Faith IQ – Can I Read The Qur’an In Its Translation And Get The Same Reward

Faith IQ
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The speaker discusses the benefits of reading the Quran in Arabic, including rewarding one's effort to learn the language and seeing a special sense of pride when reading it. They also mention that reading it in Arabic is praiseworthy and provides a special sense of pride for those who have mastered the language.
AI: Transcript ©
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I can't interpret. Do I get the same reward if I read the translation?

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reading the Quran in Arabic is something very praiseworthy. Many people don't know Arabic or haven't embarked on the journey to learn how to read it. So for them we would highly encourage them to read the Quran in the translation and that would be rewarding in the sight of Allah subhana wa tada realize that the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language so there is a special reward for reading it in the actual syllables and words that it was revealed.

A great number of Muslims do not know arabic. Some may find it tough to read the Qur’an as it is in Arabic. What should one do? Is it okay to read its translation? Will I get the same reward?

Shaykh Mohammed Mana answers

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