Ismail Kamdar – Maqasid al-Shariah 3: Life & Religion

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of preserving personal and family life in Islam is emphasized, including the attainment of Muslim law and the protection of Sharia. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting teachings and individuality, as well as preserving the religion of the Prophet and chain of narrators. The Sharia is the protection of life, not individuality, and the goal is to avoid chaos and violence. The speakers also emphasize the importance of preserving healthy lifestyles and animals, as well as the need to be aware of one's natural processes and actions to achieve their goals. systemic racism is a concern, and the speakers emphasize the need for a gradual application of laws and acknowledging the potential for systemic racism.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm gonna do that here. It'll be that I mean, oh salatu salam on Nabeel Karim, Allah, Allah. He was happy, I

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want to welcome you all. And thank you once again for joining us for part three in our series on mahasi. The Sharia the goals and objectives of Islamic law.

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We actually starting on time, usually, I thought you're gonna start late today, but we managed to start on time. And thank you all again. So the weather, I thought we're going to have a small crowd because people get lazy when they see this weather. But again, thank you all for coming every week. I appreciate it. And I really hope you find this beneficial. Today we begin to go in depth into the major goals of the Sharia, right the the rule, the necessities of life that needs to be preserved. Before we do that very quickly recap of what was covered in the first two weeks.

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We said that the laws of Islam work towards the attainment of maqasid of specific goals. Right. So what this means is that our religion does not revolve around just random laws, which is a misconception. Lots of people have lots of people just think it's just a bunch of laws, you just follow it. No idea why no idea. What's the purpose? We don't believe that right? We believe a loss of a handout is a theme, therefore the infinite wisdom behind these laws, right. Last week, we discussed the primary goal of the Sharia, which is the attainment of Muslim law and the prevention of Mufasa. That was last week's discussion. We said that the other way of categorizing democracy is

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to divided into the dooryard hajia. And the SR, which I will discuss in a bit. Right. We also spoke last week, we said prevention of harm, that the avoidance of every type of harm is humanly impossible, because this is an agenda. This is a thing get messy. Sometimes you have no choice, you have to choose one evil or another. Even in the time of the of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is the harbor in lockup, Mr. Egan, Yasser, you've been tortured by Abu Jamal, he had to choose between debt or saying words of shirt to save his life, he had to choose the lesser of two hands. So in our lives, we're going to be situations where some kind of harm or sin or evil is

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unavoidable. In those cases, we said we choose the lesser harm, we choose a harm over hours on ourselves over a harm over the rest of society. Right. The other division of democracy is into three categories, which is the dhulia, hajia, and the senior, which are generally translated as necessities, needs and luxuries. The translation of the SR, I find that a bit problematic, but we'll come to that inshallah in two weeks time.

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The primary goal of the Sharia is to protect five things known as the rudia. Right, the necessities these five things are faith, life, intellect, wealth, and family.

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So what we going to do to break it down, is this week, we focusing only on the protection of faith and life, next week on the protection of intellect and wealth, and the week after that on the protection of family. So we break it up into three lectures, or three hours covering all five, I'm going to spend the most time on family, because in our society, that's the one that's falling apart fastest, like the very concept of family is just going downhill. When I meet young people today, they don't even want to get married, ever, so not even something to think about. So that's why we're going to have a whole hour just on family that that's really the one necessity that's falling apart.

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why are these called the five necessities? Basically, what the scholars have maqasid say is that for a person to live in this world,

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in a way that is beneficial in which they are protected from harm, there are five things we need if one of these five things are missing, our life is incomplete. Those five things is number one, Islam, number two life itself, obviously, right. Number three is intellect the ability to think the ability to make decisions, number four is wealth. anyone will ever experience poverty understand why well it is a necessity. And finally family,

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the most obvious part of family being that if there is no concept of family and children we become extinct, right? So these five are necessary. And the next level is called the * art, which is the things needed to preserve these five, right, so that will come to inshallah in three weeks time. So today we're just focusing on two things. What do we mean by the Sharia revolves around the preservation of fate? And what do we mean by the Sharia revolves around the preservation of human life or life in general. Let's begin with fate.

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So a priority of Islam, or rather, the number one priority of Islam is the preservation of faith. What does this mean? This actually means two separate things. Right? It's not one thing, it's actually two things. Number one, the protection of Islam as a whole, from being distorted from going extinct from getting wiped out from losing its integrity, Islam as a religion must be preserved. Number two, the protection of our mind protecting us from apostasy, protecting us from confidential, so it works on it on two levels. There's the oma level, which is preserving the religion and is the individual level of preserving your religion preserving your faith, right? So when we talk about the

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preservation of faith, we are talking about something that operates on two different levels. Right. And it takes precedence over every other goal of the show, including the preservation of human life. What's the example of that?

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Was the example preservation of religion takes precedence over precedent preservation of human life?

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Not the not the death penalty, really, jihad. jihad is defending the religion, protecting the religion from being wiped out, even if human lives are lost in the process. Right. That's the one time where, you know the religion actually allows something like this because the preservation of religion is so important. Remember what happened in the Battle of whether he prophesized nominees do that if we are not successful today? What will happen to be no one left to worship Allah? So the preservation of religion to precedence over the preservation of human life? So it's the number one goal of the Sharia. Why? Well, first, we said he operates on two levels, preserving Islam, and

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preserving the email of people rights when we see preservation of religion, we mean, number one, protecting Islam, number two, protecting our email.

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Now, why does Islam need to be preserved? Islam needs to be preserved because we know that the messages of the previous prophets was distorted. And prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the final messenger, there is not going to be another revelation, there's not going to be another prophet, there's not going to be another Sharia. So this Sharia has to be protected. It has to be preserved. It has to be kept intact until the end of time. So this takes precedence over almost anything else. Right, protecting the religion from going extinct or being distorted, takes precedence over anything else. On the individual level, I'll emerge New Jersey do a yonkos. Right,

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the belief of Altoona wajima is that our demand fluctuates, it goes up and down. Everyone's experience that you've had those days where you feel like you know, close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you have those days where you're on the verge of committing major sins. Right? Our demand goes up and down. And what happens if you are not taking the necessary steps to preserve your Eman? What happens? People leave Islam altogether. And we assume this Today, more than any other time in our history, right? This is a major crisis across the globe, Muslims are leaving the religion. I believe one of the reasons why is that from a young age, we are not teaching them how to preserve

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the EMA. We are not teaching them this concept of preservation for we take our demand for granted. Let's put it that way. Most of us take our demand for granted. We take our children's events for granted, we take the continuous generations even for granted, we do not put the steps in place to preserve the man. Right. For example, I've looked at the lives of multiple people who have left Islam. In all of them. I've noticed common trends. trend number one, send your child to a non Muslim school without any Islamic education at all. Right now, if you balancing it out with some address at home or something like that, there's still a chance. But in every case, I know where someone's left

