Hussain Kamani – Stories Of The Companions Jabir Bin Abdillah Bin Amr Bin Haram

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The importance of supporting individuals during peace talks is emphasized, including animal products and identifying oneself with a specific attribute to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. The speakers also discuss the history and importance of the European Middle East, particularly in educating people and creating a global visionary. The importance of trusting Allah's strength and giving back to others is also emphasized. The segment highlights the loss of the Prophet Muhammad and the relocation of staff and pulleys to the deen, as well as the importance of educating people and creating a global visionary.
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Today we
discuss the story of
the great Sahabi of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
one of the top narrators of hadith.
Sayduna Ajabi Rubla Abdallah radiAllahu ta'ala.
There is more than one companion by this
So the Sahabi we will be speaking of
is Jabir Abu'amdullah bin Amr bin Haram.
Al Ansari
al Khazrajib.
He was
a great faqih
among the Sahaba,
someone who was very close to Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
His father set him on a path from
a young age
the road ahead of him
to gain the closeness that he had to
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Prior to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's arrival in
Madinah Munawwara,
a group of
70 odd companions traveled from Madinah
to invite Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for
migration to their beloved and dear city.
Jabi Abdullah Radiallahu An was
one of the companions there.
he was actually there as
for the instruction of his father to join
He was the youngest person present in that
And also,
The last companion from all of those that
were in that gathering to leave the world.
Out of all the sahaba that were there
at Laylatul Aqaba,
he was the last one to depart from
this dunya.
He was present with the companions
during the
Bayatul Ridwan,
which was an allegiance
at the hands of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam
at Hudaybiyyah,
when they heard Uthman
Affan had been martyred. This was a false
So Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
took a pledge
at the hands of his companions
to seek revenge on behalf of Uthman ibn
Affanal radiAllahu An. He was one of the
companions that were there.
He was unable to join Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam in the battles of Badr and Uhud.
Mainly because his father had told him to
stay out of the battle.
had, according to some narrations,
7 sisters,
and according to other narrations,
9 sisters.
So his father was worried that if something
happened to both of them,
there would be no one to look after
his daughters.
So he instructed him
to stay out of the
battle. Therefore, Jabir radiAllahu an
by some historians is not considered to be
from the participants
of Badr.
according to others, and we have some very
authentic narrations here,
participating in the battle.
what he did was, he provided
water for those that were injured,
or those that were fighting.
Those that were in, you know, the thick
of the battle, Jabbir radiAllahu anhu will give
them water to nourish themselves.
His father,
Abdullah bin Amr
radiAllahu an
was martyred in the battle of Uhad.
this was very heavy on the whole family.
And his father was, you know,
you know, his story is quite miraculous in
self. During the time of Muawiyah radhiallahuhan,
Sidran al Muawiyah, he
commanded that a spring be dug out to
deliver water to the people of that region.
And the spring,
the water path cut past
the graves of the shuhala of Uhad.
The water began to flow excessively,
and this disturbed some of the graves of
the martyrs.
Jabin radiAllahu an rushed to
see his father's grave.
Fa wajadahu tariyan lam yablu.
He saw his father's body fresh
as if nothing had happened at all. Decades
had passed by.
How many battles did Jabir radhiallahuan participate in
by the side of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam?
In one narration, he says there were
16 battles that he joined the Prophet
in. And this was after the battle of
Uhad because before that,
my father did not allow me to join
any of the battles.
The first battle that he joined the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in was hamaraul
And then Jabbir radiAllahu an, there's another report
that tells us he didn't participate in 16
battles, rather it was 13 battles he joined
After his father passed away, he now was
pushed into a role
of being the head of the home.
This wasn't easy.
And bear in mind that he goes on
to being one of the top narrators of
He has this massive responsibility
of family
to manage.
His father had left behind a debt that
he had to take care
of. He had this desire to never miss
a battle by the side of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
He wanted to study from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
So many things happened at once.
And Jabir radiallahu an
had to make some very tough
life decisions.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
was once traveling with Jabbir radiallahu an and
he asked him that, O Jabbir, did you
get married again?
You know, did you get married? Not again.
Did you get married?
So Jabir radiAllahu anhu said, O Messenger of
Allah, I actually did get married.
asked him,
Did you marry someone
who was previously married? Or someone like yourself
who was never married before?
He said, OmasamrulAllah,
bal Fayyyban, I married someone that was previously
The prophet
him why had you married someone young, you
could have grown together, enjoyed one another's companionship.
It's different when you marry someone who's younger,
someone that you have more compatibility
with potentially,
someone who you can enjoy the youth of
life with. Why did you marry someone older?
Jabir radiAllahu an clearly made a sacrifice.
It was one that he a decision that
he made
that had a greater
perspective in mind. He was looking for something
bigger than companionship for himself.
