything except good.

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And then he went on to say

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in Allaha, Amara meaning amaron mousseline

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so call it a holla Are you help a Russell Kulu Minocqua Ubatuba Anna Lou saleha Wakata Alia are you letting ermine and chromium Thank you Betty Mara models are Conoco.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah has commanded the believers to do that which He has commanded the messengers.

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And then he recited these two areas. The first is all messengers, eat of tiger that eat of good wholesome foods and

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do good deeds. And Allah commanded the believers with something similar, or you who believe each of the lawful things that we have provided for you, Hala.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said after that

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some Zakuro Raju up to suffer a shatter as Berean would do yoga healer Santa Arab Arab will not haram OMA shabu haram Romilda su haram o dia de

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Quran and Eustacia Bula the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then mentioned a man

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who haven't traveled very far.

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And he is in a messy, untidy and dusty condition.

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So you could see, you know, the need of this man.

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He's in need of the Mercy of Allah and the help of ALLAH.

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So he spreads out his hands to the sky saying yeah, Arab Arab, making his dua. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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why while his food is haram, his drink is haram. His clothing is haram and he nourishes with haram. So how can he be answered?

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How do you expect that Allah would accept his dua?

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So what this hadith teaches us,

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is the beginning of the Hadith in the lucha de Eban la Yakubu Illa Yeva, that Allah is good and pure. And he only accepts that which is good impure, and that's why such a person has to I will not be accepted.

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So these are the four names, what do each of these names mean? First of all, Alhaj, Alhaji and Hawaii it means that Allah is modest. So it comes from a higher, which means modesty

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or shyness.

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And so when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala being described as such, it is we say it is in a manner befitting his majesty.

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So it is not like the modesty the shyness of human beings,

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which is

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a feeling of shame,

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which is a feeling of shame. When you're afraid that you're going to be criticized for something for doing something that is

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blameworthy in the eyes of the people.

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So you don't do it in front of them because of that, because of that shyness, that modesty.

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But that is not the case with Allah subhanho wa taala. When we say Allah is modest, that he is shy, it means

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in a manner befitting himself not like us human beings. And so his modesty and his shyness is that he doesn't do

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that which does not suit

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hid the vastness of His mercy

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and His generosity.

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He doesn't do that, which goes against the vastness of His mercy

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and His generosity, like, not answering the dua of the believer when he

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when he when he puts his hands up to make dua, as mentioned in the Hadith.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that Allah is shy, and then explaining that shyness, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he feels shy, or he is shy not

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to answer your DUA. He Is he is he feels ashamed to leave you empty handed, even though he is so merciful, and so generous, and everything in this world belongs to him. So it is not suitable that when the serving asks that he doesn't give. So that's the meaning of the modesty and shyness of Allah.

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As for a city,

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it comes from the word setter, which means to cover, to conceal, to hide.

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And so it means the one who conceals the one who covers and hides, and does not expose his believing servants when they sin.

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And so this comes from

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His mercy and His kindness.

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Even though we sin, day in day out,

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and in order to sin, we use the blessings of Allah

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and so we're in need of Allah.

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And yet Allah is not in need of us, nor is he in need of any of our obedience, yet.

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Yet he is kind enough to us to cover our faults

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and our sins and He does not he is not quick

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To punish us, He gives us time

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he covers our faults our sins, He gives us chance after chance to repent and to fix our wings.

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So, this is Allah subhanahu Attallah a city.

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As for Al Jamil, it means it comes from Janelle which means beauty.

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And, and so it means the beautiful one. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is beautiful.

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And as even NACA Umrah Hema Hawa Jota Allah he says,

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the beauty of Allah, his German is

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at four levels,

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at the level of his very self, his very being,

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at the level of his attributes, His SIFAT,

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at the level of his actions, and at the level of His Names.

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And so, the beauty of Allah covers all of that, he is beautiful in and of himself.

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And all of his names and attributes and also actions are beautiful, from every angle from every perspective. And then he goes on to say, talking about the beauty of Allah, in terms of himself, his own self, his being, he says, It local him says, As for the beauty of his, that his very being, it is something that none can perceive except Allah Himself, no one besides, Allah knows of it. And whatever we have, of knowledge,

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whatever we have, of knowledge concerning Allah and His beauty, are mere definitions that Allah has shared with those he has honored from among His servants.

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So what this means is that Allah subhanho, wa taala, his beauty is real, we cannot deny that.

