Ismail Kamdar – Understanding Quranic Stories

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The Quran is a title that is split up into four styles of speech, including the use of "the" in the title and the title of Jesus's son. The title of Jesus's son is not provided, and the story of use of the title is discussed. The importance of seeking practical value in learning from the story and taking practical advice is emphasized. The transcript also touches on the use of "we" in the title of the story and how it relates to the use of the word "we" in the title of the story.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu My name is Maya conda and we are on our fourth episode of the Divine connection, understanding the Quran.

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For those of y'all who tuned in previous weeks, we discuss how to understand the Quran general rulings related to it, how to get the best out of the Quran in the month of Ramadan. And in our previous episode we looked at Tafseer of the most commonly recycled sutras in the Quran.

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Alhamdulillah This week we are going to be looking at a very interesting topic. And that is the stories of the Quran. Because the Quran the story is narrated in the Quran. And we are going to look at it from a perspective of how do we approach the stories of the Quran? And how do we take maximum benefit from them. Because the story is narrated in the Quran, and written in a very unique manner. They are not narrated the way we humans marriage story. For example, if you look at the story of Musa alayhis salam, the Prophet Musa alayhis salam in the Quran, it is split up part of the story is in Surah Baqarah, how to be

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part of it in Serato her another part into the era, it is not in one place.

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And another thing you will notice about the stories of the Quran is the ownership of Hana what Allah does not go into a lot of details in the story. So the scholars have seen have said that stories of the Quran have two unique characteristics. Number one is that they are written in a dispersed manner they are not written in one place. Number two is that they are written without a lot of details. And there are reasons for both of this which actually make the story even more beneficial because this is from the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so the first thing we need to know is that the Quran is the word of Allah subhana wa Taala being the word of Allah subhana wa Taala the style of the Quran is very different from that of a human book.

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And you see this in the stories as we have mentioned. So we find that the Quran has been written in a style which is very unique. Now, some of the people who don't follow Islam, some of them attack this point and see that the Quran is disjointed. And they see the Quran has just jumped from one topic to another. But hamdulillah in recent times, there's been a lot of effort from scholars in the field which they have called the Matic unity of the Quran, where they have shown that every verse in the Quran, there is a link between it and the verse before and every surah in the Quran. There is a link between it and the surah before so nothing in the Quran is disjointed. Nothing in the Quran is

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random. There's always some link between a verse and the verse before it and the verse athlete even if it is something subtle, which the average mind does not comprehend. So this is from the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is very interesting to read books and articles on that topic, as they really really shows the beauty of the Quran.

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Now the scholars of Tafseer have said that if you read the Quran, the Quran is made up mainly of four styles of speech, these four styles of speech, and number one, and you'll see this mainly in the last two Jews of the Quran was Samira to gurus was shamcey What do you have walpurgis What do you have? All of these are unanswerable. hanadama takes an oath. He emphasizes something and then he makes he mentioned a point. So part of the Quran is made up of

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the second part of the Quran is made up of parables, similes and metaphors. Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran gives us a lot of examples,

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too. For example, Allah Subhana Allah says a person will give charity for sure. They are like a rock on which they sent and once you pour the water over the sand, all the sand disappear and you just see a plain rock. So this means a person who gives a lot of charity for sure. He looks like he has a lot of good deeds. But once you look at the intention, there's no good deeds left behind. So a lot of the Quran is made up of these metaphors, similes.

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The third type of speech you will find in the Quran is arguments and debates with Allah subhanaw taala addresses people directly and challenges the misconceptions challenges they believe in a very simplistic manner in a very natural manner. That the the arguments and debates using the Quran as such that anybody can understand.

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The Quran does not go into deep philosophical debates which can only be understood by the scholars, rather than the base of the Quran as such that even anybody who reads a translation of the Quran will understand the point that the Quran is making. For example, when it comes to atheism, Allah subhanaw taala just asked one question in the Quran. Did you create yourself or were you created from nothing? Very simple, very profound question. If you do

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Believe in a creator, either you created yourself which is not possible or you created from nothing, which is also not possible. So the only logical conclusion is that there is a creator. So these are the simple arguments that the Quran brings forth very powerful arguments which anybody can understand and benefit from. And the fourth style of speech in the Quran is the one we are going to talk about today. And that is the story.

