Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – January 15, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The importance of obtaining permission to enter someone's home is crucial for their safety and well-being, as it is crucial for their safety and well-being. The Prophet sallami warns individuals that if anyone is peeking into someone's house, they will not be guilty of any offense, and the importance of respecting people's space and not being afraid of anyone is emphasized. The use of knocking on doors and not showing one's face is also discussed, as it is illegal to knock on someone's door during a long period of time. The use of water in people's hands and the proper behavior for parents are also discussed, with caution being given on the use of water in people's hands and the proper behavior for parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Learn how to be mean or solo or to lie he was said to be hidden carry him and he will solder to attempt to slim. Rubbish. Luckily, sadly, we're silly. Emily Locklear, tell me Listen, you've got okoli my brothers and my sisters ascent mRNA from what I have to lie or cattle.

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So we're staying at home. Right, so I'm live streaming from home, I

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kind of wish I moved this one a little bit over there so that they're more centered. But I guess you guys have a little bit of a close up view, which is kind of weird.

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So I'm sitting on the floor from my home

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for tonight's class on the etiquettes that we find within Islam.

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I hope that the internet connection is better than it was at that time because I know what Juma It was pretty choppy on vanilla. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for every single one of us throughout our days and our evenings and our, our time at home to benefit as much as we possibly can. from whatever it is that we're going through, and whatever it is that we are trying to achieve.

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That's a loss of hundreds and it makes it easy if we have to work from home that it becomes a beneficial you know, thing for us. If we have to teach from home then it's beneficial if we have to learn from home then it's beneficial as well. And I know that on Friday nights, usually when we're in the masjid. And it seems like such a long time ago, but at the same time it kind of feels like it was just yesterday. And it was a whole year ago. When we were still you know attending the masjid on Friday nights we would have good 500 600 people, you know, brothers, sisters children, and it was a very beautiful very pleasant, you know, class in the masjid. So we hope that the last panel data

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allows for us to return to the mustard sometime soon. I mean,

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today we start a new chapter, okay. And it's the chapter titled in Arabic Bab then, which is basically the chapter on requesting permission to enter a requesting permission to enter someone's home someone's room, someone's office basically to enter upon someone.

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And we see that in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says and sought to nor are we living in a shavon in LA Jean. Yeah.

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You're living in.

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boo T.

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Test niso masukkan which Allah says, Yeah, you're letting me know Oh, you believe that at Hulu, Boo. Boo to come Don't enter the homes that don't belong to you basically the home of someone else a home that doesn't belong to you. That isn't one of your homes had destiny so until you seek that permission or you request permission to enter that home. A loss of Henry data also says in verse number 58 sort of to nod

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your head lazy man will you who believe once again right calling out to us as believers.

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Leah steady Kumar lady in America a man we'll call him one lady in lm er B no woman you come. Allah subhana wa Jalla once again, is reminding us of the importance of seeking permission. He also says in sort of the new verse number 59 right after the one the divorce that we just finished taking taking

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what either by no

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felony so that the new Allah subhanho wa Taala says to the children, right, once you become mature, then you should seek permission request permission before entering the homes or the rooms of your parents or people that are older. Okay. And of course when children are young, you know, they're going to be entering into their parents room just running in they don't understand they don't know the difference between you know, day or night are busy or not busy. You know, I, for example, in live streaming downstairs and I was just telling the children upstairs, Okay, I'm gonna go down. So you have you know, your rooms, you can do what you need to do get ready for bed and stuff like that,

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and it won't make noise and it won't disturb me. And somehow when I came down, I'm like, I can hear you guys perfectly clear.

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So it is what it is. I'm the law. And when we're entering into the room of someone else, when children get older, they need to understand and know when the doors closed, the doors closed. And we're going to look at these things in detail. inshallah, we're just this is just the introduction to the chapter.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, in real estate then mean agilan bustled. So the

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Permission seeking permission requesting permission before entering Of course into someone's room is usually put is put in place because of our eyes right and I was thinking eyes when I read it and I thought I should have put my glasses on.

