Faaik Gamieldien – 157 – Jumuah

Faaik Gamieldien
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the structure of the Quran and how it is organized to make it easier for people to read it. The structure of the Quran is organized to make it easier for people to read it, as it is organized to make it easier for people to read it. The structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it, and the structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it. The structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it, and the structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it. The structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it, and the structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it. The structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read it, and the structure of the Quran is also organized to make it easier for people to read
AI: Transcript ©
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To the Pokhara of the Maha jurien.

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To the poor,

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of the migrants of the refugees, who came from Mecca to Medina,

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they will be the first recipients of this rock, and they want to Cora or soccer

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doesn't just mean

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the word for Quran in Arabic means that which breaks your back. In other words, you are so poor, that your back is broken, you are finished, you are done with your field, you have absolutely nothing. You have no second cloth on your back.

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these are the people that migrated from Makkah to Medina

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leaving everything behind. Some of them even have to leave their families behind the wives and the children behind the coalition waving Medina leave everything behind even at cable that you're going to go and leave that also behind. leave everything behind that to walk 500 kilometres with one set of clothing. So hon Allah,

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Allah mentioned them as your own

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module. Now, last one, the only

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module that's a sacrifice they made. And why did they make that for what do they do? And why would you leave your home and your wealth and your wife and your children and walk 500 kilometres? For the love of Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi salatu salam, they did it for the hope of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salatu salam. They didn't map malloon to celebrate his name. No. They didn't do all these things. They didn't carry stuff around the mosques on 10th, Amhara. did whatever they do. They didn't create tombs of

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saints. No, they sacrifice their will, their lives for the love of Allah. That's what they did. That's why they deserve to be mentioned in the holder for lead for Cora almajiri. Lead for Cora Allah first mentioned them as being poor, when Allah mentions them as the muhajir rule.

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And they left not knowing where the next meal was going to come from. Not we're not there's no way they're gonna put on the head. Some of them are rich people have money or

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they will some of the richest merchants are man. Ali, Abubakar these are the richest men of Medina, they came with nothing. They left with nothing and they came with it.

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They were homeless now because of the love of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the ayah goes on and says and levena amin de mamoli left a wealth.

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They left their homes.

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For what? Yeah, but una problema de la hora de la

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they live in order to gain the pleasure of allows for Hamilton.

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They live in order to gain to be in the favorite books of allows for Hamilton.

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I'm sure when they went on that migration, they look up at the sky and said y'all we're doing this because we love your prophet. We're doing this because we love you. We're not doing this for for anything else.

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Can you imagine that they were such people

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that attach love

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to this wonderful personality fell in love with his wonderful personality of the Navy solargis.

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And this word Caitlyn father

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in our language, I mean, not only a favor, but also a bonus. What is the bonus they wanted from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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gender, the Pledge of Allegiance parameter that was the objective that was the method to gain the pleasure of Allah was Hannah what Allah then Allah must be happy with him. That's what they wanted.

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And they did this. Why en su una de la hora sola. They did this by helping Allah and His messenger. And so the first ad that we read in Buhari, narrated by amiracle photogra de la salon, a very famous Hadith which you all know, in number M Albania, we're in America luminary in Manoa, Furman Canada JIRA to de la la hora suli fungerar to La la hora su li woman Canada to Isla De Niro, Siva o Emirate, Indian Kihara for hegira to ilaha illa.

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Allah Salallahu alaihe salam, Salam says that you are Muslims and all of human all of your human kind

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will be judged according to intention. Nothing else

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Go into what is deep inside here.

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That intention which Prout from your email which is deep inside here, now men can see it only Allah.

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Only Allah knows this only Allah can see inside this Maha maybe sasaram calls it a mandala enacted by the mother. In the body, there is a piece of flesh in the

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side who just went faster, faster. The psychologist says, if this little piece of flesh is good, the whole body is good. And if this little piece of flesh is bad, the whole body is bad. Inside it deep inside is what is called a man, a man is in and the intention is a root a branch of the man and he says, On the day of judgment, you will be judged according to intention

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for men, Canada hegira to La ilaha rasuluh. So he was migration is to align is that

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this is pertinent to the Sahaba the companions who migrated from Mecca to Medina, it's also general Allah says, Professor Salam says, if your intention to make regera was for the sake of Allah is received and that is your intention, Allah will reward you for it. And if your intention was to gauge to make a job because you want to work for a beautiful woman, then that is your intention. And Allah knows your intention.