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A major part of the Quran is made up of stories. If you read through the use of Surah Surah Surah Surah Baqarah surah, Allah imraan many, many stories. Surah of the Quran contain the stories of the prophets and stories of people of the past, who the righteous and the unrighteous people of the past. There are many stories in the Quran. And there's a reason for this, that human nature loves to your stories. That's human nature from the time a human is a small child. We love stories. That is the reason why, you know in this day and age we find that entertainment has become so popular. Entertainment offers different forms of storytelling.

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For the Quran, opposites the most unique of stories. Now, the first thing we wanted to discuss about the stories of the Quran is why are they not much details in historians? What do we mean by not much details? For example, Allah subhanaw taala discusses the story of Musa alayhis salam. He does not tell us the year when the story took place. He does not tell us the parents of Musa alayhis salam, who they were, he does not tell us about how old he was when certain events happen. No, these stories are told with very few details. Why? Well this is done on purpose. Because the stories of the Quran are not there for us to learn historical information. Rather Allah Subhan Allah in the

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Quran itself, he tells us why he narrates the story. He says, foxes your processor Allahumma Coco, they read the stories so that they may ponder over its lessons. And you should use the first 111 Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Picasa he also see him able to use

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that in their stories. They are lessons for people who think for people who use the internet. So both of these verses are clearly telling us that the stories of the Quran are there to serve one primary purpose and that is for us to take a lesson. This is why Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran, he did not read the stories of every single prophet.

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The prophets like us, and either Elisa Lam was not mentioned by name in the Quran. Although the I mentioned, the other prophets were not mentioned at all Allah say some of them we underrated you and some prophet we are not related to you.

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So the only stories mentioned is because those specific stories have a lesson. And the only details mentioned are details which have a lesson. And this brings out a very profound point of Tafseer that any minute detail mentioned in a story in the Quran, it is there to teach us a lesson. It's there to bring forth a point, even the most minute of detail. And we give a very beautiful example of this. The story of use of Elisa

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it's really interesting to note that throughout the Quran ever Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the story of Musa alayhis salaam in Egypt, the ruler of Egypt is referred to as your own the Pharaoh.

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But the Hon Allah tala talks about the story of Musa alayhis salam in Egypt, ruler of Egypt is referred to as as Moloch King.

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Now this may seem like a small point. But let's look at this historically. In the Bible, both the story of use of and the story of Musa the ruler is referred to as the Pharaoh.

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Now if you look at things historically, according to history, the title of Pharaoh did not exist at the time of use of Elise love. This title of a pharaoh only came about a few generations later, meaning the king at the time of use of Elisa was not called Pharaoh. This is recently discovered historical information recently discovered historical information. So we find that the Bible refers to both and the pharaoh but the Quran distinctly mentioned that the ruler at the time of use of is called the king of the barrel. This is a piece of information which was not possible for a human, an Arab in the middle of the desert, you know, 1400 years ago, this is recently discovered historical

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information. So this serves as further proof that the Quran is from Allah subhanho wa Taala that the Quran is a miracle. It contains even historical facts, which were not known at that time. So this is a historical miracle in the Quran. So on on the surface, somebody reads the story.

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Do you see the king's book use more points. For when you go and you analyze why is the word King uses the Pharaoh, we come up with further proof that the Quran is a miracle, and He further increases our demand. So even the most smallest and minute of things mentioned in the Quran, have beautiful lessons for you have very important value. And we see this in the story of use of Elisa Lam and this small point.

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Another example of this can be seen in the story

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of Isa Risa. Now in the story of Sally Sally,

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his mother's name is always mentioned, he's always referred to as Maria, Santa Maria, the son of Mary.

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And what's unique about this is not a single Prophet, besides him has the mother's name mentioned in the Quran. This is the only Prophet whose mother's name is mentioned in the Quran. So the question is why, why is the always referred to in the Quran as Jesus the son of Mary.

