Haitham al-Haddad – Tafsīr Sūrah Rūm #07

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the surah Taruh and balance of power in Islam. They stress the need for immediate access to the Quran and the use of "heat of life" in the culture of Islam. They also discuss the importance of marriage and the need for women to have a sense of their own worth. The speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness and privacy in marriage, and recommend learning how to forgive and suppress one's emotions to avoid conflict.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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we are doing tafsir subrata Rome we have spoken a lot about surah Tarun and the main topics of solar the room and we said that the room

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is talking about the balance of power and it is affirming that the power belongs to Allah Allah Allah the creator of everything. That's why we see inshallah to room a discussion about

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a great nation such as a room that has been defeated and will defeat and also we see that by the end of surah Tirumala. Allah Allah said the Hakuna barf The one who created you from weakness and then after weakness, he will give you strength and then after strength, he will make you to be weak again. Yeah. Which means that the nature of this life is what alternating up and down and the one who remains have and the highest all the time is one only Allah, Allah Allah.

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So the balance of power in the dunya and the power remains with alcoholic, the creator. Yeah. This is that you can say the theme and the surah dealt with this from different angles. And it showed the power of Allah Allah Allah from different angles. And Allah Allah Allah when he wants to speak about himself and glorify,

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glorify himself and the challenges anyone alleged Allah Allah focuses on what Allah Hulk because no one can challenge on what Allah Allah in this attribute in this quality, no one can claim that he can create no one. Yeah.

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So that's why we see that Allah Allah Allah has spoken about them a lot last, in the last verse. Allah Allah Allah mentioned, that he is the one who created you from dust and then all of a sudden VEDA and compassion on test day 10 tissue became human beings is scattered everywhere in the on this earth. And then after that, Allah Allah Allah mentioned another iron woman iottie and we said that a mandala in this passage mentioned how many Ayah how many signs six woman I mean, it will mean it will mean it will mean it and Allah Hebrew this when you read the Quran, I think the main thing,

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the main thing that you Well, when you read Quran, please put our attention to how Allah Allah Allah speak about himself. how Allah Allah, Allah glorifies himself. Okay? And this is the main aim of the Quran is to talk about a lord Allah Allah. The main aim of Al Quran as Rahim Allah tala mentioned is what they do for our children that are hidden from Allah is not a theoretical principle. It is what it covers our life. We live by toe heat. Yes, we were created for the heat. The heat is not just a lesson that we go and learn it in our

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class. No, the heat is a life. Though hate is our life, though heat is our purpose of life. Though heat is our purpose of creation, we live by the heat, we aim to heat we enjoy our heat. And once we understand the meaning of the heat, my dear brothers and sisters, what law what law, heat, the taste of life will be different.

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The taste of life will be different, because you live with who you live with the one that who is the source of everything, or why the law and that's why when you read Quran and you put attention to how Allah Allah Allah spoke about himself, you feel the O of the Quran. And when you go and when you spend time away from the Quran, you would like to go back to the Quran, as if the Quran is the source of life for you. And the Quran is what is in reality, the source of life. And the Quran as we said is a new and our dialysate woman lineage Allah Allah who neuron from Allah who may know when you read this, and that's why I want all of you brothers and sisters to learn Arabic because once

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you read in Arabic, you really have hierba, the O of the Quran, the Oh the of the Quran, when in particular on the Quran speaks about Allah, Allah Allah.

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Allah, Allah Allah speaks about himself. I mean it he look, human beings look, those who are claimed that they are arrogant, they can do anything they can they control everything. Look, woman iottie He is the one who created all of you. No one can claim that he created any one of you on halaqa coming to rob and you are nothing but a dust. You are nothing but this dust that we step over every day. You

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are nothing calaca coming to rob and then you became Bashar, you are scattered everywhere you thought that you have power you have mind you have strength. No you are just nothing but dust. Then anyway, I really urge you my dear brothers and sisters that when you read Quran, open your heart and see how Allah Allah Allah speaks about himself. Learn please I beg you brothers, learn Arabic By the way, one of the ways that the enemies of Allah Salaam will,

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will challenge us yes or will fight us is to stop us from learning Arabic because if we stop learning Arabic, then we will be accessing for only through what is through the translation. Yes, and that is not the first hand access to the Quran. We need to access the Quran immediately openly, directly and that can happen only when you understand Arabic and you will see how life what was the real taste of this life with the Quran My dear brothers and sisters. Okay.

