Daood Butt – Ramadan Gems 04

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying in front of people who are moving from a place is emphasized in Islam. The speaker discusses the use of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam to reassure people of their actions and to assert their status as the creator of everything and to avoid confusion. The importance of praying for the Sun-And-thee (the holy spirit) and not just for the body is emphasized, as it is allowed to pass if someone is moving in front of the church. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not being allowed to pass in front of structures and not just praying for everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa ala happy to live in what was Sunday what was send me more Alana v Hill Karim Ali follow Sana to attend tasleem rubbish roughly Saudi way acidity MD Aqua 10 Min De Sani fo Kohli. My brothers and sisters in Islam SNM or LA come to LA heat well

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we seem to be having technical difficulties for the second day in a row

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but we'll try and make do again inshallah tada hopefully it isn't like this moving forward because it is slightly confusing. panela

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Okay, we're gonna continue with Serato in sha Allah to Allah subhanaw taala Anam and we began it yesterday we'll continue from verse number

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4246 we'll pick up with 46 in sha Allah but before we do that, what did we end with yesterday already talking about yesterday? Who was here?

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Raise your hand if you were here yesterday.

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Only three four people were here yesterday.

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I know you were all here. Who was here yesterday Raise your hand. Mashallah, good. So what did we end off with yesterday? What were we talking about when we finished?

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Yeah, we're talking about parents and then we went into

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very good how Allah subhana wa tada created the universe and we teach our children about that and so on and so forth. Then we transitioned off into and please forgive me I have one of the Mashallah does acolhedor I was gonna say I have one of the oldest translations with me. And there's words like ye and Tao in art in there.

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This is

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very nice.

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Okay, so we go to let's go to verse number 46 in sha Allah how to add a verse number 46 of swords to

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what suit Are we on soda till Anam Allah subhanho wa Taala here points out to us. A simplified eye opener of what we ended off with yesterday. Allah Subhana Allah says, when a tune in law who sang

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the song

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kulu become men enough

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to be

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fun will suddenly find Jason meals

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on Allah subhanho wa Taala opens our eyes by highlighting the element of the site itself, right he says, are eaten in Africa de la has in Africa long, some African American, what would happen if Allah subhana wa Taala took away our hearing and our sight and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is pointing out to us. If Allah took our hearing, what would we do? If Allah took our sight? What would we do? If Allah subhanaw taala took the element of taste and we spoke about that I think on the first day of Ramadan right imagine we couldn't taste the food. Imagine if we couldn't smell anything today you know, our family Mashallah we picked up some flowers we're planting, planting

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some flowers around the house, imagine you couldn't smell the flowers, right? So all of these things that Allah Subhana Allah created for us and it doesn't only apply to our hearing and sight and smell and taste, but everything else imagine you woke up in the morning and you couldn't move your arm. You can move your hand but you couldn't bend your elbow. Something happened in the night. How difficult life would be if your arm stayed completely straight. Like you wouldn't be able to put on the table unless you went like this. You wouldn't be able to scratch your nose. right because you can't reach it. You need your elbow in order to bend. Imagine if these happened to us and Allah

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subhana wa tan is asking us well, our item in the law has some icon. Tell me if a lot took away your hearing and your sight and sealed up your hearts. Then what?

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says sobre como katima araku become men illa Coronavirus wa he acts you can be who other than Allah subhanho wa Taala would come to your help would come to your rescue. And I know Subhana Allah when it comes to medical assistance and aid of that sort, a lot of the time we think that the doctors are going to help us and the doctors will provide a solution for us and then the doctors will you know, come

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up with some sort of treatment that is going to work but how many patients do we know in the hospital that don't actually get cured even though they're being given the correct dosage and the correct medicine and the correct treatment, but they don't get cured. And that is a common trend that was handled a lot highlights it for us on purpose to try and get us to understand that He is the creator of everything

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I need if a waste is listening to me wherever oasiz if a waste is in the building, I need you ASAP inshallah. Okay.

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Just heard something must be coming.

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This is

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not happening on us. Let's move on in sha Allah.

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For some reason the internet is completely gone.

