Hamza Yusuf – The Jewels of the Qur’an 2022 #02

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary ©
The history and meaningings of the century before Jesus Christ are discussed, highlighting its significance in cultural and political settings and its use in various cultural and political settings. The importance of writing in Arabic for understanding the language and finding the right words to use is emphasized, along with the use of "back on the Quran" in finding the right words to use. The speakers emphasize the need for a systematic approach to these topics, emphasizing the significance of understanding the context of a situation and identifying words and actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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salatu salam wa ala season and 101 early will Samuel send him to steam uncouth Euro. A set of Maluku Mirandola. He will worker to let him do this the second session in sha Allah looking at the jewels and the pros of the Quran from Imam Azhar is famous work Johor Quran based on the translation of Dr. Thomas Cleary Rahim Allah. So inshallah

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I wanted to before that just start with

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a nice Hadith

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to remind us of the blessing of this month the prophets Allah I said it was important to have said Imam Are they happy relates this feature of the Eman of CRM or Quran or Yeshua and elap to Yama, piano. The Quran, fasting and the Quran both intercede for the servant on the Day of Judgment, your Kunal Siyam, so fasting will actually

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Bucha Anna

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Yan tipo, cola che Yama pm so everything that Allah determines will speak will speak including the hands the tongue, when they asked the prophets I said how would he do that? He said the one who did it for all things will do it for the hand and the tongue. So fasting itself. Some kind of personification will say A or B mana to water and Moshe harati ba na for sure for any fee. Oh my lord, I prevented him from food and from his appetites during the day. So allow me to intercede for him. When you order oran manera to Anoma belay L for sure for any fee. Bada you Chapin and the Quran itself will say I prevented him from sleeping during the night. And so allow me to intercede for him

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and it and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will allow them to intercede so for you Shep for any they're given intercession. Another interesting Hadith which is in the most negative Imam Muhammad onesie that Sahaba Ibrahima added serenity already later 10 Min Ramadan that the Sahaba of Ibrahim in this in our tradition, the sort of it was given to Abraham these are the the actual

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revelation that was given to Abraham and a Sam was in the south which are like we'd call them today folios Ibrahim it Sam was given them on the first night of Ramadan what was it at the Torah to the sittin Medina min Ramadan, and then the torah was revealed on the sixth after the six days had passed of Ramadan, so that would be now would Injeel the Thera Ashura, Hurdman, Ramadan 104, cannoli arbeiten, very Shereena Hurdman Ramadan, and then the the Quran was revealed after 24 days had passed from Ramadan, so 25 or 27 or 29. So the this is an indication of the power of this month that all of the previous revelations had been revealed in this month, and the Quran was given to the

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Prophet slice and in this month it came down in its entirety and then over 23 years, it was revealed piecemeal to the prophets Allah is

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the head this hadith which is related by more than one but it's important in in terms of human medical studies methodology man is that a man not Quran Ayatollah Illallah Hava haram, about the unknown with equally haven't had done with equally had been Mattila or Mattila. There's another rewire that says that every

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idea that comes down has a headstone while the Harun Wattana Mamata. So there's two different recensions of this, but they differ on the meaning of this but one of the means that CD Amazon arrow points out in his book lower health ESEA he says that it has an outward meaning an inward meaning and then it has the HUD does for the fuqaha and the monthlies for the RFN. So, the Quran has outward meanings, that is the exoteric meanings then it has inward meanings, and then it has who dude and then it has a position that ALLAH SubhanA gives with what Imam does that he calls the element of Akasha this unveiling that occurs for for these people. So Imam Rosati has his own taxonomy of the

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Quranic verses and sciences in Johor Quran and that's why the books were studying because he's really giving you his methodology. And even though that you'll find some of the ultimate disagreed with him. Overall it's been accepted by the OMA This was considered a very important book historically. So he talks about the six types of Quranic verses. The first one is it

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deals with the knowledge of Allah's attributes and His work. So these are what he calls the jewels. The second is the knowledge of the straight paths, how Rothermel stuff came? In other words, how do we get to Allah Subhana Allah to Anna, to knowledge of God, and to His pleasure, and these he calls pearls. Now one of the reasons that he does this is that jewels and pearls, you don't find them on the street, jewels, you have to mine for them, in the mountains, pearls, you have to dive into the ocean to get so he's he's really letting us know that these are things that we have to struggle for the they're not simply, I mean, one of the in the Gospel, it says don't cast pearls to swine. In

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other words, don't give something precious to something unworthy of it. And this is why

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it's important to remember that Mr. Kozar, he sees everything in the world as a having a hidden meanings. So he would see jewels and pearls, the physical ones that people hold precious and will actually kill to obtain that, that these have spiritual significance. So he's using them in that spiritual sense, the jewels and the pearls. And then people's condition on meeting ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, there's different word for it with agenda with the Confiserie. or Allah says, One groups in paradise and other groups in *. And we don't know our condition with Allah, we hope that we're from the Nigeria and the people of Najat, the people of South Asian but only Allah subhanaw taala

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knows those conditions. And then the conditions of believers and unbelievers in if you look, you can see the people here their conditions, what a tough landmark mean on Allah says the believers have who are they, they're people that they're present in their prayer, they give out from what they've been given. They have qualities. So he's saying that the Quran will give us these indications here, and then also arguments of the calf Iran and the rule dude. So arguments against people that deny the Quran that attack the Quran, there's arguments in the Quran, one of the things that the Quran does almost immediately is it gives a taxonomy of the three types of human beings. So there's

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believers, there's disbelievers, and then there's hypocrites. So already, it's telling you,

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you're gonna be in one of those three categories, not a fourth category.

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And then the sixth are the stages of the path to God and how to prepare for it. So these are all really related, and the knowledge of the straight path, you're going to find them in these others. And one of the things that he says is that there are verses in the in the Quran that will contain more than one he will always look in order to determine which category it goes into, he will look what is the most important element. So if it's a jewel, despite the fact that it has other aspects in the verse, he'll always put it with the jewels. If it's a pearl, despite the fact that it has other types in it, he'll put it with the pearls. So this is his methodology. And then he has the

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science, the 10 sciences. So one is he calls the pith, which is the lube what's at the essence of it. So knowledge of God and the Last Day knowledge of the straight path fic and Kadem. And these, this is the order. So he considers

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the knowledge of Allah on the last day is all is going to go under, obviously Calam will be knowledgeable on the last day and end of the Prophet. But Qalam is the science that emerges out of it, just like FIP is the science that emerges out of the knowledge of the straight path. So these are sciences that develop later. So the Quran has the also all of these things in them. But the Furusawa were brought out by the scholars over time. And this takes about 300 years before they're really solidified. And then you see a continual development, but overall within the first 300 years, you see the solidification. And then also there's Wow. And there's Kasasa there's preaching, and

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there's story telling, so these are the at the essence of the Quran, and then he has what he calls the shell which protects it. So one is the exoteric exegesis, which means to have seer of just what it means outwardly and then also the Arabic language because you need Arabic to understand the Quran. In Tanzania who Quran and RB, we sent it down as a Arabic Quran so it is in Arabic. And although we use translations, translations were really debated for a long time. In fact, when Marmaduke Pickthall Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall went to Al Azhar to get permission to translate the Quran.

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A lot of the scholars didn't want to give it because they did not. They actually were opposed to translations. Traditionally, the earliest translations come out of Persia, where you got interlinear notes, so they helped Persians to understand the Quran. But generally the llama were of the opinion that the Quran cannot be translated, that it's an untranslatable work. And this is why

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allows her actually as a prerequisite for giving any seal of approval, that it's an interpretation or the meanings of the Quran, that it's not the Quran. And in fact, I thought it was interesting that Dr. Bruce Lawrence, who wrote this very interesting biography of the history of the Quran in English, he actually says that he prefers to leave Koran K O ra n in English to mean the translation and Al Quran which is now the new transliteration for it to mean the Arabic Quran. So it's it's very interesting, but when we say the Quran says and then we quote English, that's actually not really the Quran. And inshallah there's something that there it was called majestic had, where you leave

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something that was said, Korea as the village but it really means Korea. It's like shahada Ramadan, some of the aroma said you shouldn't say Shahada or Ramadan. You shouldn't say Ramadan without saying shahada Ramadan, because Ramadan was considered by some to be one of the names of Allah so you don't say Jah Ramadan.

