Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday March 14, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming live stream of a business transaction is being broadcast on clubhouse, with various topics including R we'd nesea,emammal Bukhari Rahim, the use of sharecropping, and the importance of maintaining agreements between parties to avoid harm. The speakers discuss various narratives and their implications, including the risk of harvesting gold or silver coins, the risk of harvesting trees and watering them, the potential loss of production if the land is not utilized for crops, and the importance of giving employees their wages before starting a new job. They also discuss the benefits of working for a certain person for a certain amount of time, including avoiding fasting during Shabbat, buying stocks, and praying during traveling by plane.
AI: Transcript ©
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You carry him and he follows solder to a tomato slim. Rubbish. ahi Sabri WASC Lee Emery Wareham an ocular tendon in discerning of goggle goalie, my brothers and my sisters a senem whether you come or not why he will work out.

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So today is Sunday, March 14 2021. And we're, of course going live from Milton. And

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we're doing something a little bit different tonight. For those of you that are watching live, I'm actually also

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I don't know, we would call it live on clubhouse. So this is actually being broadcasted on clubhouse as well. So I managed to get myself on that application. For those of you who don't know it, it's probably because you don't have an iPhone or an iPad. And those of you who do know it, well, you've probably been using a lot of your time, maybe even wasting some of your time on there. But hopefully with you know, classes like this, we'll be able to learn and make use of that time, you know, spent on applications and stuff like that, where we can benefit and learn from and have proper discussions and so on. So once again, anyone who's on clubhouse today I'm live streaming this on clubhouse as

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well. So you know, you could share that with your friends or if you want to go and attend there instead of pulling the video

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sup to you.

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So we are going to continue we've been going through the chapter of business transactions. Last week we were talking about interest we spoke about rebound nesea as well as rebel father. So we spoke about two different types of interests. The first one is Reba nesea, which is a stipulated increase in payments received by the creditor from the debtor due to delaying the payment and this type of Riba is of course forbidden within the Quran and the Sunnah. And then the second type his interest known as anybody federal, and this is where money is exchanged for money or food for food in a spot transaction but with unequal values so trading two gold coins for one gold coin, right? And the

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values are off okay

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sure, if you want to ask a random question go ahead ask a random question and I'll be the one to choose if I'm gonna answer that random question before we get going insha Allah okay

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so I think it was sister Rida.

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I'm not really sure what which which name of yours is your first name, your last name or if that's all one name, but yeah, go ahead and ask inshallah, once your question comes up. I'll try to get that answered.

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Yes, I mean, in sha Allah, we will be very soon live streaming from Tick Tock as well. I do have a tick tock account I have less than 1000 followers so far on Tick tock, so if you want to check out my Tick Tock account, tick tock, tick tock and bump up those subscribers or followers I should say, over 1000 that would be greatly appreciated. And then we can also live stream there shot a lot of data but currently live streaming on YouTube, to YouTube accounts, my own as well as the mustards, the masjid Facebook account and my own as well.

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And the mustard Instagram account as well as my Instagram account, and my Twitter account, and now clubhouse, and very soon tik tok also shot a lot of tat. Okay, so anyone is looking for me on social media, just type in my first name and last name, and you should find me there. Alright, so we looked at business transactions. We spoke about even Nessie on the rebound, Father, we covered a number of things with regards to interest. Prior to that we looked at things that are permissible and not permissible to sell more particularly things that are not permissible to sell because if we look at what's not permissible to sell, then we kind of understand what is permissible to sell. Today, we're

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going to be starting with sharecropping. Okay, sharecropping, what is sharecropping.

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linguistically, this refers to working a field in exchange for a portion of its produce. So if we were to try and understand what this means this term or this type of business transaction, it's farming a field and sharing a portion of what is earned with the land owner of that property. Okay. So specifically here It refers to a person giving a piece of land to another person, for them to farm that lend on the condition that they will get half of the produce or a portion, maybe a third or a quarter.

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Have the produce that is grown on that land in return as a payment for the use of that Lent. Now I know it sounds very simple, but there's a few little nuances within the deen that we need to keep an eye out for. And we'll look through that and shut a lot of data.

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So islamically is this permissible

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nefarious narrated that Abdullah bin arm have informed him that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had the people of hiber work the fields with each getting half of the produce. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed the people of labor to work the land basically they were farmers on the land and to keep half of that produce, okay.