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Islam the majority of these cases, the person goes to a non Muslim school with no Islam at all. to such an extent some of these people didn't even know what was wrong until they traveled 13 year old that's only talking about the level of lack of Islamic education. Right. The second thing I've seen in common with these people is that the family even the parents don't place any priority on ibadat. In the parents may only pray Juma. They may require only when someone dies, there is a scene there is no ibadat in the life of the parents, right in these cases. I mean, if the parents Imani is on that level, the children's can be even lower than that. Right. So these are some of the things we

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find in common. So what you see in both these situations is the steps I'm going to mention and the preservation of religion are missing. And the prophet SAW Sam said that towards the end of time only want to your Eman will be like holding on to burning coal. Some people will go to bed at night or believe and wake up a disbeliever or in the morning

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You'll be a believer, and by the evening there'll be a disbeliever. We are living in that time, because we see it all around us. We see it all over the internet. We see it in our communities, people who at one point in time, look like you're practicing Muslims, you meet them a few years later, the man who's caught and one of the reasons is, we are not actively working towards the goal of preservation of fate. We just take our fate for granted. We just take it for granted, I'm almost always gonna be a Muslim, until the day come without into our heart, and we don't know how to deal with it. So how does how does our religion fulfill these two goals? How does our religion preserve

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the religion as a whole? And how does our religion preserve our individual Mr. This will get examples of both.

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Right? So in the time of the Sahaba, and the dobbyn, we see the preservation of the religion as a whole in the compilation of the Quran and the recording of Hadees. So when almost no hot dog rajala, who goes to Abu Bakar and he says, we need to compile the entire Quran into one Musa. What is Abu Bakr replied?

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He said the Prophet never did. Right? But why does he eventually agree? Why does he eventually change his mind iniquity? The scholars from across its age preserve their religion, the preservation of religion takes precedence over the Prophet didn't do that. Somalia.

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Right. So sometimes, we have to do things that we haven't done by people before us to preserve our religion. Right? Even if it wasn't done by someone before us. Same thing happened with Hades a generation later, the time of Omar Abdulaziz by my latest book is about him, or even Abdul Aziz, one of the main things he did was he initiated the preservation of Hades. So, when he was the Khalifa is his great grandson and he was a felipa. He got together some of the leading scholars of Hades of his time, and he basically told him to start writing like this in the year 99. Ah, until then, how was Hades preserved primarily?

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Already? Some people did right. This is a misconception, right? Some people did right. They are even reports of Sahaba writing Hadees. The generation after them, Omar, Abdullah z generation, we now have books being written two generations later that reaches its peak with Sahih Bukhari and Sahih. Muslim, right. But many people think the recording of Hadees began in the time of Mr. McCartney. That's a misconception. It reached its peak in the time of the Mambo card. It began in the time of American Abdulaziz. So why did they do these things? I mean, nobody did it before them. Again, preservation of the religion. Right? Number two, that is not system.

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Every classically trained, Islamic scholar in the world has a chain of teachers that goes back to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. Every single one of them. Why? Why do we have the chain? What's the purpose of a chain

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to preserve the integrity of the message that you can look at it that you studied under this person who study under that person going back 2530 generations to the practice law, you Islam, this preserves integrity. I don't think there's any other religion on Earth, which has something like this idea, people alive today, which is 2425 teachers between them and the Prophet alayhi wa sallam. And when you look at those chains of teachers, they are all like, ODI, and angry Lama. This is something that's found throughout the Muslim world Anyway, you can go to, you know, anywhere in North Africa, to India, to Connie Stan, to Arabia to Syria, you will find people will start going

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back to the profit logging Center. This is something that has been there, just like the snap for Hades. Why? Why is it there? To preserve the integrity of the message? Oh, man, if you had to ask someone from another religion, how do you know this is what your prophet SAW Islam thought of you as a prophet? How'd you do when your prophet thought? All they can say is I found in the book, right? And the book was recorded 300 years after the time of the Prophet, you know, chain of narrators. But we can see this is my teacher, this is going all the way back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Number three,

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this is a tough one, you find two extremes in this area.

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It is actually want you to live in a Muslim community. No, I do not see a Muslim country. I see the Muslim community right now again. So there's two extremes and the one extreme is that he's wanting to live in a Muslim country. So there are people who believe is haram to live in South Africa or USA or UK because these are non Muslim countries. And I sympathize with that position. I understand their position understand where they coming from. Right. On the other extreme, just people who just live anywhere in the world out considering how it affects the man.

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Now in many of the people I've dealt with personally who left Islam, the appearance moved to a city where there were no other Muslims and their son or daughter

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grew up in a Christian school or a secular school and became an atheist or a christian right into 18 or 17. Right? If you are growing up in a place where there's no Muslims, there's no mustard, there's no Community Center, there's no classes like this. There's no halal food. It is very, very difficult to maintain your Eman. Therefore, the position of my teachers is that the ideal is to live in a Muslim country. But if you can't in, in your country for Muslim communities, now how many likes Africa we have done that this area that we are living in, you know, if someone visits this area from another country, they would assume is a lot of Muslims in South Africa. Why? Because we live in a

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community in this area is allowed food everywhere, massages everywhere, Islamic schools everywhere. We have people you know, dressed as Muslims everywhere, it looks like a Muslim man. Because we live as a community. And because we live as a community, we are able to maintain our email and the amount of our children, right? If we had did not do this, if we all just had split up as we as happening in some other non Muslim countries. And if we all were living individually in

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different parts of the country, and I have met people who have done this, we are putting our image in danger. I'm talking from my own personal experience. I know people who when I was a child, the left Durban and it moved to areas in South Africa where they were the only Muslim family. And the same people recently contacted me to say, the child became a Christian, or the child became an atheist. When you look at a child's upbringing, they grew up in a Christian School in a Christian town with Christian friends and Christian teachers

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didn't have any Islam. Right? So living in a Muslim community is very important. And, you know, I was speaking to some of my teachers in another country, I was telling him, you're so lucky that you live in a Muslim country. He said, Well, you guys don't need to live in a Muslim country, because we'll have Muslim communities in South Africa. And he said there was the one thing that impressed me the most was Africa. When you go to Johannesburg or Cape Town with elbow you actually have Muslim communities. Like you go to other countries, literally just one family in the whole city. I just so this is something we shouldn't take for granted. It's something we should develop further, something

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we should grow further, something we should take advantage of, and useful to the benefit of our community that we continue to produce this to preserve people's demand.

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Now obviously, our committee has a lot of room for growth, a lot of things we can do better, but the fact that it exists is a good thing.

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Okay, so all of that was on the communal level. Now let's look at the individual level. Many people don't understand why they fast or why the priests Allah or why they go for Hajj. These are just rituals and culture to most people. You just do it, you just go for Hajj or you just pray Salah or you just fast. But all of this works towards the objective of protecting our Eman.

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The progress of the Lord while he was still upset about Salah C'mon Tanaka, who forgot Guevara, whoever abandons it leaves the religion and explained to you before the two interpretations of the Hadees. Right.

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Lots of anodal says about Allah in the Quran. In sha Allah prevents you from immorality and evil about fasting he says Allah, Allah

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taqwa can increase, right? So these things exist for what reason? They exist to protect our demand.

