Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #35 Stories In The Quran – The Garden; The Fish; Story Of Nuh

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The hosts of various video covers of Jewish annual celebrations emphasize the importance of avoiding evil behavior and taking a long-term commitment to helping others. They also discuss the benefits of giving money to people with a good attitude and the importance of following rules and not doing things that are not in the realm of Islam. The speakers emphasize the benefits of listening to others' comments and taking advantage of feedback to improve one's own business, but note that it is difficult to predict what will happen with a hybrid approach to business.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Germaine evening. Today we will be going over the 29th Jews. inshallah we'll be looking are going over three stories the evening.

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The first story is the story of the people who had a garden, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the story in Surah noon.

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These people had a garden they had fruit or whatever they had been given by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah says that they had taken a promise amongst themselves that they would go early in the morning cut the fruit and not feed the poor people. Sarah Marie commandment Allahu Akbar cat,

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Riley casilla or learning about a cat Oh, you should hamdulillah How are you? Alhamdulillah well

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hamdulillah today we've got the 29th juice panela and tomorrow be in love with deity juice admins, just two days left, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness and make whatever we've said beneficial so far.

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in the 29th juice, first story we want to touch on is in Surah noon, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the story of the people who had a garden. And these people they had a garden which had fruit and they had promised amongst themselves they had promised themselves and agreed that they would go early in the morning and cut the fruit so that they would not give the poor people in the morning. What they didn't realize is Allah subhanho wa Taala had sent a fire in the night and this fire had eaten up who destroyed the whole garden. Allah subhanho wa Taala says a tough la helper if you're not become a homeowner anymore, basically this fire came whilst they were sleeping. Allah subhana wa

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Jalla then mentions their story, how in the morning, they went to looking for their garden, they went to the garden, and when they saw it burned, they first thought that maybe this is not our garden. So they looked at the spoke amongst themselves when they realize that this is our garden. And Allah subhanho wa Taala had destroyed it.

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What they then you know, they speaking amongst themselves and Allah subhanho wa Taala says color also to whom the best from amongst them, the one who had you know, good thinking he was in the middle of it, he told them along akula calm Lola to set behold, this verse has been interpreted in many different ways. One of the ways in which it's interpreted is this person said that, you know, why don't you return to our last panel, which element is to make the sphere, and then they realized the mistake and the great sin they had committed. So they, they ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, or they hope that, you know, Allah will change this garden for something better. Some of them have Assyrian

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mentioned that maybe in this world, they were hoping that this garden was to see if it was destroyed in this world when they would get something in the hereafter. Whatever the case may be, we take from this story. How when one you know, there's something evil he wants to do, firstly, don't do something evil don't have evil intentions, especially when it comes to taking an oath by Allah subhanho wa Taala to prevent this one from getting this or that one from getting back, as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions in the, in a Hadith, that if you've taken an oath to do something, and then you see that, actually, if you've taken an oath, to do something, and then you

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find that not doing it is better, then you should make a follow up on this oath. And the same when it comes to the opposite. So you somebody takes an oath not to help somebody or not to give somebody and then you see that it's actually better to give this person even though you've taken an oath you give your cathar and then you do what is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Absolutely, so panela the fact that these people, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, is that known, and they will not, you know, but they were trying to, they were not making an exception.

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So basically, they were making an exception trying not to give the poor people, their Shea, what they what was deserved to them and what they had vowed to give them. Now, the fact that they were doing this is interesting. They were trying to save for themselves and keep for themselves, but in the process, they actually were destroying everything that they had. And this is something that we can learn from sometimes we feel like no, you know, by doing this cutting out this, I'm going to save X amount and I'm going to you know, be able to do something for myself with it. And that amount that you were trying to save was going towards someone or that you were helping or you had vowed to

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help and in reality

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See what you're doing is you're ending up, you know, decreasing what you have. So, I think this is important because sometimes when we look at the data that we give, you know, you look, and you might be doing a lot, and you feel like hey, this, the setup is taking a lot out of me, we should never feel that way. Because in reality, you know, that sadaqa it only increases your wealth, like the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Man of Casa sadaqa, to me, man, that sadaqa and charity has never decreased wealth. So I think that, you know, this is something that we can learn from or learn from, of course, a circle that you haven't taken a vow to give is not something