He said, Omasundanruva Allah, I have sisters,
and I fear that if I married someone
young, I would be
so occupied with that person that I wouldn't
be able to manage the affairs of my
And in one narration he said, O Messenger
Allah, I married someone of age, so they
can take care of the affairs of my
If you just stop there for a moment
and reflect on this,
in particular someone who's young,
you can appreciate
and understand how mature he was,
how smart and intelligent he was.
A young man who's
under the age of 20 because in one
narration when the battle of Badr took place
he was 18 years old.
And the reason why that's important is because
the scholars who claim that he was present
in the battle of Badr, they say he
didn't join
because his his father told him not to
join. It wasn't due to lack of age
that he was underage. He was 10 years
old, 11 years old. That wasn't the case.
He didn't join because his father told him
not to join. So he can manage the
affairs of his sisters. If at the battle
of Badr he was 18 years old, that
means after Uhad he was 19 years old.
At a few months here and there, he's
under 20 years of age.
And he's taking on this responsibility,
stepping into this role.
And look at his maturity. He's saying, O
Messenger of Allah, I chose someone
who can play that motherly role for my
sisters as well.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in one narration
at that point, he said,
then let me tell you that indeed a
woman is married
for her religion, her wealth, and her beauty.
Choose the one that has their deen. Choose
someone that is strong in their religion.
Ibn Kathirahunulayali narrates this hadith in his Usdul
fata sahaba.
radiAllahu an had many beautiful
encounters with the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihi
After the Prophet of Allah passed away I'm
sorry. After his father passed away, Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam began to give extra attention to
the affairs of Jabir radiAllahu an.
He would look after him, take care of
him, provide assistance where needed.
Jabbir radiAllahu an owed a debt to a
Jewish man.
He wasn't able to pay back in time.
The man kept insisting that I want my
money. I want my money. He kept saying,
please give me a little bit more time.
Give me a little bit more time. That
man said, no.
The Prophet
got involved asking that man, please give him
some more time. He said, no. He said,
give him some more time. The man needs
help. He's already struggling. Look at the look
at the state of his family. He's so
young. He's been pushed into the threshold. He's
been pushed into the thickness of life.
He's been pushed so far, he's so young.
Give him some respite.
The man refused.
So then Jabir radiAllahu anhu says that
the amount that I owed that person It's
a longer juwaya, but I'm jumping to the
end of it. The amount I owed that
person, I was able to pay them back
purely through the barakah of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
wa sallam. It was a miracle.
That what wasn't supposed to happen,
what wasn't supposed to equal to my debt,
that small amount was able to satisfy that
individual, and I came back with more
because of the dua of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
He says in another narration that one time
I was traveling with the Prophet of Allah,
alayhi salatu salam,
and my camel was at
the back part of the caravan.
It was so slow, it was weak, it
wasn't strong.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam passed by and
he saw me struggling with my camel.
the prophet of Allah, alayhi salatu salam, struck
my camel.
My camel went into
full blast mode.
What was at the back was now in
the front.
Was leading everyone. Everyone shocked. What happened to
Jabir radiAllahu an's camel?
Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said to me,
that sell me your camel.
The Prophet of Allah saw he was struggling.
He saw his camel wasn't performing too well.
So Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam wanted to
lift his his spirit, and to assist him
and guide him. So rather than the Prophet
giving him a straight gift, that here's a
gift from me to you, he knew he
was a young man and wanted to train
him to be mature and wise.
So the prophet of Allah
transferred wealth to him, not directly as a
gift, but rather as a transaction.
This is important.
One of the ways that you can help
people beyond just sending gifts or giving charity
is to support them. Support them in transactions.
You know that there is a Muslim that
starts up a business. Rather than asking them
for a discount, give a little extra to
Support that person.
You see someone that's struggling, you know, and
they're hustling,
Don't try to squeeze them for every dime
and penny.
Otherwise, we will stand at the end of
the day asking,
why is it that Muslims are struggling?
Why are people resorting to cheating? Because the
honorable way apparently isn't working.
I was saying this to some students earlier
today in class that when you see a
scholar publish a book,
when you see a person that is respected
in the community,
someone who's dedicated their life to serving the
deen, publish a book.
One of the most beautiful things you can
do is purchase that book.
Be a source of for them. You can
now take that book and keep it for
yourself and read it, which would be amazing.
Give it to someone as a gift, that
would be amazing.
Maybe see if there is someone, an institution
or organization that can benefit from it. Maybe
drop it off at the MSA if they
appreciate that and want that. Maybe leave the
book at a masjid if they would appreciate
and want that. Maybe share it with someone
that can benefit from the book. But by
you purchasing that book,
you are supporting that individual for their hard
That scholar who put months years of research
into that book, you are coming out and
saying that we appreciate
the hard work you're doing to preserve this
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he purchases this
animal from
Jabir radiAllahu An.
Jabir radiAllahu An was excited. He sold it.
Here. This is your animal.
O Messenger of Allah,
I need to ride this animal until I
get home.
I need to ride this animal until I
get home.
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted this.
Falamna qadimtulmadina
ta ataytuhu bil jamali.