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We move on to versus number 5254. Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a messenger. And you know in my notes I actually wrote wrote down is just a messenger simply for us to understand that he's not just a messenger, he's a messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala no doubt we give him that honor and status, but at the same time, Allah subhana wa Adana points this out so that people don't worship Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam verse number 5254. One

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come in mnemonic? in

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one hand, yes. Then we need one e balsley. fn.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala points out here to us, in these verses that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells the Moshe deikun tells the people around him and we know as well, that the prophets of Allah, if you can leave that door open, Brother, please just leave the door open. We leave it open. Yeah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that he does not have the keys to the wealth of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He doesn't have the keys to the treasures of Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah, la kulula Kumar, India, casa, no more I don't have what Allah subhanho wa Taala has for you. It's not in my possession. I can't give you the things that you want. And so panela you'll

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see that people do this all the time. And in other religions as well. They will go to their pious people and ask for certain things. And they'll say, Don't worry, I'll pray for you. And you'll get it and you'll never get it because it's not in our hands, except for the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then people use that to deceive others. And so here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, I don't have the ability to give to you. And the machico and what did they used to do these to ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, could you make this happen? Could you make that happen? Could you do this? Could you do that? And he would tell them, I can't do it.

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It's not me. Who does it? It is a loss of Hannah. What's your Hannah?

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in your home? in your house? in a pool hall? Yes, that will? Well, Boss we're a fella Tata for karoun. What? The profits on a longer either usnm is selling his people here. He's saying, Holly esto will erema while bussiere is the person who can't see

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the same as the person who can see

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is that? Do you understand that? The person who can see are they the same as the person who can see?

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I want to hear from you. Okay, some of you are saying no others of you are taking the political stance and saying yes, we're all the same. Right? Trying to be safe, because it might be broadcasted, or whatever reason, right? So everyone's trying to take the safe stance, but some kind of a loss of Hannah Montana asks us this question. polyester will no elbasy the person who's blind Are they the same as the person who can see no, obviously not Why? We are the same in terms of being human beings, but one can see and one can't see. And I give you the example the other day of a child who put on those those glasses where he was colorblind, and for the first time in his life, he can

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actually see colors, right? And he started to cry immediately. Why? Because he now got to see something he experienced that element of life that was never a part of his own life, and the loss of Hanwha Donna's asking us this question. I found out that I have a car when don't we think he just finished saying what would happen if we were to have our eyesight taken away our hearing taken away and the other elements that Allah Subhana Allah has blessed us with

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Imagine if that was taken away. Now he's asking us, do you think that we're equal the person who can see in the person who can't see, and Subhanallah? You know, we probably all have dealt with people who can see and can't see who can hear and can't hear. And a lot of the time, they say really interesting things. Like I remember these two twins, who were in my class, I may have told you about them before. They were brothers aboubaker and have the right no sila hang up the right. They were in my class when I was studying in Medina.

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And so Pamela used to joke around with them all the time. Right, I used to, and sometimes I felt like I was teasing them and I shouldn't have but they they were teasing me back. They always got me back some kind of law, because Arabic was their language and not mine. And so they could pull out a lot more clever statements than I could. And so I used to tease them and be like, Mashallah, the food is coming, like really? Like, yeah, you can't see it. Right, like teasing them in that sense, but we really close friends, right? And they're like, Whoa, do you got it all wrong, before you can see food, you smell it.

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And we can smell it more quicker than you can see it.

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And so they used to tease me that way. And I used to tease them back. And you know, we used to say things to each other. But that's just how Allah Subhana Allah created us that some people are given sight, but don't use it to the best of their ability or it takes away from their other senses. And some people are not given sight but Allah subhanho wa Taala heighten heightens their other senses in in different ways. And so Subhanallah these are blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala that we should be thinking of. And Allah asks us for Latifah Quran, don't you think of it? Don't you ponder over what Allah subhana wa tada has blessed certain people with and and blessed other people with.