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This is a psychological point from the Quran, that for those people who are always referring to Jesus as the Son of God, every time they read the Quran of the year, the Quran hearing Jesus the son of Mary instead, so the Quran is emphasizing that he is not the Son of God is the son of Mary. So again, it just looks like a name is Amalia. It's just a name in the Quran. It says somebody's mother's name being mentioned. But it has a very important point in terms of Dawa. It has a very strong point in terms of Akita. It has a very strong point in terms of our history, that these are Elisa Lam, the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, was born miraculously, to marry, and

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he is her son, and not the Son of God. So again, things which look like minor points in the Quran, they are mentioned for a reason. Likewise, if a detail is not mentioned in the Quran at all, it's not mentioned because there was no reason to mention it. And we find that a lot of people want to go into the details. Very often, for example, we we discussed the story of Adam Elisa them. People want to know, what type of three that each one, the iOS app from Apple Tree, does he eat from, you know, orange tree, what type of fruit that you eat, because Allah just mentioned he ate from the tree? Well, I didn't mention what he ate because it's not important. What's important is that he ate from

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the tree, and that he disobeyed Allah by doing so. And the entire story happened. Likewise, in the story of Isa Isa, when Allah subhanaw taala set down a table from Paradise full of food for each Elisa Lam for Jesus and his disciples, each one. Again, a lot of people ask what was certain that he will come gender and we find some weak narration mentioning the color table from gender they were this type of food and that type of food, going into a lot of detail.

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But the point is that he saw the salon, he was given a table from gender, that is the medical, Allah did not mention what type of food and mentioned the tape was, was placed on the table, because this is not an efficient. So this brings us to a very important point in our Islamic aqeedah a very important point in Islamic knowledge, and that is the issue of seeking knowledge which is beneficial. We find this from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam when he said he should make dua to Allah protect me from knowledge which is not beneficial. inshallah, we will continue discussing this point after the break as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We mentioned in the first segment of

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this program, that the stories of the Quran are written and returned to us in a very unique manner.

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And this uniqueness is because Allah subhanho wa Taala is focusing on the lessons of history. And he wants us to focus on taking lessons from the stories, not to worry about historical details too much, but to worry about what we what can be of practical value to us.

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That's why we find whatever stories are mentioned in the Quran, he or mentioned it, because somewhere down the line, something in that story will help us in our life.

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And if a story is not mentioned in the Quran, or the Hadith at all, that is because that story was not needed for us to be able to make it through this world without human impact.

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And before we left we are talking about the details of the stories that in general the stories of the Quran don't go into a lot of detail.

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But whenever my new details are mentioned, there's always a wisdom and reason behind it. And so we find that the scholars of Tafseer when they read the Quran, or when they explain the Quran to us, He will take words from the Quran, which we thought were just simple words, and they will extract entire lessons from it because nothing is mentioned except the date

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And then we went on to discuss a very important principle. And that is the principle of seeking knowledge which is beneficial

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make a dua, and this dua it was over law, protect me from knowledge which is not beneficial. Why? Why we could do our protection from knowledge, because the human mind can only take so much, if we are putting our mind up with things which is not beneficial, we are not leaving space in it for that which is beneficial. You

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talk about this, for example, in terms of music in the Quran, that if people are listening to a lot of music, they look please in the heart of the Quran. Likewise, if you're pulling our heads with a lot of stories, which have no morals in them, no benefit to them, is now no please in our minds and memories, for the stories of the Quran, which can affect us in such a positive manner.

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So, as Muslims, we need to be very careful of what we fill our minds with. What do we let into our minds? What do we seek after they when we seek out the type of knowledge we first need to ask ourselves what benefit Am I getting from this knowledge? Is it just knowledge for knowledge sake? Or is it knowledge which is going to make me or somebody else a better person? This is something we need to focus on. And this is what the Quran Coco. This is why the Quran does not go into details in the stories unless the benefit and lessons you know, the scholars have dedicated an entire field in the sciences of the Quran, to studying and understanding why details are left out in the Quran. In

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Arabic, the sciences called Muhammad, the anonymous people are anonymous things in the Quran. It's an entire field of study amongst the scholars that Why are certain people or certain things left anonymous. And there are a variety of reasons that scholars have come up with. It's important to note these reasons as they will help us to understand the Quran better. The first reason is what we are discussing already, that sometimes the detail is important.

