Hamza Tzortzis – How to Give Dawah #5 Love for Others What You Love for Yourself

Hamza Tzortzis

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The speaker discusses the need for people to be empathetic and find their own personal growth. They stress the importance of finding the best people to work for and rewarding oneself in life. The speaker also emphasizes the need for people to feel meaningful and significant, and to not get rid of others' feelings.
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So for me, Tao is very psychological, it defines who you are. Because if you want to be a movement, a believer, not just a Muslim, but the next level.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying you have to give that love to other people. layer you mean you won't truly believe unless you love for others, what you love for yourself, you love for your brother, what you love for yourself and brother here means Muslim and non Muslim.

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Second point why dower is very important and why we should be motivated to give dower

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well think about again, from a human point of view. You know, we all like to consider ourselves as people have empathy. When we see people cry, like I was watching a YouTube clip the other day. I know this is a bit weird, but I follow someone called The Rubin the dog is a bulldog. I don't know why he just the most cutest dog here. And I just follow that. You know, it's probably the only sane thing that you find on YouTube these days. Yeah. So an authentic is an animal, isn't it? You know, dogs for me have a quite high level. I know many of us are Hanafy in the room and we don't like dogs. Yeah, but let's get a bit Malachy today. Yeah.

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And plus, you know, dogs are no evil. Just because it's not just it doesn't mean it's evil. Because Allah mentioned the dog right in, in the Quran. Dogs won't back by dogs are loyal. Dogs won't curse. Dogs will love you unconditionally. If someone calls me dog I take as a compliment now, honestly, dog zafra her. Yeah, anyway, so for women with Bulldog, and then I and that leads me to other animal videos. So I was watching animals pass away, usually at the vet, and when their owners are there, I'm telling you, you will cry. If you have any empathy, you will cry. So for some of those saddest things you've ever seen, like really sad. Yeah. So don't ask me why I watch those random videos, but

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sometimes just to chill, isn't it? Yeah. So and you know, I, sometimes I'm not I'm not saying I'm proud, but I like to be engaged with myself in that way that you know, I still have some empathy. Yeah. So for me, an important trait of a human being is to be empathic to have that empathy. And I believe the Prophet SAW son was the most empathic character, he had the ability to wear other people's shoes and walk in those shoes. And you see this in his tower. The Prophet saw someone was in a state of anxiety to the point where he really wanted to almost, you know, lose his life. Allah says in the Quran

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that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was was in this kind of state of anxiety that he's almost going to lose his life just because the the his people were not listening to him. Think about the psychological state of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, he was worried about people. He was concerned about people in the grace concern isn't to be concerned about the dunya dunya is what 70 6080 years, the aka which is eternal. That was his concern. And that's when the Jewish boy was on his deathbed. He was saying to the Jewish boys, c'est la ilaha illAllah. And the Jewish boy looked at his father and his father said listen to

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this and to of course, him, he was giving the kuliah of the process son, which is really interesting sociological issue here, or fact, which is that the person had friends that were Jews, because you don't call someone by the cornea, if you don't have a friendly relationship with them. Yeah. Which is a very interesting point, right. But the point here is he was concerned for someone's ocular. He was concerned for his comb for his people.

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And the greatest concern from this point of view is that he didn't want them to close the door to Allah's forgiveness and mercy and inevitably throw themselves in the fire. Because that's what the fire is. Jahannam is you throwing yourself there in the grand cosmic scheme of things? Because Allah says, Don't blame Allah blame yourselves out is not Allah did not wrong them they wronged themselves.

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Because Allah says in the Quran that Allah prefers belief for His servants, check the Tafseer of the Quran, the Mufasa in the sea. This means Allah doesn't want people to go to *.

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Right? But he will go to * as a result of them closing the door to Allah's mercy and guidance, right.

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So divine Roth is seen through the understanding for that perspective. And we know that some other Hadith when a woman she lost her child, and she found her start sucking the child and the professor said, you know, would that lady throw that child in the hellfire?

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Yeah, no, of course not. And then he relayed that to Allah subhana wa, tada. Do you see? So we run ourselves. So the person was concerned about human beings wronging themselves, closing that door shot to guidance and mercy and freeing themselves into the fire.

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He was worried about people choosing * over a loving Lord. Because it's not Why does a loving Lord send you to *? That's not the question. Islam is a it's a wrong question. The right question is, well, why do you choose * over a loving load? That's the point.

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And the person was so concerned to the point they had so much, you know, maybe you want to call it anxiety or yes, a psychological state, which was, oh, such extreme worry that it almost killed him.

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That's empathy. That empathy, right. And if we feel that where people have empathy to, then we should be very, very worried about people's zakura. We should be very, very worried about people's spiritual state, and their spiritual path and what path they're traversing and way and where they may eventually end up. That should be a huge concern for us. Yes, we should be concerned about people's dunya. Are they getting a good job? Do they have a good CV, help them that way. But there's, there's bigger things to deal with, right? Because Allah on the Day of Judgment, is not going to ask you about your grades, he's going to ask you about your degrees and your PhDs and how

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much money you had in the bank and your car? And what sort of rules you had. Right? And if you, you know, do you see, my point is they're going to ask you about that. There's going to be other questions. And that's what we need to be focused on those other things are important and good to, I'm not dismissing it. What I'm trying to create now is this kind of prioritization in our minds and our hearts. So when we see a human being, we should be thinking about how do I hope help them reach paradise,

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which is very critical. And that's why if we have true empathy, then we should empathize with the fact that if they die in a state of shock, then that's the most destructive, destructive state to be in.

