Hatem al-Haj – Manazil as-Sa’ireen #45 – Chapter on Pietistic Heroism

Hatem al-Haj
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning behind various phrases in the context of "fit in the heart of the footnote," "fit in the heart of the footnote," and "fit in the heart of the footnote." They also discuss cultural qualities and historical significance of "flateness" and " pestourcing," the use of "oppressed" words to describe "flateness" and " pestourcing," and the concept of "by default" in various cultures. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding distraction and finding evidence to convince oneself of one's success.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm about to proceed.

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Today inshallah we will talk about it fatawa.

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And we will talk about those exempts from fasting, and makeup and expiation, and the focus session.

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Firstly, on how are we

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set in Babel fatawa chapter and fatawa,

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piety, artistic heroism,

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and I chose pantheistic heroism here, although it is extremely difficult to translate it fatawa

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and why is it difficult to translate it for the world, often times we feel, oftentimes we attribute the difficulty of translation

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to something of like something like, you know, English is

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sort of incapable of accommodating such means or conveying such means, which which may not be true.

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Because it may also be that the terminology itself developed meanings

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within the Muslim culture, that we're not inherent to that to the to the word itself, there are meanings that become sort of

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implied in certain mostella heart and certain terminologies that are not really inherent to the word. So the word acquire those meanings because of practice, because of practice, and because of historical developments. And the science of etymology, is is a very interesting science. And you could actually learn a lot about concepts

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from the science of etymology and how words originated and developed. And we will talk about the analogy of this word that fatawa

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shortly in Sharla, because it is extremely important for our understanding, you know, if you look at the footnotes and document I sent on fatawa, you will find that most of the footnotes, or the biggest footnote is just about the etymology of the word fatawa, because it is most pertinent here.

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And we will come back to say why it is most pertinent here. So here, let's say that if we do we're literally until we come back to it and explain a little bit more than say that to what literally means young manliness

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Fattah young man fatawa young manliness, and then let us say that I chose by artistic heroism for different reasons, but chivalry have been used and could be used. gallantry gallantry, could be used.

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Their their vigor, I entertained using the word vigor, spiritual vigor,

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because it could be used as well. There are many words that could be used to translate photo words. So we will come back to this discussion. But first amendment, how are we Rahim? Allah said,

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Allah was the gentleman who in Vietnam and obey Him was it in a home would allow mighty seven D they were youth who believed in their Lord and we increased them and guidance.

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So they were young men who believed in their Lord, and we increase them and guidance. So how is this related to the topic of it fatawa?

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How does this convey the meanings of fatawa? You will find that Alabama

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as we

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said before, even harder we use really starts with an idea from the Qur'an.

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the relevance of this idea to the topic is sometimes subtle and sometimes apparent, sometimes obvious, sometimes less obvious. And the relevancy here may be somewhat subtle, because the word

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fit in the home 50 at an MnO but a babe

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does not really confer any praise or this praise is not used to praise or this praise them. It is just used here to describe an age group.

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But you could also say that it is being used in a positive context. And it may radiate this positivity. And we will come back and talk about how is it inherently positive within the context of pre Islamic Arabia to use the word fetta.

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Panos and he has got a homeopath Oh, Ibrahim, when they said, you know, when they were asking about who who destroyed the idols, they said we heard a fatter, young man mentioning them, or threatening them. His name is Ibrahim here in Vietnam no problem was in no mood indeed, they were young men who believe that their Lord had increased them and guidances is also being used in a positive context and that is being used to refer to as hobbit gaff,

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the people of the cave

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or the winners of the cave

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and they were believers.

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And it was also used the panelists at any dollar with automatic hardingham toes also use the Torah to use if about the the boys or the young man who were use of assistance. Allah is Allah the assistance of use of Allah is Allah. He said he gave them a you know, some instructions to put there the belongings

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you know, the or the commodities the his brothers came with, to put them back in their luggage so that they may recognize them when they go back, so that they could come back and so on. But, here when you said when when, when a when it was used in this context, the positivity is not obvious. Maybe the positivity is obvious when it is referring to Ibrahim monitors referring to as hobbit gaff, but here with Youssef, it is just you know carnality and he said his young man or boys

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and it is being clearly used here to describe an age group.