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And is a very, very beautiful example of this in one of the most powerful surah of the Quran. Surah

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Surah. Yaseen, the second rule is a story. It is a story of three messengers who are sent to a city and the people of the city rejected them, except for one man, only one man in the entire city, believed in these three prophecies, three messages. And then he said, Our to his people, and they killed him, Allah subhanaw taala put him in paradise in general, very powerful story. But what's unique about this story in the Quran, is not a single name is mentioned.

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If you read through I have seen Not a single name of any of these three properties, or the city the vCenter, or the man who believed in mentioned. Why? Because that's not the point. The point is not which profit center the city, the point is not what was the name of the company. The point is, that this man stood out and he believed and this thought is a very powerful lesson, that the truth is not always with the majority. suit is true, whether the majority believe in it or not. And sometimes people have to take a stand. Sometimes you have to take that lonely stand of being the only person in your community or in your village or your town, who believes in something, when you know that is

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the truth of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is the main and most powerful lesson of the story that we find in Allah subhanaw taala says, What Yeah, I mean, XL Medina de la jolla. Yes, our Kalia comi, who mursaleen A man came running from the corners of the city, saying, Oh, my people follow the messenger. Note, the city's name is not mentioned, the man's name is not mentioned the messengers name.

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But what's mentioned is that this man came running from the corners of the city. Why did Allah mentioned specifically the conduct of the city, showing that even though this man lived on the outskirts of the city, he understood the importance of obeying the messengers. And he wanted good for his people. So he came running to do that our how many of us today go running?

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How we run do the power of running away from it.

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Very, very powerful lesson from the story, Australia scene. In fact, we could do an entire program on the story from Syria scene, but I'm just mentioning it here to show that sometimes in the Quran, Allah leaves out details. Because those details are not important. Allah wants us to focus on something else wants us to focus on the lesson.

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And other times Allah subhanaw taala might not mention somebody's name in the Quran, because the name is mentioned somebody somewhere else. So for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes talks about the Companion of the fish.

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Now, anyone who is well versed either with the Quran, or the Bible, or with the history of the prophets, knows that the Companion of the face must be referring to Prophet Yunus. Jonah

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The one who was followed by a way, right? So that's what doesn't have to mention him by name, you can just call him the Companion of the fish.

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Sometimes the name is mentioned in the Hadees. For example, in the story in Soraka

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into a company is another very powerful story with Allah subhanaw taala talks about a time when Musa alayhis salam, and the young man with one of our last chosen service.

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Now, the young man's name is not mentioned, the chosen service baby for picture, but the names are mentioned in

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these are Hadees, which does Tafseer of the story. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam tells us in this Hadith, that the young man who was Elisa Lam was yuja Elisa, the next Prophet

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and the man who they met was the Prophet his or Elisa.

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So this is actually a meeting of the prophets. So your The name is not mentioned in the Quran, but it's mentioned the Hadees and from the principles of Tafseer is that the Hadees explains the Quran. Sometimes the name is not mentioned because it's very popular. Everybody knows who the who the verse is about. This, for example was true with the Sahaba he verse was revealed regarding one of the Sahaba he was no need to mention the name of the Sahaba in the Quran, because all of the Sahaba knew who it was, and they narrated to us who it was about.