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The number one barrier between any person and Cofer is praying five times a day. I have personally met many people who had good Muslims in every sense of the word. And the day they stopped praying five times a day, every other area they started to collapse in every other area until you don't recognize them. That Sala is more important. Anything else is more important in each job is more important in growing a beard. It's more important than anything else. There are people who for example, class Monday and Thursday, but they don't pray the Salah. Right, the people who want to keep the tempo moharram fast, but they don't pay this a lot on the 10th of water. Right? Again, this

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is a mixed priorities. Your five Salah this is you know, like the single most important part of our religion praying five times a day and hopefully nobody needs to hear that. But we have to take the message to the rest of our community. You know, we live in a time where people think praying five times a day makes you pious. Praying five times a day makes you Muslim. Bring the hygiene and all of that makes a person pious. Right. Praying five times a day is the minimum if that's missing, your Eman is in danger. Once someone stops going for Juma then the man is really really really endangered in the light almost gone and really have to make to offer such people so Salah people don't

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understand why do we pray number one reason why you pray. It preserves your Eman. Yeah, I met a brother from from another country and I asked him, you know, how did he become a practicing Muslim. And he told me from the time he's young, his parents taught him to pray times, five times a day. So even during his rebellious phase, he was still praying five times a day, which to me one day is at the time.

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Club and it's a short time, and he's looking for places to play. And he began to feel guilty that what am I doing? So just that habit of praying five times a day, put the guilt in his heart and He swore into the nightclub and never went back. Right. So the soulapp prevented him from kwacha bunker, and he preserved his image and he started moving upwards in life.

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It's fasting supposed to have the same effect, but what happens? We overeat for sugar, we overeat for iftaar, right? We sleep all day or watch Netflix all day, or the kids play PlayStation all day. And the past has zero effect on our email like literally zero effect, because there is no Avada is just culture. If you want to force to affect your Eman, week of happiness before sugar time, burrito 100 eat a light sugar, make the free version in German, right? recite Quran, spend your day in Nevada have a light if that concentrate on your tarawih then at the end of Ramadan.

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If you do all of this, then you see the effect. But if we just take it as a party, no effect, Allah. Kuhn doesn't refer to just the basic refers to going beyond otherwise dukkha does not move at all if it's just a ritual.

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The example I gave earlier how preservation of faith takes precedence over preservation of human life is that Islam allows a concept called Jihad because protecting Islam and the Muslims from going extinct or being wiped out, is more important than the protection of human life, which is the second objective of our Sharia. Let's move on to that.

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The second main objective of the Sharia is the preservation of human life. What does this mean? This means that the lives of human beings is sacred in Islam. It this sacred You are not allowed to take a life of another.

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It is something that is supposed to be protected.

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In fact, modern scholarship says it's not human life, its life in general. Like the modern scholars of Makati say, not preservation of human life, preservation of life. Why are we not allowed to kill animals unless we're going to eat them over defending ourselves? Right? We're not allowed to destroy plant life unless there's a reason for it. So this clearly shows our religion is not just concerned with the preservation of our lives. It's any life I mean, you only allowed to kill an ant. Well, the reason that are already our religion is that strict? You know, if you see an ad walking and you just step on it, that's a form of zulum. What did that creature do to you? So our religion is so strict

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on the preservation of life that many of the moderns called democracy is not the preservation of human life is the preservation of life in general.

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So the Sharia considers life sacred, it should not be taken unless necessary, necessary, jihad, the death penalty,

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or the example self defense,

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in case of animal life, or plant life, if you're going to eat it, right, these kinds of things will be considered necessary. Otherwise, if somebody is just chopping down trees, because they don't like to be trees, look, this is considered wrong Islam. And if someone is just hunting animals for sport, this is completely wrong. hunting animals for sport is completely wrong. You can only kill an animal if you're going to eat it or use it in some beneficial way. Right? Or if it's attacking you, right? So we're not allowed to go into the jungle and start hunting lions, we supposed to leave the lions to live their lives. Only the lion is trying to kill you that you actually defend yourself.

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So when we say this is a goal of the Sharia, one of the things we mean by this is that initially are there anybody living in that land, besides criminals should feel absolutely safe.

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And this is one of the biggest groups that ISIS is an Islamic.

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Nobody feel safe living under ISIS, not even ISIS soldiers. Nobody feel safe under them. Right? They just create chaos and murder wherever they go. complete opposite of our principal. When there is genuine Sharia, the safety, crime rates go down. murder rates go down, * rates go down, kidnapping goes down. People are getting killed goes down, everything goes down. Right? You live in safety.

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That's what Sharia is. It's supposed to bring safety not to Muslims to everybody. If you look at the classical Sharia model, how it existed in a time of the immediately above the the Ottomans, what you find is whether someone's Muslim or Christian or Jew or whatever it is. They felt at peace and safety in a Muslim that they could you know, it was such that

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A woman could travel from one part of the Muslim world to the other without a maharam without fearing anyone's going to lover. Why? Because of the level of safety that these lands bring. So, that is Sharia. And this is why, you know, whenever people say, you know, I remember that happened a few years ago, when ISIS was a big thing. Lots of youngsters in Dublin, like coming after what do you think about ISIS, they established the Islamic State. Now, first of all, they it's not an Islamic State. And Islamic State makes people feel safe. And Islamic State is a place where people want to live. It's a place of peace is a place where children can be happy people can be happy. You

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look at the people who established that state and the understanding of Islam and the kind of Islam the forced upon people, there is no happiness at all, because they have taken the most extreme form of Salafism and forced it upon an entire country when nobody follows anything like that. And the result has been was nothing but chaos. And that's why they felt so quickly. Right. That's why they felt so quickly.

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Another important point about the preservation of human life is that sometimes to preserve the life of many, the lives of a few need to be taken. The best example of this is our religion has a death penalty for murder.

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Living in a country where murder is out of control where crime is out of control, I think we all can appreciate this part of our Sharia, that when there is a dead penalty for murder, people feel safe, rather the life of one murderer be taken, then the lives of hundreds of innocent people be taken. And so our religion is very practical in this sense. It's an ultra mega system that could either increase or stay his life in kasasa is the protection of life. And so let's see how it fits in with the protection of life is actually mentioned in the Quran, as the goal of the source the protection of life.

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Now, the important point that many people may not think about, when we say preservation of life, we're not just talking about not killing people, we also talking about health, right? You're talking about our bodies, we're also talking about our health in general, our religion is a is a holistic religion. So not only are you not allowed to kill anyone else, you're not allowed to harm yourself either. So living an unhealthy lifestyle, not taking care of your health, not to not exercising enough, not eating healthy. All of these are things which are frowned upon in our Sharia. And on top of that, things like smoking, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, these things are prohibited because of the

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harmful effects they have on our health. Right, that is not about

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just staying alive, but it's about preserving the body that Allah has given us in the best possible way. And we've seen the time of omoto photogra Gulen who, when he would meet a man with a large tummy, I mean, how many of us are familiar with the incident where he actually poked immense time into this is a punishment from Allah. Right? Because that thing leads to diabetes or something else. It's, it's literally become the sickness, right? Because at the very least, it stops you from worshipping Allah because it makes you lazy. So in that alone makes it a punishment. So our religion is not one which

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encourages us to be overweight. It's not a sin. But it's not encouraged either. The encouragement is to be in the best possible safe shape that we can be to take care of our health to take care of our bodies. For as long as we live. This is why when you look at the Sahaba, and the great leaders of Islam throughout history, the right to the 70s 80s 90s they will foot right to the end, many of them have foot many of them. I mean, read some of these studies, you see Sahaba in the 80s fighting in jihad, literally in the 80s still fighting in jihad. I mean, the Battle of

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of yamamah was the title of your book, which was against Assyrians, the Romans.