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that you have to take out. If you decide to stop giving it, that's okay, that's fine. But at the same time, if you've made it a monthly thing or a yearly thing, then try to take this out and Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant increase and Allah He, I find this amazing that when I have difficulty or hardship, sometimes you have a bit of less, less wealth, you give out some and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you so much more in return, you know, you give a little bit and you'll find 10 times the amount comes within a short space of time. So it's something that we can really Subhanallah we can learn from it. And this is

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amazing, you mentioned that when it comes to sadaqa, when you give something little you find that, you know Allah Subhana Allah gives you sometimes a lot of people they give, the intention is to receive maybe not from somebody else, but they give for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala with the intention of receiving more money from Allah Subhana Allah, we should try to give way our intention is solely for less kind of what Yes, if your intention is correct, as mentioned in the Hadith, but even the left you will get, but your intention of giving you should be for the right reason, you know, your your near you, if let's try and try and make it 100% I was speaking to somebody, the

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beginning of a month of Ramadan, they were saying that, you know, for person, this Ramadan, where he didn't have any money due to the, you know, the situation, they didn't have any cash flow, and he decided to give a small sadaqa he said, you just thought that you know what, I'll give this poor person as far as I remember, he gave him $100 and they were in a financial difficulty. And somehow, on the same day, Allah subhana wa jal opened $100,000 for this person. So this is a true story. And I also know somebody else. A few years back, they said that we gave $100 not hoping for anything we had written, people were gathering money and you know, we gave it hoping for the sake of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. And Few days later, we got 5000 in return. So what we saying is that when you're giving your Sonata try and make your intention solely for Allah subhanho wa Taala not with the intention of getting wealth, with a lot all that will come.

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Yes, absolutely. That's, that's true. 100% we do it solely for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala what I was trying to say is that, or you're trying to do it solely for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala what I was trying to say is that, you know,

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you, you literally reach a point where you know, that the wealth is going to come. That's how used to you become, with the fact that you give any just comes you give that a discoms Subhana Allah, that's something that I just find amazing mind boggling that you know, it's literally proof of the heartbeat, you know, out out in the open for a woman in fact, to maintain for what, for whatever you have spent of goodness, Allah will grant you a return of that not only in the US, Europe, but in the dunya as well you receive, but I fully agree on 100% That, of course when we give we make our intention for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether we receive or not in the Zuni

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Alhamdulillah we expect only in the alkaline from from Allah. Allah.

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Something interesting last week, I'm going to point a lot of people when they do good deeds, you know, you give somebody food you give somebody wealth, it's more complete, and it's better to not even ask them for praise or for do I you know, sometimes it's just on our tongues and we give it and the guy says, Oh, thank you. Should we do anything and we say that just make God. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, speaking about those who spend in Mammon, Primo can leverage a healer. Basically, we've given you food we've given you whatever we've given you for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala land reedham income Jessa We don't want any recompense any or any type of banks and some of the scholars

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mentioned that if you giving a poor person, don't even ask them to make dua for you. Ask them for good word or mention you with goodness. Try

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Keep your intention and your your media 100% you know free from any other things entering into it. Remember, you want your reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala ultimately.

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Yes, absolutely. I think this is important because a lot of people do say that just make dua for us, you know, or Disneyland you know, and that's something so you've asked for your reward in the studio from from him and that's the day that you're going to receive this out and ultimately, sometimes it's just on the tongues and people think but it's something that we can, you know, improve on and be a bit more aware of. Moving on chef, unless there's anything else you want to add on this point. No child, let's move on. Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam possibility hooking me up because while at the con Casa have been hooked, basically have

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patience, you know, be patient with the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever happens because Allah subhana wa Jalla is ultimately in control and he says wanna takamaka sahibi good, and don't be like the one who was basically the as the stories who are swallowed up by the fish, or the way whatever it may have been in the sea. Allah subhanho wa Taala then goes on to mention the story of Yunus alayhis salam, in a little bit of detail. We've mentioned the story before. What stands out for me is a lot of the times when Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that you don't do this or don't do this. He even mentions a story, not all the time, a lot of the time. So here he says he tells

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Be patient. And don't be like this, maybe of Allah Yun Salah, his Salah who had left early.

