Kamal El-Mekki – Life of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal #03

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the importance of personality and staying in extreme poverty to avoid becoming a princess, as well as the use of "bringing" and "comeing," as examples of words used in media and media outlets. The history of Islam, including the birth of Islam by the ruler and the creation of the Bible by the second half of the century, also touches on the importance of testing judges and people for their actions. The challenges of working from home during the pandemic are discussed, acknowledging that the impact of the pandemic on personal lives is uncertain and that the workforce is still in a difficult situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam O Allah casola workato misma la hora Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. I mean, while he was talking

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about so this is the third part of the life of Muhammad Rahim Allah. I wanted to start like last week with some quotes about the Imam.

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This is from a man.

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His name is our best adoree. He said Ali bin Hazara, he was our neighbor, he narrated to us saying my mother, Okay, listen to the story. He says My mother has been unable to walk for about 20 years. Then one day, she said to me, go to Ahmed Nanban, and ask him to make the offer me. So I went to him and knocked on his door. And he was in his entrance hall. So he said, Who is there? And I said, a man whose mother has asked him to ask you to make the offer her she is crippled. So I heard him reply from inside the house. I heard him reply, like he was angry. And he said, we have more need, that she should make the offer us and we're more in need of her daughter. And he's so upset that,

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you know, you come to me thinking like my daughter's answered or that I'm such a righteous man. I'm more in need of her daughter. So I left and then an old woman came out and said you have left him meaning Mmm. And so someone from his house on old woman came out and she said you have left him and he is making dog for her. So when I came to our house and knocked the door, my mother came out to me walking. mm at the hubby Rahim Allah, the great scholar. And with that he said, this is this event is reported from a bus by two reliable narratives. It's related and narrative from our bus of duty, the narrative here the guy who tells the story from two reliable narratives.

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This is a quote from the great scholar, he said, I have not seen the likes of Ahmed and we have accompanied him for 15 years like I've been with him for 15 years. And he never boasted about anything from the good which has been which he was characterized with any any of the good that Allah gave him. And if the good mannerisms, anything, he never boasted about it or showed off, showed off or spoke about his good characteristics or anything of that sort of good luck. Mohammed said, this is the son of Mr. Muhammad. He said My father used to recite a seventh of the Quran every day and he would sleep briefly after a shot, then he would wake up and pray and make da until fudger. This was

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these were his acts of worship. Now

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another quote Abu Bakr Al maruthi, he said Abdullah would not behave ignorantly and if anyone treated him ignorantly then he would have patience and he would overlook it and he would let it go and say, has to be Allah. Allah suffices. He was not a person who bore grudges, and was not hasty. That's his description. He didn't bear grudges. And you'll see this later, that he forgives the halifa who beat him and put him in jail and all that you'll see it. Charla, he was very modest and have good character. And he would always have a cheerful countenance and was gentle and affable. Yeah. And he, he was friendly, good natured, which is interesting that, you know, as we describe how

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religious he is, you might imagine him in your mind to just be someone who's just always like this always frowning, you know, but he was actually had was very friendly. He had good character, he had good nature, and he would always have, he would love for Allah sake and hate for Allah sake. If someone if something pertained to the religion, he would become very angry, and he would put up with the harm caused by neighbors. So if neighbors harmed him, he would just, you know, be patient with that he wouldn't retaliate against his neighbors.

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So it's very important that people think the religious person is the person who has a frown. And you see this a lot, especially as you travel, you see that people think religiosity is about frowning is about not laughing. Oh, and they're here, but this Imam, his nature, he used to not laugh much. Okay, but in tomato tomahto that's his nature. He didn't laugh much. So you have to be like him, you know? And the vasila described what kind of harsh and Bashan natalka Hola, makishima. You know, he was easygoing and friendly and, and you don't see him except that he's smiling. This is the Prophet sallallahu sallam, or so if you hear about the scholar who didn't smile, for example, and there were

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some people like that, that's their nature. All right, but you're commanded to follow the Prophet sallallahu said, and especially young people pay attention because young people think being religious

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just you know, you can't laugh. don't enjoy yourself. Don't have fun, expect death, expect death, but smile and expect that expect death while you're smiling. You know, this is a true story one time I was at a conference many years ago. And a young man comes to me at the end of the lecture pulls me aside and he says, He says, How do you smile? What he means is how can one smile? He says, How do you smile?

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I don't know. What do you mean? If you asked me today? How do you smile say, pull this chick this world pulled this chick this way? Show your teeth. You got a smile. So what do you mean how this one? He said how can a person smile? Knowing death? And the grave? And the al-hurra? How can you smile after knowing all these things? I said abubaker smile. rodilla a worker smiled Omar smiled Earth man smiled Ali Baba Ahmed, may they all smile The prophets are seldom smile The prophets of Allah, Allah, Who are you telling me like you've reached another level where you constantly remember that to the point that you don't, you can't laugh, you can smile. So if you're at that point,

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religiously, I don't want you to remove yourself from that point where you always remember that's good. That's actually good. And it helps you have Taqwa and obedience to a large budget, but you still have to smile. And that won't stop you from smiling. Anyways,

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this is now saw the son of young man, he said, I often heard my father recite certain guff. And I often heard him say, Oh Allah, keep us safe, keep us safe. These are just glimpses. These quotes just give you more of an idea of the personality of Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah and maruthi. He said, I saw about Abdullah and I think by by this point, we know when we say about Abdullah, we mean Mr. Mohammed Mohammed Rahim Allah, I saw about the law standing in prayer with his due portion of recitation for about half of the night until close to fudger. And I saw him praying in the time between Europe and Asia. So not just long prayer at night for PM, but also between McGregor and