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Yarmouk Yeah,

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we should be honest, so hate even fighting it. How old? Were they?

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The 70s

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Yeah, I'm talking about the Abu sufian. Really when they were in the 70s or 80s by them, because these were the people who literally 40 years before that were fighting the prophets loggia Salah, right, and now they are fighting side by side with their sons in the Battle of Iraq. Right. So how did you see the level of fitness and imitate? So when we talk about preservation of life, you also have to think about preservation of health. And this is really where the environmentalism factor comes in. Because I don't consider environmentalism as a separate maqasid I consider under the preservation of life, protecting human life protecting animal life protecting plant life, protecting

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our health in general. Now, one of the reasons I love living in the city is we surrounded by trees, surrounded by forests, especially where I live, literally

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surrounded by trees and forests is just fresh everywhere. And that's something important to maintain, you know, to make sure children grow up healthy. We see in other parts of the world, the level of pollution that they have, that you can't even leave the house out covering your face.

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That's something OSHA does not.

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There's not, you know, recommend it doesn't recommend, it recommends that we have a healthy lifestyle. So environmentalism, for me is not something separate. It is part of preservation of life, at least, a critical part of preservation, preserving a high standard of life, so that people are healthy. And this is why I'm against not just smoking cigarettes, but even factory smoking. Anything else that's polluting as Muslims, we should find some solution to it, we should find some solution to it. So I'm on board with things are moving towards solar energy and moving towards electric cars, because I see all of this as beneficial to the environment and part of the prediction

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of health and the prediction of the earth in general.

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So how does Oceania preserve life?

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Well, obviously murder is a major sin. That's the big one. Right? It's a major sin. It's one of the key bar. It's one of the biggest reasons a person can commercial Allah hunter speaks about the greatest sins in history, shirk, Zina and murder. So it's right up here, the biggest ingredient of *. Obviously, if murder is a major sin, this means our religion wants what he wants people to live, right. But he's not just modal. Islam also prohibits everything that leads towards murder, anything less than that that's harmful. We're not allowed to abuse people to mutilate bodies to torture people, to disfigure people to dismember people animals, not even allowed to do something to

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ourselves is considered some kind of disfiguration. People who edit their bodies, you know, to to allow these you get these weird cultural people like want to take off the ears or cut off the nose, or they want to do weird things, they can look differently. Our religion doesn't allow this kind of stuff.

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Even with animals, the mutilation of animals, which in those days was used as a form of branding. Islam prohibited it, right? Because, again, when we say preservation of life, it's not just don't die. But it's all of life, including health. So even animals are supposed to take care to make sure they are in good health and not harm them or make them sick or make them disfigured in any way.

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So the rules related to animals in our religion, we can only kill the animal in self defense or if there's some benefit in killing it like food, or clothing or something like that. Most of the time, food.

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This is where our religion is, again, balanced in the middle between consumerism and veganism. In one hand, we have consumerism, which is just mass slaughter and murder and mistreatment and abuse of animals in the name of profit. I the way the modern market treats animals just to make sure they have enough wings at KFC every day. It's unethical. It's an Islamic, right. People today as a reaction to that. What's the reaction to that from the youngsters going vegan? Right? why there's such a thing as veganism come about? Because of how animals are being treated. Remember the way human beings operated? They don't have the Sharia the way human beings operated. There's no Sharia

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is, if people are on one extreme, it shouldn't go to the other. So on one extreme, we have consumerism, the children of the consumers jump to the other extreme, don't kill an animal for anything, don't drink it, smoke, don't do it, eat it, don't use it for nothing. don't have anything to do with harming animals. You know. I mean, if you drinking milk, a vegan will tell you you're stealing a baby cow's milk. That's what they'll tell you. They can listen to the other extreme. Now I sympathize with him, I understand where they're coming from. They grew up in a culture where animals are abused, and they we are protesting that is to go to the other extreme, right so you can

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understand where they're coming from. But hamdulillah Islam is in the middle. Islam says you can drink milk, you can eat animals, you can use a, you know different stuff for clothing, but you must take care of them. You must be good to them, even when smoking if you can, our slaughtering process, not even allowed to cause mental harm to the animal. Even on physical harm. We're only allowed to call me mental distress by slaughtering one in front of another set, it starts to feel scared. That's the level of you know, rights animal has installed. And you really believe that the entire world follow the Islamic system of the treatment of animals. Nobody would even have thought of going

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vegan in the first place. Right? It's a reaction to conduct consumer culture. Our religion is flat in the middle. We don't hunt for sport. You only hunt if you're going to eat right? We leave the wild animals to look their lives. You know, we see like for example rhinos are going extinct tigers are going extinct. All these other animals are going

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extinct because of hunting and things, our religion wants to preserve all of those lives. Our religion doesn't want anymore, we are supposed to make efforts to protect them from from extinction is actually part of being a good Muslim, we only kill that animal if you're going to eat it, or there's some other benefit in doing so. Or in self defense, even in self defense, you don't jump to killing nowadays, we have tranquilizer guns and stuff for dealing with animals. As well as even most of the time there's no reason to even kill the animal self defense.

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Same way with plants. I mean, it's even listed in the laws of jihad, not to cut down trees or anything like that without a reason. I know only predicting the human life in the battlefield, but even plant life is protected in a battlefield. So let's put it this way, if harming a plant without a reason is prohibited in jihad. What do you think is the rule in general,

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it's even more prohibitive, right? We're not supposed to be cutting down trees or destroying plant life unless there's a reason to do so. So obviously, you clearing space to build a house or you need wood for furniture, or whatever it is, this is all acceptable reasons, right, within a level of reason. But like one of the ways that some of the Obama have suggested to balance it out is for every three that we cut down, we plateau, and the balance is out it out. I think Pakistan took on a project like this recently where they planted billions of trees so as to preserve the environment. So that's keeping with democracy.

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So that's, that's our religion is again, not just human life, but plant life, animal life as well.

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Another example of preservation of life. Right? Allah says in the Quran, that in the source there is likely is preservation of life. So the death penalty exists to maintain peace and protect society for murderers and other forms of evil. Right? So our death penalty, why did Allah Subhana Allah revealed something that could be a penalty? Because it is for murder, the only value really, if someone's soul is so twisted, that they will murder people. The only thing that will actually stopped him is the death penalty, not prison. Prison is a holiday for them. They're getting free DSTV and meals every day, and they probably have more electricity than US dollars. loadshedding.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:31

Right. So that's a holiday. I mean, technically, it's not doesn't even have a prison system. I love people don't know this. Islam does not have a prison system. It's permissible to have one. But it's not part of our Sharia. Why?

