Hasib Noor – Jesus – Son of Mary

Hasib Noor
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Islam as a continuation of the same message of God and submission to the church's actions. They also discuss the holy spirit and the holy Bible's support for Jesus' actions and his supposed role in spreading false and corruption. The discussion also touches on Jesus Himself's stance on the holy spirit and the church's stance on the holy Bible. Finally, the speakers recommend a book on biblical figures and encourage listeners to receive His mercy and blessings.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is in fact what Muslims believe. We believe that Islam was the faith sent from God, the Creator to all of humanity through the prophets, since the descent of Adam, to Earth, so Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and all of these prophets and messengers that came with messages from this creator, they were all representing one faith. And that faith is the faith of submitting to the will of God, and the faith of believing in one creator. And we believe that faith to be called Islam, and we'll find out what that means. So we believe in fact, Islam is not a separation, but a continuation of the same faith that God sent to Adam all the way through the prophets and messengers. And that's

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something very important to understand, in this entire discussion, for you to keep in mind that we don't believe Islam to be a separation. We believe Islam to be the continuation of the messages of the prophets and messengers. So Muslims believe God sent this faith to humanity. And they believe, or we believe that this faith in turn was corrupted by the hands of man throughout time, and that was the need for this God and Creator, to send subsequent prophets and messengers thereafter. So when that message was corrupted by one group of people, God sent a prophet and messenger with another message, until that was corrupted, again, so on and so forth. So Islam teaches us that God

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delivered the same message to all of the prophets throughout history. And it was the message of submission to Divine Will of God, literally what Islam means. Islam means submission to Divine Will of God. It's simply the translation of what this is. This faith that God sent, in order for humanity to submit their will, to the Divine Will of the Creator is called in word in Arabic, literally Islam, to submit yourself and that is why the religion is called Islam. The followers of the earlier prophets did not accurately pass on the content of that message. And this necessary necessitated the sending of the final prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam with the perfectly preserved message of the

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Hold on. And this is beautifully worded in a recent book called The Bible, in the Quran, biblical figures in Islamic tradition, which just recently got published, we'll talk about at the end. So in any case, Muslims believe this faith that God's sent to humanity has to be preserved. It is part of the necessity of human existence, that the faith God sent to humanity has to be has to be preserved. Why? It we believe that when God created mankind, and created creation, that he didn't create them for without any reason. And therefore, when he created with reason, this shows that this creator was omnipotent, all wise, and has purpose for us. Similarly, all of you are a college and university

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students. What is the first thing that happens when you enter? In a classroom on the very first day of a semester, in class? What happens? Imagine this place is full? Okay, what happens when you're waiting? And there's a buzz about what's going to happen? Is that as a professor going to be hard is going to be easy. What's the first thing that happens on the first day?

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What happens?

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You just sit there quietly.

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What happens on the first day?

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You don't know what happens on the first day? What happens on the first day of Yes, thank you.

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you introduce yourself to 300 people?

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One by one.

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That's what you guys do here.

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That's interesting. All right. So everybody introduces themselves

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to the people around you. Okay. So after that I'm talking about when this when the class is about to start. What happens? Well, first, a professor walks in, right? The fresh rocks and takes a look at them. Okay? Is he old? Is she young? All of these kind of things. I go through people's mind. And then what do they do?

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They start the class. But what are they doing? What is the first thing that Professor does?

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He gives everyone a

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piece of paper, right? Or it might be on the internet now, because there's no more paper, we're trying to be green. In any case, they tell you to look up the syllabus, you call the syllabus, right? They call look up the syllabus, what does that syllabus say? why you're here? Why are you sitting in my class that I hand? Right? And you're like, I thought this was chemistry is like, no, this is physics get out, right?

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So everybody realizes why they're here. That's what that's what's on that piece of paper. And on that piece of paper that at the very top, it tells you what are the objectives of this class? What are you trying to reach? So in chemistry 101 you're not going to take organic thank God, right. Otherwise everybody would be destroyed.

