The Deen Show – Should We Avoid Root Canals

The Deen Show
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The conversation covers the importance of healthy dental implants and their use in humans, as well as the potential complications of metal implants and their impact on the body's health. The speakers emphasize the importance of reversing certain factors and preventing dental complications, as well as the need for healthy eating and avoiding side effects. They also recommend finding a practitioner and avoiding metal exposure to manage health and minimize exposure. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to their YouTube channels.
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Welcome to the show I'm with the author of cleaner teeth, longer life. Dr. Lena Garcia, a dentist and surgeon, how are you? How are you? Good. Thank you already one of the good, thank God, you're one of the only we talked about this in our last episode, one of the only dentist that I found. And we touched on reviving the center with this miswak that you knew about we broke it down. Really? I know. Amazing. Amanda bacteria. Yes. And can't go wrong with you can't go wrong.

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It's like a branch like, yeah, it's it's amazing. There are so many health benefits, you know, there was absolutely. What are the what are the components we talked about for healthy teeth? Well, oral hygiene, right. Healthy guts, yeah, healthy oral, yeah, flora, nutrition, of course, attrition, in good hygiene and making sure that the materials, and the procedures you have in your mouth are supporting your health, not supporting disease. Last time, we we I had you, Andrew and we talked about that, you know, and that kind of goes with, you know, your book, you know, cleaner teeth connecting everything, not just focusing on one element, but everything, you know, incorporating all

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of that. And there's an interesting doctor, his name is Dr. Weston Price, price. And he was also a dentist correct? You're familiar with his work. And one of the chapters in my book is actually referring to his work. And he did a lot of work in root canals and in nutrition. It's his work all started actually with him losing a son for an infected root root canal, that tooth. And I think that opened up a whole new research for him. And that's what we, you know, a lot of us based a lot of his first experience with all of that. And of course, nowadays, we have our own experience after so many years of his work. In my case, I've done 1000s and 1000s of biopsies in root canal teeth. And

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they're very effective teeth because they carry they root canals in that environment of that teeth, you have room for a lot of really nasty microorganisms, and they excrete into the bloodstream around those teeth and they cause tons of other problems in a whole different area could be in your knees could be in your heart. And even conventional medicine nowadays are much more aware what the mouth causes to the rest of the body. So in our practice, I get a lot of patients referred from ecologist and other physicians that wants the mouse to be cleaned before they even do any medical treatments. And so if you find that more and more even within the the conventional community, people are getting

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physicians are getting much more aware of the benefits of patients having healthy mouth. Do you guys do you guys learn about his his his his book, a reference guide and conventional and not much fashion at all? No. Before the holistic community but he's been such a pioneer? No one. I mean, he went around, and he studied all the different cultures. Yeah. And saw what they were eating and with the tooth decays that weren't happening necessarily in those communities that they weren't exposed to the Western diet. Yeah. Well, why is it this study? This should be

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a mandatory textbook in dental schools. Yeah, we have really far away from that in dental schools, but in the holistic community and holistic societies and associations and more of the it's growing. I think patients are it's coming from culture, it's coming from patients that people are looking and going like, Okay, what can I do in the most

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natural ways to help my body and to help my mind my physicality, my energy, and my spirituality I always give as an example, I eat well, because I want to be clear mentally, spiritually, physically. for that. You have to include the mouth as part of this puzzle.