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So in emammal, how do we hear goes on to say nuke title photo was knocked out would be the crux or the heart of the matter, look to the future where the heart of footwear and let us have a like a one one uttara like a haka, where he Allah Salah zebra Raja, the heart of footwear is that you do not perceive in yourself any advantage or entitlement, the heart of the two ways that you do not consider yourself to have any virtue over anyone else. You don't perceive in yourself any advantage or any entitlement, you know, your your intelligence, yours.

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your strengths, your wealth, your smartness, handsomeness whatever, you don't perceive in yourself any advantage, any virtue, any value, additional value, extra value over anyone else. And you don't see any entitlement, you don't think that you're entitled to anything.

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this is why I wanted to defer the discussion on the etymology of Toba until we get to that point, why, because you may very well say, you know, this is somewhat redundant. Because, you know, that whatever will be mentioned here, under the chapter fotoware, will be mentioned elsewhere, will be mentioned elsewhere, under chapters of access under the chapters of, you know, pavada, humbleness or kindness, or imperfection, and so on.

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So, when these two were about,

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yes, all of the things that we've been dealing with that will be mentioned here, they will be mentioned under different chapters and different stations, but it is about the angle. It's about the perspective. So four to one is addressing all of those common advocates and common qualities to different stations, from the angle of photo work. This is the, you know, the angle of strengths and energy. Because think about it, it is about the age group of young men. So it is about people who are, you know, a little bit older than boys and younger than

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cuckooland see you. So it's about the age, this age group.

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What are the natural characteristics of this age group strength and energy

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strength energy zeal.

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So, let us go back to the etymology now, of fatawa. So, for two has not been really mentioned in the parameter setting or Elahi

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in the context of praise or this praise overall you may say that it has been used

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positively in the Quran and the Sunnah.

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But it does not really it does not really carry any more value the word itself and it has not been used the By the way, it has not been reintroduced by the way by the Quran and the Sunnah as a an Islamic concept has not been reintroduced, but the where the Salah

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existed before the per aaronson or not be existed before Islam Allah existed, it has been sort of redefined when you hear Salah now what comes to your mind

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that's the Salah that we that we offer here in the mustard. When you hear the word there's a cap now what comes to your mind

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you know, specific, a specific a bad that was specific regulations and so on. When you hear the word Psalm, what comes all of those words have been redefined by the law reintroduced by the way as Islamic concept. Therefore, it is very easy for us to relate to their new meanings, because they have been established now.

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But they all existed before I slam

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the word fatawa also existed before

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but it has not really been redefined the By the way, it has not been reintroduced, by the way it has not been sort of calibrate in any different way. By the way.

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Sometimes it was mentioned and this is all the time it still it is still being mentioned to refer to an age group and instead of being mentioned in the way to refer to an age group. So how come

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it became a concept. How could it have become a concept when in the revelation in the friendzone it is not a concept it is just

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like a name for the age group.

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Before Islam,

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the word fetta which means young man, that not only mean the age group, sometimes they would use the word the factor to refer to the idea factor to the idea the younger man, they would say he is alfetta V, young man or fat and dying man have them met which means here like a superlative from young man. So it means that the ideal young man, the ideal young man, within the context of the tribal society of Arabia would have

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would have many qualities will have many qualities that they value, but particularly at the heart of the qualities they valued. Were three most important qualities that will define you as the ideal younger man or that fetter.

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Courage, generosity, and allegiance. And these were extremely important to their society. The ethos of the Arab society was courage and generosity. You have to be courageous, you have to be generous and allegiance to your tribe allegiance to your clan was extremely essential. So you would not be the right factor for the tribe, you will not be the right product.

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Unless you are loyal to your tribe. You're courageous so that you could defend the tribe and you are generous, so that you could bring about good reputation to the tribe. Like Hatton authority, for instance.

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The the accomplishment of having apply for a tie or his tribe, was that he was described as the most generous man in Arabia. Does that make the tribe proud? Absolutely. So these are the three ones courage, generosity, and allegiance. The moral qualities, but the natural qualities of youth

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would be energy and space.