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it is something we cannot perceive, we cannot even imagine. It is beyond our human imagination and the capability of our intellect to perceive.

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So this is a Jimmy,

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as for aka YouTube, it comes

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from the word of by YouTube,

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which means that which is good and pure,

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that which is good and pure. And this is from all aspects from all respects from all angles. And so that includes the goodness in terms of his, his very being, as we said, and his names and His attributes and His actions. And so this means that Allah subhanho wa Taala is free from every imperfection and from every defect.

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That's because the opposite of good and pure is what

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the opposite of good and pure is bad.

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you know, something that is tainted,

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something that is defective.

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And so because Allah is a plugin, nothing comes from Him except that which is legit.

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And so a lot is a source of all good.

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Nothing comes from Allah except that which is good.

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No evil comes from Allah.

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And that's based on the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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well, how you ruku ba Derek was short realize that you like that good is in your hands all good is in your hands, oh Allah and evil is not attributable to you.

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because Allah is up by him,

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because of the fact that that is who he is. Whatever comes from him is going to be good.

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So that includes everything that he has legislated.

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Everything that he has decreed. It is good for us even if there are certain things that He decrees that we may not see the good in it, but it is there

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and it also means that nothing goes back to him except that which is good.

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So whatever comes from him is good and whatever goes back to him is good.

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And that's the meaning of the Hadith.

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In the LA Times

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A LIE Yakubu Illa Jeeva. Now Allah is good.

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And he doesn't want anything except that which is good. Yeah honey from us, He will not accept anything from us unless it is good. So that includes actions that includes words.

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That includes dua, as mentioned in that hadith

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of that person who, you know, his entire

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life is in Haram. And then when he makes to art, it gets rejected because

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it's not coming from a good source.

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Also, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, ie also I will tell you more per year,

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that good words, elevate to Allah they go to Allah.

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So only good, goes back to Allah subhanho wa taala. All right, we'll move on now to the lessons that we learned from these names of Allah.

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The first lesson that we learned from, from these names and this is a lesson that we learned from all of these names together combined.

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And that is not only these four names, but in general,

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all of the names of Allah,

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but especially these four names, and that is

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that the names and attributes of Allah can never be perceived or comprehended fully by us.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is a heavy

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and he is a city

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and he is a Jamil and he is a third year all in ways

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that be fit him that are suitable for him.

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And so these names and their attributes,

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have meanings are unknown to us.

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They have meanings that are known to us.

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And we've spoken about the meanings

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but their descriptions and their details

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are not known to us.

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And it is something that we can never comprehend. So we have to differentiate between

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these two things,

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the meanings of Allah's names and attributes, and

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the house, the descriptions, the details.

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And so each name and attribute of Allah has a meaning that is not us to say that we don't know the meanings, is to say that Allah has revealed the Quran in words that don't have any meanings.

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Whereas Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout the Quran tells us that He has revealed

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a book that is clear.

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Why would Allah subhanho wa Taala tell us about himself

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in terms that don't make sense to us,

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that are void of any meanings.

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So that's why we say that the names and attributes of Allah have meanings that are known to us. What are those meetings? Those meanings are what is apparent

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as defined in the Arabic language,

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as we have explained.

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So there are people who say that

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the names and attributes of Allah don't have any meanings that are known to us.

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They say we leave that knowledge to Allah. So then the question is, what are you worshiping and who are you worshiping?

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And what is the point of Allah subhanho wa Taala telling us about himself, throughout the Quran, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling us about Allah, if those names and attributes have no meanings, but we say yes. When it comes to

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and giving details, that is where we say we have no knowledge of and we're not allowed to delve into that.

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That is where we say we're not allowed to delve into.

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And so the house are only known to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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As Allah says, Lisa, chemically he shaped there is nothing like him.

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And so whatever you imagine of Allah, Allah is far above and beyond imagination of yours.

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Why? Because there's nothing like that includes your imagination.

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The second lesson that we learn

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From these names is

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that these names should help us to develop a love for Allah subhanahu ATOD in our hearts

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because of what Allah does for us.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is a heavy

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and because of that modesty and shyness, he doesn't turn our do as away. He doesn't. He doesn't leave us empty handed.

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And he is a city

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covering up our faults not exposing us, naturally, you're going to develop a love for Allah subhanho wa Taala when you learn the meanings of these names.