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Russia, he would stand and he would pray for a long time. And we mentioned how he saw some of his influential teachers doing this they would pray during the day and at night, not just at night, and they wouldn't neglect the prayers as well. And you'll see this in the biography or the biographies of many of the scholars to Fianna thodi Rahim Allah. He went into sujood after McGriff saw his praying his knuffle prayer after Maghrib, he went into sujood. They said some of our so he never lifted his head until they called the other end for

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till they call the run for Asia. So that's one long sides of the reason I'm laughing, is that one time I said this told the story to a group of young students. And one of them said we were at MSG at one time. And we were sitting in the back just chit chatting us some young guys talking, talking, talking. He said we saw this uncle going to salute. And he stayed Institute for a long time, and like half an hour or I don't know, maybe 20 minutes or 15 minutes. He's Institute. So then suddenly, we stopped talking, we just noticed him he never got up from salute. So one of us had someone could go check on him, in case he died in his suit or something died in his slot. So he says when I got I

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went to him. When I got close to him. I heard

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he fell asleep. It happens right? It happens. Still a funny story. I don't care. anyone says it's still a funny story. It happens, you know?

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Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the uncle. Sometimes you're tired. You're in long, so he fell asleep. So they called him snoring. So not exactly. It's a funny story. But you know,

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at one of my friends, he told me he he was traveling, it was a long flight. Like, you know, Far East Asia made it to Egypt at night. He said my brother picked me up. And it was Ramadan. And it was time for Torah when he told me Let's go to Torah. He told him Yeah, Allah, I'm tired. I'm dead tired. He said, Yeah, he Torah with Ramadan, you have to go He said, I'm dying. I can't pray. He said, Yeah, he tequila. So it says we went to the to the Salah in taraweeh. We went down to salute everybody got up or remain down. I fell asleep. So it happens. That's the point. The point is that it happens.

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Okay, very good. We we said we're going to start by talking about a little bit more of his family life a little bit more of his personality.

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So we said,

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we wanted to mention that he actually got married after the age of 40.

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Now one of the reasons behind this is that if he got married earlier, and you know his story where he's traveling from one place to another studying from one chef to another living in extreme poverty, it's really unfair to do this to your wife. And until today, one of the top reasons for

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Divorce for young couples or when people get married one of the top reasons, financial reasons. So

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one of the things I always tell students is that you know, your wife or your wife to be, has always been a princess in her father's home, and her father's home whatever she wants, her father gets her. She never once had to hear about utilities, we can't pay the rent this month, everything was taken care of. She just did her studies. It just lives her life. Then you come in, in sha Allah, we shall struggle through this life and live like the Sahaba

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Why am I why she was a princess, now's the time to become the queen. But no, we should know that this dunya is all going to go away anyway.

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That's why Mama avani for him, Allah has to tell the students

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study and then finish your studies. And after finishing you finish your studies, then work and after you save some money then get married. This was his advice how long ago and he explained to them so that you don't let the woman suffer the girls suffer with you through your you know, your time of being broke and rough, difficult life and as your student running around with, with her barely, you know barely being able to keep a household open and or upkeep a house. So now the only exception to that advice is if the if the person genuinely falls or fears falling into the harem, in this case, then you don't you know, you don't delay your your marriage. But yeah, finish your studies and and

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then make it work and have some kind of source of income and then get married. And it'll be better for you also. So a mama nagahama. He got married after the age of 40. And he his first wife that he married her name was a lab basa. And a lot of us have been to and from her. He got his son Silas, who was one of his students and one of the scholars and one of the narratives he narrates from his father, Mr. Mohammed. And Admiral, he says that the humble told him about this wife and abasa He says, I was married to her or we've been married for 30 years. For my stuff to Anna, we're here fi kalama we never disagreed on one word. It was a nice and peaceful life. So we never had any

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disagreement for 30 years. So from Alabama, he got a bus went to fuddle he got Sawyer, then his second wife was Rihanna. And it's like, what does that mean? second wife in case someone's confused, that bus is still around. And then he married Rihanna. And from her he got Abdullah Abdullah was also a scholar. So we always mentioned sada and Abdullah, excuse me, and they were both students and scholars. And Abdullah became the Imam of his math hub as well.

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We said Imam Ahmed is referred to as Abdullah, the father of Abdullah Abdullah is the second born usually you're the father of the firstborn. But the the explanation here is that he was above the law well before he got married and that's why if you remember when he was in in Hejaz, when he was in Mecca, they would say about the law above the law and so on and so forth. Because that was his quinion even before he got married or has nothing to do with the order or or his sons at this point. Then he had a slave girl Her name was hosting. And from her, he got Zayn up, and then he got two twins and Hassan and Hussein, but they died in their infancy. And then she gave him she bought al

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Hassan again and Hamad and say eat this eat. later on. He becomes the judge of an Kufa. So we've got Saleh and Abdullah they're the the scholars the mohabbatein say it becomes the judge of the city of Kufa later on. So in total, that means then he had six children.

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We want to talk a little bit about his meaning he would leave, he left the material world or materialism, and he was a devout worshiper. Later on in Sharla. When we get to the story of the trial, even while he's been whipped in the sun, he's fasting, and he'll refuse to break his fast you know, we'll look at that when we get to it, but just you see his worship and how he takes it seriously.

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And he took the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam seriously, and maruthi again, the scholar Rahim Allah He says, Ahmed said to me, he said to me, I have not written a hadith except that I have acted upon it. I have not written a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, except that I have acted upon it, to the point that when it came to me that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got himself cupped

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hijama is copying or what they call bloodletting, right.