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Anyway Allah Allah Allah mentioned after that woman iotium Holla Holla comin on fusi Kumasi Raja Lita, schooner, la ha This is the second verse among those six verses that among His Signs that he created from yourselves as Raja mates, yes, espouses

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or if you say He created you as as what yes as as large means couples as Allah Allah Allah said by

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that he created from each each creation What? Woman coalition Haleakala zoo, Janey. Janey means a couple. Although it is Musa Madonna here, but it is a couple means a female and a male. Yes. And they say an Arabic language that once you were once you will use the word zote zote. What does zoji mean? Many people think that zote means two and the Moroccans when they count they say one judge? Yeah. If you know one judge judge means what? zote yonny. mean if thing? No. zellwood in Arabic, it means one single who has What?

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Who has what? A mate who has a spouse? Yeah. And when they become for example, you and your wife you if you are married? We call us out? Your wife? Yes, because she is married. She is what xojo

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Yeah, two of you are called what? What do we call

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Zoe Jane? Yeah, we call it the Jay Z john doe. Jane. Is it clear? That's why our Delilah set warming coalition Hello Cara Joe Jane Doe Jane It doesn't mean for too long to know though James mean what a male and a female Yeah, okay. And we spoke about this and we spoke about that today it is in the nature of beings in general to be xo Jane, a male and the female not a male and the male or a female and the female and we spoke about this in length last time, okay.

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So among His Signs that Allah Allah created from yourselves this can have to translation two meanings that he created from Adam Hawa.

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From rip the rip of Adam. Yeah, crooked clock rip or

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what is bent, bent ripped? Yeah. of them. By Allah, Allah, Allah took it from Adam and he created what Hawa? This is so from Adam himself, what was it created? Yeah. from Adam himself, what was what created? This is one possible meaning and the other possible meaning is which there is no contradiction in reality that he created from your type. You are human beings and your spouses are human beings. So your spouses are not again, your spouses are not animals, your spouses are not something else. Yeah. And as many scholars said, and this is out of the rationale for La Jolla, because imagine if your spouse is another creation, yeah, yeah. And we have this Oh, Jane, a human

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being and an animal. Yeah, there will be no no communication, no drama, no tranquility, no love. Okay. Same thing. If

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So Jane, the espouses or the couple is what a human being and again, there will be no drama. No, no no no love, no harmony between both of them as we have mentioned last time. So this is one of the signs or one of the great sounds of Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah comin unfussy come as Raja and as we said also a Razzie mentioned that he he made human beings greed and bring generation after generation is through marriage. Yeah, through marriage between opposite genders. Yeah, the opposite genders. And he did not create human beings that they can breed and they can bring their children from themselves are one individual is enough to bring ok children as it is the case with plants as

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we have seen, I think we have mentioned this last time. Then Not only that, Allah Allah after that, he said, on Haleakala caminando Chico, Masada letus kulu. Elijah.

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What does that mean? Yeah, Lita, schooner, Ella, is what? So you have tranquility. Okay, with or, in fact, there were letus kuno. Ella is more than to find a tranquility or to repose, the test cuando la means in order for you, yes. To have a tranquility with Yeah, in order for you to have tranquility with and in Arabic, it feels that it gives you the impression that

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there's out Yes, one of them. One of them either the husband or the wife, they might be in this life and the end they will find that the tranquility together.

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Yeah, it is a beautiful meaning. And this is part of the aroma. And as it was mentioned, that Allah Allahu Allah put to this second tranquility and repose among themselves, and he did not put to them, as he said that,

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that some animals when they want to, to, as he said, when they want to marry or have love, yeah, they do it in a very violent way. And he mentioned that frogs, frogs, when they want to have * together, they do it in a very violent way. This is how they were created. Yes. And there are some other creation like this. No, Allah Allah, Allah did not make it like this. But he made it as a source of love as a source of tranquility as a source of happiness. Yeah. liters. Kunal Allah, not only that, but Allah, Allah Allah also put between you Yes, put between you worked, Mauer Deccan wala mountain. Some scholars said that it is what

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love but in reality there is a difference between Maota and what love haha okay. Melaka means what affection is not only love, affection, and mercy, some scholars said Maota means the sexual relationship Rama is what is having your children, this is one meaning but the overarching meaning is Maota this affection that has been put between husband and wife and the rush mercy that has been put between them. And let us stop. This is my dear brothers and sisters. Why? Because the a and one of the main aims of marriage is to find what to tranquility with your spouse.