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And it is a blessing we as people that have never think that someone who has not, or someone who does not have the things that we have as a blessing. So let me give you this example, because I'm talking very philosophically, right now. Sometimes we think of us as people who can see as being the ones who are blessed, and the people who can't see who are blind as the ones who are not blessed. But I remember why they used to tell me this all the time as well. They used to say, Allah has protected us from seeing the things that are hot on that you guys see all the time. Right? Allah has blessed us from seeing the things because they were both blind, right? Both of them their brothers,

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and they were both blind and they're both in my class as well, both half of the Quran also, and Allah Subhana, which Allah you know, bless them with the ability to not see everything, including the things that are wrong. And they used to say that to us all the time, like you guys can see things but we don't see what's wrong. And so we don't get the sins that you guys get. And so we look at sight as being a blessing from a loss of Hannah Montana, but they would remind us that the fact that Allah has blessed them with no sight is a blessing for them and they appreciate that blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah asks us again, in the in the Quran, like we just mentioned a

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falletta for Quran Don't you think of it, think about it, ponder over what Allah subhanahu Adana has blessed us with, I'm going to move forward because I want to conclude a little bit early today earlier than usual. Because I want to touch upon a few things, not Tafseer related that are important for us to learn. And I'm intentionally doing that later on when more people come so that more people can benefit as well.

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Let's move on to verse number

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verse number 60, in verse number 60, of surah.

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An Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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Well, one lady was

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being Lainey why Allah Muhammad?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he, he mentioned here were lady at our Falcon belaid. Allah subhanho wa Taala takes us away in the night.

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He takes us away we go off to lala land, right, we're dreaming. And so kind of like that's a beautiful time for many of us. Because we're sleeping. We're enjoying it. We're cozy, we're comfortable and Allah Subhana Allah knows that we're comfortable. He knows that we enjoy it. This is why he says yeah, Johann masa mill comilla Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, right? Allah Subhana Allah knows that we're comfortable and cozy in bed, but he mentions here who will lead to a thorough milele where you are and Mr. murgia been? here Allah subhana wa tada is transitioning. Now he began this school as we mentioned yesterday talking about the praise of Allah praising him and how we

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extracted lessons as parents to teach our children right. And now unless of Hannah Montana is transitioning to show us that he is the one who has as prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the very first verse that we started with today, that the

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he is the one Allah, not the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Allah is the one who's in charge of the husband. He is the one who possesses his wealth and earth and owns it and is in charge of it. None of us right what Allah subhana wa tada is capable of doing. But now he's transitioning, to show us that even in the secret moments of our day and our night, a lot is aware of what's happening. You know, this morning, my daughter was was dreaming. And she was actually it was yesterday, I think she was dreaming and she was talking about going to someone's wedding night she woke up talking about someone's wedding. And then the the night before

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she woke up just before she woke up, she was she talks a lot in her sleep just like me. She's sleeping right now. Actually. That's what I keep checking. She's sleeping. But so how do you know she was talking about something else in her sleep? I don't remember what it was. What was she talking about?

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A wedding or something else? No, it's not Oh, yeah, it was someone's party or something. She was talking about a party or something, some kind of law. So you know, these are things that people who are awake, observe those who are sleeping by listening to what they're saying sometimes, right? And it's interesting, sometimes you can try this as well, someone's sleeping, and they're talking, say something back to them and see if they respond, sometimes they actually do, right, so so that's what's happening to us in our sleeps, our souls are experiment experiencing things. And unless of Hannah Montana is in control of that, our souls are experiencing it, our body is just laying there,

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we're breathing, our heart is beating, the organs are doing what they need to do. That's happening naturally. So it's a minor death. But the major death is when the soul is completely removed, and the body goes dead entirely. The organs completely stopped, the heart is no longer beating, the brain is dead, etc, etc, etc. And this is why there's a difference between

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the soul and the self, the soul and the self. And I don't want to get too much into it. But you'll you'll see this in examples of people who are in the hospital, and they're on life support. Right? They're on life support, and they're being kept alive. But the question here is, are they actually alive? Is the body being kept alive? Or is there actually a soul in the body and that person's life is being kept alive? So there's a difference there and we won't get into it. Now. For those that have attended our halaqaat throughout the year, you've already benefited from that. For those who haven't. Well, now this is encouragement to come every Friday after the month of Ramadan in sha