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He got himself he got himself cut or he got this hijama What about eba da da da and then he gave this man who gave him the cupping, who did the cupping of motiva he gave him a dinar then the gym to pay to have Jama denaro. So, I also got cupped, and I gave the hjem Dina gold dinner, and you know, he was very poor. So you can imagine he that he saved to have this dinner, God cup like the lamp and then gave, that gave him a denote as well. This is from from how he wanted to act upon the knowledge. And we said, this is something that

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that was kind of popular back then where you learn so you can act upon it. And I kind of mentioned how today, people gather information, gather facts, gather information, you know, show off with it, or, you know, tear you down or cut you down with it. But it's not about for some people, except those whom Allah has, has mercy upon. For some people, it's not even about acting upon the knowledge is just I have it, and I can display it and flex my muscles with it.

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But it's really a beautiful story that he had never written had it, except he acted upon it first. True story one time, I had to give a lecture on procrastination. And in the spirit of Mr. Mohammed, I actually prepared the class just a little bit before having to, to give the class so that way, I procrastinate.

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It's a funny story, but it's a true story. Anyways.

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His following the sooner not just acting upon every Hadith he wrote. So this man, his name was Ibrahim the honey. So for three days, they were searching for Mr. Mohammed, this is in the future. They're still looking, they were looking for Ahmed and he went into hiding at the house of Abraham of Nahanni for three days. Then after the third day, he kept telling him take me somewhere somewhere else, find another place for me. So I told them, it's not safe. I mean, they're looking for you. And this is the safest place. I know. Like if I take you somewhere else, we risk you getting caught as you go as you go out. Or as you know, in that place, I don't know how safe it will be stay here. So

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he tells him if I fail, either failed effort took he says do that. If you do that, I'll give you some a point of benefit. So he says I found him a place after after he stayed with me for three days. I took him to this other place. And then he gave me the benefit. He says when they say and buddy and Natalia Sumatra Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam, he says it is not appropriate that we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said raha at times of ease through Nicaragua.

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And then we leave it at times of difficulty. I mean, look at this understanding, look at the way he looked at things. So we just follow the Sunnah at times of ease, and then when things get difficult, we leave it now. And if you want to go into hiding for six days in one place, that's absolutely okay. But this was a standard he set for himself. And the reason I keep saying saying that is that it's important to understand, you know, the difference between halal haram and then personal personal preferences and the standards that people set for themselves. So this was the standard that he set for himself. But if you want to hide for 10 days in one spot, a height and a lot of us right

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now are hiding right from, from Corona. Anyways,

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from his, from his wisdoms, also he says Amen. He came to him and he said, How can I soften my heart? My heart is hard. How can I soften it? He says, He says,

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macabre, he says go to the graveyard. Once a holler cilia team and wipe the head of the orphan and be kind to the orphan visit the graveyard these things will soften the heart.

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What's interesting is that he used to speak very little. And he used to dislike being famous right?

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actually have a quote here. I just dropped it have a quote? Were from a movie. He says when Abdullah remember death, remembrance of it would take hold of him severely. And he would say fear prevents me from food and drink. And when I remember death, all the affairs of this world become insignificant. It is just a matter of small amounts of food. Yani is saying what is enough for you, or what is enough for me is just small amounts of food, sufficient clothing, just enough clothing and a few limited days and that's all it is just a few limited days. If I eat a little if I dress, you know I have a few clothing items of clothing, then that's it's just a few days it won't matter too much. He

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says I do not hold anything equal to poverty. And if I were able I would go off so that people would not know

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mentioned me and if I can understand his position as a scholar, he's he's teaching he is also preserving the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But he's saying if I could, I would go where people wouldn't know my name and wouldn't mention me. And he said, I wish I could live unknown in the mountain passes of Baca, I have been tested with fame. And it says, indeed, I wish for death day and night. So he doesn't like the idea of being famous. And that shows what type of a genuine person you know, the idea about being, you know, being famous, or the the love of wanting to be famous, a lot of people are afflicted with that.

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And a lot of fear, but even sometimes, you know, in the world of speaking, you know, popularity is very, what's the word very alluring, you know, it calls on you. And sometimes you'll find people and they're human. Yeah, and it but sometimes people will be jealous of each other, like, even at a conference like why is he the keynote speaker? I'm a better speaker than this person. Why does he get to speak last, you know,

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you know, anyways, or little publicity stunts, sometimes people do. And students of knowledge and shoe sometimes we'll fall into a worse color to protect us. But there was it was a true story. In one of the Muslim lands. This guy came out with this incredibly, like insanely bizarre fatwa. If I mentioned, everyone will know what it is got very popular in the Arab lands, especially, he mentioned this incredibly bizarre fatwa. And everyone was interviewing him. Every TV channel had an interview with him, everyone was talking about it all these channels and blogs and blogs, were talking about this fatwa. And it was in the newspapers.

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And then months later, after it was over one of his colleagues, he came out and he said, the person who gave that fatwa months before he said it, he came to me and he said, watch how I'm going to get famous. You see what he said. So he was planning to say something profound and absurd that he didn't even believe in. But it's gonna make him famous, and it's gonna get him interviews and everything. So he told his friend, he said, watch how famous I'm gonna get. Then he went and said that statement, then he was all over the place. But he was actually famous for the wrong reason. It's not like, famous that people loved him. Everyone was ridiculing him. And it's crazy. But what? And then

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after, you know, the 15 minutes of fame, nobody, nobody cares where he is, you know, after that.