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So some kind of law you know seeking that permission before entering is important within our Deen and the Prophet sallallahu either usnm mentions the reason why we are seeking permission, we seek permission usually to enter upon someone because we want to make sure that they are in a condition or they are people that we can see or they're properly covered. So that we can enter upon them in case we do happen to look at them okay, so their bodies will be covered.

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Now with regards to the etiquettes point number one of this chapter requesting permission to enter upon someone

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as Sumner, so it is from the Sun deema setup problem. So it is from the sun that of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we say SLM or LA con, or SLM or la comarca to LA or Santa Monica Monica to La Habra cattle before we request permission to come in. So, there are multiple examples you know, I have a number of different narrations and Hadeeth in front of me it will just suffice with one of them in sha Allah

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and NSF nomadic sorry, and even Ibis or the Allahumma so it denied us or the llama and humor he says. Instead then aroma and interview some are longer le usnm so aroma is no hot dog, right sought permission to enter upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for God Assalam O Allah Rasool Allah, a Selim or LA con

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uh yeah, the holy aroma.

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So he says, A Salam O Allah Rasool Allah, right.

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Me Me the Peace and blessings of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah be upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the Messenger of Allah As salam o Alaikum. So greeting the people that are with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he says he had Julio Rama, right can almost Enter.

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And so remember this first point is that the centum proceeds requesting permission to enter. So we begin by asking permission to enter can sorry, we begin by asking, before asking permission to enter. We begin by saying center. And so some people will come over and be like, you know, knock on the door, this and that, or come to someone's office say, Can I come in? And before asking, Can I come in, we should say said Mr. Le come Can I come in? Right? That's the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In other narrations, as I mentioned, there's you know, a bunch the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was approached by by some, and he didn't, they didn't give them or the person that's how you didn't give them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when narration says

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Santa Monica,

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Santa Monica, right, go back and say send Mr. La.

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for Canada, who said Mr. alikum?

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Right, give set up, right. So

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say, said Mr. alikum. Or said Mr. Can I enter. And so then we enter upon whoever it is, once they give us permission, if they don't give us permission to enter the room or their office, then we don't enter? Right? Like for example, if I was live streaming right now from my office, at the masjid, and people come to my window, and they're knocking on my window asking to come in. If I don't allow them to work. I ignore them. Maybe because I'm live streaming or because I'm busy doing something, then that is my right? That is my right islamically It's my right to reject someone from entering into my office or entering into my home, or someone who's requesting permission to enter.

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Now there's a difference between entering the masjid right, someone's seeking to enter the masjid. Now we can grant permission to enter the masjid. Of course, based on the circumstances as well, right? If someone is is, you know, throwing a tantrum, then we don't let them in. Right? Because Hey, wait a second, calm down. This is not a place to come and yell and scream and shout. You know, if someone's coming in to harm others, then you know, we lock the doors and we don't let them in.

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If for example, you know, certain current regulations don't allow more than 10 people for example, and you know, the management is maintaining the solder. Like earlier today, there were 10 of us there inside of the masjid. So, you know, the 11th person would not be granted the ability to enter into the masjid. So every single space has, you know, a request that needs to be put forth before entering

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The next point that we're going to look at is

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an yokley allmost. Then I'm yameen in OSHA ml bap.

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So for the person who is entering someone's home or coming to someone's home, when you are going to knock on the door or ring the doorbell, you don't stand right in front of the door, you move off to the side, either to the right side, or you move to the left side. And you, you know, somehow to let you know, this is one of the things that growing up we were we were taught, and you know, you have to give credit where it's due.

