Hosai Mojaddidi – Practicing Emotional Intelligence in Ramadan

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of developing emotional intelligence, self awareness, motivation, empathy, and social skills in achieving success. They emphasize the need for personal growth and balance, finding one's balance and rhythm, and finding a connection to the Quran and sharing experiences with others to increase chances of achieving goals. The importance of protecting against Dean's income and finding personal value is emphasized. The need for motivation and engagement is also emphasized, and the importance of fasting and patientity is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam, Alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah we are

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in the final stretch before this blessed month of Ramadan. Next

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week. So this is a time where a lot of people are, again, just

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preparing for the month, just yesterday Subhan, Allah had three

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different sessions all on preparation for the month of

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Ramadan. So with that said, I was asked to speak a little bit about

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a topic that I love emotional intelligence as it relates to

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Ramadan. So some of you may not know what emotional intelligence

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And what it is, is basically in the most simplest terms, it's a

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framework that helps you to manage your emotions, identify and manage

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your emotions, and then also help other people manage their

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emotions. And one of the really simple acronyms that you could

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learn just to kind of stick or to have that definition stick is arm,

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because A is the A stands for awareness, so to become really

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self aware of yourself. And then the R relates to regulating your

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emotions. And then the M is for managing emotions, of course your

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own as well as other people. So when you become more emotionally

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intelligent, you really work on honing in these skills. And I came

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across this framework several years ago, and as soon as I

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started reading it, it just instantly spoke to me because I

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found that everything that they were describing was really just

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applying Islam. If we actually learn our deen and apply it, we

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will become emotionally intelligent. And so that just you

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know, I started to delve into it deeper and the more and more I

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looked into it, I was convinced that this was a really great

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modern tool to help to teach people really deen and tarbiyah

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and in the prophetic wisdoms of our of our tradition and 100 or

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so, years later, when I was speaking to Sheikh Hamza, he

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actually told me about a hadith that really was incredible when I

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when he sent it to me, because I had always thought of this concept

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of emotionally emotional intelligence being something that

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was modern, right, in 1990, it was discovered.

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And then we have Daniel Goleman, who's the kind of leading pioneer

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on the topic. He's the one who really put it on the map, right

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that term? Well, that's what I thought until chef Hamza mentioned

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this hadith where he, he said, the prophesy, Sam said, but also

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actually bothered Imani at toward the toward do Elena's which is

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that, you know, after the basis of reasoning, after faith is, you

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know, is loving kindness towards people. And subhanAllah. That was

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amazing because he is connecting intelligence, and again, emotional

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management right of other people. So in fact, which shouldn't

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surprise us, right, because a lot of these modern ideas that we are

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impressed by, if you actually dig a little deeper, you find that

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they do have roots in tradition and in religion, and somehow,

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especially when it comes to our faith, because it is so it's so

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deep, and it's covered. So many of these wonderful topics that

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there's always, you know, you'll always find connections. And just

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actually yesterday or the day before, on on Instagram, I posted

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about this very thing that a lot of the modern tools that we use,

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in fact, have traditional roots in our faith. So Alhamdulillah, I

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wanted to now just talk about more about how we can understand

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emotional intelligence, practically, and then tie it to

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Ramadan. So we already gave you the definition of it. Now the

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qualities that you want to develop to become emotionally intelligent,

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are five, and this is again, according to the works of Daniel

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Goleman. So the first is to become self aware, which I mentioned, the

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second is self regulation. The third is motivation. The fourth is

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empathy. And then the fifth is social skills. And if you really

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look at each one of them, subhanAllah, you'll find that they

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do actually, they are skills that we should absolutely have every

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day of the year, but certainly in the month of Ramadan. Because the

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month of Ramadan, again, is a time where we're really are being put

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to the test right, we should see it as that it's an opportunity to

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really bring out the best of whatever is suppressed within us.

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Because a lot of times during the year, of course with work and

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schedules and all of the other routines that we get bogged down

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by we that part of us that true essence of our nature, which is of

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course our soul gets lost and so Ramadan is a time for it to emerge

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and for us to really discover a lot about ourselves and our

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connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala and emotional intelligence,

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if you understand it and apply it, it can certainly help you. So for

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example, the first quality right to become self aware. What does

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that mean? Well, you know, first and foremost, at a certain point,

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and you know, I work a lot with youth, and I think it's imperative

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that parents and educators teach youth

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You know, all of them, of course, the regular education that we want

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them to have, but also really to help them understand themselves.