When the, when I came to Rasulullah salallahu
alayhi wasalam in Madinah marawrah with the camel,
the Prophet
he paid me,
and then
he gave me the animal back as well.
He said, Take your animal.
Now, one thing about this narration, the Juris
and the Fuqaha, they have a discussion here,
that how is it that someone can purchase
something and then place a condition to continue
to benefit from it after the transaction is
Is this jayas in Islam?
That a person purchases something, and after they
purchase it, they say that on the condition
that I will write it back to
while commenting on this lidayah. This lidayah is
narrated in Kitab al Buya,
in the chapter on transaction of law.
It's fascinating how it all comes together, because
we were discussing this in our class in
Quduri earlier today, that this is absolutely impermissible.
Categorically, this is not permissible. This was today's
daras actually. That when you purchase something, you
cannot place a condition
after the purchase that I will continue to
benefit from this because
this goes against
the This goes against the essence of a
In a transaction,
you purchase something to gain ownership.
And when you say that I sell this
animal to you on the condition that I
will continue to ride it until I arrive
in Madinah Manohara, you are holding back a
part of the ownership for yourself.
And majority of the fuqaha do not allow
this. Yet here we have an irwayah of
Jabir ibn Abdullah radiAllahuan
who did exactly that.
And it's because of this narration,
Mulla alikari while commenting on this iwaya, he
says that Imam Ahmad Muhammad Muhammadullah
he actually made this exception,
that it is permissible for a person
to sell an animal
with the condition
that they will ride it until they reach
their destination.
He acted upon this niwaya. Imam Ahmad alhamdulillahi
perspective is that, that if there is a
hadith of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, it
should be accommodated
as much as possible. So we will act
upon the laher of the hadith, the apparent
message of the narration wherever we
can. On the other hand,
now you have
the malikis.
Imam Malik said, Such a condition is only
allowed if the distance between where the transaction
was conducted and where you're headed
is very short.
Few miles, okay, you can ride it.
A few hours, okay, you can ride it.
the ownership must be completely passed on to
the person who purchased the animal.
a such an,
an an exception
is not permitted regardless of the distance, Even
if you are near or if you are
far. In both scenarios, it is not permissible.
Why is that? Because they rely on another
hadith of Rasulullah
Nabi Salam forbade
transactions where exceptions are made. That I will
you know,
this car to you, but on the condition
that I will continue to use it. So
there's an exception being made. Nabi saw Salam
did not allow this. If you're going to
sell it, you have to let go of
the product completely.
As for the riwaiyahabjab'
radiAllahu an, they have different perspectives of looking
at this. One of them is, they say
that Nabi
never intended a transaction from this. He always
intended charity.
The prophet
did not intend for this to be a
standard transaction.
No, sorry. That's another point I'll come to
The intention of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for
Jabeelahu Alaihi Wasallam was always to give him
the money. He wanted to find a way
to give him money. And in this moment
he used the animal as a means to
funnel that money to Jabbir radiAllahu an, knowing,
because in another narration, Rasoolullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam said at the end, I never intended
to keep the animal.
The animal was always yours. It was always
going to be yours.
Another possibility is that
Jabbir made the exclusion
that I will keep,
the animal until I reach Madinah Manawwara,
This was after the first transaction was complete.
Him and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the prophet
and him had a transaction,
a product was given, the price was, he
would later on get the price. As we
learned, he didn't receive the money right away.
He received the money after they arrived in
Madinah Munawwara. But after the transaction was done,
then he placed a condition. Because that is
allowed in Islam.
That a person can sell a home and
after they're done, they can say to the
buyer that I would also now like to
rent this house back.
That is permissible.
But you can't sell the house on the
condition of the rent back.
The 2 have to be separate contracts,
not one contract. So
this is another possibility,
what happened between Rasulullah
and Jabir
And some of the scholars, they went a
little further ahead, and they said that this
is something has with Jabbir radiAllahu an.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's interaction with
Jabbir radiAllahu an is not one that you
should base legal rulings off of, rather
it was something that Nabi did
specifically for him, his circumstance, and it should
not be extended beyond that.
That's a tricky argument to make because when
you say something is specific
with a particular companion, you really have to
prove that through an explicit statement.
legislation becomes difficult.
Anytime something doesn't fit your framework, you can't
say that this was with a companion, only
with them.
So how do we know that isn't the
case? Or how do we apply that in
other situations?
So it's a little bit of a tricky
discussion there.
had many beautiful interactions with the Prophet of
Allah He
says one day he came to visit Nabi
salallahu alayhi wasalam, and he sought permission. The
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam asked, who is
it? And he said, me.
Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, ana ana
The prophet
said, Me, me,
in a disliking way.
That when someone asks you who you are,
the purpose is to identify yourself.
The purpose is Ta'if not tajeel.
You're not supposed to say, guess who? You're
not supposed to say, who do you think
I am? Because you may think your voice
is super masculine, the other guy might think
you're feminine.