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Allah, Allah. So Allah subhana wa Adana here says we are an mo merge our two been the hub, Allah subhana wa tada highlights the fact that he knows what we do throughout our day as well. So where we go, what we do, who we speak to what we experience, what we're thinking, what we're feeling inside of us, Allah Subhana Allah is aware of that also. And so nothing is a secret to Allah subhanho wa Taala absolutely nothing. The most secret of the secrets is known to Allah subhanho wa Taala Yunus Allah, his set up in the middle of the night, in the middle of the belly of the whale, in the depths of the sea,

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darkness upon darkness upon darkness, and Allah subhanho wa Taala is listening to his daughter, right? I was listening to his door hot. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to call upon him with the Rooney as the Jeeva can call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala. He will answer you think that you've sinned and Allah won't listen to you wait a second. Eunice Annie has sent him he left his people. We're not saying that this was a sin. But he left his people before he was commanded by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he had done something that he was not supposed to do. Then he jumped into the water. He was swallowed by a whale in the middle of the night and the whale swims

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down to the bottom of the seat.

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He's in the depths of the depths of the depths, right darkness upon darkness upon darkness as Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights in the Quran. But his heart is still heard. And so when we think that we are not in a position to ask Allah subhana wa tada for Doha. And the point that I'm making here is that Allah knows our secrets and what we're thinking of, but don't think of it in the negative sense. Think of it positively. Think of the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala when we need him, he's always there for us even when we don't need him. And we should not be people that only call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala when we don't need him, we should ask a law at times when we do need him or

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simply praise Him. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah through as we move on, verse number 73.

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I don't know what I just touched, but in verse number 73, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions young man

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the day when the Trumpet will be blown and that is an

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indication of the end of time. In fact, it is what will happen at the end of time, the Trumpet will be blown and then the Trumpet will be blown once again to begin the day of judgment. And that is a time where some kind of law everything ends. But before that there are certain signs that will come to us major signs of the Day of Judgment.

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And it is important for us not to wait until the end of time in order to ask Allah for forgiveness. Because we know as we learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that when the sun rises from the west, it rises typically from the east, right? rises in the east and sets in the west. But when the sun rises from the west, and goes to set in the east,

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Toba will no longer be granted as in forgiveness, asking Allah subhanho wa Taala repenting to Allah will no longer be accepted will no longer be granted. And so we should not be waiting until the end of time. Similarly, the example is given to us that we should not be waiting until the end of our lives. For those of us that are 50 6070 years old, we know we're now feeling that connection, we need to be connected to a lot for those of us that are younger, and I wish that our broadcasting was happening. So the younger generation could be watching as well. You know, it's important for us as the younger generation to understand that we as well should not be waiting until we're 70 years old

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to begin praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala we should not wait until we're 60 or 70. Until we begin reciting from the Quran, or asking for forgiveness or saying you know what, I'm just going to continue doing the sins that I'm doing now. And later on in life. You know, when I change myself and become older and retire, and I have more time to dedicate to Allah, that's when I'm going to change we shouldn't do that. We should begin now. Because how many people do we know passed away before the age of 20? How many people do we know passed away before the age of 10? How many people do we know pass away when we least expect it? There, you know young adults with little children and they pass

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away and leave this family behind. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help every single one of us, I mean,

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then the loss of bandwidth and transitions versus number 74 to 83. Speaking about some of the profits, what you've gone and gone ah he Mooney Abbey. He says, When even on him Allah has sent him tells his father as of right.

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I don't want to read through all the verses because the story goes there. I'll just mention it briefly. he advises his father about the idols, advises them not to worship these idols, advises his people not not to worship idols. And we know their story of Ibrahim very well, I know his setup. He then goes on to experience certain things even on him. And in his time he experiences seeing the star, or stars in the sky, and he sees the star and says has to be, this must be my Lord. And then what happens is when the star sets or the star disappears after the night, he says, No way, there's no way that this can be my Lord. And then he sees the moon. And some people think that when it

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dawned on him It has sent them is going through this and experiencing it. He actually has doubts in Allah subhana wa Tada. This is what some people misunderstand. Because Ibrahim RNA has sent them as Allah subhanho wa Taala always highlights in the Quran. his belief was solid with Allah subhana wa Tada. In fact, our belief, as Allah tells us, is to be upon the belief of Ibrahim, Allah has sent him as well, in terms of his connection to a loss of Hannah with Anna, he would not waver, he would not, you know, be confused about who his Lord was, and so on him and he said, MC is the moon and he says, Oh, you know what, after thinking of the star, this is bigger, has to be harder. This is

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bigger, this must be my Lord. But then when the moon sets and goes away, nah, can't be right. Can't be my Lord. Then he sees the sun. And he says, Oh, this is even bigger. This must be my Lord. But then when the sun goes away, he reaffirms that this is not a loss of how to what to add. Now he's doing this because he was around people who used to worship the stars and the moon and the sun.