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So even when it came to the people who made his rather Mahajan own, Allah also looked at the intention. It wasn't just the fact that they left Makkah because they were persecuted by the Quraysh. Therefore they ran away. No, it wasn't running away. The intention was the la hora. So, for the sake of Allah, Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and for this, Allah mentioned them first. In this first

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lien, fukumura almajiri. Allah mentioned them first. And it dedicated this old verse to them. Why am surah Allah How are Rasulullah Ola eco who saw the moon? Allah says these beautiful people,

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the muhajir own

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this band of committed Muslims

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who stood with an IV Salaam in Makkah, despite the

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enmity, and opposition of the Quraysh, these beautiful Allah mentioned thing first. And Allah says at the end of this verse, Allah I call Masada for their the truthful people.

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There the truthful people, they are the people of truth. They don't do things for dunya

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they don't get in the dunya by not being there, the truthful people, whatever comes out of their mouth is true.

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And so when the outside heard this was being revealed,

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they felt a bit depressed.

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They found out we also saw the food, then we also do something I mean, we would have got way with these muhajirs gone if we then take us, take them into our homes,

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shared our money with them, shared our food with them.

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And then allow to

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reveal the second verse and the second verse, these are the muhajirs

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I mean will the answer

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and allow to another stage in the second verse while levena turbo Dada he man I mean, I believe

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Allah says and those

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were the homes in Medina.

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Listen to our last one puts is so beautiful. Allah puts is so beautiful.

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Because that's where the Mahajan went. They shared the homes of those who had homes.

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in Medina, not like today, man comes from Somalia as a refugee migrant. We comes from some other black state or some other country.

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And what do we do?

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We say in all the countries of the world what is the first thing they say when there's economic problems? The migrants that take the jobs

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for the economy than the sellers,

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the US House, our state institutions, our hospitals, our schools, this is what we say

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is no love.

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It's no welcome

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and that was the answer allows her that says they had ohms one he man I mean, listen to what Allah says. Allah says he man for a very long time.

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How is it possible that that a man for very little not Muslims,

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They will not Muslim, Allah, Allah confirms that they are fitrah because every human being sutra, Allah created all of us on one fitrah every single one of us Jew, Christian or Muslim, and that is that deep inside the heart of every single human being is the desire to worship and believe in one God.

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That is the natural inclination of every single human being.

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And fortunately we have been given the road to Jenna

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to water that in every human being to nurture it, so that it grows into the seed of a man in Allah Subhana Allah.

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So Allah, Allah says these these answers these people the thought of Medina

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the faith was just a was sitting there they were just waiting for the moment to express that thing.

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Your head Muna man, her de la him, they love those who can not only welcome them, they love them.

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your honeymoon Allah says they love them. While I do nothing so dorium has at a minimum

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and allows Rhonda says they had no problem

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in their hearts, in the responsibility that Allah placed upon them to take in all these mahadji rune and to share their wealth and rooms and food with them.

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Whereas those people of Makkah, the Quraysh. The Prophet spoke to them preach to them for more than a decade, 13 years to be exact, every single day.

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And what do they do? They just didn't listen to him. They didn't listen to him.

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Listen to him. His own family didn't listen to him. Abu Jamal Abu lahab

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he trains for Sue Kim

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but the answer

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to our first came to Makkah Hodge two of them just closed.

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The province walk through them once.

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It was hatch time.

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They want our Muslim

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to have went back to the

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Tao of Islam 70 came back the next year.

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the 70 went back

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when the province of Solomon Egypt after that Dr. Medina became Muslim in three stages 123.

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So pylon that was the answer. We thought margerine was great. That is the answer amazing people. They were amazing.

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They were human beings like us.

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But they were just amazing people

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they want to angels.

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And when these people came,

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they shared everything with the muhajir. And so allow them describe to you two kinds of people.

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Those who have the seed of a man in the breast

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and those are the people we see the non Muslims you walk passing the road when you come to the masjid our neighborhoods out in our country. People walk around with seed of the man in the breast like the answer

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and then the others

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no matter what you say to them,

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they will live except

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both Muslim or non Muslim.

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There are some Muslims who preach through

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the Koran came

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14 138 years ago

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14 138 years ago

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if you today say to Muslims follow the Quran and Sunnah they say but

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what about this and what about that?

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What all our intelligence, all our social medias? on our libraries on the internet, the Quran is translated into hundreds of languages. The sooner

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is published in every single language. Buhari is in English, you can get everything that's right there. We still have that our system I didn't call the system magic, the only one called MSG.

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Hola Lakota.

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They still walk around with this thing.

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And sing praises to this thing which they built with their own hands.

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This mosque like thing with a bowl with their own hands.