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We also see emammal Bukhari Rahim Allah stated in his so he is a hobo hottie that case of in Muslim narrated, that Abu geographer said, all of the immigrants to Medina used to cultivate the land of the unsought. So the mohajir on used to cultivate the land of the unsought for a third or a fourth of the yield. So, the mohajir don't, when they migrated from Mecca to Medina, they would work the land of the unsolved the people of Medina, and they would take for themselves a half or a third, sorry, a third or a quarter of the land, produce, okay, so whatever that land produced, they would keep that for themselves, and they would give the rest, right, they would keep 1/3 and give two

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thirds to the owner of the land, or they would keep one quarter and give the rest to the owner of the land and whatever the deal was between the land owners as well as the farmers, and we'll just call them farmers.

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He continues to say it, say even Malik Abdullah bin Mr. Rude, or I'm going to even Abdulaziz al Qasim urawa, the family of Abu Bakar, the family of Omar, the family of Ali and Ebensee sitting in all, did sharecropping, all of them had land that they lent out to others or rented it out to others, so that they can work the land and keep that produce. And that would be their profit. And the people who own the land, as we just finished seeing here that Amanda Bahati, Allah mentions, you know, they are the ones who would also benefit from others working their lens, they're not doing anything to it, but they're providing them the lens so that they can grow and plant and benefit.

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So who supplies the capital needs? Like, what if? What if you need certain supplies? What if you need a tractor? What if you need, you know, water supply? What if you need

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certain resources? While you're there, you might need manpower for example. So who supplies that capital investment in order to get this project running?

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Well, there's no harm if the owner of the land himself or the sharecropper, the one who's working the land, the farmer, or both of them provide the capital needs. So sonically, it doesn't really matter. As long as there's an agreement between both parties, like we mentioned earlier, at the beginning of the chapter of business transactions, as long as there is some sort of an agreement that's put in place between the two and there are options to exit that contract, there's an option to modify the contract, right? Basically, the contract is filled the way that Islam permits, there's no issue whether the farmers or the owners of the land are going to invest in the initial capital

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that's needed in hon hardy to hang on law states in his he once again, that aroma would make an agreement with the people that if he provided the seeds, he would get one half of the yield. So our model DLR, and what he would do is, he would say, Okay, here's the lend, you're going to get, let's say, 1/3, right? 1/3 of the produce, whatever comes from this, if only one date palm tree grows and or has dates, right, it actually produces dates out of 300 trees, let's say for example, then we're only focusing on the produce that comes from it. We're not focusing on the fact that there's 300 trees are focusing on the produce that actually comes from the lead. But he says he would give a

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half of the yield half of the produce that came from it, if he was the one who is going to provide the seeds to be

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planted on that land, okay?

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If they provided the seeds, they would receive such and such amount of the yield. And Hassan said there is no harm if the land belongs to one of them, but they both spend on it and divide the yield between them. So there's no harm within Islam. If that is done.

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Now, there's some impermissible forms of sharecropping. Okay, there are some forms of sharecropping, that is not permissible in Islam. Okay.

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First off, it is not allowed to share crop by saying that the owner will receive the yield of a specific portion of the land, while the sharecropper receives the yield of another specific portion of the land. It's also not allowed to say to the owner of the land, I will get such and such produce, regardless of the total produce. Okay, so let's take a step back here. What's not permissible islamically with regards to sharecropping, okay, so the farmer who's working the land that belongs to someone else, what is not permissible here is

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for the owner of the land, to say,

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I want the produce that comes from this part, right to identify, let's say, on a map, right identifies all of the produce that comes from the east side, I will keep that and you only get what comes from the north, west side of the land.

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Okay, that's not permissible. Why? Think about it. Why do you think this is not permissible?

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Let's see if anyone can figure out why this is not permissible.

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Hopefully, you have good internet connections, so you're able to,

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you know, respond. And if anyone on clubhouse wants to jump in and answer that feel free.

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I don't know if it makes any sense to you. Because I use my hand gestures. So maybe you can't figure it out?

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Oh, I think even was about to say something.