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Anyways, it is an issue that is that does come up and does creep into minds. So he hated the idea of being famous. And he wished he could have gone somewhere and people would not know him. But at the end of the day, you might say, Well, why didn't he do that, but at the end of the day, it's his job like he was he didn't travel around the like the world or the region, just so he can go sit in at home somewhere, but he's preserving the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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One of the things that Yeah, we said he used to speak little, you'll see this description of a lot of great imams Imam, Abu hanifa, that they used to not speak too much or only speak, when there is something beneficial to say, or when spoken to.

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And he didn't like wastefulness so big. And he always thought of the poor because he himself was poor. So whenever they had, like an event or celebration, or some kind of, you know, thing, like someone is a newborn, or a wedding or so on, he would instruct his son, Father, in law, he would tell him to give the food to the poor first. So give the food to the poor first and then feed, you know, those who are rich and those who were well off, or those who get to eat a lot anyway, because in his mind, like, it doesn't make sense. Of course, beyond you know, being generous to your guests. And beyond the agenda, you get whether you feed a rich person or a poor person, but he's saying the

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poor they don't get to eat, so let's feed them first. And, you know, the other folks are saying if they don't get to eat, it's not like they're going to go home starving, it's a different story.

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And he even though he was four, he was also extremely, extremely generous. Some of his income later on was from some stores that his father left him he inherited from his father, some stores and they would basically he would charge them rent and they will give him a very small amount.

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Okay, so

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he has one of his nice sayings. He was saying that he says that eating will fall into one of three categories. He says if you're eating with friends, then you eat

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this trophy and he if you saying when you're eating with friends, you're relaxed, and eat much and you you with your friends, eat as much as you want to eat, be relaxed. He says when you eat with the poor, you

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Eat will eat out, you prefer them over yourself. So you eat little, so they can eat more, because they're poor, I notice he's a poor man saying something like this, when he with poor people, you eat less, and you keep inviting them to eat one to eating, take this and give them a good piece of meat, whatever it is. And he says, when you eat with the rich contain yourself, you know, contain yourself. And, you know, these are some of the important lessons and let's just call them these are the like the niceties. These are nice etiquettes that you learn. Because sometimes when there's a gathering, or there's a walima, or a wedding, people behave in such a way, like they'll pile their

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plate, like they don't have any food at their house, you know, or they just be fighting over food or begging for food. It's it's very, very embarrassing. And it's actually it's very important to teach children as well to not do that. When there's an event or there's food to go and beg for food. Like they're just beggars at home. It's really about one of the things my mother Zola had taught us when we were very young, so that when you go to people's homes, don't act like you don't have food in your home. You know, our fridge is full, we always have food. So don't go and start, you know, grabbing and fighting over food and stuff. Sometimes people do things in public events embarrassing.

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One of my friends told me he went to this wedding. He said there was so much meat, he said, but people would put amounts that were even a lion wouldn't eat. Yeah, they'll just take and put pile a mountain of meat like this on their plate. He comes back not even shy or ashamed of himself in front of everyone.

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With all this meat, he said there was so much meat, but it finished and half the people in the wedding couldn't eat because the first half took so much, you know, just like these kinds of etiquettes. It's a and you don't necessarily also find them in a book or something like that. Anyways, there are many examples of this. We were at someone's house one time and this is after a class I gave it was probably it was in Canada, actually. And they brought we're all sitting talking all these brothers in someone's home. And then the dinner came and it was pizza. So there was like, I don't know, six pies of just cheese. And one pie of halaal pepperoni. Now, you know, everybody

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wants to have pepperoni, we were somewhere something like probably 16 or 20 brothers. And so the first guy in line, we've got the boxes of cheese, then you've got the boxes of Hello, pepperoni. And, and a large pizza. How many slices are there eight slices. The first guy takes two slices of pepperoni. And

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this is so

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shameful. They like they're 16 brothers, and only eight slices. If you're going to take two, you have to take one and then take the rest mushiya cheese man. So but when I explained to some brothers, that's not proper, everyone's just looking at me like what's the matter with you? He was first in line shala he takes the whole half of the thing and demonic advantage. What's the problem? It's not good manners. You know, by the way, one of the etiquettes the profits are solemn. When when he mentioned that when people are eating together that you don't, especially small bits, okay, are not small yet but you don't grab a whole bunch and put in front of you. Let's say we're eating.

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Let's just say it's some kind of kebab pieces like you know, chunks of kebab like that. So we have you take a piece you eat it you eat half of you know, break it in half swallow break the other like that. And everyone does everyone but he said you don't grab like four or five and then you put them in front of you. It's so improper and impolite in front of other people anyways.

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So with the rich, contain yourself, you don't go crazy.

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Like I've never seen this stuff before. It's very important and I think it's very important to teach tool to our children. You know, I've seen this a lot with communities around the country, when there's food or a thought or something. People go crazy. And sometimes children go go crazy but parents don't tell them that but Mashallah, sometimes adults go crazy. People getting the second third to helping and there are people who didn't get the first helping and Ramadan, tablet, the media. Anyways.

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One One of the he was also he, so we see his good manners. And he was very generous to his guests. And if he was a guest in someone's house, he would not get up until he would ask for permission, you know, before he would just get up and leave.

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This quote from him also shows you how like the level of generosity and how much you wanted to give others He said, No and adonia suffer and he said if this whole world start to shrink until it became a small morsel like this. And if you took that the whole world if someone took it and put it

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In the mouth of his brother has a bite and you give him the whole world as a bite to eat. He says Makana must refer that would not be wasteful. So you see what's going on here. So with himself a few items of clothing, a few bites to eat, but with others, if you gave him the whole dunya as one bite, it wouldn't be too much. So that gives you more of an idea of his personality or him Allah.