00:37:32 --> 00:37:43

Okay, look into two examples, right? In an Islamic country, which is following the proper Islamic model. If a poor person had to steal because they were hungry, what would be the punishment?

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nothing except maybe they have to pay for what this law at the most, right, and they may actually receive some soccer or charity so that they don't steal again.

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What happens in South Africa of a poor person steals, they go to jail, they meet worse people, they join a gang, they come out to professional thief.

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Right? So what are you doing in prison, we're taking the worst of people, putting them together, locking them in a place and leaving them with each other.

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Right. So sometimes the young person who made a mistake has been followed the sherea, that person could recover from the mistake and become a better person. By following the law, we are putting him in a place where there's no chance for him to become a better person. And we completely destroying any chance of them becoming a better person.

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Murder, no point locking murderers in jail. What happens when they escape?

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Right? Or if they let go for good behavior, if they something like that,

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we look at any of these things, you know, even a professional robbery. In Islam, the person's hand will be amputated. The next day, he's back with his family, he can carry on working, he can get a new job, he can take care of his family, what happens in our communities, he goes to jail for 20 years, who's you know, suddenly his wife and kids are struggling, they don't know how to handle things, because the man is gone. Right? So the prison system is actually a lot worse than Sharia law. The Sharia law actually is the one law that actually benefits everyone, including the criminal,

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even a criminal because if you look from a Imani perspective,

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if someone was a Muslim, and just say, for example, they committed murder, and they are truly grateful for murder,

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and the death penalty is applied upon them.

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They are now forgiven for that sin.

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Because Allah does not punish you for the same sin twice. If someone takes the punishment in this world, they are not held accountable for it in the next world. Right. So someone who is punished in this world for Zina or for murder or something like that, on the day of judgment, they're not held accountable for that again, because they already received a punishment. So even for them it becomes a blessing. If they are people with some level of human endeavor.

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One of the best examples of preservation of life are the rules of jihad. So compared to modern warfare, compared to these crazy jihadi * that exists today, the rules of actual Jihad are very much in favor of the preservation of human life. If we look at how strict they are, did not kill a woman did not kill children did not kill non combatants to kill elders, not destroy any churches or monasteries, not kill any rabbis, priests, no enemy asked you for safety, give him safety, to chop down trees without any reason knocking animals out in the reason these are the laws of jihad. Evolution is so strict on the battlefield.

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And imagine of the battlefield how much more strict it is on the preservation of human life. And this is, again, another reason why these modern groups like ISIS, and all of the other groups like them, really what they're doing is completely an Islamic.

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They use the word jihad, but what they are doing is not jihad. It's more than that's what it is.

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Okay, so this is the theory, what we discussed thus far is the theory, the final five or 10 minutes, we will discuss the practical application, as I said, whenever I teach, it's not just taught theoretically, it's not just taught for Walmart using the HTML, but for the average person, there is a practical way for you to take this knowledge and apply it in your life. Right. So practical application, number one, live in a Muslim community.

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for any reason, the main reason to preserve the fate of our children.

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If there is no Muslim community for more than one of my teachers, for example, says that if you are living in an area of your city where there's no Muslims, ever, you're surrounded by people committing every type of major sin, and the type of people going to this school, he actually said his logic for you to move to another neighborhood with his Muslims and Islamic school says watching why preservation of your children's faith? Right. So number one, live in a Muslim community. And because we have a Muslim community here in Dublin, that screw it, let's take advantage of it. The whole point of having classes like this is to serve the community to benefit the community. We have

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a community and yes, this community has a lot of faults. It's divided on sectarianism. It's divided on race divided on class. It's divided on people who are too capitalistic and greedy for money. forgetting about the gene, by the way, is all kinds of things going on in our community. But at least we have a community. At least we have Hello butchery, bakery de la restaurant, you must 510 machines in the area. least we have that find a way to take that to the next level, to really enhance our communities where they are as beneficial as possible for the next generation.

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Number two, the next practical thing is for us to set up our system of education in a way that works towards the preservation of faith of the believers. I believe that Islamic education system needs a complete overhaul. The way we teach Islam in this country is to ritualistic I just teaching children do this don't do that doesn't work. We need a maqasid approach. I brought down to whatever age level they are at bringing it down to their level. We must take a maqasid approach to education. Teach your children Salah, teach them why we are teaching them about fasting, teach them the benefits of fasting. We teaching them to recite Quran, teach them the understanding of the Quran teaching the

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Tafseer of the Quran, teach them Arabic so they can understand the Quran. It mustn't just be rituals. If you want our children, and the next generation to truly love Islam and be true believers. We have to change the way we teach Islam with it in the schools whether it's in the madrassas, especially in the Allium course, right, we have to just change the whole system and and make it a system that works towards the preservation of faith. So people that emerge from that system are people who love Islam and practice Islam, not people who want to run away from Islam.

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Number three, now that we understand that the primary acts of worship in Islam are a barrier between us and Google, and their primary purpose is to protect and preserve our demand. This should make it easier for us to practice them

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is much easier to pray five times a day if you know why. It's much easier to fast in Ramadan. If you understand why it's easier for a young person to go for Hajime understands the benefits of going for Hajj. So understanding the maqasid makes it easier to do the acts of worship. People who pray sada because they are trying to keep the man strong is they will create a better quality Salah to someone who's just praying Salah because their parents told them to do it or because the community is doing it or because it's Juma or because I just have to do it. Right the level and quality is going to be very different. So our ibadah not only in terms of being a parent

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To light, but even the quality will be enhanced if we do it with a maqasid with other goals in mind.

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Number four, this is very, very important. Let us strive as members of South Africa. as citizens of South Africa, let us strive to build a society that is safe from murder and abuse. Now, here's an important point I want you all to remember, just because we cannot apply the Sharia law does not mean we should not find other ways to fulfill the objectives of the Sharia. Meaning, just because we cannot apply Sharia law in this country in terms of the death penalty, doesn't mean that we abandon the concept of preservation of human life altogether. Rather, we look for other ways to do it. Okay, we can apply Sharia law, what can we do, to to raise you know, to protect human life in a society?

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This is what we can't do. This should be what we can do. I think it's foolish for us to take part in the elections, with the promise that we will apply Sharia law if we are voted in as president, and wonder why less than 1% of the country votes for us. So very foolish approach to take. Right rather than something practical, what can we actually do? You can we reduce poverty? can we reduce unemployment? Can we educate people better? Okay, well, what's in our capabilities? Can we convince the government to bring back the death penalty? It may not be the Islamic differently, but it's some form of the death penalty. Right? What can we do? Let's look at that. Because even if we are living

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in a country where there is no Sharia law, fulfilling the objectives of the Sharia is still our duty. And really, as in South Africa, the idea of preservation of human life, it's, it's, it's going, you know, the people are scared every single day of being murdered in this country. So we need to do what we can. And it's not an easy job. It's something that takes a community effort. But we must think of ways to build a community that safe, from murder, from abuse, from * from all of these things which are plaguing our society.

