Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #17

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the aftermath of the Prophet servicing of the holy month, including the loss of the Prophet's wife, Aisha, and the aftermath of her death. The segment also highlights the importance of not being in danger of turning back on the battlefield and the need for people to see their children. The segment also touches on the illness of the Prophet servicing the needs of Muslims during peace and the importance of not being in danger of turning back on the battlefield. The segment concludes with a recap of the upcoming session and a recap of the upcoming session.
AI: Transcript ©
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[Song..] Oh, Aisha, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha.

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Aisha, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha.

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She was the wife of Muhammad

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peace be upon him. We love him so much

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her amazing father was Abu Bakr

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radhi Allahu-anhu, known as the truthful one [.. Song]

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'Audzubillah Himinash Syaiton Nirojim. Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Alhamdulillah, wassolatu was Salamu ala rasulillah, dear sisters, Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to this the 17th episode of our halaqa will about the life of Aisha radhi Allahu-anha, mother of the believers.

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We're right at the end now of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Of course, there's so much of his life that we could talk about, and you know, that Aisha radhi Allahu-anha was witness to, but then this class would end up being a Seerah (Islamic history) class, right, the seerah of the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam and we are trying to focus on Aisha radhi Allahu-anha, which is why I haven't gone painstakingly through every single incident that went, you know, in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, I will leave that for you to do in terms of, you know, going and studying the seerah, which I'm assuming all of you have done or at least, you know, have have a

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decent knowledge of. But

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suffice it to say that Aisha radhi Alahu-anha, now, she from the time that she married the Prophet Salallahu 'Alaihi wa sallam. So when the niqaah (marriage) took place, when she was about six years old,

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until the hegira, when she was seven, and then, you know, the Battle of Badr, she was just eight years old at that time. And then she moved in with the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam at the age of nine, you can see right from the beginning, she witnessed so many things she took part in the hegira she witnessed all the events, something hegira, and then let's fast forward and say, you know, then, when after marriage, she would have witnessed the Battle of Uhud as well, right. And she actually helped out in these battles, and I'm just going to do a little recap of her life so that we can understand that, you know, up to now, up to the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what,

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what kinds of things have passed, that maybe we haven't been able to go into in a lot of detail. But, you know, it should be in our minds that these are all the things that she partook in, right. And that she was one of the supporters of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in.

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So the Battle of Uhud took place. And then that was the third year of hegira, after hegira

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the fifth year after he did that, if takes place,

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you know, and she's only 13 years old. That's another thing to bear in mind. If that, if the incident of slander that took place in the fifth year, she would only have been a teenager literally, even if it took place later on, like in the ninth because there's some difference of opinion. Still, she was a teenager, right, like 16 or something like that.

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And then, you know, she would have witnessed the various battles and also the Treaty of Hudaibiah, which took place in the sixth year after hegira. And then the eighth year of the hegira was the conquest of Makkah, right when the Muslims once again

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returned to Makkah; remember Makkah is her homeland, rights? Although she wouldn't have,

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you know, spent that long in Makkah, she was only seven right when she when she left. Still, you know, her family for her family. It was a big deal, right? It's her family's homeland. And then, so at the conquest of Makkah, she was about 15 years old.

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And around that time, as well, in the age of hegira, an incident took place well, there was a Battle of Mu'tah

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and the Battle of Mu'tah.

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This was when and I'm just going to mention a few little incidents you know, because, Subhanallah

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that hadeeth of Aisha are so many you know, we can mention so many things. I've just cherry picked a few things that I would like to highlight, just because maybe they've got some interesting

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aspect to them. Um, but I would encourage you to go and you know, look up all that hadeeth about Aisha

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If you can study in Arabic I would encourage you to look at the musnad of Imam Ahmad, musnad of Aisha. You know, just read her hadeeth read everything you can from her lens and Subhanallah you see that it's a unique lens, you know she was add some interesting thing or some angle that only she would have noticed. You know. So, this incident the Battle of Mu'tah, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha witnessed this shows you her closeness to the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa sallam. she witnessed his immense grief

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and when he heard of the death of Zayed bin al-Harithah, I will say that was his like his son, right? Remember when during the ... actually when he consulted with Zayed's son, Osama right about Aisha. Like what do you think Have you noticed anything or whatever you know,

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and Subhanallah it shows you his closeness and of course Zayed was his adopted son previously right? Before adoption or taking the name of someone you adopted was removed.

