Kamal El-Mekki – Challenges In Dawah 2

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary ©
The police department is responsible for spreading Islam and promoting it in the workplace, but also for spreading evil. Non-B apologists, including lying about evidence and giving money without giving up, are faced with challenges. The importance of learning about one's religion before committing to a new one is emphasized, as well as avoiding diseases like alcohol. The sharia law and its negative consequences are also discussed, along with the potential threat of violence. The speakers advise not to give up and rebuild after the investigation is complete, as cultural and political backlash caused by the lack of practice among Muslims is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Henry Lau salatu salam ala solo Allah,

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brothers and sisters,

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for responding to our requests for your attendance, may Allah, Allah reward you and bless every step that you take and make it a way in which you inshallah to Allah we will enter Jenna, especially, as we know from the process seldom concerning the majority of liquor those places are those gatherings where the name of Allah subhanaw taala is mentioned. So we asked the last panel to send these mercy upon our certificate.

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Today we have with us our chef chef, Mr. McKee. Chef. And I'll give you a quick biosolid biography or quick introduction to Mashallah chef mo liberty is an instruction instructor with another Institute. He has been dubbed the black belt of Tao, with decades of experience in the delicacy just come out combines his groundbreaking teaching style with his own dash of humor, certain to leave students feel at ease entertained, but above all, skilled and empowered. Chef command is known best for his workshop, how to give Shahada in 10 minutes.

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And I told the brothers,

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which he gave here at the workshop on how to use a 10 minutes.

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a six hour workshop designed to empower ISOC and their organizations and brothers like yourself and mine in the art of his lectures and online videos. Targeting contemporary challenges have also gained popular fame and positive impact among Muslims and non Muslims alike. educated at the hands of numerous prominent scholars from across the world, Chef Kemal also as a dynamic experience in the secular world.

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He is currently delivering the cost Shahada affect our investment which has been a sellout and hamdulillah. He will be here in London in April on the 13th to 15th and the 21st and the 22nd of April to deliver the Shahada fipple Darrell course in London, in charlotte, charlotte, today we will be discussing the challenges of dialogue at the workplace and at universities in Charlotte.

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Okay, so yeah, so without taking too much of your time, please

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do anything in this question. Yes, please. Let me try.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, earlier he was happy here, Jemaine, now but

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in the beginning, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for coming, and for giving up this portion of your evening. May Allah subhanaw taala rewards you and multiply your rewards. And

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yes, I used to live in Canada, I was in Canada for about a year and a half and nine months ago, I moved to Sudan. For those of you who are not familiar with the country of Sudan, it is the greatest country in the world.

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I'm serious.

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And just to clarify, like I never referred to myself as the black belt of Tao or anything like that. That was a description that they put of someone put, I don't know who it was. And I wouldn't describe myself like that. That's not very humbled right? Now, I would describe myself as a five degree black belt, and

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it's more accurate, I think.

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All right. Great. So let's talk about challenges in Dawa at work, students and people who study with you and at the university, your neighbors, what are some of the challenges that we face? And I'd like to begin by saying that, for the most part, it's hard to put rules for Dawa, and I know, many people love to do that many dogs love to put rules many organizations love to insist on certain rules for Dawa.

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Think that's the better one.

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So, but the truth is, you know, there are no hard and fast rules for Dallas. So a lot of us may I may tell you a lot of things that might be applicable in the United States, but not necessarily applicable here. So feel free to take and leave from whatever I say today.

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But let me start by just talking a little bit about our responsibility. The responsibility we have towards you know, spreading Islam or calling people to Allah azza wa jal or, or calling the Muslims themselves back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the first thing let's discuss what is the ruling on dow and when we say that we're here we mean on enjoining good and forbidding what is evil on calling the Muslims back to Allah azza wa jal or calling them

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Muslims to Allah subhanaw taala what is the ruling on giving Dawa. So a lot of times you'll find people and communities that believe that giving the hour is federal cafe, it's an it's a communal obligation. If some people do it in the community, then it absorbs the rest of us from blame. So it's kind of like making the plan for prayer if someone makes the ad, and then not every brother has to get up and make the other, that one guy doing it, it absorbs the rest from the responsibility. So many people think Tao is the same way as long as hamdulillah. We have our organizations and we have a Masjid and an Imam will have a non Muslim to our team. And we have this group and that group

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giving Dawa, then we don't have to individually give down. And this is an opinion by some of the scholars. But it is not just the opinion with the strongest evidence. The opinion with the strongest evidence says that on a basic level, everyone has to give our one more time and to make this easier to understand underlying on a basic level. So on a basic level, everybody in the oma has to give our young, old educated and educated, literate illiterate, male, female, everybody has to give our because enjoining what is good, forbidding what is evil is part of dour. So you're telling me Everyone has to give down? Yes, everyone has to give up. Even a very, very ignorant man. He has

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doesn't know it has no knowledge of Islam and it just prays basically and fast when Ramadan comes and he doesn't know anything about Islam. He doesn't know how to read or write. He's not educated in secular studies nor Islamic Studies. This man has to give dour and he has no skills even he just makes brooms from trees. He'll make brooms. And then the next day, we'll go and sell them in the market. The day after that he'll make more brooms, they after that he'll sell them in the market. This man is obligated to give some devil Yes, this man's obligated to give some dour because this man could be walking to the market, he might see two little boys fighting, if it stops them is a

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forbidden what's evil? Is that part of our? Yes, he might be walking he'll find two teenagers using bad words using profanity can tell him to stop saying that word. Is that good? Is that dour? Absolutely. He might tell someone to pray. And that person might tell him what's the evidence that I have to pray? And the might not? I don't know it. Is that sufficient enough? Yeah, I don't know what which is says you have to but I do know everyone has to pray. So he can tell someone pray you can tell this one Don't lie. And that's doubt. So that means on a basic level, everybody has to give down. And if you still not convinced with this opinion, try to think of a scenario where someone in

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this oma cannot give down someone that's able and have sane mind, and I don't tell me someone who's in a coma for 12 years. But realistically, someone that's able and cannot give down? Can you think of a scenario?

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You probably can't You can't think of a scenario. That means on a basic level. Now there are some higher levels of data. And that's not for everybody. Does everyone in this room have to teach for an active shooter? No. So whoever's at that level, they can teach animal Hadith or Illuminati fulfill that see or things like that. But on a basic level, every single one of us supposed to give some kind of doubt. One person asked him said, If I give a lot of money to an organization that gives Dawa? Is that enough for me is that can I say that's my power. And I just answered it like this. Imagine the same person who gives a lot of money to the organization. So he thinks, okay, I

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fulfilled my obligation. And he walks by, and there's, let's say, a 10 year old smoking a cigarette. So he walks by this 10 year old who's smoking a cigarette. And he's now supposed to do something about it and tell him Yoda, don't smoke. Okay, Tom, don't do it. But he says, Wait a minute, I don't have to do this, because I give money to the organization and they give that on my behalf. Does that make any sense? No. So that means this is a responsibility that we have to call Muslims back to Allah to enjoin what is good to forbid what is evil, and to call the non Muslims to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's so many people who are lost so many people who are unhappy, so many people who

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are searching for the truth, so many people that are so unhappy that they have suicidal thoughts, that they're consuming alcohol and drugs, just to just to make up for that unhappiness and the sadness in their life and they just need a slump. And guess who lives next door? You live next door. And this guy is trying to discover himself, he travels all the way to India, to have an experience and he comes back and he basically he just ate a lot of spicy kebabs. That's all he got out of it. And you're his neighbor all along, you could have just knocked on his door. Give him some information about a snap. So what are some of the challenges and and what what I'm what I'm cautious

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of I don't want to tell you here are the challenges and then just spill out the the antidote or the response to each one. And in your mind, you're sitting here with different challenges in your mind. So I want to speak briefly, and then you will, you'll bring up some of the challenges that you face or that you want to discuss and then we'll discuss it that way.