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These are inshallah Allah, Allah Allah Leyva como la Vela Manickam. The Allah doesn't inshallah take people to account for

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these type of things. I think there's there's generosity with our Lord inshallah. But we do make mistakes, and

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especially when we're fasting.

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So I'm hoping my brain is going to keep working. But the Arabic language is extremely important. And then Arabic grammar because Arabic language is knowing, like the Sahaba knew the Arabic language. They didn't know Arabic grammar. If you asked one of the Sahaba what's the difference between

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a newbie who was a muffle for all, he wouldn't know what it was if you asked him what

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they don't pat him on what say then what's hot, and he wouldn't know Muqtada and harbor, he wouldn't know a Joomla Izmir from a Joomla fairly, but he would understand them. So it's you can know Arabic, the Arabic language without knowing Arabic grammar.

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Grammar is

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it can go on for a long time to actually really get deep into grammar. If you end up with Mueller JAMA, for instance, which is the Great Central Asian scholar.

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You're in the philosophy of grammar. Most of the lemma.

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Now we'll do the elfia even Moloch, which traditionally was an intermediate grammar, but now it's considered an advanced grammar.

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in Mauritania, the Ulama tend to do the mirar a matar will Boonah after the elfia and that's 3000 additional lines of of, of

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the LP is 1000 lines of grammar, that's another 3000 for all the things that the elfia doesn't deal with. So grammar is really important, and it's highly neglected. And one of the things that shall build up in baya says in his book On A Madea della let which are actually Amali In other words, he the book was just his lectures from from his memory and then they were transcribed that's what those are called Amalia in our tradition. So there's a lot of Ahmadi books where the OMA we're just giving lectures and people would transcribe them so

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he says in Amalia della lat that the and that it could be de la that is the way they say it in North Africa. It's one of those it's called them with Ella because it has all three Delilah, doula and De La Nina in Arabic, but he says that there's a Infi CAC, there was a separation of Arabic grammar from Sharia studies. So the a lot of the students in the Shediac colleges, they learn grammar but they don't learn it to the degree that's necessary to really navigate also in FIP because a lot of it also deals with grammar and with loha with diction and things like that, and then you have to know the Quranic recensione so these are also outwardly so the recensions there's 10 that are at

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that are considered moto Antara seven or in the sharp via from the great Andrew seen scholar Mr. Michel to be not

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So had been more focused but the carry, so are the mockery rather. So Imam Shafi put all 10 of the seven of the Quran and then Imam Al jaziri did a versification of of the seven. So if you learn the shot the BIA and the dura, which is traditionally what studied to learn the 10 Korat, then you basically know all the different recessions. And then obviously, there's a rewire out of those recessions. But these are not significant differences, but they, they do different in their pronunciations of things, not in the actual letters, the attributes, but in the mood in things like Hamza in things like the tongue allele or the imala. So saying things like, well do hair, or like

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for instance, in, in wash, you have pa he, the only time you'll have a little diamond under the hair, to let you know that it's, it's, it's a casserole, it goes to Kasara, as opposed to between Kasara and Fatah. So these are these are the recensions and then you get into the whole roof, or solar roof and for oil have. And people spend their whole life studying this, it's it's pretty amazing that we have this, I mean, it is a miracle, the recessions themselves, and then you have points of articulation, this is really Taj weed. So learning as we see fatter horror of the what

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was to help

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hold off half the homes to help the whole. So So it's what it's do and then what occurs to it like it the harm. So you have Iran, Iran, Iran bailarina learning those things, these are the 10 sciences that he puts forward. Now if you look, he begins the Jawahar with the opening and Fatiha and the opening is al Fatiha is a is it's an fatten so it's really the one that is opening for you.

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So Surah Al Fatiha opens the Quran and there's a filler of whether or not Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is an ayah in some karate it is in some it's not for so in the Para that I learned it's not from from the Fatiha it's considered a

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a mark between the sore sore so that was the mathematics position or the Alana. So and the Hadith and under Buhari indicates that assumptive al Fatiha to Benny will then abdicate either Khan Abdul hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen so in Bihari Allah subhanaw taala in the hadith of Kotze begins al Fatiha with Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. So, that was one of the mathematics proofs. But in any case, there is a heat up about an imam Shafi, who considers it an ayah and considers the prayer invalid if the bismi does not recited.

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So there's a feed off about that.

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Whether or not it's from the Fatiha in any case, if we begin with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim we always begin the Quran. Fado Kurata Quran firstaid Billa. If you read the Quran, seek refuge in Allah so Allah tells us to seek refuge in a lot ministry upon a regime from the accursed ship on so

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is is is to to add as a place of refuge so we're seeking refuge with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada from Shetland because Cheban wreaks havoc on our species. Now,

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when we say our oh the bIllahi min a chef Ana regime. Siobhan is that word there's there's a difference of opinion does it come from Shabana or does it come from Chaka

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so is the root SHA sheen ba noon or is it cian?

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Pa? There's a difference is is it from Fe L or is it from fan? The difference? If it's ship on with a shop and then it has to do with the one who's MOBA at his his far from Allah, or he distances others from Allah, He causes others to become distant from Allah subhanaw taala spiritually, if it's from Shaka shito, then it becomes the meaning is halacha. So it's either the one who's Halleck or the one who ulick He and both are true. The word regime which is interesting also because a gene

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him is one of those really interesting words in Arabic that can either mean

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fat in or muffled. It can be an active or a passive passive.

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Now when it's fat Ian here, which is regime it could be more Joom the one who stoned or it could be Origen, the one yard Jomo. So in other words, he is the one that does it to you he makes you a cursed by following him so when you become a minion, so we can have both meanings according to Imamura like Barry

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AR Rahman AR Rahim. So Allah begins Alhamdulillah here Abdullah Al Amin, this is basically saying that All praise belongs to Allah subhanaw taala alone and here's the rub Bill Allah mean the Lord of the Worlds Alhamdulillah here Abdullah Al Amin, so

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that that that lamb there is lit a step up praise is due to Allah subhanaw taala alone which is why whenever we praise anybody in the dunya we say mashallah, because we're acknowledging that it's a creation of God and we're acknowledging that whatever good came from that person is actually really a good that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada brought into the world so that all praise goes back to Allah subhana wa Tada and whoever we praise and ultimately we are praising Allah. So it's an awareness that all praise is Allah's alone, because this is his creation. So whatever is good in his creation, is from Allah subhanho wa taala. And then

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he our manual Rahim is if you believe that the Bismillah is an idea, then it's repeated Imam Al Ghazali was Shafi. So he clearly saw this as being repeated, but one of the things he might modify as LFSR, he says, is there's no replication

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without meaning, in other words, if Allah subhana, Allah to Allah,

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if Allah subhanaw taala

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says Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. And then the Bismillah is the ISM that and then the right man or Rahim are attributes. Rahman is fat learn and Rahim has failed. These are hyperbolic forms in Arabic. Romain fadlan is more hyperbolic. In other words, it's a stronger

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sense than Rahim. They're both hyperbolic form, what what hyperbole is a rhetorical device in which you use to really emphasize something. So if you say I Lama that's hyperbole, he's not just a scholar, he's a great scholar. So Rahman is he's not just merciful, He is really merciful, He is compassionate. And, and, and, and so that's these are both hyperbolic forms which indicate the immense Rama of Allah and the reason he he says that this is repeated after Rabbil Alameen is because it is from his mercy, that he brought everything into existence. So his Rubia is an attribute of His mercy. The fact that he brought everything into existence is is from his Rama and