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of healing or this puzzle of disease. And I don't think by any chance conventional medicine is giving the whole any attention, they still give parts attention. So you have all the different specialists, including the dentist and the dentist are an oral part of the body specialist. And they're there to fix teeth. Therefore, they're not concerned of how the mouth is influencing the rest of the body, but they're there to fix teeth. And, of course, it's priority to we have to fix teeth, but keeping in mind that those teeth are sitting in a whole system with a whole body that has blood supply, lymphatics, that whatever it's going through the teeth, through the gums, through the

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bone in the oral cavity, it's affecting the rest of the body. It's the same blood, therefore he has to change this mindset and Western price was there, supporting and he learned that, you know, not in the beginning of his career, either eventually, with his sons issue and bath, I think that was a big inspiration for him that an infection in the mouth could cause fatal situations. And he saw that in his own case, and I think nowadays,

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you know, physicians are starting perhaps even in the conventional world, get a little touch that if patients have gum disease that could influence the rest of the body. So, you know, I see surgeons, they're getting more in tune with that, you know, they want to make sure patients do not have at least some of what they understand a little better, which could be periodontal disease, that gums disease. So then they wanted that to be solved before they do surgeries. Yeah, so it's a little bit starting, but it's a far away, because then we got to connect nutrition with all of that, because of the guts. So you have the oral Flora with millions and trillions of bugs, you have your guts, you

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have different areas in the body. So when the mouth is healthier, because people are making choice of better materials for the mouth, or perhaps avoiding that teeth, and metal. That could be metal implants and metal restaurant, when you say barkery when you say dead teeth. That's root canals, root canal, that's a big one now, yeah, isn't that that's a common practice, if what happens that constitutes a dead tooth, like what how does your tooth become dead? What happens? What are some common don't have a fracture, fracture, you have decay decay, Kate gets deep enough into the pulp of the tooth with the nerve resides. Now, the conventional procedures to go in there, take part of the

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nerve out and replace that with the gutta percha material, whatever material they choose. And that tooth now is not alive. Remember, every tooth in your mouth is like an organ, like your heart, your liver, he has blood supply, lymphatics has everything that any organ has. And if now the tooth has a root canal, that means the tooth is no longer a life. It's now a dead body in your body. And it did, it does actually act like that. Because now you have necrotic tissue

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that was never been able to remove because it's microscopic. And even the best endodontist, which is the specialist that does root canals, even the best one cannot reach all the deep, deep areas where nerve is microscopically

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So that's what what can I was all about. It's just a dead body in the body. I've noticed as soon as the pain is there, that's most likely it's affected all the way to the to the root to the nerve. So you're probably going to need a root canal once the pain kicks in. It's probably too late of saving a tooth right? So what do you reckon? What do you recommend now? If somebody is in St. That's where there's a big business there with root cause or that's a big, that's a procedure that's very, very common. And what do you recommend someone comes in your office and they got a fractured tooth or as tooth decay? What do you end up doing? do you advise someone to get a root canal? Well, you know, I

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think dentists they tend to run really fast to do root canals. Sometimes you can have decay that it's really close or you can have a fracture where the tooth is giving signs. But these two have to take into consideration. Other factors there is the patient under a lot of stress is the patient, what they're eating, how they're doing as far as the acidity

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That they're building in their bodies. And if you can reverse a lot of those factors, you might be able to reverse the fact that that nerve could survive, you could potentially reverse it, you can reverse the fact that the nerve is going towards that dam there. Nervous, struggling, is tired, because there's decay, because there's fracture, because there's other factors there grinding, clenching, sometimes it really puts a lot of pressure there too. But if you reverse that eating pattern, if you reverse their stress to a certain extent, if they sleep better, if they take a little, they, they start eating foods that are going to support, you know, not inflammation, because

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this is what medicine is all about, right? cancers, disease, autoimmune disease, has everything to do with the inflammation. So I applied the same,

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the same philosophy to teeth, if we reverse that inflammation, you can definitely reverse the death of the nerve that's going towards, you know, not surviving or even the pain, you can reverse that. So we use homeopathy, we use digestive enzymes, we use different things to support I mean, patients have to cooperate, they have to be aware of what they're eating, and they can reverse it. So you were going to take a break. But you've you've been practicing now for what over 30 years or something like that. Yes, yeah. And you've seen this, this is a testimony. You've seen this actually being revealed all the time, or we'll take a break. We'll be right back with more with Dr. Lena

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Garcia don't go anywhere.