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So because especially there may be challenges in the UK that I'm not familiar with, as I come from the greatest country on Earth

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Okay, very good.

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UK audience is usually a bit more serious than than America. America, you say anything stupid?

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It's great. In the UK, you have to use smart jokes and witty sarcasm.

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We'll try our best.

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Okay, a number of things.

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Let's just start with, let me start with something. Okay, as a non UK resident, allow me to say this, please. Okay. So at

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end, just test this with anyone who lives outside of the UK, and is familiar or roughly familiar with the Dow and the UK? Ask him how in the UK? Does it seem more aggressive than other places? Or not? And allow me to say this, why are you guys so aggressive? What's with the aggression? Why do you guys live debate so much? Well, like every other brother. I mean, I was at a debate a week ago, another but I was in a debate two days ago. Why do you guys have so many debates? And is that a good thing? And then we go to the park and everyone has a box and everyone has a megaphone. This guy's a bigger megaphone, and Islam is based on Jesus Christ, the Lord. Fighting, fighting, fighting, then

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another debate at the university, then another debate over there. So is this the default way of giving Dawa? That's the first question is debating the default way of giving dial? And of course, the answer is, No, this is a permissible or an allowable way. But there, there are times and places for that, or even certain people that do that. And even then the scholars know that this is not good. It's not conducive to people becoming Muslim. It's not conducive to, you know, mutual understanding peaceful coexistence, all those sweet words. But too much of that is happening too many debates, a lot of fighting. So I would assume what happens is when you go to speak to someone

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about Islam, they remember that video they watched on YouTube of the Muslim and Christian fighting, they remember another debate, and they think, Okay, this is a fight so they get ready for you. Okay, tell me about Islam feel free. Okay. And this is a problem. And I want to tell you something, how many people here have watched the debate between Jimmy Swaggart and Chef Medina, Ramallah? Okay, so a good number of you have seen that debate. Now, let's be honest with each other who destroy the who, in that debate.

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We all know somebody that he mopped the floor up with the other guy True or false? So now what would you say this is a true story? What would you say if I told you there was a church in the United States? That mass produced that debate? Okay, they didn't edit it or anything like that, to make their guy win, or they they mass produced it, and they would give it to people in church? make hundreds of copies? Here you go, here's a copy of the debate. Why do you think they did that? Someone who has not heard me give the answer to this? Take a guess. Why would they make copies of that debate and hand it out to people in church Christians? why their guys been destroyed? Why on

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earth would they give people copies of that? To make them enthusiastic to prophesize? Christianity, okay, to encourage them to do that? Or perhaps the brother said that could have been the answer, but actually, it's not in this case.

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Okay, to show how aggressive the Muslims are to show how aggressive the Muslims are, and that's also very probable now. Maybe you'd like for them to learn and come back. So they can learn from it and come back with something else right. But there should have been embarrassed in it. Why would they make not?

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organize the Christians so maybe that they want to get them rubbed up against the Muslims last one. Sorry. To make us look bad.

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They think they want and that's kind of what you're saying. That's It is that simple. All of you made very intelligent guesses, but it was very simple. They hear their guy winning. Wait a minute, how could you listen to that debate and think Jimmy Swaggart one? The guy who got creamed, but yes, they hear their guy winning. Listen to the debate one more time, and you will hear them cheering and whistling and clapping when he says ridiculous things. Why? Because what happens in a debate is you support your guy, you become defensive, you put a mental block, so all of the good stuff that the chef de la Mola was saying they couldn't hear most of it. A lot of it. They couldn't hear they could

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just hear the arguments of their God. They would cheer for him. Yes, he got him. He got him. Tell him about the Lord. Yeah, excited about them. So that's why the debate is not a good way of giving Dawa. It's not necessarily even necessarily a way of giving Dawa. It's basically a way of putting someone in their place. You know, if someone has been speaking too much, and you need to get them to zip it for example, then you would have a debating let hit them on the head, but it's not the best thing for that one. So the first thing is, let's get the distance.

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aggression out of our system attacking, fighting, even people when they one on one try to give power to someone that they think the way of doing it is to corner that person and choke him. And before he does with his last breath, he will say

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Just let me get to the corner him. Well, didn't you say two minutes earlier that this was the case? What about Matthew chapter four verse 23?

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I gotcha. get him get him was about to die. They'll say the Shahada don't work. And Monmouth Allah Allah Allah, Allah agenda, right? Whoever says that Allah goes to

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the so Okay, I hope we can agree. Let's not be aggressive. Let's tone it down. Let's stop these debates every weekend as a debater is a debate about this and debate about that holistically.

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So I'm going to talk about knowledge, right? And we're at the day and age, especially young people in the audience, please listen up. We're living in a day and age where we cannot afford to be ignorant about many things, we can afford to not know how to answer these basic questions. And the truth is, it's the same old, same old, if I if I go out now, and I'm planning and I'm preparing a team to go out and give some data, let's say specifically to non Muslims. Now I have to prepare them for certain questions that they're going to be asked, What are these questions going to be? What do you think? Same old, same old What do you think? Jihad Thank you very much.

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Hey, job, why?

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Marriage style? It's the same old, same old What did you Prophet, marry a young woman and so on and so forth? Now?

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How many women can you mentor and we're proud of that for right?

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Okay, so, so then basically, it's the same old, same old so we can afford to not know the answers to these questions. And for the young people, you can afford to be playing video games all day, all day just playing games. Your profit is being insulted every day, Muslims being assaulted every day, people ignorant of Islam, Islam being attacked on the television and everywhere on the internet. And we're just playing games. We can't afford that. So are we saying then everyone has to be lecture hall assembly when Tamia for example? No, but interestingly about even Tamia, Hemel LA, there was a wonderful and really phenomenal description of him. They said, people in his time, they said that

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whenever he spoke on a topic, you felt as if he spent his entire life preparing that one topic. This is how he was. So if you spoke on one issue, you felt as if his whole life his PhD was just on this topic, then tomorrow, he speaks on a totally different topic. And again, you feel as if he spent his whole life preparing this one topic. And the day after that he speaks on another issue and you feel like he spent his whole life repairing that. Now we don't want people to be We don't expect people to be like that. But at the same time, all the questions have been answered, you know, and we don't have to reinvent the wheel. It's just a matter of having this information. So you don't have to be a

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scholar necessarily to give Dawa. But I think we'll all agree that the more you know, the more effective you will become as a diet, the more you'll be able to respond to questions properly as a diet and you won't have to do all the you know, the escapes and, and

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okay, but so you don't have to basically do the escape and do the cheap answers and the watering down of Islam and diluting and all that stuff that happens now, what's Jihad jihad is the struggle, you know, so if I can open the water faucet, that's a struggle is jihad, or juice sweet?

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That's not what it is. And you find people need so either out of ignorance or out of it could be other things, you know, lack of courage, lack of Islam, and no one's compelling anyone to give strange answers. And I remember one time, this man, he won the US invaded Iraq, he felt that he had to say something about it on the member. But now wouldn't there's probably a difference between what he really wanted to say and what he could bring himself to say. So he came up on the member and he started to say, our soldiers are brothers and sisters were fighting in Iraq right now he's talking about the American soldiers start talking about, he said, they are my brothers and they and my

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sisters. This is the best thing you could come up with until the believers on the David Juma type who on earth put a gun to your head and said, Give a hope on Iraq. You could have spoken about anything about social about the importance of Salah brotherhood smiling, who said you have to give this topic if you can't speak the truth, then don't speak. So this is what we're getting today. A lot of it has to do with just lack of good knowledge. If people had good knowledge, and good analogies and good answers, they wouldn't suffer. There is no difficult question about Islam. A lot of times people say what about if someone tells asked you about the controversial subject of this?