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Could it be that some portion of the land is more fertile than the other? So one person would just have an advantage over the other person? Absolutely, you're exactly correct in that, so you can't identify a portion of the land because the owner might say, I know that this land is more fertile over here, or this land is closer to the water. So it's going to get water and the land over there is further away from a stream or a river or some sort of irrigation, and therefore it's not going to have good produce anyway. So basically, the land owner would be taking advantage of the sharecropper and that's not permissible, okay. What they do is they say, whatever the produce is all together,

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we're going to look at the entire sum, I will take 1/3 of that you will take two thirds of it and that's the end of it, regardless of which part of the land it was grown on. Okay. Hamdulillah, even case narrated from raffia. Even ID age that, sorry, who said, My two uncles told me that during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they used to rent out land and would receive the yield on the banks of the river streams as payments, or from a portion of land stipulated by the owner.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, though prohibited that. So exactly what we just finished mentioning, that if the produce is grown in a specific area, and to identify and say, I'm getting this or you're getting that, that's not permitted, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, did not allow it because he recognized to realize that what land is close to the river bank is obviously having access or more access to water, and therefore, the produce is going to grow better, stronger, most likely, you never know it may not because remember, everything is in the hands of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and it would most likely grow better and nicer and fuller, and therefore there'd be

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more produce there than on the opposite end of the land.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited that I as in humbler said to raffia What if it is gold or silver coins?

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He said there's no harm in renting it out for gold or silver. So for example, the owner of the lens says I will rent you this land, right? I'll lend it to you or rent it out to you for a payment to monetary payment. Whatever produce you get is yours. You're paying me to use the land. I'll receive what's mine If you grow, you know, an entire field filled with crop, and that's yours. Great if nothing grows on it, Well, too bad but I'm still getting my money. Right. So hands on, I said to off it. What if it's gold or silver coins

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He said there's no harm in renting it out for gold or silver. And Laith said, if the intelligent ones study what has been permitted, and what has been forbidden, they would not allow that first

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transaction that was mentioned, due to the risks involved. Okay, they would not permit that first transaction that was mentioned due to the risks involved, then that is, of course, like we mentioned, to stipulate a specific piece of land and say, Okay, I'm getting this part and you're getting the rest.

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We move on. hamdulillah also narrated, that he asked her off in Khadija about renting out land for gold or silver, and he replied that there's no harm in that. And the people used to rent out land during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, I had to send them near canals or at the ends of streams, or for a portion of the fields.

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What would happen sometimes, is that a portion of the produce would be destroyed while another part of the land was fine, or vice versa. Thus, there would be no rent for the people. For that reason, it was prohibited. However, there is no harm in renting for something definite, and reliable as payment. So that's another narration that kind of supports what we just saw. Alright, we'll move on in sha Allah Tyler. The next thing that we will look at is

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Allah moussaka.

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What is this Elmo circle is when a person gives another person some trees to attend to,

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or care for,

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to look after to water them, and so on in exchange for half or a specific portion of that yield. So it's very similar to the sharecropping but now the person is being given the trees are given not just the land to use to plant on to grow produce, but they're given the actual plants themselves. So the trees for example, we take the example of the date palm trees, the big palm trees are there and they're growing. Okay? And now you are telling someone maintain this farm for me look after these trees, right? Take care of the ground and water the trees and stuff like that, and, you know, make sure that they're healthy and there's no

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illness that is going to transfer from one tree to another tree bacteria and stuff like that, make sure that you look after the quality of these trees and water them and so on and so forth.

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And in return, you will get a portion of the produce. Okay, so islamically Abdullah ignoring or not the Allahu anhu stated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the people of cleaver to work the fields, with each getting half of the produce and yield

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up what a lot of the lower and also reported that the unsalted said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam divide the palm trees between us and our brethren. So divide the trees.

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And I think if you were paying attention already, you can link this to the previous example in sharecropping, and you'd understand that this is not permissible, right? So he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam divide the palm trees between us and our brethren. And he said some longer I'd even sell them No.

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So then they the unsought said to the Mohammed, you don't look after the trees and share the fruits with us. And they said, We hear and we obey, right so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed them in their deal with the muhajir, when

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he allowed the unsought to let them look after the trees and to share in the fruits that came from that. Okay? Very similar to what we already took. Alright, let's move on to Java a tad, reviving dead lens. Okay, this is not really something that you would consider in Canada, mainly because our land here is very expensive. First off, but I'll give you an example later on, after we mentioned what we're talking about, of how this could be something that you do here in Canada as well. Okay.

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reviving dead lands. This refers to lands that are not being cultivated. Okay, so a piece of land that is abandoned. It's not being used by anyone no one lives on it. No one plans on it. No one does anything there. It's basically just barren land. No one is there. Okay?