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Yeah, with your mate,

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the husband with the wife, the wife with the husband both nothing from one side. And one of the main aims of marriage is what to have what affection and mercy between both of you whether they know it Escuela de la Vina comb, Mauer the tan Rama because indeed there are Signs for those who what, reflect now if we really want to reflect upon this area, my dear brothers and sisters, we need to talk a lot about this ayah however, I want to speak about

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marriage here because this ayah is normally recited in the beginning of marriages, etc, etc. and more oh well because maybe when we when when, when we spoke about the Tafseer of soda pop, I told you how bad the situation is within the Muslim

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immunity in terms of their marriages. Yeah, how bad that is. Now, this idea is giving us some of the solutions, one of the fundamental solutions that we need to implement in our life between our journey with it with our spouses in order to have this a tranquility and second and this and, and, and,

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and drama and repose. Yes. Is to enforce ourselves, my dear brothers and sisters to have Maota affection, to impose ourselves to have affection to each other, and to force ourselves to have mercy towards each other.

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Yeah, if my dear brothers and sisters, every husband and wife,

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they try to show each other's Maota Yes, affection

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and mercy. Then, while he most of the problems between husbands and wives will be solved.

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Okay, because when Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah is the one who created us Allah Allah Allah He knows our psychology Allah, Allah Allah, He knows what helps us. Yes. And what destroys our marriages as well. So we need to force ourselves My dear brothers and sisters to have these feelings feeling's between ourselves. Okay. I just came in from the Islamic Sharia council today and there was a husband and wife they have problems. Yeah. And

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when normally I don't hear any. Anyway, the husband is started to speak about his wife. And he said, You are lying. These are lies. You've been lying for years. Yes. You made my life terrible. Then I said Brother Brother. Stop, stop, stop. Okay. Hello, divorce. Let us little sense. Why are you here? She's coming applying for her. Yeah, no need for her to apply for if she's a lawyer. Yeah, if she made your life terrible, then Okay, she's she's a bad lady. Why are you keeping the bad lady divorce her young divorce? He said, No, no, no, I don't want to divorce. I said, What do you want? He said, I want to continue in my life. I said with all due respect to Brother. This is not the language of a

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person who wants to continue with his wife.

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He said I'm full of rage and anger. I said even though

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the way you are speaking does not put my word duh. Yes, affection between you and your wife. Yeah, there is no drama in your language. He said no, no, no, I love her. I said love. If it is in your heart, listen to this brothers and sisters. Love if it is in the heart and it is man not manifested on our specially tongue and our behavior is useless.

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Yeah, if I love you and every day, okay, morning and evening, I am rude to you.

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What kind of love is this? I don't want this love. I prefer to live with a person. Maybe he's in neutral. But He what? He knows how to speak to me. He shows love and affection. Yeah, affection and mercy. Is it to clear brothers and sisters? I really Yanni

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even I was speaking with the brothers and the Islamic Sharia Council. Because I received when I was leaving, coming to the dubs, I received an MSc from one of the brothers I knew him for. I knew him some time ago. And he said, Sure, I urgently need to meet you. Okay, how many messages I received like this. I urgently need to meet with you. I'm going through many problems in my marriage. This is

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a common theme that I always hear when I receive calls messages from some people who have not spoken to me for some time or they are ringing late at night or early in the morning. It means what there is a problem in their marriage. It is so horrible. The situation is so bad, my dear brothers and sisters. If the Muslim community were to be destroyed, the number one reason for us to be destroyed is what? Yeah, the

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unstable marriages that we are exercising these days. No stability in our marriages, no stability in our marriages. This is very frightening. My dear brothers and sisters, but many of you are young. I know this

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might put you off, but we need all to be aware of the reality in order to it in order to prepare for it. Yeah, Mauer.

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One lady came to the marina Katara de la jolla and said to him, I don't love my husband. Maybe you have mentioned this before, anyway. Okay, it's good to remind ourselves with it. Yeah. He said, If you don't love him, you need to lie and tell him that you love him.

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Listen, sisters lie and say to your husband, Oh, you are the best husband in the world. I love you so much.

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This is not held on like this as a holiday. In fact, it might be wajib.

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Yeah. Because say, as I said, number of times, love comes and goes. Yeah, you do things you love the other side. If the other side does good things to you, you will love him or you will love her. This is the nature of a human beings. Don't say I hate this person. When you say I hate this person, it means that you hate this person because of certain What? because of certain things that this person does. If this person he changes his attitude, or her attitude, then you will start loving him.

