Ibraheem Menk – InstaLIVE #24

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to learning self defense techniques, learning ahead, and preparing for busy seasons. They stress the importance of learning these classes and following etiquette rules. They also discuss the benefits of doing walking and eating healthy, as well as taking care of oneself and others. The conversation ends with a mention of coffee and a drink.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. He may even lead today we carry on with some of the stories in the 17th use the 17th juice similar to yesterday the 16th juice. There's a lot of stories that have been mentioned a lot. He begins with Seurat will ambia in the 17th juice and Seurat will MBA meaning the messengers or the prophets, and he mentions quite a few of them in detail. inshallah, we'll look at a few of the messengers a few of these stories, the ones who we haven't really touched on there after a while and the second half of the 17th juice is sold out to

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hedge soulcal hedge begins. He mentioned the story of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, the story of the hedge, and inshallah we'll look at that in a little bit.

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Alaikum Salam

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Alhamdulillah How are you? handling alarm? Good done? Well hamdulillah similar to yesterday, the 16th Jews there were a lot of stories and we took just a few. Even today in the 17 years we find the first half is Surah Al ambia. Allah subhana wa Jalla mentioned a lot of stories of the messengers LMB meaning the messengers of the prophets. He mentioned their stories in a bit more detail. And then the second half of this juice is Surah Al Hajj. To begin inshallah, we'll take what a few stories just mentioned in Surah ambia. When we look at the stories we find, again, as we mentioned, every time we look at them every time they mentioned in the Quran, for a different reason, or even

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if the story is similar, they are different lessons we can take out of them. Elijah lavalla, in Surah, Colombia, one of the stories he mentioned, he speaks about a father and a son, both who were obese, both had Kingdom both had wealth, that would answer a man and his son. Allegedly, Allah mentions how they were asked to judge whether there was a man in the man if he will have basically was a puppy Oh, there was some sort of

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something that occurred and they were asked to judge so that would alley salon gave a judgment after giving his judgment. Then these people found Sulaiman at a salon and he also gave a judgment and in this case, that would Alex salon try his best but a lot of nuances for for Hannah has to lay man, when it came to this we gave to a man at a salon even though it was his son, he was given more insight and more understanding in this in this case, for me what stands out, allegedly, in start speaking about, you know the neon and the bounties given to these two messengers that would and Sulaiman Ali Salaam, Allah says one alumna who sanata boo silicom we have seen a couple members that

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would Allah His Salaam, we taught him as mentioned by them a facility, how to make these armors armor so they could be protected when they go to war, etc. They do have seen a human but second allowances for highlandtown sharkoon. So are you not Oh, would you not be grateful? Mr. faciliate mentioned that this teaches us whenever Allah has given you a bounty or a nightmare. One of the ways in which you show gratitude for this man is by using it in a way that pleases Allah. Allah has given you a car that has given you a house Allah has given you wealth has given you other material items. Yes, you thank him with your tongue, but also when it comes to using these things, you use them to

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attain His pleasure and that is out of gratitude.

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There sorry, you kept cutting off the we'll be talking about today, man alagille salat wa salam. Yes.

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Ah, yes, yes. So there would Allah subhana wa autolysis were there also a man in the community healthy inefficiencies in Honolulu calm or couldn't melakukan him share he didn't. And then later on Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how one level Sonata who silicone silicone in Mexico, and we taught him the fashioning of coats of armor. So Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him how to fashion coats of armor. And he says, The reason is to have seen a common but sequence to protect you from your enemy in battle, to protect you from your enemy in battles. So I think this is important for us to today learn how to protect ourselves and how to build that which will protect us. So we've

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Find like, there are certain self defense classes that we can take, we can learn karate, etc. You've got Taekwondo, you've got different types of self defense mechanisms and classes that you can learn in order to protect yourself. This is not to attack other human beings or to cause harm, or to cause problems on Earth, but rather to protect ourselves. This is very, very important, especially living in the world that we do, the women folk go out, they sometimes come under attack, they need to be able to protect themselves. And this is very, very important because in various parts of the world we have you know, people attacking muslimeen, etc. When you can do something about it, you've got to

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try and do something about it by learning the self defense classes, etc.