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Final practical application,

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work on the preservation of our own health.

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If we are unable to preserve the lives of others, at least, preserve what's not capabilities by being healthy, by encouraging our spouses and children to be healthy, by by giving up habits that are bad for our health, making sure that we're doing the best we can to be the best versions of ourselves. So preservation of health, and is part of preservation of life. And so as Muslims to preserve our own lives, and to make it last as long and as healthy as possible. We must focus on eating well exercising, and avoiding bad habits that damage our bodies like smoking and things like that. Finally, in our daily lives, whenever we do, be conscious, be conscious of how we treat

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people, be conscious of how we treat animals, be conscious of how we treat plant life, be conscious of how we treat the environment, by being conscious about that in everything we do every day helps us to fulfill this goal of the Sharia. If we are people who do not harm any person or any animal or any plant without a good reason, then we are people who are fulfilling the role of the Sharia, even if the rest of the rest of society are not and the more people doing it, the better society becomes. So be conscious of this in your daily interactions as a Muslim, I am not allowed to mistreat anything. And so just it will be good, no treatment of everything.

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So with that, we come to the end of today's presentation. Those are the two the first two of the five, the rule react necessities, the preservation of human life and religion. I hope you all understand how the religion now works towards preserving those two things. Next week very important preservation of intellect and preservation of wealth. How the Sharia fulfills these two objectives, why fulfills these two objectives? And what we can do practically to fulfill these two objectives by that'll be next week's topic inshallah, with that, we'll take Christians for 10 or 15 minutes, and they will close up inshallah any questions or comments

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except quietly people

00:49:21 --> 00:49:23

look forward to the discussion of

00:49:26 --> 00:49:29

preservation and promotion, promotion, good.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:40

benefits, society. Yes. So it's not sufficient. preservation, yes, it is just as important.

00:49:42 --> 00:50:00

Okay, so that I'm going to come to the senior in high gi section. So let's put it this way. I mean, mikaze divided our religion into necessities, needs and luxuries. So, preservation is under necessity. So this is the minimum you need to survive. Right needs are like above

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That things you need to live a good life. And then above that we find, you know, living a really good life would be under attack senior. So for example, avoiding Xena will be under preserving protecting your honor. Right? Getting married would be one level above that, right? Having a happy marriage with high quality life would be a senior that will be a luxury, not everyone's going to have it. But if you have it, then that's the higher level of the cause of the shadow. So we have three levels. And what we're talking about now is the primary love at the very least, protecting from going extinct to protect you from not being there at all right, but we build upon that our goal

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is not to stay at that level. Our goal is to reach that senior to reach the highest level. So we see the same three levels when it comes to ibaadat. When it comes down divided it's also divided into three levels but there's a different name for two three levels. Islam Eman. Yes, so at the very least we need Islam what's Islam? You pray yourself are you fasting in Ramadan, you go for Hajj, you do all the basic rituals? Yes, Islam level higher than that is Mr. watts Mr. Eman is where you believe in what you do. You get that spiritual benefit out of it you get the demand to salivate you may pray the sooner Salah you may 1 Monday and Thursdays you may read Quran you have the mind you

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feel different from someone who's just doing it virtually. And the highest level is your son. Now what's your son at the level of the Olia to worship Allah as if you can see. And if you can't see him, you know that he sees you to be conscious of a lot all the time. Right? So just like that you have in every area, Julian hijikata. Senior when it comes to preservation of faith that manifests itself in Islam among men. Yes, sir. So what we aim for is, in everything we do, and by the way your son doesn't only apply to the bar that your son applies to everything that we do the prophets allow you some said, Allah loves them, and the servant does something he does it with your son. What does

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the word mean?

00:52:03 --> 00:52:04

It literally means perfection.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:47

It literally means perfection. But I usually translated as striving for excellence, because we can't reach perfection. So when we say whenever we do we do the assignee means whatever we do, we strive for the highest level. Right? So we said Julian hajian, a senior, senior, the same root word as Hassan, Hassan, they would have the same group letters, they would the same level, that's what we strive for. So very least, preserve your life. higher than that live a good life, hybrid, that live your best life. Right? That's what the senior company that's really living your best life, in terms of the bar that you are playing the huddled you are eating, and you're giving charity, in terms of

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family, you have a lovely family in terms of wealth, you have lots of wealth, in terms of intellectual genius, that's the senior level, not everyone's going to reach that level. But that's a goal people should aspire to. At the very least for society as a whole, we believe for society as a whole to do rudia should be taken care of, by the on individual level, people should work towards the senior. Right?

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Anything else before we conclude?

00:53:17 --> 00:53:19

The preservation of life is

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to sacrifice your life, for prestige.

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00:53:30 --> 00:53:33

society, I suppose the secret of life to the laws

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of life,

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a society that really deals with what you're going to talk about in two weeks time, the preservation of lineage and honor. Because in a society which has punishments for sin, our people are far less likely to do it. If they do do, they won't do it publicly and openly, it will be a secret. So it doesn't affect society as a whole, right. And so people's lineage is protected peoples on a protected and society as a whole is protected from the ripple effects. You know, the ripple effect of example, we live in a society where people commit sin openly. And so people see other people doing it. Everyone's doing so while I do it. But now when these punishments are there, it's it

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creates a barrier. Firstly, no one's gonna do it publicly. Right? Because Also remember, the punishments were Xena, in Islam

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are very rarely carried out. It's like almost never carried out because they have to be for eyewitnesses or confession. It's simply that value there to let people know, listen, this is something big. This is the biggest murder in Islam. And so what that does is that preserves not human life that preserves family lineage on what you're going to cover in week five, all of those are preserved with that punishment is in place. And if we live in a society with a punishment, not in place, we have to find other ways to protect all of that. And that becomes our challenge in South Africa. We live in a place where not only is the punishment, not there, but that life

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says promoted, it's promoted. So how do we get around the attributes of prediction of me that's the challenge recovering chalon to accept?

00:55:10 --> 00:55:50

Yeah, treason. treason is a capital punishment. And according to the classical position of the all the math hubs, the death penalty also applies to apostasy. Now, some of the modern scholars have changed the view on this. For example, Sheikh Abdullah bin Varya takes a maqasid approach to this, right. And he says that the reason that there's a death penalty for apostasy was for the preservation of the religion. Right? So in those days, people wouldn't leave the religion because they were scared of the death penalty. He said, Today, it's having the opposite effect. Today, people are leaving Islam because Islam has a penalty. They say, How can I follow religion as a

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penalty? So he says, Now to preserve the religion, we don't follow that law. So his opinion is that that area, we don't apply that law at this point in time, because it's going to have the opposite effect of why Allah revealed it. So that's a that's a new position. And actually, some of my teachers do hold that position. I did discuss it to one of them.

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One of my teachers in Malaysia to discuss it with him, ask him what it was each month his issue? He said, Yes, but things have changed so much, you can reopen the doors of HD heart on it. So again, Allah knows best. But the classical position is that there is a death penalty for apostasy. And it's just because of democracy, the preservation of view of Eman that some of the majority have changed the position on it. And there is a valid he had difference of opinion, a little special.

