Hasan Ali – If im rich does that mean I’m close to Allah

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the difficulty of finding Islam's gifts and how Allah's
this teaching of giving gifts gives people more time to pursue Islam's teachings. They argue that Islam doesn't give everyone gifts, but rather wealth and time to pursue Islam's teachings. The speaker warns that Islam's guidance gives people time to pursue their spiritual journey and suggests that they can find their way back to Islam by finding their way to money.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you finding it difficult to now find your way to Allah? You want more gifts from him more more gifts you ask in everyday Allah give me money, give me more money. Oh Allah give me more money, what four or four so that you can spend more time away from Allah. That's why Allah doesn't give everybody how Allah gives some people Manila. hamdulillah Allah doesn't give everybody money.

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Allah gives everybody gifts, but Allah doesn't give too many gifts to everyone. Why? Because Allah knows what some of us will do. And Allah restricts us, so that we can, we can at least have an excuse to still be with him to find if Allah has blessed you with wealth, my brother Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah if Allah hasn't blessed you with his cell hamdulillah that's the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu you know, if you really are a human that is awake, you realize that gifts come gifts go? Are you finding it difficult to now find your way to Allah? You want more gifts from him more more gifts you asking every day, Allah give me money, give me more money, I will not give me

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more money. What four or four so that you can spend more time away from Allah.

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That's why Allah doesn't give everybody Allah gives some people money, Allah hamdulillah Allah doesn't give everybody money.

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Allah gives everybody gifts but Allah doesn't give too many gifts to everyone. Why? Because Allah knows, for some of us will do. Allah restricts us so that we can, we can at least have an excuse to still be with him to find if Allah has blessed you with wealth, my brother Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah if Allah has blessed you with this Alhamdulillah that's the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu you know, if you really are a human that is awake, you realize that gifts come gifts go

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