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Yes, defense, when it comes to you know yourself you've got, you learn how to defend yourself and that comes with its discipline also, it comes with its responsibility, when it comes to using such defense, etc. Also these Yes, the physical side of defense, but then there's also the psychological side, you have to know how to protect yourself from certain ideologies, ideas, etc. Allah, Allah, Allah then speaks about a new Valley salon, one of one of the ambia was tried and tested. He went through a lot of tests, a lot of difficulty, but he was patient. A lot of Allah makes mention of his story. He says, What are you but even and basically, throughout this difficulty, he calls out he

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makes to our to a larger level, Allah, Allah, Allah wireless, then says, and we responded to his lab, we accepted his lab, and we gave him much more we gave him his family, we gave him this alien vet, we gave him so many things. For me, what stands out at the end, a lot of the while I mentioned that the story is a Victoire. It's a reminder for those who worship Allah for those who are patient, for those who are going through difficulty, or those who are going through difficulties. It's a reminder that not every difficulty is because you know, there's something wrong with you. Here is a Nabhi of Allah, a prophet, a messenger. And Allah Allah, Allah mentions how much difficulty he went

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through. And he says that his story is mentioned. As a reminder, reminder for everybody, yes, but also for those who are going through difficulty that evening that, you know, the time will come and it will us.

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Yes, I think we tend to forget that this difficulty will pass to reminder for us as well as to how, you know, the story itself is a reminder to us as to how difficulty will pass and it will leave eventually, you know, building on similar a similar point or the same point Allah Subhana Allah says,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says that when you bought in salatu salam called out to him, What are you by ignore the NEMA Senya boo boo, that arm has afflicted me what and Mr. Brahimi and you are the Most Merciful of those who are merciful. Look at his adaboost Allah subhanho wa Taala he doesn't blame Allah subhanho wa Taala for anything that has afflicted him or come to him, but rather he says harm has afflicted me, Oh Allah. So his wording is very, very intelligent, intelligent, he knows how he should behave with Allah subhanho wa Taala he knows his place with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is something that we can all learn from, we don't need to, you know, blame Allah Subhana Allah for

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anything but rather ask Allah what kind of mortality to remove the harm is harm has touched me and you are the Most Merciful of those who are merciful. It is said that he didn't even want to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala directly because he felt ashamed that Allah subhana wa Taala had given him so many bounties for so long. It afflicted him for a short period of time in comparison to that. So he didn't even want to ask directly. So he says misalnya Guru until humble Rahimi and you are the Most Merciful of those who are merciful. So I think adequate Allah subhanho wa Taala is something that we can all benefit from.

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is as you mentioned, Adam what Allah subhanho wa Taala even when asking you know when asking there is a way to make drivers and etiquette their etiquettes mentioned, and it's important to follow these etiquettes another important point, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows everything he sees everything and Alex Salaam is still saying aneema suniel book, basically harm has afflicted me. So there is a way in asking you have to show that you in need of Allah and Allah is the only one who can help you.

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Yes, yes, absolutely. Shall we move on to

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Yeah, moving on to the next story. Allah subhana wa Jalla mentioned the story of the unknown, or Eunice LA is Salam. Allah subhana wa Jalla had given him an instruction to wait. And you know, he carried on he left the people because they have rejected and eventually he gets into a boat, and he's taken in by a whale. Allah subhanho wa Jalla says whether No need to have a Mojave back upon Allah, not the early another couple of months. And

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Hannah came to me nobody me. Basically after he was taken into the swale and in the darkness, darkness of the whale, the darkness of the See, darkness upon darkness, and he calls out to Allah, La Ilaha Illa. And calling out to Allah acknowledging that he is one no one worthy of worship, except Allah, in the quantum in a volume in and I am from those who have wronged myself. Something else we learn, we mentioned before and etiquette of work here we learn, you know, to call out to Allah acknowledge he is one to testify and be a witness, and also acknowledge your wrongdoing again, in the continent of Parliament, I am from what those who did wrong those who made a mistake here he

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knows he's made a mistake and he calls out to Allah. And Allah says that he was then saved.