And they might guess you instead of being
be And that can be very offensive.
And you don't you're the one that set
yourself up for that. Not everyone hears the
same. Not everyone speaks the same. Maybe there's
a problem in the connection. There could be
a 100 issues. Or even if you're standing
in front of that person, maybe they heard
you a long time ago, and don't recognize
your voice, or maybe they saw you so
long ago. When someone asks you who you
are, you should identify yourself.
And identify yourself
with that,
with that attribute, or that name that will
help that person
understand who you are so they can engage
with you accordingly.
You might say, I'm khadid, and they might
think that you're khadid 1, and in reality
you're khadid 2. And they say, khalid 2
come inside, and when you come inside,
you see something there that you weren't supposed
to see.
And that person wouldn't have let you in
had they known that you were the
wrong khalib.
Right? You were supposed to be the right
one for that permission to enter.
Therefore always do tariq properly
when you're asked. Jabir radiAllahu anhu he shares
his story with us. Similarly, he shares another
story that one time we were traveling with
Rasulullah And on the way,
we took a little break. It was midday,
It was hot. So people, they scattered through
the valley. Someone went under that tree, someone
went under that tree, wherever they can find
shade. They just took a little rest under
just waiting for the heat to calm down
a little bit so they could continue their
he took his sword and hung it over
a branch.
And he began to rest there too.
A man snuck up on the Muslims.
He made his way through the army,
came to the exact place where Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam was lying down.
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was asleep.
He took the sword off of the branch.
He unsheathed
that sword,
and then pointed it directly
at Rasulullah And he said, Mayyamnauka
Who will not protect you?
Faqara Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Allah.
The prophet of Allah alaihi salallam,
he just spoke the truth,
that if I am to be protected in
this moment, the only being that can protect
me is Allah.
When he said
there was something that happened to that person,
something overcame him.
The sword fell out of his hand.
Then took hold of that sword, and pointed
it at him and said, Mayimnaqaminni.
Now you tell me, who will protect you
from me?
So he said,
Be the better of the 2.
You point I pointed the knife at you,
the sword at you, and now you're pointing
it at me, be the better of us.
Do you testify that there is no Lord
but Allah?
said, no, I don't testify in the oneness
of Allah.
I make a commitment
that I will not fight with you again,
and neither will I stand with any people
that come against you.
Faqalla Sabilahu Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam moved out
of his way.
He was no longer a combatant. He was
no longer a threat.
is very important.
This is very important because
it's a response, a strong response to those
people who roam around in Muslim lands killing
that they see.
And non Muslims land, killing anyone they see,
and they say that you're not Muslim, I'm
going to kill you. You're not Muslim, I'm
going to kill you. During those peak
ISIS days, when things got really freaky and
weird, they set up shahad at checkpoints.
They were asking people, read surafatiha, read out
Al Kursi.
Unfortunately half the Muslim Ummah can't read out
Al Kursi.
They can't read Surafatiha.
They don't know the iman al fasal. They
don't know the iman al Mujma. They don't
know the fundamentals of Islam. And And anyone
that couldn't read what they wanted of them,
they would just
kill them. They would execute them.
And they would say the Quran says that
you kill them wherever you find them.
This radical interpretation
of these
You know these interpretations
That any non Muslim you see they should
be killed.
These interpretations,
you only find them with 2 groups of
Either you find them with the Islamophobes, Fox
News and Co, or you find them with
All the other Muslims in the middle do
not interpret these statements and these verses like
That's not how they understand them.
They understand these ahadith to apply to a
apply it to a what did I say?
What's the word?
A harbi.
Someone that you are at war with.
They didn't apply it to the average person.
Otherwise, why would Rasulullah
let this person live?
If your statement is true that in Islam
you're supposed to behead every person who doesn't
believe in Islam, then this person shouldn't have
Rasulullah You
can hold your question, we'll do questions at
the end. We usually don't, we don't do
questions during the dares. So they didn't allow,
they didn't allow for anyone to live who
wasn't a Muslim.
On the other hand, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
this is just one small example. There are
many examples in the life of Rasulullah
where Nabi salallahu
alayhi wasalam,
did not
punish, or execute, or take arms against people
who are not Muslim. Otherwise Madina Munawara would
have been 100% Muslim.
It would have to be 100% Muslim. The
Sira would have been very different.
Jabir radiAllahu anhu says that Nabi salal sallam,
he let him go.
That man then went back to his people.
And when he got back to his tribe,
he said,
I have come to you today from the
greatest of people.
Muhammad Jabbal radiAllahu anhu,
he shares
another very beautiful story.
That one time
Nabi came to visit.
The Prophet
asked, Is there anything to eat?
They didn't have much, so they had some
bread, they presented it.
The Prophet of Allah asked, Is there anything
to have the bread with?
Any curry, any paste?
So they said we don't have anything, all
we have is some vinegar.
