Hussain Kamani – Stories of the Companions 04-10-2023

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the loss of the previous year's Islamic nationalist nationalist movement and the use of a sword in the Battle of blood, as well as the importance of fulfilling the right of the sword and fulfilling the right of actions. The speakers also discuss the use of the Prophet's words and the use of magic in relation to possession stories and the importance of being a good person to be proud of. They also mention a woman named Jana who was a woman in the Islam world and had a secret secret about her.
AI: Transcript ©
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sci fi is at the camera and where it is going to break it

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so funny.

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah Lillahi wa Kapha was salmonella stuffer.

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Susana Allah so you did a study with Hamid anbiya wa. Nicolas kiya was herb he looked at the Ummah bad.

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In the third year after migration,

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there was a great battle that took place known as the Battle of blood.

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There's a lot of contexts to the battle. The previous year, Allah subhanho wa Taala granted a very clean, clear and tremendous victory to the Muslims at Budhha.

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The Quraysh lost some of their great leaders and we're

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are thirsty for revenge.

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So they tripled their numbers and begin to march towards Madina. Munawwara

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when a sword allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard

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that the Quraysh were headed towards Medina directly. With 3000 Soldiers strong. He sat with the companions and sought their opinion.

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Some of the companions settled messenger of Allah let's let's fight a defensive battle from Medina itself. While the other said, let's take it to the battlefield, let's go out of Medina and face them directly. We won't need to fight defensively, we'll head straight to the offense.

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The companions that were proposing this offensive approach to the battle were mostly younger companions who missed out on the honor of brotherhood the previous year.

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But it wasn't really planned. And these people wanted to make up for that opportunity.

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They desired the honor to fight side by side with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So whenever he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam accepted their proposal, and they chose the Mount Hood to be the location where the actual battle would take place.

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This is what Allah subhanaw taala refers to in the Quran where he says,

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Well, shall we to whom Phil amor, but either Azam fatawa Quran Allah, that seek consultation from them in the matter. And then when you conclude on an outcome that this is what we're going to do, but the Wakulla Allah then put your trust in Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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So when I saw the loss of Allah who it was sort of arrived in the battlefield, so many young companions also showed up and they had a desire to participate was sort of lost that Allamani was sort of gauge their age and their height, some were allowed, others were disallowed

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as the battle drew near Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at one point, took his Mobarak honored bless its sword.

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And he announced that may yet for the woman Neha, this is Hadith Sahih Muslim, Imam Muslim Anahata Allahu Allah and Eretz

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had the terrible bucket of Norby shea butter, Paula had data often called the hard data homogenous selamat Alhadeff anartha between an NS and Rhodiola one. He narrates this whole Massey narration, out of which,

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four of the five narrations are busty. So, therefore, some scholars while commenting on this Relyea they say, Minamata if you had a listener, the under Home cell cell will bacillary gene

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Silla Shaco other than the chef of Imam Muslim De La Jolla, LA who is goofy for Kofi Yun, he is goofy.

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So in this hadith, he narrates that when the battle of but when the battle of approach Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he pulled out his sword,

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other safe and Yama, Ohad McCollum and yet for the mini hada rasuna Alehissalaam asked, Who will take this sword from me.

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Now, there were many companions there.

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Some are senior some were junior from the unsought from the mahadji rune.

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In one narration, Zubaydah Blauwe, Amara, the Allah one

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the relative of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was set up close and dear companion to the Prophet of Allah. He reached forward for the sword Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was turned away from him.

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Almighty Allah Juan, this is another rewire not to say Muslim narration I'll come back to that in a moment.

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That when all matter the Allahu unreached for thought about whom and who Romana father for mythology, I mean, whose debate founded on whom, for YJ Daffy and fusi him I'm in Delica honor the Allah who can reach for trusted allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't give it to him. He turned away, Zubaydah blah blah blah the hola Juan also reached forward for that sword, a sword allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned away from him and did not give him the sword.

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We go back to the narration of say Muslim, but Basa to ADL whom Kulu inside and minimum everyone was reaching forward. Though messenger of Allah give us the sword we wish to be the people that are honored to carry this gift of the Prophet of Allah in the Battle of

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yaku Anna Anna, Allah.

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Then the Prophet of Allah said to the Companions, for me yet hold will be happy, who will take this sword and fulfill its right

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for our own

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people then pull back

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all the people

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But we're saying we'll take it we'll take it. They begin to withdraw their hands and I'm not sure anymore.

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If I'm called to be Rahmatullah Haley, well, commenting on the narration.