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Because organic technically like * on earth right now, same thing is organic chemistry is very difficult. So you go before you go to organic chemistry, they tell you what the objective of chemistry 101 is, it is, in order for you to get to higher levels of chemistry. The point of that is it tells you the objective of why you're here. And it tells you the rubric of what you need to do to get an A or a B or a C, or come back next year. Right? So, what do they do, they tell you for you to get a C and pass this class, you have to at least maintain 60% attendance, you have to be here 60% of the time, or they tell you, you have to write a C paper, or whatever, you have to do these amount

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of work for you to do well enough for you to pass this class, you have to do these things. And then for you to get a B, you do these things. And then for you to get an A you have to do these things. So, they give you a rubric of what it means to pass this class. Right? Why? Because there will be no reason for me to just sit here and miss the lecture, right? To be here for no reason. You're here for a reason. There's a reason why you came to this particular class. This is the reason why you're studying. And what does the professor always say? You start with an A, so don't mess it up. Is that right? Everyone here has an A. And by the time you walk out of here, everyone has failed because you

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didn't do the first assignment, right. But the point being is, the professor usually reminds you of the rubric for you to pass the purpose of why you're in the class. Now, this is very rudimentary, you do this in every part of your life. There's a reason why you're marrying this particular person. The reason there's a reason why you have a particular job, this is an objective you're trying to reach. And similarly for you to pass and fail in anything, you're given the purpose, and the objectives in order for you to excel in that. Similarly, our life is the same way God sent creation on this earth, that if we believe in this creator, we have to believe it's a necessary requirement

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of pure human logic, that this God has to have purpose for creation.

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And that necessitates that this revelation has to be proven to come from this creator, otherwise anyone can make something up.

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And it also necessitates that this revelation is preserved, so that we know this came from God, otherwise anyone can make it up. And this necessitates that the meaning of this revelation has asked to be preserved, not just the text. All of this has to make sense. Otherwise, there's no reason to, for us to have faith. You can prove to me from God, you can prove to me that it's preserved. And you can prove to me that this is what he meant. These three things. If you can prove to me, then there's no reason for me to believe. Is that fair? It shouldn't be fair. Okay. And if it's not fair, we'll talk about it afterward. But this is the pure rational approach and understanding belief in God.

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Muslims believe that among the reasons why God sent revelation is number one, so people do not have a claim against God. God said, we believe we sent messengers as Bringers of glad tidings and Warner's so that mankind will have no argument against God, after the messengers came, and God is all exalted, mighty and all wise. Secondly, to know the truth. Imagine if you walked the entire life, and you have absolutely no certainty of why you why you existed. You look at the stars, you look at the vast amount of creation in the universe, and you have absolutely no certainty over why you're here. So God set revelation for us to know the truth. And these verses saying and this book

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we have revealed to you which is blessed, so follow it and fear God that Yours may receive His mercy, we revealed so that you do not say the scripture was only sent down to two groups before us. But we were unaware, unaware of what they studied. or less, you say, if only the scripture had been revealed to us, we would have been better guided than they, there has now come to you a clear evidence from your Lord and a guidance and mercy who is more unjust than one who denies the verses of God and turns away from them when they were given them, we will repay those who turn away from our verses with the worst of punishment for their having turned away. Number three, to have a direct

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connection with the Creator, to have a spiritual connection to having one's needs answered. And one's wants given otherwise. Humanity are very selfish people, right? humanity are very selfish people. There's a reason why you're studying. Anyone comes to me right now and tells me I'm simply studying because it feels good. Right? It feels amazing for me to be out in Leicester University and negative five degree weather because I love knowledge. You are a rarity in humanity. You are here because you want to get the Benjamins as they say, right. You want to get money. You know what the Benjamins are

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That's $100 bill in America and in case you want to get money, and that's why you're here, you want to be able to sustain yourself and be rewarded for this. And similarly, we as human beings want to be given for what we asked for from the Creator, if we believe in it. And if you don't seem to ask for anything, simply to believe in Him is something elating for you spiritually connecting for you, then you are a rarity in humanity, because the vast majority of mankind, they want things. Okay. Number four, faith is preserved through the prophets with the final prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him since the previous message in Revelation was corrupted. This is what Muslims believe. Muslims

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believe that the reason we believe in the Prophet Mohammed to begin with, is because he is the one who came with the final revelation, every revelation before that was corrupted. Therefore there was a need for a final message, pure and simple. Lastly, in order to correct the false understanding, and beliefs people had with regards to faith Prophethood and,