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the the greatest Rama that that he sent to us, for us is the prophets, Allah is that and because it's guidance. So his guidance is the greatest Rama He gives us. After his creation, He created us, but then he provides us with guidance. Now, Madam Kiyomi. Dean, Dr. Clear your transit is ruler of Judgment Day. That's one way and that would actually be probably milliq, which is the wash recensione. And I there's a few others. So you have Malik and Malik and Malik and Malik. Malik is the possessor. And Melek is the sovereign or the ruler. What's interesting is these two forms, both indicates something about Allah subhana wa Tada. So not every medic is a Moloch. And not every

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Moloch is a medic. So the reason for that if if you have a king, a king doesn't necessarily own everything in his dominion. If he's a tyrant, he can take whatever he wants. But if he's a benevolent king, then he owns what he owns. But then he's a caretaker. He's somebody who is responsible for his subjects, but he's not going to steal their wealth, whereas the Moloch he owns. And so Malik and Malik indicate that Allah not only is the sovereign of that day, but it's all his dominion. There's nothing that doesn't

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belong to Allah subhana wa Tada, which means he cannot oppress His creation, there's nothing that he can do that will will be will be warranted giving God the name of oppressor, it's impossible for God to oppress, because you cannot oppress your own possessions. If if you own something that and you say you burn something like, take, you take a coat, and you burn it and somebody sees you burn it, why are you burning that? And he said, Well, it's it's got its infected,

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and I have to burn it. So you're explaining to him, but he really has no business asking you if it's your coat, you can do what you want with your own property. So that's the point of medic and Maalik that he is both yo Medina the day of judgment or the day of acquittal in his larger translation, he translates it as the day of acquittal.

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This is the day when debts fall due so Dean and Dane are related. It's the day when there's a reckoning and accounting, you're gonna do what you're gonna stay in. It is you that we worship and to you, we appeal for help. So when you have Yaga Naboo, that when you put the the what would normally be in the maroon V position, because it's not Boudicca. But when you say that Boudicca in Arabic, it doesn't create the it doesn't eliminate other things. So you could say that somebody Jago de la ha, well, yeah, but the shrimps he works epsilon he worships the sun. But you can't say yeah, can goo was shrimps. yaka means that only You alone we worship so when you say you're gonna do it

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mean to you alone, it is you that we worship and no one else we are going to stay in and to you we appeal for help for either stand for stand biller like the privatize him give his advice to his his his cousin of an ibis or Delano, he's when he was very young, he told him if you're going to seek help seek help from Allah, which doesn't mean that you don't seek us, Bob. But you understand that it's only Allah, even the ASVAB are from Allah. So you have to understand everything is from Allah. So it's you alone, we help so even when when we're seeking help from creation, we know that it's you that has facilitated for us help from others who will have the ionic Vanessi weapon Momineen he's

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the one who gave you victory.

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Allah gave you victory and he gave you the believers to help you but that's from Allah. So the help that the Prophet got from his companions was from ALLAH, so only seeking help from ALLAH SubhanA wa at that dinner syrup and Mr. Pym guide us to the straight path is the karma is uprightness. So this path is the path of uprightness. And then Sarah Latina, Anna untidy him evade in Mughal Bo BIA him What are on

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the way of those you have grazed, show us a straight path, the way of those you have graced an anti name you bless them, you've graced them, not of those whom is on whom is your wrath. So the hub of Allah asana and Mughal Daube, la him, the other bizarre, nor of those who wander a straight. So these are the two ways of going astray. One is with knowledge. So you know what you should be doing and you don't do it. And that's why

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the Muslims are in such a precarious, precarious situations that can because so many of us, I don't know any Muslim in the Muslim world where I when I lived there that doesn't know the Hadith, or Rashi, when more touchy for nor that the the one who bribes and the one who takes a bribe is they're both in *. I don't know anybody doesn't know that it's a very well known Hadith. It's you could almost say as monument and don't don't order it. And it's not that you can almost say that it is because so many people know that hadith. And yet, there's so much of bribery. So that's when you incur the wrath of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is when you know what you should do and you don't do it,

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whereas the bong lien, those who are astray. Those are people that don't know, and they're just wandering in the verse in the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala says that the Prophet was Bala and for her,

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like, Didn't he find your bong and it doesn't mean that he was a stray. It means that he was seeking. That's why he was going into the Avada Hara and doing these things. So don't make us from people that don't have guidance, that that might be looking for guidance or just astray. So these are people like for instance, traditionally, a lot of

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Other scholars put the religious categories in there. I don't think it's a good thing to some unfortunately, some of the translations actually put between parentheses.

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You know, other religious traditions and things. It's not really, I don't think it's a good thing to do in a translation because that goes under commentary. And it just makes it look like it takes away the moment level. It takes away that moment level, which is the general statement. Those are the two ways people go astray, if you want to see it archetypal ly, that it's in all religions, and it's certainly in the Islamic religion. There are people that know the truth, and they don't practice it. Those are Moldova and am if if, if if

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if they continue on their way and don't make Toba and then they'll Balmain, our people, they're ignorant, there's ignorant Muslims that just don't know and so they don't practice what they should learn femur, anyone at Illuminati thought Domina had a Quran. These are the sciences, the meanings and the sciences of the Quran. So

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this is from Ibn Jews, Al Kelpies and I think is a very useful because it adds to Imam Azhar, he's the first one he says these are the Miami the seven meanings of the Quran, that, that Allah subhana revealed these meanings to us. The first one is Elmo robe Obeah, which is knowledge of our Lord or Bananaman who is our Lord. So this goes to Imams jewels, and then nubile wa which is the communication that Allah subhanaw taala has given us through these people that have this special quality, this this extraordinary angelic quality of purity, and Allah has prepared them for revelation. The third is the Mad eschatology. What happens after we die, what's the eschaton, what's

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coming later. And then the fourth is the outcome of basically how to live in the world. So this is transactional. It's a can between the vertical alignment with your Lord, that relates to all the devotional rules that we have. And then in the horizontal alignment with with creation, transactional things, of learning how to,

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to basically buy and sell in what in marriages, how to behave, all these things, and then the wild which is the promise, and then the weight, which is the threat. So the Allah subhanaw taala sent the prophet s Bashir and now the year so he's both giving us a promise. If you obey Allah, then here's the promise. And then there's a way Eid a threat. And then finally us us, which really inform us of all these things. So the one of the most beautiful stories that we have, and all of the Quran are our asset classes. They're the most beautiful stories, but use of idcm you will find all of these in the chapter of use of so you're going to find and Motorola via Naboo, mad cam worldwide a poseurs

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you'll find all of them. So the puzzles embody the they're really embodiments of all these meanings. And then he gives certain knowledge is that you should not go into the Quran. And Imam Al Ghazali Ando Jawahar, he talks about

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the rather and miscut that Anwar he talks about the this hadith about whoever

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attempts to interpret the Quran with his opinion, but Ravi, with his opinion, and it comes from, from how you see things, it's your perspective. That's what an opinion is. It's your perspective about things. So

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you know, he saw something

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and it's, it's, it's how you're looking at something. He says that that is misunderstood that it doesn't mean that scholars can't interpret the Quran and Imam famotidine or Razi,

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who has a tafseer that has a lot of rot in it. fahara Dean says that it is not just because it was not said by the prophesy, Sam or the setup, that we can't find meanings in the Quran, that that that's a methodology that's permitted to seek out new meanings in the Quran, but it has its requisite knowledge is and so Imam Azadi says what that hadith means that you know, whoever manufacture Quran Vera Eva yet Ebola Mikado man or not, whoever interprets the Quran with his opinion, let him take his seat in *. He said, It means more of a patentee Hawa, who, like just out of desire to conform with his own desires, so he has his own knifes desires and he interprets

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the Quran to suit his opinion like, recently you've had commentaries

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try to interpret the story of Luke to say that it wasn't about homosexuality. Well, what's what's the agenda behind that? Like who who's who's actually making those interpretations? Because nobody in the history of Islam ever made those interpretations. And so

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it wasn't just homosexuality, but that was a central part of why they were condemned for acting on their homosexuality. So that would be according to Monica Zadie, interpreting it with opinion. And the same is true. And then he said, or not having

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recourse to the exegesis, which means the science of Tafseer. So you have you have to notice the reaction on the Prophet. I mean, one of the things about the there was a South Asian man who claimed to be the, the seal of the prophets, like the last one.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:27

Because because you have had them and maybe you, but in, in NAFTA, it's hot tin. So there's hot term, which is seal, so he said the Prophet was the seal. But in NAFTA, it's hot Tim, which means the last the final. So right there because he didn't know the Quran, but he made a huge mistake, about the nature of the prophets mission. The Prophet has learned over humanity, there's no prophet after him.