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They said one time a man came to him, and he said, Yeah, he said, humble.

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Oh, yeah, Abdullah is Taka for Jonny Hill. He says, I spoke about you behind your back. So I said some bad things about you, backbiting behind your back. So if you only feed Hill, meaning, like make me put me in the halaal, which means Forgive me, pardon me for what I said about you. So Mmm, it then tells him enta Fie Hill, he limped out. He says, You're in the holler. As long as you don't do it again. Not, don't do it again about me. Don't do it to anyone don't backbite anyone. So he took advantage of the situation and said, Don't backbite anybody, not just me from this point on? And if you do that, then I forgive you for everything you said about me.

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This is your hope everyone uses abubakr. Jacobi made use of Elmo where he said, I sat with Imam Ahmed, for 13 years. As he read the Muslim net, his book, Muslim, Mr. Mohammed had 48,000, a hadith. He said, I sat with him for 13 years as he read it to his children, his sons.

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He says mark it up to men who have fun. We're hidden. We're in Nemo come to October.

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Derby he he said I didn't write a single word from him from the ahaadeeth. I didn't take any notes about it. He said I took my notes about his mannerisms. Yeah, I mean, he was he his his soul. So his etiquettes his manners.

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Well, and then I memorize that, Danny, I took that to heart. That just shows you what kind of person we're talking about. One of the interesting things about him, they said that he was very clean. One of the people who lived in his time, he said, I have never seen anyone with clothes cleaner than Amitabh number. So they're not fancy clothes, but they're clean. He kept it very clean.

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Okay, so now, with that being said, I think it's time to at least start with the introduction to the whole fitna, or the trial of the creation of the Koran.

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Okay, good. We've got some time. So Elma moon, this is the the halifa. He's a son of heroin Rashid. So he was the halifa. And during his reign, the fitna began, and it spread to all corners of the Muslim globe. And then after he dies, and toss him continues the fitness as well. And then after he does and worth continues it and then it ends at the rain or during the reign of Animoto, okay. So let's start with the moon, and Moon, he was, he was educated, the halifa He was educated, he was loved. He was knowledgeable, or sorry, he loved knowledge, and he encouraged scholars, but he also had books of other cultures, translated books of the Persians and the Greeks. And he used to

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encourage discussion and debate. But then people of strange beliefs

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started to who are also very well spoken, and spoke of philosophy and so on. They impressed the hollyfield Moon, he was impressed by them. And he began to surround himself with these types of people. And he would then start to think like them, the more Tesla specifically this group of Tesla, they surrounded moon and he started to give them high positions in his government. And the problem is that they tried to force everyone upon their, their beliefs and their viewpoints. So everyone had to adopt this had to adopt the same beliefs as they did. And anyone who doesn't believe this, they would consider him like almost like an enemy to the state or one of their enemies. So then comes

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this issue of this fitna of the creation of the Quran.

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Meaning that the Quran is not the speech of Allah, but the Quran was a creation of Allah, Allah created the Quran, which of course is not the belief of the Muslims. We believe the Quran is the speech of Allah. Allah spoke, and the pen wrote, and it was brought down.

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But this idea that the Quran was not the speech of a law that it was created. It was started by a man his name was a jarred ignitor home agenda.

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Under whom he was deemed a dip. We spoke before what the Debian they teach poetry they teach manners and etiquette and things like that. He was the most adept of Marwan Abu Muhammad. Muhammad was from the last of the whole affair of Benny omega from the mermaids. He was one of the last ones. So Jelena Durham, Durham he used to be his, his, almost like a tutor, but it taught all kinds of things, just from morality, to etiquettes, to mannerisms, and so on and so forth. And this man and gentlemen, dorami had many strange ideas. And amongst them was that the Quran is not the speech of Allah that it's created, and that Allah did not speak to Musa Allah says no Quran will come. We're

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kedalam Allahu Moosa kleemann. So Allah spoke to Musa identic Lima, and what does that mean when condemn interclean again, meaning like, clear, obvious, certain like it happened. So he said, Allah did not speak to Musa and Ibrahim is not the Helene of Allah subhanaw taala. So what is their issue here? So they denied all the attributes of Allah, they said, Allah does not hear and he does not see and he doesn't speak why. Even though Allah mentioned these attributes to himself, they said if Allah hears that means he has ears, like we have ears. And that's not possible because laser chemistry he Shea Allah says no color on there is nothing like him. So if he hears he has to have

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ears, and if he has ears and we have ears, that means we're like him. But he said nothing is like him, so he can't hear. Then they said Allah can't see stuff for Allah. Because if he sees you must have eyes and we have eyes, and that would make him like us and us like him. And LASIK eye mitre shape, nothing is like him. And then they said, he doesn't speak because if he speaks, that means he has a mouth, just like we have a mouth. And the thing is like him.

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And as the scholars mentioned, they said that would make humans more complete than their Creator. Because the creator doesn't have eyes, and he doesn't hear and he doesn't, you know, have, well he doesn't have eyes, he doesn't see he doesn't have ears, he doesn't hear he doesn't have a mouth, he doesn't speak then the creation is more complete, because they can speak and hear and see. Anyways.

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So, but one of the one of the interesting things also is that they always mentioned the verse laser chemistry, he said, There is nothing like him. But how does the verse end laser chemistry he Shea wahoo was semi oral Basia and he is the old hearing the old saying, it's like you just cut it off here. And if you finish it, just three more words, and he is the all hearing the all seeing. So that means the verse that you're using to say Allah doesn't hear or speak his ends with saying he's the old hearing and the old seen anyways.

