Ismail Kamdar – Ulum Quran Q&A Session

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of knowing about the afterlife, including the seven groups of the Quran and the fourteen groups of the world. They also discuss the differences between laws and people, including the use of words "arents" and "arents," and the use of the word "by" in Arabic language. They emphasize the importance of the Prophet Solomon recitation as a way to convince people of the truth about Islam, and the use of "bringing" in the title of the book to convince people of the truth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so a few questions about the science of the Quran. Question number one, what's the benefit of knowing about the afterlife? Good question, what's the benefit of knowing about the afterlife? So we say that the Quran is divided into seven groups, and it's fairly complicated field all the differences of opinion, what's the benefit of knowing about this, but I would say, for the layman, for the average Muslim, there is no benefit.

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For the average Muslim, there's no need to learn about the Arab. And this is why it's not taught in schools or madrasahs, or Sunday school, it's not really relevant to the lives of the average Muslim. For someone who's studying to be scholar of Islam, someone who wants to go into the field of Tafseer, who wants to really go deep into this field. You cannot study the fear without knowing about the afro, you cannot because it pops up over and over and over again, in every book of Tafseer, not most of the sutras, you will be studying the Tafseer of a specific verse. And

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a scholar will say that in this dialect, the verse was revealed in this way, or in this dialect, this word is pronounced in that way. And if you don't know what arrow vigil, had no idea what this connection, you will not be able to understand what's going on here. Right? So

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this with this topic of the roof, it's not necessary for the average Muslim to know about it, and to study because it's a very technical science. But for people who want to study tipsy for people who want to go into the street, you have to know it exists at the very least. So at least you know what the scholars are talking about, you need to understand completely. In reality, nobody understands it completely. As far as I know, it is something where there is so much differential of opinion, it's really one of the most ambiguous fields in the area of tafsir. It's very, very difficult to have a comprehensive understanding of In fact, it took me 10 years before I even understood on a basic

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level 10 years from the time I was introduced to it until I actually understood it. Right? It's not an easy concept at all. So again, for the average Muslim you don't need to know about it, but for the people studying you should at least be aware of it.

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Okay, the next question is about

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Makkah and Medina. What's the major difference? We covered that already? The major differences number one, is that the makansutra tend to focus on our beliefs and the stories of the prophets. So an example of a makansutra if you are a scene so your scene has a story it speaks about a light speaks about the afterlife, it speaks about the prophets lagier saddam, it's all stories and Akira, right it's believed focus. On the other hand, Surah hoogenraad is the Medina surah it's all about laws don't that by don't spy Don't be racist, you know, all of these laws are there. So Medina students tend to be more focused on loss. Right? So makan.

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Right is based on the

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theology of Islam or rather, that's the the core theme of it is a theology of Islam and Medina, and the core theme of it is the laws of Israel. The other major difference is the makansutra tend to have shorter verses, and Medina and Sua seem to have longer verses. So all of the longest verses in the Quran tend to be Medina, while the short students in the back of the Quran most of them are Makkah, right, these are the two main areas of difference and there are others as well, which are covered already in that lesson.

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Okay, third question, need more details about arm and costs, the details of our main costs will be covered. Initially, when we study the principles of fic then we will go into details about our main costs. But for now, just to to give you some idea of what what's meant by Army Corps.

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Army means that the verse applies to everybody. And horse means it's it's limited in its application. Right? It's not everybody, it's some people write. And it basically means it is a restriction on the meaning of the verse and who it applies to.

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So I don't know to what an example on that it will make it easier for you. I can't really give much examples besides what we already covered in the course. Right?

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But if you want I can go through those examples again, and maybe it'll become clearer.

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Right? So the examples given in the course.

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We Allah says, Well, hello love will be a lot has made business. Hello for you. Right. Now that verse in of itself is up. It's very general law has made business what does that mean? all businesses? Well, no. We have

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leases, they make certain businesses run. So those words, those leases they make taxis of this first day, they restrict the meaning of this purse. Actually, we have to take this verse of the Quran on its own. It means all forms of business Allah. But nobody does that. Rather they take the hypothesis about business, and they restrict the meaning of the verse of the Quran based on these diseases. So certain types of business are Haram, like selling things that are wrong, right? Even though the Quranic verse is general, it's not taken in general meaning because they are verses of the Quran that are out there. He says that restricted screen, right?

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There are some verses that are completely on. Like when Allah says Allah does not oppress anyone. We believe that as a fact, Allah does not oppress anyone, Allah will never oppress anyone, whatever he does is just, this is awesome. In the absolute sense, there is nothing to restrict it. Everything online is just that is just even putting people in the hallway is part of Alice justice. That is what we believe. Right?

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Horse on the other hand, means it's specific, right? It's very specific. So we handle the profit slice me the Quran, that he has allowed him to have more than four wives. This is a horse, it's restricted to Him alone, and it doesn't apply to anybody else.

