Ahmad Kutty – Daily Dua

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The host introduces a video on a Bible-inspired prayer, starting with the prayer of Prophet serving the people and eventually a sermon by the Prophet's wife. The prayer is La Ilaha, and the host mentions a sermon by Nicola rockabilly Maria Kowloon. The sermon is a healing and the host suggests turning to Allah's subhanho wa taala in institutions to bring peace and liability to one's soul.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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Allah who my Nana maduka wonersh karoq One also live and also limo

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ala Sayidina Muhammad and Nabi yielder. Meanwhile, Ali he was a

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big Marine. My dear brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure to

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welcome you to another episode of C dailies series on Dwars to power

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your day, and today I have chosen a Quranic prayer. This is the

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prayer of Prophet Yunus and his salat wa salam known as Jonah in

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the Bible.

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And this prayer he used when he was thrown from the ship,

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and he was swallowed by a whale. And while in the darkness of the

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tummy of the whale in the darkness of the sea, he turned to Allah

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subhanho wa taala. See, seeking glorifying Him and ask Him

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forgiveness for what he had done because he had walked away from

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the people he was supposed to preach. As he became disgusted by

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the rejection of the faith,

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he walked away without the water from Allah subhanho wa taala. So

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this was a punishment and realized, he realized, while he

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was in that Tommy of the whale, a sin that he has committed, he

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confessed to the road, and the last one or whatever, responded to

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his prayer, and save him from that distressful situation. And the

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prayer is La Ilaha. illa Anta super Chanukah in the Quran to

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Milady bien

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la ilaha

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Subhanak in the country, when Allah demean the

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super Hanukkah in the country and has already been, there is no god

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but you, glory be to you. I am indeed one of those who have

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wronged against their source. If you look at this prayer, first of

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all, he is recognizing the sovereignty and the lordship of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and recognizing and praising the last

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one author with all of his beautiful attributes, attributes

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of perfection and glory, and he's confessing his sin, and asking

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Allah subhanaw taala begging here Allah's mercy. The Prophet

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sallallahu sallam said,

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any Muslim, while facing a distressful situation, if we were

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to pray to Allah subhanaw taala. In the manner of the Prophet

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Yunus, an instructor was salam who supplicated to Allah while he was

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in the tummy of the wheel, saying La ilaha illa Allah subhana wa in

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the contributors la Alameen Allah will answer his prayer. So

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inshallah we are all facing distressful situations, day in and

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day out. And Allah subhanaw taala has narrated to us the stories of

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all of his prophets, to teach us so that we emulate the examples.

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And last one, Otero reminded his messenger and through him to all

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of us, while accident number one Nicola rockabilly Maria Kowloon

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for sub behind behind the Rebekah akumina cytidine. We are well

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aware of Muhammad salallahu Islam, that your heart is aggrieved or

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weighed down by what they say. The enemy say the open and say, so

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celebrate the glory of your Lord, because this situation this was

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distressful to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. So Allah

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recommends him Allah orders him to celebrate the not to despair of

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the mercy of Allah. Rather turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala humbly

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supplicating to him, recognizing, acknowledging his glory and

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And, and confessing to the Lord humbling all sorts before him. So

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inshallah let us turn to Allah subhanaw taala in our distressful

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institutions, surely the Quran is a healing. Dwyer is a healing

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vicar bring peace and tranquility to our soul Akoko Cody hada was

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the Corolla he will come was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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