Hamza Yusuf – Gateway to God’s Book #2

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the origins of prophets and the use of COVID-19 in media. It touches on the importance of the title boss and the "has been" in the Bible, as well as the shrouds of prophets and the importance of understanding the meaning of "there's a God" and the "has been called the shrouds of the prophets." The speakers also discuss the use of "naught" in various cultural and political settings and the importance of writing in the internet for creativity. They recommend reciting the Quran and learning to write before reciting it every day to improve memory.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam O Allah says in Surah su de la vida, the woman whether along with the heading of

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netofa casati in a long island remain fan or fan of Mr. Lambton was in the in Orbeez in your in Alhamdulillah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. First of all, thank you for all the

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the wonderful comments I was told they got a lot of positive comments I want to just thank everybody for having a good opinion May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward all of you may Allah bless your Ramadan inshallah and we're here looking at even juicy al Calvin's work on to Celia Paloma Tanzania has particular his ma Kadima and then I'm going to look at a few other things including Mr. kozar, his theory of algebra here in the Quran. Mr. Rosati has a very interesting book, where he looks at the most important what he called the Joa which here means essences, but they're the jewels of the Quran. And he uses that terminology is Al kalbi, or the lion who is one of the great scholastics of

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the eighth century, he died in 741. He he he was

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an Andrew Sian from Granada. And he had the great fortune of living when there was still a very strong tradition there. It broke down obviously, and eventually led to the loss of Andrew sia, but in his in his themes of Quran

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he basically looks at seven what he considered to be the seven themes that the Quran goes into. And so I'm going to be looking at that today those seven themes. Before I did I actually wanted to look at something from another Andrew Seon, who influenced

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the great images al kalbi who was on the abubaker even an RV, and audio Barker wrote the law. No, he wrote two types ears one is called a camel Quran, which is in four volumes, very famous work is one of the most important works on the juristic aspect of the Quran. He was a student of the grades, just that Islam of Mohammed roselli. And he, one of the most really extraordinary scholars, but he wrote his rattler and he talked about first meeting in America xiety and he was actually the last person that Mr. Marquez that he took as a kind of personal student and that that was how brilliant he was. But he

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he in his come upon on his other Khurana, unfortunately was apparently 30 volumes was lost. So a lot of them that I've seen works. We don't have

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he he mentions in Surah Baqarah

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the verse Adam para la La Nina Hara German dare him home Ulu Heather unmowed Haven't you seen those who left their homes in the 1000s out of fear of death autohome Allah Mootoo from home. So Allah subhanho wa Taala said to them, die, and then after that he brought them back. So he mentioned that the reason for this was because of a plague awaba that had afflicted

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the people of Venezuela, Ian so he says under Bennett decided to retire on our own in Arabic generally means the black plague, but it actually can mean also any epidemic or pandemic, but but if it's used on its own, it just it means the black plague, but an epidemic also would have

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would have been there they're called webapp or obeah. And influenza was certainly something in the pre modern world. Some Arabs have suggested that it's from influenza, which is the, the the nose of the the goat, because it's, it's always wet, you know, so But anyway, that's, that's one of those very dubious etymologies. So he says in here, that they fled, the they fled the the plague and because of that Allah subhana wa tada caused them to die, really as a punishment for fleeing the plague. So this this is something relevant to us. So what he says here now is that after a man even offsets metatarsal alized yakou

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It has smarthome be Hebei, Arden for that octomore Allah He will either work or then want on behalf of otaku furor and Minho. This Hadith, which is a sound, Hadith metabo con la imamura Buhari and Mr. Muslim related, this hadith actually came from a situation where Omar Delano was with the Sahaba. And they were on their way to sham. And then they heard about a battle not worse. And so Omar was thinking about going, just continuing on the journey. And they he actually brought he had a shorter he had the courage and then he had the answer. And they had a shorter, and then

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it was opposite him. Even Alf who brought this headache. And this is important because the Sahaba did not necessarily know all of the Hadees, there's approximately there's over 30,000 I mean, out of the sound had these it's a smaller number. But there there are some some will put them up to almost 54,000 Hades. So there there were a lot of studies that the Sahaba might not have known or heard that the prophets have said it in a gathering. And you might have set it in with one of the Sahaba. So that happens and I had had the sometimes there's only one person that relates it from the companion. So the prophesies that mentioned this, that if you hear about it, be he in other words