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And the consequences are the most terrible consequences anyone could ever imagine. And if we have empathy, and we will emulate the Prophet sallallahu, ALA, who are seldom, then we should try and help people not to end in that state.

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Also, those who give doubt are the best people. Now, we already mentioned the IRA that Allah says, and who is better in speech than the one who calls to Allah does righteousness and says, I am one of the Muslims. Now everybody has, you know, we have this kind of like, self help, you know, you know, narratives these days and life coaching, I bet I bet you have a life coach in this room who's a life coach?

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No, my statistics is off. But generally speaking, everyone's doing life coaching and stuff like that, right. And so that's self esteem and, and things like that. But you know, we all have the need to belong, and they need to feel important, and to feel significant. These are like, you know, human motivations. But we need to be able to express those motivations in the most spiritual way. And one way is that we want Allah to be happy with us, Allah to be pleased with us, right? Allah to, you know, you know, praise us in that sense, he is the, he's the only one worthy of praise, but he praises us. If we're doing the right thing, who is better in speech than the one who calls to Allah?

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So if you want to feel a sense of self esteem, you want to feel like you know, you know, hamdulillah not pride, but you know, this is a good thing. This is Mubasher this Glad Tidings then be someone who's engaged in dialogue, because Allah who is all who deserves all praise is praising those who call to him.

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Isn't that amazing? When we seek everyone else's praise, isn't it a bus, our friends, our wives, our family?

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Don't, don't seek that praise, seek the pleasure and praise of Allah subhanho wa taala. The one who knows everything, though, who's worthy of all praise and gratitude, and yet he praises those who call to him.

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Significantly, brothers and sisters, we have to be very reward savvy, right? It's part of our tradition. Overseas, our deeds are not going to take us to paradise we know that. But it's like an indication of a sign of Allah's mercy. And that we want to seek the rewards that Allah has given us because seeking the rewards is actually a sign of the class. Because the way the earlier man define a class is that you do because Allah is worthy of it and that you love him. You're doing it for his reward and

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Are you doing it to protect yourself from the punishment, that's a class and earn a mercy to do for all of those three reasons. So doing things for reward for the divine reward is a sign of a class. There is nothing more rewarding than the dour, zero, nothing I'm telling you,

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compared to any other action,

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here is some evidence. Say after the next two days, you go and give down to someone, your friend work, school, college, whatever the case may be, and they become Muslim. So that's one person, right?

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That person eventually gets married. There's two people.

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They have two kids, that's four people. Those two kids get married six people. And they have two kids, each 10 people. So within one or two generations, there are 10 people that are now Muslim because of you.

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Or at least nine

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given the fact that maybe his wife in the beginning was already a Muslim, right? So say there's nine. So within one or two generations, you now again the reward for nine people's prayer, fasting, Zakah, Zakka, Hajj, Umrah, good deeds, you gain all of that reward. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you call someone to something good, you will receive the reward of that good. And that's this one person.

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And that's one or two generations imagine, into the day of judgment on your marathon if you were sincere. And if Allah has mercy on you, on your balance, you will have 1000s of Hajj 1000s of Umrah reciting Quran memorizing Quran, vicar, Salah Zakka sadaqa all of these amazing deeds that you even do, but they're all yours. Just because you call Islam right.

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This relates to another Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you were to call one person, if one person will to become Muslim via via Allah's Mercy right through you, it's better than the red camels. And the red camels at the time of the province of Assam were like the best type of wealth is better than any type of wealth you can imagine.

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And if you do the job of the profits, you get the reward of the profits or similar reward at least.

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So if you're reward savvy,

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you know, pyramid schemes don't work in the dunya. But they work in a spiritual sense. Yeah. You know, when we chasing pyramid schemes about business pyramid schemes, they don't really work generally speaking, but they work here, you know, one person opens a generation of Muslims you get all of the reward.

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Also giving Tao is self defining. And this relates to the first Hadith that I spoke about. But there are other Hadith, the one in Bukhari is in Tarik Kabir, where the prophet saw some said, Love for humanity, what you love for yourself. So if you truly love Allah and His Messenger, then you should be giving that love to other people, to human beings, right? And that's why Tao becomes a self defining moment, because it really shows to you what you really love. And you know, without passing judgment, generally speaking, you should not engage in Dawa, then maybe your love is not that strong for Allah and His messenger.

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Given the fact that there are no other obstacles or variables, sometimes we don't have self esteem, we don't have the knowledge or we don't have the kind of ability barring those issues. You know, if you're not giving dower then maybe there's something that

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is that issue internally, right, you have an internal issue which is maybe you to work on the love for Allah subhana wa to Allah and the love of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because it's self defining from that point of view.

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Also Tao gives us life. Allah says in the Quran

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Yeah, you have livina ammonoid Steady bull Allah he will usually either accompany my you econ, oh you have believed, respond to the call of Allah and His messenger to that which gives you life. Ye come you already alive biological life but you have real life on your life. If you respond to the call of Allah and His messenger. Imam Imam Al Bukhari said that this response is responding to all that is good

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