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a lot of what Allah mentions how he, he left, the unknown had left and he went off in anger, and thought that he would not decree anything upon him. And he called out in the darkness within he called out within the darkness, La Ilaha Illa and Tatsu panikkar in the continent of Valley mean. So, when the loss of kind of what Allah speaks about this, we see that he says pavana Allah naka de la la he so we thought he thought that we would not decree anything against him, center, that field limit. So immediately, he's calling out in the darknesses. So Allah Subhana, WA Tada, I find this amazing. He's telling us that on one side, he thought that nothing would be decreed against him

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immediately. He's in the darkness of the whale, meaning it was such a short period of time you went into the boat, all of a sudden you was thrown overboard, he was in the, in the belly of the whale, or in the belly of the fish. We don't know exactly which fish but as far as I'm sure but it was a fish a mussel kind of work either called him the Companion of the fish. So this change in sin is mentioned by Allah subhanho wa Taala is something so quick. It teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala is able to do anything and everything. Nothing, you know, it can escape Allah subhanho wa Taala. So

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you know, you know, the fact that he was there thinking something and then all of a sudden, he also kind of what Allah says he's in the financial field guru Matt, and he's calling out in the darkness is, we should never really feel safe from the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala that, you know, if I'm doing something wrong, we should never feel that Allah subhanho wa Taala can't get me or won't get me, but rather, we have our good thought of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at the same time, the fear of his punishment

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you know, as you mentioned, and do I have to do I being mentioned in the sewer for those who want to go back to the sewer, look at the MBA, look at the messengers, Allahu wa Salatu was Salam. How they made you are how they called out to Allah etiquette they use Allah then says at the end, after mentioning quite a few of these ambia he says in the home, can you set your own I feel high a lot were their own. And

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these people when it came to doing good, they were in the forefront. They used to be the ones who are hasty always doing it, you know, at the beginning, they were the first to do it were their own and bla bla bla bla basically has a few meanings. One of them being they would call out to us worship us in times of difficulty and in times of ease. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then accepts that to our children as anything else you'd like to mention before we go to sewer to Hajj. Yes, one one point where Allah subhanho wa Taala says festa Jimena who wanted Gina whom in a London so we responded to him and we removed him from the darkness. You know, this was a physical darkness that

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we hear about in the in the air, where he was stuck in the belly of this fish. But in reality, we can look at it in our lives as any darkness that overcomes us any difficulty hardship problems, never think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You see University in salatu salam couldn't see the light that was outside it was dark where he was, but he knew that the light is there, because he knew that Allah subhanho wa Taala is always his doors are always open, we can always call out to Allah Subhana Allah. So no matter how dark it becomes,

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Within your difficulty within your problem, never think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Rather always call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala knowing that there is light out there, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will respond

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ultimately through wisdom through his knowledge through his power, and he is the one who knows everything. Another interesting point wellstream the story of Yunus Allah is Allah after he left he had left because he thought that these people are going to be destroyed, the punishment will come. So he left in another place in the forum. Allah subhana wa Jalla mentions how after he left his people then believed Allah cannot call me an eminent philosopher I had half a man in a coma us people of Eunice la Salaam, when they, you know, they knew the punishment was coming. He had left. They then believed Eunice la salam, when there's a few lessons we can take from this is we mentioned

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how he had left. Also, when you're doing something in life, yes, there is a time where you've got to be patient, and you've got to stick it out a bit longer. Because that result you were hoping for might just end up coming. And these are time where you know, you've got to move on here we are talking about revelation, you know, Sally salon was, you know, he was instructed by Allah do this and go here and don't go at this time, etc. and however, in our day to day lives, sometimes you have to be a bit more patient. And we also understand that at times, you have to know when to I wouldn't say throw in the towel, but when to pivot and change your direction in life. And you never know what

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you were hoping for. Sometimes, you might be trying your best to achieve a certain result. And when you leave this, this happens maybe through somebody else, maybe the people themselves or the result you are trying to achieve through themselves it happens. And the last panel hotel is the one with Kareem and he's kind and he's generous and He grants

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absolutely solid point there Mashallah.