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He says that in German FOMO bad America for HDR boom ILAHA safely and no humara fu Annalisa be happy safety Rasulullah Omron hottie rune. Because when the Prophet of Allah said, Whoever takes this sword will need to fulfill its right, the Companions pull their arms back because they understood very well that this was a very serious matter.

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Well harmful, and you'll hit a home and reduce the phenolic and they were worried that maybe they would fail to fulfill the right of that sort of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Sahabi by the name of seamark Ibnu Harsha or the Allah one. He then asked the Prophet of Allah, an article who will be happy that I will take your sword with its right I will fulfill the right of it. Then he asked Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is the right of the sword?

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To that the Prophet ANA has set out with Saddam said the right of the sore enemy of Allah should be spared in the battlefield

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that you will not turn away from the battle no matter how difficult things get in wondering why out of suicide, Allahu Allah He was salam said that the right of my sword is that it never be raised against another Muslim.

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So this great companion of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa Salam seamark of Nahusha abou to Jana or the Allah Juan took the sword from the hand of Rasulullah sallallahu Mata he was

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and after a blue journal of the Allahu Anh took that sword. He then pulled out his bandana that he had and he tied it on his head. It was a red cloth that he would turn his head when heading into the battlefield. And the Companions they say that whenever he tied that banner on his head, that meant he was ready to fight until death. Nothing was going to hold him back. He was ready to go all the way through

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a Bucha download of the Allah one. As he prepared for the battle, he began to walk through the lines of the Muslims in a very tough manner. He began to walk with his shoulders swinging left to right, with his chests boasted outwards, ready to go to war. This walk was one that had some arrogance in it.

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And he began to sing poetry. In numeral one, I had any Khalili? I am a person who was given the covenant by my friend. What a novice Sufi leathan Really Acoma da philcare Yulee. Other it will be safe Allah He was truly

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the prophet of Allah, Allah, His salatu salam, my dear friend in Nimrod, aha, Danny Khalili, that My dear very intimate friend made me take an oath. I had any Halevi

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Allah Mr. Haley Ranga Allahu taala, the famous commentator of Sita.

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In his own few writes

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in numero uno, aha, Danny Khalili, Yanni rasool Allah. Waka waka Dalek Akana, Abu Huraira Teja Cole had Destiny salary or Ankara who Allah He Baba Sahaba wakad Allah Who Matakana hollybrook are in Nama and Corolla Hill Mukuru has value totally local to meet the hidden hollyland that the hot backer in Halina wala kin who what will Islam

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that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if I were to take a saline a very close intimate friend, it would have been saved in America the significance of the Allah one. But my relationship with Abu Bakr is that of the bond of brotherhood in Islam. So if Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam did not offer this word allele to even someone like Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one, then how is it that Ubuntu Jana is making this claim? That My Khaleel this very close, intimate friend of mine made me take a commitment. Similarly, Allah Mr. Haley, he references that when Satan Abu Huraira the Allah one would narrate Hadith, his statement would be had that funny, honey, my

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very close intimate friend took a conveyed to me he narrated to me and other Sahaba would say to him, that Why are you calling the Prophet your Helene when the Prophet of Allah did not use that statement for anyone else? Yet I will hook it on to the Allah one would continue. So to answer this sort of predicament here Allama Sahelian Allahu Allah he says, well as if you had a hadith and if any of the Sahaba you had that any Holly Liana who

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UD do an A B he Martindale Habib are in the Murphy alley and in the Via lemmya Cooney Akula ha ha ha de menos hobby that just because the Prophet of Allah did not say it to anyone doesn't mean the Companions weren't allowed to use that term when referring to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because when they said that our dear intimate friends said this, our beloved said this, when they use the word Helene, they were using it in the meaning of Habib, that the one that was dear to us, the one that we loved more than our own lives. He is the one that gave us this trust in numerology, and I had any Holly, one novice Sofia, then really serve refers to a path that cuts

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through the mountainous area. Less than theory by the trees. Acoma, Dara felucca, ulica you'll he says that the Prophet made me take a commitment that I will never stand a lot of comberford data I will never stand felucca, you'll Can you refers to the Oculus to fulfill Jaysh the back lines of the army that the Prophet made me take a promise that I will never stand in the back. Can you Some scholars say refers to the reminisce of a fire once the fire is extinguished? And there's some smoke coming from there after the fire is done, because that's the left over of the fire the back part of the fire, after everything is done, this is what remains. This is what they would the same word

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would be used to refer to athletes who fulfill Jaysh the back lines of the army

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Allah Acoma Daraa, felucca Uli Averie will be safe Allah he will Rosalie that I will stand in the front and strike the enemy with the sword of Allah and His messenger. Allah, His salatu salam.