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Sometimes the word the factor in pre Islamic Arabia use the imply things that are not islamically praiseworthy, like extravagance and binge drinking and you know, because to them alfetta would also be involved in this stuff. You know, in fact I would also be extravagance will also be flashy, you know, would also be will, there is no problem and vengeance drinking for them. So, in fact, I was also someone who may be involved in these vices, so, not necessarily always virtues. Okay, so then we fast forward

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this used to be the context in which they use the word Fattah and from which the verbal noun photo word comes, you know, so,

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when Islam came, like I said in the revelation, maybe it was used in a positive context overall, but it was just used to refer to the age group. The first person even came Rahim Allah in my data set again says that the first person who

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try to introduce the photo word as a an Islamic concept, but or that we could trace it back to him, trace it back to him. Now that he's the first person to introduce it because apparently that he was involved in a discussion with another man shafiqul Buckley, who came to him and asked him what is it for to when your definition or invent jofra Mohammed that is bizarre for Assad? abnormal Baka Ignalina is a liability in

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imminent sign of gnarly I've never thought about the 1111 was my so.

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So Jennifer

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Rolando said to set to him, how do you define it? You're asking me about it too. But let me ask you first how do you define and he said M is our Tina ceccato is a Mona Lisa Barna, we if we were giving some if we were, you know,

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given favors or something, then we would be thankful. But we were if we are deprived, we show patience.

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Or if

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when when Allah subhanaw taala if we were deprived or something gets with all withheld from us, then we show patience. And then Jaffa Mohammed said to him, that's what dogs do in Medina.

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You know, dogs are also thankful when you give them something and they are patient when you withhold it or when you don't give them some and then he redefined fatawa for him.

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And then he said to him in Athena Asana, if we were given something, then we would favor others with it. We would not just be grateful, but in Athena Athena

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jafra Muhammad himself and I will come back to Java and ohama because Java you know, Java, Java server ragamala

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showed like an ideal

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example of photo.

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But then, Jennifer saavik Rahim Allah,

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this discussion, the Java saavik Rahim Allah had,

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did not seem to we did not seem to this point, to think of tau as a code of conduct. It's just a concept. And they were probably trying at the time, those earlier scholars, they were trying and at that time, just, you know, influenced by the position of fatawa praiseworthy position of photovoice in the pre Islamic Arab culture, which was still there all over the place, it's still there in the air, pre Islamic Arab culture. So they tried now to reintroduce it islamically

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they tried now to reintroduce islamically any what use what you sense in the reintroduction repackaging of the concept of fatawa is that they wanted to shift it from this physical energy and strength to spiritual energy and strength is strength, because that is what Islam came to do. You know, Islam came to remind us that we are spiritual beings in physical with

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Within a physical form, but we are primarily and essentially spiritual beings. So that is the basically the, the attempt of the scholars, the earliest scholars of Islam when they tried to reintroduce it for talk to us redefine and photo for us using drawing on the inherent positivity in the word that from pre Islamic Arabia, but recognizing that also in pre Islamic Arabia the word that they have

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suboptimal implications and connotations sometimes, you know, evil ones, so they wanted to reintroduce it. When came up the rock minister Lamia Rahim Allah is the first one to author a book on influence. Above the rock minister Lamia Rahim Allah was the first one to author a book on the concept of a photo word. Now if we do well, by this time, this is fifth century, talking about jofra sadhak Rahim Allah, we're talking about when we were talking about we when we are talking about chakras, Allah, we're talking about in the first, you know, at the beginning of second

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centuries, when we're talking about above the administer LeMay, we're talking about in the forest, beginning of fifth century. So by the end of the fourth beginning of fifth century, now the minister Lemmy is writing a book called the fatawa. This is a synthetic concept. The revelation did not necessarily talk about alpha tau. But about the romanticism era, Himalayan I was writing a whole book

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about and fatawa. And what he tried to do, and this book is basically to introduce the fatawa as a complete code of conduct for the strongest believers, spiritually.

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So where did he bring proofs from? If you look if you read his book, and it is a very nice book, it is full of

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proofs, all traceable to the Prophet all the way with chains of narrations because he wanted to remind people in his time of the importance of the change of narration, so he was always using a generation going from him all the way to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to say that we're not making this up. We're not concocted concocting a new thing. We're not making things up. But again, at the same time, he's using Ayana hobbies to talk about Islamic versions and Islamic advocates that have not been called photo by allowing the messenger all good Islamic advocates basically, you know, proper way of dealing with a law proper way of dealing with a creation that is what keytab fatawa or

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this book on fatawa Romanus lemmie Rahim Allah was about. So, but we sense from this, that by the time of above the rock minister LeMay this concept has grown to be in a complete code of conduct, like the code of chivalry for instance.