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circumstance, social circumstances.

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Ready for a blank? photo?

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So do not punish.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:08

The contrary argument is that if you don't apply for Buddha society, let's see the same.

00:57:09 --> 00:57:45

So my view to this Okay, so the fear of what the professor is saying is that there's two sides of the argument to one side, the argument is that we don't apply who do today, we don't apply the Islamic criminal law today. Because the society is not ready for it. If you apply it is going to cause more harm than good. Right? Professor tariq ramadan has a position as well, right? On the other side, we have Mr. saying that if we don't apply these laws, then people are going to commit these crimes. And now my position is we have to have a middle path, we need a gradual application of law. So

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I know if I should see, but there's a certain country, which is taking a gradual approach to Sharia law, they like have a 10 year plan, every two years, you're gonna make the laws more strict. And they've taken the gradual approach, what they've done first is they've got to the poverty,

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right, introduce free education, free health care, right. And then they introduced a punishment for stealing.

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And then they said, After two years, you will introduce the chopping off of hands for stealing. So they've taken a gradual approach of applying the Sharia not only the criminal law, but the Sharia as a whole, in terms of getting rid of poverty in terms of taking care of the poor in terms of free healthcare, in terms of education, because our rules don't exist in a vacuum. We have xhaka, we have walkoff, we have education, we have taken care of the poor, all of that is part of our strategy as well, in a lot of people nowadays, with the year the virtual reality of the food, the food is less than 10% of our Sharia while applying everything else. So I believe that's the approach we have to

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have today. If you just go into like what ISIS and these people do is that they take over country, and from day one, all the way from the energy they don't understand that they take it to a whole nother level. Our stories of them chopping off people's heads for smoking. I mean, oh, which we do that is a witch Sharia

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that comes on. But you know, I'm saying this is another extreme, the correct approach to applying Voodoo. Firstly, Obama must understand it and the people applying it must understand it. Number two, gradually, just like this religion have introduced gradually, the religious law has to be introduced gradually. So we'll begin from the bottom, okay, what's causing crime, poverty, let's get rid of poverty, unemployment, let's go unemployment. Once all of that is gone, and people are still stealing it. We bring in a punishment, their punishments are bringing bringing a stronger punishment and eventually weeping in the courtroom. And if we do it properly by the bringing the good, nobody

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will be stealing anyway, we will need to apply it. Right. So that's the approach I think, I think they're kind of like, brings it to to a middle part. Again, the people on the side will say no, you have to apply today, that people on their side. I think they might actually agree with my approach, maybe a Lego space

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about non Muslim very simple yes.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:31

Does that apply only to Jews and Christians or to all non Muslims? Okay, so this is a debate that goes back to the format hops to the first generation of Islam. And that is the Quran says you take jizya from Al Qaeda, right? But it's a harbor to GCR from those origins. And the generation after them took jizya, from the Hindus, and Muslims to jizya from everyone, right until today. But now we have a group of people primarily amongst the Salafis, who are saying that he must only take jizya from the Jews and Christians.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:35

So when they posted on Twitter, that if you take over in Germany must kill all the Hindus.

01:00:38 --> 01:01:17

Muslim julija 4000 years no Muslim ruler will India ever thought like that? So what we have is a verse of the Quran. And we have the sahabas understanding and application of the verse of the Quran. This Ahava understood the Quran better than we do. And they still took jizya from anyone who was not a Muslim. They were even atheists living in their lands. Right. So I believe that that's the correct position. That's what the Sahaba did. That's what they did what the apostles did what they ultimately did. None of them had this rule, he was only treating Christians that didn't exist in any Empire. Now history. That is a, you know, that is a new literal reading of the Quran that comes from

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extreme Salafism. That's where it comes from. It really wasn't a view that the first generation of Muslims applied, maybe some of them held it theoretically, but nobody applied it. Even amongst a Muslim, you can find the Buddha humbling myself and in a sharpie mazhab. But no, humbly or sharp you ever took government position they've applied it, you just viewed it as a view that India must have not something that they actually going to apply as part of the law of the land. Right? So even if someone says, Yeah, but I know some Sharpie scholars say this is the law, the seeds,

01:01:49 --> 01:01:59

but it hasn't become the law they choose to apply because of again, things like mikaze and sdsr, and things like that. It's a weak opinion, even in the most upset to have it as being an Islamic opinion.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:04


01:02:06 --> 01:02:10

yes. Well, should the dependencies apply to non Muslims? Again,

01:02:11 --> 01:02:17

with the system that the Saba had and that the early Muslims had in the automated tutors? The next level, is that

01:02:19 --> 01:02:58

the Sharia law is that each religion is judged according to their Woking here religion, right. So for example, the Ottomans called it the millet system. Simply What this means is that Christians are judged by the Bible. Jewish people are judged by the Torah. Muslims are judged by Quran and Hadees. That's why when there's when the Jews report for to be punished for stoning. The prophets have had to open the Torah and show them in the tunnel, which is a stony. And so we see that the Christians that lived in a Sharia land. In the time of the Sahaba, no Golden Age, the Christian had big farms. They had alcohol, they had all of this, nobody stopped them, because their religion allows it,

01:02:58 --> 01:03:16

meaning we don't force our chevier upon you, like I did this discussion on the jihadi forum. Don't ask me why I'm reading jihadi forums. Right. But a discussion in jihadi forum. What do we do to the kuffaar ladies when we take over the land? So one of the God said, we make them a full niqab, but we make the red shoes we know the non Muslim.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:26

Now, here's my question. Do you think any time in history, the Muslims forcing the cowboy upon the non Muslims,

01:03:27 --> 01:03:56

non Muslim woman living in Sharia land, follow the dress code of their religion? Right to the Christian woman dressed like Christian woman, and the Jewish woman, just like Jewish woman, obviously, back then even their religions had more modest dress codes. But the fact is, nobody took the Islamic dress code and forced it on the non Muslims living in the land that applied to the Muslims. So that's the classical, classical understanding. Unfortunately, no one even knows this exists. I literally had a conversation with

01:03:57 --> 01:04:09

one of the our graduates a few days ago, and he told me I just came back from Malaysia, and he's discussing the non Muslim League alcohol, like so that's Sharia. So what are you talking about?

01:04:10 --> 01:04:24

I see the Sharia says they follow their religion, we follow our religion. So in Australia and they drink alcohol, we don't drink alcohol, and that's what's happening in Malaysia. So that is Sharia. Right? It is not Sharia to stop a non Muslim from taking alcohol. Does not Sharia.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:35

Yes, and they have laws of motion.

01:04:38 --> 01:04:38


01:04:41 --> 01:04:43

We should be tolerant of it.