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They used to worship what they would see in the skies. And so he was saying this, to show them to indicate to them why are you praying to something that comes and goes, something that is not consistent, when Allah subhanho wa Taala is consistent, we should be worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Then the verses move on from 84 to 90, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the prophets and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will have in

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his heart

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Hi Dina Lohan hi Dana.

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you Bella you so what are you

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what are you about to fall on? musawah one hour Canada and he can edges in anymore see and was that caddy? Yeah, well yeah he's a

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one what is Mary? Ellen? Yes ROI you

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me in Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the prophets and the messengers, as we know their stories and we've studied them and continue to do so. Outside of the month of Ramadan here Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is now going to transition throughout the rest of the Quran to give us stories of some of these prophets. And you'll notice that Allah will spend time on prophet who then spend time with Prophet nor Halle Hassan and spend time with Ibrahim Allah has sent him as we just saw happening as well. And we saw Adam Allah has sent him and Sugata Baqarah and so on and so forth. And this trend continues throughout the Quran.

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In verse number 108

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says one lady in a

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boom Ah ha ha Don't be mean. Allah subhana wa tada prohibits us from insulting the false gods that other people worship.

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He prohibits us from insulting the false gods that other people worship. Now somehow this is really important because many Muslims will simply feel free to talk about other people and other people's belief in their religion and you know what they what they feel is right. Now, it's important for us to understand that we can speak and we can criticize, but we should do so with respect. Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says what deal whom bility here

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when we are going to debate with others, debating about Deen trying to convince them about Islam, we do not debate with them in a way that is insulting. We debate using goodness, what God whom believe it here.

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And that goodness is by simply highlighting the goodness of the Quran. What Allah subhanho wa Taala came within the Quran, what was revealed to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran and highlighting the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. But even more particularly, is to stick with the Quran. Because when you highlight things of the Quran, immediately those that listen to it, that hear the messages from the Quran, they understand that this has to be the truth. It's just their own self as in their own thoughts, like we mentioned yesterday, that stops them from wanting to go deeper and finding the truth. But like we highlighted

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yesterday at the end of our halaqa, that the soul knows we were all born upon the fitrah. Deep down we know the truth, but we just see certain people rejecting the truth. My brothers and sisters, I don't want to continue for much longer. In fact, I'm going to stop here on purpose. I wanted to cover more verses of the Koran. But there are certain things that I wanted to highlight with regards to us as an Ummah and things that we need to focus on. That are the the basics of our Deen. There are the basics of our Dean's of canon law. The first thing is saw that

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in fact, maybe I should rewind because yesterday we spoke about Wu, we spoke about Wu, we spoke about 10 yamo. And for those that were here, raise your hands, whoever was here, good. Those that were here and learned about tm, they know they learned how to do it, they learned when to do it, they learned you know the steps and the guidelines etc. With regards to tm, for those that do not know what tm is, it is something that is performed in place of Oulu when you don't find water. And these brothers and sisters that were here if you did not know or don't know how to do it, how to perform them, then they will inform you because we said those that are here. They're the ones that

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get it those that are not here, you need to go and find out from them right or you can go back and watch the recording from yesterday.