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reviving the land is wearing a people cultivate that land.

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Concerning which they know of no previous owner, so for people to come along, and to claim that land is theirs or to claim the land by simply growing, cultivating, you know, planting, working the land building on it, and he then waters the ground or she waters that ground and grows crops on it, or builds on it, making the land their own.

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So that's what reviving dead lands is. Is this permissible in itself?

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Islam actually encourages this. Okay, Islam encourages this shadow the Allah

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narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever cultivates land that does not belong to anyone has the most right to it. Or Ottawa added. Or Omar,

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gave that rooming during his khilafah Okay, I'm not not the Lauren gave that ruling as well during his free dafa Job did reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if someone revives a dead piece of land, it will be for them. Okay, that land will be for them

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some water or the Allah and also narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If anyone surrounds a land with a wall,

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it belongs to them. Now, of course, this is land that no one claims. Okay?

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Do we find that here in Canada? No, we don't usually find land where you can just go and take and claim, right? It's not our land either belongs to you know, the,

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the federal government or, and it's really weird to say that because we live in Canada, and technically we live on the lens of, you know, the first nations that were here way before, way before any of us came.

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But there's an interesting thing here that I wanted to share with everyone. So there are pieces of land in certain areas, remote areas that the the government will lend you or loan you for a number of years. And I know that my uncle's they had a piece of land

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north of Montreal in Quebec, that they you could say borrowed, right, they basically own the land, but they own it for a number of years. Okay, so the government agrees to allow you to use that land, you can you can build a hunting cabin on it or a chalet or, you know, you can use that land, you can go there and fish Of course, you have to follow the rules that are in place within that region. But

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you can you can, you can basically get a piece of land, right, so my uncles and my brother now is actually part of that agreement there, where, you know, they have that cabin up north, they go there for hunting, they go there for fishing, you know, there's no internet, there's no electricity.

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They, you know, my brother connected a solar panel, stuff like that, right? There's no toilet, there's an outhouse. And if you build on it, like you can, you can pay to have the road built going straight up to your cabin, what they used to do is they used to, they still do, actually, there's no road going to it. So they park their cars at the edge of a lake. And then they take the boat, and they go across the lake to that piece of land, right? And then they spend a few days there, and then they come back. So they're basically off the grid. There are places in Canada where you can do that, to my knowledge, okay.

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And then whatever country you live in, wherever you are somewhere else, well, that's something that you can decide on in your own country and figure out on your own in sha Allah tat. But in Islam, it's encouraged to do that. Why? Because we're looking after the Lent, okay, we're looking after a piece of land, and we're taking care of it. We're growing our produce, we're living off of that. And that's something that's encouraged in Islam for us to be self sufficient, and to have our own wealth and our own space and our own produce, and so on and so forth. Okay.

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So let's move on. I think we'll take one more.

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We'll take a little bit more. Okay.

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leasing and hiring, leasing and hiring each yada, yada. yada means to give wages or payment, with or without a time limit.

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As a technical term, it refers to owning the use of Frucht ahead to action

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Google this word today and try and figure out the definition of it. My wife is like, you don't know what that means, like, I have no idea what this means. usufruct right, which is the right to enjoy the use and advantages of another's property,

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short of the destruction or waste of its substance and I'll give you examples. Okay, just bear with me on this technical wording. So, I'll go back Lee Java means to give wages or payment with or without a time limit. As a technical term, it refers to owning the usufruct of a person or item in exchange for compensation. Now, I'll give you some examples. Listen to this. You'll figure it out right away and shut a lot of time. Allah subhana wa tada says in Surah two bollock verse number six,

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rubella learning in a shed vulnerable adeem for in Byron Ella comes to

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Allah Subhana Allah says, then if they give,

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to suck to children for you, then give them their wages. So if, for example

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haleema to Saudi Arabia, right, the wetness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the the woman who said and looked after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was a baby.