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This is the celebration of pantry the death of cinna Hussain

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everybody has to die

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maybe so sanlam died

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Debbie Moosa passed away that'd be Adam passed away see the house, everybody Oh, parents, my grandparents your Greg in 100 years time all of us in this budget will be dead.

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in 100 years time will be a completely new

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congregation in this machine. This was an ever imagined in Cape Town.

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And despite these great people that have gone

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all these beloved people are love so much.

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All the prophets and the companions and the Prophet particularly Mohammed Solomon, and it's a harbor.

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Now he says Allah founder led the declared and determined for the only two celebrations, and

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that's in the Quran. And that's it. And the Prophet didn't have a single one by himself, because he was not allowed to step into the divine circle.

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leaders that is allowed to mahalo toddlers function alone

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to establish their needs, the celebrations of the Muslim and our new why he did that, and why kept that to himself.

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And we,

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those who come 1400 years later,

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and even before this,

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I've taken upon, taken upon ourselves the role of allows

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creating aids left right and center.

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these were the, the answer

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that Allah Allah speaks about.

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You have more than a man herder alayhi wa. Goofy's to do

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that no problem accepting these people.

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Why you see Runa Allah and to see him.

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One Oh Carnaby. masasa allows Muhammad Allah says, and they did themselves out of things, they forsook their own lives. They went without food.

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And whatever they had, in order

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to make the Mojave road happy, wallow gonna be masasa

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allow family says, even though they may have had the need for themselves.

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And those who are kasasa doesn't just mean to be hungry. This word has also means starvation a person with

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this condition is a person who is on the verge of death.

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Even if,

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even though the sounds are when they're on the verge of death, they gave what they had to the module

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where you see Runa Allah to see Monica kasasa while my yoga shahana fee for hula eco.

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The price is incredible talks about

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the sacrifices they made.

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The second one is amazing about the answer. And the sacrifices they made.

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The sacrifices they made was

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that what they shared with muhajir

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as I said last week, when I made the fear of the worse, we allow sunglasses in the last

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minute me Nina and fusa Humala home, the acnologia last week we spoke about the rosary Allah says and allies made a deal with the Muslims for the moment on Allah says I will buy from you your wealth and yourselves and I will give in return for you the gentleman.

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Your coffee, Luna.

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goes on to say they will go out fi Sabina in the path of Allah they will kill and they will be killed.

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So I said it means only then that this deal is only with those who go in the path of Allah

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Less is known unless his alleged main defect alleges made the sale. Allies bought it from all of us many, many. So now we asked the question, what about us?

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What about us? Allah speaks about the Mahajan. They'll go to Jonathan to these wonderful, amazing people. Allah speaks about the answer. They were these amazing Oxford, the most hospitable people on the face of the earth.

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Even if death came, they would share what they had. What about us? Is the Quran only for them is like the modern is Muslim, say this Quranic for seventh century Arabia, it doesn't fit in here anymore. There are Muslim day professors at universities.

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Some of them were first molana, who later became professors. And they say, Well, this is a seventh century broken belongs in seventh century Arabia. So what does Allah say about us? They don't mention us.

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The third verse is about us.

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Allah mentions all of us in the

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What does the law say about us?

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And why does it refer to us? Nobody else?

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Allah says, One Latina woman body

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and those who will come after them

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that is as common anybody else. Allah says and those who come after the mohabbatein and after the unsung

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y'all lawmakers like them. Mica said we must be

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like them

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in purity of intention, and doing what we do out of love for law and love for his Prophet Muhammad.

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Allah says what are the Niger human body? What about us? What is Allah say, but

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what have we done?

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Have we done any of these things?

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Do we do we deserve a mention in the Quran?

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What even Mahajan and I'm sorry for what they did?

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What is Allah say? What? levena jadwin. Daddy him

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Yahoo Loon. They say, Allah says, they say, what do we say?

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Why is why is

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it an Allah says is just what we say that is important. We have done nothing. Allah says what do we say? robina Filipina. We say, Oh Allah forgive us. Allah talks about us Now Allah says, and the Muslims of today 2016 until the end of time, because we are the Muslims who will be and our generations after us. We come after the unsalted Mahajan. Until the next time, what do we say? Robert? Nothing Lana. Oh Allah forgive us.

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While he was in the LA Vina Saba una de

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la la vida.

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sobre una de man, no Allah we say,

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forgive those

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who came before us and adore him and in us.

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Those who came before us.

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So when we say Allah forgive us, we are not saying it out of overdone, you know, we can make these big doors, these long doors, you know, we are better than so and so we can't make these big doors.