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And so temperament, for example, is something that we, you know,

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for historically always taught, you know, it was very much a part

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of our tradition to teach about temperament means edge, we call it

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an Arabic, which is to know, like, you know, basically what, you

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know, what is your, what's your blueprint? How do you operate, you

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know, like, we understand operating systems, right? We have

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devices, there's the apple, iOS camp, and then there's the Android

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camp, right? And we know, we understand that these are two

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different systems, and they have different operating systems. Well,

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human beings are similar, right? We operate on different

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wavelengths on different levels, we say certain things, appeal to

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some they don't to others. So really focus or understanding

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yourself, for example, the most simple definitions that we all

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should know are, are you an extrovert or an introvert, because

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that actually does really helped to understand yourself, if you are

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the type of person that when you're around large settings, or

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social settings, where there's a lot of stimuli, you feel affected

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by it, and it, it just drains you, you are likely an introverted

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person. And if you're the opposite, where when you're alone

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too much, if it starts to nag at you, and you feel uneasy, and

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you'd like to be around people, you always have some sounds or

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something in the background, because you don't like silence,

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then you likely are an extrovert. Just that simple understanding of

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yourself can really help to know what your comfort levels are, for

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example, you know, Ramadan is a time of community, right, so a lot

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of people, I mean, now we're in COVID. But outside of that, a lot

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of times we there's the social element, right. And so some

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people, that's a really attractive thing, like they can't wait to

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come to the tunnel, we personally have stars and to go house, if

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they are hopping house to house, you know, during the month,

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because they love connecting with their community. And that's

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beautiful. And for some people, that's what they need, because

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maybe they've been disconnected. Whereas other people, that doesn't

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sound as appealing because, again, their nature is that they want to

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retreat, they actually want to be at home more. So if you are only

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receiving one message, though, like let's say you're reading a

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book, or you're listening to a talk, and the message is you

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should be you know, congregating and meeting with people and you

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know, reaping the benefits of the GEMA, then you may feel lost in

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that, you know, like, what about if I just don't want to, you know,

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or vice versa, maybe you're on the opposite extreme, where you really

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are going so inward, which of course is your right, but you

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don't want to meet with anybody. And you don't really want to have

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any social connection, that maybe you need to find that balance,

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right, which is really what, again, first becoming self aware,

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is, is learning about yourself and understanding that nature. But

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then the second part of it is, where's the balance, because both

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of these extremes wouldn't quite fit. We are social, right? Our

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dean is a social Dean. But we also have the element of certainly of

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Halawa of spiritual retreat. And so that's why understanding these

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things about yourself then takes you gradually to the next step,

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which is I have to regulate these things. Because if I draw a line

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and say, Well, this is just who I am, and I don't want to

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participate in this X, Y, or Z, and I'm not really realizing that

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just because something fits for me or feels right for me, is it?

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Right, right? That's really the question, because the perfect

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example, of course, is the prophesy Saddam, and his entire

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life is known to us because so that we can model ourselves after

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him. And he showed us just how he was able to balance he, of course,

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had the ability to or he, he showed us how to retreat, right, I

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mean, his entire, you know, beginning of his prophecy was all

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about his need to pull away and to just be isolated, and to really

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contemplate and to do all that. And then he also showed us the

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importance of being social and being in the in the community and

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being active in the community. So his life is a is a perfect example

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of how we can find that balance. But this is what again, being

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emotionally intelligent does is it kind of forces you to see yourself

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right to forces you to see and understand yourself and then do

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that compare and contrast with the best of examples of prophesy

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setup. So you really pay attention to all of those nuances about you,

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those little quirks that you have, and you know, look, where do I

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need to filter? What do I need to enhance and and work on, on, you

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know, improving? And then what do I need to change? And so when you

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gradually move from self awareness to self regulation, which is the

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second quality, now, it's about how do I do that? And that's where

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a book like, like, here, I have purification of the heart, right?