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So this was these were the ideas that were propagated by this man as jogged in Durham.

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So when he said these things, he they weren't there was let's in modern terms, there was a warrant out for his arrest. And the governor of Iraq. His name is Khalid Abdullah Alka Sri Hari Abdullah kasuri. He wanted him capture the gentleman, and he was captured and they brought him in, they tied him up, and this was a prayer and they put him at the bottom of the the member. So he gave his read hotbar This is Khalid Abdullah Al kasuri. He gave his read hapa and then after that, he says, Yeah, you Hanna's boom for the Whoa, this is the up here eight he says oh people get up and make your own here. For in Nimmo Leone today my Ophir Mohini, young, Belgian eppendorf. So today, my sacrifice is

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going to be a judgment around you guys. Go make your own hair. This is my old hair, this guy right here, and then he slaughtered him.

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Now I guess I in this day and age I have to say this in case especially some young people think okay, so if someone says something wrong, or says words of Cooper or, or or performance, Kovach, that means I can strike him never in any insane scenario, not in the western lands, Northern Muslim lands. This is a mistake a lot of people think because we didn't really live like in a Muslim state. So we don't know how it works. We think it's like the Wild West. But instead of you know, you know six shooters who we just use swords. And so if you don't like someone in the Muslim state or someone says a word of Cooper, just take your sword out and chop the head off or challenge him to a duel. If

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you did that. Your head would. You would be executed. You cannot kill anyone and you don't have

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The authority to do that even the police would not chop anyone's head, everybody would go to court. But that's the problem is like, people don't have an idea of how Muslim state looks. And so we imagine it the same way Westerners imagine it that if you do something wrong, some some metal blades gonna come flying out of the air, and it's gonna either chop a hand, or a leg, or an eye or a tongue or something like that. Anyways.

00:40:27 --> 00:41:07

Yeah, I remember when we were kids, we were watching this movie. This is many years ago, when we were kids, like, you know, 10 years ago. The point is, there was this guy was in Turkey during the time of the Ottoman Empire. And he was just stranded and came off hungry off a ship. And so he goes to the market. And he he asked the guy, how much is the orange and the guy tells him, it's this much. So it gives him money from Europe. So the guy says that I just, I won't take this money. And the guy's like, please take it, I'm hungry. So then he grabs the orange and he runs. So everybody runs after him. Now, they catch him. When they catch him, right in that marketplace. They take him

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to the middle of the market. And there was a place to cut off hands. All right, again, this is Hollywood, right? So there is a place to cut cut off hands. And there's these men who are just cheering every time they bring a person in there, they're going to cut off a hand or a head, and you see the camera cut away, the sword goes up, but then you just hear and then all these men start go, yeah, did you scream and make beats and everything? So like, okay, even Muslims who attend, like something like that, or back then attended a public execution or, or an amputation or cutting off of the hand, would they like be cheering and high fiving each other. That's how it was portrayed. So

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then they brought him and they were about to chop his hand. And then someone, some Ambassador or counselor or something, saved him and it took him away quickly. And he said, Let's go before these people change their mind. So here are the things that are wrong with that whole scenario. Number one, in Islam, your hand is not cut off for stealing food in a Muslim state. If you're brought in front of a judge for stealing food, the judge will say why were you stealing? Don't you get a stipend from the government? How many people live in your household and he would issue a payment for you every month. That's the first thing. So they would not cut your hand off for stealing an orange.

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The second thing is what's interesting, the police or the whoever it is ran after him. And they didn't take him to a court to court. They just from there went straight to the cutting station, which coincidentally was right there. So that means imagine in back then during the times of the Ottomans and they are busted. If you needed to find a place to get your hand caught. You just ask Siri where's the nearest place I can get my hand cut off and say who just goes arrived because they're all over the place. So right in the market where people buying oranges and stuff. There's also a place to get your hand chopped off and you can cheer for entertainment. The point of this

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tangent is that that's not what a Muslim state looks like. That's not where that because I don't want from the story of a gentleman Durham someone so hello. So anyone who steps out of line now, you know, I'll just do like a cottage, not the law here. And then just

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anyway, there'll be no scenario anywhere in the world. We have the right to do something like that.

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But this was the ruler the governor of Iraq and he had them executed but he executed in himself because he said this man says Allah did not speak to Muslim. So that one of the problems when you say Allah cannot hear or or see or speak, you're also denying what's in the Quran, you directly going against what's in the Quran.

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So now a judgment or harm has been executed by the state. But the ideas of a judge were taken over by a man in his name was at a gym in San Juan and the group known as the Jamia they were named after this person, the gentleman the soft one. He also said many strange things among which the Allah subhanaw taala does not speak. And part of his his argument, he said al cannamd speech is something which is renewed and renewable. And Allah subhanaw taala he said, Allah is khadim which which means ancient or has been there for a long time. So he says, it is not this is look at his logic. He said it is not appropriate for one that is khadim to have a characteristic that is new and renewable. So

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therefore he said that Allah subhanaw taala does not speak. That means that Allah doesn't speak, which is really interesting. If you meet an old man who is khadim in the sense of old here. He's 100 years old. He is old, and he speaks and his speech is renewable, and it's new.