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that a while back, because this was in the context of a conversation with Omar in a place other than meaning just a geographical area, don't go into that area will either work or be or then went on behalf of Iran and Minho. But if it happens in your in it, don't flee from it. So, you know, it's very interesting to note how they viewed this, because I think a lot of modern scholars attempt to create this idea of the infectious nature, that this was about the infection and preventing infection. In fact, in our tradition, we really believe in the inertness of of things. I mean, we do assert suburbia. And so it's not to deny causation, causation is real. But we we also understand

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that there's no causation without God that God is the one that is ultimately the cause of all things. And and and so it's very important to reflect deeply on this pre modern worldview, which is so different from our worldview. So here's what he says about a therapist or what have you, which had helped me see that so are scholars different about why the prophets alized them would have said that now obviously, we could argue now he said it because of infectious disease. And that would be probably a more modern argument but look at how they looked at it. The first at auto Murphy human at the outer road, Lil Bella, the prophet said, told us Do not

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Do not put yourself in situations. He said in a Hadith, el momento larrieu, the Lu nafsa. The believer should not humiliate himself or put himself in a position of his lab, where he's, he's in a in a humbled situation. And they asked him how to do it. And he said do the arado lil Bella Mr. Liu T, that he puts himself in a situation of tribulation that he's not able to withstand? So so he's warning us about that. And and so in this Hadith,

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they're saying that that's the reason it's touted lil Bella, which the Prophet prohibited us from doing.

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And this is why even in traditionally, in in war, you don't, you don't go into a situation where you're going to lose. Right? The Muslims, in fact, there's a British historian of military history, who argued that the reason that Muslims were so effective is because fleeing the battlefield was not shameful.

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If the odds were were against them, right, because in pre modern battles, they often fought till they were either dead or slaves. Whereas in the Islamic tradition, you can't have you can't flee. It's like mineral kabaya. But if the, the general or whoever's in charge calls for a retreat that was dishonorable in pre Modern Warfare, where whereas the Muslims kawahara became a very strong tactic, and so that was

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so that's one aspect there of the so he says, lages you hooked me let him out of it in seanna tennis and Colima Quran my hope and watch it because to protect or guard the self from everything that's my crew is an obligation. Any anything that is fearful or harmful is an obligation and the second opinion in America and the hoodie Layer Layer Stata and Mahi Mattie Dini be my econ female curb was

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howth be my euro moment. allameh schoonhoven Escom. So in other words, you don't put yourself in a situation that you're going to become so preoccupied and anxious about it, because this is the human condition that it will it will preoccupy you from doing what you're created to do, which is to worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So that's a beautiful explanation with that at the third opinion, my you have a minister hub and then the Zulu Bella AB, he was the habla sobre adomian zero munakata the fear that you will actually get angry at the decree.

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So people or lose your patience. So that's that's a real fear for people because people do lose their faith, people can be tested with it, you know, they lose their child and suddenly they've lost their faith and I've seen that happen, which to me is, you know, I would hate to have that tribulation and May Allah preserve all of you and and and myself but it's not yours in the first place. I mean, Allah gives us a lot takes back so that we have is this lamb about these things where it's this is a law's business, it's not our business and and there's a great lesson in sort of tell calf with a header and and the boy that he kills you know, that you don't know what you know what

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the outcome of something is. So the fourth reason my you have an even sooner Add To Cart it's a fear that they will actually have a have a there are key there will be corrupted because of the belief of infection. So they'll think that it was the disease that they it was because of the plague that they got the disease instead of seeing it as the other the that this is from Allah it's because nothing afflicts you except a lot decreed it for you. And so it's the belief that there's actually going to be a corruption so the so Kenya cool as if he could say Lola, the hood if he had that ballot, the man has a BM in macro. Like had I not gone there, this wouldn't have happened. Well, it could happen

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wherever you are. It's like when the Bedouin the prophets I sent him said that Eduardo Tierra, the one of he said there's no infectious diseases. And and again, this is haqiqa. So don't think he's not negating because he also said for Roman and Miss Domenico Mehta for a minute, as I said, That's insider Buhari, flee from the leper, like you flee from a lion. So again, it's really important to remember that this is not this. We have bifocals, spiritually, we have bifocal vision, we have shediac. And we have happycar. And, and our, our Dean has always understood that distinction between those two so that's really important to remember. So we assert causation. We don't deny it. But we

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also recognize that it's Allah subhana wa tada that in the end, and this is what we have to see. And so that's all for going into now look at the difference for leaving what hora would fit into my new here and who the my fee mentor can marva because they would abandon the sick people.

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So there's no mercy in it. Like they the Healthy People have an obligation to stay and take care of the sick people.

