Jamal Badawi – The Quran – Ultimate Miracle 33 – Introduction

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of authenticity in the Bible and the connection it has with scripture is discussed, as well as the use of "force" in scripture and its implications for writing. The Prophet Muhammad was instrumental in memorizing the century and his teachings include reciting the Quran, teaching about religion, and guiding individuals in their daily lives. memorization is also discussed as a way to guide individuals in their daily lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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to Islam infocus today's program is a 33rd in a series on the sources of Islam, to be more specific is the first program or the second segment of a series dealing with your fantasy of the Quran.

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Paragraph two

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I hope everything works out well. Well, good news, as you all know that the general consumer is University, Ronnie Kusama.

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To a capital

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this segment

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to the rest of the series. Yeah, the main focus of the whole series, such as of Islam is to analyze and find out something about the basic sources of Islam. And of course, the Quran is the primary source of Islamic teachings which were discussed in the previous series of this program. Now, the first 32 programs of that series, dealt essentially with one simple question. That was the authority of the Quran. More specifically,

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was it ever claimed that the Quran is a revelation from God? How do we know it was a revelation? How do we know that it was not written by the prophet or learned from previous books or other human beings are birthed from some other sources? So all of these questions were examined, in some degree of detail in this first step to two programs from the standpoint of internal and external evidence from the historical, logical, analytical, and within that a great extent scientific and linguistic point of view. The basic conclusions from this, this discussion is that there is no reasonable guarantee whatsoever, to put it mildly. That there is no

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chance of a human source of the content of the Quran based on the analysis of the Quran itself.

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We have seen also a powerful evidence which indicates that the Quran spoke about the discoveries that sounds have arrived at only

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recent decades, which was again that it could not be possibly processed by a human, especially in the area of human embryology and genetics,

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that would have been discussed in some detail before all of this balance as indicated, basically with the question of authenticity,

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which is quite different from the authority, which is quite different from the authenticity, which is the central focus of that second segment.

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In this segment deals with the authenticity of the craft. Okay. Not necessarily, as you just mentioned, but what

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actually is a fantasy.

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To start with, if we put authenticity and in a very simple term, that refers essentially to the preservation of the Quran, okay.

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Whether or not the Quran that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, came to us throughout the ages in Sanchez, in exactly the same form as it was revealed to him or did it go in undergoing change or modification? Now, the other part of the question, why is that an important issue? It is important because economics self indicate there have been so many revolutions in the past giving to previous profits, that is prior to Prophet Muhammad the loss of his profits. In a sense, then, all of these revelations to me these prophets were authoritative IE, they were based on divine revelation

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that this is one thing and to say that the present versions of the Scripture that we have in our hands today is exactly the same. It's a different issue. In other words, something could be authoritative that was originally revealed by God.

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Again, whether it's authentic him had come to us in the same form or not. This is very important because a number of questions should be raised, which applies to other scriptures but third

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The question

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is well, first of all, and did have that text of revelation in its purity as the victorious prophets. Without additions, deletions, who is hasn't been changed exactly has been been changed by the modifications adding is mixed with the interpretation of the disciples are followers of that prophets and others interpretation, or is it part and parcel of the Scripture that can be dangerous cavemen? Exactly, exactly. So the problem was the language was preserved in its original language, or through the pendant translations, if we depend on translations. Do we have information about the translators? And what knowledge they have of the subject and again, questions pertaining to

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credibility of the translators, as indicated this apply to the Quran apply to other scriptures, and I believe, at least, as far as the focus of this segment, we're dealing essentially with the Quran, the Quran says critical tests of authenticity are not

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ministering to others if I can, back to the deli within the Quran itself,

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that indicates whether it will be preserved from loss or change or interpretation.

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This is like to read Yes, there are several In fact, one of the most quoted passages in the Quran in surah 15. In number nine,

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half of the wheelchairs that we would ever bear with me here means that we will sit down the reminders

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can be translated as a reminder, or some translator as message, we send the message. And then it says and really that is God, when assuredly God, that is God the corruption from change or less.

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It should be noted here that the term used in the Quran

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is itself one of the names of the Quran. We find that for example, in Surah 15 verse six, insert a three hour 58 insert, associate the first

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insert a 21 Converse or error 50. In all of these we find evidence that

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indication that the Quran actually is called Victor or reminder so when the verse cited earlier 15 minutes,

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speaks about the preservation of Ezekiel it definitely speaks about, about the Quran.

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In addition to this, there was also another quotation in the Quran which is quite explicit, that the Quran will be preserved without any error. And that was English with a 41. In Isaiah 42. When

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the translation is described, the Quran says it is indeed an exalted book, no false hood, no notice this one fell swoop can approach it from different or behind it, it is still down by one foot of wisdom, where he appraised at sundown by God. The emphasis in that passage in the Quran is that

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even approach approach,

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approach that means, of course, that it will be totally preserved without any loss or change or modification. And this is definitely something which is quite unique. That's quite clear to me.