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So the prophet SAW was very upset. Zayed was Shahid (martyred) during the Battle of Mu'tah and also Ja'afar bin Abi Talib the prophet's cousin right. Ali bin Abi Talib's brother. Ja'afar was martyred and Abdullah bin Ruwahah, who was one of the Ansar he was from the Hazraj tribe, and he had been one of the early people to embrace Islam. And Subhanallah, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha have witnessed that he was really grief stricken when he heard the news of the three of their deaths, you know.

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And in a hadeeth, you know, she says,

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when the Prophet sallallahu 'Alaihi wa sallam got the news of the death of Ibn Harithah

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Ja'afar and even Ruwahah, he sat down and looked sad. And I was looking at him through the cheek of the door. So I think,

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you know,

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he must have been either sitting in the courtyard or in the masjid and she could see through the curtain you know, that he was looking very, very sad. A man came and told him about the crying of the women of Ja'afar.

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So before I mentioned this pot, actually, I'm going to mention hadith of Anas because he also puts it into context. He says,

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the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihiwa sallam announce the death of Zayed, Ja'afar and Abdullah bin Ruwahah to the Muslim community before the messenger delivered the news ..alright.. delivering the news arrived in Medina. So the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam already told about their deaths.

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By Allah, he said, Zayed took up the banner first. But he was soon hit. And Ja'afar took it over again, he was hit. And it was taken by Ibn Rawahah and he was hit. The Prophets eyes were pouring with tears. He then said then the banner was taken up by one of God's swords, and they continued to fight until Allah bestowed His grace. Subhanallah.

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So you can see here that, you know, even the other Sahaba witness how sad he was.

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So in this hadith of Aisha, she's actually giving us a glimpse now from the inside of the Prophet's house. You see, the reason why I chose this hadith is it kind shows you exactly the the elements that Aisha radhi Allahu-anha brings right to any story or any aspect of the seerah, she brings the view from within the Prophet's home. So in a way, she gives us a little insight into his inner workings, you know, his psychology. Right. And so, you know, unless you relate to this as he is or it you know, that the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam was sad, and he was very upset, and he told them about, you know, what happened

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in the battlefield. But this is now behind closed doors. Now. She says that a man came and said,

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told us told him told the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam about the crying of the women of Ja'afar. And who was the wife of Ja'afar Ibn Abi Talib? Can anyone remember?

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And this is another reason why I'm mentioning this hadith because the person who was the wife of

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Ja'afar, she then becomes somebody

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significant in the life of Aisha.

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I'm going to allow you to answer if any of you know

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So Ja'afar bin Abi Talib.

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The Messenger came and said that these women were crying

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Yes Asma bint Umais. Exactly. So Asma bint Umais and you know what whoever the women folk of Ja'afar were they were really upset and maybe they were you know some of them were going beyond the norms right the permitted norms in terms of crying, you know, there was some whaling going on in the household. So, this man came and he complained to the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam or reported this. And she says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered him to forbid them.

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The man went and came back saying that he had told them but they did not listen to him. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, forbid them, so again he went and came back for the third time and said, O Allah's Messenger. By Allah, they did not listen to us at all.

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Aisha added, Allah's messenger ordered him to go and put dust in their mouths.

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I said to that man: may Allah put your rub your nose in the dust. You could neither persuade the women to fulfill the order of Allah's messenger, nor did you

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relieve Allah's messenger from fatigue. Okay, this hadith Bukhari and so here what's happening is this man, he keeps coming back and he's like complaining like, Oh, you know, they're still crying. They're still wailing. They're still wailing. And the prophet SAW is saying, okay, we'll go and tell them not to tell them not to. But the the What am I they explain this hadith, then they say that the family of Ja'afar was so overcome and overwhelmed that, you know, they were not nobody was in a fit state to listen, you know? Or it could be that they didn't realize that it was the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam telling them to do this, you know.

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Anyhow, the point is this, that

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you see, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha is very sensitive here. Can you see she gets very annoyed. Okay. The prophet SAW gets annoyed. And that's why he makes a statement. Well, you know, put dust in their mouth. What he means is the only way they're going to stop is if you fought if we force them, you know, by stopping their mouths, right?

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In other words, what is he supposed to do? What can the messenger saw last time do when he has told them and he's made the exhortation, this man keeps coming back again and again complaining, right? He doesn't have the wisdom to think, Well, you know, the prophet SAW is grieving as well. Right. And this is where Aisha's intuition comes in. Because she's so sensitive to the fact that he is so upset and grieving himself. He doesn't need this extra thing of this man continuously coming again and again, you know, to complain about something that the prophet SAW has given his pronouncement on. And she is very sensitive about the fact that the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam is in pain.