01:04:46 --> 01:05:00

Yeah. So let me give you an example. Definitely Sahaba when the Sahaba conquered Zoroastrians. This Russians have this law. With the religion they allowed to marry the sister and the mother. Right and the Sahaba had the debate do we allow

01:05:01 --> 01:05:42

And some of the Sahaba said yes. As one of them said no. And the one that they went with was, yes, because he's part of a religion. So if this Ahava would tolerate non Muslims in Australia then marrying their own mothers and sisters, then for us to tolerate What do people need this landuse? exact same thing? Exactly. same level of sin with it. And the argument that was made on that site was one had his opinion. His argument was we tolerating them commenting, shirk, what's the greatest thing? Sure, everything else you listen to that? So we'll be tolerating that, should we call it everything else on you should think that our our interactions with non Muslims in this lab, you

01:05:42 --> 01:06:01

know, if you have to ask, for example, this give it to be completely practical, like a practical, a gay person, either gay person has without you, you know, somebody has to tell me, they can't be like, Okay, I'm not going to say anything about it. Okay. But you have to ask me, What does your religion say about my religion is prohibited.

01:06:02 --> 01:06:41

You'll be factual about, you're not going to treat him badly. You're not going to mistreat him, you're not going to beat him up or kick him out of your store or whatever it is. But if he asked you what is your religion say you be frank and open my religion doesn't allow it, you know, that's what it is. Right? So, there is in our religion that we tolerate from the non Muslims, whatever it is, of the religion or the nowadays the religion is secularism, right? And whatever it is, they follow from there. But at the same time, we don't bend our model so that we don't become those people who say, oh, but it's fine. It's okay for Muslims to do it, we need to follow the culture of our land. And

01:06:41 --> 01:06:43

that's going in the opposite direction. The other way is to review

01:06:45 --> 01:07:09

the new old view and to go to the new old where you now have the female female Imam with lesbian magazine and bisexual guy standing behind the stats that we're inviting our religion is clear this Ihara position all Muslims are doing it, that's their business, they have a bigger issue, which is just the issue to focus on. Right. And if that gets sorted out, everything else comes afterwards in Sharma

01:07:11 --> 01:07:12

the obligation to

01:07:17 --> 01:07:18


01:07:20 --> 01:07:20

books has been

01:07:24 --> 01:07:27

strong, and those that are for example.

01:07:30 --> 01:07:34

They influence society rather than them being in

01:07:36 --> 01:07:37

a very positive in

01:07:39 --> 01:07:40

today's society,

01:07:41 --> 01:07:42

earliest students that

01:07:45 --> 01:07:56

follow the MSC. Today, the American Muslim society is quite a vibrant society, but they had to be the first few few people

01:07:58 --> 01:07:58


01:08:00 --> 01:08:02

know forefathers here. Yeah.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:09

With the same thing they came, you came in with a low self esteem and body religion and things like that.

01:08:15 --> 01:08:16


01:08:26 --> 01:09:06

mostly to promote. Yeah, that is true. I mean, if you look at the issue of Malaysia, for example, there is another point that a lot of people don't talk about. One of the reasons why Islam spread so fast and lands like Malaysia and Indonesia, is that when the Muslims moved it, they married the locals. I didn't keep themselves aloof, they intermarried with the locals. And this led to a merging of cultures and that led to Islam growing, right. And now a Muslim moved to our parts of the world. What happened? A party even amongst the Muslims. Right. Right. Till today, that still there? Right. And so there's no merging of cultures. And because there's no merging of cultures, there's still

01:09:06 --> 01:09:40

tension is for values to Tao, what is what is going on? So you know, we have to look at it holistically. It's not just the businessman with a businessman when they became part of their culture, and what Islam into their culture and made Islam part of their culture, while we came from India, and we try to bring India with us in the Indian culture with us. And this led to a huge clash that hasn't ended yet. So anything one thing that could change the Dawa in this land is actually intermarriage between the races, he could actually really change the dynamics of that wind this land, we can break down the huge barrier that we have right now. That huge value that Islam is the

01:09:40 --> 01:09:59

Indian religion, or Muslims or racist in all of those values will break down and that will open more doors of discussion. Because what happens is, just say for example, a Muslim man moves to a new land with all non Muslims, right? And a girl from the UK converts to Islam to Malaga, his in laws and now interacting with him every day and they are seeing his

01:10:00 --> 01:10:15

slamming his character, right? And so this has the ripple effect over time. Some of them may convert to Islam themselves, or they won't mind their daughters, many Muslims are covered in so many Muslims. And so obviously he's a good Muslim. Right? And so this has a ripple effect on the Dow as well, which many people don't think about.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:22

Take the

01:10:24 --> 01:10:25

emotion out.

01:10:28 --> 01:10:29

Take the acid.

01:10:30 --> 01:10:31


01:10:32 --> 01:10:33

They did it.

01:10:36 --> 01:10:39

last generation, the generation

01:10:42 --> 01:10:48

the big migration, migration took place, and Islam has completely disappeared. Almost

01:10:49 --> 01:10:50

South America.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:09

Yeah, that's true. There's a lot of families that have

01:11:11 --> 01:11:12

actually had this

01:11:13 --> 01:11:13


01:11:15 --> 01:11:18

So that origin emission of atoms that move to South America,

01:11:20 --> 01:11:21

they never understood.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:25

The extension, we say, in South Africa,

01:11:27 --> 01:11:38

I think is a point about the Muslims migrated to America to study individually stayed that way. We are really an amazing community.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:47

I think that the idea of abortion is very strong. It's also it's true. I don't see that same we are all beyond

01:11:49 --> 01:11:53

we are instead of a senior engineer, okay, but we are not.

01:11:55 --> 01:12:02

So this is a serious problem understanding what the cause is, it is not a single Hindus that it may stop.

01:12:03 --> 01:12:16

All right. So there was Muslim communities have reached a state of Tasmania, and the level of luxuries in level of living by not eternity. So we talk about promotion of faith

01:12:18 --> 01:12:21

between our poor disadvantaged black communities,

01:12:23 --> 01:12:25

and Hindus, Christians, out of the whites.

01:12:29 --> 01:13:03

Again, it all goes back to that party dynamics, the dynamics that we inherited from those times that we never got over. Let's face it, many of us have. Many of our people have inferior, the context what certain parts of our community and they feel superior to other parts of the community. And also the time one of the reasons our is wrong example of days of superiority is not the proper use of equality. It's not like we're calling people to be our equals, we offer the Indian Muslims what to call people who will not challenge them and replace them in their jammies and things like that. So all this racism is there. These recent these racist ideas are the in our community and have to be

01:13:03 --> 01:13:38

dealt with. Otherwise the Dow is never going to happen. It's not going to happen in this country. We're going to stay a small community. Now Islam is growing those other lands as you mentioned, it's it's skyrocketing. You know, when I visit other countries I like every second person I meet from those lenses are congruent. Like literally every single person within the company. We don't have that job because we added value to the dollar, nothing else we added value to the dollar. So when the time's up, I just got one announcement. I still have copies of my new books. If anybody wants you can meet me afterwards. I have them in the car. The other thing I wanted to ask Is everyone okay

01:13:38 --> 01:13:38

with the time eight o'clock

In part 3 of our series on Maqasid al-Shariah, we discuss the preservation of faith and life as goals of the Shariah.

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