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mentor can Marlene Mahon potty Moby he met up at the mall ohana. So they have an obligation to help them. Right. So

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and then the other one, the the mark is actually considered going into was my crew, if you had your keen, whereas leaving it was haraam, so they actually made a distinction that you could go into help them for instance, like it's not a absolute prohibition, as long as you had your pain, that whatever happened to you was from God. So I thought that would be useful, just as a

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just to look at the situation that we're in. And

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so now to look at this, I mentioned yesterday and just to reiterate a few things, one, that he's looking at the the purpose of the Quran in terms of its summary purpose, so the Joomla altogether, and he said the first thing was it was it was dealt with that Hulk ilari battle hack with the Holyfield Dini so it's an invitation to creation to enter into the religion with God and to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. And, and, and, and then he said that there there's Boa s that go with that. So there's going to be incentives, Allah subhanho wa Taala incentivize incentivizes it. So now if you get into what's called what he calls the tough seal, right, he gives the seven here meanings

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that the purposes of the Quran so the first one is Mr Ravi

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Which is to teach you about Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna so the fundamental and primary purpose of the Quran Bismillah R Rahman Rahim right? I mean, a lot begins in the name of Allah. If you take the Shafi position if you take the Moloch is Alhamdulillah the Quran begins with Alhamdulillah. But it begins with a lot It ends with NES. So the last word in the Quran is NES. So it begins with a lot ends with an S and between the two is the message of Allah to NASS. So this is the book of Allah, that that is sent to humanity. And so the Mr. robbia is to know Rabbil alameen and that's why he begins at a hamdulillah hora del al amin It begins with rubia like who's your Lord, You are your

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lord it over you are marble, your your your Maha look, you know, and your very creativeness sure should intellectually demand a

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recognition that there that there's a creator, this idea that this kind of modern quantum view, that things just popped into existence, it's a little hard to swallow. For people that just think even superficially about what like where, because we know that this wasn't here forever. We know this, even our material sciences had indicated that, but and even the most primitive peoples have always understood that. And not because they were primitive, but because they were they were human.

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Right. So no matter how intellectual you get, no matter how intelligent you get, it's, that's not the reason

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you know, you're you're denying Allah subhanho wa Taala, you're denying Allah subhanho wa Taala, because your filter has been so distorted by civilization and by

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a kind of abstraction in your mind. And this is why the vast majority of human beings have believed in some

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force outside of themselves, whether it was animistic, or, or, or polytheistic. They believe that there was something outside of themselves, whereas modern man is unique in this, in this way, modern human beings very strange. So that's animal roba via the second one is no Buddha. So

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there, the Quran comes to tell us about prophecy. Now, one of the most amazing things about prophecy is if you study philosophy, every philosopher will negate the philosophy of their teachers, or the ones that went before them. They'll just differ with them. So and beginning with

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Socrates and Plato and then Plato and Aristotle. I mean, beginning in the beginning, it's, it's very interesting, or the pre socratics, who somebody said, everything's fire, and then somebody said, everything's water. Somebody said, everything's fire. And, and they're all different. The prophets, if you study the prophets, they don't differ. And they come over a period of like, 1000 years, and yet, they're all saying the same thing, that there's a God, you're, here's what he wants you to do. And then you're going to be judged, you're going to be raised up and you're going to be judged. And and you have a soul. They're consistent in that where they differ is in the shot is in the details

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of the law, because of the times and places that's where they differ. But they don't differ in what are called the three habits. You know, there's the wabbit and mutata euro. There, there's, you know, the the shediac is is it differs, but the APA is the same. So the aqeedah remains the same. And that's why the professor is m said that all of the prophets are brothers from different mothers. So the mothers are the are the are the shediac, but the father is the happy that so it's the same father just but but but the the mother is different. So the appeal is the same. That's the father, but the mother is the shediac. And so he said there we're all brothers.

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But but a lot when we're a lead, which means we have different mothers. So the Shetty has different, but our father's the same. It's the it's the haka. So, and then the next one is the ad, which is resurrection. So the ad means the place you're going back to right there, EADS in Arabic is from AD the Udo, right. So it's what so the ad is the place you go back to so in the Leela, he was in LA, right, we were already there, and we have this recollection. You know, Plato called it the recollection of this, this memory of a previous life. You know, we all have this embedded somewhere in our souls, and it comes up period.

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Through through life, where we kind of have these strange moments of things like deja vu and other things where you know,

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I recognize something and then you have an outcome, which are the the rulings, the shediac itself, so so divinities, prophecies, resurrection or eschatology, you know, what happens after life? And then

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and then I can relate to we'll get into that with a rigid and then finally unwed at what eternal causes so and what is the promise in Arabic, so is the Edo cache and how the word you know, so what is a promise to do something, why he is a threat, you know, and it is the same as one of these Arabic things where they, they have the same route, but they mean very different things. So, you know, or indica, like, you know, way a hacker use of, like, if I make a threat like that, and then you have to, okay, now the nice thing about the Arab tradition, which is, is in our understanding about t that is that a law can break his, his threat. And it doesn't diminish Him in His Lordship.