The Prophet of Allah said bring the vinegar
And he presented that vinegar to Rasulullah Nabisurullah
alaihi wasallam then said that this vinegar
is the best thing that a person can
have with their bread as their meal.
Is like a curry, a paste, something that
you take your bread and you dip it
into to make it moist, so it's easier
to swallow and eat.
This is a beautiful thing that you have.
You didn't just present me with some meal,
you presented me with the best of meals.
Jabbi radiAllahu anhu says,
After that day,
once I heard this from Rasulullah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam,
I began to love vinegar.
I made that my favorite meal,
my favorite thing to have. And, walqaalatalha
the Talha who was a narrator of the
hadith, he said, When I heard this regarding
Jabbir radiallahu an, that he changed his preferences
based off of what he heard from Rasulullah
salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
I did the same as well.
I made that my favorite meal too.
Some of the muhaddithun while commenting on this
they say
that actually what happened was the Prophet of
Allah didn't come to Jabi radiAllahu
home alone,
he came with a group of sahaba.
And when he asked Jabbir radiAllahu
an if there was anything to have the
bread with,
Jabbir felt small in his heart that all
he could present was vinegar.
Imagine the Prophet of Allah coming to your
home. Imagine someone you love, someone who you're
so indebted to. I mean put this story
on pause, and turn to yourself
that you have
your parents coming over, maybe a shaykh that
you respect,
possibly a senior relative, someone who's coming from
abroad, from another country, and when they come
over to your home, all you have to
offer them is something very simple. You can
offer them some
dates, maybe. The dates are still nice. Imagine
something even beneath that, whatever is beneath that,
you're able to offer them Capri Sun.
And everyone in the room is looking around
like, that's it? Buddy, is that all you
can put out? Is there nothing else in
this house? For him, Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam was visiting.
He must have felt so ashamed.
So this is where they write
that Nabi's
that how amazing of an idam,
of a sauce is vinegar,
that statement of his,
was to actually cheer up Jadr radiAllahu-one.
So he wouldn't feel small of himself.
And not only that, so the other sahaba
would see how much Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam
was actually enjoying that moment.
it's such a beautiful example that Rasulullah
left behind.
It shows us his Sira, and,
that Tarabiya of Nabis
that he never let anyone feel small.
No matter who that person was, no matter
how difficult their life was, no matter what
their challenges were.
Jabir radiAllahu an, like the other companions, struggled,
but he had a large family.
Jabir radiAllahu anha shares another story of inviting
the Prophet of Allah over to his home.
This time,
he invites
Rasulullah to his home, during the battle of
The Muslims have locked themselves
this trench,
and things were getting very hard on the
Muslims. They were digging day and night. It
was an exhausting affair. There were just a
few days they had to dig out the
whole trench
to secure the companions
from any attack by the adversaries that were
right at the step of Madinah Munawara.
He says, walakadra aitufi wajirasullahi
sallallahu alaihi wasallam aljur.
I could see the hunger on the face
of Rasulullah
I went and
spoke to my wife, and I asked her,
is there anything we have?
An Nabi salallahu alaihi wasallam
an extreme hunger today.
And I'm not happy with this.
I want to be there to relieve the
and to satiate his hunger.
She said that,
she pulled out a sack, and she said
we have some wheat in here, maybe we
can make some bread out of this.
And we have a small animal outside,
we can
slaughter the animal and cook some food.
So I,
quickly began to
slaughter the animal,
and prepare the meat.
And I was heading out to inform Rasulullah
She said,
Do not disgrace me in front of Rasulullah
When the Prophet of Allah comes, you see
how much food there is here. There's a
small animal, we have a little bit meat,
and we have a little bit of bread.
Invite the right number of people.
Make sure the prophet of Allah doesn't come,
and then we are ashamed.
I approached Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and
whispered to the prophet of Allah, You Rasulullah
And he said, O Messenger of Allah,
we had an animal, we slaughtered it, small
animal, and its meat is now being prepared.
And we have some
wheat that we are preparing,
You come and bring a small group of
people with you,
so we can eat together. Fasaha
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
You ahlakhandaq
That, oh, people of the trenches,
Jabir radiAllahu an has prepared a meal for
you. Let's go.
So now,
over a 1000 people are marching towards the
house of Jabir radiAllahu an.
The prophet
told Jabir, head to your home and tell
your wife, do not take the pot off
of the stove,
and do not start preparing the bread until
I come.'
I came.
The prophet
arrived with so many people.
My wife said to me, get away from
me. What did you do?
You had one instruction,
one job.
So he said, I told the prophet of
Allah, I
said to the prophet of Allah what you
Nabi said something otherwise.
So then she took out the,
wheat they had,
and she began to make dua, balakayat it.
The prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam
came, and he made dua to Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And they kept the top
covered, and they would take from there and
serve 1 person at a time.
And when they left,
all of the ingredients were as if they
were untouched.
The same quantity, all of them.
This was a marjazah of Rasulullah
that occurred in the house of Sayyidina Jabbir
ibn Abdullah radiAllahu. Now you see where their
imam would come into place.