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there's only one

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is His Messenger.

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Jesus was his messenger back here on the D show. Now what happens? Okay, so what do you do in a situation? Because conventional, you're saying right away, though, they'll rush to, to take out the tooth and do the root canal, right? Because remember, conventionally they they are they're working in parts, right? So a dentist is a specialist to take care of teeth. And if someone has pain in their tooth, they want to just go towards that tooth, and fix whatever it takes in the tooth. I'm thinking outside the box. Yeah, I'm saying, if we change that environment, in the guts, if the patient sleeps better, if they're more relaxed, then there's less inflammation in that tooth, and

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then nerve can recover, not 100% of the times, but a lot of times, how many out of let's say 10 patients, 100 patients, how many? Have you seen that it's been able to, you've been able to reverse it, where you can actually save the nursing the tooth? Through this process? I would say, you know, 80% of the time, yeah, we're able to do that the only time you can reverse if the patient comes to my practice already with a root canal. Oh, okay. And but how is that how far down the line? Even before they got the root canal? is does the nerve nerve have to be really that damaged? Is there? Is there a point of no return? Sure. Sure. If you see in regional loosens like an abscess in the X ray,

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then you know, if this swelling phase, and you know that the process, the nerve is already that they're just, you know, the body's just trying to get rid of that dead body, therefore, you will

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face a face or an abscess. And I bet you there's a lot of people that are saying, you know, I didn't have any of those symptoms. Exactly. And I have no counseling, right? Unfortunately, that's exactly the point that I'm trying to make, and make people aware that

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if they are being guided by a practitioner, it's more open mind a practitioner that will support them in different areas to cover the puzzle, beyond the teeth, and the gums. Maybe then we can save a lot of teeth from dying unnecessarily by the procedure of root canals. What did this amazing genius of a doctor who went out doctor, I'll go back to him for a second. He went and from what I was when I was researching, looking into his his exploration, he saw that people weren't having this kind of dental decay when they were eating more in harmony. What What were they supposed to be eating? And and the teeth weren't rotting away. But then when he came back, so he went and live with

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these people, right? We lost a lot of these communities, these dangerous communities that he used to go and live with and study their ways of life. And then what he concluded when he came

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Back in the soda pop, the refined sugars, white flour, all these things that are just neutrally depleted A Bugs won't even go on because there's nothing in there. But we're eating it constantly each and every day. And conventional doctors, they don't really write, you know, address this to you guys in the school. No, no, there is I, you know, I went to you know, I was a surgeon in Brazil, I graduated in Brazil, and then I, when I moved to the States, I went to Boston University. And, you know, I was two years working with a medical students and we had

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none, literally none, nutrition or anything beyond that the surgical procedures, the restorative procedures, the procedures there were mechanically evolve in dental school or medical school. So we don't learn beyond that we don't learn that the reason that those cultures that Western price studied, were doing much better, it's because they didn't have those Coca Cola and Dr. peppers, all those strange names for poison, you know, and Pepsi, concentrated sugars, with chemicals that creates so much acidity. Therefore,

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the body is filled with inflammation. It's all about that we can heal cancers, we can heal autoimmune diseases, we can heal their body cavities, we can heal gum disease,

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we have to change, we have to totally change our minds. The system nowadays supports disease. That's what makes money follow money. Well, you said it's just a system support. Yeah, the system supports disease because it makes money business Hmm, of course, it's a business, you know, why so many cancers, why so many autoimmune problems and all of that, it's because it pays in a bigger picture, it pays much more if people weren't healthier, eating better, you know, it will be much simpler. And I assure after 30 years of practicing medicine, that nutrition is basic for any area of medicine, any specialist, like myself, being a doctor of dentistry, or a psychiatrist, or a neurologist, any,