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So if a law says,

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I'm going to punish you, and then on your camera, he says, I forgive you, that is actually acceptable and arcada, whereas he won't break his promise. So the promise will be fulfilled, if he promises us, but the threat that's up to him for elderly married, right, and so and then you have courses, which are the stories now one of the most extraordinary things about this,

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this division is all of them are in the Fatiha. So the fact they have is its own melki tab in that way, because it has, it has all of the it's the matrix of all of the meanings of the Quran. So you have Mr Ravi al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen or Imam Malik. Yomi Do you have them add? Er can abou we are going to stay in you have the cam, Idina serata Mr. Team, you have the Naboo wha you know the serata Latina and I'm gonna begin with the Kino shadow side of him right? And then you have the the the ye the hieron Mercado de la him.

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What are the causes, like the all the costs of so it's all there. In fact, you have all of these meanings can be perceived in the fact that has so that's quite extraordinary. So now, we're going to inshallah, go into these details and I'll just do this one and then we'll open up for question answer, inshallah. So in the Joomla, which is the summation of it, the Quran invites creation to worship Allah subhana wa tada and enter into His Deen so that delineates worship. First of all, there has to be a ban, a clarification of who your Lord is that you're being called to? And what is his Deen, that, that, that that that you're being called to? And so that that's where you get the

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ossola, aka IDs, which are the foundations of belief, and this is what we call pseudo Dean. It's it's also called Edmund Kalam and Edmund cannon, in the first few centuries, was a very negative term. But over time, the Muslims adopted it the Lama so so when you see a lot of attacks, I mean, some of these modern books, you get these scholars that write books against canal, and they'll quote like him on Shafi, or they'll quote, The earliest gardens that how evil calam is, that's all true, those are all true. But calam in that early period meant something different from the later period. And so, it's important to be aware of that because you will see negative statements about Calum, but

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it's a technical term. It's like a soul for a lot of people don't like that term, but the alumni used it. I mean, they adopted it. So there's, there's bad calam there's bad souf ism, they're all these things have negative downsides, but as a technical term, it was adopted for theology, dilute what we would call dialectical theology, which is, is is it gets into more theoretical things. So and they considered it necessary. And that's why a lot of the greatest scholars were multicolumn on like a Mediterranean Imam, Al ghazali, and others. So and then the second is the common man. So that's the dean so you're being called to a law

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So that's the IP that to teach you who your Lord is. And then you're being called to enter into His Deen. And so that is the common man. And and those will go into the common betania. A common salvia. Right. I can manage to marry Yeah, I mean, there's different like CSS Shara. Yeah, there's different types of cam. All right that so your your personal rulings that relate to you personally the rulings that relate to your transactions with others. And then also there's rulings that relate to like the ruler that don't apply to us or the government things like that. But then that also provides motivation to do this repeatedly. So how does Allah entice us into, into this Deen and that's with

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Al Jazeera wa saw. I mean, this is basically we are designed to respond to carrots and sticks. This is the human condition, and Allah created us so he knows us better than anybody, not everybody. But I'll be glad that we as a great example, not everybody is motivated by the carrot and the stick. But the vast majority of human beings are motivated by the carrot and the stick. And so this is Tara Hebe. And Tara he so the Quran has Tara, Tara rebe and that's the majority Believe it or not, so the majority is actually encouraging. And then the the third here is to, to, to create fear in you like I don't want to, and that's out of the love, that Allah Subhana Allah has for his creation is the

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warning that you warn people you love, you don't care if somebody is headed for a cliff, and, you know, he holds your mortgage, you know, a lot of people will just let them fall over that cliff, you know, you're gonna warn people that you actually care about, right? And that's why the prophets warn everybody because they care about all of humanity. So so that's where we are, and then tomorrow we're going to go into inshallah these in detail and give some examples from the Quran inshallah. And then, you know, when we get to the costs,

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I want to get into and give you some really interesting examples of repetition in the Quran, and why repetition really is much deeper than then it appears outwardly. When when you look at things you'll see, like, in one, Allah subhana wa tada says about the earth and ash is an AI shout out aina it says in fed Jarrett, if Natasha is you know, in fetch, but in another eye, it says in budget set, you know, and and these are two different words that have very different meanings. I mean, they both applied to waterflow. But you'll see why in one eye allow users in fed yards, and then another eye he uses in batches that, you know, because they're there, they're related to the meaning and the