How much
they believed in Allah and His Rasool
because they saw these miracles.
They saw them with their own eyes.
And it strengthened their iman.
Right? And it also shows us that when
you trust Allah
Allah will give a large outcome
from a small portion of your means.
You may have very little,
so many people will eat. So many people
will benefit.
We've seen this in our lives. So many
times. Not one time, so many times. I
believe that when it comes to barakah and
wealth and food,
I'd like to believe every Muslim has their
Every Muslim that I know has a story.
Of in their life, at some point, where
there was something that wasn't supposed to work
but they trusted Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and
it worked.
We were in Madrasa,
and every year the graduating class would do
a 40 day iatikaf.
And while they would do their iatikaf,
they would also fast for all the days.
Sheikh Yusuf
had made arrangements
for iftar, for the 40 days. And what
would happen is, different people would take responsibility
in turns for preparing Iftar. So the Iftar
would be very fancy and nice. You'd get
biryani, and this, and that. All sorts of
amazing food. And it was, the mother's food
was nice already, but the iftars were naturally
just a whole different game, like 3 course
meal, 5 course meal.
So Sheikh Isa
he was so kind.
He knew
that there would be leftover food from the
So one of the oldest traditions in the
madrasa was,
during the 40 days, the iftar would only
be served by foreign students,
students that were not from England.
And he would do this so those students
can then enjoy some good food at the
end of their serving.
He would say to us that you don't
visit your parents.
You spend all year here. At least for
these days, you can have some nice
meals for 40 days continuously.
So we really appreciated that, and every year
we would serve.
So I remember one time,
there was
a meal that was served for Iftar.
And one brother, he
sponsored the iftar.
He lived in Kashmir.
Kashmir, India.
Right? And he would come to visit Sheikhisub
every year, every so often he would come
from there. His name was Manzurbai.
Oh, I forgot his last name. It was
something interesting,
Something really interesting.
Anyway, Khayr.
So he came from Kashmir, and
he served food.
So the food was being served, and they
were serving soda to people, drinks, you know.
There was only half a bottle left. I
remember there was only half a bottle left,
and maybe sitting there were 60 students plus
another 15, 20 people serving.
He gave I remember he
held the bottle himself, he said Bismillah,
and he
gave all 80 people.
He served how many people?
All 80 people.
And he just kept saying bismillah and pouring.
Saying bismillah and pouring. Saying bismillah and pouring.
And we all witnessed it. Until today, my
brother and I talk about this. Until today
we do.
We remember, man, that day, man. Because he
was there, I was there, and there were
80 people. It was like one of those
mutawatid moments. Everyone saw it.
And he gave everyone, he said, Come here.
You bring your car. Anyone that he saw,
he was just pouring for them. He was
pouring for them. He was pouring for them.
puts barakah
when a person is generous,
and when they turn to Allah and they
ask from Allah
It's a tradition among Muslims. What they would
do is that if they invited,
people for
I just remembered his last name, but we're
past that story now.
It was a tradition among Muslims that, you
know, when they would invite people over, they
would always invite extra. And before serving the
food, they would read surayasin and blow it
on the food. And then make dua to
for barakah, and they would serve away, and
serve away, and everyone would eat. Nabi salallahu
alayhi wasallam said this on 1 hadith, the
food of 2 should suffice 4.
There are different ways of looking at that
iwaya, but one of the ways is a
matter of baraka. That that's how baraka should
be. Another way is that Muslims should eat
less, so the food that generally 2 people
would eat, 4 people would eat. Again, there
are different ways of looking at this narration.
Jabir radiAllahu an,
He traveled a lot for Hadith.
And very
purposeful, intentional travel. You learn how to be
a student of knowledge
from Jadr radiAllahu an.
With all of his circumstances,
with all of the challenges that he had
in life, they did not hold him back
from him being the best version of himself.
Wherever he found the opportunity, he was there.
One of his students, they say, that
before Javed
passed away in Madinah Munawwala, he heard that
there was a hadith
in Makkah that he did not have, he
went to Makkah in the last part of
his life.
He is very old.
He is very old. According to some narrations,
he was over 100 years of age.
Over 90 years of age.
After that age, people are worried about even
going to a grocery store, stepping out of
their house unnecessarily. One slip and fall can
mess it all up for you. You could
be really struggling.
And he went on an animal.
Right? Like they would in the old days.
Traveled all the way from Adina Munawwara to
Makkah Mukarama to just listen to one narration.
And this is not a one off incident.
Similarly Jabir radiAllahu an,
he traveled from Madinah Munawwara
all the way to Egypt.
He traveled all the way to Egypt.
And when he arrived there, he wanted to
hear a riwa from Maslama bin Mahlid. When
he arrived there, a person told,
announced that there's a Bedouin who is here
to speak with you.