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Camera Quran, this is a really important area, Imam adjust size, the great Hanafi scholar wrote a book on this, the Imam are called to be the great Maliki scholar of the Abu Bakr of an RB has a book called back on the Quran in four volumes, assays, there's many

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books that deal with just the camera Quran, these are eyes that I can about 500 eyes in the Quran that deal with specifically with legal matters. And so, knowing that, and then this knowing abrogation, and there's a big feed off about this, some of them have over 100 verses, there's only a handful of verses that are agreed upon about NYSIF. And generally, with the abrogation, the

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even temiz principle is sound, that if the conditions of abrogation come

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again, then the they would be mahkamah. So

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many of the Hadith, the verses that relate to keytab. They don't apply in places where you don't have state authority or anything like that. In those places, you actually apply all of those Hadees all of the ideas that deal with patience and

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suffering the tribulations of the place you're in if you can't make hedgerow

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and then the Hadith. You have to know Hadith because the Hadith, some of the Hadith professor of Quran and the prophets RSM is the greatest commentator of the Quran in his sayings and his actions. He was the Quran

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the saying that he was the Quran cannot Quran AEMC is Is this the Ara? It's not a literal meaning but but

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Aisha said in a sound Hadith Cana hollowcore Quran he, he embodied the hook of the Quran, like all of his character was from the Quran. And then six knowing the stories of the Quran, so many stories in the Quran. Knowing them Musa and Farah own the story of Sulayman story of download with the man who comes asking him Yes, his question. And then to solve to solve is a valid science of Islam. If you get into Iraq and into some of the ways that the soul has manifested, then that's a completely different thing. But the idea also of is not from Islam is a completely modern view of some people. It has nothing to do a traditional Islam. Everybody accepted the idea of tussle. And all of the

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great scholars of Islam

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speak well of this science, including even Samia and in the image of Xia. Many, many of the scholars so but there are deviant Sufis like there's deviant grammarians there's deviant folk AHA there's deviant there's deviant every group has deviance. And so and there's a lot of charlatans into so have traditionally in fact,

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you know, I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. When I was studying Arabic years ago, I I read the mats you know you have this

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The genre and, and the characters in them. They were like religious charlatans, which was a little shocking for me at the time. You know, I was 2223 years old. And I read these stories, and they would they do things like they'd go to the mosque and claim they saw the Prophet until all the people that the Prophet told him that they should all give charity to him, and then he just steal the money and go off. But I realized later as I got older, and just the fraudulent nature of so many people on this planet, and I'm dealing with some fraud right now, so you really might my when I wrote the purification of the heart, my father read it, and he was like one page on fraud. I don't

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think so. That was that was his comment. So and, you know, so he, he was defrauded of by some really nefarious people. So, fraud is part of life and the worst types of frauds or religious frauds. I mean, I'll take a

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Goomba from Queens, or New Jersey over over religious fraud, you know, these people that trick people with religiosity, so you'll get that you'll find that you know, and then also the Dean which is basically knowing

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the Aqeedah of the Muslims, so you have also reflect and also the dean, which some people call Akbar our Hanif is term. Also lil Feck, is knowing how to derive the rulings out of FIP. And then Loja which is really important in our deen to know the language of the Quran, the Quran uses, there's a hurry, but a Quran there's words in the Quran that you think you know what they mean, because you know, Arabic, but then when you look in the tafsir, you find out that they don't mean what you think they mean. And there's a lot of that in the Quran.

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And then now, absolutely necessary, you have to learn grammar, and then finally, rhetoric and ban. That's the twelth. So those are his now when we get to just beginning with

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back to the July so I just wanted that as a prelude to this. When we get to the Jawahar of the Quran.

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Imam Rosario identifies these what he calls the jewels.

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And then what he calls the pearls. So the jewels are

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those that relate directly to Allah and to His attributes and His act. The pearls are those that relate to the scrotum of supreme. So this first verse would be really a pearl because it's indicating, here's the guidance like this is the book that's going to take you to God so that he can Kitab and that's one of them that he had Kitab Allah is your only mochi taboo so so he's using it's an SME Shara. It's a type of what we call a demonstrative pronoun. But it's a demonstrative pronoun. Not for something close, but for something far generally, but it's for title name. So it's this book, this magnificent this momentous this great book, lowrider and some stop there.

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Lo Fi. There's no doubt in it. Lowri Buffy that LA is Nephi lead gen so Lowri Buffy, it's very interesting to start a book by letting you know from the very start of it, that there's absolutely no doubt in the book.

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In other words, rest assured this book is free of doubt. Who de Lille Mota pain. Here the Hooda is put into the what we would call indefinite. So it's a neck it's tankier later LVM. So it's NEC era for Tallinn. In grammar in sorry, in rhetoric. So so the the NEC era here indicates, again that this is divine guidance. This is not ordinary guy. This isn't guiding you on the road to the marketplace. This is something more album, it's real guidance. Who Daelin Turpin, the MATA pain. Dr. Cleary and and he I think he's the only person probably I don't know if ever but certainly, I don't know anybody else but there I think maybe it was ZoomIt there might be some others. But he could read the

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Hindu scriptures, the Buddhist scriptures, the the Christian scriptures, the Hebrew Scriptures and the Muslim scriptures, so the five major world religions in their in their original tongues.

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And really well I mean he he knew Sanskrit he knew Pali he translated it down

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Apart from party, and he actually identifies something in there of a prediction of the prophets, Elijah sent him. But he knew Greek he knew Hebrew, and he knew Arabic. And so

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when when you see his word choice, you really have to think about it. And one of the things that he says in his, the reason why he chose this word,

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in fact, is one of the most interesting things about this translation are the notes that he put in the back because it really shows you the kind of extraordinary insights that he had.

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But he says conscientious, metop pain, this is from the root waqia, which has primitive meanings of guarding, preserving safeguarding protecting my opinion comes from the fifth or the eighth measure of the root, and means to be aware to be wary beyond guard protect oneself, and fear the wrath of God, I have used the word conscientious to render this on many occasions, because its original meaning. In other words, the original meaning of conscientious in the English language

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combines these ideas fairly well. And because the word conscientious has weakened to such a degree in contemporary usage, that the connection between duty to God and duty to humanity is no longer clear and needs to be revitalized by using the word in such a way as to retrieve its original meaning and force. So he's very specifically choosing this because he feels that it combines both your duty to God because conscientious traditionally meant somebody who was scrupulous in his moral activities as one of the meanings. And one of the problems with language and this is where a lot of people don't understand is that

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language has multiple usages. So you can have very specific words like in Arabic, you can have a really specific word that's used for like Curse Curse in Arabic has to have liquid in it. If it doesn't have liquid, it's not a curse.

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So this is a book without doubt, has guidance in it for the conscientious that's how he's chosen to translate it.