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In one narration, the famous Maliki scholar, allegedly see Russian PT Abdulkadir bin Mohammed. He writes in his book news huddle UScar narrating from Zubaydah the hola Juan

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that's the better the hola Juan says when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave that soar to Abu Dogen or the Allah one well jet to a husband to an NFC. I felt really sad that why is it the Prophet of Allah passed me up?

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He thought that maybe there was something that the Prophet saw in me that was a deficiency because of which the Prophet didn't give me this honor.

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For call to Allah He Omran nama yes Nairobi. So I took a commitment that I would spend this battle not only fighting the enemy, but also carefully observing a Buddha Jana the Allah one that why did the Prophet give it to him, but about to him, so I began to follow her follow him.

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And what I noticed for other he saw button, he took his hammer up, he took his red garment, MK tube and Thea Hadith, Rafi Nasser, Amin Allah who have fled from Akari or fill okra algebra to fill Herbie Harun Oman Farah lamian Jumilla na that I saw him take this bandana that he was tying around his head and on one side of the bandana it said the statement muscleman Allah he will photonic victory from Allah and assistance is near. And on the other side of the bandana I saw written there algebra to feel how do we are on that to be a coward in the battlefield is a stain on your honor among federal immune Jumia not and the one that runs from the battlefield will not be safe from the

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fire of *.

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So then he watches a Buddha jhana the Allah one from a distance observes him very carefully.

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I will jump over the hola Juan, as he fought in the battlefield he kept moving forward, nothing pushed him back. And every time he walked past an enemy, he ensured that the heart of that sword was fulfilled and that person felt

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like a blade that was just roaming around in the battlefield left and right, just wiping the enemy out.

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Once a hobby, he says that goblin Monica the Allahu unseres that I was from the people that were injured in the Battle of HUD going to FEMA and Judy Hammond and Muslimeen. So I saw this man from the machine excited from the opposition. And that guy was fighting a very tough battle.

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And he had this very thick armor on Jim or llama llama refers to armor and all forms. Everything that a soldier uses in the battlefield. They refer to this in Arabic as Latin, Latin metal. So this man was covered in his armor, and he was shouting cries of war, and every Muslim that he saw lying on the ground, he would attack him and stump him and keep going. There was no one to stop him.

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For those of you who know the Battle of HUD, the first part of it was in favor of the Muslims. And then a point came where the battle flip

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To the flourish, caught the Muslims off guard and attack them from behind a mountain Jebel robot.

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So he says that this man was walking around stomping on the Muslims and he was attacking them one by one by one.

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So I began to think who will fight this pool fight this man.

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But you know Roger middle Muslimeen young toddler who I saw one of the Muslim soldiers from the far end of the battlefield, he had his eyes locked on that man.

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Well, I lay he let me to who and he was also armored and he was ready for war

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for Malay to Hatha con to me and he I began to follow the Muslim soldier hoping that these two would clash

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in his heart, garb and medica the Allah who answers for evil capital of blue Houma, or Dayton, Ohio, that the mushrik that guy that was stomping on the Muslims, he seemed to be more ready for war in his dress and his armor and his appearance

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for them as until the Roma Hata iltacon. Finally the two faced off

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by vulnerable Muslim will Kathira Allah Hubballi RTP viral button B safety for Ebola what what? Who, what a thought rock after contain the Muslim man king. He took his sword and hit him so hard on his shoulder that he sliced the man in half.

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He sliced the guy in half one strike

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from Makkah shuffle Muslim or unwatched he, the Muslim man after striking him removed the garment that was covering his face. Okay, for Tara yaakob He turned to carbon Madigan said Everything okay.

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He said, I looked at the man for either who abou to Jana. It was a booty Jana,

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or the hola Juan, the man who took the trust of the sort of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So later, the Allah one on the other hand, he's observing him too. And he's trying to figure out what's special about him and what he sees, not only as he pressing forward, but he cuts to the whole army of the Quraysh. And there was when he arrived in the back end of the army, he took his sword, he went to an individual, he tapped the individual on the head and walked away.