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First of all, it doesn't reveal contract.

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He does he doesn't reveal controversy. Oh, stay with please give a hug but stay away from controversial subjects. Well, what are you talking about controversial subjects? Yeah. So OLED doesn't reveal controversy. Right? And if you know the answer, it doesn't, it doesn't even seem like something that will make me nervous or controversy or anything of that sort. If you know the answer horse, it's simple. Give a quick analogy and you're done. Yeah. But we now allow people to trap us and painted into a corner because we just didn't look into it very carefully. slavery in Islam, the age of art as simple simple answers for that extremely simple answers for that. Obviously, we're not

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going into that right now.

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Okay, so what's the reason we don't reach out and tell everyone about Islam? What's the reason we don't reach out to people? Do we not care enough maybe about people and by the way, you will see that the prophets were superb diehard enemies. Arsalan was a superb Dyer, the companions were surprised because they cared for people. And wait a minute care for people who the minute you say things like care for people care for non Muslims, someone thinks

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this guy he doesn't know what our unborn are very well. Loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. And I was told especially the young people bring me the most severe book on Wella and Bara and you will see that it allows for loving people who also any any book one time I went and ministered through a bunch of brand new books on water and Bara after 911 of course, everything was going into the dumpster. Yeah. So they threw these books on one But okay, what's so scary about what about read carefully. The last paragraph of the book was talking about how you could also live a non Muslim? And if someone now becomes a Muslim, he has to hate his mother.

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Yeah, would that be good? listening, so you need to become Muslim today, inshallah you will start to pray and you will become a better person. But you must hate your mother. Okay? Because she's a

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Muslim, you have to hate her. What do you think the guy will see a shadow and I never liked her anyways.

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So and maybe saw Selim cared for people, if he didn't care, he would have crushed the Meccans between the two markets, true or false? Immediately would have crushed them. But he didn't do that because he cared, right? And even in our old days in Washington, DC, we had one brother who was an excellent guy, he worked harder than anyone else. And one day he told us his secret. You know, Washington, DC is predominantly African American, and he's African American. He said.

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He said, these are my people. And I care for them. I love them. That's why he was a good day. So do we care for people? Let me ask you this. Suppose your neighbor next door, he's your enemy. And he does nasty things to you. He'll egg your house and throw toilet paper in your tree and do all kinds of nasty things. And there was known, established an official hatred between the two of you. But one day, you're going to work and you see your neighbor running out of his house and he's on fire. What will you do?

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His brother said, he'll try and put them on. You guys agree with that.

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But he's your enemy, though. You hate him. And he hates you. He exits your house. Do you try to put them out? Yes.

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Okay. I think all of us would write. Even if he absolutely hated him. I don't think any one of you will just throw like a bottle of water. We like hey, use it wisely. Okay, and just throw it and drove off.

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Or Serves you right? Next time you see in the Hellfire, okay, and drive away. So if we, if we care so much about an individual, if they're on this worldly fire?

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What about the big the worst fire, the Hellfire of origin, that's more severe. That doesn't decrease when you scream, no one you scream. There's a psychological release. Yeah, and then things hurt less. But this is a fire that is so severe that screaming doesn't make it hurt less. And the first second it touches you is not like the millions hour that it's touching you feels the same level of pain. And if we care for people, I cared, I'm ready to put out the fire on my neighbor to the point where I get burned myself. And I get injured in the process of trying to put him out if we really care for people. And by the way, do this exercise next time you see someone walking five, you just

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imagine them on fire. Imagine their skin burning, what would you do? So this this is the contrast between a generation that spread Islam just on their good manners, and the generation that has the internet and books and material and printed material and access to television and radio. And in the end, people still don't even know who Allah subhanaw taala is. So we all have a lot more work to do. So if this is the case, then I can't say well, I'm gonna I'm too shy. Really. Even the shy person you know, just speak to the first person, speak to the second person and then see what happens. Even the shy person has already

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avenues and I'm too shy. I'm absolutely terrified. I'm mortified, I can stand in front of another human being. Okay. Late night when everyone's asleep, I come and put something in front of your door and run like a chicken. Is that okay? Can I do that? Yeah. Can I send someone an email? They'll never catch me. Everyone's a hero on the internet right now. I'll break your face. No one can touch you. You're brave, right? So can I email someone something? Can I there's so many avenues through which we can do some work.

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You know, something, a lot of times people tell me things like, I have a friend. And we've been friends for a while. But I don't want to bring up Islam, because it will make a relationship awkward. Who has experienced that before? It'll make a relationship awkward. I tell him about Islam, just like I tried to convert them. And it didn't work. And then the next time we meet, we'll just be awkward and strange and things like that. So what can I do?

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The truth is, do you have any evidence to suggest that it will become an awkward situation? Or is it in our head? A lot of times most things are in our head. Oh, if you told someone wanted to become Muslim, they'll become offended. Are you sure of that? Or just imagine that would be the case. Most of the time, it's imagination. So I have a friend and if I or a professor or a co worker or colleague, if I tell them about Islam, it will be strange. From that day on, we'll both be having lunch and just staring at each other. Know, says Oh, just give it a shot. Try it and see what happens. Perhaps the way you present it will make it less awkward. And

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sister came up to me, she said, I have a friend. We've been friends for like 15 years. And I've never told her about Islam. She knows I put on a job. She knows I pray and i and i fast and Ramadan. And we've never mentioned Islam. How can I do that? That's so easy, is still her so and so by her name. You know, you're a good friend of mine. And we've known each other now for 15 or for 13 years. And in all this time, you know, you know that I dress this way and I pray and I do Ramadan and certain things that you've noticed already about me. But we've never spoken about it. And I just want to explain to you what it is that I do. And what I believe because as you know, my religion is

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something that's very dear and important to me. And I consider you a very dear and important friend. So I want to

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tell you about what I believe what's wrong with that. One person said to me, I have a friend. And I've known them for a good while and they're a good person. But I've never told him about Islam. A year ago, I gave him a copy of the Quran and we never mentioned it again. How can I bring up Islam again? You have it right there. It's you have the free pass right there. to them. Hey, I give you a quote on a year ago did you read There's your topic right there. A lot of times, we don't want you were afraid to bring up the topic. But you know something, if you want to bring up a topic, you will find a way to bring it up. And you can give me any topic. And we can go from that topic to Islam.

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Whether we can go from whether to Islam talk about anything, anything, gun laws, gun laws to bring it to Islam, just from any topic, you bring it back to Islam, right. Just like if for the young brothers Jani, when you're going to get married, right and you want to see if the sister will accept you or not.

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You find a way to bring it back to marriage. They'll talk about anything will bring marriage and next prime minister of the UK Yes, but you know, marriage history is

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totally you in this joke. This man was very, very ugly, right? Extremely ugly, and he wanted to marry a co worker of his butt. So he doesn't know if she'll accept someone as ugly as he is. So he started to test the waters. So we told her sister What if someone, you know ask, ask for your hand in marriage, but he was quite ugly. She said, you know, looks aren't that important. What's more important is on the inside. So that's a good sign. So it's just what it is like really, really ugly. She said they will lie what's most important his or her lap? Is manners. These things are more important. Okay, so sister would have these look horrendously ugly. He said, Look, Dean manners,

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what's on the inside? This is more valuable and more important than the outside. He said, sister, what if it's me? She said, No, you're pushing it.

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And I always say you can always joke about ugly people because no one will object. Am I right?