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Okay, the next question is on the division of Tafseer, into rewire and dariah. What's the difference? Very simple difference. rewire means narration, the lawyer means opinion. So eight have seen by why and by doing after the executives are going to cover this in detail, you're going to get multiple examples of this. So it will be very clear. But the feed by wire means the scholar is reading from those before him. So in a book like that, the scholar will say, they see the verse, these other verses in the topic. They see what the prophet SAW is upset about this. They see what the Sahaba said about it. He's narrating from those before him, that's called up see by narration

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that see with the Royal the fee, by opinion is a scholar discusses his own understanding of the verse. So a scholar will mention a verse and you see, my understanding of the verse is this lesson is derived from a verse is this, right? So this now becomes his opinion. When is that acceptable? How is it acceptable? We will cover that after the exemplary trauma, which when we look at the specific examples

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Okay, interesting question. Why is the Huff's method of recitation most popular today?

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Honestly, is because of the it was the most popular one in the Ottoman Empire. Right? That that says, as far back as I can trace it, in the Ottoman Empire, it was kind of standardized, specially once the Quran was printed, according to a specific once it's printed, you know, and have printed versions of the Quran. So once the printing press was invented, peoples are printing versions of the Quran, the, you know, they had to standardize it. And there was the one that was chosen that became the most popular one.

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Right? It's really just a matter of practicality not for one being better than the others.

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I want to specify maybe some of the explanation I'm not aware of

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the removal of verses of the Quran. So we have two examples of that. One is I shall reduce the rates that there was a verse in the Quran specifying the number of times a woman needs to breastfeed this feed a child before the child becomes a

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foster child. That verse is not in the Quran anymore. But there is a rule about that still based on Hadees. Right. And Omar generates that there was a verse in the Quran stating that a married man, a woman who commits adultery should be stoned to death. But that verse was lifted from the Quran, and that law remain part of Islam through the practice of the prophets loves them, and that each part of the Sahaba the consensus of the Sahaba so those are two clear authentic examples where Sahaba mentioned that they used to be a verse in the Quran that Allah removed. Why and how that's really very complicated to get into and a lot of different stuff opinion about it. So basically, Allah does

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what he wants, right? Allah does what he wants electrons to do so

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and Okay, the next question Why does the Quran use oats and there's a lot taken out by anything besides time.

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A lot of ticks are older many different things in the Quran was chumps by the sun. What do ha by the morning, right will lead by the night that Ochocinco Bo Mila Yama, we swear by the Day of Judgment, the oxen will be nasty Loma We swear by the soul that feels guilt right?

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By your Lord, no by your soul, there are so many so many oats throughout the Quran, dozens of old zakura all different aspects of the creation. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala takes on many, many, many different things in the last few years of the Quran alone, you will find many difficult, right? Why lucky, illogical old to emphasize a point to let us know that what he's seeing Next is 100% true, it is extremely important and we must pay attention. So it's to draw the reader into paying attention, that pay attention, your Lord is taking note. So whatever comes next is important.

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What is the reason for jugal? For arguments in the Quran? The reason for that is quite obvious, to convince people that Islam is the truth. That's that's what it's there for, to convince this lot of people that Islam is the truth. Any argument in the Quran is the argument to prove the oneness of Allah, the miraculous nature of the Quran, the property of Muhammad Ali was salam, right and the correct teachings of Islam. That's what the Quran argues for. So simply put anyone with an open mind and a sincere heart is seeking the truth and reads the Quran and comes across these arguments in the Quran, will be convinced that Islam is the true religion of Allah, that is what they are there for.

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Right? So that is the purpose of those verses to convince people of the truth. It's an argument with people so for example, a lot, Abdullah argues with the atheists in the Quran, they asked them, did you create yourself over you created from nothing? This is to get them thinking, you know, did I create myself or what I came from nothing? No. So therefore, someone created me. Right? So this is a method of arguing in the Quran to bring people closer towards the truth and he teaches us the correct method of Dawa, that this is the type of argumentation we should use in our dialogue to show people the truth about the Quran.

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The next question

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how do I how do we know

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the core how, how the Quran was arranged to the order of the Quran, we know it's not the order in which it was revealed. So how do you how did this all come about? There's two different opinions. Right? They are two different opinions. The first opinion which is the one I believe is correct, is that GPR Isla de salam, whenever he brought a verse, or a surah, to the prophets law, he was so loved, he told him where it goes. And every Ramadan, the Prophet Solomon would recite the entire Quran from beginning to end, whatever had been revealed up to that point he brought you to make sure everything is preserved properly, in the order that we have it today, not in the order that it was

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revealed. So this arrangement into other words done between the angels McGraw Hill and the propolis lawyers to them during these recitations

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that this revision recitation is

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the second opinion which I don't believe to be strong, but nonetheless it is the opinion of some Oliver, is that in the time of Abu Bakar, or the project, I knew when they were putting together the most have, they choose this order, and they were amongst the Sahaba upon this order.

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I don't agree with that opinion.

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This is some problems with that opinion is from my perspective, but but that is an opinion as well.

In this short lesson, Ismail Kamdar answer questions related to the sciences of Tafseer.

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