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Moving on to Surah Al Hajj again. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about Ibrahim alayhis salam, this time mentioning more or speaking more about the actual Hajj we all know had the belief in Islam person, you know, he has to have the ability to go for Hajj both physically and in terms of financially or wealth wise. When he goes for Hajj at least once in his lifetime. It is a once in his lifetime it is obligatory and a Muslim should try his best to go for Hajj the minute you're able to try your best and go you know, you never know what can happen. Imagine all those people who are planning to go for Hajj and then they don't end up living because they've delayed it for so many

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years. So I think that's important. Allah subhana wa Jalla mentions what is the what an Ali Baba Hema mccannon bait? Basically speaking about the story of Hajj Gideon says Ibrahim Alayhi Salam made the call to Hajj what has been fineness he will have yet to carry gela they will come to you, you know, walking to carry jallianwala coolibar meeting yet Tina including me on every animal that they are able to come You know, lean camel, and through various means or modes of transport. I think what stands out for me is before Ibrahim alayhis salam makes the score for the Hajj in the sort of how it's mentioned. Allah subhanho wa Taala orders him and his son is marine to prepare the you know,

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the garba house of Allah Baden Baitullah him How long? He says, what the * btle afina in another verse. Well, it Faena in this verse, I think, Well, I mean, basically prepare and purify the house, the Kaaba, the heroine, etc. I think what we take from this, this purification, yes, spiritually, in terms of worshiping one Allah but also physically and it's important from here we take that to keep these places of worship clean. We also know for those who are looking after the massage, you know, we have a very high place in society, maybe not in the physical ranks or the ranks we see but in the eyes of Allah, Allahu Allah. That's why at the time of a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it

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was a woman who used to clean the masjid. And she passed away, and they didn't inform him. So after they, after a few days, he asked about a segue is this woman? And they said that you know what, she passed away, and we already buried her. So he said, Why didn't you tell me about her and this woman was a poor woman who only used to clean the massage. So I think that's very important to look after these massages. And the point I want to get to is, yes, it's a bit far, but it's something we can extract from this before Ibrahim alayhis salam calls for the Hajj. It's mentioned that he prepares the place. So the Kaaba and the heroine is prepared. And I think in our day to day lives before

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going into anything, we must have at least a little bit of preparation, know how to do it. get things ready, especially before calling people you know, to ask where we are hosting, or we are carrying out something it's important to prepare

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Absolutely, that's that's a very powerful point and I think it's relevant actually. Because to extract that from the verses is something amazing much Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What about what about a human mechanical beat? And when we designated for Ibrahim, the place of the house now, I heard this from another scholar, but I can't remember exactly who he was saying that. Why did Allah subhanho wa Taala choose Makkah? It's, you know, land that has no real vegetation. It's mountainous, it's hard. It's harsh landscape. So why did Allah subhanho wa Taala choose this because it has absolutely nothing else for a person to go to besides the Kaaba and for Hajj. So Allah

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subhanho wa Taala made it such that when people go there, they won't go to see beautiful waterfalls, they won't go to see amazing scenery, they will go to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala it's hot, it's harsh, it's not easy to go for Hajj. But Allah subhana wa tada made it such, that landscape is designated for the Kaaba in order for you to go solely for his sake. And you purify your intention when you do so. So that you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone in this manner and single him out in worship, I found that, you know, something amazing. And he Allah Subhana. Allah actually says that he designated the place of the Kaaba for Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam

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Subhana Allah, this same place where we all go every day or every so often the Muslims who are able to unfortunate to go there every day, who live around the world, those who have been We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant a small those who haven't been, we asked them to We ask Allah to be to grant them the opportunity to visit also, I think a few important things you mentioned that we could extract. One of them being when you're going to market especially in today's time, is Alhamdulillah be grateful things have become easy. Before people used to travel on donkeys and camels and horses, it used to take them months in order to reach market so much. So when they used to bid their