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He's in pain, and now this man is on top of the pain is annoying Rasulullah sallallahu wa Sallam as well. So this is why Aisha lost her temper until and told the man off, you know that not only were you not able to convince the women but you're you don't stop annoying Rasulullah either.

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And this hadith really kind of captures for me, you know, the extra kind of

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element that Aisha radhi Allahu-anha brings to

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studying the seerah and studying the Sunnah, right? She brings the element of empathy with the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Because she's his wife, you know, we, sometimes or the men could sometimes take certain things for granted. Right? That you know, he's a man, maybe when he's in public, he's going to be a lot more kind of formal maybe, you know, talking about what important things he needs to tell the men but inside the home, she knows the pain that he's going through, right. And that's something that you know, he might not show very, very openly in public, you know, talk about

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and here we see actually Aisha radhi Allahu-anha been on so sensitive to his

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his pain, you know, and that, that somebody is annoying him that she she even gets upset on his behalf.

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So anyway, after this incident, and Abu Bakr of course after Asma, it does, etc.

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None other than Abu Bakr al-Siddiq married, Asma bint Umais, right the widow of Ja'afar and

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a couple of years later on in the 10th year of hegira, which is when the farewell pilgrimage took place, right the Hajj al-Wada

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this is when

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Aisha's little brother was born. And what was the name of Aisha's little brother from Asma and Abu Bakr? Does anyone remember?

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So if you remember her elder brother was Abdullah and Asma, they were from another of Abu Bakr's wives. Then her own full brother was Abdurrahman, right. And now there is a brother

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and a sister to come later on

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from other wives of Abu Bakr. So who was this brother? Does anyone remember? Yes, exactly. Mohammed bin Abu Bakr, right? So Mohammed bin Abu Bakr was now born in the 10th of

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the 10th of after his 10th year after hegira.

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And then in the 11th year is when the Prophet Sallalllahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam became ill, right. When he became ill, Subhanallah

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the illness from which he passed away and Aisha was only 18 we're going to go into that

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one Hadeeth I really want to also mention to you is

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an aspect I want to remind us of is that Aisha radhi Allahu-anha was beside the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam during, you know, some of the significant battles as well. You know, she wasn't she was in the group of people who traveled for those battles at Uhud at Khandaq, Bani Khurizah...

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Hudaibiah. Right. And the conquest of Makkah, right. She supported those who are fighting in the battle, and served Allah's messenger and Anas bin Malik radhi Allahu-anhu said, The Battle of Uhud, I saw Aisha bint Abu Bakr, and Ummu Sulaim carrying water on their shoulders, they competed with each other to carry water in a hurry for wounded veterans. They went back and forth to Medina from Uhud to refill their water skins. Right.

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She served the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam and carried water for men, together with other Muslim women on the battleground of Khandaq.

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when the Meccan had laid siege on Medina.

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Okay, so that's just to give you a little glimpse as well into the fact that, you know, all the aspects of the seerah that we read about whether it's the battles, whether it's times of peace times of war times, you know, When, when, when there's no rain when, you know, whatever the Muslims are going through Aisha they're right during that time,

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all through the Medina and period until the prophet SAW someone passes away. And it goes without saying that she was supporting the Muslim shoe, you know, the women in the battles, for example, played the role of, you know, as nurses, for the wounded, and they would bring water and supplies, you know, and they would also be the ones who would encourage the men and prevent them or discourage them from turning their backs on the battlefield. Right. And that goes to show what the role of a Muslim woman would be, you know, in a normal situation if if you know, Muslims were in a in a battle, right? They would play that very important rule.

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Okay. I'm going to mention this Hadeeth because it's, I just love it and it just kind of another another. It's another instance of Aisha's intimate discussion with the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam that brings something beautiful for us, as believers, you know,

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Aisha radhi Allahu-anha reported when I saw the Messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam with a cheerful face. I said, on Messenger of Allah supplicate to Allah for me Make Dua to Allah for me.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh ALLAH forgive her past and future sins, in secret and in public. Aisha laughed so much. She became so happy at this door. She was laughing and laughing.

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So much that's her head fell from his lap. So she was lying with her lap with her head in his lap. And he she said make Dua for me, and he made made this up. And she was so happy you know, like, so.

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A beautiful Dua that she just kind of couldn't contain herself. And her head fell from his lap. The Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to her, does my Dua make you happy? O Aisha? Aisha said, why would your Dua not make me happy? Right?