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Remember, when we were young, and I'm not ashamed to say this, you know, people will say, you know, don't talk about that don't mention it publicly. Why not? You know, when we were young, when I was young, we used to go

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in Jamaat, right with Tablighi Jamaat, and when you go for a job, or you go for gushed, one of the things that they teach you is, you know, you go in, in odd numbers and minimum group of three, and you go to someone's home, and when you ring the doorbell, or you knock on the door, you stand to the side, either, these are etiquettes, in our DNA that we learned, right, you stand to the side and you only ring three times, right, and we're going to look at that right after this inshallah Tada. So one of the points there is that you will ring the doorbell, for example, and then move to the side and also turn your face away from directly looking in. But try not to turn your back to the door,

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why you don't turn your back to the door, because if the person who's inside of the home, out the window, right to see who it is, and they see your back, then they have no idea who it is. And so, stand to the side and maybe face the side, but face away, don't face directly to the door, if this if a brother is standing there, brother comes to the door, I come to the door, ring the doorbell, and I'm standing staring right at the crack of the door waiting for it to open, right, and a sister comes in opens the door to see who it is. Maybe she was expecting her children to come home at that time. And she thought that it was her children where she thought it was her husband or whoever it

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was, and she opens the door and she's not wearing hijab, she'll get startled and shut the door. Right. So

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that's why islamically she should technically be able to open the door and look and see who it is without even feeling that someone is looking at her that someone can see her. And so, you know, that's where, you know, you would stand to the side, you would you would turn in a way that if they open the door, they can see you, right, but you can't see them and you're not looking at them, you're looking down, okay, and away from the door. Out of respect. Remember, we're talking about etiquettes. And it's important for us to learn these etiquettes in order to be able to implement them when we are doing things in our lives when we're going about our life. Right.

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So that's with regards to knocking on the door or, you know, seeking pardon to enter into someone's home.

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Now, point number three.

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It is how long not permissible

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for a men

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or a person we could say, to look into a home that doesn't belong to Him.

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So it's not permissible for someone to look in or even spy or try to, you know, peek through and see what's going on inside of a home or a window. If that is not your home.

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And we see here certain advice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave, which is actually pretty harsh. When we think of it, it's pretty harsh because it goes to show the importance of respecting people's homes and respecting their space. So in one narration, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam mentions

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that if a person is looking through a home that is not his home, then it is permissible for you to

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poke, poke them in the eye or, you know, even if you throw something in another narration, the Prophet salallahu it was some dimensions. If any of you were to peek into someone's house, and they threw a pebble at you, and it poked you in the eye and took out your eyesight,

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then they would not be guilty.

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Then you would be guilty of no offense as in the person who threw it would not be guilty, right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says if any of you were to peek into someone's house, and they threw a pebble at him and took it out his eye you would not be

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Guilty of an offense as in the eyesight that is lost by the person who is inside their home defending their, their space, their rights to their privacy. It is not a sin. And

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the person who was peeking into someone else's home has no right to blood money, or to any retaliation. Blood Money is, you know, in Islam, if someone's rights are taken away, we call it blood money, right? For example, if someone accidentally, you know, they were driving and accidentally, you know, there was there was an accident, and they were at fault and someone else had passed away. Well, we call that blood money as in, you know, the the life of someone who was taken and so that person who was at fault would have to pay the family of the person who lost their loved one.

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And so here, if a person lost their eyesight, you can't even go after them to collect any blood money or any sort of retaliation for the eyesight that was lost because you were peeking into their home unjustly. Right now, of course, that's an offence within Canada, right? You don't do that someone is peeking into your home, you can call the police and let them know and they will take action. Right they will take action if someone is spying on you.

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And this is where we look at another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is not part of our class for today. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either min C'mon Quran for your a year ago, Viet ilam yesterday for the Lisa ilam yesterday for the economy was radical. But even the profits are no longer any worse than them said, when one of you sees something that is wrong, that is no good a month for you a year will be added, then change it physically go and do something, for example, my glass of water, right?

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I take a sip from it, and I put it down and it's right on the edge. And one of my kids sees it, for example, they should come and change it physically move it away, right you see your child put something down, that's a monkey, that's something that could you know, potentially happen, that's no good. So you try to avoid something from happening.