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So you should be patient on Amazon Allahu alayhi wa sallam, I find that connection with the story is very interesting. A lot of times Allah Subhana, Allah tells us this, then he mentioned the story, either somebody who did it or somebody who may not have done it. And I think stories in general, are a good way of teaching people people relate a lot of times when you have you know, some difficulty, look at people's stories who've been through it, who've done it or people who've been in the same situation a few years ago, you end up benefiting the vanilla.

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Yes, that's that's true. So

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that's why I think we chose to do this entire series as well. We people, you know, look at a story talk about it, talk of the benefits that we gain from that, and derive from that story. And I hope it's achieved its purpose, you know, during the month of trauma

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in show

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I mean, I mean, so

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says possibility hook me up because one letter can cause a heavy load and don't be like the person or the Companion of the fish.

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Where he had left his people and he had gone out and before he received the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, I find this interesting because there we have a the view of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he literally had done something he made a mistake, he left his people before he was commanded to do so. And Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told that don't follow his example in this. Now, this is something that we can derive from this entire story. You have people that are your your heroes, so to speak in your life. These people who you look up to you, you really respect, these people will have mistakes that they will do and in our case, we will just normal

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human beings will not appear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They are human beings as well. They may even commit sins, when it comes to their sins and their mistakes. We don't need to follow them. In fact, we shouldn't follow them in that as well. They've made a mistake, leave it identified as a mistake and leave it at that you don't need to follow it or follow them in that or defend them in a mistake. Or in the wrongdoing, where they're wrong. They're wrong. let's admit and carry on. Yes, we take the goodness we leave the the wrongdoing. And I think it's important to make a note that these were ambia of Allah subhanho wa Taala they had no sense. But

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even though they had no sense where the mistakes happened, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told don't follow. Don't be like the person of the fish. So that's something that's profound, that even though they didn't commit sins, with regards to the mistakes you don't follow, and the same goes, sometimes this person that you really look up to, they may not be committing a sin, but it's a mistake. They've made a mistake. It's the wrong thing to do in life, you know, it won't really benefit you. They don't follow them in that and I think that's where Islam differentiates between you

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hero worship and, and followship. So you can follow someone in order to gain benefit from them learn from them, that's fine, do the wrong when you leave the the way.

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We mentioned such a valid point, an important point, especially in the world we live in today, people, they will make mistakes, they will carry oxygen, you know, don't follow that sometimes, you know, you find a person who you follow a lot, and they've said something. And because you don't want to disagree with them, maybe all because there's somebody else who's cold out that mistake, and you just want to be on the other side to you know, defend and that you carry on arguing in things that, you know, it's not for the right cause in the first place. The whole purpose of this is defeated. And this person you never know after a little while they may admit to their mistake, you may say we

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were wrong, and you ended up fighting over nothing. A lot of times, again, to add on this is that people on social media people at home, we are having fights of what's going on in the news amongst us what's going on between between two people who we don't even know about, we know who they are, they don't know who we are specifically. So we fighting about, I don't know, just a sports team, let's say they do. This one did this. And this one should have been a goal. And it shouldn't have been a goal. Or this should have happened on the news. And this this should have been this way. So many times we speaking about things becoming passionate and then fighting amongst each other in the

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house with people who are with us about people who don't even know we exist, and at times they couldn't even care that we exist. So I think that's important that you know what look at in the your immediate surroundings, what really matters. So many times so many times we end up going on this route. Where are we defending people who they don't know anything about us? We don't even know what they think is right or wrong. And I think we end up wasting a lot of time and making enemies for nothing.

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Yes, absolutely. You know, especially when it comes to sports teams, I agree. I've seen so many of these fights happening and like you're 100% you know, put the knock the nail on the head, so to speak.