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secret of the of the Koran. Again, we get back to the the impossibility of imitating the the the Bulava of the Quran. And you will see the deeper you go into Bulaga and this why Bulava in the trivium. Alright, you're going to get debates on this. Okay. But in the trivium the master science is bellava it's not grammar and it's not rhetoric because Bulaga presupposes grammar and rhetoric, by law is the master science. And this is why civilizations are always obsessed with Bulava. When they're strong. They're obsessed with two things. in it. When civilizations are vibrant, there are two things they're obsessed with.

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space and law.

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Space is quantitative science law is qualitative. Space is understanding order in the heavens law is understanding order in the earth, stars and bars. I mean, it's very interesting that America took as a flag stars and bars. And and and what is what is the most potent tool in in law? Its persuasion. Because when you want to legislate something, you have to persuade that body of lawmakers that this is a good thing. And and where does persuasion. What is the science of persuasion? rhetoric? And so astronomy and and rhetoric, right, this this is it. It's all it's all in there. So

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how long

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Hey heroin

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questions. Yes sir. Baraka love heroin has a lot of answers to

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this midlaner mentor Rahim. Thank you so much for what You have taught us so far. Mashallah.

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The first question is, what is your opinion on the omission of the best Miller from soda to Toba? There is the idea that it was never clarified by the Sahaba. But is that just sub to the true meaning that this is God's final call?

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The I mean, the the the main reason that

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EMA Matic first of all saw that the the is

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the best Miller was only an AI and sort of rancor boo that was Malik's opinion.

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I tend to feel like that really is the strongest opinion because the thing about the Quran there's no he laugh about the Quran so the fact there's a hidin out the best man that means that that I think his opinion is the sound his opinion. In the Hadith I could see it says custom to Benny

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veiny will be in Abdi that's in Sahara Buhari. But some tool Fatiha to be within the power of the Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen with all respect to the chef it is because they have to recite the best Mullah in the in the Fatiha. But so that's a opinion. Now, EMA Matic saw the best mela as they were to demarcate the beginnings of the surahs This is why if you read NAFTA, which is the current of the monarchies in North Africa in Libya, they recite alone in the rest they recite wash Sudanese actually recite of armor, I think.

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But the Malik is recites because NAFTA was the mockery of Medina. And so in the Maliki school, the best mela is a it separates and that's why when you read it, it's meant to say the best minute but you don't have to when you when you recite the the the the recitation of NAFTA was a man was like they recite in Morocco and Britannia. So in here

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you know that?

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He says that it'd been juice he says we'll do some sort of the towboat some Island and fall.

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Then cassava saraland monoterpene. So it's also the, the, the the scandalized there because it's it's scandalizes the hypocrites right, with difficut and Masahiko era is part of Westminster Minh oh well he her will to differ Fie suburbia. vatika right. So there's a difference of opinion about why that is for many but I found it a step ahead to my auntie her. The manual and third were canon to the Korean attorney. So he says that that Othmani been a fan saw that it got

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confused with unfair before it like so they were called the two went together so they're called the Corinne attain. So they didn't separate between the two because the meanings are so related in sort of the landfill and sort of the Toba. So that was Earth money but our fans fees ammonia, what did that occur putting that beno Houma for

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right so they're put into

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into the sub? Right? We kind of saw how abakada terrible * Homer Sora Tawny owl Surah wahida right. Are they one or their two? For two tickets at best might have been O'Malley daddy calacatta Ariana via party l best mela man so even add even I thought he said the best mela is a security right? Well, Bara to NASA to be safe. So I mean, the very beginning of it is brought to him in a lie what a suit he lived in. I had two men and machete keen. Like it's it's it's it's it's telling them they're given for months and then you know

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so it's it's there's a real threat. This is a surah that has a intense what he then so it's inappropriate for the vestment to be in a ye. And this is why there's a famous story about I think it was

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smart. He

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was reciting the Quran once and he recited the surah about the sidecar sidecar

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facto idea Houma and then he says in the love for Rahim

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and and the bedroom one said to him, how the condemned man he said how the colombara Bellamy said Mr. Hale said impossible

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And he said, What? And then he went out, he realized he made a mistake on the eye. He said to her for him, and he said, Oh, as soon as he said, that's a loss be. He said, Why? Why did you know that? He said, because you can't say cut off the hand and say then he's merciful and forgiving. Like and as for hakama.