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The third lesson that we learn, and this is from Allah's Name, and Huggy

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is to be modest and shy ourselves

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to be modest and shy,

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first and foremost with Allah

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in the sense that you don't want to be in a state

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that is displeasing to Allah, when Allah is watching you, and when Allah is Seeing you, and Allah is aware of everything that you're doing, and where you are and what state you're in, what condition you're in. You don't want to be in a state that is displeasing to Him.

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And this is something that only a person of Eman can feel.

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Only someone who has Iman in his heart will feel shame when he commits a certain sin.

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Where does that shame come from? It comes from his realization

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that Allah was watching me.

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You know, while I was in this state in which he is displeased in which he is displeased with me, and he doesn't like you.

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So that feeling of shame

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and higher and modesty, first and foremost with Allah, secondly,

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with others

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in the sense that you do not want others to see you in a shameful state.

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And this modesty, this kind of modesty is one of the levels of Eman

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke of, in the Hadith

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of the branches of Imam when he said that Eman has over 70 Odd branches. The highest of it is saying that Yoda in Allah and the lowest of it is to remove something harmful from the path. And then at the end of the Hadith, he said

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we'll hire who should have a terminal email. And higher or modesty is a branch of email.

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However, this shyness and this modesty

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it should be one that is balanced and measured.

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And so it should not be a shyness that prevents one from seeking knowledge and learning.

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As Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the law, hilarious to him, you know,

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Allah is not shy or ashamed of the truth. The truth should be spoken, and the truth should be taught, and the truth should be learned.

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Shyness should not prevent us from learning the truth.

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As that's habia she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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using the same words. She wanted to ask something she wants to gain knowledge of the ruling of Allah concerning something. But it is something that naturally we're shy to talk about, and especially a woman. So she comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that Allah is not shy of the truth

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in Allah hilarious to human and

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and then she asked her a question, her question was that if a woman

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has a * does she have to perform Oh, sir.

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So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam obviously answered, Yes, she has to but the point here is what we learned from this is that shyness, this higher that we have, it should be balanced, shouldn't be measured, and it should not prevent us from

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from learning about our deen also. It should not

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It should not prevent us

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from worshipping Allah

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or obeying Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Like those who are ashamed of going out

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in the public, in the society, showing that there are Muslim,

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or, you know, a sister who says, I don't want to wear hijab, because, you know,

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I'm shy of what my friends will say, for example. So, this shyness, should not prevent us from worshipping Allah and obeying the commandments of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so this is what was named, and he teaches us

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the fourth lesson we learned from Allah's name, a city.

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And so, this name, which means the one who covers the one who hides our faults, it teaches us

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to cover and conceal.

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our own faults and our own sins, and not to expose ourselves when Allah has covered us.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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in a very famous Hadith

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Kulu, Marathi mu alpha,

00:31:31 --> 00:31:33

il mudra. He wrote that,

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every one of my of my own that he is forgiven

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except those who expose their sins, or they do their sins publicly, with no shame.

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And then he gave an example. He said, A man who commits a sin at night,

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which Allah has covered for him. Nobody knew about it. And then in the morning, he comes and he tells the people last night I did such and such, while Allah had kept it a secret,

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and shoot and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, during the night, Allah had covered it up, but in the morning, he tears up the sitter of Allah.

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He tears down the curtain that Allah had, had placed and provided him with.

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And so the first

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thing is to cover our own sins. The second is to cover and conceal the sins of others, and the faults of others. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men, Cetara Muslim men Cetara Hoo, hoo, Yeoman Korean, the whoever covers the faults of his brother of a Muslim.

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Allah subhanahu Attallah will cover him on the day of judgment.

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And so we're not supposed to go around

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talking about others and their sins,

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exposing them when Allah subhanho wa Taala had covered them. However, there are exceptions to this. There are exceptions that are relevant mentioned, like people who are facade and evil.

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And so they should be warned about, about their evil.

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Other exceptions that are mentioned. But in general, the rule is that we're not supposed to expose the sins and faults of others. The fifth lesson that we learn is that Allah subhanahu Attallah being a city

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is not only in this dunya, but also in the era.

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And so we mentioned

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that Allah being a city means he covers our faults. And what we understand from that is that he doesn't expose us to others.

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We do certain things and Allah covers us and doesn't expose us in this dunya but also in the accurate and this is taken from the Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says

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that each one of us will come near to Allah subhanahu Atana on the Day of Judgment, Allah will bring us nearer to him on the day of judgment, He will bring us in his shelter, and in his screen, his veil

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away from the eyes of the entire creation.