00:29:17 --> 00:29:30

Yeah, absolutely. Everyone's awesome. He's so sweet. He said because everybody's beautiful. See, that's a totally different angle than what how I looked at it because if the other person says I object to that joke, you can just tell him. I can see why.

00:29:32 --> 00:29:35

We're just joking. We're just joking. Okay.

00:29:38 --> 00:29:44

I know, I know. You're waiting for sarcasm and satire and intelligent jokes. Okay.

00:29:48 --> 00:30:00

Like I was saying, when you want to find a way to bring up something, we'll find a way. One time this man came up to me, and maybe we'll start taking from the audience some scenarios in their own object, but I'll close with

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This interactive gym agenda. So this man comes up to me he says at work, they don't allow me to talk to anyone about Islam and my manager focus on me, especially in his beard, Mashallah up to here. So they focus on me they don't let me talk to anyone about Islam. So okay, tell me about there's always a way, always a way to tell me about the setup at your office. He says, we'll have cubicles and fantastic. And you have a break or lunch break, pick up the phone, call a Muslim friend, or just pick up the phone and start talking about Islam. As if you're talking to your friend about Islam. So anyway, so he told the man, so since Allah is the one who gives you your health, your eyesight, your

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loved ones, your intelligence, things that you cannot put a price on? Doesn't it make sense then to only worship Allah to only worship him to only praise him since he's the one who created you and just talk on the phone. And people by their nature, they love to listen, and he was dropped. So they're going to be listening in and what your point now is, to pique their interest. They say something that will get their attention, and then they will come to you. And they say, look, I couldn't help but overhearing you talking about this, this? Could you explain this aspect to me? Now? Can they go and complain to the manager that you were talking to them about religion?

00:31:08 --> 00:31:46

No, because they came to you. So the ways around it, there's so many ways and this is this is a technique that we refer to a lot of times as indirect our and it's so many people use it, and it's so successful, and you have a cell phone, just you're on a bus or you're waiting in line for something or at the doctor's office, and it's very quiet, and it's boring, just pick up the phone. So anyways, so since Allah is the one who gives you your health and your intelligence and your x is go this talk enjoy yourself. It's indirect. No one's listening. I mean, everyone's listening, but no one's really, there's no awkwardness involved. Enjoy yourself. Okay, let's, let's have you give me

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some of the some of the obstacles or some of the, what do we call it? challenge the challenges, they will ask challenges, you still have 15 minutes to go. So if you want to carry on or you want to listen to Yeah, I want to hear what are specific challenges, we don't want to talk out of context for them.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:09

For the, for the sisters to hear if you would mind coming forward.

00:32:10 --> 00:32:17

Please, if it's short, I can repeat it down. If it's long. Yeah, save you some getting agree to repeat, I did the math.

00:32:20 --> 00:32:49

So quite a few times when I'm speaking to someone they know about Islam, you know, to a certain degree they know the basics works about and when I saw them, you know, because it was couple of your lectures, were the most stopping you from being a Muslim right now. And then a lot of times they say, I need to learn more about it. And I mean, I need to learn more about my own religion, most essential Christianity. I mean, I think these guys are expected to be like Buhari before he even comes in. I tell them if you study for 40 years, you never want to conquer the religion. So how can I?

00:32:51 --> 00:33:27

You know, push it, push it today? You know, like, of course, they need to learn more, but I think they're expecting to learn so much before they it's gonna take them two years. So how can I you know, again, okay. Very good. Excellent. So the repeat the question, the brother saying that a lot of times when he's giving Dawa, to a non Muslim, and he gets to when after he explains Islam in brief, then he asked them to become Muslim, then they respond that they need to learn more about Islam, or they need to learn more about their own religion, research their own faith more, or research Islam more before they decide to become Muslim. And in his words, he tells them that, you

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know, if you study for 40 years, you won't conquer the religion. So how do you get them to leave this idea of I want to study everything, before I can make a decision to become Muslim. And there's the long story in the short story. I'm going to give you the short story. Okay. And perhaps you recall the the analogy of the car, remember that one? Okay. So basically, this was a problem we always faced, you meet people who say, look, I need to study more, I can't just become Yeah, you spoke to me for seven minutes. And everything you said was beautiful. But I cannot change my life based on seven minutes of beautiful talk. So we actually came up with this analogy, and it has

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worked very, very wonderfully for us 100. We will give an analogy. And we actually say this to the non Muslim. And now I need you to understand when you can use this analogy. You have to use it in its place. Sorry, pause long. Let's go to another story. Okay.

00:34:19 --> 00:34:21

A Muslim came and asked this question, he said,

00:34:22 --> 00:34:54

I was speaking to a non Muslim friend of mine. And the non Muslim was speaking about, you know, fornication and how everyone you know, has the right to foreign. Okay, so then he said, I use the technique of the profits of a lot of seller. Now you don't expect the technique from the prophets of Salaam to fail. So I asked this man, I said, Would you accept that for your mother? And you know, this headache when the prosecutor asked the companion Would you accept that free mother? And he said, No. Would you accept a free sister? He said, No. He said the same way people don't accept her for their mothers and their sisters. So he says I asked the young man, would you accept that for

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your mother? The guy said, sure if she can sense he said would you accept that for your sister

00:35:00 --> 00:35:40

Yeah, if she's okay with it. He said this was a technique of an abyssal element, it failed How? Very simply, you applied it in the wrong place as a very wrong place. And maybe salam wa sallam use this technique with a Muslim who understood holla at haram and they have judgment and reward and punishment and Allah azza wa jal. So when he was moving, he also understood the zira. You know, he had this jealousy protective jealousy. So, when he was asked these questions, it made sense to him. Okay, so you you're taking a technique applied on a Muslim, you're trying to use it on someone else. So you have to apply the right technique in the right place. So going back to our answer, you have

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to apply this technique. This analogy only works if someone agrees with everything. The only thing stopping him from Islam is not a fiance or something. No, the only thing stopping him is I need to read more.

00:35:53 --> 00:36:30

On time this happened, we're giving a lecture to non Muslims and towards the end of the lecture, a man came up and he was very interested in Islam, that alum Humberto Sula who said yes, Salah Yes, I saw Yes, okay, why don't you become Muslim right now? He said look in everything in my life I don't make decisions that overnight like immediately like that, I think about things I take my time said like with this decision. I like the idea but I'm to go home and to read and to find out exactly what I'm getting into. And I told him you know, I appreciate that because I'm actually just like that I don't make any impulsive decisions. I do my research before I make any big decision and know that

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this is a big decision. But let me ask you this because we always try one more time, right? Always try one more time. So I said look, suppose then I told you this is my car. It's outside. It's a brand new Mercedes Benz S Class let's make it so it's an expensive Mercedes Benz. I'll tell you this car is yours for free. Okay, and just so we for the sake of our exercise, there's no bomb in it. Right? There is no dead body in the trunk. Just a very rich guy says look, you can have my S Class Mercedes. And if just go

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

what's the word that's Hassani

00:37:08 --> 00:37:30

examines Apple examine it and if you like it, you can keep it so now let's do the exercise together someone put your hand up and tell me if I told you this is a brand new car outside cost? About $130,000 I don't know how many pounds 90,000 pounds would say if you like it you can take it What will you examine Put your hand up and tell me what would you examine somebody

00:37:31 --> 00:37:36

okay so brother said engine other boat over here said engine very good nothing nothing

00:37:37 --> 00:37:39

fantastic. I love you guys just take the car

00:37:42 --> 00:37:44

okay, but I want specific components

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00:37:47 --> 00:38:06

that looks so you're really checking the body right? Because maybe it is a brand new S Class Mercedes but a train hit it and cut it in half. So you've got two halves now. So would you accept it as two halves? Probably not. Okay so what so that means I'm checking the body I'm checking the engine I'm looking for one more thing what would you check? Yes sir.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:15