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Right. So, so that's the that's what,

00:35:22 --> 00:35:25

you know, the rhetoric is called.

00:35:27 --> 00:35:55

It's, it's it's an mccarl under the Unity boo moqtada. Han. Right. So it has to be appropriate with the circumstances. And this is why in this in these circumstances to say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, it would be more appropriate to say Bismillah al hakam and Moontak him or something like that, or Aziz al Hakim. But Allah left it just brought to him in a lie. What a suti hellos? Yeah. Next one.

00:35:57 --> 00:35:58

Thank you for that.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:03

Next question is,

00:36:04 --> 00:36:25

in regards to storytelling in the Quran being a powerful tool. What is your opinion of writing, quote, unquote, Islamic fiction, especially in times, where there is a need for halau avenues for leisure and thought? Great question. And not only writing, but I think also, Muslims have to

00:36:27 --> 00:36:29

produce really world class,

00:36:30 --> 00:36:40

literature, film, all of these things Muslims should be, you know, our people, we Mythili my occupation be here, Allah says, fight them with what they fight you with, you know, and

00:36:42 --> 00:36:44

it's, there's a story about the man who,

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you know, the, the, the founder of the Salvation Army, you know, he used to write these hymns with the tunes of popular songs, that very popular song, and somebody said to him, you know, why are you using popular songs to, you know, put hymns to, and he said, I don't want the devil to have all the best tunes, you know? So that's part of the problem is that, you know,

00:37:12 --> 00:37:15

the demonic stuff. I mean, it's like Christian

00:37:16 --> 00:37:21

cinema is really it's tends to be really poor generally.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:30

And that's unfortunate. That's not the way it should be. I mean, obviously, the demons are helping the other ones, I think. So they get the extra boost.

00:37:31 --> 00:37:40

But I would say it's very important also fiction, our tradition, the peroxisomes told the story, it's one of my favorite hadiza, the story of ohms era.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:44

Is that a true story?

00:37:46 --> 00:38:30

aloha Anam. But the way it's told it's, it's an incredible piece of literature just as a as an event. And the Prophet also used stories as as examples, things like this, we know that the Prophet only spoke the truth. But the, the allama wrote, for instance, the Malcolm X, which I mean, I, when I was studying Arabic, many, many years ago, and I dip into them every once a while, but I loved the Malcolm X genre, which is fiction, and these were great Harrier, he was a great atom, but it was seminal. hamadani was a great annum and a great, you know, very pious man.

00:38:31 --> 00:39:20

And, as jarle was a machete, wrote his mama in the harem. So the mahkamah are amazing. fictionalized stories, one of the things that I learned, you know, in thinking about the mahkamah because, like, but there is a man and hamadani in his maka, Matt, the character of a fatality scan that he is an assault. He's a charlatan, he's a con artist, but he's a religious con artist. And I really felt that he was warning people about people that use religion and con people with religion that that characters are real character he's, he's worse than a mafioso. I'll take a dawn any day of the week, because at least the dawn you know what you're dealing with, you know, but a religious charlatan who

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uses religion to fool people. And we're more susceptible to being fooled by piety than we are by other things. Because it's so hard. If you're just an ordinary average common two type of person. It's so difficult for you to imagine somebody using God to trick people. It's really hard for people that are normal because it's it's such an enormity. And so, fictions really important and and but but I think it should be good like I'm I you know, I I really think Muslims should get back

00:40:00 --> 00:40:31

It's Khan and sun. And there's a lot of people that just, it's like poetry. It's better to memorize great poetry and be at a rally than to write really bad poetry. I mean, that's my opinion, you know, and people love to hear poems recited, they sound much better when they're recited than when they're read. But the Arabs have that tradition of rally. They weren't poets, but they loved poetry. So they would just memorize a bunch of poetry, and then they would recite it, you know? So,

00:40:32 --> 00:40:49

but we're in an age, you know, somebody asked Fran Liebowitz, you know, what advice would you give to young writers and she said, stop writing. You know, and and, you know, her point which she elaborates on, was that the self esteem movement has made everybody think they're talented.

00:40:51 --> 00:41:00

And, and first of all, you can learn to write, but it takes a long time to really become a good writer. And

00:41:01 --> 00:41:13

so that that's where I would say, you know, learn how to write first. And, and that takes time and that means learning rhetoric, it means reading a lot of great literature.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:18

Next one,

00:41:20 --> 00:41:21

thank you for that.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:35

There are multiple questions, Mashallah. Lots of questions in common about the structure of the Quran that we have today in terms of Jews in the sword.