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and Revelation, okay. Therefore, a faith wasn't protected. If faith wasn't protected in text and meaning prophets would have been just philosophers. There was no reason for prophets and messengers. Why? Because they would have protected not only the text, the meaning would have been lost. So Islam believes, Faith has been preserved, both in text and in meaning. That's pretty much what this says, right? In any case, we're repeating ourselves just sort of just to emphasize, God sent revelation to humanity, prophets commissioned with its application, and understanding. And number three, scholars were responsible to transfer it as it was told to them, they failed to do so they change it with its

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own head with their own hands. And this led to the final revelation which we believe after the passing of Jesus peace be upon him, according to the Christian law. We don't believe Jesus passed away, you will hear that soon.

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We believe that all prophets and messengers came with one message. And that is what God says that we have certainly sent a messenger to every people saying, worship one God, and shun false deities. Among them were those whom God guided, and misguidance took hold of some others, so travelled through the earth and observe what was the fate of those who denied the truth.

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These are the same verses with regards to the believers. The messenger believes in the same belief that God sent to all of the messengers,

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the prophet peace be upon him, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and all part all the prophets. bpce was with his companions one day, and they asked him, How should we introduce you to others? How should we tell people about you? And he said, that I am the answer of the prayer of my father Abraham, and the glad tidings prophesized by Jesus to his people. And the vision of my mother, who saw that a light came from her, illuminating the palaces of Levant, Palestine and Syria. What does this mean? I am the I Am the answer to the prayer of my father Abraham, we believe that Abraham made a prayer saying, Oh Lord, sent to them a messenger from among them, who will recite to them your verses,

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teach them the book and purify them. There's no doubt you're the mighty the wise, we believe that that messenger that Abraham prayed for was the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And we believe that the Prophet peace be upon him, Mohammed, he said, I am the nearest of all people to Jesus, the son of Mary, both in this world and in the hereafter. In what sense? We believe that there was no profit between Jesus and Mohammed. Between the 600 years, there was no prophet or messenger except Muhammad after Jesus, and therefore, he was the final prophet that came after Jesus peace be upon him. Therefore, he says, I am the nearest of all to them. The prophets are eternal brothers. You

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will see why shortly. their mothers are different, but their religion is one. These are the prophets mentioned in the Quran. At the very bottom, you see Adam, then you see, Noah, and you see Abraham in the middle. On the right, you see Ishmael, on the left, you see Isaac, Isaac, had a son named Jacob,

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and we call him as well. Israel, we call Jacob Israel. So the children of Israel came from where it says right above Jacob tribes, those are the children of Israel, that the rest of the prophets came from. So you have their solemn and you have their David, and we believe that Jesus was from the progeny of Abraham from his son, Isaac. So you see, as Isaac comes, you see Jesus on the left, and we believe that Mohammed, peace be upon him, and peace be upon all of the profits came from the progeny of Abraham from Ishmael, from Ishmael. And as you see on the right, bleeding to Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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Here's another

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genealogy tree based on the Bible based on the Bible here. God said, What is supposedly said in the in the Bible?

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And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael by their names according to their generations, starting from never tozi Kadare until all the way down. Kadare is one of the forefathers of Muhammad peace be upon him. So you see where it traces the lineage all the way to the Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon him, as was said in Genesis, that the Gentiles will not have a prophet until the final messenger, we believe, was Muhammad peace be upon him, and that is interpreted in the Christian tradition as being the Holy Spirit, not a prophet. We'll talk about that very shortly. So Jesus, now we hear

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you needed that introduction. Okay. Who is Jesus? What was his name, in fact, was his name Jesus?