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Where the people don't those people that you're following, don't even know that you exist in the first place. They don't care for you, they wouldn't care for you. Sometimes you might even see them. If you if you're lucky, so to speak, you know, you see them, and they wouldn't even give you your hand out to you to shake their hand because it can also paralyze here you are fighting over them. And you know, this is my player, this is my team. And yes, watch the sports, if it's a good enhance sports Alhamdulillah watch it, enjoy it. But at the same time don't become so passionate that, you know, you want to become part of that. And you feel like you're part of the fabric of that team. I

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think that's That's strange. You know, we see people even time saying that we played this game and we won and we lost and I think twice of it. It's not you. It's that team. You're just supporting, you know, although I'm not saying that's necessarily wrong, but it shows the level of the passion that they have for that team. Sometimes it becomes blind passion.

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Yeah, basically we're saying that was held on to it, watch it, even if it means give you commentary or your you know, your little analysis, but don't go overboard where you start fighting with those around you people are saying this one is the best and that guy's not the best and it should have been like this and then things boil over then you end up fighting with somebody about something that really didn't matter in the first place.

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Jeff and moving on we find the last panel which is a whole soula is named after no alayhis salam he mentioned the story of no Halle Salaam and quite a bit of detail. We've touched on the story of mohalla his Salaam I think one point I'll mention here, no Halle Salaam says basically calling out to us kind of what Allah Allah be in need out to call me Laila, when our speaking about the different methods and the different times he called his people towards goodness and the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala. From these different times, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, sometimes he says it was apparent and loud, sometimes, you know, secretly, probably one on one. And

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he mentioned all these different things that he had done. And a lot of them on most of them still hadn't believed. I think what I take from here is the actual method of not only doing that work, but also holding people to any form of goodness. There's there's different methods, different levels, sometimes, you know, it's more suitable to be speaking in the day, sometimes during the night, sometimes speaking, speaking to people as a large group as a smaller group, as individuals. Everybody has as we mentioned before, everybody has that key

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way you can get to them even ultimately guidance is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But what we trying to say is that there's different ways to maneuver yourself and get to that point not you don't paint everybody with the same brush to say that, okay? For example, we only going to do that well, let's say myself and yourself, you only want to speak about these things on Instagram just an example. Well, the these people who live around us this people who are in the masjid these people who are in our family, this may be people also on different platforms. Another thing, the platform itself, the context, you have to know what the platform was created for. I'm not saying you

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have to follow the rule of it. I'm saying that in some places, it's people want to read a lot more. So you find blogs, people are doing longer, you know, write ups, and you then you find this YouTube way this video. So I think every place has its type of, or its method where you pull towards goodness. And I think you should also say respect that. But you should take that into mind, especially when you know you've got something good, you're calling the people to even if it's not Islamic, as per se, let's say you're teaching, let's say you're teaching some secular subject mathematics, the way you would be teaching on YouTube would be different to Instagram would be

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different to here would be different today. And also, when it comes to your real life, the way you would be talking to a student one on one would be different to the way you're talking to them as a group would be different to when you're writing your book. And at the same time, try and use all these means no, Holly Salaam didn't say that I only call them all as a group and let them know he says at night during the day, and I went to them individually and I spoke to them as a group.

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Allah is so true, that's a practical application of the heart of Allah subhanho wa Taala into our day to day lives, meaning we can take from this and learn how to implement the Quran into our lives, so to speak. And this is something that many of us are lacking, you know, we read the Quran, but we don't know how to implement it. So I think this is why some panel discussions like these really benefit and not only the people but ourselves as well, we have so much that comes to light. And of course, we are engaged in these social media platforms, but the fact that you can actually derive that from the for me something amazing Subhanallah so even the methodology, you know, is beneficial

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and rewarding if we look at it in that way.