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And now they're described Alladhina Umino no better live or Milan? Wash is human. Alladhina Umino novella. Hi, Eva. What up Mona? serata Huami Mara SubhanaHu Myung Vehicon. Those who believe in the unseen now, what is the vibe? Well, the vibe is anything you can't see. But the question becomes, are things that we can now see in electron microscopy from the unseen.

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These are problems now. But

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generally, the unseen would be the spiritual world, not the material world. So anything that's in the material, and this is very important in EMA medical zanis

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in his entire worldview, because he really sees the binary of anima Arabia was shahada, the unseen world and the scene world and this is constant through his, his works. So he really sees the milk and the Mallacoota occasionally, not that often he'll bring in a third term

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which is the job route, but generally, he has this binary of the seen and the unseen. Um, so there are people that believe in the unseen in Allah in the angels in the afterlife, all these things that we can't see where you pmon Or Salah is very interesting it doesn't say you saw loan

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you could have said you saw loan but it says up Munna, Salah right. So, the Salah is, it's an established practice, a Karma Salah. So you can say you will study an oscillator the hook, but if karma is to be more pain in it, it's something that's constant. So they they're constant in their prayers. So

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this is really, really important, and also establishing the prayer, the congression, the congregational prayer is very important. One the models upon whom human alone and from what We have provided them they give out now this is in other words, it doesn't say from what they were provided, we gave them

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we provided for them. So this is a risk and your risk has obligations because you're most likely if you have been given a trust that was held by by people before you if you inherited wealth, it was your parents trust or you

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Your uncle or whoever you inherited it from. But if you have earned the money here, it's a sacred trust nonetheless that Allah has given you because he's the one that gave you your physical strength. He's one that gave you your intelligence. He's the one that provided all the things that enabled you to work in order to get that. So whatever you have earned, is actually from Allah subhanaw taala, which goes back to at Hamdulillah, you're a Brahmin, all praises due to Allah, all provision is due to Allah. So this everything belongs to God.

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Leela himself is similar to art he possesses everything is in heaven, zero, but he has, in essence loaned it to us. And that loan is an Amana. Now, while we have it, we have it's our property. So we are the Moloch by Sharia, but in happy, in reality, we're only renters, and we're going to have to pay that rent. By using it, what he has the conditions of rent, the rental agreement that God has given us is that we follow his Shediac that's the payment that you do what He commanded us to do. If you do that, you've paid the rent, and then on your piano, you have no debts.

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Now, most of us are going likely going to have debts on the day of judgment and that's when the renter says,

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I'm gonna let you slide. That's what renters do if they have a good renter, but okay, he, he got laid off and he's having a hard time and he's trying to get a job. And then so the landlord says, you know, don't worry about it, I can handle this. Well, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna has no need for anything. So like a kind person here who would give you a break Allah subhanaw taala is our hammer. I mean, he's the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. So we should always give out from what Allah has provided us know, What is Allah asked for. Right? Allah says, In the Quran, they asked him, What do we give out? He says on an IFO

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say whatever they have extra, it's the alpha we it's what it's what they can give, alas, not asking for everything. He's asking for something. He's given you everything. He's asking for something back and not for himself.

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Right. He's asking you for something back for others in need. And that's that's that's basically what Livigno manana Bhima Sera, la cama publica, or Billa, Hara to whom you cleaner, and those who believe in what was sent down before you so we believe in all the prophets that were sent down before us to Jonah,

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Tina, Ibrahim, and upon me we all the prophets that that we gave those 19 that are mentioned in that verse, those are all prophets that were given revelation from Allah subhana wa Tada. So we follow

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the prophets by following the last prophet, he's our prophets, Allah liason, but all of them are our prophets in that we believe in them and we accept their revelations. But our but the prophesy, Sam came with the most updated version. And this is why we believe in our Prophet size, as being the only one that we need, we get the guidance from Him directly. And there's a feed off about a shout out on Kadena versus in the Quran that deal with previous dispensations, whether or not they apply to us or not, but generally, we have all the guidance that we need from our Prophet Isaiah them. And the prophesy said when he saw Omar looking in the Torah, he said, Why are you looking at in that,

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like you have the Quran we don't need. That's that book. It's a good book, He who doesn't write he nor you know, the it has guidance in it immense wisdom in the Bible, both Old and New Testament.

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but we have been given this and what was sent down before you and are certain of the Hereafter What if you had a dome up noon? They have a European about the euro, so they don't doubt now people and many people have asked me this, you know, that like I have doubts. You have to distinguish between what Dr. Cleary often referred to as the host and the guest. So the host is who you are. That's your essential nature. The guest are uninvited thoughts

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and so you can you can have uninvited thoughts that come into your heart and don't take them seriously. But they'll come show up on us we Sufi saluting nests, you know Shabbat

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Here's what's worse. I mean, that's one of his net is the obsessor. He's going to assail you with thoughts and make you think that it's you. So we have that differentiation. And in fact, some of the traditional Christian guilt was based on not having that differentiation of not realizing that your thoughts are not necessarily yours. There's there's coauthorship aanya out there. Nuff said. Yeah, you know, but what is your true nature? So if you're a believer, that's your host. And then the uninvited guest comes in.

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See, the Amazon Rock says, well, may you wish to be his Sherpa. No, well elbow your bow who who would Emanuel what? What comes into your heart from ship on and your heart rejects it? That's a man that is Eman. Fela to hydrogen and who learned enough you know, up to 10 kina. So don't debate with him. Don't try to fight him just let the thought go let it pass. These are hotter they just were the Arabs call so how will save clouds of the summer you know, they just dissipate they're gone.

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are so happy to save

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Hola, Iike Allahu the mirror be him. So these are the ones who are. They're the ones that follow the guidance from their Lord. They're on the guidance that that God gave him here he translates what will go home and mostly home here he tries out there the happy ones, which obviously if you're successful, you're happy in his larger commentary, his larger interpretation, which is this unfortunately, this is no longer available, but

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it is available on on

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on Kindle, but inshallah try to get that out again. In here, he calls them the successful ones. So this was later he did this.

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Several years after this, he did this after the Gulf War. He was very troubled by what had happened and how Muslims were being demonized. So he wanted to do the essential Quran to show people basically Johanna Quran, what what Imam ezeli identified as the central essential meanings of this book, which is why it's called the essential Quran

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in Alladhina, Cafaro. So, when I read him under the home, umunhum tonder home, let me know, as for the ungrateful, who refuse it is the same to them. Whether you warn them or not, they do not believe. So. The calf ear is a really difficult word in Arabic.

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Even theologically, it's a problematic term.

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Cover up means to cover over in fact, arguably cover which has the same sounds in it might have some it might just be one of those coincidences of language. But who knows, I actually have a book that attempts to prove that all language goes back to Arabic, that a lot of its stretching, but believe it or not, in 1828

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Mr. Webster, Noah Webster, who wrote the first American Dictionary, and Noah Webster was a very pious man, he actually has a really brilliant little book called advice for the young, which is all how to stay on the path. But anyway, no, Webster

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felt America needed to have its own English and not be tied to the old country. He was had that real

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American kind of independence, right? We're not English, we have our own way of speaking our language. So he created the sticks dictionary. But what he wanted to prove in that dictionary, believe it or not, was that all of English went back to Hebrew

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as the source language of the world, what he found though, was there were more cognates in Arabic than in Hebrew. So he ended up putting a whole bunch of he knew Arabic From he studied Hebrew and Arabic, I think, I think at Harvard, but anyway, so if you look at that, you can get a facsimile of his 18th 28th edition, and it has got all these Arabic words in there, which is like he says, cave is cough, cave cough, and then art is earth, earth, and then cover Kufa. So he's got all these Bibles baby.

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He goes on and on. It's very interesting. But what what what is fascinating is where did they get lithographic typesetting in 1828 in the United States in Arabic, that's what really surprised me. Where did they get the lithograph to do that? Amazing.