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Is that true or not? So you don't say, Hey, I hate this person. That's why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Leia for camino, Mina in Carrie Hammond, ha ha, ha ha. This is a very Golden Rule. Yeah, very Golden Rule. The prophet SAW Selim said, I mean, a believer should not hate

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more than minute a female.

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His wife, a believer should not hate his wife. If he dislikes one of her qualities, then what he will like many other qualities. Yeah. And this is a very important rule. Sometimes you might dislike something from your wife, or your sister, you might hate something. Yeah, that your husband does. Look at the other side, don't look at the empty side of the cup. Look at the full side of the cup. Be positive in the way you think. Yeah. people as they say, people are nothing but yourself. What does that mean? It means if you see people, all of them evil. In fact, you might be evil and you don't know.

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Yeah. And when you see people are good, it means that you are good. Because you see people, the way you see people is a reflection of what of yourself. Is it to clear brothers, I'm saying this I'm not only mentioning that Mashallah, I am super in this, but it is a jihad. Yeah, it is he had all of us have to struggle through this and they change our attitude in change our outlook, yes, or the way we perceive others?

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Is it clear brothers and sisters? So

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and as I always say, before, like this brother, like what I said to this brother, I said, Subhanallah the way you are speaking to her, it means that you want to divorce her, or you can't continue with her. Yes. He said no, I said then I think this is not the way to speak to her. He said but she heard me before I said the person who wants to live with his spouse. He should I always say this, I FF Yeah, this formula i f f In fact, when two people want to live together brothers and sisters, they have to apply this formula i f f. i stands for what?

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Yes, yeah, brothers. Ignore by ignore, pretend that you are unaware. We spoke a lot if you're I think Yeah, and one of the Bureau's About what? Pretending a travel pretending that you are unaware.

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Yeah, we mentioned examples of this in particular with your wife, in particular with your husband's sister. If you want to count

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on her mistake, pick up her mistake or pick up his mistakes. Life can't continue. So ignore and after that. Okay, forgive if there is no forgiveness.

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Yesterday I sat with Danny in a family dispute. A brother in law

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With his family in law, yeah. And the brother walls, he felt that he has been dealt with unjustly.

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Okay. And because of this, you can see the anger coming from his face. Well, you can see the anger coming from his chest.

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Yeah. Because the way he they dealt with him. And they came all of them. They sat and they said to him, we agree that we dealt with you, maybe not properly. Okay?

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This is it was a mistake. Forgive us. He could not forgive them. I was hard on him. I said to him, no. Yuffie we need to learn how to forgive. He said I'm deeply hurt. I said, This is what Islam teaches us. Yeah, which is what Allah Allah Allah said to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam hotel alpha

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For the alpha means what? deal with people in what? pardoning Hello, they hurt you after they apologize? Yeah, just forgive it even sometimes you need to forgive even if people did not apologize.

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Yes, brothers. This is the highest o'clock you don't need. Okay, everyone to apologize. As far as your up your Apple your pardoning is not okay. A humiliation for you or is not a sign of weakness. And don't think that when you are forgiving your brothers, you are what? Okay, humiliating yourself. No. Okay. And especially if you know that the person in front of you now he is in a weaker position. As the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to do when he is in a position of DNA, he is victorious, then he forgives more.

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Yeah, because it means that I am pardoning you not because I am weak. No, no, I am pardoning you because what I am better than you.

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Yeah, better than you in a rock. Okay, not Yanni. I'm putting you down. This is my this is my new ability. And that was the attitude of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was the attitude of the prophesied seller. When a man came to the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, he machinic and the prophet SAW Selim was sleeping. And then he took this out of the prophesize element he stood Yes. Next to the head of the processor, the processor don't walk up on this man next to him with the soul. Then he said, Oh Mohammed who can protect you now?

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To prophesize Salim said Allah.

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So the person started to panic. Okay, and the sword fell from his hand. The premises tell him took the salt. And then he said, who protects you from me now?

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And then the man kept quiet. Then the professor said don't sit and go.

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It is does not defeat me to kill you now after what? Haha, after I am in charge of you now, it doesn't defeat me because I'm killing you out of revenge. Yeah, for a personal matter. Okay, and that does not defeat my nobility. So the professor said and said go, and the man was amazed. The man was amazed. And then he said a shadow a lower shadow.

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Yeah, and they say the Arab said yes. If we're in the McDarrah you pardon when you are able, not you pardon when you are weak. So forgiveness My dear brothers, especially between husband and wife, between two people between two people working in one place, neighbors etc, etc. is mandatory. One law he it hurts me to see our Muslim brothers and sisters don't know how to forgive one law he we don't know how to forgive, this is very hurtful.