00:41:36 --> 00:42:01

So it looks like if I were to summarize it, it's Could you elaborate further on the structure that we have? Right? Well, I mean, the the Muslims, traditionally the sun that was to read that the son of the Muslims was to read the most half at at least once a month. So you did it 12 times a year in Ramadan, they tended to maybe do it to four

00:42:02 --> 00:42:03

or more times.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:06

And in fact,

00:42:07 --> 00:42:11

when the privacy isn't complained it to huddle

00:42:12 --> 00:42:21

you know, how the Quran Majora takamiya Parana Majora You know, my people have taken this Koran have abandoned it. In the commentaries, they say

00:42:23 --> 00:42:36

that if you read it twice a year that you're not under that hokum, but if it's less than that, then it's, it's like you've abandoned the Quran, you know, so it's good to read it. So, for that reason, it was put into the edges that

00:42:37 --> 00:43:15

and so that that came later that did not come from the privatized them or from the setup, it came later. And then they they did the lab because they read it at mothership and also after awesome. So for instance, in Morocco, and believe it or not, every month, there are 250,000 hot them in the machines of Morocco. And that that that's been calculated by the Ministry of outcome, since the time of the more he doon, the Moroccans have been reciting the Quran in the masjid. And they do it initially they did it between after fudger they did his and then after

00:43:17 --> 00:43:34

Assa because those times people don't pray. So it was it was, and those are the really good times for bit of a do we what, what else are, you know, those are the times to do the cup. That's when the birds all congregate and do they're thicker. So

00:43:36 --> 00:44:15

So, so that's why they did that. And then they put the Thurman was for memorization, because you would do like the theremin the robot. So beginning students would write the one eighth of his and then the then they would move to a theremin. And then they would move like to neillsville his and then they some we could learn even faster than that. So those are all to help us recite the Quran. My personal experience is I really like using the Quran images, which is that has 30 different

00:44:16 --> 00:44:59

booklets because that it really facilitates for doing a word of the Quran. And my advice to everybody is just abandon all these other elra that you're doing and just do the Quran because traditionally the overrides were on in addition to the Quran. Now people do that oh rod and they don't do the Quran. Those are odd were done in addition to the Quran. So it's very important if you're not doing a word of the Quran every day, you should not be doing these other ultrahd if you're doing if you're reciting the Quran once a month and you want to do more, you got to do more of the Quran or you can do that on the utkatasana when Messiah are actually preferred.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

At that time, but that you can do a very short version of them. They're not they're not you don't you don't have to do these extensive, I'll tell you something a secret that I realized there's two reasons. It used to bother me that there were so many books on Tajweed.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:23

I like it really bothered me, like, why did the owner write book, there's, there's like a million books on Tajweed.

00:45:25 --> 00:46:07

And they all say exactly the same thing. There's no difference to any of them, they all say the exact same, some of them are a little better produced and others that they might have a little, but also, then I realize, I want to write a book on Tesla, because it's brilliant. Everybody that learns from your book, you get the reward of all their recitation, so it just makes perfect sense, why there's millions of books on Tesla read, it's actually a really smart thing to do. And this is the same with the rod, the shoe are really smart. And so they all wanted, you know, if you were reciting the worth of Mr machete, or see the Amazon row, or a mom and her dad or hit, they're getting all the

00:46:07 --> 00:46:29

reward of your dickham. So it's actually really smart to do that. So this idea somehow that, you know, we abandon the, I mean, this is what I think really created a lot of the Salafi impulse was to see how far people are getting away from these fundamental things.

00:46:31 --> 00:46:41

You know, the people that are doing, you know, molad all the time, and they're not reciting the Quran, and things like that. So these are things that we have to really think about.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:45

So I would definitely

00:46:46 --> 00:46:58

advise having a word of the Quran even if it's one page, you know, you'll get better. if What if you get good at reciting the Quran, you can recite

00:47:00 --> 00:47:01

a Jews in

00:47:03 --> 00:47:24

20 minutes with a Heather, you know, I mean, there's three modes of recitation, if you do the, the longer mode of Topsail, then it's going to it's going to take longer, but if you do the heavy, the harder you can, you can get through it in in, in 20 minutes. And

00:47:26 --> 00:47:41

there's a great blessing in doing that every day and in the Moroccan method, you know, where you are, like, you know, today's 17th day which is better by the way, you know? So May Allah bless the Shahada better and all the people that

00:47:43 --> 00:47:45

supported the prioritize them at that time.