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So kuffaar kuffaar What's it

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Important to know it means ingratitude, like the prophesy, Sam said that, that, that women in particular had to be very careful of what he called COFRA Anil ishara

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to be ungrateful for the companionship of their husbands because husbands can be very difficult and can have, you know, they can get grumpy, they can do all these things. But, you know, they're important, right? They're, they're taking care of you. They're hopefully paying all the bills and things like that. So the prophesy, Sam said, you know, it was important not to fall into a kind of ingratitude, and vice versa. The man say no, model Delano, once a man came knocking on his door, to complain about his wife. This was in Medina was a small city. So he went to go and then he heard there was a fight inside the house. And his wife was kind of saying things to Anwar, he thought, oh

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my god, if that's almost life, what am I complaining about? So he's gonna leave Omar open the door. So where are you going?

01:01:03 --> 01:01:48

And he said, No, I made a mistake. He said, No, you came for a reason would you come for and then he explained to her and he saw Omar laugh, and said, My wife takes care of me, she does all the same to take care of the children. I should be patient if she gets upset. So it's, um, it goes both ways. So that's cool. Fran, it's a ingratitude. And then calf ear is also somebody who knows the truth and rejects it. I mean, that's really the essential aspects. So the truth has become clear. And they reject it. That's real cover. And that's why what I teach Aleut Lee and dad and want them to and we're gonna get to that. Don't put idols beside God, knowingly. What unto him, Tana Mon, it's a

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Joomla Halia. So, in other words, you know what you're doing? Don't do that wittingly don't do it. Knowingly. So, Cofer. Allah always spoke before the Hoja was on the Arabs, he spoke, yeah, you had nests. So all the Meccan they even though they were not Muslims, he's calling them NES. He doesn't call them kofod. He calls them NES, because they're being invited to the calling. Once the module was established, once they saw the miracles of the Prophet, once the Quran, they understood the Quran, which was their language, and they knew they couldn't imitate it, then they had no excuse. So to apply that to the rest of humanity, most of the people that you see are nests. And in fact, one

01:02:37 --> 01:02:41

wonders, should we really assume people are Muslim before we assume they're not Muslim?

01:02:42 --> 01:03:27

Why Why would you make the assumption that people I mean, I was sitting with an nauseum, Bush was with me from Canada, we were sitting with John Taylor Gatto. And I looked at John Taylor Gatto. And I said, you know, John, because he was a wonderful human being that really loved people and loved education and, and did amazing things in education, unprecedented Teacher of the Year, out of 54,000 teachers in New York four times, like nobody else had ever done even at twice. So I said to John, you know, John, you're a Muslim. And he looked down for about 30 seconds, and he raised his head, and he said, I accept that. Now, according to our Hanifa, that makes him a Muslim. In fact,

01:03:27 --> 01:03:47

according to Albert Hanifa, anybody that calls the Prophet Prophet, so if somebody calls the prophets, Elijah, Muhammad, the Prophet, would, that must mean that they think he's a prophet. So, I mean, obviously, you can get into details and push people, that's fine, if you want to do that. But having a good opinion just generally is a good thing to do.

01:03:49 --> 01:03:55

But there are so far, I mean, there are Kuffar and there are evil people in the world, and we shouldn't be pollyannish. About that.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:39

So Allah subhanaw taala. And after that, you know, he says, it's the same to them whether you want them or don't want them. Well, we know if you think about you, they could have said that about Abu Sophia, because I will Sophia and fought the prophet for look at how many years he fought the Prophet. So could people could have just written him off and said, Oh, it's so nice to hear the other two Oh, Lambton Darrow. Right, he's not going to believe. Well, he ended up becoming a muslim. So just because somebody rejects it initially doesn't mean this is that these are people that it's Allah has sealed their fate. Because there they have rejected the truth, and they're not amenable to

01:04:39 --> 01:05:00

remediation. So that's the caffeine. So we should be very careful about that just about people. There's a lot of good people that if we were more upright as a OMA, if we were delivering the message as an OMA, maybe they would respond, but when you

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

Look at the Muslim world. There's a lot of places where it just doesn't look too appealing. And a lot of people think that has to do with Islam. So in some ways we have become

01:05:12 --> 01:05:16

you know, I had a Saudi friend who said Islam has the best case with the worst lawyers

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01:05:25 --> 01:05:46

how to Mala Anna? peruvianus? Allah efia Allah has sealed their hearts. There's a hatom on their hearts. Were an SME him. What about 30 him upset at him he Shaohua in our on their site, there's a covering, there's a rain shower, they can't see what a home that one I'll then

01:05:47 --> 01:05:50

there's an amazing story that

01:05:51 --> 01:06:12

Leopold vice who became Mohammed acid, I don't know if people know. But he he became Muslim in 1926. And then he went to Arabia. And he ended up he knew Arabic he knew Hebrew. He was actually trained in the Torah. He comes from a long line of rabbis, but his father, I think, was a successful businessman.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:22

And anyway, he was raised with the Torah. And then he, he in 26, he converted to Islam. And then he went to

01:06:23 --> 01:06:27

Saudi Arabia, and he actually became an advisor to

01:06:29 --> 01:06:31

up that disease, King AbdulAziz.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:35

He was he was living in Mecca at the time. And then

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and then he ended up after that he in 1932, he went to Pakistan, which was not Pakistan yet because it comes back sam 47. But in 42, and 4232, he goes to Pakistan, and he actually lives there learns, I think Urdu became the Pakistani citizen and help them.

01:07:01 --> 01:07:03

He translated Buhari.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:15

And then he lost the transit got burnt down his house, burned down, lost the whole translation. It was tragic because he really knew Arabic well, but anyway, he tells how he became Muslim,

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which is an amazing story in in his book road to Mecca. He said that he and his wife Elsa, they were on a train in Vienna, he was from Austria. So they're on a train. And he's he's looking at a man across from him. He was a businessman, a portly businessman. And he said he looked like a well educated, well fed and wealthy man. But he said he looked at his face and he saw this pain and worry and torment. on his face. He said his lips were purse, as if he was troubled by something. And then he looked around and he noticed everybody on the train look like that. And if you've ever been on a subway in New York, you know exactly what he's talking about. After you know, the five o'clock

01:07:59 --> 01:08:03

subway after a day of that horrible grind.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:20

Well acid in that in Santa Fe hustle. You know, surely in the afternoon man is at loss. So he he's and then he looks to Elsa and any any says to her, what he's noticing. And then she looks and she says,

01:08:21 --> 01:08:50

you know, you're right. He actually says she looks like somebody who a painter would look at faces that they're about to paint. You know, she really inspects them and she says they look like they're suffering the torments of *. So he goes back to the apartment, and he had been reading the Quran, and it was open. And he goes actually to put it away. But his eyes fall on an Hakkoda cathodal Hatter's Ottoman macabre that

01:08:52 --> 01:09:05

vying for more, has you been dazzled? Until you go to your graves? And then it says surely you will come to know surely you will come to know the * that you are in.

01:09:07 --> 01:09:08

And you will see it.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:12

I know the pain.

01:09:13 --> 01:09:59

And he he like he said he started shaking physically. And then he called Elsa and he says read that. Isn't that what we just saw? And she said yes. And he said, I knew at that moment this book was true. Because he said he felt it was predicting a state that that would come towards the latter days in this mechanized world of alienated people living these empty meaningless lives because the peoples of the past had generally religion they had sacred, they have festivals and they now they're just, they're lost without they have spiritual Alzheimer's. completely unaware of who they are.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:15

where they come from? Who created them where they're going, all of this. Nine months in the womb, being fed through an umbilical cord, and kept at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit,

01:10:16 --> 01:10:20

with oxygen coming in through the blood from your mother's breath,

01:10:22 --> 01:10:35

forming the brain, the spinal cord, all of these things, all of this for why? Billions and billions of cells coming together almost instantaneously, with incredible order,

01:10:36 --> 01:10:42

an opposable thumb to create all these tools with a tongue to articulate our needs

01:10:43 --> 01:10:44

Subhan Allah

01:10:45 --> 01:10:52

Malecon, what's wrong with you? That Allah says that several times in the Quran what is wrong with you?