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With the alone, one didn't understand. He went to him and said, Why did you tap that person on the head? He said, That was a female and it is beneath the honor of the Prophet of Allah that his sword be used to strike a female

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Zubaydah, not a woman at the Allah one at that moment said, now I understand what was sort of loss of Allah who it was Saddam did when he selected you that there is a balance when you represent the Sunnah. There is a method to it. There's a procedure, there is an add up to representing the dean. There is a way that you carry yourself when you claim to be a representative of a suit of loss that Allahu Allah He was hidden

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when the battle became very difficult, and I'm going to be reading aloud to Allah speaking about the Journal of the Allah one while introducing him, he says, Who aasimar KUBU Harsha al Hazaragi and Ansari, well who am asuran be Konya de Shahida, brother on Whoa, done WADA Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yo Ma even Hua while Musa Abu oh man that when the battle of budget battle took a turn and things became very tough. He was the honored and no one companion that stood next to Musab bin Ahmed or the Allah who won, and the two of these people together protected Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were cut through that filter Raha Wakulla Musa that the wounds became many. So Musa

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bin Ahmed are the Allah one passed away. As for Abu Jarrah, the Allah one he became a human shield for a suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When the enemy was fired when they were firing arrows, he stood in front of the suit Allah said Allah while he was sitting with his back towards the enemies, until a point came where there was no space on his back where there wasn't an arrow already in it. And he stood there protecting Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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I will do Jana the Allah who was known for his courage, he was known as a phenomenal, great, powerful, strong warrior.

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There's a narration

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that Imam Bay, Allah Allah narrates in his delight in the womb.

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This narration is highly contentious, and the reality is that for the most part, the MaHA dethroned do not accept it. But I'm going to narrate it before you not so much as a part of his story. But for those of you that are students of knowledge here are able to acknowledge and understand that you will find some aspects of an individual's life mentioned with it.

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in books, and this part of is acceptable and that part of it is not acceptable by the Motley Fool.

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So the chapter Bible my youth got to mean fizzy IV to Jana. There's a long narration and the Senate the chain of the narration has actually the children of a Buddha janela the law one, if I were to read the chain in front of you, it's like his son or his grandson never to the son and then the great grandson narrates from the the grandson and the great great grandson marriage and the grandson. It's one of those chains that you see within his family

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that Abuja or the Allah one, one night, he was sleeping seminar to Abby about to Jana, you're cool Chicago to La Rasulillah faculty Rasulullah they in a month budget on Fifi Rashi it's a mirror to feed daddy sorry, Ron Cassidy did ha what are we in the we in na wala uncolonized bark.

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Will Digenova the Allah wants is one that I was sleeping. And I began to hear some sounds, all sorts of interesting sounds. But if I were to ROTC fuzzy Admiral Ruben I lifted my head from my pillow, and I was terrified.

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What I saw in front of me was a dark shadow.

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So as a soldier,

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he decided to attack the shadow. Or most people would wander away. He thought, You know what? Let's find it.

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It's fascinating how some people's minds are. When I started in England, I had two roommates. They were Nigerian.

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So during the break,

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one was new to Dean the other one was shamsudeen they were lovely young men. Lovely, Mashallah.

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My brother and I were from America. These two were from Nigeria. We we had a really good interesting relationship.

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We were it was it was during one of the breaks. All the students who were from England, they had gone home to visit their families. So there were only a handful of students left in the mother. So

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there were these two students from New Zealand. They were big, but Marsh. They goofed around a lot. These who did. One of them was a gym junkie. He used to live so much didn't have a neck. One of those guys. He lifted a lot and he's really buff guy.

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So one day over lunch, he said, guys,

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everyone's gone. There's only a few of us left in the motherland. So

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in the spirit of having some fun, I've planned a prank.

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Everyone was worried that what if they were the target of the prank?

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So I asked him, I said, What's your prank? He said, Well, I came into possession of the scrim mask. You guys know what that is? The Scream mask. I have a glow in the dark one.

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You said I'm going to come to your room.

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Our room had two hallways. There was one that was connected to the gym and the other one was the main hallway that we would use to access our room. He said I'm going to come from the gym side into your room and act like I'm a gin

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to scare your roommates.

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We tried to explain to him this was a very bad idea.

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He insisted on doing it.

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So we were lying 3am in the morning.

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This guy

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made of steel. He comes from outside the window and there's a big window that's in our room and the window on the other side of the window was the gym. So he starts knocking on the window and starts making ghost like sounds. Jim goes like sounds

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we were lying there. One of the brothers woke up. Nura he says to jump so he goes jumps.

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Somebody's here.

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So this guy says Who is it? So he goes to Jin Jin.

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There's the gender.

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This dial guy he leaves the gym. And he comes to the main hallway and begins to knock on our door. Now in normal circumstances, if you are convinced that there's a gym there and these guys used to always tell us about possession stories in Nigeria and their town and the stuff that they had seen in magic and everything that's in a close in normal circumstances what you do is you run

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or you hide under your pillow you maybe cry a little bit. Maybe you start calling the add on.