00:47:46 --> 00:48:01

So that that's a great blessing to do it. You begin with the lunar month and then you'll always know where you are in the lunar month. So you'll know like, is this the 16th or 17th night you know, that we're coming into

00:48:03 --> 00:48:21

based on the moon sighting so that's how they do it in Morocco. So I would really recommend that too. We need to get back to the Quran devotionally but also practically using it, I have a friend He's a really brilliant scholar in Kuwait.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:23

Very, very

00:48:25 --> 00:48:28

engaging person and wonderful to spend time with

00:48:29 --> 00:48:31

has really phenomenal memory, but

00:48:32 --> 00:48:36

his name chef Abdullah Moto, he runs the

00:48:38 --> 00:48:40

supporting the, the

00:48:41 --> 00:48:47

Avada there and Shahab dhavan Bay did something with him where they fed a billion meals.

00:48:48 --> 00:48:54

hamdulillah So anyway, he he does 30 hotton every Ramadan.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:01

And so he that he that's all he does, like he's Ramadan, just so he had a friend of his, you know, in

00:49:03 --> 00:49:24

in Kuwait, who wanted to go to Medina with him and do the Hotham. Yeah. I want to do it every day with you that he's really this takes a lot of training. And it's like a marathon, right? So he's in it takes a lot. No, he said, I can do it, I can do it. So he went there and he said after fajita, he was ready because you have to recite really fast to do and he turned over and the guy was asleep.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:33

So take what you can bear, you know, like just take what you're able to do. Last question and we're done.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:45

Okay Bismillah we had several votes for a particular question to be asked. And that is what is so special about solidity Yes, scene.

00:49:47 --> 00:50:00

Yes scene is called the heart of the Quran. You know, the 36th chapter of the Quran. The actual physical heart of the Quran. You know, the west of the Koran is Surah which is quite extensive.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:25

So the 17th chapter is the one that is the 15th Jews it begins the second half of the Quran. But the as seen, the prophet said, apparently Yes, in Alamo Telecom, the prophets license said, you know, some of the Hadees are weak, but but the scholars have taken them up as having benefits, so but everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran

00:50:26 --> 00:50:32

is is yes seen. Yes seen to me is

00:50:33 --> 00:50:43

an extraordinary death meditation from beginning to end. So if you and I realized this when I did the chapter on death in the Quran,

00:50:44 --> 00:50:50

because I realized the three chat the Quran, the center of death is on every page of the Quran.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:55

And there's a reason for that, because

00:50:57 --> 00:51:40

constant reminders of the temporality of this world will keep you on your path. And it's falling into hafla, the heedlessness of dunya, which really is what leads people astray. And that's why events like this are so important for humanity, even though we're going to see a lot of hardships, and May Allah help us people have to have strong email, and this is a time to really get prepared. Because what's coming is is is going to be extremely difficult on people. The thing to remember, and this is why you read the Quran, the prioritize them, he said that, that the previous people were sawed in half to leave their faith, and they still wouldn't leave their faith, like he was saying to

00:51:40 --> 00:51:42

the Sahaba you do not know tribulation.

00:51:44 --> 00:52:27

You know, like you think this is difficult. I mean, they burnt Christians alive, you know, they, they fed them to the lions laughing watching it happen. And in fact, many of the stoics in Rome converted to Christianity because of what they saw with these Christians that were being fed to the lions, because they would just, they were all praying and they they didn't panic, and they didn't. And it was it was though it was that type of faith that really had the impact and Muslims no death, you know, Muslims no struggle, you look at the Palestinians. I mean, it's amazing what what the Palestinians have been through in our and the fact that so many of them still believe. I mean, there

00:52:27 --> 00:53:11

are some really secular Palestinians, but overall, the Palestinians it's quite extraordinary how they've held on to faith despite the fact they've been in some pretty horrific, especially the people in in the West Bank and then it has been in the occupied territory has been really difficult times. So Muslims know these tribulations. And so that's that's important to remember May Allah subhana wa advantage Elvis all of you increase you elevate you, Allah subhana wa tada except, along with the government, LCM and OPM and a mad tuck syrena an animal kasarani terror attacks Irina, Nasser, okay, Yara alameen and termina Elena, Yemen and Johan an alum of Berlin, our alumni Barak

00:53:11 --> 00:53:20

for more than 15 hours a tune and sha Allah May Allah bless all those who support say tuna support our students support to college and Allah bless all of you that have

00:53:22 --> 00:53:53

honored us by coming in and listening to what we have to say May Allah subhana wa tada bless all of you and increase you really request support for the college it's a difficult time I'm very aware of that but we really need your support to grow and to do more inshallah for the deen. So I'm gonna head on. So Pandora Bukhara, but as my OC phone was around when animals are handled in dialogue there and I mean, I mean, Salam O Allah cinema

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