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So you have a yahoo bat for Illumina satellite for bat Sandy, if you're not able to physically change that, now someone is looking into our home, we don't go and we punch them or anything of that sort. We call you know, authorities and let them know someone is spying on our home, someone is looking into our home, our privacy is, you know, compromised, they will send someone over and they will take care of the situation. For me. So clear familiarity. So if you can't physically do it, then you can verbally do it. So you can send someone by call someone and they will come over and change that situation

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for ilam yesterday for the economy. And if you're not able to actually physically or verbally change that situation, then you can try to fix that within your own heart as in hate it dislike the moon code, the bad thing that is happening within your heart, without any kind of artful human, and that is the weakest level of email. Now,

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that's not actually a Hadeeth that's within, you know, our,

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you know, sort of syllabus or what we're going through our book, but it was just something that I thought we would throw in there because when we talk about changing a evil, sometimes based on the laws of the land we live in, we would see that what is permissible islamically may not be legally allowed in the country, right? So someone, why would you Why would you take a stone and throw it at someone? Now? Yes, there are certain laws in certain provinces and even certain states, right? If you look at the United States, you know, you can defend your property, right and use certain measures to defend your property within Canada, I'm sure we have

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you know, some of the provinces have their own laws, and there might even be some,

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some some

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what's the word I'm looking for?

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national laws is another word I'm looking for.

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Federal federal laws that will,

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you know, dictate whether a person or what measures a person can take in order to protect themselves and protect their property and their home.

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But again, we each need to look into that and I don't know what they are. So it's best to always look into it. So here we see something that's an advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that basically is showing us the severity of it. We're not talking about, you know, going and spying on people we're talking about is if you go to someone's home, then you should be respectful enough to stand to the side without looking into their home. If you see that the windows are open or the curtains open, and you know, you're standing there staring looking in, that's not permissible. But if you go up the steps and you manage to you know, get to the top and you see inside of the home and

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then you turn around, that's not intentional. So again in Islam, we are not held to account for

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The things that we did not do intentionally, right, it just happened and we immediately turned away from it, that's fine. The next point that we're going to look at point number four is then set

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them with aletheia. When we seek, or request permission to enter someone's home or to enter their office, etc, we do it three times maximum. So you go to someone's home, you walk up the steps, or you approach their door, you ring their doorbell, you stand to the side, you look away, and you wait.

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Do a car. Right? See some How long do I do kind of like, do is still far as well seek forgiveness from a loss of handling to kind of fill that time with something that's amazing, right? So say it's not federal law, still federal law, still federal law, still federal law, you know, maybe you did something wrong, maybe you're bothering someone in the in the middle of something, maybe because you rang the doorbell, something might happen inside, you don't want to be punished by a loss. Without it, even though you're not held to account for the things that you didn't know of. Still, we seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa what's had.

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And then if no one answers the door, no one comes to the door, then you can bring it a second time.

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Right, you can ring the doorbell or knock on the door a second time, and then wait a little bit. And then if no one comes, then you can ring a third time and wait a little bit. And if no one comes after that, and you leave,

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no one comes, then you leave. Even if you know that they're inside, you know that they heard the doorbell ring. And that's the point there is actually that, you know, they heard the doorbell ring, because the next part right after this is what do you do? If you are certain that they did not hear you? You know, there's loud noise inside, maybe there's some renovations going on, right? Or they could possibly be in the basement. Right? Maybe you went to someone's home. And before you got there, you called them and they said we're in the basement. So, you know, when you get here, we might not hear the door. Okay, so in that case, you can ring more than three times. Okay, so

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first off when you get to someone's home,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either step, then there comes a lesson, if one of you comes to someone's home and requests permission to enter three times, for LMU, the law and permission is not granted to you folios yet, then leave, go back, go away.

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Even if you know that they are in sight, why? Because it is the right of the homeowner or the people who reside there to either let you in or not. They might not want to be disturbed. They might be busy at that time, and that's fine. That's fine. It's their right. It's their home, it's their spaces, their own privacy, right. And that's where a person feels comfortable. It's their own home, it's their space where they can govern how they run their home.

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And so on profits in the long run it was centum advises us if you are not given permission, then leave. Now we look at another muscle

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within the same point, either step NFL earthen phenom yet the level was one and that is there any new smell? If someone assumes that they were not heard by the people inside of the home,

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what should you do?