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The answer is no. Jesus was name

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not Jesus. Right? You're like, What? Why am I here? His name comes from Yeshua, okay, which is Hebrew, which means in Hebrew currently, that who has saved the one who has saved he who was saved, and it was then translated from the Hebrew to Greek meaning uses, which is the middle uses. Okay, they added the S because of conjugation. The s at the end was for conjugation. And that was originally all taken anyway, from the Aramaic which was the language of Jesus. If you didn't know that Aramaic was the language of Jesus, well, that's good. Aramaic was the language of Jesus. So in reality, we look at the name of Jesus. So one second. So where did Jesus come from Jesus is the

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translation from the Greek uses, and that was translated to Jesus. So in reality, this is a transliteration, not a translation of his meaning. So Jesus was not the name of Jesus. Okay. Jesus was not the name of Yeshua, Yeshua, or Yeshua, or Asia, or Asia, as you will see shortly. So the Hebrew Kaldi lexicon of the Old Testament, which is the standard of all words in the in the Bible that we have today describes the word for

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Jesus peace be upon him. And his they said that his name comes from Yeshua, meaning saved. And the Christian position later said that he was called the Savior, but rather as you can read in the lexicon here, on the very bottom, it says here, he was the one which is delivered safe. And it says right there Isa,

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the one who was delivered safe.

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Right here, he's from the Aramaic. So he was the one who was delivered to safety or granted salvation, the one who was saved. In other words, what was Jesus original language we already said he spoke Aramaic. In fact, Aramaic, was spoken throughout this area and land, as well as parts of the conquerors of the Greeks which took over that area. So in reality, Jesus's name was in Aramaic, not even in Hebrew. It is said by some Christian

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theologians, that Jesus also speak spoke Hebrew. Some of them say no, he did not speak Hebrew, but he could write Hebrew. In any case, this is a Christian theology, discussion, not mine. The original language of Jesus, though is agreed upon that it was Aramaic and Aramaic, we know two strands of Aramaic that are that remain to this day. These are the original Aramaic words for the name of Jesus. And they pronounced it pronounced the name of Jesus as resha.

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Esau, okay. And more specifically, Esau, since the northern Palestinian Jews pronounce the letter Sheen, as seen, meaning instead of saying it, Russia, they say Risa

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and there is a video I wanted to show you, but it was gonna take a while. So I just said, you know, just take take my word for it type in Cambodian, Aramaic, and the word for Jesus or prayer into YouTube and you can you can listen to it in any case.

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So we find out that the Aramaic and reality which was spoken in northern Palestine, by the Jews at that time, the way they pronounce the name of Jesus is Isa, Isa, not Jesus, which is poor language transliteration. Arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Arabs to some extent to this day, some of them they call

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The Name of Jesus. Yes, sure. And this was translated from the Greek, which changes the Shi sound to an s sound. So instead of saying you're sure, they said Yes, sure. But in Arabic, this actually has meaning it comes from the word sorry, yes, sure. So on which means the one who was lost and perish, so actually has a bad meaning. The Arabs actually thought that this meant and had a meaning. Rather, it was just a translation of the Greek switching one of the letters from the ash sound to a sound, which means instead of saying you're sure, they would say yes, sure. But your sewer has a bad meaning meaning the one who has perished and been destroyed. So what did we believe as Muslims

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happened? We believe that God revealed the Quran. The Quran, we believe is the literal Word of God. Meaning God said every letter and word in this book, and we believe that it was sent to the Prophet peace be upon him through the angel Gabriel, the angel that comes through all of the prophets and messengers, and it did not come in a book form and hand it to the Prophet. Rather it was revealed to him and he memorized it from the angel Gabriel, and it was given to his heart Yanni. This was the medium of transfer from the angel Gabriel either reciting to him or he was receiving from from, from from God Himself. And therefore he recited it to all of humanity in the Koran. God calls Jesus Isa,

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which is in line exactly with Aramaic, even by the way pronounce To this day, by the remnant of the Aramaic people, this is how they say it Isa, Milan, Isa. So, Isa, we will now tight from now on from this point on from this entire lecture as Isa is a because it's simply easier to type, okay? Otherwise, I would have just put Isa the way it is, so you can keep it in your mind. This is what Muslims believe that the original name of Jesus is preserved in the Quran. And his name was Isa coming from the one literally meaning the one who was granted salvation, the one who was saved, which is very important, the mean the one who did not perish or die, as you'll see shortly. So who

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was Lisa, who was Lisa, Lisa, the man messenger Messiah. He's mentioned more times in the Koran than our own Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Why, because the Prophet peace be upon him and upon Isa were given as examples to humanity. And as examples of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him himself. And we take the example of Isa AS A one of the most noble and