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families Farewell, or they used to say you know, final goodbyes, so to say they thought that they would never come back. So they would go on this journey for two, three months. Sometimes they would go to a place, maybe you know, they get killed on the way people die on the way Imagine if you had to just take nevermind the horse to a camera on a bicycle and start riding for the next 100 kilometres. I don't know how we would feel, you know, even even if the weather is good, even if everything's going well. Imagine you've got to hold all your belongings with you you've got to hold your attention to what about food and you've got to carry on camping, camping, camping, and

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eventually you reach even less. So I think it's important for us to be grateful, especially for the means and you know the neon bounties that Allah Subhana Allah has granted us in terms of you know, staying and travel, so many so many different things. Also what's important when you are there, remember, you are here to worship Allah at the end of the day, you're not there for tourism. So to say you're not there to visit, you know, the best restaurant or you're not there to be living you The aim is you're not going there to have a comfortable holiday and come back and just change. You don't have a change in mind know you're going there to worship Allah. And you've got to remember

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Yes, absolutely.

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I was I was going to carry on to the next verse. Did you want to say anything on this note, I think you can carry on shall so lots of kind of water and it also says the emptiness up to Khadija and announced the hunch amongst the people. They will come to you walking rather quickly learned and they will come on every limb kindled yet Tina mean clearly felt genomic, they will come from every distant past so lots of kind of what Allah talks about coming on foot first. So this this whole must lie with a company of performing hajj on foot is more beneficial or more rewarding or performing hajj while striding because Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed graduates writing so we

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know this from the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw Selim so what about the Hajj on foot? Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala talk about Hajj on on foot first, so I thought it's something we can put out there and discuss.

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Ultimately, I don't know Allah Subhana which Allah knows best. Maybe it's because maybe maybe well anymore in de la, is because you know, generally the people at the time, especially every not everybody has an animal, but everybody can walk. Generally, not everybody has an animal but everybody can walk to generally is mentioning the more general group to one that's a bit more specific, again, people who are living close to the Kaaba, they probably don't all have to right. There's a lot

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People who can walk it until today you find people still walking it is your reward according to how difficult your head was or not. It is one Hadith that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling one of those I have yet that Allah padri not sabeti or not So okay, I can't remember. But basically according to how much difficulty you go through, does that mean you then you know go you then put yourself through that difficulty especially when you know you've got certain means and certain resources? Well, when when the law but what I think it's fair to say is that everybody knows their level and what they can handle. So a working hedge for a few young men, especially when it's

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not that hot, may just be something normal. However, if you old and you still want to walk from, you know Mecca to Mina to our offer to as belly fat. When it comes to actual rebar that we will you have that energy to carry out your door to perform that. All those that to remember a lot. You know, I mentioned an interesting thing, one two years ago, when I went to Hajj, not last year, the previous year. What's interesting is you would find that because the day of alpha, especially now in the sunlight, it's so hot, it's difficult. You find people they come on the first days the full of energy. And then when it comes to the main days, you find because they're tired, they've been

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walking, it's hot, they end up sleeping a lot just waiting for the food, not everybody No, but it's something that you see and you've also been Mashallah more than once to have. Maybe you can tell us about some of the experiences you saw, they also

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yourself hamdulillah we actually did one of the hedger walking and it's, we were very young Mashallah. And it's a nice experience, to be honest with you, but like you mentioned, I think that the way I see it is my four year old Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam abena amillennial doctor is a sama melamine commitment. And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always chose that, which was easier, as long as it wasn't a sin. So if it's easy for you to get some ride or mode of transport, then take it. And if you want to, perhaps at some point, test out the walking path and try it out. You can, it's as young as young people, we found it a bit difficult to be honest with