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Okay, so the answer to that is first of all, we know that we seek permission three times. Okay. So the maximum we should try is three times however, the scholars say in the case that you know, for certain that you are not heard, then raise your voice, right. Let's say in the olden times, they didn't have doorbells, right. So they would either just you know, knock a little bit very lightly, or you know, they would tap at something or they would stand in front of a door and they would give them you know, and request permission to enter.

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So if you're certain that the people did not hear you within the home, then you can ask another time until they hear you. And if they don't grant you permission after that, then go away. Okay.

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Point number five.

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Lakewood in the new

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owner, either dealer

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if you come to someone's home

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you knock on the door or ring the doorbell and they come to the door and they say Who is it? So it's like Knock knock. Who's there?

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Me Who?

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Right? And so hello this happened during the time of the prophets on a long rally you will send them with a job or the alarm and all I'll tell you to nebbia some Allahu Allah us and then he says

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came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And when he arrived at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at his home for dakak tool that he knocked on the door, right? For God, men that who who's there

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for cold earner? So he said, me, Anna, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied to Gerald your lover and and said, Anna Anna. Hey, Mimi, like, Who are you? Right? And I know, right, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in jabil, the longer answers and no Who cares? It's as though he was displeased with what I had said. Right? It's as though he was displeased with that. And so it is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it is discouraged to come to someone's home and to say,

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it's me. You know, someone asks, Who is it you say, It's me, who's me, you know, the person of the home, if it's, for example, the sister opening the door and a brother is standing there, she doesn't know who me is, who's me. So you have to basically let them know who you are. It's a mum so and so it is, you know the mother of so and so it is the son of so and so person it is you know, they say your first name and your last name, whoever it is right, you have to identify yourself.

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simply saying it's me has no benefit. And is not something that is encouraged. If x is discouraged, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not pleased with that method. Okay.

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The last point that we'll take for today in sha Allah to Allah is

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point number six,

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number villu mustard in and lay a duck

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behind us.

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It is not permissible for the person who is coming to someone's home, to knock on the door in a very harsh manner. Like you come to someone's home. And it's, it's

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I want to go

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over the door.

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Usually, I don't use a book, but I know if I use my table, it'll be much louder, right? So it is not permissible to come and to have that kind of aggression, or to be very, like, very, very disturbing at someone's door. And let's look at the method of the Sahaba with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam unless you've been valic for the long run. He says

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in the Ababa Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the people who knocked on the door of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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they would knock on his door using their fingertips, sort of using their fingernails. So, knocking on the door of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not like this.

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It was like this.

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Very gently, not to disturb the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showing the most respect to remember when we go to someone's home.

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A lot of the time when we go to someone's home, if if they're

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not to say that they're lesser than us, because we don't have this sort of class system or no caste system here in Canada.

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But sometimes you'll find people are very like arrogant, you know, they'll come to someone's home like, sorry, it's me, here you go. dropping this off, they just walk away.

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The method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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with this habit of the law, and home is teaching them to be the best, regardless of who you're going to. Now when you think of the Sahaba, they're going to the home of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So naturally, they're going to

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Santa Monica,

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Santa Monica,

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you know, they're going to have a softer voice. They're not knocking, they're using a softer tap, right? using their fingernails as unassuming medic or the law tells us about the people who would come to the home of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so, that method, if we're using it with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he approves of that, and he's okay with it, then that means that's a method we should use with everyone and not just the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam You see, when we would come to his home, we think to ourselves, okay, this is the Prophet we have to be very respectful and so on. Yeah, but he's teaching us to be respectful like this to

00:29:49 --> 00:29:59

everyone, not just to him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not expect to be treated a certain way, and others to be treated differently. And this was the problem that

00:30:00 --> 00:30:33

had the most unicorn they had with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he started to invite people to Islam. They used to say you're from the noble people of Mecca, your nobility, why are you sitting with these people? Why are you sitting with servants? Why are you sitting with slaves right at their time. And so they were not happy with the fact that the profits are longer and he was almost doing that, but he was showing them that the black is not different than the white, right. And you know, someone who comes from another place speaks in a different language, they're not different than than others, and we have to be respectful to each other.