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And again, this shows you the fiqh of Aisha, right, the immense knowledge and understanding of Aisha that she knew that there's nothing better that anyone could give her then

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it then this Dua that the prophet SAW gave her right, that Allah would forgive her past and future sins, secret and in public. She knows that means that she would go to Jannah (Paradise), right? So this is why this Dua means so much to her. And only a person who really understands the purpose of this life would understand that, wouldn't they?

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So this is why she's so happy. And she says, why would your Dua not make me happy?

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the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "by Allah. This is my Dua, for my ummah in every prayer."

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So, you know, due to this incident, we got to know that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam used to make Dua for us, right used to make Dua for us.

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And he made

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this Dua for us in every prayer.

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So I wanted to highlight that hadeeth, because just to show you that, you know, there's certain things that happened when nobody was there, but Aisha, right. And we are so lucky, we're so blessed to have had her to tell us about those beautiful incidents and those beautiful words of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

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So now, we're going to move on to talking about the illness of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Okay. So on Monday, the 29th of Safr in the 11th year of Hegira

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the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam went to a janazah in the,

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in the Baqi' cemetery. On the way back, he had a headache, and his temperature was so high that everyone could see that, you know, is like visibly high.

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He led the Muslims in prayer

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throughout his illness, you know, for 11 days anyway.

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Until he was very, very ill. The total number of his sick days were either 13 or 14. Okay. So most of the days he continued to leave the prep. Now, what happened? This again shows you the status of Aisha. You know, every day when his sickness became severe Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam would ask: where am I going to be staying tomorrow? Where am I going to be staying tomorrow?

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Why? Because, first of all, when Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam so meticulous in his fairness, that he still even though he was ill, he was still maintaining the rotation that he would to be to maintain equality between his wives, right? So spend the night with each of them. But they could tell that he was eager

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to, for the time for him to be an Aisha his house to come, right. That was where he got the most comfort. That was where he got the most comfort.

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And so he kept asking, Where will I be tomorrow? Where will I be tomorrow, and they understood from that that he he was waiting to for his turn to be an Aisha's house. So they all allowed him. So they all said, you know, and this is their sacrifice, the sacrifice of the mothers of the believers, they said to him, you know, we allow you, you know, forego our right for you to stay with us. And we give all our days to Asia. So that allowed him to stay put in Aisha radhi Allahu-anha's house, Subhanallah it shows you again, how Aisha's house was the place where he got comfort, right? He moved to Aisha's room.

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And as they were moving him he was leaning on some of the Sahaba; Ali and Fadhil ibn Abbas and he was so weak that his feet were dragging as they took him there. And this is where he spent the last week of his life, the last week of his life.

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spent in Aisha's radhi Allahu-anha's house. During that period, Aisha radhi Allahu-anha she was the one. Now you see, sometimes we think, okay, Aisha is the special one, she's got this privilege of being loved by Rasulullah. But remember, on the flip side or on the other hand, she was also the one who then served him the most right? You know, it's not easy to serve somebody when they're ill in that last week, she, you know, all the duty to serve him, to help him to nurse him was on her, right. So with that, love, that love isn't just love out of nothing, you know, it's because she was.

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You know, her love was shown in her actions in her service to Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

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During that period, Aisha used to recite the, you know, al-Falaq al-Nas and she used to do Ruqyah on the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam

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all the Surah that he had taught her and you know, all the things that he had taught her, she was now using them. For him.

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Five days before his death,

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Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam came into the masjid to give a speech. And there were certain instructions he gave, you know, he told the people not to turn his grave into a place of worship.

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He told them to expel the polytheists from Arabia, he told them to be very good to the Anshar, you know, to the people of Medina and the people who had helped him.

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So, of course, he was addressing the Mujahirun in that case.

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And it was during this speech, so this five days before his passing, when he basically gave them an indication that this was going to be his last illness, right. And he said, Allah has given

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a slave of his the opportunity to make a choice between whatever he desires of Allah's provisions of this world, and what he keeps for him in and what he keeps for him in this in this world. But he has opted for the latter.

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I think this translation is wrong, it should say, Allah has given the slave the opportunity to make a choice between whatever he desires or this world and of the akhira. And he has opted for the latter.

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And then the, the narrator says, upon hearing that Abu Bakr cried. Abu Bakr began to cry.

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And he said, we sacrifice our mothers and fathers for your sake.