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I don't know what these guys were thinking they thought the right thing to do was to attack the gym physically.

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So one of them stood behind the door and the other one got into a position where he was going to do a double leg takedown.

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My brother and I were just so puzzled what is happening here. Guys are going on the offense against the gym.

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So the guy opened the door. And as soon as he opened the door, knew it, I just did a double leg takedown, full mount. And he started pounding the guy in the face one punch after another. It was like brick after brick. If he didn't have that mask on, I don't think you'd have a facelift.

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He just kept and this guy says,

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he starts shouting, no, I'm not gonna say his name. He said, Oh, no, it's me. It's me. It's me. And he started saying that, you know, please let me go. And he said, Yes, that's what I thought a jin would say any role model.

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You just kept hitting that guy again and again.

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So there are those people that when they're threatened by gin, they kind of run away. And then there are these type of people who are like, You know what, I'm going to deal with this. There was one person that once approached me they were struggling with Gen Z as well.

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the individual came with a firearm

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and said, What are you doing with this firearms? I'm going to shoot the gin.

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So did you really think this through

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but he stopped the strip property we need to think about this again. You're saying the gin possesses you and you're gonna shoot the gin? Like, how does this work?

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So I will degenerate the hola Juan. He says that Farah Fatah ROTC fuzzy on Merle urban for NLP literally, we will in us what, year to Luffy Sani daddy away to a pharmacist to jilda who I decided to go after him. So when I touched him by the gin to hookah gin, dill, on fourth confidence like a porcupine, so he said it's very sharp.

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For Amalfi what he Mithila Shara Shara Inna, Fernando Anoka County.

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So then he had this very interesting interaction. And with this Jin, he then approaches it was sort of La said Allahu Allah, he was said on the next day and he informs the Prophet of Allah that they are gins that are bothering me. So whenever you sort of LaMonte was salam said Tony be the Latin worker 1000 Bring a paper in some ink

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and then that for now what Alia maybe thought even for color booktopia abolhassan He then gave the pen and ink to earlier the hola Juan and said write for color moto Paulo up then the then also the last that Allah Allah Salam, he dictated to him what to write Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Hi there Kitab on Muhammad Rasool Allah Hera, Bilal Amin, in Amman, Tanaka dar Amina Omar he was the word he was Saudi Hain ill thought 32nd year to Kobe hiring your man I'm about but in that welcome Phil happy satin. For integral Asha can moolah an old fogey on metahuman overall, even Haqqani movers didn't have that Kitab Allah He and CO Allina la COVID Huck in Hakuna Stan sicoma Quinta maroon What

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are Sunak to guna madam karoun to ruku Sahiba Kitabi Harada one Toyoko era Abba Datil SNAM what era yes I'm one nama Allah He early had an aha now in in LA who Kulu che and hardy con la vida en hookman more either he told your own you're gonna goon Hamid Nyan saloon ha me mine scene path to follow Rocco Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah wa Hola, Quwata illa biLlah per se a fika, whom Allah wa who was Samuel Nadeem. So this is a

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message full of this statements of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam infused with some verses of the Quran. So then he says that I took this

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paper and kept it with me. And all these shayateen and Jim that were bothering me disappeared. And not only did they disappear, they begin to beg me to get rid of it because it was a punishment for them.

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So ultimately, he says, again, it's a long narration summarizing. So then he says I got rid of that paper then and Allah subhanaw taala gave me spoon after that I had no problem after that again. So this particular narration in Mumbai have grown with Allahu Allah doesn't ever read it in his delight to Naboo. So, there is reference for it and there are a few different chains some not acceptable at all, while others there is some Kalam and discussion regarding the authenticity of them. With that said,

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even though Josie rahamallah has narrated the narration in his mouth lot and so has been absolutely wrong to La YALI in his the ALMA snow Althea hospital medulla

00:34:44 --> 00:34:53

The reason why I chose a will the Journal of the hola Juan story today. Was it because those who know him know him as the great courageous warrior,

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the one that fought in the Battle of butter in the Battle of God.

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But there was one

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Part of his life one story, one specific interaction of his that I came across and I found this to be so profound, so beautiful

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that we chose this gathering to be an opportunity to reflect on his life but very specifically to focus on this statement of his.

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I was once traveling, and I was in a hotel and the room next to ours in the hotel was of another speaker who also traveled in to speak at that conference. Modern orthotics Musa so. At nighttime, when he was in his room, a few of us. We went over to his room and just sat there had tea with him. And

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I remember asking him chef, do you have any Naseeha

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so when he started giving to see how he referenced this exact same narration of a Buddha journal Rhodiola one that I am to share with you right now.