The key I love you man. He said he will check the keys if it's if I give you a car for 90,000 pounds it has the wrong keys you will leave it

00:38:16 --> 00:38:18

at 50 pounds and get new keys right

00:38:19 --> 00:38:27

we're scared that he's brother in the back Yes sir. And what component Are you checking when you when you say does it start

00:38:28 --> 00:38:38

now ignition and the ignition again a car cost 90,000 pounds I can replace the ignition right I'll take the key from my door at the house and just stick it in there and study

00:38:41 --> 00:38:44

we said it's not stolen there is no dead body in the trunk it's a millionaire why

00:38:46 --> 00:38:47

the interior okay possibly now

00:38:49 --> 00:38:50


00:38:51 --> 00:38:59

quanta which is which you're checking for the engine one more time no no chicken if the wheel hasn't been Oh meaning the car is

00:39:02 --> 00:39:04

two words plasma torch

00:39:06 --> 00:39:15

give me a 90,000 pound car Oh cut that thing like nothing all night Oh cool brother brothers we have so come camera was gonna spend overnight

00:39:17 --> 00:39:45

okay the last thing the transmission right? Because the transmission gearbox maybe you call it here okay the transmission on a brand new S Class Mercedes will cost 1000s of pounds and the engine will cost 1000s of pounds but the ignition the key that's nothing I can afford that the tires that's nothing no one refuses a 90,000 pound car because I don't like the tires they're old put new tires. You know something I wouldn't put new tires somebody check the brakes forget the brakes all rolled at home.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:59

It's 90,000 pounds. So what happens is in the in the example in the analogy you ask the non Muslim to tell you some of the what are the key components you will check for in the car and in the end

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If everything makes sense, the most important things made sense would you accept? And he would say, Yes, I'll accept the car. And this person said, I will accept the car. And then I asked him a question. I said, why is it that when the most important things in the car made sense to you accept the car, but when the most important things are explained to you in Islam, meaning the five pillars made sense to you, you rejected? What did he do? Well, he looked down like this.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:59

He said, Yes, you're right. I'll say it, let's go. Meaning I'll say the shot. And he said, so in this analogy, you explained to people, this is how life works. We don't if I want to buy a car, I don't go to a dealership and say, Look, let me drive this thing for 50,000 miles from trying to buy a house. I don't tell the the realtor, well, you know, let me move the children, the family, the dog, and everybody in, we're gonna live here for four or five months, then I'll give you my decision. We look at the basic components and if they agree to make a decision. So that's in a nutshell, without taking too much time. That's one way of doing it. I probably just talked for one

00:40:59 --> 00:41:02

or two more. Any other obstacle?

00:41:04 --> 00:41:05

A total? Yes, sir.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:11

I think rather, there is a problem with us, as Muslims.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:48

People who try to convince them all the time, we never let them, you know, like to, for instance, like just, you know, like to listen to us for as little or, you know, we try to always convince, showing that our religion is the best, as they think always, but the religion is the best. And this is a problem with the Muslim sometimes they don't even know, right, the subject properly how to convert someone, and then they use like the wrong words all the time, the wrong phrases, you know what I mean? Yes, you know, and I think this, that's why we failed.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:33

Okay, very good. And I have to agree with you. It's very true. A lot of times people they don't have an idea of what good Tao is, they use the wrong words, use wrong approach, wrong technique. And it kills our and I would say like in, in my 10 years of teaching the Tao of devil courses. I will tell the students in the beginning that a lot of this course is unlearning the wrong way of giving Dawa moreso than learning the correct way. Because in for so many people, there's just this wrong way of giving Dawa. And that's what we think it is. So you're absolutely correct in that letter, and that, hence the importance of training in our training for people, you know, or of course, in experience,

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and you don't have to necessarily take a full session or class, but you could also go hang out and spend time with experienced data and learn from them and so on and so forth. So barkcloth, exactly. Common. And someone had their hand up over here. Yes, go ahead.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:53

Some people like if they really like the idea of Islam, one thing I've noticed

00:42:55 --> 00:43:02

is the fact is, they say that in Islam, if you choose to leave Islam can be executed.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:20

Okay, so, okay, yeah. So the brothers saying, like, perhaps one of the things that deter people from becoming Muslim is that if you leave Islam, if you apostatize, that you will be killed. So why would someone become Muslim if that's the case?

00:43:22 --> 00:43:23

And this reminds me of

00:43:24 --> 00:43:27

a true story that happened during the the times with one of the

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there was a Christian, he used to always be in his gathering who's a good guy, this Christian so when the the philosopher now gives him down, he says, Yeah, he or one of the O'Meara, perhaps it doesn't, why don't you become Muslim? So the Christian says, I like to drink too much. I love drinking. That's why I want to become Muslim. So the Americanism Listen, become Muslim and drink the problem. So the guy takes the Shahada, then right after it takes, yeah, this is if you drink, we'll whip you and if you leave, Islam will kill you.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:16

Okay, and again, this goes back to point number one, you know, when we when we the more details we learn about Islam, the easier we'll see, it has to explain things like this. Let me ask you this.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:42

If someone let's say someone lives in a Muslim village, okay, or a Muslim town, and he goes to work and he comes back then he prays mother Ganesha and the masjid and he goes to work like that. If this man suddenly decides to leave Islam, but he kept it to himself, he just stopped not going to he didn't go to the mercy of her mother who just and didn't make it public, but he's just stopped believing in alone Islam. What's the Islamic ruling on this person? What should happen to him?

00:44:44 --> 00:44:44

The answer is

00:44:45 --> 00:44:59

nothing. Thank you very much. Nothing. He kept he left Islam and he kept it to himself. There's nothing else he has the right to do that. And so Can people leave Islam? Yes, absolutely. They can leave Islam. You can leave Islam but you keep quiet.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:34

about it. Why? Because the minute you start to make it public, now the state and we're talking about the Islamic State, it has an interest in this person. Why? Because when you leave Islam, or you have certain doubts that make you you know, not believe in a larger deal, or the Koran or maybe sauce headlam. When you have certain doubts like that, the minute you start to make it public, you are bound to affect people who are close to you. So you might affect your parents, you might affect your children, you might affect your wife, you might affect your brothers and sisters, your siblings, you could affect your neighbor, you could affect your close friend, you could affect close workers, co

00:45:34 --> 00:46:11

workers or students, if you're a teacher, you understand. So now, if you make it public, and you keep mentioning these doubts, and there'll be people without much, not enough knowledge, and they might be in the fall for these doubts as well. So now the state has an interest in you because you're making it public and you will affect other people and the state looks out for, for the population. So now you you you will be a person of interest. But everyone, anyone can leave Islam, and it's no big deal. And as long as they keep the keep it a secret, the minute you make it public, and now you make it public, then the state has an interest in this individual. But now look at it,

00:46:11 --> 00:46:50

there's a difference between how Islam deals with the apostate versus perhaps Yanni, let's just say in the Bible, how it's dealt with, he's still given many chances. You know, for example, in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 13, verse eight and nine, it explains that the one who leaves his religion, that you should kill him. And as soon as let your hand be the first to strike him, okay? You want to be the first one who kills that person who leaves Islam. Now in Islam, it doesn't work like that. And I have to say this, because people think that's the case, one time, a brother left Islam and he was a revert. He left this llama for two weeks. And this is there's a

00:46:50 --> 00:47:02

different ruling for this person is known as an inverted Millie kid is different ruling. But one of the brothers he himself was a revert, he said, Oh, so and so left Islam, I'm going to take him hunting, and we're going to have an accident.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:08