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This is an excellent book for anybody who's in the self

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regulation phase, which is I need to learn how to control myself,

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right. And this is also I mean, by extension, it is a bit of self

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awareness too, because you have to read these diseases of the heart,

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which is what the book is about, in order to know what diseases you

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have, but then they also teach you how to control that right how to

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rid yourself of the diseases. So the you know the way

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have in our tradition to Skia, which is the science of purify

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purification, yet purify purifying one soul, one's heart, one's

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tongue, there's a lot of emphasis on action, right where you are

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aware of what the problems are. And now you have to do the actions

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that follow. And so that is where, you know, the second quality of

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emotional intelligence comes in. And this is a life long pursuit,

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like when we talk about the skill, it's not something that you just

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do once and then you're done with every single one of us, every

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single day of our lives have to work on this. And Ramadan is

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actually a time where we're kind of catapulted right into this

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work, because all of these things start to emerge, you're gonna

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start to see maybe some bad habits come out, because you know, it's

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normal, right, you're cut off from your, your normal routines, your,

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your coffee in the morning, whatever, you know, cravings you

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have, and or sleep is interrupted. So those changes can definitely

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affect our mood, and our behavior. And so we're gonna start to see

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maybe some negative qualities within ourselves, right, maybe

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we're less patient, we're hangry, as they say. And we kind of in the

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beginning, need to kind of pay attention, like what's going on

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here, and realize that all of that is part of that filtration process

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has to come out, like let it all come out. And then find your, your

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balance and rhythm, because you realize that this is, you know,

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the month to do that and maximize your time in, in all of the things

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that we're taught to do, right prayers, the bad, the good, Quran,

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all of that is to help us to manage that. So self regulation,

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when it when and again, outside of Ramadan is all of these things. In

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Ramadan, it's specific to really using your time wisely, like your

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time is so important in this blessed month. And if you waste

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it, or squander it doing doing anything, of no use, for example,

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yesterday, during this workshop that I had, there was a brother

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who was mashallah very honest. And may Allah bless him and reward him

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because he was vulnerable. And he shared with everybody that one of

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his struggles is that he actually watches a lot of television,

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during Ramadan. And it's something that he, he just, he doesn't like

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himself doing it, he actually hates it, he does it. But he's

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kind of, I think habituated to that. And, you know, it's a way to

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buy time, there's, there's sometimes the days are so drawn

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out, and the hunger can overwhelm you. So we turn to these different

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mediums to escape. And so he was saying that that's what he does.

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And he was really sitting with a lot of guilt with that. So I just,

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you know, I wanted to sympathize, because, you know, he was isolated

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from his community, he didn't have a car to be able to do certain

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things. So there are people who are in circumstances like that.

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And that's why we have to be compassionate in the way we answer

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to people. But I just told him that, okay, so if that's something

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you're struggling with, and maybe the rule that you have for

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yourself, and this is where again, you have to regulate, yes to

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regulate himself, is that you're going to do it better, you know,

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if you if you want to watch TV, for example, or social media, then

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just have a rule that says, I'm not going to indulge in things

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that I know are absolutely wasteful and harmful, or

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completely haram, but maybe educational, maybe beneficial, and

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there are options for us. So you know, kind of imposing that rule

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upon yourself that in this month, the time is so precious, that even

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if I have these weaknesses, that, you know, I'm going to try to

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somehow you know, work around them and make sure that I am not again

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harming myself or squandering this the time of this month. So that's,

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you know, self regulation. And then we have, you know, the third

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quality, which is motivation. And there's so much to say about each

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of these, by the way, I'm you know, just because our comments

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are brief here, I can't get into all of them. But there's I've done

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several talks on this before but just in the context of Ramadan,

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you know, to be motivated, I love that Allah subhanaw Donna, you

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know, kind of has made the reward of of Ramadan mysterious to us,

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like, we really have no idea just what the rewards are. And he even

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in one verse says that the fast is best for you, if only you knew.

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And I love just even the phrasing of that, because it's really, you

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know, how helping us understand that there are things that we

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love, there's a lot of things that we don't know, right. But when it

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comes to the reward of our thoughts and the sacrifice of, of

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the fact that we're doing and all of the other things that we do our

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charity, our prayers are to us in this month. There are secrets only

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known to Allah subhana wa Tada. And that I think, serves as a

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great motivator in that all of the things that we second guess about

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ourselves that we feel a lot of self doubt about. And you know,

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guilt over our past is that this is a reset. This is the Ultimate

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Reset. And that's why when we have the gift of witnessing Ramadan, we

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really have to look at it as like a, you know, this is a

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a, you know, an extension right? It's an opportunity from Allah