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Others aw Aslam. Dakila abhi to Johnetta Hua Hua Marie that someone came to visit Abu Jana Radi Allahu Allah and one day when he was sick,

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the great soldier the great warrior, the one that held the sword of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and fulfill the hack of that sword. Someone came to visit him when he was sick

00:36:20 --> 00:36:33

well what who? Who yet the halal but even though he was sick, his face was glowing it was shining. For people who malua Chica Yatta Khaled what's what's going on here? Why are you so happy? And why do you look so confident here?

00:36:35 --> 00:36:54

So I Bucha are the hola Juan says that I have two deeds of mine that are so special and dear to me that I rely on them and lean on them to be the means of my salvation in the hereafter. If you were to stop right there,

00:36:55 --> 00:36:59

your assumption would be that one of those two things has to be

00:37:03 --> 00:37:03

what was that?

00:37:04 --> 00:37:32

Like? That has to be one of the two things if this guy is saying this great soldiers, hobby warrior, that there are two things in my life that I've done, that I'm really confident are really going to come in clutch on the Day of Judgment. There are two things that I've done in my life that will protect me from whatever difficulty lies on the other side of the grave. If you and I were to guess one of those two things, we would say it was him taking the sort of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi, wasallam and fighting in the Battle of God.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:46

But then he says, what are those two things going to look at the column of female Leia Nene? Well, Oakura berkana, Colombian misdemeanor Salema

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even Assad narrates this in his stomach lot.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:56

Number one, I never engaged in conversation that didn't relate to me.

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And number two, as a result of that I never had ill feelings for another Muslim.

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These are the two things that are going to get me to gender.

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These are the two things that will take care of me in the hereafter. All the war all the battle on one side.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:49

I never had, I never engaged in gossip. I didn't talk about other people. While everyone else was on social media and Twitter and talking about like, you know, this person did a reputation against that person, that person spoke about this person, this person is getting tagged in that person's video. And this person did a rebuttal video on that person. And this guy did a reaction video. And then this guy made a new hashtag. And now that one's trending. And while everyone's talking about all this nonsense, I never spoke about something that didn't relate to me. This is the trait of a person who understands life.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:52

Someone who really gets it.

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Someone who appreciates the truth of this dunya

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is able to understand that every one that you see, in your lifetime, every human being you can lay I lay your eyes on even your own mother, your father, your child, your friend, your wife that you love with your heart, that in 100 years from now, none of them will be alive.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:26

That you understand that everything that you own, and everything everyone owns 100 years from now, they will belong to someone else.

00:39:27 --> 00:40:00

The house that you've worked so hard for the person that you are madly in love with the people who you are so vested in all this drama of everything. Give it a few years it'll all disappear. The skin that you spend so much time putting lotion on will no longer exist. it'll disappear. The teeth that you brush everyday will fall out in your mouth. Without even having the weight of popcorn. Your jaw bones would disappear your hair will disappear and you look

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At the bodies of these people, how about a month ago nothing remains at the metal Nexium and sia forgotten.

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You can't even find their traces anymore. The reality is that your memories that you're so fun to over, that you're so connected to so committed to one generation barely may remember you. For a few years, people will say, Hussein this Hussein that give it five years they'll forget you. And new Imam will come and you die, you will come, a new person will come. And this is the deen of Allah. So he will always find the right people to cover for those that are full of flaws. And then give it another 10 years, and that person's grave will be lost.

00:40:46 --> 00:41:15

Maybe their children will know who they are by their name that My Baba was this. How many of you know three facts or four facts about your grandfather that has left to dunya? Unless you've lived with him that's different. Those of you who haven't lived with your grandparents, great grandparents, what do you know about them? That's your blood. This is you forget anyone else. You probably don't even know what your great great grandfather's name was. And you were the last people in the world that were expected to know anything about them. But they disappeared.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:39

They all disappeared. Yeah, welcome for the Cauvery lads at our job and Amory will MC con to mythique volunteer committee. are the ones standing up my grave Do not be amazed by my state. Yeah, okay, fine recovery lads at our job on Amity will MC con Temecula yesterday I was you want to call me tomorrow you will be me.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:47

A person who understands this this reality won't waste a minute of theirs in gossip.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:01

They won't bother they won't talk about other people. My father was this my aunt was this my uncle was this my brother's this forget all of that. Tell me about you. You that's what I want to hear.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:03

Tell me about you.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:23

So I will to January the hola Juan says that Mama nama Lin che in Osaka during the minute in a teeny controller at the Colombo female Leia Nene never spoke about something that did not concern me. That advice of monotaro Jamila when he was referencing this hadith was so profound.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:49