00:30:37 --> 00:30:53

So that's the method of, you know, seeking permission to enter upon someone will suffice with that for today. inshallah Allah will open it up for some questions, if anyone has any questions and feel free to ask.

00:30:56 --> 00:30:56


00:31:03 --> 00:31:16

I know a lot of you as you entered, you said sent them which is good, forgive me, I can't, I can't respond to every single person send them as they enter. So I say send them right at the beginning. And I say it at the end for all of you that entered and gifts them and I didn't respond, why they come to light.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:46

So I'll wait for some of you to type in your questions if you have any. And please do let me know how the internet was let me know how the sound was because I know earlier today, it was very problematic at July. It was actually so bad that my parents yesterday had asked me how they can access the live stream. My parents don't have Facebook, they don't use any of these, this technology. They have a laptop and and so what I did was I said go to my Facebook page, they don't have an account. But they still went to the Facebook page.

00:31:47 --> 00:32:24

And they saw the live stream. But I was actually done already. So it was about 45 minutes after I finished. And so my mom calls me my phone is ringing. I'm packing up my stuff, you know, putting things away. My mother calls me and she's like, oh, doubt you answered. I'm like, Yeah, why? She thought because she, you know, went to the Facebook page, and she saw that I was speaking she thought it was a live because I told her I live stream it. So she thought it was live. So I'm answering. She's like, Oh, I called him while he's teaching and he answered it. She thought maybe my wife was gonna answer or someone else would have answered. And I think she actually thought she

00:32:24 --> 00:32:28

dialed my wife's phone number she dialed mine. And so so Pamela.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:48

She's like, the sound is really bad. Maybe you should fix it. I'm like, Mom, I'm done. That was I finished about 45 minutes ago. So I'm done the live stream and the internet was really bad and there's nothing that I can do to fix it. So I'm the law. So you can I could hear my kids banging the floor right above me.

00:32:50 --> 00:32:53

Okay, so I see some questions here. Let me try and get to them

00:32:55 --> 00:32:56

out of the way

00:33:03 --> 00:33:05

they've added features and now it is

00:33:06 --> 00:33:28

we have much noise outside Knox with fingernails would be would be absorbed in the metal frame doors yes no doubt and that's why we have doorbells on our homes and so you ring the doorbell right and there's no need to ring the doorbell and knock right and look in the windows panels sometimes I've been to people's homes and brothers are there and they're like looking in the window like I see him I see him he's there.

00:33:30 --> 00:33:34

He heard it let give him some time to get to the door like why are you looking through the window?

00:33:40 --> 00:33:44

Someone's asking is marijuana allowed for anxiety?

00:33:46 --> 00:34:01

Look, this is a long discussion and some of the scholars have answered this in length. In fact checking if the disease from the I sc in Calgary had a session with Dr.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:33

Can't remember his name good friend Dallas had a lot. But anyways, that was done so you can go back and look at that. Somehow there should be many other things that you can do to try and help your anxiety seemed like the software used for Facebook broadcast was using too much resources on Friday lecture. To be honest, it was just the internet and in fact the internet is down at the mustard has been down for a few hours. So that's why I decided to live stream from home. Alright, let me go here and look for some of these questions.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:41

On the law beautiful religion, yes, no doubt. Everything's going very good YouTube as well under the law, but

00:34:43 --> 00:34:59

someone says someone I can share. I just joined your live may know what book you're teaching and using. Okay, so it's called keytab will add up. Okay, I will addabbo put this up here. actually hold it this way so that you can see the name if you don't take a screenshot. You

00:35:01 --> 00:35:01


00:35:04 --> 00:35:40

so look I got when I was a student in Medina we studied it with some of our teachers in our early semesters. With this etiquette also apply to family members within the home IE children knocking on parents doors, parents knocking on their children's doors, etc. Yes, it would. Yes, it would. And we're gonna look at that shortly in sha Allah as we go through the chapters and discuss, you know, children seeking permission to enter their parents room, right, as we saw in one of the evidences that we started with. Alright, so those are all the questions so far. I'll keep it open for a couple more minutes. See if anyone else has any questions.