01:10:53 --> 01:10:57

Man or Kamala and also wrong, what's wrong that you don't help one another?

01:11:00 --> 01:11:45

Mahara Kabira bigger Karim Allah the hara Africa for so work of add that it could be a use for at the Masha or Kabak. What has diluted you from your Generous Lord, the one who fashioned you and formed you and then assembled you back come back, Turkey, but they literally called DNA and modern Arabic. They use turkey but as the word assembled you into this extraordinary creation. And so the people that can't see that they have a shower, and that's why believers, Christian believers, Muslim believers, Jewish believers, believers of any stripe, just don't understand why some people can't see this so clearly. Well, there's your answer.

01:11:49 --> 01:11:55

I was with my son. Yeah, here we were looking at this incredible sunset

01:11:57 --> 01:12:04

up at the upper campus, just this palette of incredible colors. And I just looked at him I said,

01:12:06 --> 01:12:13

how can people not believe in God? And he looked at me he said, dirty windows.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:19

So as good as good as an answer gets.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:35

So painful torment. They're already in it. You know, demonic people living demonic lies, all these people defrauding old people. You know, all these people cheating and stealing and robbing. They're already in *. You know?

01:12:36 --> 01:12:41

They're just going from from one house to another one. They're already there.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:59

Woman and Nancy Manya Kudo. Armand belay. Mobilio Mala here, on my home the money and among humankind. One of the things that Dr. Cleary did and I think it's worth and I'll end with this. I think it's really worth

01:13:00 --> 01:13:03

looking at his explanation because

01:13:04 --> 01:13:09

you know, he was a deeply contemplative man and just had great insights.

01:13:13 --> 01:13:14

But he says here

01:13:17 --> 01:13:45

another special problem in translating from the Quran into modern English is in the treatment of pronominal reference to God. In contemporary English, there is no third person pronoun perfectly well suited to making reference to the transcendent God beyond all human conceptions, the ultimate shortcoming of human language is natural, of course, and not peculiar to English. But there are particular reasons for attending to the problem of the third person pronoun.

01:13:47 --> 01:13:56

Many people of Jewish and Christian background feel alienated from their native face by what they call the quote unquote, angry old man image of God

01:13:58 --> 01:14:31

with which they have been taught to associate religion. Furthermore, what has been perceived as the masculine bias of this image is particularly well known to have alienated many Western women from monotheism. This would seem to be an unnecessary waste, to avoid short circuiting the attention of significant segments of the modern audience at such a rudimentary stage. In other words, I'm just trying to get them to think about this. And one of the things that he told me once is he said, Americans can't think about thinking about Islam.

01:14:34 --> 01:14:34


01:14:35 --> 01:14:54

in order to prevent that, right, I have translated the third person Arabic pronoun who, as referring to God as God, or God as truth, rather than referring to the English pronoun he or him. Now remember, this is a man who probably knew around 30 languages.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:59

So this is really worth

01:15:00 --> 01:15:08

The thinking about in technical terms this means that since the fundamental linguistic resource is the power of reference,

01:15:10 --> 01:15:15

one technique for handling difficulties in translation begins with considering language from this point of view.

01:15:16 --> 01:16:02

In as much as languages do differ, it is axiomatic that manners of reference can never be completely or perfectly aligned from language to language, and therefore, the attempt to do so does not in itself reproduce equivalent powers of reference. Thus, the first priority of translation in terms of meaning is to seek to engage the power of reference as efficiently as possible in whatever manner the target language may afford. In this case, the principle means that a pronoun in one language is not taken to refer to a pronoun in another language, but to the original nominal referent. In other words, back to what it's referring to, for which the pronoun stands and by which name noun, it can

01:16:02 --> 01:16:53

thus be meaningfully translated. In this case, following the injunction of the quantum to call God by the most beautiful names. I have generally rendered pro nominal references to the Divine by God, a name which is in this context, uniquely unambiguous. And that's really quite stunning what what what he's saying there so and so if you read his translation, he has no male pronouns to use for God even though we know in Arabic who can apply to God without any gender reference like it is for somebody to say you know, my God is a he or a she that's totally unacceptable in Islamic theology because God is is not a gender God is not he has no binary God has no is dua g god is unique. Odo

01:16:53 --> 01:16:59

Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad lamea lead, what have you learned, while Amir Kula who one had

01:17:01 --> 01:17:02

enough said,

01:17:04 --> 01:17:22

say God, unique, say God, unique, God is unique. God is independent needs nothing. He neither produces nor reproduces, in some will add a type of way he creates, but he doesn't produce there's no production

01:17:23 --> 01:17:26

come via Khun B and it is

01:17:28 --> 01:17:39

what you call the hook one. And there's no thing. There's nothing there is no peer. There's no Novia there's nothing like God, God is peerless.

01:17:44 --> 01:18:05

Alhamdulillah so can you delve a little deeper into email of advice of Azadi spiritual crisis doesn't mean he question the existence of God. I don't think he question I think what he did was a kind of Cartesian radical doubt as as a type of intellectual exercise. I think he really wanted to try.

01:18:06 --> 01:18:07

And he proceeds

01:18:09 --> 01:18:32

Descartes in that, so I think he, he really was doing. I mean, he was a trained intellectual. He was a great scholar, but he was also a trained philosopher. Like he really knew logic. And so I think for him, it was much more of an intellectual exercise. I mean, not the, the crisis, the crisis was psychological. But the exercise was,

01:18:33 --> 01:19:02

was philosophical. So I that's how I would view it. I don't think he would have had any doubts about that, but inshallah we'll get to ask him when we meet him, you'd need that Sharma in the Great Library. Jorge is you know, the great writer from South America who won the Nobel Prize. He's one of my favorite favorite writers in English. I wish I could read the level of Spanish that he writes out, but he was great. He had great interest in Islam. But

01:19:04 --> 01:19:09

Luis Jorge, his name was Jorge Boras.

01:19:10 --> 01:19:21

He, he said that the first thing that he was gonna ask the angel when he got to Paradise, I mean, if if he gets to Paradise, is where's the library?

01:19:26 --> 01:19:52

How was once so in any way? His crises? I mean, I would read the movement of his Savior from error. Because that, that really, he goes into great detail. How is one supposed to view the bad things that are happening around us at the personal and global level? How do we not lose hope? How do we develop and sustain strong tobacco? Well, remember that Imam Al Ghazali, in his genius,

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

put telecoil which is trusting God with Tawheed in the air

01:20:00 --> 01:20:34

Yeah, so it's, it's Kitab Taheebo Tawakkol. So it's, it's really important to have a strong Tauheed and understanding that everything's from God to and also to understand that this is doddle if Tila In fact, one of the things that emammal Junaid says is that he took a party that in life. And once he took this axiom this principle in his life, he said nothing ever bothered him after that. And it was that he said dunya is Sharon Kulu ha

01:20:36 --> 01:21:06

whoa Tao without or if tilde and will fit in it in Warhammer and wollam. And it is an abode of tribulation of trials of depression and of anxiety. Like that's that is the Westphal dar that's that's the description of the abode. And so he says, Once you accept that, he said, After that nothing bothered me that came from Virginia, because I said I was just done yet. That's, that's, that's how it is.

01:21:08 --> 01:21:16

So there's a stoic element to that, but and then he said, Whatever comes that's not that doesn't have those qualities is fun. So just be grateful.

01:21:18 --> 01:21:53

Right that what you can't be patient with any tribulation, but be grateful. So it's important. Everybody has tribulation. The wealthiest people have tribulation, the poorest people have tribulation, sometimes the wealthy people have. I mean, I've known some really wealthy people that I wouldn't. There's no way I'd trade places with them, knowing what I know about the tribulations that they have. So this idea that P O people don't suffer, you know, because of their color of their skin, or because of the wealth that they have. I mean, that's just not knowing the human condition. Every human being has his trials and tribulations.