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And the Sahabi, Abu Said al-Khudri he says, We wondered why Abu Bakr was saying this, why was he crying? And why is he saying, you know, may our mothers and fathers be sacrificed in your place? Why is he saying this? You know, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaii wa sallam, he said, people were thinking, look at look at that old man. The Messenger of Allah says about the slave of Allah who was granted the right, between the best fortunes of this world and the bounty of Allah in the hereafter. But he says, we sacrifice our mothers and fathers for your sake.

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And then I will say that it was later on that we realized what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had meant, the Messenger of Allah was the slave informed to choose. And we realized that Abu Bakr was the most knowledgeable amongst us, you know, Subhanallah.

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And when the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw Abu Bakr crying, you know, and he said, Subhanallah, you know, you can really empathize with this in that, you know, when you have a close friend,

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any little thing that you say, or any indication from you, they kind of get it right, they understand what you mean, and what the depth of that thing is more than the average person, right? And here Abu Bakr, he just completely get Rasulullah Sallallahu "alaihi wa sallam straightaway, right? Whereas nobody else does. And Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam's love for Abu Bakr came out. And remember, Abu Bakr is the father of Aisha, right. And he said,

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the person I feel most secure in the company of is Abu Bakr. If I were to make

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a close friend with anyone other than Allah, I would have Abu Bakr as a Bosom friend of mine, Khaleel.

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For him I have I feel affection and brotherhood of Islam. No gate shall be kept open in the masjid except that of Abu Bakr. So he said, you know, we already brothers

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in Islam, and if it wasn't for the fact that Allah had made me his Khaleel, I would have chosen Abu Bakr as my Khaleel.

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And Subhanallah. He then said, Now, no gate shall be kept open in the masjid except that Abu Bakr. Basically, each of the Sahaba who lived in who lived around the masjid, right, they had a specific door that was, that would, especially if they were in right adjacent to the masjid, they could enter easily from their house or their courtyard straight into the masjid.

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Just like Aisha did as well, right?

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But the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam during his illness had asked that all the doors be kept closed. And he said, except for the door of Abu Bakr, so he wanted Abu Bakr to be able to easily come in and out and meet him because that's where he's, he felt comfort, you know, in the company of Abu Bakr. And in the company of the daughter of Abu Bakr. And of course, there's a practical side to this as well, that of course, if he's in Aisha's house, then, you know, Abu Bakr, as her father is her mahram, he can enter and exit easily, you know, and keep coming and visiting him as and when he likes him that there's no consideration of hijab, etc. Right necessary for Abu Bakr. So you

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can see that Aisha and her family, so her father, etc, they were all part of this support network, you know, of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his final illness.

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It was also during this time that Fatima radhi Allahu-anha visited her father.

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We're going to mention that in a moment. And this happened in front of Aisha radhi Allahu-anha. And then the day of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam's passing. Before that. He appointed Abu Bakr as the Imaam, right, appointed Abu Bakr as the Imaam, the incident of that year.

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On one of the days of his final illness, the Messenger Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam became so sick, that when it was time for prayer, and Bilaal made the adhaan,

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it was said,

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he said, Sorry, the Prophet said, order Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.

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Now, what you have to understand is, nobody had ever led the prayer of Prophet Sallallauh 'alaihi wa sallam's presence, right? So this was a really big deal.

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And the people around the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, Indeed, Abu Bakr is a soft hearted person who is prone to extreme

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sadness and crying any during salah he cries a lot. So if he stands in your place, he will not be able to lead the people in prayer.

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The Prophet Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam repeated the command. And they repeated the same answer. And then for a third time, the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam repeated the command. And they still gave him the same response. The people who gave him the response were the women around him. So it was probably the wives of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, etc, right? They said, No, you know, Abu Bakr he's, he cries a lot. And it affects the salah, right?

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And the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam got so annoyed, he said, Indeed, you are being like the female companions of Yusuf

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order Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. Right. So he was really adamant. And it is as though he he wanted and, you know, he mentioned the women around Yusuf 'alaihissalam, meaning that, you know, in the way that they had kind of

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plotted or connived, you know,

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he was saying that, you know, they were also like, talking amongst each other and making a decision when the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaii wa sallam himself had told them exactly what he wanted, right? And so he was saying, No, stop discussing it in front of me go and make sure this happens. And the reason for this was that was Rasulullah Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam was really trying to without explicitly saying that, you know, the person who's going to lead the Muslims after me is going to be Abu Bakr without kind of explicitly

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making that a rule. He was showing them that's what should happen, you know, and he was trying to show them that there's no one in my presence, who I would want

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to lead the prayer except Abu Bakr, in fact, he even refused other Sahaba like Omar etc. Right? He wanted Abu Bakr was very specific about that.