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But that was with regards to tm and we'll do but there are certain things that we

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need to

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go over remind ourselves with regards to sauna and I'm going to ask the brothers that are sitting near the door just come closer to you blocking the door and people want to come in and Mashallah everyone wants to stay far away for some reason. All the butter comes in the front and no one wants to take it home than it is right

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now sauna let's start with fajita for example. A lot of people will play around with the Sun fudger which is something that we should do. In fact, we must do. It's considered to be wajib in our Deen and so the Sun fudger is important but some people at times when we come into the masjid and we see the congregation of fudge of taking place, even though they didn't pray their Sunnah, at home or prior to fudge on they will go in the corner or go in the back and pray their Sunnah and then join the congregation. That's not what we're supposed to do. We're actually supposed to join the congregation because one is a Sunnah and the other one is a fuddled, compulsory, which one takes

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The compulsory prayer right now many of us think well wait a second, you just said that it's magic. Yes, it's magic to pray the son of fudger.

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Its son not to pray it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that we must pray it. It's one thing that you don't miss out on. Even when you're traveling, you pray there's some fudge. Right? While at the same time. We think that because it's so important to pray, we will miss the compulsory prayer in order to pray the Sunnah. That's not what we do. We join the compulsory prayer and you pray your son afterwards. This was taught to this a habit of the Aloha item by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Don't think that if you miss praying your Sunnah before fudger you can no longer pray those Sunnah. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would encourage this a

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habit of the Aloma and him to pray their son know if they got late for fuddled after the prayer.

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And if the sun was rising, and they could not pray, then he would then he advised them to pray their son after the sun had risen.

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Pray it after the sun already rose. So that's how important the sun is that we should pray it right? We shouldn't leave it off. Okay. Now, that's with regards to the subnet, but some people don't even pray it. So we need to be people that pray it as well. Okay. Now if you come into the masjid and you start to pray your Sunnah and then the congregation, the compulsory prayer begins, then you should stop your son and join the prayer. Okay, you stop your cinema and you join the prayer and you make up your son no later on. Unless you are like in your Tisha hood, you're into shall hood. And the saw that you hear the comma, quickly finish off your son, and then join the compulsory prayer, trying to

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get the beginning of the compulsory prayer try to catch that that's important. Okay. Now that's what the guards to some of another thing that is important for us to understand.

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I was praying taraweeh yesterday, and I was standing in the corner over there in the back there, mustard was full, and I made it in the last row, the second to last person on the end, right. And I noticed that some had a lot. It You know, it was something that I thought of we need to remind ourselves certain things with regards to sauna. So for example, if you're praying a compulsory prayer, or a congregational prayer, let's just say congregational not compulsory, a congregational prayer,

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you are not allowed to pass in front of the Imam.

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So you're not allowed to walk in front of the Imam. And this is why you'll see like even the other night, I was leading bucketed somewhere. And there were children that were running around and there was a child that came and I moved forward. This was from the son of the Prophet sallallahu. Either you send them that you move forward, or you put your hand out to stop the person as the Imam, you stop the person from passing in front of you. Even if it's an animal, you stop them from passing in front of you because you are the entire congregation. That mm is like the entire congregation. If something happens to the saga of the Imam it affects the prayer of the entire congregation. Okay. So

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the Imam has that responsibility to stop someone or something from passing in front of them. But when we are praying in the congregation and someone is in one of the rows, let's say your woo breaks, and you need to leave, or you come in to the masjid and you see that the back row is not completely full. There are empty spaces at the end of the row. You're allowed to walk in front of the brothers and sisters that are praying. If they're praying in the congregational prayer, you are not allowed to pass in front of the Imam but you are permitted to pass in front of

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The congregants behind the ear, that is something that's permissible to do, it does not break their prayer. And if someone is praying in congregation and sticks their hand out to stop you, because they don't want you to pass in front of them, nicely take their hand and put it down and pass in front of them. Right. And some of them, they will punch you and beat you, you just take their hand nicely, and put it down and pass in front of them. Or if they're really being strict and not letting you go cross through the road to a different row and pass through that row. Okay, because that person who's stopping you, obviously does not know that you are allowed to pass. So give them the

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benefit of the doubt. If they're punching you don't punch them back. They're praying, respect that. Okay. They're praying, so respect their prayer, and try and pass through to get out a different way.

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What else did I want to mention? With regards to prayer? There's a few things inshallah that'll pop into our minds throughout the month. But somehow these are important. Yes, you have a question?