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or a surgeon, any specialty that we work with, if we're all together aware of what you know, nutrition can do for our body sleep, and in 30 years of practicing medicine, I do not practice and I do not prescribe antibiotics, or pain medication and I do a lot of surgeon so that's a big one. I mean, it is a huge why every time you go to the dentist, I mean just you know, basic visit as soon as there's a little bit of blood, antibiotics, antibiotics, you know, it's it's truly unnecessary. And I will go as far as say it's doesn't a lack of awareness from the practitioners and also from the patients, you can't just blame the practitioners. Because many times patients are going to

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really back for the drug, they are going to be any system bad. So it is a big issue. And there's a lot to talk about it. And so us as consumers clients being we have to be more informed we have to do more of our research and that's why you're interviewing people like me. Yeah. Practitioners like me, isn't it when you when I was investigating this, you know, I was looking at it

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an open mind and looking at both sides and just doing the research I found that there was a also a pioneer in the in in dentistry. Another one I forgot his name, but he sent I don't know how many 1000s of 1000s you know, of these teeth that were extracted from root canals. And every one of them I did to work with I mean, did I give you that information? But yes, I did you make 1000s of my book, okay, it's in your book. So what does that tell you? So now that means that Okay, so paint this picture, you've got a root canal, now it failed or whatnot, you take it out, and then you send it to the lab like you did, right? Yeah. And other doctor, holistic doctors, and then they find out

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that it's infected. So that was living that chronic is necrotic. And it's harboring very pathogenic bugs, and that's pathogenic bugs, they put out toxicity

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around all the even the dead teeth of root canal teeth, there's blood supply. So the toxicity that those pathogenic bugs are putting out, it's getting access to your bloodstream, so an infection in the mouth. Now it's causing infection in remote areas of your body, because it's all getting into your lymphatics into your blood.

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system and it's causing knee inflammation. It's causing arthritis. It's causing, you know, but hold on, you just mentioned knees. You mentioned arthritis heart, but we started with the mouth. Exactly. So how do we end up all over the body because the same blood that goes around those infected chronically or acute teeth, the same blood that goes around those teeth, it's going around your blood sugar. We're gonna take a break because around your knees, those around you joint in your body, we got Dr. Lena Garcia

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and this is some valuable valuable information. Author of cleaner teeth healthier live wouldn't be right back with more of this exciting episode. Don't go anywhere.

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There's only one

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His Messenger.

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Jesus was his messenger back here on the D show. I want to mention because a lot of times, you know, let's say I started off with with dismissal. I'm fascinated. I remind myself sometimes, like you will touch upon oil pulling. Yeah, Jim always asked me are you doing oil pulling and I'm like, I forgot. I'm right back out. So I'll get back on it for three, four days, then you kind of slip away. Same thing with this. I've been on it for the last two, three days, I'll slip away. But look, here's the interesting thing when you look at and I had this at the D You look under you could type in a search bar How To Cure cavities. The Wrigley company conducted a study on the miswak which

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was published in a journal of agricultural food chemistry in 2007. And it talks about the men slicing the miswak extract extracted killed about C percent of the bacteria whereas the ordinary mints managed to kill only 3.6%. And when you talk about the mints, they're talking about these some mints in here that kill us so much bacteria and that's one of the things of helping to have good teeth. There's another study in the journal

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paradata tree that is appeared it was done by Swedish researchers on the miswak. And this this also concluded that these The miswak was also effective in killing much of this bacteria. There's one also yet another study of comparing the two toothbrush towards the miswak in 2003 and this can be reviewed, reviewed online at the website, the US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health in PubMed, PubMed is a big you know, Research Center for these studies. But how come there's you'll never conventional medicine they'll never you mentioned this they'll think this is like your quack What is this is it took a treat, but this is science now we but it's hard to find it I have

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tried to order you can order the stick. I got you a couple for you know Yeah, I got you more for you. When you leave I got this for you. Yeah, but it's very hard to to actually make it easy for people. People like it easy, right? They like fast bullets. Yeah, like a paste. I even got like I know you're very good with that.