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then Abu Bakr started to lead the prayer.

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Okay. And Subhanallah, and then, you know,

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one of the days just before he passed away,

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I think it was the day he passed away.

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Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

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Open the curtain. So you can just imagine, remember in the early sessions when we showed what the house of Aisha was like, so then there was probably the house, which is just basically a room and then a courtyard, and then a curtain or some sort of door that leads straight into the masjid. Right.

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So that curtain. So either there was a courtyard and then the curtain or it was right in the room of Aisha, there was a curtain, right? That curtain he opened that curtain. And for the last time, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam from the house of Aisha, opened the curtain and he looked at the Muslims, he looked at the believers praying in lines, being led by Abu Bakr. And he smiled, he smiled at them, because he was pleased, you know, and you can just imagine, you know, it's like a father when, when a father is,

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is leaving, right this world, what's going to bring them joy is seeing their children seeing, seeing their progeny, worshiping Allah or being good or doing seeing the fruits of their work in front of them. And of course, for Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam the fruits of his work were the believers, right. And so seeing them pray, like that was very moving for him. And he was very proud. And he smiled.

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And because he smiled, and he seemed to be standing up, the companions actually started to think, oh, he must be getting better. He must be getting better. But of course, that was not meant to be.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

So on the day that he passed away, okay.

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00:37:34 --> 00:37:39

you know, we'll just before that Fatima radhi Allahu-anha visits

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Aisha narrates this, you see, because it happened in house. Aisha says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called his daughter Fatima during his illness in which he died. And he whispered something to her.

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Whereupon she wept.

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Then he called her again and told her something were upon she laughed.

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When I asked her about it, she said, the Prophet spoke to me in secret and informed me that he,

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at that time, she didn't tell. But later after the death of the Prophet Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam when Aisha asked,

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she said, he informed me that he would die in the course of the illness during which he died. So I wept.

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And then, in secret, he told me inform me that I would be the first of his family to follow him after his death. And on that, on that I laughed,

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Subhanallah, this is how much they loved Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam they'd rather be with him. Rather leave this life then be in this world without him.

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When the pains of death started, to affect Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

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Aisha radhi Allahu-anha.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:18

Said, he was leaning on her, right. He was resting on her.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:30

And she used to say one of Allah's bounties upon me is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died in my house while I was

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died in my house.

00:39:34 --> 00:39:39

While I was while I'm still alive, he died between my chest and my neck

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while he was leaning against me,

00:39:45 --> 00:39:52

and Allah caused his saliva to mix with mine at his death, and how was that?

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

She told us that her brother, Abdurrahman, son of Abu Bakr, he came in

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To the room with Miswak right with the siwak and he was brushing his teeth.

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And when Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam sore it

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she noticed and again shows you a sensitivity of closeness to Rasulullah. She, she was looking after him intensively during this time when he couldn't even walk. Right. And she saw his eyes looking towards the siwak. And straightaway, she knew that that's what he wanted.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:42

And she says, I asked him, would you like me to get one for you? He nodded in agreement.

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And I took one and gave it to him.

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As it was too hard for him. I asked him shall I soften it for you? He nodded in agreement. So I softened it with my saliva. So you know, the end of Siwak or miswak basically have to chew it to make it into like softer brushes, right? This is the way that people would brush their teeth and keep their teeth clean Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam would do this and encouraged us to do that as well.

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And so she made it, see, look, she's she's taking care of his every comfort, not smart enough that she just brings him a siwak, she wants to make it as comfortable as possible for him, right? So and her saliva goes on to this miswak, and then she gives it to him, and then he puts it in his mouth. So this is what she meant by their saliva mixed before his death.

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In another version, it is said so he brushed his teeth as hard as he could, as thoroughly as he could.

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There was a water container available and his hand with some water in it. He put his hand in it and wiped his face with it and said, La ilaha illAllah.

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Death is full of agonies. Okay, the Prophet Salllallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was feeling the pangs of death, feeling the pain of his illness of death.

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And, Subhanallah

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and then, you know, we know the famous

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moment when he passed away, the moment when he passed away.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam parted from this world.

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Aisha said without leaving behind a dinar or dirham.

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Okay, so the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he left, you know,

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he tried to give away as much as possible before he passed away, he gave away as much as possible before he passed away.