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Right, one of the

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previous coaches have also had statements that they will be preserved or changed when he was in this case, okay. Well, to the best of my knowledge, I read Scripture, before the Quran, which has the same statement in that strength, what is your strong and explicit way that that scripture will be preserved? Nothing that clearly is nothing that will express biblical examples, of example, might refer to statements which are rather ambiguous that could be interpreted in a variety of meanings. For example, like saying that the heavens and earth

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changed or not changed. But what does it mean that delay will not change is a delay of creation. The natural knows that God has created a nature that could be one meaning

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does it refer to the more and more that God has revealed? For example, they typically the 10 commandments given to Prophet Moses, but don't look for relative morality, that the moral laws will not change because

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they are given by God. That could be one interpretation. If that's the interpretation, there is no dispute that the 10 commandments definitely is only a small portion of the

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of the Scripture or the Bible, in that particular case, if we're interested

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to refer to the essence of the mission or message of all prophets, that does not necessarily mean that all previous scriptures prior to the Quran were preserved fully intact, because ultimately the Quran came to anything that was lost or collected anything that has been changed. So in that sense, again, it does not give that explicit assurance that you have in the case of the Quran, the full preservation intact of it.

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But I should add here also that

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it the usage in the Quran, or the terms used to refer to the preservation of animism are the same as the book or ASIC, which is the name of the Quran.

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One of the names of the Quran, all of these verses, really talks about the integrity of the Quran doesn't just talk about men, for example, it talks about the preservation of the book of Revelation called the Quran. But after all, even though this might come in later discussion, the ultimate test of course, as to whether the statements about preservation is to be taken seriously or not, is whether the external evidence, historical and otherwise,

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support one interpretation or the other this time because

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it is quite unique, definitely, in the case of the Quran, which was preserved this by

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memorization, as well as writing

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that quite interesting

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in the crime itself, that deals with this particular issue of

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preserving the client, with memorization,

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indicating that the crime would be preserved, at least partly, at least,

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when it was when we man that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, didn't know how to read or write,

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that he received revelation was simply through Angel Gabrielle, the Angel of Revelation, and the angel will dictate the Quran to him and simply uttered after him people around committed to memory as well as to writing so in other words, it was given to him and

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other people who memorized it

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was written down from his mouth at the same time of the revelation

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to reflect the state of the Prophet at the time of receiving the Quran, and how much effort he was exerting, so that he memorizes the Quran and before he forgets it all, without missing any part of it, we find that the Quran itself to come to your question with a specific reference to that, for example, in Surah, 75, in the passage passages 16 through 18, that the listener can be which means, do not move your tongue on Harmon, concerning the Quran to make

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their way it is for us that is for God to connect it interpret promulgated, but when we have promulgating a footnote, or whether it's recited, as promulgated, that's referred actually to the effort on the part of the prophet to memorize the Quran immediately as it's written, the same kind of

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emphasis has been mentioned in Surah 20, in passage 114.

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That was on the translation in haste with the Quran, before its revelation to you is completed that is Mohammed. And that is exactly what the prophet himself

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and he said when debruyne engine government comes with revelation, when he leaves me after, you know, dictating the Quran, I fully understand and remember the Quran and version even he says, as if the Quran has been validly engraved on my heart.

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So, that actually is to talk about intimate evidence was it was referenced that there was one passage in the Quran which is indirect and there has to be honest and similar, it does not appear as conclusive as these first two verses. And that appears in Surah 29. passage 49

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which describe the Quran is clear versus direct and the unit

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has clear verses or sounds which are protected or preserved in the hearts

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or in the hearts of those who are given knowledge. And there are some interpreters of the Quran like Annika indicate that this is a reference actually to one means of preserving the Quran because those verses are preserved in the hearts through memory. So have both direct and indirect evidence that don't seem to show how the Quran was presenting memorization binarization. We just talked about

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preservation of the core with memory

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corroborating evidence. Aside from the

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request clever witness the committee the quality memory will be very important the rational preservation of defensive okay. Historical narration especially in the most authentic book about the Prophet about the saying of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as

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it was stated that

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would come to the process during the month of Ramadan, the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, that's the length of the fasting and reviews with him everything that was revealed in the Quran, up to that particular point. Furthermore, in the news, in which Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died,

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Gabrielle came to him actually twice, or repeated the Quran with him twice in the last 20 days of the month of Ramadan. And this was something that was known for his compounds because he used to go out and seclusion in the masjid, in the mosque. In order to keep reviewing the Quran with the with the angel of Revelation. Among the companions of the Prophet also, we find corroborating evidence that they wish to compete with each other. In the memorization of the Quran. Many people reported that if

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you hear sounds of reciting the Quran during the night, late at night, in homes in the mosques, someone described it as if there's certain beings, because everybody's reciting reciting in some of the places that I've been so Furthermore, there's historical evidence also that as soon as a person invest Islam, the first thing that the Prophet did is to assign another person to him, to teach him how to do the prayers. And of course, Paris requires memorizing some parts of the Quran. So instead he starts immediately encouraging people to memorize the Quran. There's also evidence that many of the companions memorized the entire Quran.