00:36:03 --> 00:36:37

A very good Yes, I was supposed to mention that if someone is praying on their own, then you should not pass in front of them. However, there is a sutra. So the sutra, for example, you see this in front of you, you could use well don't use that because this belongs to shift some and he needs it for his son. All right. So don't use that. But use something else, use a chair, use something in front of you that you can put up, it could even be your iPad, you know that you just stand up in front of you, and you use it as a sutra. That's something that is a partition between you and the people that need to pass in front of you. If a person does not put up a SATA, then there's

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difference of opinion amongst the scholars based on the distance of that person. So tonight, can we pass in front of them or not, you'll see that the mass majority of us were taught because I know that the mass majority of the congregation here is or was bought, brought up upon the hanafy method. So the mass majority of us were told three rows, so someone is praying, let's say, you know, in the back, you count three rows in front of them, and then you pass in front of them. But the stronger opinion is a row. Why? Because the surprise is something that you put in front of you in the place of salute

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in the place of suit. So for example,

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I guess it's a good thing, we're not broadcasting, I could stand up. For example, let's say I'm praying, I have this in front of me, I would put it right to where I'm about to make sujood. So that if anyone wants to pass, they can pass behind it, right, they can go behind it. It doesn't make sense for me to take this and put it three rows ahead of me and be like, haha, all of that space is mine too bad, right and just make fun of people that you're just taking up those three rows. Now. That's why I'm saying this because our sofa, we usually put it there and our scholars, I remember our teachers in Medina, when we were learning so high quality, they were telling us that the

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structure of a person is molded a suit, it's the place of sujood, where you make your sajida. So that is your Soto and now if you're praying in the mustard, and you see and this happens after a compulsory prayer, people are praying, there's some not all scattered around, you need to get out. And the worst is when and we're not talking about the brothers that are sitting on the chairs, okay, the brothers that are sitting on the chairs, for their health reasons they need to sit on the chair Alhamdulillah you know, we have the most respect for that. We know it's very difficult for you. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant you health and ease. I mean, but we're talking about the

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people that are scattered around. And a person who's standing to pray, goes and stands right at the back, and prays or Sunnah, when people need to pass and get out of the machine, this is why when we're done praying our compulsory prayer and people get up to leave, we shouldn't just get up and all rushed to the back to prayer center, we should all be taking steps forward to pray Our son so that we make space for people in the back to leave, right? Who need to go out. So that's something that we should do. Now, if a person is praying and there's no suits out in front of them, give them the minimum amount, which is one rope and then pass in front of them, don't walk right in front of

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them go around in front of them. And if there's more space than the further you go, the better. Okay?

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If they put their arm out in front of them, then their arm is here. And that's exactly what our teachers would teach us. So someone's praying,

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right, you're standing here praying, they put their arm out there stopping you from entering into their zone, their territory, I can stop a person up until that line. I can't really go any further unless I step forward.

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Sorry. Yes, you are. So if you're praying, this is very important if you're praying, and

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Okay, so if you're praying,

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you're your son or whatever it is, and someone is about to pass in front of you. This space in front of you up until the police have sujood actually belongs to you, not to them. So you have the right to own that space. You have the right to stick your hand out and

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Stop them. If they're passing. In fact, that's from the some of the profits and allowing it to sell them. Like we mentioned before you stick your hand out, you stop them from passing, because this is your zone, you're in you your space, right in your prayer. So you can stop them. However, you do have a right to let them pass.

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You do have the right to let them pass. Okay? So you can do that out of goodness for a person who might need to pass for whatever reason, maybe it's an emergency, you can let them pass. It doesn't break your prayer in that sense, okay? As for the height of the sutra, it should just be something that that a person can see. This is a barrier, right? It creates a barrier, something that the scholars usually say is roughly around a hand spin high, right? won't say like 12 inches, one foot or anything, something that is obvious. Like if you put your phone on the floor in front of you, that's not really a sutra if it's like this flat on the ground, right? But if it's up on a stand or

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something, it's a little bit better. Okay, so it's more obvious that there's something blocking in front of you. Okay, we'll stop there in sha Allah. Does that come lokalen or some a lot of senemo American anabaena Mohammed Ali hirosaki awesome.

This lecture was given at the Al Falah Islamic Centre.

June 3, 2017 – Ramadan 2017

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