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Sometimes, for example, the story of Adam Elisa, the wife of Adam Elisa is never mentioned by naming the Quran. But everybody knows the name. Whether you are Muslim, a Jew or a Christian, you know the name of anabolics lamp white e power. So it's not mentioned because there's no need to mention it because everybody knows it. So these are some of the reasons the scholars have come up with

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and have researched and found for why certain details are mentioned in the Quran. But the most important one is what we mentioned first, that the stories of the Quran are not about the details. They are not about history. They are about lessons about practical value here about what can I learn from these role models? Who swattin hasn't perfect role models. This is the word use the Quran to refer to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. This is also the word used in the Quran to refer to Ibrahim Ali Salaam and those who are within

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the canopy him who spoken Hashanah that you have in them. Ibrahim alayhi salam, and those would him Syrah harder route Israel smile and his heart Elisa Lam. They were the people who would he believes in a perfect role model. So it's not about the details. It's about taking him as a role model. It's about practical value of his stories.

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Now the other question,

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which is asked about the Quran, is why are the stories not mentioned in one place?

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Why don't we just have the story of musala Islam in one sutra, the story of who they are Islam in another surah that how we have the story of use of Elisa, why is the story of use of Islam an exception to the rule. And the first point we need to mention over here and we need to take note of is that the stories of the Quran or other the Quran itself was revealed in pieces. The Quran itself was revealed in bits and pieces. So naturally everything will be in bits and pieces. As for the other lesson and the other reasons, we will get back to that after the next break.

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Salaam alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato. In the first half of the program, we focused on why the story of the Quran I don't have a lot of details FMJ we explained the importance of seeking beneficial knowledge, the $100 in the Quran, he only mentioned that which is beneficial. It's the same with the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, whatever you mentioned is what is there for our audience and whatever they have left out because there is no need for us to know. So the stories of the Quran focus on less than a focus on benefits. Before we went for the break, we had moved on to our second topic,

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which is why are the stories of the Quran not revealed in one place? For example, why don't we have the How should I use the story of Musa Islam in one place? The story of Ibrahim Ali 71 Please, why are they split up?

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And again, the scholars of the field have pointed out that we have Allah Subhana Allah mentions a story in a specific surah is because that story is linked to the theme of Ashura. The story is linked to the theme of the Surah

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Surah has come with a specific lesson that he is focusing on and that specific part of that specific story goes along with that lesson.

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Let's look at one surah for example. And this is the longest surah of the Quran. Surah Baqarah.

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Now get you know somebody who is not familiar with the Quran has not gone into details of the Quran. Surah Baqarah looks to such people

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As if they are as if it is going from topic to topic. Or Baccarat begins discussing the qualities of the believers and disbelievers and hypocrites. He mentioned the story of Adam alayhis salaam and the creation of mankind.

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He goes into details in the story of bunnies for

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the Jews and the Jews and the people of Metallica and how they disobeyed Metallica on many different occasions. And then he goes into other topics as well. And in the story brought him on Islam as well.

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So there's three major stories mentioned in the surah. The story of Adam, the story of Musa bunny story, and the story of Ibrahim alayhi wa salam peace be upon Allah.

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So what's the link between these three stories?

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Now, firstly, to understand the link between these three stories we look at what is the story about what Surah Baqara about

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swagbucka begins by explaining the quality of the believers.

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Right alladhina amanu, aki Masato.

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Those who believe and they established sola and they give charity from what Allah has provided them, and they believe in the unseen, and they believe in what was revealed to do before the end, what was revealed to them begins by describing the believers and then describing the disbelievers and those who pretend to be beneath

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the story, the surah ends in the exact same way. The Surah Surah Baqarah ends in the exact same manner,

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by describing the qualities of the vehicle hamanasi will be mad at me, Robin, we know that the Messenger of Allah and the believers are those who believe in what Allah has revealed. They believe in Allah and His messengers and his books, and his angels.

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So it begins and ends by describing the believer.

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So the theme of Surah Baqarah is belief versus

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the need versus this meaning. How do these three stories fit into this theme? The story of animalism as the region issue of Baccarat gives us the origins of belief and disbelief, good and evil. Where did it begin from? From the creation of Adam and the rebellion of shaper. For the creation of Adam, we see the first true belief of amongst humanity, the first Muslim, the first human, I would the rebellion of shaytan, we see the first disbeliever the first person who's trying to take people away from the path of Allah.