He could have said anything. But the advice he gave was develop your character. Focus on yourself. Don't get caught up in gossip. And as a result of not engaging in people's business. Allah subhana wa Tada gave him the sweetest flavor that a believer can have in their heart for another the sweetest taste. While overall Fergana, kalbi, little misdemeanor Salema

00:42:50 --> 00:42:52

and ever had hard feelings for another person.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:59

How much of our life is wasted? Just wrapped in the bitterness of ill feelings for other people.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:02

You don't even get to enjoy your own life.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:09

And this is caused by no one other than you. You've brought this on to yourself.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:13

Bacala Toby Lin misdemeanor Salema

00:43:14 --> 00:43:42

I will do Jana the hola Juan. He continued to serve the armies of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then after an abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam departed from this dunya he gave his allegiance to say the Abu Bakr Siddiq karate Allah one. There was a man that claimed a prophet hood, towards the end of the prophets life and within a bit by the name of Muslimah, who the Prophet very appropriately gave him the lockup

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al Khattab musei lemma al Khattab, the liar,

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his matter was not solved by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the businessman passed away. So say that I will bucket a syndicate of the Allah one one of the first things that he did, after uniting the Muslims that were confused after the prophets passing. He took what had been well either the Allah Juan and appointed him as the general and under him sent the senior Sahaba of Medina and said go and deal with this false prophet.

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Many of the great Sahaba join that expedition

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many of them were profiled

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on the Quran. Great on AMA. It was after this expedition that Abubaker study Guardiola one made the intention of compiling the Quran, because many great Sahaba were martyred in this among the people who was honored with the

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the necklace

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of shahada was able to generate the last one. He was with the soldiers who marched against the false prophet.

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The first part of the battle was in favor of

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Messiah Lemma and battle Hanifa his people, the Muslims then went on the offense. And then we'll say Lama and his folks.

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They retrieved into their fort, they locked the doors down, they took the higher ground and they kept firing arrows at the Muslims. And this became very frustrating because there was no way for the Muslims to penetrate into that fort.

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Finally, one of the companions, he said,

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The only way for us to enter into this fort is to climb over the walls.

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so caught up in what either the Allahu ansaid that if we even create a contraption that launches someone over the walls, that person will be in there alone, at least for the first few moments. This is a suicide mission.

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So this hobby said, Just trust me. I'm willing to take the risk.

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Khalid bin will either the Allahu I'm very reluctantly accepted the proposal as long as the other companions followed. And he said to him that as soon as you get inside your task will be to run to the main gate and open it once it's open. These guys are done. We will take care of them. You just opened that door and let us in. They've been hiding behind this cage for too long.

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So they

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scaled the wall, the Sahaba did and they opened up the door.

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And as they ran in Abuja, Allah and Saudi Arabia Allah Juan says way how Kameyama Asha anzar Maloney Hamilton well Cooney lay him

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but Hanifa came with a strong line of soldiers so he said, You know what guys tossed me over their lines. I don't want to deal with these lines here. You guys pass me over them and let me go far. So when they tossed him, Bahama Buddha Jonatha Allah touristy battle on sore thumb Rafa rim I had that will be a fee Jophiel Hadiya club, they launched him over in some narrations. He was the one they actually threw over the wall. He was one of the people other narrations It was another person but regardless, he was launched and when I will do Jana the Allah who won landed for Waka Abu Jana Philharmoniker Sama, wasa Baca Lacell Muslim. When he landed, he he jumped on the enemy Khalifa

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loathing like an angry

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00:47:28 --> 00:48:03

Well hola yatta yatta is a way of Kulu and he began to sing poetry as he provokes his enemy. And as seamark were able to Jana less to be will be the Golden One Amma Hannah wala Jabbar and we'll call will be the is the Karna la Hi Rafi Omen be Dean in Cana. And as he sings these lines of poetry, he jumps in now what happened to Abu Jana the Allah one is that when he landed in the battlefield, he broke one of his legs.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:08

The moment he landed, because it was a big jump, he broke his leg.

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00:48:12 --> 00:48:15

that didn't stop him from moving forward.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:37

He stood on one leg of his ignoring the second one. And he kept pushing forward and kept pushing forward and kept pushing forward. He sliced through every person that stood in front of him until he stood right in front of was Salem aka DAB himself.

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00:48:44 --> 00:48:46

looked at Mozilla mica

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and he attacked him

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and when he attacked him as he hit him from the other side, another Sahabi came while she been hub of the hola Juan and he also attacked Mustela Maka DOM and the two of these two these two people tag teamed and they killed this great enemy of Alana.