01:21:54 --> 01:22:09

And so it's just important to that we're all here together to own 100 battery with taqwa, watch out for the demons because they're around and that and the human demons are worse than the than the ones from the spirit world. They are, they're worse.

01:22:10 --> 01:22:24

So you have to develop a an understanding of your Lord and an understanding of the Abode reading the Quran with meaning and one of the things you might not have is that he says, and I actually really appreciate this in the GioI. And he says that Muslims should think about the Quran.

01:22:25 --> 01:22:50

You have to be careful when you have limitations of knowledge, but you should reflect due to doubler of the Quran, you can do it in English, these these meanings, you can reflect on these meanings. But the Quran has an embedded metaphysic that that is not spelt out like a book, it's it can only be determined by a real engagement anymore. Marzano says,

01:22:51 --> 01:23:27

this is a lifetime of work. I mean, he says it's going to take a lifetime for you to do this work. And Allah has given you about just about enough time. And in sha Allah if you you know, for those who died before that time, Allah's he's merciful and he's just so he's going to take into consideration I'm sure people's, the amount of time they had, but if you've had a lot of time, I mean, II mama Daddy says if you've reached 40, and you're good, doesn't outweigh your bad, get ready for *. Because 40 is a lot of time to work things out.

01:23:29 --> 01:23:51

Would you say that we can treat the pronunciation of different rewired as providing different aspects of meaning? Well, they do provide different aspects of meaning. And also, one of the things about Tajweed is that a lot of the rules of Tajweed actually have meanings embedded in them, you know, so, I mean, if you look like

01:23:53 --> 01:24:38

you know, a Raider and Marvel Dolby, are they what are on the scene? I mean, that that mad mad NASM there has should have 600 Cut. So in that Med, you're indicating something about going astray by just keep going down. So Tez weed, I mean, a lot of the you know, a lot of the rules of Tajweed enhance I mean, if you look at had you a showroom Lumads for manufacture, Rafi Hindle hija Ferrara Fatah whatever so coverage she had had one out of Adelman hating them Hola. What has a word for interference Zadie Taqwa with Taccone

01:24:40 --> 01:24:50

Wulin Al Bab so there you will learn. It's like calling all these people yeah Gulaal bad.

01:24:52 --> 01:25:00

Lisa Adhikam Gianna Han tiptoe further Emile Rob decom fader, Tom and Arafat, fat Corolla and the mash

01:25:00 --> 01:25:36

Al haram with Kuru who come come, we're in Countryman carbery Lemon Law on clean, I mean, there you go. So, so the, the rules of Taj we they enhance the meaning like Che usually has a med it can go to four, six and wash, you know, well who adequately she in Kadir I mean che is thing and think of all the things in the world. So in that med that there is an indication of something of the nature of things that they just go on. So, and then you have

01:25:38 --> 01:25:39

you have

01:25:40 --> 01:25:51

the Arabs because the prophets or Islam was sent first to all the Arabs and then to the Agim but first to the Arabs, he was first sent to his own people.

01:25:52 --> 01:26:27

One way of honoring them was to put all of the language ads into the Quran. So you'll find all the Arab dialects have a they'll find their dialect in the Quran, which is a way of saying, Mara that, you know, we include you so it wasn't this Qureshi hegemony, where you just impose your language on the rest of the Arabs. In fact house which is the most recited Quran today is Benny Tamim. It's It's the it's the excuse me, it's the Arabs from the nished

01:26:28 --> 01:27:17

their mother Arabs, but they you know, the people in Qatar or from Benny to me, like the the ruling family of Qatar, they're different Benny to mean. So that's their language to say young men, the Prophet said human he didn't Prowse the Hamza, so Nafion unwashed Kowloon has the Hamza but wash has no Hamza that and that's why Matic considered NAFTA to be a sunnah and particularly the reweigh of wash which is why the Malik is all read it as a sunnah somatic actually saw wash was sunnah and that's why all the the Libyans recite are known because they were next to Egypt and Egypt house became the dominant Quran cartoons very close to house. But the rest of the monarchies all over

01:27:17 --> 01:27:24

North and West Africa, recite with wash in the Maliki's in Sudan recite with while mode

01:27:26 --> 01:27:39

like that beautiful reciter chef Newton who died right when he was becoming famous. It's like a loss of time to take you and he had already done the whole oran with beautiful cider.

01:27:41 --> 01:27:48

So they definitely give and then also with the recensions you have things like you know,

01:27:49 --> 01:28:32

ALLAH SubhanA wa says original Allah Denio Catarina be unknown Millennium that's one Clara, within Allah, Allah the new Kathy Luna. So one has the past of the other has, you know, the active form of the verb. So they were given permission those who were being fought, but also because they were being fought, but then it also says they were given permission to fight. So it has both. And then and that's why because, you know, when they when they when they got into the fight in the Assura al haram, I mean, the Quran revealed that it was you know, it was permitted for them to do that because they were being oppressed would fit into a rock bottom and cutlery would fit into a shed two minute

01:28:32 --> 01:28:41

cutlery. So there are Kabbalah shed. So one says about it, the other says a shed, so you have all these nuances. You have for instance, in

01:28:43 --> 01:28:46

Aloma city on sad Mohammed, you have

01:28:48 --> 01:29:06

India a confessor, convenor and the yellow in that's one Karatbar. Two is another camera. If you look at how it's written without the diacritical marks, it's written the same way in the Rossum Earth money. But the diacritical marks which were added later, during the time of hijab.

01:29:08 --> 01:29:30

The meaning of Tobago is make sure you understand the meaning but to Thaba to his make sure that the sources sound so in that one verse or both those meanings. And there are many examples of Manuel Adobe bunny and he's not like, withholding mojado ABB one. He's not It's not he's not making it out. It's not just his

01:29:32 --> 01:29:53

opinions about the unseen so the karats are really even the shed that are out there. Very interesting that I had karats a Jana bushy tattoo, she said here, I mean, the reason it's a shed Clara, but the reason it's interesting is because the dialect that you find in the Gulf Arabs, Keith Haddish you know,

01:29:56 --> 01:29:59

they use the calf they pronounce it like a sheen or

01:30:00 --> 01:30:26

cello sound, that's a that's a very ancient Arabic dialect. So the karats have preserved also, and then things like Rome and Ishmael. I mean, if you look at the Imam, one, it's a proof that you have to take the Quran from a body because there's no way you can learn each man without doing it scheffau een you can't read how to do it. It's just something you have to you have to learn how to get that from a body. It doesn't change the

01:30:29 --> 01:30:31

the I mean, that's just a really interesting

01:30:32 --> 01:30:37

aspect of the Quran. So touch me, to me is one of the real proofs of

01:30:38 --> 01:30:47

the preservation of the Quran. Just the fact that we all of the sects of Islam agree on all 10 karats. I mean, what religion has that?

01:30:49 --> 01:30:55

Like they don't debate it. And the Shia use the shot the BIA and the Dora, which are both from Sunni scholars.

01:30:56 --> 01:31:22

They're not a problem. They use the elfia Vivian Moloch is a Sunni scholar. So there's no even like Muhammad you have the same they have the same Quran as as, as the rest of the Muslims. So every group, whether the smiley or the Borah, devotees, every group, they have the same Korans. Nobody differs about the Quran.

01:31:23 --> 01:31:59

The Christians differ. The Protestants only accept the Hebrew Bible, they don't accept the the some of the apocryphal texts it has to be in the Hebrew Bible, whereas the Catholics except texts that are in the Apocrypha as well. So anyway, is that is that it? Last question? All right, um, Dina Subhanallah contigo Shawanda Ilahi Lanta the stock record to avoid eight what else are they in that in Santa Fe fossa? Inland Medina and why middle Saudi has also been happy with lawsuits

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