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Allah subhana wa tada says, to give them what is theirs, right what you owe to them for what they provided for you. So if someone has their children

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being breastfed by someone else, you can pay them for that, right? It's a service that they're offering to you. They have a resource that you need, and therefore you can pay them for that. Another verse in the Quran mentions Allah subhanho wa Taala says in sort of total costs us

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I'll just say the English to save time because Asia is at nine o'clock and I'm in the masjid and we need to finish before then and I want to take some questions inshallah. So, in Surah, through castles, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and said one of them, one of them said, as in the two women, oh my father, hire him, verily, the best of men for you to hire is the strong, the trustworthy. So here, this is the story of Musa alayhis salam when he left his land, and he came across these two sisters who had their animals and they wanted to have them drink from the water. And the other men that were there were basically like being bullies, not letting them come closer or they were just

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too shy, too intimidated by, you know, the others that were there and they were waiting their turn and so Mousavi said them took the animals for those sisters and brought them forth. And so they go to their father and they say hire him. You know, he's a good man. He's strong, he's trustworthy. And so they would be hiring him for his services, he's providing a service, he is now physically going and taking those animals to drink the water and bringing them back. That's a service that he's providing. It's permissible to pay for that service, without harming the person or harming what comes from that person. Okay? Also, Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, two, if we ignore this very

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well, because we recited every single Friday, they found they're in a wall about to collapse, and most early send them said to fiver, set it up straight. Right. And Melissa Lee has sent him sorry, and quitter said,

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set it up straight loose it sent him said if you had wished, surely, you could have taken wages for this act right for putting this wall back together.

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So he provided a service. And, you know, he's mentioning Allah subhanho data showing us that, you know, that's an example of when you can take a payment for those services. Finally, he said about a year longer, and I said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and aboubaker have the long run during their migration immigration from Mecca to Medina during the hedge off from Mecca to Medina, they hired a men from the tribe of a Dale and then they hired someone from the tribe of

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ABD even ad to guide them and he was an expert guide. So all you did was guide them to

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to Medina right or guide them in the direction of Medina. And so that person is able to receive some sort of recompense payment for providing that service. Now what is allowed to be hired or rented, okay?

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Anything that has a usufruct value, while retaining its sound state is permissible to be hired or rented. As long as there is no specific prohibition against it, within Islam, the object that is to be hired must be specified, the payment must be specified, the period of time of hire

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must be specified, as well as the nature of work must also be specified. Okay, so I'll say that, again, the object,

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the payment, and the period of time that you're hiring this person for, as well as what you are hiring them to do, all of it must be mentioned in detail and specified so that both parties know what they are committing to, it's basically a contract, someone is hiring you for one year to do some job for them. You mentioned the job description, right, the objectives, you know, the the goals that are expected to be achieved by this person throughout a specific amount of time. And the amount of compensation is mentioned there as well.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has stated

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quoting the words of the companion of Musa alayhis salaam, and you'll have to forgive me I'm a little bit distracted, because there's a brother who's staring at me through the window and trying to catch my attention by waving his hands and stuff.

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And I have enough devices in front of me to signal that I am online, and they should not be knocking on my window. So Allah Subhana Allah, Allah has stated quoting the words of the companion of moose, Allah has sent him

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I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you serve me for eight years. But if you complete 10 years, it will be a favor from you.

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So this is the agreement that Musa alayhis salam made with the father of the two daughters, right? I intend to add one of these two daughters of mine to you on condition that you serve me for eight years. But if you complete 10 years, then that's going to be something extra that I would greatly appreciate just from a level fighter. Right. And we also notice in the previous example, that we gave 100 on the lower end,

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where it's mentioned for that reason, there's there's no harm in renting something definite and reliable as a payment. Okay.

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The last thing that we'll take is the workers wages, okay, the workers is wages. We'll quickly finish this up, and then we'll open up for some q&a inshallah tada

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in a promo about the Allahu anhu I said that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Give the wage earner his wages before his sweat dries. This is very famously known within our Muslim community, right? What's famous about it, that we don't pay people on time, and we try to squeeze as much as we can out of them. Okay, so the profits on a lot of it, he was telling him said, Give the wage earner his or her wages before their sweat dries, basically, someone's doing a job for you, before they even finish the job or when they as soon as they finish the job, right because now they're they finished the job. Now they're going to cool down, they're going to stop before their sweat dries is

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in don't wait too long, they finish your job pay them. It's now your responsibility. They fulfilled their end of the bargain, you need to fulfill your end of the bargain. And sadly, sadly, sadly, sadly, within the Muslim community, I'll say this, because I have experience in it as well. You know, this is one of the reasons why many years ago when I was an automotive technician, and you know, training and finished my degree and my family and you know, my friends and everyone was saying open up the garage, open up a shop you know, you're a mechanic, you've got skills, Mashallah you're doing really well open up your own place, and I was like, nope, if I had to deal with the community,