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And they say that he get he freed his slaves as well. In fact, the complete list of his assets was short indeed, his white mule, his weapons and the piece of land that he had given away as charity. And his armor was left as collateral

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for a for some money that he had borrowed from a Jewish man

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to feed his family

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the last words of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, you know, one of the things he kept repeating we know is that the Salah he kept telling people, you know, Salam Salah, but the other last words that we know of,

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is that she said she heard him say, oh, Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me and admit to me into the, into the company, of the most exalted companionship on high,

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meaning, companionship of Allah.

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And when she heard that, you know, when they heard that they realized he was, he was going he was going.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died after midday. On Monday, the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal in the year 11 of the hegira he died at the age of 63.

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And, you know, this kind of just

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shows you you know, Subhanallah he literally died in Aisha's radhi Allahu-anha's arms, he died in her arms.

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Anas said, on the day the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam arrived in Medina, all things in it became illuminated, and on the day he died all things in it became dark.

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You know, and you can just imagine the entire you know,

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Aisha radhi Allahu-anha, he passes away in her arms. She She informed somebody.

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And obviously she would have been in a emotional state herself. And

00:45:14 --> 00:45:21

the Muslims are so shocked that the news starts spreading throughout the masjid right? And the Muslims are in shock.

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When the Messenger, Ibn Rajab says, when the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam died, the Muslims became shocked, bewildered and confused. Some of them were stunned and became perplexed. Others sat down and will not even even able to stand. Others lost their ability to speak. And yet others were in complete denial. Refusing to believe that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had really died. And we know Omar was amongst them, right.

00:45:52 --> 00:46:08

And then, of course, it was her father Abu Bakr. So you can just imagine it from from Aisha radhi Allahu-anha's perspective, she would have been sitting there with the Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in her arms. And they say that she brought a pillow. When he passed away, she brought a pillow to support him.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:32

And all she would have known she would have been crying herself, right? Um, his commotion in the masjid. And then eventually her father walks in. Right, a father Abu Bakr walks in, because Abu Bakr when he heard of the commotion. And when he heard of the news of the Prophet's death, he mounted his horse and rode from his house until the masjid

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and without sit and this is one of his other wives, right? And without saying a single word to anyone, this is the intelligence of Abu Bakr. Right? Instead of getting involved in what happened that he thinks he has access to the, to the very scene of what has gone gone on right, so he goes straight to his daughter's house.

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He entered upon Aisha.

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And in her apartment, he then headed straight for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was covered in a garment, removing the part of the garment that covered the Prophet's face

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Abu Bakr leaned down, kissed the Prophet on his forehead and began to cry.

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He then said,

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my father and mother be sacrificed for you by Allah. Allah will not combine two deaths upon you. In other words, you're not going to taste death again.

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As for the death that was decreed for you, you have just experienced it.

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And then, you know, Abu Bakr went and he calmed everyone down, he told Omar to be quiet.

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And you know, he told him to sit down. And then he praised Allah glorified him in the masjid and he said, to proceed, whoever used to worship Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam and indeed Muhammad has died, and whoever worship Allah, then Allah is living and does not die. And then he recited the verses of the Quran: Wa maa Muhammadun illaa Rasoolun qad khalat min qablihir Rusul; afa'im maata aw qutilan qalabtum 'alaaa a'qaabikum; wa mai yanqalib 'alaa aqibaihi falai yadurral laaha shai'aa; wa sayajzil laahush shaakireen [Q,3:144].

00:48:41 --> 00:49:04

Mohammed is no more than a Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Indeed, many messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed when you then turn back on your heels as disbelievers and he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah and Allah who will reward those who are grateful?

00:49:06 --> 00:49:34

And Omar said by Allah, no sooner Did I hear Abu Bakr recite that verse. And I fell down to the ground for my two legs could no longer carry me and I came to know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had indeed, died. And Aisha said, by Allah it was as if people didn't know that Allah revealed this verse, until Abu Bakr, recited it

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you know how Subhanallah that's the power of the Quran, isn't it? That's the power of people of knowledge.

00:49:41 --> 00:49:59

That sometimes, you know, you might notice something, but you're suddenly experiencing something and you completely forget. You completely forget. Yeah, so this is the amazing thing about the people have knowledge that you know, the time when everyone has forgotten when they're getting carried away by events.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:26

People have knowledge they bring us back. Right? They remind us. And Subhanallah It is like that, isn't it when you're in an emotional state and somebody reminds you of something that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said, sometimes you think to yourself, Subhanallah, I know this. But today I needed somebody to tell me I needed someone to remind me. This is why it's important for us to surround ourselves with the right people, right.