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Also, we find that no Halle Salatu was Salam saying in the Dow to Camila wanna holla fellow me as he didn't do

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well, in Nicola how to whom later, Gerardo saw the movie and then he and every time know how to use salatu wa salam would call them and call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive them. Then they would put their hands into the ears. JOHN wasabia Ernie mosteller show with here now and they would cover with their clothes, what Assad was taking off stick Bella and they were, you know, what do you say stubborn. They were stubborn about that. And they became haughty and proud, arrogant. Now, something interesting no alayhi salatu was Salam was calling for the for their own benefit and for their own goodness, yet they were putting their hands into the heels. Now, sometimes you you hate a

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person so much in your life, or you despise the direction in which a certain piece of advice is coming from that you end up refusing it no matter what you just say, No, I don't care. I don't want advice from this person. I think this is this is a dangerous stance, because we should consider what the person is saying. Yes, sometimes you might have received a lot of bad and not to say that the interview of Allah subhanho wa Taala did anything bad to these people. But to put it into our circumstance and situation, sometimes you've received a lot of evil from someone and they say something to your benefit. Now, because of the past and the history, you just don't want to take

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anything from them.

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So you don't take this goodness, this piece of advice. You've literally put your hands into your ears and said Oh, your fingers into it. I don't want I don't want from this person. I think that's the wrong stance to take. Because some time this person may come with some goodness and benefit. And you learn from it. And it really benefits you in your life. So despite the history that you may have with a person, sometimes listening to them and listening to what they're saying, just considering you're taking it on board. You can throw it out later, it's useless and not beneficial to you. If it's you know going to be harmful to you throw it out by all means, but just considering

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What they say, might be a good idea. You know, they may have even sometimes it's something in passing, and not meant it in a certain way, but you take it in another way and really benefit from it. So I think just just listening to everyone and taking on board what they have to say, and filtering out the rubbish, and the garbage and in keeping the goodness, yes, sometimes, there's certain situations where a person, for example, has been physically abused by someone or something, or it's very, very hard for them to take from that person. We understand in those cases, of course, that's, it's normal and natural. But sometimes it's just a personal thing that you have against

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someone and you just don't want to take on them from them. In that case, consider and think about what you're doing, perhaps you can really benefit from this.

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It's so important, you mentioned that sometimes people give you something or they, you know, they have that criticism, doesn't have to be something is something you're in your normal day to day life, you're doing this, you're doing this, even sometimes the tone, it comes out to the way it comes out may not be the most appropriate. But if what they're saying is true, take it for yourself, and then you try to improve, you know, I was just to divert, I was listening to a lot of people so far, I've had quite a few they say, you know, when you're selling online, and you want to sell products sell the sell is one of the ways you let's say, there's so many people who are selling the

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same product, they say go to the reviews, and look at the three star reviews two star reviews, and see what problems people have with those things. Leave how it came out whether they said this, or this or this, learn from that, you know, criticism, it may not be constructive in the sense that it's in the best manner. But no learn from that learn from people who criticize your products, this we're talking about buying and selling. So also when it comes to yourself, you know, sometimes people will tell you that you talk like this, or you should try and do this, yes, are the one giving the advice, there's a way to give that advice. And let's say you are on the receiving end of this

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time, if you're giving it you try your best, let's say you're on the receiving end, whether this person has given it to in the best possible manner or not, you try and you know, take that benefit, and, you know, move with it, and build on it.

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Absolutely, that's a very interesting take on the apps that you've built, etc, you can actually go into the comments and get the feedback. And it's really easy today, you know, so so that's, that's something that we can really benefit from because, you know,

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definitely being in business, you want to know what you've done wrong. You want to know where you've gone wrong or want feedback from your customers. And I think this is why people in business tend to leave suggestion boxes as well, where you leave a little you know, that's the old way of doing it, where you leave a suggestion box, and people will come and drop notes into it.