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then I don't want to deal with trying to get my money out of them. I'd rather do something else and avoid you know, having every two hours or every hour having to try and negotiate to get my money back from the person who I just finished sweating over their car, right? And so somehow it is an issue that we find not only in the Muslim community but I just feel that because we're Muslim and you know, there's there's always this negative speech around doing something within the Muslim community. Now there is another issue with doing things with Islamic organizations or satanic

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relief organizations sometimes or even with massage it right or seismic institutions or schools and you know,

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Whatever it is, we for some reason think, Oh, this sister this brother is doing this FISA needed love. Right? Everything is FISA be the love. And when you do something at the end where you had agreed with this person to pay you for your work that you're providing or the services you're providing, they say, Brother, please, you know, this is this is South Africa for Allah. Okay? So do some South Africa for a while and feed the children of that person's family as well, right? Do some Southern gun, like, put gas in their car to send them back home from the event, you just made them drive two or three hours to come and speak at right or, you know, do some suburban in that sense. So

00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

So kind of while we have this

00:35:43 --> 00:35:46

thing amongst a lot of the Imams and you know,

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people who are engaged on platforms, Islamic platforms, where you have this divide, you have like, especially our American special, I don't know if any of the American amounts are on here, but you know, Mashallah they're really good at like getting their money, like they'll get their money out before they even do what they're supposed to do. Like, no, no, you give me a retainer, you give me a certain amount, give me this first, right deposit down payment, and then I'll commit and do what you need. And then as soon as I'm done, I want it by this date, or this time.

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In Canada, we're a little bit too friendly, right? We're just like, no problem, brother. No problem, sister and Sharla. As soon as you know, I'm done. We could sort it out. Right? And it's like that on both ends, right? The people that are inviting a lot of the time they're like, you know, come down this and that will recompense will pay this will give you the expenses put you in a hotel, isn't that. So how I can tell you straight? I've been to places and events and stuff like that. Sometimes I paid for the hotel myself, right? They fly you in, they bring you to a hotel, there's no booking, you got to pay for the hotel yourself. So kind of loads, like what's going on here. That's That's

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the sad condition. And sometimes the sad reality that a lot of the time, you know, Imams and public speakers and stuff like that don't talk about but it's a reality and it needs to be mentioned, because that's taking advantage of people, people who we honor people who we cherish, you know many of the scholars who travel around the world, they've got their stories and they won't tell you about it because they don't want to make the Muslim Ummah look bad. And I don't want to make the Muslim Ummah look bad either, but as a Muslim Ummah, we need to speak the truth and we need to share what is right and what is true. So the sin of one who does not pay the workers is wage This is the last

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thing that will take inshallah of whatever the Alexandr reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah has said, I will be

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a disputant against three persons on the Day of Resurrection. Okay, I will be a disputant against three people on the Day of Resurrection. A man who makes a covenant with me and then commits treachery.

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A man who sells or a person who sells a free person and consumes his price. And the last part, which is our, you know, the part of the of the statement that is relevant to our topic. The last part is an A man who hires a wage earner and gets the full work from him or her, but he does not give him his wages.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:40

May Allah Subhana Allah protect us all? I mean, that brings us to the end of our topic for tonight in sha Allah tada does Akuma level haven for attending and listening? We will open it up for

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so I think the internet transaction is going internet transaction What am I talking about the internet connection is a bit weak on the clubhouse side. That's probably because I have like multiple devices pulling the internet.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:06

But we'll open it up for some q&a here on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, if anyone has any questions, feel free to type that in there and Shama.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:32

Okay, any questions, type them in there? If not, also, anyone who's on campus if you want to ask feel free to ask

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for sure. If anyone wants to ask you can raise your hand. We'll bring you up.

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00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

question I had in regards to the previous session, where the business transaction or sell

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If product that you do not own or have not paid for, we supply products and the products come from the supplier directly to the customer.

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When we place the order or the customer places the order, we do not take the payment until the product is delivered. However, we make our payment to the supplier from our credit account, which is a no interest account.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:29

Is that allowed?

00:40:33 --> 00:40:37

Not to buy, you know very well then the interest credit account

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isn't interesting.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:49

Okay, if there's no interest, if there's no interest you you are making the payment on behalf of the

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client. Right? Which is fine, right? You're making that payment on their behalf and the item is being delivered at the job site. Right? And then you are either installing it or you know, putting it in place or whatever that's that's okay. And then finally, they're going to pay you the client will pay you. So that's okay, that's fine.