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prophets that have some of the highest status in all of Islam. The Quran even mentions the details about the lives of Isa and his mother, Mary, that are not found even in the Christian texts, which we heard earlier, we heard about in the beginning, when our brother was reciting the Quran, you literally heard and read the entirety of the Korans revelation with regards to the birth of Isa, the birth of Isa garden forms in the Quran that one day Mary was giving glad tidings by an angel of a special son that she would give birth to and you read the verses that this angel said, Mary, God gives you news of a word from him, whose name will be the Messiah, Isa, he's your son, who will be

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held in honor in this world in the next, who'll be one of those who brought who bring in are brought near to God, Mary reacts was surprised, because she led a chaste life and she was a virgin. This was something that was obviously shocking to her. So she said, My Lord, how can I have a son, when no man has touched me, the angel responds and said, this is how God creates whatever he wills, when he has ordained something, he only says to it be and it is.

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This child would then perform Earth miracles in the cradle, as you as you heard, he would then be brought in front of the people and they say, How dare you marry, commit this kind of act, you did not come from a horrible family. And God ordained Risa as having the very first miracle, which is to speak in the cradle. And he spoke in the cradle in front of all these people, like we just we discussed in this entire section, you you you heard and listened to it earlier. So we're gonna skip forward. So this messenger, excuse me,

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was brought forth

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the people of Palestine at that time, Beit Bethlehem, in particular Nazareth. So she pointed to him when she when he was born. And they said, How can we converse with an infant? Why are you pointing to this baby? And this baby spoke in the cradle. And this was the first miracle of the righteous Prophet and Messenger Isa and he said, I'm a servant of God. He has granted me the scripture made me a prophet may be blessed wherever I may be, and he commanded me to pray, to give give to give arms

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As long as I live, to cherish my mother and he did not make me domineering or graceless peace on me the day I was born, and will be on me the day I die, and the day I'm raised to life again. So what are the miracles that the Muslims believe that this prophet was given the Khurana friends, many of the miracles that that reset performed in the New Testament as well. So he, as you as you all know, and the New Testament, Jesus heals the blind and the lepers, and brings dead back to life with one exception. We don't believe Jesus can do this on his own terms. We believe that it was divinely ordained by God Himself. That's why when he said, I will heal the blind and the leper, and bring the

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dead back to life with God's permission, with God's permission, I will tell you what you may eat and what you may store in your houses there. These are truly Signs for those who are believers,

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and so on and so forth. Some of the miracles as well, was a greater miracle towards the end of his life that we're going to discuss shortly.

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So what was the nature of this prophet and messenger he was born unlike any other human being on this earth, the fact that he was born without a father. So the Messiah, son of Mary was only a messenger as God says, other messengers had come and gone before him. His mother was a virtuous woman, both ate food, like other mortals, see how clear we make these signs for them. We believe God says in the Quran, and we believe that his nature was the nature of any human being that came before his nature was that of any other human being, other than he was divinely ordained, and given revelation, just like every other Prophet and Messenger, just like Mohammed, just like Adam, just

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like Noah, just like Abraham. They're human beings with divine ordained revelation. That's it.

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And what happened to him? What What was his message? We believe that he spoke the revelation to the children of Israel, and they rejected him. So God describes what happened in the event of that rejection. When they rejected Him, they wanted to kill him and crucify him. So what happened? The hold on details, exactly what happened in this time period when they rejected Isa, God says in the Quran, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, though it was made to appear like that to them, how you will see shortly, those that disagreed about him are full of doubt, with no knowledge to follow only supposition, you know, conjecture, they certainly did not kill him, God raised Him up

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to himself. God is almighty and wise. So what as though it was made to appear to them that he was crucified mean? What is the Quran referring to?

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The Muslims themselves differ over what this means, but the majority view of the of the Muslims is number one, that they are in agreement that Jesus did not die. Jesus did not die on the cross. There is an agreement on this. The disagreement is okay, then what happened to the one who actually died on the cross, there was a person that died on the cross. The Christian scholars, interestingly enough, also have a disagreement. They have a disagreement whether the Romans who went to go attack Jesus according to the Christian tradition, did they know who he was, or no, they just picked up anybody.