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So this story fits in perfectly with the theme of the of the surah. This is a surah talking about beneath and this period. This is where it began with other Muslim, the first believer and srikanta costus.

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Then comes the story of Musa Islam.

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And what we see throughout the story of Musa Islam about Israel is their disobedience often. They will ever Moosa Elisa lampoon him to do something against him, whether it was by worshipping the cow, the calf, the golden cup, or by asking too many questions when it came to slaughtering the cow. Or when it was the murder that took place amongst them, are they not being contained to the food of gender, many stories mentioned about dimitra Baccarat focusing on

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being ungrateful to the prophet and not following the Prophet of Allah. And then historic Ibrahim al Islam comm which is the opposite. The story of Ibrahim the Prophet Abraham peace be upon is a story of somebody who accepted the guidance of Allah who wanted to get closer to Allah. The story mentioned of humans Rebecca mentioned that he tells Allah, Allah Show me how you divide the debt, so that I can have peace in my heart. So this is a story of someone who wants to come even closer to Allah who wants to take it to the highest level. So we have a comparison here in the surah baqarah. We have the story of the people of bunny story, who did not want to follow the Prophet. And we have

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the example of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam who wanted to get too close to Allah as possible. Again, both stories are in keeping with the theme of the surah which is the theme, that of belief versus the spirit. So the stories are not random. Whatever the surah is about, you will find that the story is mentioned in the surah they are talking about the same thing, the lessons are the same point. Even if at first glance you are unable to notice this. That is why we have colored of cups here to teach us these things.

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Now many of the stories in the Quran are repeated the story of bad mood majan these are known as the parish nations, the cities that were destroyed by Allah subhanho wa Taala for the evil deeds. And we find that these stories are mentioned together the story of Prophet Alayhi Salaam and he was sent to the people of

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the people the story of Sally aneesa when he was sent to the people of the mood, the story of * Elisa Lam and he was sent to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and the story of evil Islam. He was sent to the people of Medina these four stories

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Always pitch in together, and they are always repeated together and they are repeated in multiple suitors in the Quran. And every time they are repeated last ohana, what Allah focuses on a different lesson.

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You notice the wording of the story is slightly different, focusing on a different lesson. For example, when they are mentioned in Surah houde,

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the emphasis there is Allah subhana wa Taala destroying the nation that opposes command.

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He keeps mentioning this point out there that

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he will destroy the armies as a historian and they will destroy. So this shows us that the main point here in this surah is what happened. What's the outcome of this belief and rebellion against Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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We find the stories are repeated in Shura Shura.

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And yeah, we find one point repeated every surah is that the Peters Prophet asked, tell the people who are not asking you for anything. This is mentioned for every story in New Orleans some company tells his people have not asked you for any wealth. I'm not asking you anything. He's been who'd alyssum comes to people of ours, he says the exact same thing was solid, solid company people are familiar. He mentioned exactly what noodle is love the same words shrivel Islam the same what why this is emphasizing a point is emphasizing equality of a true messenger of Allah, a true prophet of God. And that is that they are not seeking any material gain of the property. That is how we know

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the true prophets in history, from the false prophets. The true prophets did not have any material gain from the property. Rather they suffered with the suffered for the property. He survived this even in the story of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. He before becoming a prophet.

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He was I mean, he was known as the most trustworthy to his people, people loved him, to see people who loved him when he claimed Prophethood he turned against him, he hurt him they harmed him. So not only was all of these are clear signs of a true prophet, with a person who was willing to go through all of that, for no material gain at all. Because even after Rasulullah saw Islam finally conquered enemy's after 22 years, he still died without anything in the house. He would not keep any well, Kwame rasulillah Llosa will not keep any savings for his family. He would live day to day, simple life. These are signs of true prophets. And that is the point we emphasize. Sure, sure. Shura Shura.