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we say to all the others and we admit to Allah that we ask forgiveness because we admit that others have more demand than us.

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And this is this. This is how Muslims should be that we need looks when I look at you, I see all of you are more human than me.

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I believe

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because I don't know, only Allah knows.

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And so I always say when we look at non Muslims,

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we should never condemned them

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to being people of fire

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or punishment

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or calamity.

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No, because we do not know

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how that person will die

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whether that person will die as a Muslim or not.

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So Muslim is never proud of himself

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to be on fourth Warhammer sasaram for 20 years and he became one of the best Muslims when became Islam Muslim.

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So Allah, Allah says will always recognize others to be better than us.

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And so the best Allah mentions first

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who is the best? Those who will receive to Mahajan, Allah says they should be the first to receive

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the wealth that was

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the booty that nobody got. So we're the first the recipients of aid was is first mentioned by our laws.

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Not the rich man who gives you know the man who receives justice a last on he talks about Zika in the Koran. So let's say

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Allah first mentioned it for Kawasaki,

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the poor

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and the poor will enter Paradise 500 years before the rich even though the rich was much more pious and the poor man.

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So Allah loves the poor.

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Allah loves the person to whom you give.

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And therefore it's important that you always question ourselves when we give, because it's in the nature of men that the giver always feels that he is better than the person who receives

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it's a natural include man is like that we are like

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what am I you have seen that's what allows Allah says, The Man Who can restrain himself, even though he may think that they will not show it to the poor person, he will show the poor person that he treats him with dignity, when he gives it to treat him with respect.

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not collect all the old bread and put it in a brown paper packet. And when that deadline comes around, we put it on top of the duck pen.

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We don't give it a second thought. Not one second thought.

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Because we look at the man who stretches in the band is no is less and less than a human being to us.

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I wonder what would have happened if Bilal had left to then come to your door?

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The man whose footsteps the Prophet heard in the agenda, how would you have treated that man?

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So these are lessons for us to remind us about our interrelationship and now we should treat other human beings so Allah goes on further

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allows on the Mrs. Ravana field and every one alladhina Saba una bella wa jal people Lumina Hill

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Lila Dena,

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then we say Oh Allah, do not put on our in our odds really. And I'm not going to translate the fear now. Really don't put an odds

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to those who believe. Don't put an Advil to our fellow Muslims.

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And those who have failed, like many words in Arabic land has a number of meanings.

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And is really a means in this context here.

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Oh Allah do not make us

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of those who have said,

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Those who are envious.

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Those who look down upon others,

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those who have a sense of self important so to those who think that Allah owes him something,

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I pray therefore you have to give this I do this therefore you have to do this no.

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I plan even if I couldn't, even though Allah may take away all my wealth, including my home and my children, my wife, I will still love alone time.

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Allah owes you nothing Allah has given you everything. Don't think you makes Allah allows you? There's no end.

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We are indebted to allows. That was a sahaabah allevo serrato Salam allatheena Tada una de man

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allows hardly says so we pray for those who was before us in a man and then allows phenomenal talks about this question of the halal the

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Realize another meaning. So we shouldn't cheat, teach, we ask Allah not to make us cheaters, we should not think that we can cheat our fellow Muslims.

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We wouldn't be like that, or be a hazard for them,

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or hate them or envy them or look down upon them, as I say, say Allah Don't make us, you know, put this these things in our hearts.

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So this is the quality of us, Allah says, You Muslim to come after those Muslims, this is what you have. You don't hate one another. You don't dislike one another.

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You share you love one another.

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And then this word, and I want to end with this. This is where the real has another meaning.

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Real also means extreme animosity and also extreme love.

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So what do we ask? We say Allah, don't put him in a hot stove, put extreme love in our hearts to somebody? No, no, put extreme animosity? No, like, for example, somebody mentioned somebody his name and smoke comes out of your ears. You know, don't mention his name. Just like the person so much.

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Just when you hear his name mahana lightens.

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And allows, Abdullah says, We ask Allah don't put the real in our hearts, extraordinary love.

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We have this today we have all these *, all these groups, all these

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divisions in our community.

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And these divisions stemmed from the fact that

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many of us decide to follow someone.

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And we look up to that somebody.

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And we look up to their summary to such an extent that we think that they are angels.

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They can't do anything wrong. Don't talk about Marcia, don't talk about my team. They're perfect people. Who are you to say this about them and that about them?

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You don't want to do anything about them. This is also

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why not why shouldn't you be like that? Because the NaVi Sallam said,

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as Muslim, Muslim, that a Muslim is a mirror for another Muslim.