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So, then, what happened? Certainly, the the scholars of proper proper, the scholars of early proper, certainly, facade Wolf,

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they had an enormous the they have

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all always emphasize the importance of authenticity, the importance of

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tracking or tracing all practices back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but then like all good concepts are they are not left alone by the people. So after words, photo was started to become used in different contexts. Like, for instance, militias were called, you know, fraternities, professional unions or professional guilds.

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used the concert so and it became it became associated with peril paramilitary organizations and professional guilds, different fraternities, they added to it different concoctions like in order for you to be inducted into this footwear or initiated into the

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you know that

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track or that pathway,

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or Rita, then you will have to wear pants, you know, and you will have to be gay, you will have to have an initiation for you and select fraternities, almost, you know, and it tells you that a lot of this stuff has to do with human need for a sense of belonging and distinction and, you know, all of the forms and all of the ritualism and symbolism, not limited to religion, you know, look at the fraternities and what they do all of the ritualism and symbolism, because the ritual doesn't and so the symbolism just gives basically value and distinction to certain practices. So, after this concept has, you know, after, you know, the early masters or proper sonita sort of introduced this

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concept pride to the redefined photo we're trying to reintroduce a tried to emphasize the spiritual aspect and that we're not talking now about physical strength and, and energy, we're talking about the spiritual strength and energy, the spiritual vigor, we're talking about the values of courage, you know, generosity and the legions from an Islamic perspective.

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Then photo was used for these many other purposes. Now, at that at one point in our Nasr the Dini law was

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halifa Bessie and that is when politics comes, you know, politics comes into the picture. And then lastly, Dini law has

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halifa bassy in the beginning of the seventh century under the threat of the Mongols from the east and the Crusaders from the west. He wanted to use that concept of it with the help of Saturday Rahim Allah Who is the good one not she had the dean Omar Abu Mohammed somewhere they use a good scholar with solicited his help to use the concept of photo where as a code of conduct for paramilitary organizations that will protect that he left and and lastly de la Rahim Allah became part of this organization and then this organization started to basically promote

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the futo as a code of conduct and promote the innovated ritualism that wearing the pants getting this drain which was water salt saltwater

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water with salt in it and drinking it in a certain way.

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You add the you know the influence of politics to this and that becomes a huge thing you know, for what became a huge thing

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and then people look for validation, you know, so you can talk to those rituals. You're looking now for validation so they can cut it chains of transmission all the way up to Alibaba. Vitaly going through a Nasir Medina la you know but going all the way up to Olive maybe thought of that chain is just Muslim is just dark it hasn't it is full of major healed people who are not known or recognized at all. But certainly you want to figure out a way to validate your practices so they can talk to that chain of transmission and then they started to add things you know, and now the the pants that you wear for this initiation

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were the discussion concept come from it came from not even every thought okay.

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But then it was not enough for some people. The parents actually were some people said that the pants were sent down from the heavens

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in a box and

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then the professors are more than and then the professor Sutherland was the first one to basically hand them over a thought even though he thought it to where at initially a big story was created.

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You have any other mechanisms on alikoum diversity Why do you so article militia would invest with duck with article five they use this idea to say oh Children of Adam we had sent down for you

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garments to cover your nakedness.

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They said that this is the garment that was sent down the pants have to

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but at any rate, so you will find that at one point it became

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Feeling a big issue and then it just had all of these things added to it. So remember the Tamia Rahim Allah was asked about fatawa.

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And it is amazing, most quoted and most misquoted and least understood person in the mountain Miramar, Los Angeles LA. So people were when people quote him on this issue, the entities that you know the the misquoting is huge. So people say that he condemned it, no, he did not condemn it. He recognized the pure beginnings and he recognized the virtues but he condemned the additions, the innovations, and all of those practices that have no validation whatsoever in the Qur'an or something that is what he condemned, but he recognized the whatever virtues they they, he said clear, the whatever versus the invite that people do, these are good virtues. And they are

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established in the Quran and the Sunnah, whatever innovations they provide, they invite the people to these are bad innovations that are not to be condoned, and not to be practiced.