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Okay, someone's asking how often should we fast during the month of Shabbat? Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast quite often during the month of Shaban what's discouraged is if someone is not regular in fasting, then they should not fast near the end of Shabbat. And what happens is people say, Hey, you know, Amazon is coming. Let me get myself into the mode of fasting, right? Let me

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what's that word, acclimatize myself to fasting so that during the month of Ramadan, I'm able to do that, right. That's not encouraged within Islam, we should avoid fasting in the last few days. Why? Because you want to differentiate between the Ramadan and the previous months. However, if someone is regular investing every Monday every Tuesday and when Shabbat and comes along, they fast extra days, because they follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the beginning of the month, then that's a different story. Okay, so try to fast more if you can, throughout this month, from the beginning of the month onwards. But if you're unable to, then that's okay, just try

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not too fast, you know, the last few days of the month, merging them or combining them to the month of Ramadan. Another question that's come in is, what are the conditions of buying stocks.

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I've gone through that a little bit in the previous sessions. So if you can maybe go back and listen to those.

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There's a lot a lot of conditions that you need to look at when considering stocks. I remember when I was looking into it, as in when I was studying the stock market and trading and day trading and so on. I learned from a few people. And I remember one of the people that was teaching me islamically about this was saying you need to develop your fic of investments, right? So you need to have your, your mind set in what is permitted in your your way of navigating through your investments. It's not an overnight task, right? It's not something you're going to figure out in one night, you're going to need to research it, look into a ofii.

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You know, there's there are some guidelines out there from Islamic banking and financing institutions, both in the Middle East and in Southeast Asia like Malaysia. I would encourage you to look into that and to read through that inshallah. Tada. That's all the time that we have for today.

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00:43:59 --> 00:44:00

is there

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is there anyone on spawn thing? What do we call this thing again? Yeah, clubhouse. Anyone want to ask a question that has any like closing questions, feel free to chime in?

00:44:10 --> 00:44:13

some shit. I just had one quick question.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:23

As someone who travels a lot or used to travel a lot, what's the ruling on the prayers like that?

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That you need to have in your in on the plane?

00:44:29 --> 00:44:43

Is it like you just pray in your seat or whatever, or make it up at the destination? Or what's the how do we? How do we do that? All right, good question on the larger circle. Okay. And Abdullah so the question is for those that may not have heard

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how do we pray when traveling by plane? Okay, what do we need to do? First of all, you need to know the timings of the prayers in in the direction or destination that you're going towards. So as you're traveling, make sure that you know when

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Along that route, your prayer is going to be needed to be done. Right. I like to use the present time by looking out the window. Okay, there's a, there's so many ways in Islam that we can figure out the timing of prayer. And especially when you're traveling, it's it's even easier because you're most likely combining the hook and acid. And then you're going to combine moment of inertia muslimin. And show will be done at sunset when the sun is going over the horizon or it's dark at night. So that's easy to figure out Vonda nausori. It's more like an estimate that's going on there. How you pray on an aeroplane very simply, if you have the ability to stand up somewhere and pray.

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There's no turbulence, there's space for you to stand and pray, then do that. Right. So if it's compulsory prayer in Islam, we are expected to stand up and conduct that prayer. If you are unable to stand up for whatever reason, you're not able to stand up throughout that flight due to turbulence, or there's no space for you to pray, or the ground is really dirty, right? Sometimes the only place to pray is in front of the washrooms. And sometimes there's water and stuff coming out of the washroom onto the floor there. And it's not clean at all. So you want to avoid praying in that space. Right? Even if you put a blanket down, it's still a dirty area that you're standing in. So if

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you can't stand, then, you know, last option is make sure you don't miss that prayer and you pray it either seated in your seat or what I encourage people to do sometimes, if you're not as tall as me and you can stand up in your seat. So you stand up, start your prayer, and then you can sit down for your euro court and you're such done and so on. Right. That's what I would encourage you to do when traveling by plane and having to observe your prayers.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:16

Thank you so much. I mean, anytime. All right, it's all the time we have It's almost time for a shout out here in the masjid dakolo Canaan for attending. We'll see all of you soon barakallahu li calm so panic alarm will be handed initially with the antenna stock filter coming in to we like to panic a lot more will be handy. Make sure the alert you know hitting the antenna still fit Okay. One or two we like this icon located in Santa Monica, Morocco.

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