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Occasionally, also in

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connection of prophetic saying that it was one of his companions, was sitting with him, and the Prophet said, recite Quran. So the companion said, should I decide

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use it? Yes, I'd like to hear it from others. There was another version also the same kind of

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evidence that other companions actually cited. Indeed, Islamic history gives specific names of famous companions of the Prophet who were willing to memorize the entire Quran, just to give a few

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other people who migrated from Mecca to Medina, that are new, like the four cameras of a doctor and

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the women, the daughters of Abu Bakr and Omar hafsa. There was

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not this

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it was a very sad for them for seven among the residents of Medina, to which the Prophet migrated, known as

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we find famous companions like they would make up miles they didn't say that and I said Malik, I would bet that these two teams are only a fraction today.

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Famous continues, but they represent only a fraction of the multitudes of people in life. In fact, there is a clear indication that they were much more less current example. For example, there was a case of people who are mustered in first code

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70 people, you know, can't admit it, and

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they say, Oh, this 70 people

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in the room of the first came after the Prophet, Jenga ducks

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in a room 70 companions of the Prophet to memorize the Quran fully were martyred also in the background of the man against the False Prophet claiming at that time.

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So it's fair to say that there were multitudes and multitudes who memorized the entire Quran that

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must have its

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factors, which may have contributed to the widespread memorization of the Quran.

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Well, to start with, as many historians indicate, the Arabs were undeterred, people in writing was new to them, but it was not as common.

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So they tend to make up for that by developing this amazing ability to memorize their history. Their poetry was preserved through memorization, but in addition to this general skill, that the herbs at the time of the Prophet possessed, the Quran itself has a unique characteristic which makes it easier for people to memorize. Actually, I mentioned that in sort of

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54 in verses 17 in other verses feeling that well can you assume that muscles are God says we have indeed made it easy to understand and remembrance of the Quran.

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In addition, there are a number of factors which contributed to the ease of memorization. To start with the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years on smart peace approach, and that is mentioned in the Quran itself. For example, in Surah 17 passage one was six that mentioned that the Quran was deliberately sent in small parts at the time.

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The other aspect is the literal beauty

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of the Quran, which again made it very appealing, especially to the Arabs were very fond of, you know, beautiful literature and beautiful, you know,

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illiterate literature in general.

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In addition, they said that these are the words of God, as the Prophet told them, so they paid a great deal of attention to memorize it exactly as revealed. The Quran also was regarded as an act of worship to recite, just reciting Quran is an act of worship once you get your word. In the daily prayers five times a day, Muslims have to decide at some portions of the Quran, as mentioned earlier, then worship God at birth through there sufficient also

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the Quran.

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The Quran gives guidance in all aspects of life. It is like the legal source to resolve issues and problems in socio economic and political aspects. So the plan was used, it wasn't just the book preserved in some way it was constantly referred to English as a source of guidance in people's lives.

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In addition to that, we find that some parts of the Quran by way of commenting on certain events, or answering some questions that were posed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. And this is not something that is unique to the time of the Prophet. We're not talking just 1400 years ago, even existing history, even children, as young as 10, or 11 years old.

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Word for word.

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lists, and many of them surprisingly, did not come from, from families that speaker because mother tongue is not the final

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among children, even among Arabs, as much as you find that among people from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and many other African countries, other countries that are visited like South Africa and Trinidad. In fact, we have with us here that we have little time left.

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An example of that was attending a conference about the history of the life of the prophet in California, organized by the Islamic Society of Orange County, and I was surprised to find a small board with about nine or 10 years old.

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Maybe we can finish with this one

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Exactly but it appears to be located

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between two attorneys and this is the case notes I have seen many children like him

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having that

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memory of the crime either major parts of the Quran or even the entire Quran. In fact,

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I understand there are sometimes competitions which are held on national and sometimes international level.

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Children like this memorization and rather than his recitation also, he was not just reciting by way of memorizing something respecting replied that he was even using some of the rules of proper recitation in beautification, the one who tried to tell recite the Quran, it's quite common in people from various

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linguistic backgrounds without

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any basic knowledge of Arabic even under memorize it, just memorizing the enunciation

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vowels is

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the most perfectly. So it's

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a series which I'm not familiar with. book or any book for that matter, that says that's been raised by

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children and adults as well

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for joining us

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every week and

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