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And, and, and the The problem is, when he did things of this nature, people said that he was like, against the tradition, opposed to the tradition, when he is opposed, he is trying to protect that tradition, from interpretation, from innovations from additions that do not belong to the tradition, I would not call this be an anti tradition. And I would call this be pro tradition, because I want I want to protect the tradition from these innovations.

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Anyway, and and it's just like, it's, you know, it's so amazing, particularly when you hear this, like the, when you hear this accusation that he was against the tradition, I don't know where this is coming from, when he is clearly when it comes even when it comes to the form of vibe, he is clearly the one who sat who said, lack habit happily afterwards men, that the truth almost never diverges from the former, except in a few matters, that they disagreed over and that he was not the first one to say this. And it is clearly obvious that the agreement of four scholars would not count as a bona fide consensus, because the definition of consensus does not really apply to the agreement

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of forest scholars, despite their enormous weight, caliber and value and our tradition.

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So, now fotoware became you know, tainted with those innovations.

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But certainly the concept itself is a valid concept

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for to what devolved in certain societies like in Egypt, for instance, if you ask people about fatawa photo, what is a name is a noun used for that balclutha the thugs in different is Mataji in Egypt, or both today in Egypt or behind Syria,

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you must have heard these words. So, for two and Egypt is used to refer to those thugs who used to be violent and intimidate entire neighborhoods and influence great sort of authority over entire neighborhoods.

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But they would still act chivalrous sometimes, and that that is what was left for to weigh in them, they would protect the women of the neighborhood, they were you know, they would actually have a resonance, but in any

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gang culture. People still act However, sometimes they will protect their women the right just because human beings do not like to be to think of themselves as evil. So they have to throw into the mix. Some civil chivalrous qualities, they say that to not see themselves as pure evil.

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Okay, but the counts, devolved into this and yet what shape here is referring to the concept that a chef is referring to is this valid concept of spritual energy and strength, spiritual vigor. That is how we borrow those implications from young manliness. Young manliness was about physical strength and energy. We borrowed those concepts and now we are referring to spiritual energy and strength and vigor as spiritual food over spiritual

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photo. The main qualities and that spiritual photo were the two more legs of the spiritual photo would be courage and generosity at the end of the day it is excellent. It is to be good to people and to favor people over yourself. The one example I would give you here also goes back all the way to Jennifer Abner Muhammad Rahim Allah tala Darfur, Assad Rahim Allah tala or the other one.

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The one example here is when Jaffa started was at Aqaba. And someone

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was having a nap and woke up and saw that his him in his belt was stolen. And it had 1000 dinars. And then he grabbed the jar for a slob. So first of all, he didn't know him. He just grabbed jofra solid First, the one that was next to him. And he accused them of stealing his belt with a 1000 dinars. So what did

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he do?

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He took him home. And he gave him the 1000 dinars.

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And he asked you know, you, you know, the narration does not say it, but they're probably asked him to forgive him that the belt is is now gone. But he did not defend themselves. He did not say he didn't steal it. He said what are you missing the 1000 dinars. Here is the 1000 dinars.

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And then the man found that he man found the belt and found the 1000 dinars, went back to Joshua Saba, and apologized to him and wanted to give him back his money and Jaffa, Sava said

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he said that this is something I gave up for a law

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and I wouldn't take it back.

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And he refused adamantly refuse to take it back.

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So what's what what did he exhibit here jofra saw that what did he exhibit alpha tau,

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it is the spiritual strength and vigor and spiritual energy vigorous strength when the man when he felt that the man is distressed, because he lost, you know, someone who came to Hodge maybe he came from Afghanistan or Morocco or someplace far away.

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And this is all the money he has Can Can you imagine how distressed he would be in this case, to lose all the money that you have? He came to hot from 2000 miles away or you know, maybe less 500 miles away and then you lost all of your money and you woke up and you found guilty imagine the shock that the stress that this man was suffering from?

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Certainly, so, Jaffa sabich said it to himself here

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Why should they cause more distress by defending myself actually, I should comfort him you know, by even passively echnology that I may have taken the money.

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So that he gets this sort of immediate comfort.