00:35:48 --> 00:35:51

seek permission for a Whatsapp Video call shala.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:01

Any last questions before we log out?

00:36:04 --> 00:36:22

So the good thing about a Whatsapp Video call is when someone's calling you, you don't need to answer. Right? When someone's calling you, you don't need to answer your phone. So you do have that permission. Now of course, if you don't return their call, it's a little bit rude. A little bit rude. Okay.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:35

In laws living near, not sure what you mean by in laws living near?

00:36:37 --> 00:36:40

Pretty straightforward. I've subscribed to your channel thing.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:42


00:36:44 --> 00:36:50

if someone is sleeping and they need to be woken up, what should you do? Okay, so someone sleeping

00:36:51 --> 00:36:52


00:36:53 --> 00:37:03

actually see, you see the way in sitting. I just sat like this just because I was sitting on a pillow. But technically, this is not a respectful way to sit in a hammock.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:16

It's not a respectful way to sit and Hannukah it is permissible. It's not respectful. In fact, you know, when you think of Juma, right, when you look at the etiquettes of Juma it's disrespectful to sit like this in the drama alkota.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:54

Okay, so from the etiquettes of sitting down, it's disrespectful to sit like this in the drama, and it's not permissible to sit like this either. Okay, with your palms to the ground leaning back, which we will probably look at soon shout Allahu taala when we talk about sitting in a gathering, okay, or attending a gathering. Okay, so knocking on the door. So if you're living with your in laws, and you need to speak to them, then yes, you should also you know, come to their door, say said Mr. Lee come to probably hear you. Maybe just tap lightly on the door, because if you're living in the same home, I'm pretty sure that they can hear through that very thin door.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:01

So filson asked if someone is sleeping, and they need to be woken up.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:08

What should you do? Okay, first of all, you don't take a glass of water and dump the whole thing on them. Okay? You don't just

00:38:10 --> 00:38:41

right. So you go to them, you talk to them nicely. Now, of course, if it's your children, and they're sleeping, and again, it depends on the age, right, you can knock on their door. And, you know, you have to this is this is where there needs to be an understanding, okay, there needs to be an understanding, for example, if it's teenage or adult daughters, then it might be better for the mother to wake them up. Based on how the children are going to sleep, how they're dressing when they go to sleep, everyone's family is different, different dynamics.

00:38:42 --> 00:39:22

And if it's, you know, teenager or adult boys that they have, then it might be better for the father to wake them up, right? To go into they can, you know, maybe go into the room and wake them up. If someone doesn't wake up, you can tap them, you know, you can remind them you can maybe open the light a little bit not just turn on the spotlight right on their face, right and wake them up. No, you don't want to do that. You want to just very nicely wake them up. And from the sun, you know, you can take some water, I don't ever dip my fingers in the glass, because then the water is dirty. So I'm just going to do a mock version. You know, you'd moist in your hand, go to the sink and just

00:39:22 --> 00:39:31

wet your hand and then go like this, right? sprinkle that water on the face of you know the children or whoever it is that you need to wake up. Okay.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:40

So that's basically how you would wake someone up.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:48

What else is here?

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

Prayer question when coming back from rapport, hands are raised when coming up from an OCO

00:40:00 --> 00:40:21

Or when going for such that okay? The hands are raised when coming up from an import saying semi Allah who Neiman hamidah Okay, that's when they're raised. Okay not send me a long email me Donald banana can hand Allahu Akbar. No. So the hens coming up from record are raised when saying send me a lovely man, honey. Okay.

00:40:25 --> 00:40:27

Good. I think that's all the questions

00:40:30 --> 00:40:52

just come alone for attending. I'll see all of you on Sunday night at 8pm for our essential thick class shot Allah does not come along Hayden or barakallahu li Khan or some level we're sending them over Baraka and then Amina Mohammed, early us like me, who I send him was Salim were Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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