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The Muslim tradition is narrated in a hadith Hadith, meaning a statement of the Prophet we clearly demark and differentiate between the Word of God and the Word of the Prophet peace be upon him, they are never mixed. The Word of God is separate completely from the words of the Prophet peace be upon him. So the words of the Prophet, he said, just before God raised their Isa to the heavens, Isa went to his disciples, who are 12 inside the house. This is right after the final supper, if you want to. You want to balance it with the Christian tradition, right after the final supper. The attack came against Risa. He was with his 12 disciples inside the house. When he arrived, His head was dripping

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with water as if he had just had a bath. And he said, there are those among you who will disbelieve in me 12 times after you had believed in me. He then asked, Who among you will volunteer for his appearance to be transformed into mind and be killed in my place? Whoever volunteers for that he'll be with me in heaven. One of the youngest ones among them volunteered, but Lisa asked him to sit down to calm down younger, right. And then he asked again, and he stood up again, and he asked the third time, and then he allowed him to be the volunteer. And he says, said, you will be that man, and the resemblance of resale was cast over that man while Jesus ascended to heaven.

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From a hole in the roof of the house when the Jews came looking for Jesus, and here's some uresa. That's a spelling mistake. They found that young man crucified Him. They found that young man and crucified Him. This is the Muslim narrative that Jesus ascended to heaven. Jesus never died. And when he ascended to heaven, the one who was killed and and buried in his place was a righteous disciple who sacrificed himself for the sake of God and the Prophet Isa. So the Quran other Islamic sources are crystal clear, the gods saved his beloved messenger. From crucification Risa was raised up to God alive and unharmed, where he remains until this day Muslims believe Jesus, Isa peace be

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upon him is in the heavens, this to this moment right now. And that he will descend in the last moments of this of this earth. And he will fight to the Antichrist, that Muslims also believe in, who will spread injustice and corruption and killing throughout the earth, and he will spread peace after he kills the Antichrist throughout the earth. This is what God said, nor could this Quran have been devised by anyone other than God, it is a confirmation of what was revealed before it, and an explanation of the Scripture, let there be no doubt about it is from the Lord of the worlds. And this is what God said in the Quran. This is from the news of the unseen, which we revealed to you,

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oh, Mohammed, you knew it not neither you nor the people before you. And this is why God clarified the situation of Isa. So they That is why God said in the Quran, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, though it was made to appear like that to them, those are disagreed about him, are full of doubt. And if you see the disagreement with regards to the traditions with regards to the death of Jesus, or Isa, you will see that there is no certainty whatsoever with regards to When did he die? Where did he die? Where was he buried? What was his tomb, in fact, the most holiest site. In Christianity, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, is said to be the tomb of Jesus in the Christian

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tradition. But if you go to Jerusalem, there are three other churches in the same place, which claim to be the tomb of Jesus.

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The area where the It is said that Jesus ascended from is called the Mount of Olives. And there's a church there called the church of ascension, there are three other churches, which mark the place where Jesus may have risen from. So there is literally what God's said in the Christian in the in the in the Quranic revelation, that those who disagree about him are full of doubt. And we believe that this is a physical reverberation or practical, practical, practical implementation of this. Another important point is that the Old Testament actually supports the Quranic narrative from the view of Muslims, you have to believe this. We are not biblical scholars, we study, we study the

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Bible, we have to, but when I say that the that the Bible supports the Quranic narrative, we have to take it in the context I started this with, we believe there's one faith, one religion, and therefore any revelation that came afterward, whatever supports the revelation that we believe to be the final message, we take. And we say that this is from the remnants of what has not been corrupted. So we believe that the verses from Psalms 9110 to 15, when God said, no harm will overtake you know, disaster will come near your tent, speaking to Jesus, for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you, in all your ways, they will lift you up in their hands, so that

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you will not strike your foot against the stone. You will tread on the lion and the Cobra you will trample the great lion and the serpent because he loves me says the Lord, I will rescue him. I will protect him. For he acknowledges my name, he will call on me and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. So how can Jesus be delivered and honored and raised by his hand when he was killed on the cross? We believe that he was not killed at all. Rather, these verses from Psalms fit perfectly with the colonic narrative and Revelation. And this is what you see here. You see the Psalms verses four he will command his angels concern you to guard

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you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their hands. The Quran states, they certainly did not kill him, God raised Him up to himself. This is the Quranic narrative. And there's there's other verses from john 1416. JOHN 1426, john 1612 to 213. You're welcome to read those on your own time. So