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And, and that's it. So, he said I am up to it, he said to himself, I am up to it, I can do this, I should be able to do this that is fatawa at this photo,

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if you want and if you want to use this in our times, it is basically drawing from your psychological reserve to comfort other people

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then I say you are the head of the household, you know, and you were told that

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you were you know, that you got laid off or you're getting laid off or something of that nature and you go back home and instead of venting out to comfort yourself and instead of you know talking to your wife to just so that she may comfort you, you say to yourself No I will not tell her because that may distress her

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or vice versa if she had bad news and actually the best example on this was was the example of a Sahabi female companion companion

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you know a story when her son died and yeah.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:54

So here you say to yourself, no, I am off to it. You know I can handle this alone without causing distress to him or her. I can handle this and that is alpha two and that is what Jaffa

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Jaffa saw the crime Allah tala exhibited in

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In that incident

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is photowalk clear.

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Okay, now we'll just read what does he accept because all of it well over in a lab with other stations.

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She accepted that as an auditor kusuma the first level, refraining from disputation, except when this disputation is for the sake of Allah, as you know, the prophet SAW Selim never this, you know, argued with anyone never disagree with anyone except when it was for the sake of love and he would certainly defend the rights of Allah. What takaful on is Allah ignoring the slips of others, ignoring the snips of other this concept of Hartford when the sister said last time that you know, what do you do if you're being taken advantage of and I told her, let them let them take advantage of you. It's the concept of

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just just okay ignore it. This is not the embolden bad people are evil people you do not embolden evil people as a society the society that will allow evil people to transgress and oppress others is a society that will not be glorified by law, but oftentimes in interpersonal relationships.

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There There is a huge need for takaful ignore overlook turning the blind eye look the other way you know, I did not see it, your son does something that is irritating. You look the other way I did not see takaful is is important for your own sanity before anyone else's, when you see NFV for getting the harm, not only to forgive, but to forget

00:41:45 --> 00:42:16

about a data center. So here is the this data is when with show and photo with the people Jafar Mohammed this example you know take the 1000 dinars you know I can handle this I will not cause you more distress. This is the example that you want to remember that it's funny the second level had to carry by money or seek to bring closer those who push you away. Were to crema money the to show generosity to those who hurt you.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:58

Matata zerah illa many attorney I like to apologize to those who wronged you. The first two are clear and to carry by many of seek to bring closer those who push you away as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to our partner I'ma sell Mankato, joy in those reach out to those who cut you off. You know what, to crema menu z to show generosity to those who hurt you, as the profits are seldom said to up above. Now I met with Artie Manhattan, and give to those who withhold from you who are miserly with you.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:08

What are but what are the raw 11 year journey? I'd like to apologize to those who wronged you How could you apologize to someone who wronged you

00:43:10 --> 00:43:23

to apologize to them here. It is an acknowledge you're acknowledging or it's an acknowledgement of the fact that Holocaust them to wrong view because you're probably deserved it

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you're likely deserved.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:30

So you're apologizing to them that my earlier sin.

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My earlier sin made me deserving of your transgressions. So your transfiguration is a byproduct of my earlier sin. So I must have sinned against the law or against someone even 20 years ago, 40 years ago, and I am now seeing

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you know, if your kids are treating you in a certain way that is undesirable. Think about something that you have may have done to your parents. Think about one day that you may have yelled at one of your parents or you have raised your voice while talking to one of your parents. And then say to yourself, I deserve it. And you could even go to your kid and tell him I'm sorry, it seems that I have done this, I have caused this to happen to me.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:30

And in some way I have caused you to be tested

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by this transgression. This is not to absolve the guilty of guilt. But this is to recognize the root cause, that you may be the root cause

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you're likely the root cause most of the time. There are very few times when we talk about an MBA and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam being harmed by you know

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the the fire of Christ or somebody

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

You know, clearly this will not apply to this example. But most of the time for most of us, and most of the time,

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you're being transgressed because you were at one point, a trans aggressor.

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Or you have heard that one point or you have seen that one point against the law or the people. So, then you say to yourself that this other, this was my father, and his father, because of my earlier mistake, and then if you go and apologize to them, and and and tell them why you're apologizing, I think they'll be surprised. And this may sort of stimulate them, or provoke them to reflect on their own condition. And to recognize that this Cindy committed today will come back and hurt

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at one point in the future, unless they truly, truly,

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truly, truly repent. And in this way, you would have acknowledged your sin

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and showed shown remorse, and you will have also encouraged them to repent from their sin.