So he thought it was his job to take it and he's gonna go dick cheney on the guy.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:48

Basically. So the truth is, and we've got like, a minute or so the scholars sit with the person, then they try to explain whatever doubt came into his head, that's one, two, then they start not in any particular order, then they try to establish a reaffirm that yes, this book is from allows you, here's the evidence and this, this is the final profit. Here's the evidence right, then. And of course, this, these are scholars appointed by the state, or the Amir or the Imam or the halifa. And then they even do another tactic, they threaten him with the sword. So they say, Look, just become Muslim, or you will get the sword if you continue upon this. What happens? What is this really, this

00:47:48 --> 00:48:28

is an opportunity for him to say, you know what, yes, you're right, you're right. And once he sees the sword, like, ah, I understand your argument. Now, he can pretend and go home to his family and keep his mouth closed and keep pretending you know, not praying and not going to gym or or not fasting, but he can at least save himself by pretending even he's even given that opportunity to understand. But the more people let's say, spread the doubts and speak up that we're a group and they make an organization where Muslims who have abandoned Islam and we are more rational, scientific and so on. And imagine for people leave Islam in a village and they start a club 10 years

00:48:28 --> 00:49:01

but you come back to this village, they might be 237 of them. Why because they spread it. But if these four people kept it to themselves, you come back 10 years later, maybe they're only six or seven. Why? Because they kept it to themselves. So these are things you explained to the person and and one of the best selling points you have is that look, we don't need this guy in the streets of London doesn't want to become Muslim because you guys killed someone if they leave Islam so what are you talking about that this is not an Islamic State and no one will do anything to you? Of course that's not your selling point to say have a trial period, right? But at the same time, who's gonna

00:49:02 --> 00:49:11

do you guys have regular laughter a shell? button sisters are a few announcements. There's a brother who left Islam we're gonna chop his head off in the parking lot outside. Please join us bug Luffy

00:49:17 --> 00:49:20

this question says, What are you upon?

00:49:22 --> 00:49:24

UK you wanna you want a piece of me? Let's come on.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:38

Okay, first of all, you need to understand it was not from the way of the early Muslims and it was not of the way of the Sahaba to construct to ask people this question. Okay. No One No one has ever

00:49:39 --> 00:49:59

put it upon you to always question people's manhood. So Sarah, how are you doing bro? What's your name? Where you from? Woman How do you this is not part of the way of the early Muslims to question people's manner hate okay. But to answer the question, my man has his art of cinema, Jamal. Okay. And my first teacher who's a Syrian scholar

00:50:00 --> 00:50:23

He was a student of shuffle and Barney and every other one of my my scholars that I studied with they were either students of Albania or they they mean open bars and so on and so forth. So but it's not from the way of the of the the early Muslims to question people's my knowledge constantly. It's like, Where are you from? And what's your main hacia? Oh, that's nice. So that's the first thing but if you want a piece of me, I'm here Don't worry, but

00:50:24 --> 00:50:54

this question says that I'm quite upset. Um, do you think the Muslims are discussing Sharia law too much? When giving doubt to non Muslims rather than a man under signs of alone the universe, the Sahaba were first introduced to Islam, not the Islamic penal code. Brilliant system. This is the problem. Okay. Right now if I say the word Shetty, I What do you think of? Let's be honest. There we go. Something's flying off either head or hand. Okay. But this is the Penal Code. You're one step closer. Yeah, Annie, for example.

00:50:56 --> 00:51:20

In democracy, let's I'm going to pick on America, in America, in a democracy, we have lethal injection, and we capital punishment, and we kill people by putting a poison their blood system, or we put them in a chamber full of a deadly gas. And when they inhale, they die. Or we put them on a very comfortable chair, but it has electricity all over it that kills them also. Now, when the President of United States sells

00:51:21 --> 00:52:00

them democracy, when he sells democracy to the world, does he say, yes, we're gonna bring democracy, we will put people in gas chambers, we will electrocute and kill people. Does he do that? No, because this is the penal code, which is the scariest part, which is supposed to deter people. The problem is, this is how a lot of times and besides our friends in Hollywood, even we present the Sharia, we present as stuff being chopped off. And recently, one of one of the Muslim President said in his speech, televised speech, he said, we're going to breach area, we're going to cut off hands, we're going to cut our feet. And why would you sell a shirt like that? You're selling me the

00:52:00 --> 00:52:36

harshest and scariest part as what is normal. Okay, but so it's like, if you look at the shittier it's a wonderful, beautiful palace. Okay, but it has a boundary around it. Okay. And that boundary, you know, you touch it, you get hurt. You don't come near the boundaries. But it's a beautiful palace. So do I not describe the palace and I just described the barbed wire on the fence or on the wall of the palace. This is exactly what's happening now. So yes, don't spend all your time talking about Sharia. And we'll kill the adultery. Have you ever committed adultery? By the way, this is what we will do to an Islamic State. We dig a hole. Okay, wait a minute, not necessary. These are

00:52:36 --> 00:52:59

the boundaries. So what if we sell the other part of the Sharia there'll be justice, there'll be no poor people, there'll be no one that will go to bed hungry. There'll be no corruption, no bribes, anything like that. So you're absolutely correct in that, and that's not your speaking point for the hour anyways, your speaking points to hit the vilazodone and the Visa Center and the final messenger and the five pillars. Why did you go into things being chopped off?

00:53:01 --> 00:53:09

How does one deal with questions about a man and a law? For example, when did a law come into being? How do I know there is a God etc. Obviously, these are the

00:53:10 --> 00:53:21

two three questions here. And this is probably a good time to invite you to join me. For my course that's coming up in about two weeks, we're going to do a course here in London, it's called Shahada

00:53:22 --> 00:54:03

of devil. And you will find these cards out out here. And it's April 13, starting April 13, until the second weekend of April 21. Okay, now, the only reason I can confidently promote this, this workshop is that I've been doing it for years, and I know the results of hundreds of the people who attend this workshop. I've gotten an email from a brother, actually in the UK. He listened to it online. And he was like a five hour version. He listened to two and a half hours and he paused it. He said, he says to me in the email, I paused it to go buy dinner, said on the way I saw a non Muslim, and I said something from the course. He said something back that was expected in the course

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and I said something back and the guy took his Shahada.

00:54:06 --> 00:54:10

So in his email, he said, I heard half the course what happens when I hear the full course?

00:54:12 --> 00:54:18

Great things happen. This kidding. So none going for dinner all the time and after that.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:22


00:54:24 --> 00:54:37

so we discuss any, it allowed me to say brilliant ways of tackling questions like this simple analogy sometimes, but who can say for example, shot a sham was the first person in this building today.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:59

So if I tell you chef Hassan was the first person in the building today, you might ask me, yes, but who was there beforehand, today? No, no, no. Listen to me carefully today. He was the first one in the building. Yes, I understand that. But who was there before him? If I told you today he was the first one but who was there before? They cannot be who was there before him? It's a wrong question. Same thing.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

Is there before Allah if he is the first only

00:55:04 --> 00:55:15

and only someone who is not intelligent would ask you who was there before the first that's what the word first means. Habibi. Let's you don't know what it means. And there are also other things like someone will ask you who created the law?