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That's very efficient. I like that by this actually. I know that's very nice. So it's not as practical for people to to use that but it's certainly it's a beautiful thing. I do it with the brushes natural. Yeah, I do the brushing. Yeah, I don't stop the brush on my website has a lot of videos. Yeah. And has an oral hygiene video, which makes it very easy for people to understand how to what's your website again? teeth. It's Dr. Lena is my you know, we can get somebody tell me tell me this story. You're saying that. Now, this patient came in had the medical attention yesterday coming from New York, which I'm very honored to have patients coming from all over the

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place because many times they travel from all over the world to see you they don't find that support they need by their their homes. So we support them and we do phone consultations too, but many times they really want to come in so I can see their teeth see their gums and diagnose better for them. And yesterday I had this patient from New York. She's a professor at New York University and very bright woman and she has mitral valve prolapse which require us to prophylactic antibiotics. So every time you go to a dentist and they do anything in your mouth, you need to take antibiotics. So she's been doing this for many, many years. So now of course it's a very difficult for your immune

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system to recover that many antibiotics so many times she took in barek so really messed up her guts.

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So she's a very, very, her immune system is compromised number one because of that. And secondly, she has about seven, eight dead teeth in her mouth, root canals, which kind of those are that equals dead teeth, right. And then recently, they added five metal implants. Well, that was enough to push her. And now she is. She told me yesterday, she doesn't think she has another year to live. And I told her, I said, Whoa, hold on a second here. I think there's a lot we can do and help you to guide you through improving your immune system, getting rid of those root canals, getting rid of those implants, and giving your body a chance to recover, allowing healing not to be so busy trying to

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eliminate the toxicity that's coming from those implants, toxicity that's coming from the dead teeth, and all those inbox you have taken. So as far as missing you, you won't need to take any more antibiotics, we can eliminate a lot of this source of interference of toxicity in your mouth. You know, for six months to a year you need to use, you know, partial dentures, but just to support the healing, and then we'll see what you need. I'm not against implants. I mean, I do. What do you say, john? Yes, sir. Konya? What's the difference between the zirconia one yet, the titanium implants or metal implants. Therefore, with other metals in the body, it's causing what we call the galvanic

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activity was your saliva. Yeah, and your brain, your fibroid, they all have their own

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their own

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nerve supply, which they have the innervation they have the tempo, when you add a lot of metals in you add this galvanic activity, the nervous system gets way more pushed in you cause a lot of more impulses in the body. Therefore, in metals, we don't use any metals in the mouth at all. So we do use silicone implants. zirconium is a different cornea, it's it's a ceramic, and the ceramic does not have out immune response. When you do some of the tests like the Melissa test in Europe and some other companies that offer that kind of biocompatibility test.

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The the the the cornea, materials in the mouth doesn't have that effect in the body. And then for every restoration, everything we do, of course we do, you know, ceramic work. Yeah. Let's go back. We got a few more minutes left. Tell us about the root canal. Now. If you come to the point where you have your first step, yeah, the point of no return, the first step is like, okay, you don't have the Swanee, you got the pain. There's a way to reverse this. Okay, it's not the end of the line. We talked a little about that. And then you talked about nutrition and some other things that you can do there, you do a lot of these things, but most of these things they're not taught in conventional

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school. So you really have to go to someone who's a more open minded who's gone above and beyond the conventional methods, I would say, but if someone's at the point of no return now, and they can't do this, this way, what do you recommend now? Now it's like, Okay, I'm going to be with no tooth here. What can I you know, the doctor is trying to convince me to put the root canal not a big deal. And he's, that person's got to degree, I'm just, you know, it's been my dentist for 20 years. Well, if and I see that happening, where I see people with some of those infections and they're not ready yet to make a decision where to go either to do the root canal or extract the tooth, then we use in our