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he says prophecy about the final prophet Mohammed, where does that come in? We believe that Isa, also before being raised to heaven, had to give glad tidings of who was going to carry on the final message and be the savior of humanity with the final revelation from God and that is

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relating the story of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So

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in Isaiah 42, which is cut off, at the very top, it's supposed to say Isaiah, Isaiah 40, to one to five, and then six to seven is on this side. Okay. And on this side is a statement of Hadith from one of the companions of the Prophet who heard how the Jews and Christians believe in the prophecy of the final prophet coming. And you see this comparison, we'll just going to cover one or two of these, just to move on. So among them are the first one, let's say on Isaiah on the right side, here is my servant whom on whom I uphold my chosen one, and whom I delight, I will put my spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations in the Hadith, which is from the companions of the Prophet,

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it has said that he will be my servant and my messenger, and I have named him Elmo tawakkol, meaning the one who depends upon God, and will bring justice to all nations and so on and so forth. This is what Muslims believe to be the whole onic narrative of understanding the the Christian prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad. And and this is also another example, where you see that he will be a light for the Gentiles, which would be the bottom one right here, and follow the light which was sent down with him. This is comparison between the holonic message and the biblical prophecy, everything I've said to you, the Christians reject. Christian tradition rejects every single word I said. They

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believe every portion of this is either the Holy Spirit or speaking about Jesus Himself.

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Speaking about Jesus Himself, rather, we say can't speak about Jesus himself when he's speaking about someone that will come, as you see, in a number of these passages.

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The Prophet peace be upon him. Mohammed Salim said, He who bears witness that there's no god except a law, a lot is what we believe to be the proper noun of the Creator. It means in Arabic, the one true God, and we believe also it is very close to the Aramaic of Aloha, which means Allah, Yahweh in Hebrew, he who produces that he who bears witness that there's no true God except the law alone, having no partner with him, and that Mohammed is a servant and His Messenger, and that Isa is His Servant and Messenger, and that he says his word which he communicated to Mary, and his spirit, which he sent to her, Paradise is true, and * is true, God will make them enter Paradise and

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accept whatever deeds they have done and accomplished. This is ultimately what this faith came, is to affirm the message of Jesus, he said, a solemn peace be upon him, and to affirm the final message, which corrected what was corrupted before it. This is the whole onic narrative with regards to the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. This is why God says the Messiah, the Son of Mary, was only a messenger. Other messengers had come and gone before him. His mother was a virtuous woman both ate food, they were mortals, see how clear we make these signs for them, see how deluded they may be, say, how can you worship something other than God, that has no power to do you harm or good? God

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alone is the all hearing and the all knowing, and the Prophet peace be upon him? Our Prophet Muhammad, he actually described to us what he saw looked like.

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Unfortunately, when you see many of the pictures that you see, I'll show you one of them.

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The picture which I blocked off, okay,

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this picture

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of what Jesus may have looked like, you see a number of pictures, you see a man who is very frail, and a man who's usually sometimes has blond hair and blue eyes, and another case where he is very skinny. And this depiction is something that Muslims systematically reject. And our Prophet Mohammed described even what Jesus looked like, in this narration that I will show you shortly.

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The Prophet Muhammad said I dreamt at night that I was at the Kaaba, which is the place we believe to be is dedicated to the sole worship of the God of the God of God and the Creator. And this was made a place pure for the pure monotheism and worship of God. And I saw a brown Olive and complexion man, like the most handsome of brown men you have ever seen. So number one, he's not white. Sorry. Okay. Number one, he's not white he has all of in color. And obviously that makes sense because the people in Palestine even to this day are all in color. Brown and color brown and complexion. They have a reddish hue in their in their skin, right like I wrote a thought right? Mashallah. But they

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were brown in color. They were brown and color complexion, olive in complexion. He had hair reaching between his ears and his shoulders. And in another narration, he had curly hair had curly hair, so he's

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Man straight hair like he came from Britain or the caucuses. We believe that this is not the case. And if you see, even the Palestinians now their hair is very wavy and curly.