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So this is the modern way of a suggestion box, so to speak, you know, it's like got this criticism, these comments that come up, some might be good you can you can learn from that and take that on board as well. The ones that are critical of your app, or product or whatever it is, you can really learn, learn from that and see how to change. So some kind of layer, something you know you can bring

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whoever you may be, you've got access to attention and other people, were you able to benefit from them take this benefit. I was listening to somebody who a few years ago, I listened to this, one of the most followed people on Twitter at the time and the way they saw all their followers, they see that if I'm approaching a topic, it's like I've got another 20 million people thinking for me. So ask them for their feedback, ask them for their suggestion, somebody might say that something and you know, you benefit from it, you've got so many people, you've got a whole community, it doesn't have to be online, maybe in your family of three, four people, the way three or four or five people

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would see something would be Bismillah, much more, you know, encompassing compared to how you would only see it from your angle. So many times you ask somebody something, or you think that this is the way I'm going to do it, you have your plan, then you ask this person something and they give you something that may tweak it a little bit, the next person, the third person, the fourth person, the fifth person, something else comes to benefit from those around you. And they take that criticism on board, even if it may not be the best, you know what the best words and the best tone, but at the end of the day, you yourself want to improve?

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Yes, well, I was speaking to a doctor recently and he was telling me that you know, of late we've been talking to patients and trying to come up with a diagnosis together. Whereas in the past, they you would go to the doctor explained to him what your symptoms are and then he'd try and come up with a diagnosis from what you've said to him. Whereas here he said no, look, if you disagree with me

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Then tell me why you think that may be here, it might be wrong for your case, particularly, you know, something that's specific to you. And then we can come up with the diagnosis together. So somehow there's so much benefit from from doing or having this type of approach. Like you mentioned, you know, when you've got four or five people together, then you bouncing ideas off each other, you can criticize each other where you need to you can, you know, come up with a more refined and altogether

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less and less dialogue and way of doing things. There's so many ayat and ahaadeeth, where we can derive these lessons from different ways of addressing different people, different matters, different groups, even in lab, maybe in the future, we could speak about it.

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And Sharma Charla there's someone here asking a question, or is it personally I'll do or not do this is taken. Sorry, I don't understand that. But from what I gather, is that the person's asking that look, if you say something that I will do this, or I won't do that, is that an oath? Or do you have to say I promised to do this? I promise to do that?

00:31:13 --> 00:31:17

I'm not sure. I think Laval um I don't know, I would have to check.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:19

Yeah, I was

00:31:20 --> 00:31:22

something but I don't know.

00:31:24 --> 00:32:05

Yes. From from what I always understood is you've got to make a promise and whatever promise counts or vow, whatever count is about within your custom in that would be a vowel. Um, just, you know, that's my understanding of it. That if you if you made another so you say I promised to give this person every month in your culture, if that's a promise, then that's a promise, you know, then you stick to it. But if it's not a promise per se, then it wouldn't count as a promise and this is like comparing it to when you take an oath you know Allah subhanho wa Taala says no actually will come along we level if you're a man he doesn't take you to task with that which you know is just said in

00:32:05 --> 00:32:39

speech so to speak, you say Allah He will lay people just say it on their tongues. That's not counted as a specific oath but if you taking an oath with seriousness where you say well law II I'm going to do this then in that case, that would be you know, specifically meaning that oath in breaking that oath would have its consequences so I'm just that's the way I see it. Yes, I think the question I really didn't get it and I'm trying to read it but I don't get it I think as you mentioned, and added to that you would find that these different things so sometimes this

00:32:40 --> 00:33:18

way somebody has a lovely a mean when they say what law he will law he just it's on the tongue not really meaning it. Yes, there is intention there. However, there's other things where there's no joking that's taken like when it comes to talaq etc. and someone says you know what, like I divorced you and whether he means it or not this number one he's he's spoken with alfalfa Sonny he's spoken with direct words speaking about divorce, not Kenya. And whether he's joking or not now is difficult. So I think that I think we'll have to look at that question in a bit more detail and see what I mean by

00:33:20 --> 00:33:22

absolutely Second. Second.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:25

Well, yeah, was there anything else you'd like to mention?

00:33:27 --> 00:33:47

Not really. To be honest with you, I can't think of anything so inshallah we call it today. inshallah tomorrow, the 30th of June, probably the last session for this Ramadan, but shall after that we try and carry on, work it out a bit differently. inshallah. We'll see what we can go into inshallah.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:51

Absolutely. As I color here, and Salam Alikum

00:33:52 --> 00:33:55

walaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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