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practice ozone, and we use homeopathics antibiotics, homeopathic, so they're not your you know, pharmaceutical antibiotics and digestive enzymes and different things in nutrition is a must adhere to. And you can come down the system, you can minimize inflammation while they're making a decision. And I seen a lot of people no longer having pain or no longer longer having this abscess or they must make a decision sooner or later they will have to make a decision because it's just gonna take you know, a stress or them eating something or drinking alcohol for that body to become acidic, and support that inflammation, that infection. So what I look for when a patient is now ready to make

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the decision is to minimize with the treatments with ozone, the treatments with all the things that I mentioned nutrition is a huge thing. If they don't

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Have the ozone if you they don't have anything at all, at least if you change your nutrition, and you start eating foods, and that are supporting healing, which will be no sugars, no carbohydrates, no flowers for a period of time until you, your tooth feels better. And I guarantee that that alone will help them to buy a little bit more time. So you can look for a practitioner that can support what now you know best. And you can't try to convince a practitioner that is very used to only antibiotics and root canals and very conventional practices to help you so you're gonna have to look for someone like me, or you know, someone similar, that can help you and guide you until you can

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make that decision. That made a lot of sense to me, because it's compared to like any other organ that's dead, you know, got a dead finger, you remove it, you have anything that's exactly get rid of it. So that's a dead organ, except you don't leave the dead organ. That just makes sense. Exactly. That's a good point. Yeah, you get rid of it. But here, they want to keep it in. And what you're saying is holistics. And not just you're saying I mean, some of the top dentist in the world are saying, We've gone above and beyond that this is affecting all of the other parts. And the confusing part is when you go to you go to, you know, your standard medical practitioner, and you've got that

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heart issue, arthritis, this issue, actually, there's never a connection with your mouth. And you've got to be very careful with that, because now they're going to give you medications, oh, well, if you do not remove what's triggering that inflammation, that infection, you're going to be taking medications for the rest of your life, when that just piles up for more side effects and more medications, and you're not really healing the source of your problems. So it's very important that it comes from you first. And then you choose the right practitioners to guide you. It's just not about

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giving all your power to someone that it's not even fitting what you already know now as a patient as a person, that the whole body has to be looked at as a whole, not just a tooth, or a finger or a threat, as symptoms know, maybe that arthritis symptoms is coming from a bad tooth, or your heart problems might be coming from the microorganisms that are sitting in your diseased gum, if your gums are bleeding, you have an infection in your mouth. It's not okay. It's not just because your parents bled that now it's okay for you to bleed. It's not genetic is only one quarter of everything. There's three quarters of everything that you have control, we can change everything there is, you

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know, all this WiFi now we're exposed to so much, but we have some control. And what you can do, you must take control over that control real health. That was another good point you got, you know, you're on a cocktail of prescription drugs, and they're only mad only managing the disease, but they're not like putting a band aid over the check engine light. You're not really getting rid of the root cause where can people get the book? Well, the book has, you know, cleaner teeth, longer life. This is all about longevity. My grandfather lived to be one of five. And I plan and I teach and I guide people to do the same. There's no reason we're having short, unhealthy, medicated life's

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our minds or hearts, our souls are not even aware of all the steps. And that's why the mouth becomes a huge part of that. Here's the book. And obviously, you can look at Dr. Lena Garcia, and you can find our website and find ways to watch my videos. They're very helpful. We also have educational modules that we are developing in our website. So you can educate you doesn't matter where you are. You could be you know, in Russia, you could be in any place in the world and get the information you need to start right now taking control over your health. I want to thank you once again, thank you for being with us here on today's show. God willing, we can have you back again. Thank you guys for

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tuning in. We'll see you next time. Subscribe if you haven't already. Until then Peace be with you. salming

Should we Avoid Root Canals_ Is Miswak better than Toothbrush_ Dr. Lina Garcia.mp3

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