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And what does this mean? It means that if you look at your stars, or whoever is your leader, you must look at him and if you see something wrong, if he see you looking, he's looking into you and he You are his mirror, when he looks to you, you must be able to say to him, sir, there's a spot on your job. Just like you will say to him, you shouldn't say that you shouldn't do that. And this is right and this is wrong.

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We worship only Allah

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and the only infallible human being of Allah saying to this dunya is Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam only one person who was infallible, faultless Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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nobody else no matter what they claim, whether they claim their steps are no the Navy

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whether they are the 31st in line,

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or the 32nd in line on the 300 in line, this makes no difference to the standing in front of a load.

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When Fatima is beloved daughter said, Oh my all my father, will you give a bit of good word infamy on the deaf tiama by Allah? What is the NaVi say smiled and he said, Oh, my daughter, you will go to Jana on what the deeds that you did in this dunya I will not be able to put in any good word for you on there.

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Because it would be unfair. That'd be favoritism.

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Who could intercede for his own? No. Every one of us will say in front of all of

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your peers and your shareholder molana and whoever you regard as an angel will not be there. He will say I don't know him Who's this? I don't know.

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Your mother and father will run away from you. Nevermind up to

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the day, your brother and your mother, your father. Nobody wants to live.

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In fact, we will all be naked. Maybe you don't look at us.

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So this is important. Muslims are not delusional people you don't see in somebody all good as being delusional. Nobody's all good. Or all bad. You don't look at him and say he's all bad. No. We remind one another. That's our job. That's our duty. superhero. Mateen Bridgette llenas de Marana Bill Maher, Rupert, unknown and that's our job. We order the good and we forbid the evil. We don't look at the

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As we think about Allah Subhana Allah finally the last verses Ravana in nakara often Rahim Subhana Allah What a beautiful ending.

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We say Allah you are Oh, what is your oath? The oath is

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He who understands

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every emotion that goes on in your mind and your heart.

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When you say, you

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know, sometimes you have a problem and you say to your friend you know I've got this problem I feel depressed you take them and get over it, man, just get over it, man. What What's this nonsense This allows him doesn't say that. I'll understand. You think you're depressed? Allah, Allah, Allah says, Allah Allah, Allah knows what what you're going through your friend doesn't know but Allah knows what you're doing that his

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craft means

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to understand to be sensitive to to empathize with somebody, not to just to sympathize. Oh, shame, you know, and charlamagne I'll give you a job you lost your job. Oh, what's wrong with you What you got? I got whatever seems to say all right. Brother McDuffie

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empathizes said we could almost on the field it was

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all good Rahim. Allah says, Verily Allah to us to this group of Muslims that came after, after the after the third module, Allah says, For you, I understand your emotion and the state what you understand the circumstances in which you live, I understand the challenges that face you. And I have Rahim

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and forgiving and merciful and compassionate. So this is what is required for us in this age in which we live compassion

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and empathy.

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We need to be empathetic to each other, every to be compassionate. So when our last one will give inshallah, that we, through these

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could Was that me and you and all of us, we re attach ourselves to the euro.

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That is our umbilical cord. We can't do it with our mothers we can do to the euro. If it's in katama we have to reconnect it. And we have to read the Quran we have to ask Allah for us when we read the Quran to read with understanding.

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And next week in sha Allah I want to speak to you about the architecture of the Quran.

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What does it mean? You know when you read the Quran, one of the one Medina over my time this today but it's a beautiful day, so

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nobody's getting cold in the masjid. So

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this is my last statement.

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You know, when you read the Quran from Baccarat to Serato some somehow you think, you know, this verse is repeated here, this story is repeated here. And this doesn't make sense to me and that doesn't. But you know,

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Allah created this body in perfect form. Do you think Allah is going to not in the Quran perfect for

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a book that must guide this body from birth to death. So pod Allah. So inshallah next week we would look at this, this architecture, this beautiful organization of the aura, how this Quran is organized, to organize book, that is Dr. Ming. And we have this impression of the Quran because we are not attached to the camera. We have not learned the language of the Quran. We don't attend classes where Tafseer of Quran is being taught. So we become detached from the Quran. And the only time we get excited about the Quran, which is the reason we say Allah Allah Allah which is also not allowed.

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Prophet salasar never shouted allow

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you to call the Sahaba Abdullah was rude. He loved Abdullah to read the Quran. But he didn't shout Allah he said quietly, and he listened.

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But that's the only time I think we get excited so I'm not gonna say Don't get excited, because that's the only time to get excited Subhanallah then then you've lost and missed out on a lot. So inshallah Next week, we'll lock that out. I'm salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

157. Oct 14. 2016

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