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So does that mean if he speaks he's not an old man anymore? Can he still be old and speak

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See, the logic just didn't make any sense here. So Allah subhanaw taala is khadim he can't speak because he's studying or it would not make him Kadima anymore doesn't make any sense. Anyways, so a gem was this is the kind of man that loves to create Fitton and, and problems and trials and tribulations and he wanted to force the people upon his beliefs. So first of all, it's not a belief that the Muslim you're familiar with anyways. But he wants to force people upon this strange belief of his. And he was killed by Nasser Ebenezer, who was again the governor of one of the governors of Benny omega, one of the governors of Bendigo Mayor had him executed as well. And this was about 10

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years after the execution of a judgement around so genuine Durham and then 10 years later, we have this man of German SFX one

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in the ambassade dynasty, so now we're This is the time of a mama during the reign of heroin and Rashid Corona Rashid, this man by the name of Bishop Ebner. Yes, he is known as Bishop and Medicis is famous as Bishop Morrissey. He was from the heads of the Mata Zilla, this group that denied the attributes of a loan had these problems. He said that the Quran is not the speech of Allah because Allah doesn't speak the Quran is not his speech, because Allah does not speak. So it is that therefore what is the Quran it has to be something that is created, just like everything else, just like Allah created the sun, the moon, the heavens, the stars, the trees, he created the Koran.

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And he says, We want to glorify Allah. If we say he speaks, then we're saying he is just like people and laser chemistry he shade There is nothing like him. That's his argument now, which is very flawed logic. If Allah speaks and we speak, if Allah hears and we hear, does that mean? We hear exactly how Allah hears, or Allah hears in a way that befits his greatness and His Majesty, Allah sees in a way that befits his greatness and His Majesty, Allah speaks in a way that be fixed befits his greatness and His Majesty. It doesn't mean that we speak in the same way or we hear in the same way or anything like and it wouldn't come to the mind of anyone who's who's saying here, but this is

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what he's saying.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:32

So, again, he says, ladies like me cliche, but just finished the verse well, who was Samuel Alba? He is the old hearing all seeing you just using a verse to negate attributes that are mentioned in the same verse at the end of the verse.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:50

Alright, so then why the big deal? Okay? Suppose someone said, Allah doesn't speak. Therefore the Quran is not his speech is just created. This is creation. So what's the big deal here? And now if we keep extending this argument further, we're gonna have some major problems. Because

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first of all, using the same argument, if you're saying Allah doesn't speak, just because we speak. Alright, and he doesn't hear because we hear. So then the question would be, and this argument was used later on by him a lot. He said, there's a lot of knowledge, because we have knowledge. And believe it or not later on one of the the shield of the matese He says, No, his knowledge was created. Can you imagine that? And we'll get to that story. I don't want to ruin it, right?

00:48:21 --> 00:49:03

But so that's the first thing is that using your same argument, if you're saying we have equality, so Allah can't have the quality? So then, in the same way, we have knowledge, what about a lost out on his knowledge? And what about all the other qualities we have mercy? What about Allah's mercy, you saying nothing is like him, that means what? So it opens this, you know, incredible can of worms, that's the first problem. The second problem is that if you're saying the Quran is created, everything of the creation has a flaw. Allah is perfect. And all the creation has some kind of flaw, some kind of fault, some kind of deficiency. So just by saying the plan is created, that means it's

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also not perfect only allows perfect, so therefore the Quran has faults and flaws and imperfections in it. That's a big problem that takes one outside of Islam. And anything that's created can be improved upon can be built upon is open to change and improvement. And that means you're saying the same thing about the Quran. But the Quran

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Allah subhanaw taala mentioned layer, layer tillbaka mean baignade a human Han Fei the false doesn't come to it not from the front or the back. The Quran has no faults and no flaws in it whatsoever. So these were some of the problems. And everything, by the way. And this is an argument in my mind was going to use later on. Everything that is that is created not only has a flaw and has room for improvement, but it also has an end. But I'm not going to ruin the argument that's going to be towards the very end of our story where he uses that argument that

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Everything is created has an end. That means the Quran could end.

00:50:05 --> 00:51:00

Okay. So the news of this man, Bishop l merisi, reaches Harun or Rashid. He says, I have heard that Vishal muricy says that the Quran is created will law he if Allah brings him to me, I will kill him. Remember, he's the ruler he has that right says I will execute him. So be sure then here is that so he goes into hiding and he remains in hiding until Harun Rashid died. When he dies, visual mercy emerges once again. And he starts to spread his, you know, ideology and his ideas. And he starts to convince a moon to moon. Okay, so Harun Rashid had two sons, he had the amine and the moon. And I mean, his mother was an Arab moon, his mother was non Arab. So he also surrounded himself with

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people, speakers and scholars who are non Arab, who brought ideas from other places. And, you know, philosophers and people of other faiths and so on and so forth. So, at the beginning, moon, he feared that if he spread his idea or his thoughts, he feared that men like yours, he didn't know how to win if you remember without his, his he didn't know how to win one of the five, you know, great and most influential teachers of him. Ahmed Rahim Allah, that's the one who he had the sense of humor. He liked to joke, but he was such a heavy hitter that the halifa delayed the fitna out of fear of men like his evening huddle.

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So he believed

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he believed what Michel marisha murmurous he convinced him with, but he wasn't as keen on spreading the the ideology as much as bisher was, and but he was described also this hollyford mamoun as not being very wise. And he was described as someone who lacked foresight. And you could probably say, also not a good judge of character, he surrounded himself with people who were not very good people. And we're going to see some of them by name and Sharla, 66 years, six years after the death of the great scholar, Imam is even the heroine Rahim, Allah of horror, the the, what do you call it, the more intense brings out his idea or spreads this idea that the Koran is not the speech of Allah, but

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it's created, he announces fitna and he would have debates and discussions. But if you don't believe you're imprisoned, if you're not convinced with what they're saying, you're put in prison. So that's hardly the discussion is it? You know, in at the end of the discussion, if you don't agree with me, I send you off to jail. And he had people beaten, had people killed.