So he asked, who is it? And this
person who was a Bedouin, he introduced himself,
it is me Jabir ibn Abdullah Al Ansari
This is after Rasulullah
passed away many many many years later.
After Rasulullah passed away, Jabir
he was in the front line. He was
with Khalr ibn Walid radiAllahu an, when Damascus
was conquered.
He participated in so many jihads.
He was with so many groups of Muslims,
traveling here, traveling there for the sake of
the deen. And after all those travels,
he finds time to travel from Madinah Munawra
To hear one hadith.
And he said to
the Sahabi,
That I came all the way from Adina
Munawwara because I heard that you have one
hadith from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
regarding covering the flaws and defects of another
I wanna hear it from you.
He said, Yes. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam
Whoever covers the flaw of another believer
is like the one who brought
girl that was buried alive back to life.
He brought her back to life.
A girl that was buried alive, it's as
if you brought her back to life.
Such is that man's virtue and reward.
What did Jabir radiAllahu anhu do after he
heard this luaya from
his companion?
Go sightseeing, go check out Giza.
Giza was around, by the way.
Let's go check out the, you know, the
pyramids, let's see what's happening in Egypt, maybe
go take a dip in the
Nile. All these things existed, and they were
all very famous things. Like everyone from across
the world traveled to see these things.
After he heard that one hadith,
He turned his animal around and said, Time
to head back to Madinah.
I got what I came for.
Sayyidina Jabb radiAllahu an,
he traveled all the way
to Damascus, to Shama.
Someone told him that there's an individual there
who narrates a hadith from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam Abdullah ibn Uneys radiAllahu An.
So he went all the way to Sham.
He approached 'Abdullaban Unis radiAllahu an. There was
a gatekeeper there, he said to him that,
you know, I'd like to meet 'Abdullaban Unis.
He He said, Who is it? So he
said, Tell him it's Jabir.
So Abdullah ibn Munis said, Which Jabir? Jabir
ibn Abdullah al Ansari?
Like the legend Jabir ibn Abdullah al Ansari?
He was well known among everyone. You know
that riwaya regarding the hadith al barir?
That one animal that you know the animal
that he rode back from Adina Munawra?
When he made that transaction with Rasulullah
That that narration, he refers to it himself
as Laylatulbarir.
Jabir ibn Abdilah radiallahu an, regarding that moment,
he says, the istaghfaraleer
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam Laylat al Ba'iriham
You know when that transaction happened, regarding the
I heard the Prophet
making istighfar for me over 25 times.
He kept making dua for me, kept making
dua for me.
He saw my state, and he just kept
making dua for me.
He says,
Jabbir radiAllahu an in another narration,
Adafani Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, one day
Nabi saw me, and he said jump onto
my animal, let's ride together.
So I mounted behind Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam.
This is an interesting book by the way.
This is a book written by Ibnu Mandah,
and there's a book written by Ibnu Mandah,
famous 6th century scholar.
And he listed
the names
of the companions who shared an animal with
Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam in all their
That book is dedicated to all the people
shared a ride with the Prophet of Allah.
All the rideshare people.
All of them. These were the people who
had the honor of being on the same
animal at the same time as Rasulullah salallahu
alayhi wasalam.
Aradhaafin Nabi salallahu alayhi wasalam. Narrated by, compiled
Ibn Umanda
So in there he narrates his riwaah from
Jabir radiAllahu
wan. The Arudafani
rasulullah said to me, hop on, let's ride
I was behind the Prophet of Allah,
the seal of Prophet was on his back,
so I came very
close to that seal of Prophethood.
And I could smell this musk fragrance emitting
from there and spreading in all directions.
That day,
while I was with the Prophet of Allah,
I narrated from him,
70 narrations
that no one else heard.
This was Jabir Abdul Abdullah radiAllahu an. Everyone
knew who he was. So when he arrived
in Sham,
and you know,
when he was asked who's at the door,
and they said that, Oh, it's Jabir. He
asked Jabir ibn Abdullah
He said, Yes.
Fakhara j Abdullah ibn 'Aunais. Abdullah ibn 'Aunais
radiAllahuan got up from his seat and rushed
to the door.
And he hugged me.
He was so happy to see me.
I said to him,
I heard that you narrated hadith from the
I fear that I die, or you die,
before I hear that hadith from you.
So he said yes,
let me share that hadith with you. And
it's a longer narration
regarding the day of judgment, and some of
the scenes of the day of judgment. Jabir
radiAllahu an after he heard that hadith, he
turned back around,
and went back to Madinah Munawwara.
He was one of the people
who was known for
holding firmly to the sunnah of the Prophet
When he saw any change in people, or
saw any
change in the sunnah, it bothered him a
lot. A person once came to meet Jabbir
He gave salaam to Jabbir
and he began to share with Jabbir
of how people had changed.
They were no longer interested in following the
sunnah, and they were so,
you know, in love with the dunya.
They were running after the duniya, and fighting
with the material
offerings of this life.