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Everyone wants justice. Everyone wants his right Subhanallah as there is no pardoning in, in our in our deal. I will not move one of the basic caliphs. Yeah. He said, I started to pardon people, people and I started to enjoy pardoning people.

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Yes, until I felt that I will not be rewarded when I pardon people. Because I am now enjoying it. So I am getting the what I'm getting the reward which is Yanni enjoyment in the dunya

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to this level,

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The normal person, the noble person, he should Park them the first person in front of him before what before forcing the other person to be humiliated before him and apologize.

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This is the noble character My dear brothers and sisters, especially between husband and wife, it should be implemented by both

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not we are not addressing husbands, we are not as addressing wife, both of them. Okay, so this is forgiveness and after that, yes, forget

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I mentioned to you many examples that we don't have time that sometimes a husband and wife when they have problems, they start what bringing the history 10 years ago he did this to me 10 years ago she did this to me Subhanallah it means that you did not forget.

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Yeah. So it is true that you forgive, but you need to what you need to for get completely forget it. Yes. So between husband and wife, my dear brothers and sisters, there should be what second tranquillity Yeah.

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And Maota and Rama if that is impossible, none hellos. Finish it. Just finish it. Okay. There is something called pull up.

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By that is better than everyday Fighting, fighting. screaming, shouting, tension is not worth it. Okay. Some scholar said Galloway in a coma data Rama, they said, mount the love for the person whom you love, Rama for the person whom you don't love, but you might stay with him or with her because of other reasons other than love. And this is Subhana Allah this standard has not been okay established by any other system other than the Islamic system. Which is what you stay with your wife not based on love only.

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Yeah, and you stay sister with your husband, not just based on love.

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Okay, the prophet SAW Selim once divorced, it was reported that he divorced or wanted to divorce hafsa gibreel. The angel debri came to the prioritize elements. He said don't divorce her. Why?

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He gave him one reason. What is it? For in the house a woman a woman and she will be your spouse engine?

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Yeah, for in the house a woman to kawana she will be responding ganda. She is what a lady who establishes what they are Malala and does a lot of what? Of sia? By and she will be your spouse in gender?

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Clear. So you might for whatever reason, you might not like your spouse, but maybe our two freshmen. I know this lady, she's poor lady. If I divorce her, where is she going to go? This is

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this is I know my husband, he's an old person. Or maybe if he divorces me, he likes me. Then where is he going to go? Or not Russia for the other side but Rama for the children.

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And while I as I always say that the people the most the first people to suffer out of marriage break down? Yes. Who? The children haram? haram brothers haram Hello, Fear Allah, the children are lost because of the arrogance of the spouses

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will lie they suffer. Yeah. And I have seen so many examples, whereby the tension between husband and wife led to what not only led to separation led to the negligence of the children. And as a result of this, the children ended up

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to be taken by the social services. And we have cases whereby the children were taken given to, yes, non Muslim families to look after them.

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And they were not only fostered but they were adopted. We had a number of cases like this. We had one case that wife said to the social services is I can't look after my children and my husband if he takes my children, okay, he will radicalize them, and he does not be fit, to look after them. And not only that, I don't want my children to be looked after by a Muslim family. Otherwise, what will happen

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My husband will know about them and they will start Okay, meeting them

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to this level Subhan Allah to this level of hate it This is impossible.

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And who is suffering out of this is the children? Yeah, we always read this ayah in any marriage sir.

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Amin iotium Holla Holla camino de la escuela de la Vina know that Allah in the

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Quran we don't implement it

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yes brothers by and large Allah commanded men what

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to do to them in kindness and the Lord Allah said to the wives yeah when Allah de la la la la Nadella you deserve yes you deserve to be treated what as you should treat your husband which is what haha in kindness and but the men has a degree of authority over you in brief My dear brothers and sisters and I will conclude is that I always say that there are two qualities if husbands implemented them aside from this ayah apart from this or

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any other two qualities okay over what is mentioned in this ayah two qualities if the husband of the husbands implemented them then life will go smooth and two qualities same thing two qualities should be implemented by the wife from the husband side Yes What does he need to do all wives all women they want to from the man to things yeah, listen to this carefully please.

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First of all, your wife needs to feel secure next to you.

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She feels she wants to feel protected next to you protected financially physically, emotionally everything

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Okay, the second point the wife needs from you that you show her what care

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okay that you care for her.