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And then this shift said, you do all of this, you bring closer to you, those who push you away you give to those who deprive you, and you apologize to those who wronged us and Manhattan locked us out of clemency, not mere restraint,

00:46:32 --> 00:46:48

when no other than Rama, sabara and out of compassion, not mere endurance, of clemency. not mere restraint and out of compassion, not mere endurance. It's not like I will tolerate you

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is you know I care for you. Hi You know I want the best for you. It is that my compassion towards you that is preventing you preventing me from

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talking back or from venting myself in any way.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:30

That then the second set of data to 33 a lotta a lot of sad belly. The third level is to not make your journey contingent on proves your march to Allah should not wait until you receive proofs until you receive proofs he likes. someone sends you an invitation, someone important, famous, popular, sends you an invitation. You don't interrogate the messenger.

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You don't wait for him you don't wait to march to Allah subhanaw taala until he is received proves

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he will come back and explain this a little bit more.

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He said what a shoe but He better

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be able to not change your responsiveness with the desire of compensation. He respond to Allah without the desire of compensation out of compliance, conformity out of love out of recognition that he created me He made me He brought me here he is deserving of my obedience and my responsiveness.

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And then he said finally what are attractive official who dhikala right to not observe any forms in your shoot in your witnessing of Allah all forms will disappear. Because the light of his appearance or has generally will dissipate all forms from your site, including the darkest of all forms which is

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your neffs your ego the darkest medium that obstructs your vision that is your heart visit your insight is your enough's and allows the light of his the jelly or appearance should dissipate and this made that darkness. Then he said while I'm in an aqua Gerardo illa sefaira while I'm here while I'm here, gentlemen and mazara de la mia Shama I

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know that one who causes his enemy to seek of intercession and intercession and is not too shy to listen to his apologies has nothing to do with footwork. If you can handle listening to someone's policy, you have no claim to Fotolia whatsoever. You should be too shy to listen to someone apologizing to you. You should hasten to accept their apology before they speak. You should hasten to amend the rift between you before they come the seek intercession before they look for someone to intercede between you and then you should be willing to forgive and forget and move on. If you want to be a fatter or a fatter iron man or a woman

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you know spiritually young meaning having

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Keep keep in mind when they use the data afterwards in Islam, because of this emphasis on the spiritual aspect, it was not limited to one age group. So you could say this is someone who's 60. He's a real fetter, meaning that he has the spiritual vigor.

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Yes. And then he said, we're here in milho, Suzman, Taliban rural happy Kala Potter, Mr. Lamb Yeah, hello Allah who are our alphabet, what evidence

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and in the knowledge of the elites, the one who seeks the light of truth through reasoning

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is not entitled to the claim of fotoware if you seek the light of truth mantella Bernardo Hakata minister, let me slow down for whatever. If you seek the light of truth, you know, through reasoning, you will never be entitled to fatawa if at the elementary, you know, the necessary knowledge, necessary recognition, requires of you to listen to arguments about the ontological, you know, evidence on the existence of God, the teleological evidence on the existence of God, the cosmological evidence on the existence of God, if you're really doing this to find,

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to figure out that the God exists that is not in any way shape or form

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futo that is not spiritual, vigorous zeal, spiritual vigor or strength whatsoever, because the existence of God is the ultimate Rory, he is the proof on the on everything else, he is the delete everything else, he is the proof on everything else. Your mere existence says that there is a maker that there is that God brought you here. So people who.

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And this is not to say that we do not need

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we do not need those proofs for for those who need them. We're talking about football, we're here. We're not talking about sitting down with someone who is skeptic or someone who is on the verge or someone who's not Muslim, and someone who's, who's atheist, and just trying to prove to construct an argument to convince them. No, we're not saying this is we're saying if that is if you really need to listen to these arguments to recognize the existence and greatness and glory of God, then you do not

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belong to the station of fatawa you don't have that spiritual vigor or strength and you should not claim it. And we'll stop here and then we'll take seven minutes off

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for like a break and then come back for because we need to we need the whole 16 minutes to finish. What we will discuss in fact inshallah could probably have I was thinking about it.

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