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subhanaw taala for us to reach back and

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And to get closer to him, but he's extending the opportunity to us

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it's a gift. It's a windfall, right? Because it's time it's,

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it's so it's so much, there's so much better, like I said, that we

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can't really know. But to have that as a motivating factor. And

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then of course, you know, to look at the, I mean, when you're

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reading all of the beautiful commentary on just the rewards of

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the month, and the different times, for example, when you're

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breaking your fast, when you're waking up for the hedger, then

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you're praying at those times those beautiful times of, again,

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intimacy with with ALLAH SubhanA, WA, tada, and then all of the

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other words, deeds, that we're doing just that there's this,

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again, this, this, you know, this, this mystery to it, but it's, it's

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for, for us to incentive, it to be incentivized to do those things.

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And so just to find those, you know, to, to pursue those deeds,

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and also to increase our, our reading of the book of Allah spa,

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this is probably, I mean, it is, we all know that Milan is the

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month of the Quran, it's the month that we are supposed to really

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connect with the book of Allah schemata. So that's also another

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really important part of being motivated is that, you know,

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finding goals that connect you to the Quran. And so if you can read

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the Quran, Al Hamdulillah, then a good motivating thing to do just

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to keep yourself going. And if you're part of the masjid, even

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coming to throw away and praying those prayers, and doing a huddle

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of the Quran should be something that gets you up every day, like I

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it's another day to, you know, again, finish my judges, whether

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I'm reading it myself, or I'm coming to the throw away, and I'm

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listening to it, or I'm listening to it at home, there are a

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multitude of ways that we can really have that connection. But

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having these goals, right, this sense of accomplishment is also

00:16:42 --> 00:16:45

one way that we can feel motivated. So that's the third

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quality, then the fourth quality has to do with empathy. And I love

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this, you know, because I remember when I was younger, and we learned

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about Ramadan, that always stuck with me, even as a student in a

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Muslim student in a class in seventh grade, when the, you know,

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the chapters or the in class, when we would start talking about

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Islam, and this topic of Ramadan would come up that was always

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framed, as, you know, Muslims fasten Ramadan, as obviously an

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act of worship, but also to sympathize right with other people

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who are hungry, and who are, you know, in these impoverished

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states, so it was always framed as an action that Muslims do, to

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bring about this concept of empathy. And I really appreciated

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that growing up. And, and even now, I think we all know that

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that's one of the central reasons why we, we fast, just with, you

00:17:39 --> 00:17:42

know, withholding all of these indulgences that we partake in

00:17:42 --> 00:17:46

every single day of the year, for a month, and not even the entire

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month, by the way, it's just during daylight hours, right. But

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sometimes we, we forget that, you know, once the sun sets, people do

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tend to kind of default sometimes into those habits, but just those

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daylight hours with restricting yourself with holding yourself so

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that you can feel the pangs of hunger, so that you can really

00:18:05 --> 00:18:08

realize that there are, you know, millions, if not billions of

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people in the world who are in that circumstance, but it's not a

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choice for them, it's not something to do as an option, this

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is their daily reality. And they don't really have, you know, a

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huge Iftar or so who are waiting for them at different intervals,

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you know, during their day or week or month, they just basically

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survive on what they have. So empathizing with people, for you

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know, during the fast and also the charity, right, we know that the

00:18:36 --> 00:18:39

prompts I said it was most charitable during the month of

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Ramadan. And that's also something we should do. So this is the time

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to really think about all the different organizations, or even

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individuals that you may know, that are in need, and to, you

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know, to just put aside all of the things that you trivial things

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that sometimes we, again, we, we give intuitive because, you know,

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buying consumption is enough, right? If you're constantly just,

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you know, on these, now we can shop online, so everything is so

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easy and convenient. But we do it almost, you know, automatically,

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we're not even thinking sometimes, Oh, I like this, I'm gonna go

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click and buy, click and buy. And we do that so much. And sometimes

00:19:17 --> 00:19:20

half of the stuff remains in boxes, and we don't even use it.