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Okay, this is the formula

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by briefly and the husband needs my dear sister needs to see two things from you.

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Okay, she he needs to see you obedient to Him.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:51

Okay, this is one the second one he needs to show to see from you. You need to show him

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that you love him.

00:37:56 --> 00:38:16

In particular you show love that's why the promises that and said so what do I do aleut does our doula dude Allah Dude, what does that What do you mean? Yeah, it means the lady that shows the love not loving because you might not be she might love you, but doesn't have to know how to show love.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:41

Clear? No, no one that knows how to show love to her husband. If husbands implement or try to implement this or have these two qualities and what their wives try to have these two qualities will law he plus what is mentioned in the eye or the eye in fact is a manifestation of or is another way of,

00:38:43 --> 00:38:53

of expressing or manifesting these two, these four qualities and from both sides. Yeah. Then life will be in general will be smooth between

00:38:55 --> 00:39:17

couples. Yeah, we hope I hope, my dear brothers and sisters, that you implement this in your life, we ask Allah Allah Allah to put love. Yes, between ourselves. Yes, between Muslims in general and between couples. In particular, we ask Allah, Allah Allah to

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to make life between us and our wife's life full of tranquility and mercy. Desert malaco Baraka Luffy can question quickly if there is any question or time is bit late.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:37

No questions. Yes.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:43

If you rage

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00:39:48 --> 00:39:49

You feel

00:40:06 --> 00:40:14

Yeah, see brothers and sisters we need on most of you are young. I

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really recommend. Yeah. I strongly recommend that you learn how to forgive.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:37

Even if you are full of rage and anger, learn how to forgive. Because if you become old, yeah, when you reach the age of 5060, you want to be able to forgive

00:40:38 --> 00:40:56

hallas you have shaped yourself is very difficult that you change yourself. Listen to this, you will remember it later. Learn from now, how to forgive, just how to forgive. Okay. And

00:40:59 --> 00:41:08

the prophet SAW Selim said Lisa shadid with Sora the strong person is not the person who defeats others, the strong person is what is who

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know the person who controls his emotions.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:19

Yeah, controls his emotions. He has rage. No, let me control it.

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00:41:21 --> 00:41:23

Let me suppress it.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:28

And then let me just think that oh, I am just deleting it.

00:41:30 --> 00:42:11

Okay, and we all know had it Abdullah, even among us. Yeah, had a tendency problematic that the professor I sell them when he was sitting. He said, a man from gender will come. Yes, we'll enter from this door. Do so the Sahaba. Were looking Who is this person that the prophet SAW Selim said he will be from Ghana. Yeah. So just a simple man came and he was just have he finished his will do and His hair was wet. Yeah. Because of the Oh, the second day, the prophesized. lm said, Yes, a man will come from this door. He's from the gender from the people of gender. Everyone was looking the same man came again.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:57

He's not Abubakar, he's not Omar. He's not Ali is not highly degenerate. Yeah. By the accepted Islam late. But anyway, by he's not one of those third time, the same man came up dilemma. He was a young person, and he liked the children of the Sahaba. They used to have high ambition. They used to aspire heart. He wants to be among the people of gender. So he went, he knocked the door. And then he said, Uncle at that time, he was young uncle. He said, there was a tension between me and my father. And, okay, I'm not going to stay in my house for three nights. Can I stay with you? So he said,

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bye. So I'm delighted.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:07

He was anyone the night time came? He said, Oh, he will do now for the entire night.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:38

The man did not do okay, I'm late. Just before I did, he prayed that with a simple with a simple person. The first night, second night, third night, there's nothing any intelligence a god, so have the loved one to him. And he said, My uncle, to be honest with you, there was no tension between me and my father. But I was with the prophets. I send them three times. And every single time he pointed at you, and he says you are among the people of Ghana.

00:43:40 --> 00:44:24

So what do you do? What do you do? So he said, Well, I don't know. I don't either. So I have the large number of hours left. Then the man said, Come on my son Come on. So Abdullah Abdullah house went, he said one line, I don't think I'm doing something as different from what you have seen. But when I go to bed, I don't have any kind of enmity, or rush or wishing any thing bad to any one Muslim. to any of the Muslims. Are you remove it from my heart? I go with a clean pure heart. I will go to bed with a clean pure heart.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:25


00:44:27 --> 00:44:36

So we need to learn this. My dear brothers and sisters. Bye. Okay. Does Apple have it? Any other question? Okay Baraka Luffy from Santa Monica.

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