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The true prophets are those who told the people we don't want anything from you in return. We just want you to be we want what's best for you, we want you to earn the pleasure of Allah and to step away from displeasing

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So, these are the stories of the Quran and Allah we have discussed why the stories of the Quran are lacking in details and why they are written in different places not in one place. So, that brings us to one last very important question. Why then, is the story of use of Elisa Lam mentioned in one place and inshallah we will discuss that after the final break Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah today we look at the stories of the Quran, and how to attain maximum benefit from them. We spoke about why the stories of the Quran did not have a lot of detail and why they are written in different places instead of one place that did not have a lot of details,

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because the focus is on the lessons not on the historical data. And they are not written in one place because they are written wherever your lesson fits in with the theme of a specific surah.

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So we have one last question to answer before the program ends. And that is why then is the story of use of Joseph P p upon returning one place. You all know the beautiful story of Yusuf Alayhi Salaam. In surah Yusuf one of the most powerful surah of the Quran is the only surah with the story of a prophet is mentioned from beginning to end in one city. Why? Because again, it agrees with the theme of the surah.

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He has three major lesson reasons why scholars have pointed out that this entire sutra is mentioned in one city. The first one is this look at the reason why the surah Yusuf was revealed through the use of was revealed at a time, which was the most difficult time in the life of a fool as long

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as Rasulullah

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was the key in your life more difficult in the Battle of God? He said yes, the day of boy. The day of toil was the day when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam went from Makkah to Troy to call the people to Islam. And what did the people do the two stones at him until his shoes were filled with blood and he had to run away from the city at that time, it's such pain and it's such a sad

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about what the people had done to him for simply doing his job during the day our alarm reveals to the use of company. And in order to gain comfort from the use of the entire story has to be revealed at once. The entire story mentioning the use of winter just as much, he also went through hardships use of Elisa them. And at the end, there was a happy ending. So this was at the heart of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that he will have a happy ending after the initial test.

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Likewise, the story of Yusuf Ali Salaam focuses on the dream of use of an extra two story stats that oh my father has seen in a dream 11 stars in the sun and the moon frustrating to me. The story ends with his 11 brothers and his father and mother

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bowing to him, and then he says this is my dream wish came true. Now without mentioning the entire story together, this would not make would not show the full picture. by mentioning the entire story together like this, we see the dream or the reality of a dream coming through even if it takes many years. And the final lesson, the reason why the story of useable Islam is mentioned in one spot. And this is a lesson I want everybody to take home and to remember for the rest of your life is that when Allah allow something bad to happen to us, it is for a good reason.

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Yusuf Ali Salah. The story tells us why he as a young child was true in a well by Crothers, he was thinking that we as a slave, a property can we as a slave, he was kept in somebody's house, a woman tried to seduce him, he refused. He was thrown in prison for many years. This is hardship upon hardship, what seems to be bad upon bad, but because of all of this, when he was in prison, he met somebody who became very close to the king, which led to he himself working for the king and becoming from the ruling class.

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He would not have become from the ruling class of Egypt, and all these things happen. So the main lesson of the story of use of Elisa is that when bad things happen to us, by the will of Allah, it is for good to come up here and look back in your life. And you will see anytime Allah allowed something to go wrong in our life, it was because it was for our own benefit that some good came out of it. So that is why the entire story is mentioned in one place to show all the hardships he went through and in the beautiful me. So hamdulillah That is why the story of beautiful Islam is mentioned in one place in this manner.

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So in conclusion, Alhamdulillah we can say that the stories of the Quran, they are there for the reason of taking lessons. It is not about learning stories. It is not about historical baggage. It is not about learning names. It is about practical value. It's about what can I learn from this day forward? inshallah, whenever we read or listen to a story from the Quran, let us look at it with only one mindset. What can I learn from the story? Which quality of this profit Can I adopt into my life? What can I take from the story that can impact my life in a positive way? If we do this, we will take maximum benefits from the story of the Quran hamdulillah with that we have come to the

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conclusion of this week's episode. inshallah next week,

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we will have our final episode where I will discuss some of the concepts in the Quran which people find difficult and end up inshallah with some practical tips on how to make the Quran a constant part of our life. So that inshallah we will conclude, I hope to see you all next week.

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waka Juana de hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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