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Because it's something that again, it's a modern phenomenon for those

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who are privileged to have that. But it's a time to stop that right

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and to not indulge in that, you know, that that habit into rather

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do that for other things, right. Other causes, like donations, you

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know, launch good, whatever campaigns that you see that you

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want to support, but really amping up your charity for the sake of

00:19:43 --> 00:19:46

Allah subhana wa Tada. So that's, you know, empathy. And there's,

00:19:46 --> 00:19:48

again, so many, so much more we can say about all of these

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qualities. But the last one, the last quality of emotional

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intelligence is social skills. And that's the other incredible thing

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is that again, when you look

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At the month of Ramadan, we really do have an opportunity to, to

00:20:04 --> 00:20:09

maximize our growth in all of these five qualities because

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social skills are something that as I mentioned before, we are Dean

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that is the dean of Gemma we we do, you know, encourage being

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social, obviously to everybody's, you know, ability, but we come

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together for prayer we come together for to break our fast we

00:20:25 --> 00:20:28

should anyway, we do a lot of things together, we're fasting

00:20:28 --> 00:20:33

together. So the idea of developing those social skills is

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really important as well. I know, during COVID, for example, it's

00:20:37 --> 00:20:40

been researched as well, that the mask served as a barrier for a lot

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of people. And it's been a little awkward, right? Coming out of

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that, you know, that. That state of just not really having very

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limited contact with people not really talking much to suddenly

00:20:51 --> 00:20:55

being back into your community. It's hard for some people,

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especially if their temperament is more introverted, but we do have

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to remember that, you know, the prophets I said, I'm in the most

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difficult times was always accessible, and he was always

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smiling. It was, you know, so many descriptions of him always

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describe him as having the most cheerful disposition, welcoming,

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warm, giving the sounds we know, of course, it's sunnah. Replying

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is foreign, just knowing these basic rules about you know, when

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you're with in gatherings, for example, you know, if you're in a

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pair, you don't talk secretly, or in a language that a third person

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or other people would know, around you, you don't want to exclude

00:21:35 --> 00:21:41

people. So anything that that, you know, reminds us to not be to be

00:21:41 --> 00:21:45

responsible when we're in social settings, is really important. And

00:21:45 --> 00:21:47

everybody has to again, look at where the area that they need to

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work on. But it's something that is easily managed, if you're just

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again, reading the Sunnah, and really internalizing his way and

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starting to adopt this attitude, that everything that I do that is

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in conflict with the way of the messenger of allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is not good enough. And I need to undo that

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and adopt his way. Because this is how, you know, I mean, it's just a

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fact that if you want to be a better human being, then the only

00:22:18 --> 00:22:22

path to do that is to follow his way. And so really accepting that

00:22:22 --> 00:22:26

and, and working on that in the month of Ramadan in all of these

00:22:26 --> 00:22:29

areas, right. So and have the letters, again, so much to say

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about motional intelligence, I definitely encourage all of us to

00:22:34 --> 00:22:37

know about this framework to understand it. And if you have

00:22:37 --> 00:22:42

young children, even as young as preteens, or adolescents, I teach

00:22:42 --> 00:22:46

these classes to that demographic for a reason, because it's a tool,

00:22:46 --> 00:22:49

this is a skill set. And the earlier they can learn it and

00:22:49 --> 00:22:52

develop it, the better it will be for them in every area of their

00:22:52 --> 00:22:57

life. Because again, it helps them to really appreciate the value of

00:22:57 --> 00:23:01

our deen and the prophesies in this example, because all of these

00:23:01 --> 00:23:05

beautiful wisdoms were were given to us centuries ago, by way of his

00:23:06 --> 00:23:10

teachings and so Hamdulillah you know, I encourage everyone to look

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into this, I encourage everyone to inshallah really work on managing

00:23:15 --> 00:23:19

themselves and in this month, because this is really what

00:23:19 --> 00:23:24

Ramadan is about. And on that note, I wanted to actually share

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for those of you who may have this the book purification of the

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heart, one of the appendices in the, in the in the, at the end of

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the book is actually entirely on Ramadan. And it's a it's an

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excellent, there's an excellent section here that I really think

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everybody should read. It's a few pages but there's a part here that

00:23:45 --> 00:23:48

I wanted to just read for all of you Inshallah, so

00:23:50 --> 00:23:50


00:23:52 --> 00:23:57

the Lord to lower the believer into doubt is Satan's game. To

00:23:57 --> 00:24:01

protect oneself from this is a personal responsibility. We are

00:24:01 --> 00:24:05

explicitly told that Satan's Guile is weak, and that he has no

00:24:05 --> 00:24:09

authority except over those who choose to make themselves

00:24:09 --> 00:24:13

vulnerable, and who are diluted, so to shield against Satan's

00:24:13 --> 00:24:19

whisperings, one must guard one's creed and sound, belief and shun

00:24:19 --> 00:24:23

shady devices. This entails confirming one's worship with the

00:24:23 --> 00:24:27

Sunnah, or established practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