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you. It wasn't like we were still young. So when I say young, I was still in my teens, you know, um, so it was it was a bit challenging. It wasn't easy. It wasn't that, you know, glorious, so to speak, you know, as as glorified as people make it out to be. And like you mentioned, you get tired to the point where you get to the tent, and you just want to knock out there's no time for a worship provider or you have time but much less than you would have you taken a bus or mode of transport that would have made it easy for you. So I think, yeah, you could try it as an artist and experience one of the 100 if you're doing more than one

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that even if you are you know you have modes of transport from here today, there will still be a lot of walking to do. So it's important to prepare for that both physically, emotionally, spiritually, more importantly, you'll still be doing a lot of walking in a very big place a lot of people and there's not cars and motorcycles and bikes that can go every way.

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Yes, absolutely.

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like to mention,

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yes, one one last point inshallah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about how Leah shadowman if you're Adam with cosmologically, a yummy Malou makin Allah masa cotton in behemoth and the Kuru minha water a moon by itself a thief, that they may witness benefits for themselves and mentioned the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala unknown days over what he has provided for them of sacrificial animals, so eat of them and feed the miserable and poor. What I find amazing here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about benefits for themselves. And then mentioning Allah subhanho wa Taala, remembering him and feeding others as well. So these are three aspects that we can actually

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benefit from, and we can apply to not only in the Hajj, but in our lives as well to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala to look after ourselves, and to look after others. If we can do this in our lives. It's a simple formula for success. So ultimately, we will be successful, believe me lantana if we follow such teachings of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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any of you repeat that point you said, worship Allah look after yourself and look after others. Others Yes, because well to anyone but yourself to you know, feed the poor that are desperately need. So Allah some kind of words

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Tyler's literally drawing our attention to the fact that not you know in had we supposed to do this so I'm extracting from this that not only in hajj but even out of Hajj you can actually do this in in your life look after yourself look after a remember Allah subhana wa tada look after his commandments, etc. and look after the people.

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You mentioned a very important point. Not only that in the Quran in general, especially when I must speaks about salah and Zakah roughly at odd times is mentioned them together. And a lot of the scholars mentioned that yes, after your belief in Allah, your Salah is looking after yourself. Firstly, spiritually worshiping Allah and your circle is when you are good to the people. So that was very deep extraction. Mashallah

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Gemini, anything else you'd like to mention? Somebody said that said, Do you have to be completely debt free to go for Hajj? Somebody had mentioned that in the comments.

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To touch on it In brief,

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especially in the world we live in today, I think your your loans or your debts are very different compared to previously. That's why the scholars mentioned that. If you've got a long term loan, sometimes you're getting a loan that you can pay over, you know, five years, 10 years, 30 years at times a lifetime. Do we say that this person because he's in debt, he doesn't go for Hajj his whole life? No, I think you've got to draw the balance to say that if you've got money, and you know you don't owe it immediately, maybe you owe it over five 610 years, then go for hedge because ultimately be an ally, you'll be able to pay that off. It's not jus right now, as for somebody you know who has

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to pay or who's in debt, you know, you need to pay now you need to pay within the year within the next year, then that would be difficult. However, if let's say somebody is helping you to go for Hajj somebody is you know, sending you for Hajj and there's no harm in you know, taking up that offer

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as much love as a good question and good answer as well.

00:32:14 --> 00:32:16

If not anything else you'd like to mention

00:32:17 --> 00:32:19

a lot here, I can't think of anything.

00:32:21 --> 00:33:06

I think inshallah we'll leave it there tomorrow, inshallah we get to the 18th juice. A lot of people mentioning a few types of loans. It's a long topic, we've just cut it down into one minute or a few minutes basically saying that if you've got money, let's say your Father gives you money you get from a relative, and they say, you know what, pay me over the next 10 years or 20 years. I don't think it's right to say that this person is now in debt for 20 years so he shouldn't go for Hajj and inshallah maybe later on we'll discuss this in more detail debt, taking out money etc. Even in Chennai shala. We'll see you tomorrow. Charla Solomonic Valley comm Salaam Alaikum

Stories In The Quran
– The Armour; Ayub; Yunus; The Hajj

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