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It's fascinating because both of these people in thought on the opposite sides.

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While she fought on behalf of them we should have gone and was the one that martyred hums out of the hola Juan and on the other hand, who was a lion of Allah and His Messenger on this side. I will do Jana was the one that was fighting on behalf of the Muslims carrying the sword of Allah rasool Allah and His Rasul sword. And what should or the Allah one became Muslim, he took an oath that just as I killed the most beloved to the Prophet, I will also kill the most detested by the prophet, and he had his eyes fixed on Macedo Mica. That in order for me to have my penance, to live my redemption in this dunya I have to kill him. In one narration, there was a third person involved in killing Macedo

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00:49:57 --> 00:50:00

Now who was this third person differently? Why out here?

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

each one of them suggests that it was a lady

00:50:03 --> 00:50:05

model or the Allahu Ana

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that she was a third person involved and the reason why she wanted will say to my God, is because when a suit Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam sent

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the messenger to communicate with Muslimah. The messenger he chose was this a hobby by the name of Habib bin Zaid, who was the son of Omar Marathi Allahu anhu, the great female soldier and warrior

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and will say Lama, he tortured Habib bin Zaid by mutilating his limbs one by one. So when she heard this, she was so heartbroken that she also took an oath that I will deal with Maceda myself.

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I will do John over the Allahu and because of his broken leg. He wasn't able to defend himself and fight the same battle that he had fought in his life. He continued pushing forward until he was martyred by the Hola, Juan.

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The story of Abu Dhabi the hola Juan is a beautiful one. We see his courage. We see his strength, his honor. We see his loyalty to the suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was walking arrogantly in the battlefield Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is a walk that is that is disliked to Allah, but in a place like this. And it's fascinating that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this because it shows us that there is a time and place for everything. When you're in the battlefield, and someone's provoking you there's no need to be humble there. That's a place for you to be tough. Sure, Ahmed said Hindi Rahim Allahu Taala while commenting on another

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incident of Abu Bakr, Siddiq, or the Alon, but it's a similar context. He made a statement, which I shared with a scholar once in Macomb akarma. I told him that, you know, Chef Ahmed said Hindi, at one point said, to do the cupboard in front of them with a cupboard, Saba.

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Chef Ahmed said Hindi Rahim Allah, Allah said, to be arrogant and stubborn in front of another arrogant person is Saba, that's a good thing. There's no need to be humble in front of arrogant people, because you're just empowering them. When people talk nonsense, if you just smile at them and nod your head, you're empowering them, the best thing to do to people that are talking nonsense is what

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just give them a cold shoulder, walk away, go upstairs to your room, if you don't find value in a conversation, just walk away. If they're intelligent, they'll catch on. And if they're not intelligent, then

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they're just digging themselves further into the ground. I saw this one time I was traveling. And we were sitting together a few of the Messiah. And one of the persons want a person sitting there, he made like a locker room type joke.

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He's made some kind of joke about women and body and figure and this kind of a thing. So the machinery for that we're sitting there, one of the one of the machines sitting there immediately without even like, without even skipping a breath. without even blinking an eye. He immediately said, he said, You continue like this, and I'm gonna walk away from here, the very stern voice, you say one more word like this, say one more word like this, and I'm walking away. I don't want to hear it.

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That person's big joke turned into an awkward smile. You guys, when I'm talking about where your tail has been handed back to you, one of those situations, there's a time and place for everything, not for locker room talk, just in terms of what kind of posture you take when you engage with people. Right? There is a time where you need to be bold and strong. And then it's time for you to be and you know, that chef who I shared this with in Makkah. He didn't know who chef Ahmed said Hindi was. He's a famous scholar from the Punjab area. So then he began to look for a similar statement among some of the more classical scholars and one day he sent me a message on telegram. He

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said, You know, we met in hajj, and you shared the statement with me. I began to look for a similar statement by the self and I found a statement attributed to him and fall within a Razzie that he said the same thing remember, he said that there is a time and a place for everything that and we see this with a blue janitor the Allah one and then above the janitor the Allah one continue this sacrifice right until the end of his life.

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And when he is you know, thinking about his author, and he's reflecting over what will happen to him, it's not the moments in the battlefield that he was so confident in because Amahl can easily be washed out. Arrogance can creep up on you react can creep up on you.

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What stands is your clock? What kind of person you are? What's your heart like? May Allah subhanahu wa Tada give us stuff to live by the clock of the Sahaba and May He accept us from his earlier and make us from the righteous? Well Allah Allah Allah Allah see them Hamid Salam aleykum rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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