00:24:27 --> 00:24:31

wasallam. It requires deepening one's knowledge in Islam and its

00:24:31 --> 00:24:36

various sciences. If Satan sees that he cannot assail one in

00:24:36 --> 00:24:41

matters of creed and belief. He then comes through the door of

00:24:41 --> 00:24:46

shalhevet lust and desire. Our desires are integral parts of

00:24:46 --> 00:24:51

normal creation and function, but when they evolve into masters that

00:24:51 --> 00:24:56

we consciously or unconsciously serve, this is a problem that can

00:24:56 --> 00:24:59

become severe enough to drag us outside the fold of guidance.

00:25:00 --> 00:25:03

For Satan the store can be lucrative, especially with

00:25:03 --> 00:25:07

consumers of media, who receive a steady stream of messages that

00:25:07 --> 00:25:12

make le sensuousness and excessiveness appear normal. The

00:25:12 --> 00:25:14

Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his companions to be

00:25:14 --> 00:25:20

wary of Satan and his designs for he flows in man's veins. Just as

00:25:20 --> 00:25:24

alcohol flows in the blood delivering its debilitating

00:25:24 --> 00:25:28

effects to the brain, liver and other organs, so to do Satan's

00:25:28 --> 00:25:32

machinations and enticements. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

00:25:32 --> 00:25:37

sallam said that fasting is half of patience, and patience is a

00:25:37 --> 00:25:41

quality indispensable for a successful life and afterlife.

00:25:41 --> 00:25:46

Satan traffics impatience and despair, while fasting exposes the

00:25:46 --> 00:25:51

folly of both the scholars of spiritual purification and advise

00:25:51 --> 00:25:56

this Be patient with regard to food, which is the primary urge

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and with regard to *, which is the secondary urge, conquer these

00:26:00 --> 00:26:03

to the rest becomes easy. There is another Hadith stating that

00:26:03 --> 00:26:08

patience is half of Amen. So fasting is a quarter of Eman.

00:26:09 --> 00:26:12

There is yet another Hadith stating that God, the Exalted

00:26:12 --> 00:26:17

multiplies the reward for a good action tend to 700 times except

00:26:17 --> 00:26:23

for fasting. Fasting is my own and I shall reward it, which indicates

00:26:23 --> 00:26:28

the enormity of the reward for proper fasting. God says, Those

00:26:28 --> 00:26:31

who are patients shall be rewarded without measure. In chapter 39

00:26:31 --> 00:26:37

Verse 10, fasting and patients are deeply rooted patients to is an

00:26:37 --> 00:26:41

important key to the opening of favours from God hamdulillah and

00:26:41 --> 00:26:44

there's so much more in this amazing chapter on Ramadan. So I

00:26:44 --> 00:26:47

advise everyone who has the book, purification of the heart by

00:26:47 --> 00:26:51

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf to please read that section as a good review. In

00:26:51 --> 00:26:56

preparation for this month. May Allah subhana wa Tada again enable

00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

all of us and gift all of us and bless all of us with the ability

00:26:59 --> 00:27:03

to witness the coming of this blessed month of Ramadan in sha

00:27:03 --> 00:27:06

Allah Allah Allah but it will not Ramadan, Aloma banana Ramadan

00:27:06 --> 00:27:09

Allahumma Bonilla Ramadan mela is planning to give us the best

00:27:09 --> 00:27:12

Ramadan of our lives. May He accept our fast our prayers, our

00:27:12 --> 00:27:17

doors, our charity or Likud our recitation of the Quran when he

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

fortify our hearts and our faith. May He give us conviction in our

00:27:21 --> 00:27:26

faith and may we may he guide our children and give them strength in

00:27:26 --> 00:27:30

their identity as Muslims and inshallah bring Sakina and

00:27:30 --> 00:27:34

blessing to our homes. I mean, your anatomy and I mean the

00:27:34 --> 00:27:37

anatomy does that come well. Hainan was set on wanting to heal

00:27:37 --> 00:27:38

but again

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