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And then he will ask us, did you commit such an such sin?

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And so we will say yes. Then Allah will say, Did you commit such and such sin? And we will say yes. And then Allah will make us tick

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confess all of our sins. And this is obviously for the believers.

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And then Allah will say, I screened and I covered them for you in the dunya. And today, I forgive you, for them on this day.

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And so, Allah subhanahu wa taala will cover our faults not only in this dunya, but also on the day of judgment. And this all emanates from the mercy and the kindness and the generosity of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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To those who deserve it, to those who deserve.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:46

The sixth lesson that we learned is that a city teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala has been kind enough to us

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by covering us

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by not exposing our faults.

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But that does not mean that we persist in sin.

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We should not learn from this, that

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Allah subhanahu Attallah is the most kind, and I can now do whatever I want, he will continuously cover me and not expose me

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with that hope.

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And then forgetting about fearing Allah.

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And so that's why

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fear and hope have to go together.

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And we should not

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leave too to one side more than the other. So we should not lean to the side of hope to the point where we no longer fear Allah nor should we lean too much to the side of fear. Where we fear Allah to the point where we lose hope in the Mercy of Allah

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and so we have to balance it.

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And so Allah subhanahu Attallah covering us

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should make us fear

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that if we continue and persist in our in our ways, then a day will come when he will no longer cover us and He will expose us

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and so he's given us time.

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He's giving us chance after chance. Let us not delay our tilde until it is too late.

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From the name Al Jamil we learn

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala is beautiful

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and there is nothing more beautiful than him.

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And this is as we mentioned a beauty that can never be explained

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a beauty that we can never imagine with our minds. But it is only something that we will be able to witness

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in the era

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and this is the belief of a husana will Jana that

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we will see Allah subhanahu ATOD with our Imams

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as Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned in the Quran

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and this is why the true believers they look forward to that day

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and they look forward to the day in which they will see Allah

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as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he mentioned in a dua of his

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he mentioned several things that he asked Allah for and among these things is where as a Luca love that and nobody you know when she tell Carrie will show you daddy Karthik that all I ask you

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for that delight in that that joy of being able to see you

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and the joy of meeting you. So it's something that the believers look forward to. And it's something we should ask Allah subhanahu italiana for

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also we learn and this is the eighth point we learned from Allah's Nima Jamil

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to keep ourselves clean, and looking beautiful.

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In the la hija, Milan, you hit Bucha man, Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty.

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But obviously that should be within the limits that Allah and His Messenger have allowed us

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not going beyond the limits,

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especially for women showing their beauty to those who Allah has forbidden

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and so when we say that we should not expose our beauty,

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it when we say that it means to an extreme

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and we shouldn't go into extremes and

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you know, become extravagant in beautifying ourselves.

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That's one extreme the other extreme

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is to not take care of your cleanliness and not, you know not

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not keep yourself clean and looking good and beautiful.

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So there's a balance. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves to see the other of the Niyama that he has given us, upon us.

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In Allah you Hibou as our Nana IBT He,

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Allah loves that we show that we show

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the traces of his knee ama that He has blessed us with.

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Finally, the last point that we'll mention, concerning Allah's name by YouTube, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala only accepts that which is good. That's what we learn from this name of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala only accepts that which is good as mentioned in the Hadith, in Allah, but you won't lie your Quran will Delta yerba, Allah is good and he only accepts that which is good. So this includes

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all good deeds. It includes words, it includes actions, it includes our do as

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and includes our sada caught.

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So whatever we do for Allah subhanahu Attallah it has to be from good sources, it should not be from haram sources.

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It should not be from haram sources. That's with regards to spending and sadaqa. If we want it to be accepted by Allah, and our do as as mentioned in that hadith,

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of that man who makes to her and yet, you know, his income and his source of income is from Hara.

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And only good words elevate to Allah. And only good deeds are accepted by Allah. This is what we learned from Allah subhanho wa Taala being a pioneer, we asked Allah subhanahu Tirana to accept from us our good deeds we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to allow us to gain understanding of His names and attributes and to apply them in our lives. Subhanak Allah who will become the shed will learn learned still Furukawa to Blue Lake wa Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Al-Hayyi, Al-Sittir, Al-Jamil & Al-Tayyib

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