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He had combed his hair and water was dripping from it. He was leaning on two men or on the shoulders of two men going and circle around the cabinet. That's what the off means you need to go around to the cabinet. And I asked Who is this and it was said this is the Messiah, the Son of Mary. Then there was a man with wiring hair very like wiring hair and blind in his right eye, as if it was a floating grape. Like you know, it's blind and also shrunk and asked Who is this and it was said to me, this is the false messiah, the Antichrist. This is the false messiah, the Antichrist. So even the description of Jesus was given to us by a prophet Mohammed. In another narration, it is said

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that he's to be a medium statured man, but hey, he would have

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muscles on his body. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that when he saw would move, you could see the muscles on his body moving, that's how swell built is he's gonna kill the Antichrist obviously has to have some stock on him. Right? So let's put it that's what that's what the Muslims believe. In any case. This is a story that happened in the time of the Prophet peace be upon him, where the relationship between the Christians and the

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Muslims, they took refuge in a in a Christian Kingdom known as Abyssinia. And the companions who took refuge with this Christian King was called the nagus. The negative ever senior, he was never seen in king he was a righteous king who gave the Muslims refuge. And he told him about this faith. The first thing he did is exactly what we did here. he recited the first 34 verses of the chapter called Mary. There's an entire chapter in the Koran dedicated to Jesus and Mary and zeca, Zachary or Zechariah and yahia. JOHN, describing the miraculous birth of Jesus, and then he said to him, okay, we were uncivilized people worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking

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natural ties, treating guests badly, and are strong, devout are weak. We were this way until God sent us a messenger whose lineage trust and truthfulness and trustworthiness and clemency we know he summoned us to acknowledge God's unity, and to worship Him and to announce the stones at images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship, and kind, be kindly, hospitable, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed. He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies and to devour the property of orphans to vilify chased women, he commanded us to worship god alone, and not associate

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anything with him. And he gave us orders about prayer, to give arms and too fast, we confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought from God, and we worship God without associated associating any partners with him. In any case, this ultimately encapsulates the entire prophetic message, the final prophet that came with the final revelation, which clarified what happened to the messengers before him, and the life of Isa, or as you all know, Jesus peace be upon them all, in the prophetic narrative, or what we call the Muslim narrative. And that in light of all of what we have said, we have to end with what we began with. And that is saying that the

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narrative of Jesus to Muslims, in fact, is not a separation, we don't believe, a Muslim narrative. We don't believe that there's a Jewish narrative or a Christian narrative. We believe that there's only one narrative. And that narrative is whatever can be ascertained by truth. And with respecting, obviously, Judeo Christian tradition, and having mutual ties, and having, you know, discourse with regards to our faith, among the things that we maintain, is that there was one faith given to all of humanity. And that is culminated with the final message to the, to this humanity by the Creator, which is the Koran, which is the word of God. If you want more reading, there are four

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recommendations I have. One of them is an excellent book, there's probably the best book, if you want to read more about much more detailed description about the Muslim narrative about Jesus or Isa. It's called Jesus man, messenger and Messiah, you can get it for free. You can get it for free either by PDF or they'll send it to you, you go to irs.org you can see it ir.org backslash Jesus and they'll send you the book for free or you can download it for free. The other book that I would recommend obviously is the Quran itself. This is the best translation that we recommend. We don't believe the Quran can be literally translated. So it is an interpretation, obviously of the meaning

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of the Quran. And this is one of the best that we have in English. It is called the hold on a new Translation by ma s. Abdel Halim, a professor and so as University in London also

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recommend, obviously to know about the Prophet Mohammed and his life. And this is one of the best books that we have in English. It is very small and short. It's called in the footsteps of the Prophet, lessons from the life of Muhammad. And there's also a fourth book, which I recommended early on, which is the Bible and the whole on biblical figures in the Islamic tradition. So with that, I thank you all for listening. We thank God and we send peace and blessings on the Prophet, Isa and Muhammad peace be upon him and upon all of the prophets. And we ask God to guide us to what is best in our lives, and to grant us His grace and His mercy in the hereafter. Thank you so much.

In Islam, Jesus is understood to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of God (Allah) and therefore holds great importance in the Islamic faith. But how similar and/or different is the Islamic version of the story of Jesus from that of the Christian tradition? This lecture by Shaykh Hasib Noor looks to share the Islamic version of the story of Jesus, son of Mary.

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