00:55:16 --> 00:55:51

Or Allah has no creator, but everything has a creator. Yeah, except Allah, how can I learn? I have a creator who created the law. Okay, so what do we do here we explain to the person that what you're doing, you're asking the wrong question. You see, this is the way we understand the law. We see a concept if we're, if we see a description of Allah, for example, Allah is the Most Merciful. How can I understand that? And I understand it because I know what Mercy is. So I look at Mercy, then I magnify it a lot. And I say Allah is very merciful. I understand how it lays out a rough man out Rahim, then I see that Allah is the most generous, so I see generosity, I understand the concept,

00:55:51 --> 00:56:29

then I magnified a lot and I see how Allah is the most generous. But the problem is that then what happens when I when I give you a description of a lot that you can't compare to the dunya and magnify? A lo is the first and he was always there, and he has no creator. So like, Okay, what can I think of that's like that, that I can magnify? Because nothing? So then is or how good is that part? That must be an impossibility then. So this is the thing is there's a difference between what you can understand and what you can imagine. Many times people cannot imagine something that they think is impossible. Now this is not right. For example,

00:56:30 --> 00:56:33

oh, it's almost eight o'clock. I'm gonna try to end with this very quickly.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:39

No before

00:56:41 --> 00:56:45

but okay. So in 30 seconds, I want to say very quickly, that what is it?

00:56:47 --> 00:57:29

Look, Donna. And the second part of the question about Allah subhanaw taala said, How can you prove to them that Allah Subhana Allah exists? If you if you understand that there is tons and tons of evidence to point to the existence of Allah xojo then your question will be, okay, where do I start? Because we'll learn there's so much shirtless, I've been to America and Allah says something very nice. He said, Allah azza wa jal created the human being, and he created the human body in need of water. So because we're in need of water, Allah azza wa jal put water in every corner of the earth, because we need it to survive. Likewise, Allah created the human being in need of believing in its

00:57:29 --> 00:58:06

creator, believe in the need of believing in something. So Allah subhanaw taala, even more so than water put evidence to his existence everywhere on Earth. So where do I begin? Do I begin with analyzing the life of Muhammad sauce and approving it was a genuine Prophet, if he's a genuine Prophet, that means he was sent by God that means God that does exist, to begin with the Quran and prove how the Quran could not have been written by a human being, that it must have been written by a divine being and that's proof of the existence of Allah as origin. And which which angle of the Koran I mean, I can take eight or nine different angles of from looking at the Quran, and each one

00:58:06 --> 00:58:28

of them will prove that there is a God. So there's tons and ample ample proof that there is a creator. And one more time, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. The questions have been answered before the proofs have been laid out by the scholars, all you have to do is it's as simple as looking it up on a Muslim website, picking the strongest arguments and that's your game plan inshallah. So

00:58:29 --> 00:58:48

that's one thing if you shall attend this, you have the course coming up in April, you one of the things that will take care of in that course is never ever be worried about the atheist again, ever. Any Look, it's the weakest argument allows you to get how many times in the Quran does Allah refute the Trinity for example,

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many times, paganism, many times things in the Judaism for example, in turn saw dedicated to that, how many times Allah met and he responded or refute the atheist argument in the Quran? Once just once, why scholars say because it's such a weak argument once, why are we scared of the weakest argument?

00:59:13 --> 00:59:22

But we'll explain why the atheist comes to you or confident and arrogant and insulting and everything. There's a reason behind that and if you attend Shahada

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April 13. inshallah,

00:59:27 --> 00:59:57

questions is what is the key to giving statistical data to Muslims who aren't interested in hearing you out? Here's the key. Okay. You have to find out why they're not interested. That's exactly what it is. Okay. So I don't try to insist and force you to be interested. I try to find out why you're not interested. So the conversation goes like this. You tell them look, I noticed that whenever I talk to you about religion, you change the subject, or you don't like to talk about it. Right now. I don't want to talk to you about religion. I just want to know why you don't want to talk about religion.

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

Okay, that's it.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:38

And it's very, very, very effective in Sharla. Because once you you tell them Okay, tell me why don't want to talk about religion. And there may be other reasons hidden that they don't want to admit to you that, you know, the guilt of not practicing and makes me feel good. But it may be other things like, Oh, you know, discussion of religion always ends enough in a fight on an argument. Is that the only reason I don't talk about religion? Because it's going to end in an argument? Yes. Okay. Then I'm going to talk to religion and I promise you're swear by Allah, we're not going to argue. Now it's their excuse. So that in this scenario in which that was the problem, always with

01:00:38 --> 01:01:15

double with Muslims with non Muslims, you have to find out why very important. Many times people come up to me, and please don't use it at the end of this lecture. There is a brother and every time we tell him to pray, he starts to eat boiled eggs. Why does he do that? But what can I tell him? I can't tell you what to tell him. You have to find out why he does that every time it's time for Salah? No, there is my mother. And every time it's time for Salah, she says this or does data that type? What can I tell her? It's not about what can you tell her at the moment? It's about why does she behave like that? So why always find out why someone doesn't want to become Muslim. Why? Someone

01:01:15 --> 01:01:54

doesn't want to pray? Why? If I tell you, you tell me someone doesn't want to pray, oh, go tell him this hadith and give him that I am giving this CD, no funder. What is What's his problem? You might link you might discover, you know, as you investigate, it's linked to some major sin, He committed legacy seven months ago and decided he's not worthy of praying and so on and so forth. Find out the why. And you're halfway there, Charlie. Okay, questions is how do you deal with Christians? Whenever I try to point something wrong with the Bible, they say it's open to interpretation. They also say that hold on is open to interpretation. Number one, first thing left to note in the question. Try

01:01:54 --> 01:02:31

not to make that your your approach is to discuss what's wrong with the Bible. That's a last resort. I know. And even if you're good at it, and you know, your passages and your and your verses very well, and you can destroy them at the end of the day. But you must admit that it takes you a good while because you've given this verse and they give you the other verse, and then another contradiction. And then they tell you in the end, it's an interpretation. And you make very little headway of any, if any. So number one as a as an approach, try not to do that. And use always use the Bible. And I know maybe you've read some good books, and you've got some good arguments, but try

01:02:31 --> 01:02:35

not to use that. Talk about the beauty of Islam first. Yeah.

01:02:37 --> 01:03:13

Now, if they say it's open to interpretation, and tomake This was open to interpretation, so in other words, is open to interpretation. In the end, the real question is, what is the value of this book is a book of guidance, if everything in it is open to interpretation? And then some Muslims make the same argument about the Quran? Oh, that's how you understood the verse. That's not how I understand the verse number one, that any what's the value of the Quran is a book of guidance. If there was no specific meaning of the Quran, there is a specific meaning. Otherwise, Allah wouldn't have said first Allahu Allah decree in quantum let alone ask the people of knowledge. If you don't

01:03:13 --> 01:03:50

know them, ask them what? If everything is open to interpretation, we'll just take yours and run with it. Why do I have to ask the person of knowledge after ask them because there's a specific meaning along tended and they know it. That's why a lot of good descriptive foreign that it was revealed by Listen, in our opinion, will be what is more been made? Clear. So that means it can't be just vague and everyone will see this one reads the first Oh, it means this, the other guy goes in jump rope and everyone feels Okay, it can take me in a different direction. Also, the scholars say if the Quran had no specific meaning, why would there be a court or a justice system? Or would there

01:03:50 --> 01:04:03

be rulings because someone could steal? Then you go in front of the judge, and you told your honor, that's your interpretation of this verse. According to my interpretation, I didn't steal, I took opportunity of something that was available with no one watching

01:04:04 --> 01:04:06

her lab, you know,

01:04:07 --> 01:04:10

so and so on and so forth. So

01:04:11 --> 01:04:25

the argument holds no water. And if you tell me every verse is open to interpretation, one time this Christian told me, I told him, there's no proof at all of divinity of the divinity of Jesus in the Bible. He said, it's there, that you can't see it because God didn't touch you.