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So, dear sisters,

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we've narrated

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the incidence surrounding the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, surrounding the death of Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam.

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Aisha radhi Allahu-anha said, Allah's Messenger was shrouded in three Yemeni white pieces of cotton.

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And in them there was neither a shirt nor a turban.

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So people brought some of the best white cotton that they had. And they and he shouted, the Prophet Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam in it. And Abu Bakr Of course, you know, when they were trying to decide where do we bury Rasulullah sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam it was Abu Bakr he said, he remembered that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam told him that the Messengers are buried wherever they die. Or they, you know, when it's the time of death, they're brought in the place where they need to be buried.

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So that is why

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right there, under the bed, or the place where the prophet SAW passed away, was where they dug the grave of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which was in the house of Aisha, the house of Aisha. And right there, Rasulullah Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam, was buried.

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And Aisha radhi Allahu-anha continue to live in that house. With the grave of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam next to her. Subhanallah

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Insya Allah next time,

00:52:12 --> 00:52:27

next time, we're going to look at Aisha radhi Allahu-anha's relationship with Fatima, we're going to highlight some of the points that need to be highlighted about their relationship, which was a wonderful relationship, a wonderful friendship.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:50

And then we're going to look at how Aisha radhi Allahu-anha emerged as both a political figure and a scholarly figure after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the caliphate, Abu Bakr and then Omar and then Uthman,

00:52:51 --> 00:52:56

and Subhanallah, dear sisters, I just want to have like,

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want us to just think about this moment for a while You know, this, the death of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam the greatest calamity that ever befell the Muslims and Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, whenever you if you ever face a calamity, always compare it to the calamity of losing Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And I think it was a man who really summed it up best. She said it beautifully. And I've got

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the narration here.

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after the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam died. Ummu Aimaan

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She was the, the mother figure of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaih wa sallam, right.

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She cried, and was asked why she was crying. She said, verily,

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I knew that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam was going to die one day.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:07

The only reason why I'm now crying is that revelation which would descend upon the Prophet salallahu alaihe wa salam has been lifted from us.

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Subhanallah so that, you know if you've ever lost a father or a father figure, you know how that feels, right? This is like 10 times that hundred times that

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you know, that sense of being having somebody there who would answer all of your questions, all of your issues, who would guide you guide the Muslims? That was gone, right. And so it was the greatest calamity to befall the Muslims but it was inevitable.

00:54:40 --> 00:54:55

And so we say: Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa 'ala ali Muhammad, kama sallayta 'ala Ibrahim, wa 'ala ali Ibrahim. Innaka Hamidun Majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammad, wa 'ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta 'ala Ibrahim, wa 'ala ali Ibrahim. Innaka Hamidun Majid.

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and sisters I'm going

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To end the session now,

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if you have any last comments or questions, please

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just quickly type them in.

00:55:12 --> 00:55:24

Otherwise, I will see you next week Insya Allah. Next Sunday when we're really going to find out when Aisha radhi Allahu-anha comes into her own kind of

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.. she becomes an independent kind of personality and

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you know her her real kind of personality comes out now because it's needed right after the death of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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some of the sisters are saying I wanted to come to last week's session but forgot. Will this be running next semester?

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Now Insya Allah this these sessions will finish in December Insya Allah we should reach the end for the end of December. If you've missed any sessions, you can go to our my YouTube channel or the ... you can find all of the previous videos. Insya Allah.

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Our sister saying she's from India, Masya Allah, ahlan wa sahlan.

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This was a very emotional session. Yes, of course. You know, and when you read the more you read about the death of the Prophet SAW some of them you can't help but you bought to tears and can't help but be bought to tears. Because you can just empathize right with what that day must have been like. And Anas said it that there was no day that was gloomier and the day when the Prophet Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam passed away

00:56:43 --> 00:56:46

so Insya Allah sisters with that I'm going to leave you

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keep doing you know keep sending salawat on the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala unite us with him with our mother Aisha in Jannah, Insya Allah.

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Subhanakallahumma wabihamdik, Ash hadu anla ilaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilaik

00:57:08 --> 00:57:09

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

00:57:13 --> 00:57:13

[Song..] she was the first

00:57:16 --> 00:57:17

woman scholar of our Islam.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:24

she was amongst the greatest giver of hadiths

00:57:32 --> 00:57:33

she was our mother. Aisha radhi Allahu-anha [..Song]

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