Jabir radiAllahu anhu when he heard this,
it became clear to him that the times
that he was familiar with, that Muslims
lived a simple life.
didn't run after the material world.
Muslims used the dunya to serve the Deen.
Muslims didn't use the dunya as an excuse
to run away from the Deen.
And now he's hearing these stories that things
have changed, and Muslims are no longer those
people that you know.
He began to cry.
And he cried and cried and cried.
And then he said to them,
The Prophet of Allah said
that people
have entered into the deen in troves,
and very soon they will also leave the
religion in troves as well.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from
in such a group.
Mu'avi radiAllahu an during his khalafa,
he raised a concern
Madinah Munawwara is where the staff
of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam was housed. That's
where it was.
This is the staff the prophet of Allah
would use to walk. This is the staff
that he would lean on when delivering his
And the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam's mimbar
was still in Madinah.
Muhammad radiAllahu an said, I don't want the
and the pulpit of the Prophet of Allah
to remain in Madinah, they need to be
Relocated to where? To Damascus. Why? Because in
Madinah Manawara
reside people who were involved in the murder
of Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan radiAllahuwan.
And naturally Muawiyah radiAllahuwan was a family member
of Uthman bin Afan radiAllahu an, and his
perspective was, this violates the sanctity
of the staff of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
Falama Qadimal Madinatul Munawwaram.
In the year
in the year 50,
hijrah, Mawawi
in Madinah Munawwara to,
relocate that staff,
and that pulpit of Rasulullah
Abu Hurirah
and Jabbirah
intercepted him. Him. Both of them. Sayyidina Abu
Hureyallahu Anand
Jabbir Abdul Abdullah radiAllahu An.
Oh, Amirul mumineen,
we remind you of Allah, we warn you
for the sake of Allah, don't do this.
Don't move the pulpit of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
wa sallam from atinumunawra.
Munawra. This is not appropriate.
You are going to remove
pulpit of the Prophet of Allah from where
he placed it with his own hands,
and you're going to take his staff to
Why don't you go ahead and move the
whole masjid with you?
Take the whole madinah with you.
What if you're down to change things
from the way they were during the life
of Rasulullah Waabi radiAllahu alaihi wa sallam?
Waabi radiAllahu alaihi wa sallam felt ashamed.
Some steps, he added more steps. So therefore
it could be used for a longer time
to address a larger crowd of people.
lived a beautiful life,
serving the Deen. In so many ways,
he was blessed with many blessings,
and was one of the last companions
to leave this dunya.
He passed away in Madinah Munawwara.
He is actually considered to be
the last Sahabi to live in Madinah.
You'll hear in some narration that he was
actually the last Sahabi to pass away.
That honor belongs to another Sahabi, who outlived
However, Jabir radiAllahu an was the last Sahabi
to pass away in Madinah Manawara, which is
a very big deal,
considering that was the hub of the Sahaba.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala blessed him with a
long life, and he narrates
so many narrations from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
There isn't a chapter of the deen that
you will study, but you will find there
the riwayat of Jabbir ibn Abdullah radiAllahu an.
And I'm so
amazed by his story.
he had so many responsibilities in life.
There was so much demanded of him.
There were so many things happening in his
He was one of those people that could
have easily said that, I don't have time
for this.
But Jabbir
made time
to fulfill the rights of everything
that needed his attention.
He went to all of it. And this
is a reminder for us all,
that when you study the deen, and when
you serve the deen, don't
be lopsided.
That you only focus on your salah, your
parents are neglected.
Or you focus on the masjid, your wife
is neglected.
You focus on the Quran, your children are
You're focused on dawah, your community is neglected.
Don't be that person.
Be a person that
built a proper worldview. This is where Shahriyulullah
Muhadid Dalewiramtullahayalih,
you know, some of his works are very
powerful, where he talks about the nature of
curriculum and how education should
work, how we should educate people. There's a
part of education
that needs to focus on the individual growth,
that you are growing individually.
Then there's a part of education that needs
to focus on
developing the people that are immediately around you,
keeps you focused on the greater community.
That you're not just locked to your masjid
or your madrasah, you're thinking about the other
masajid that are in the area.
If there is a masjid that has a
fundraiser there, you go to that masjid, then
you donate there. You know they said there's
a madrasah there, over there, across the street,
and the next city over that has something
going on, you go and support there. That
you work together.
That the ummah works together.
And then there's that 4th layer
of development and focus that needs to
be global.
That we're looking at the world at large.
Beyond just your community, your city.
And it's being able to contribute at all
of these levels
creates true leaders.
It creates true visionaries.
It's not easy. And if it's not possible,
find what works for you.
But the vision, the dream should be that
we're able to contribute at all levels. May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
give us that
love. May Allah
give us that energy, that perspective.
May Allah
allow us to be a source of khair
for ourselves, and and those that are around
those that are near us, and those that
are distant. May Allah
accept from us, and allow us to be,
sincere mukhlish servants of the deen. Muhammad
Yes. You had a question? Do you still
have a question?