01:04:26 --> 01:04:54

I said, if that's the case, I'm not going to even worry about it on the Day of Judgment. And if you're if you what you think is right, on the day of judgment, let's suppose your height Yeah. And the Day of Judgment, then no one ever has to examine this book of yours or look into it, because I can just say, Well, God, I looked at your book, it didn't make any sense. And you didn't touch me so I could understand it. So what's the value of sending a book that you cannot understand? Unless that touches you? The most will just touch you without the book. Yeah.

01:04:55 --> 01:04:55

And then somehow, it

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

doesn't make any sense. Okay.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:01 --> 01:05:10

lot on, how would you go about giving out to your own family? Again, this is one of those questions. Yeah, it's one of the very common questions. But

01:05:11 --> 01:05:46

a lot of times people would expect me in the answer to this just give you how to give out to your family. Okay, what are the dynamics? Is your family nonpracticing? And you're practicing? When you started practicing? Did you make their life miserable by telling them how long you broke the television, you? You did things in the house, and now they think you're extreme. And there's a very bad relationship, or there's a decent relationship? Maybe your father is a little practicing. Now, what's the situation? Okay, how old are you? How old? Are they? their background, and they're very cultural. When it comes to Islam. You the most important thought I want to get across now is that

01:05:46 --> 01:06:06

there's so many variables and so many factors involved, that if I were to give you the answer, this is how you give down to your family. Don't accept it from me, because that will be proof that I don't know what I'm talking about. Okay, if any shows you without asking me the details, dynamics, and this is this is what you do. And they don't know what they're talking about. So

01:06:08 --> 01:06:43

So then what can I say that it's beneficial to the questioner? It will depend on a lot of things. Yeah. But for the most part you do you do show them the necessary respect. And if at some point you did burn the bridges like a lot of people have done in the past when they first started practicing the burned all the bridges because dinner arguing about Islam lunch, we argued about a start breakfast, we argue about it. In the end, the families, I don't want to hear about a snap. So now two months later, you want to bring up the topic again, no, you now you're at the stage of rebuilding and repairing those bridges. So once the bridges are repaired, then you start to cross

01:06:43 --> 01:06:47

over carefully. So I'll just end with that a lot on our alumni.

01:06:49 --> 01:06:51

Question. Okay.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:35

So let's take one question from the brothers and one from Matt. You've asked the question by Mohammed he didn't ask a question. Yeah. So that was basically when it comes down to Muslims today, like when you're given that we're just criticizing you for giving down because they're not doing it like Yeah, but like, it's because people are weak these days. They don't want to show that they're Muslim. They want to shave their beard they want to wear Western clothes. But Allah says don't copy the characters in it. So we might all be worn out for pain you know when there are semi Muslims you know, so when it comes down to it like when it comes down to the the justice system, like so it's

01:07:35 --> 01:08:01

like, we were given up in that way. Yeah. So how should the people like basically once you give that one like as Muslims like, because they don't want to be up for with you know, straightforward to the non Muslims, when you have to be in Islam to speak truth like that people are afraid to speak the truth. So the question is, how should they how should they like basically how should the Muslims the weak one, the weak Muslims

01:08:04 --> 01:08:07

how should they get down to the non Muslims? Okay?

01:08:09 --> 01:08:15

And there's always a scary combination, right? Muslims is too afraid to even be Muslim and then he wants to give down

01:08:18 --> 01:08:44

and we get this problem a lot also in America and these are the people who just watered down Islam, you know, and they make Islam look like every other religion. So they'll tell you things like, you know, in it, you know, the Quran says Jews and Christians will enter into paradise Would you like to become Muslim? No, your Quran says I'll go into paradise Why should I you know, the water down so much. So like these people themselves are obviously there.

01:08:45 --> 01:09:13

As much as we say Tao itself increases your Eman, but these people need to rebuild up to that level as well before they go out and they can do more damage than good actually. So if there if you know these people then you can instruct them with the evidence Yeah. on what to say and what not to say. And what the evidence is like the I'd say this and the whole answer is that you cannot go up to someone and say something totally different. And perhaps get them involved with organized

01:09:14 --> 01:09:21

and our group so they can see what is being said how it's being done. And things along those lines.

01:09:24 --> 01:09:59

And then the other four questions or the three they're all good questions and deserving of being responded to it because of brevity of time. But this question is very simple as is can a Muslim woman give out to her non Muslim work colleagues, and she has a normal working relationship with the scholars say that a Muslim woman, okay. can give an IT can give Dawa to a non Mahara male for example, so long as the conversation does not go outside the confines of or the subject of Tao once we get into a level the color of your hijab

01:10:00 --> 01:10:19

Hey Google Google, then we'll have a problem. But as long as it doesn't go beyond that, then it's okay. Now with that being said, because of the time that we live in, I strongly recommend that if there's suppose there's nobody but you, and a woman comes up to you, and she says, Can you tell me about Islam? Right? Or there's no one but the sister and a man comes up Turn says, Can you tell me about a snap?

01:10:21 --> 01:10:59

With with given our society in the world today? Why on earth? Would you continue for weeks just talking at night? And under the covers? Well, you know, a lot of them. Why would you continue like that? So initially, there was nobody button me so then I passed her on to another system, okay. Or initially, there was no one but us sister and the male came to you, but in it later on, you pass them on to someone else who's capable. There's no reason why for four or five days, you should continue talking and chatting and sending, you know, smiley faces and be careful. Okay. shaytaan. ruins things, I want to close by telling you about one page in the notes in the course it's coming

01:10:59 --> 01:11:35

up. I have been teaching our courses for about 10 years, okay, I know what can happen. inshallah, if you take the material and try it, this one strongly trying to advise you, and urge you to sign up for this course. Because I know what not because I put together some course. But because I know what this course has done in the past. Yeah. So there's a page in the notes that you follows a new technique. The old technique, let's say for example of discussing Trinity, we go back and forth, back and forth, I give you a verse to give me a verse I contradicted with another verse, and so on and so forth. And we would sit down for with missionaries for three hours, but in the end,

01:11:35 --> 01:11:51

Hamdulillah, we would destroy them using their own Bible, right, but it took us three hours to destroy them. Now, maybe I shouldn't use words like destroy, what's a nicer word? convinced they'll refuse to convince, you know, understand one, another, annihilate annihilate.

01:11:53 --> 01:12:29

Now, it takes about seven to 10 minutes because of this new technique, where we don't go into the details. But we just question the mindset, why would you believe in something that's three, even though it's physically, that one, even though it's physically separate, okay, that's three, that's not one, or one of one of them dies for three days, and instead of becoming two, it's still one. So what we tackle the mindset now, and I'm going to give you an example, there's a page in the notes that in the past, I used to not teach, I would announce in the beginning of the course, I'm skipping this page, because it's self explanatory. You read it at home. And that was used to be page 59.

01:12:29 --> 01:13:05

Right? Page 59 deals with polytheism, believing in more than one Gods something that's very suitable for a Hindu or something like that. Why? So it tackles the mindset, why would you believe that there's more than one God, there are some some huge problems with believing in more than one God. So I taught this in South Africa. I came back some months later asked the students what happens after the course one of them said, My brother and I took the course. We went home, and I watched my older brother, pick up the phone, turn the course notes to page 59. He called the Hindu friend of his, he went over the arguments in the beginning of the page to the bottom of the page, his friend took

01:13:05 --> 01:13:38

Shahada over the phone. So I'm thinking, Okay, I'm going to now go to South Australia, and I give the course there before and I want to show off to them and tell them one of the brothers in South Africa. This happened to him. So one of the brothers was there and said, same thing happened to me. I said, Tell me the story. He said, I took the course. I went home, I opened the course notes to page 59. I called the Hindu friend of mine, I went from the arguments from the beginning of the page until the end of the page, and the guy took his Shahada over the follicle. This is the technique of of tackling the mindset. Do you want to know what's on page 59 April 13

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