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He also chose a minister to be his right hand man from amongst the Mark taxila. This man his name was Ahmed even up to

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this man was a disaster. He was very smart. He was very crafty, he was knowledgeable, but he was also very deviant. And he was a very fair and very unwise man. And he had as they described him very biased, and he had little Morrow a little chivalry in him, might even be to add, he's the one who incited the halifa mode to start the fitna of the creation of the Quran to spread it and force everybody upon it. And not only that, he remains the Minister for the next qualified as well. So, so after

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he remains the minister with moto Sim, and with an worth and wither moto kill until it ends there. But what's interesting is that so every time a new halifa comes halifa dies, a new one comes 100 odd comes to him and starts buzzing in his ear to start and rekindle his fitna to test the people to make sure everybody says that the Quran is the creation of Allah. And people then sometimes qualified other more important things, but he made this the most important issue.

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So as we were saying the fitna began six years after the death of his either to her own and mourn in the year 212. After the hegira he announced the creation of the Quran, the Quran was created, and he made it the most important issue in his government. And all parts of the oma this was the number one issue. What's interesting is when he was on his deathbed, he wrote his, his horsea to his brother. And he wrote to him that you should keep a Madison Avenue ad and his half of neighbor he is heartbroken Abraham was the chief of police in Baghdad. But when the halifa is, you know, the seat of khilafah was moved to Baghdad from Damascus to Baghdad. So when the halifa remember we said the

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halifa would leave for six months and come back for six months when he would leave for six months who's in charge of Baghdad, the chief of police becomes the governor of Baghdad.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:06

My name is Hakeem Ebrahim. He actually wrote on his will to his brother when he took over after him keep

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to add as your right hand man, he's the right person for this job by the way, His Will we have it preserved word for word like we have exactly what he wrote his brother said, Keep amyloid Nebula odd. He's the right person for this job, you know, for advice for so on. And so and then is hackable, Ibrahim and then he mentioned a few other people, all of them with this deviant belief. So moon then wrote to the governor of Baghdad, in his absence, or the chief of police is Hakeem Ibrahim. And he tells him to test all the judges, all the teachers, all the fuqaha on the issue of the creation of the Quran. And he says, write me back in detail what their belief is. Now the

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halifa, he had written them a letter before, and they were all familiar with his position. So now when when the governor is asking them, what is your position concerning the foreign is it created? Or is it the speech of Allah, they all knew the position of the halifa, and they didn't want any trouble. So a lot of the judges a lot of the teachers a lot of the focus now, at this point, he is not telling us how come they're gonna him to test the top level scholars. He just said, you know, these universities, for lack of a better term, lower level people test them, but he didn't mention the humble yet, or other great heavy hitting scholars that have a huge effect on people in many

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students. He's not testing them, he says this level, and write me back in detail what they believe about this issue. And if anyone refuses to accept this, send him to me like put them on a caravan and send them to me directly. So he begins asking them and just about every single one of them agrees that the Quran was created. Why? Because one they know the position of the halifa and two, this is something specific to the home of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam other Oman, they actually had to die with the truth. They had to die with the truth. That's why if you look at the story of us hobble of dude, the story of the ditch, the these other nations before us, if they were upon the

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truth, and they're going to be killed, they had to, they can't like just say something to save their life. Even if they don't believe in their heart, they can't say it with their tongue, they have to die with the truth. And so if you remember the story of the hablo, the woman She hesitated from jumping into the pit of fire, like all her people were jumping. So Allah to keep her firm, caused her infant son to speak tourney, and the infant told her mom or mother You're upon the truth. So she jumped in. For our own man, this is Rama from Allah subhanaw taala. We don't have to die with the truth you can say something

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that with your tongue. It can even be a statement of Kufa This is of course, in a situation that's life and death Danny not just hanging out with friends say Cofer situation of life and death you can say something that's disbelief as long as you're you're in your heart, your your as Allah says the Quran in lamb and okra will call both men and women except those who are coerced, but their heart is his content and firm in a man.

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And of course, the famous story about a lot of money asked her where he was tortured. And of course as you know, his whole family, so he asked his mother Samia, they were tortured, they were killed. And they told him that or Abuja was torturing him. And he told her, I'm not gonna let you go until you say some bad things about Muhammad Rasul Allah. And under pressure, he said it. And then he says, and I'm not gonna let you go until you say, this bug is my Lord. And he made him say it. So a moto Delano comes crying and ashamed to the prosolo. He said, They tortured me until I said that, and the problem tells them in our fault, if they do it again, then you do it again. Because that

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person actually first asked him, How do you find your heart? He says, I find that filled filled with a man. So you said something with your tongue, but your heart was filled with Mr. Sit to save yourself. This was something specific. So all these scholars and the judges and the teachers and they save themselves and they said okay, fine. I know it's not the creation of Allah, I know it's the speech of Allah, but to save myself from all this headache. Okay, that is the case. But here's the problem. When they did that, if everybody said no, we refuse, then the weight is distributed amongst all these shoulders. But if everybody says okay, and only seven people remain amongst a

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minimum, then that weight is distributed amongst seven shoulders only, you see, and so there was some serious issues with that. But now the weight is going to be and the pressure is going to be just on a small number of people amongst them is our Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah. But we're gonna stop here. And we're, we're done with the intros and it's gonna get crazy. Next

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Time in Sharla right away, so, Xochimilco for tuning in for your attentive listening was on Allahumma barik ala alameen wa sallahu wa sahbihi wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Start of Fitna with Al-Ma’mun

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