Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – August 9, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the upcoming class for Zika, emphasizing the importance of being aware and avoiding missing the class. They also touch on the five pillars of belief in Islam, including belief in Islam, belief in the Prophet sallavi, belief in the Prophet sallam, belief in the Prophet sallam, belief in the Prophet sallam, and belief in the Prophet sallam. The importance of balancing wealth and health, protecting one's finances, and not giving too much wealth is also discussed. The speakers also touch on various topics such as crop fruit, livestock, and jewelry, including legal rules on giving money to individuals, selling or buying backyard, and discussing various topics such as crop fruit, livestock, and jewelry.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Karim Ali sada to disclaim that.

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So now Marty Kumar from to ye will buy cattle.

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I know that we are early, so we're not going to be starting our class right now.

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What we will do is, in fact, I'm actually going to restart this one.

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restart this, because for some reason the picture quality is not coming up. Good. There we go.

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So I thought that we'd start early. Some people want to come on and ask some questions before the class because motive is early now. So we technically don't really have to do much time after the class to ask questions. So if anyone wants to do that now and please do feel free to ask also,

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we could just chat a little bit if anyone wants to, you know, just see how things are going. I'm actually going to not have the class next weekend, most likely I'll keep you posted in sha Allah, but most likely we won't have the Friday night class or the Sunday night class next week. And that's because just going to be taking a week off Shall I haven't taken any time off. So figured now that we're not doing a youth program for the next few weeks until the new semester starts that will be

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you know, just kicking back and relaxing a little bit for a few days inshallah. So that's the plan.

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So we won't have the class next week. In the meantime, Hope everyone is doing well. I hope that you are all inshallah enjoying your summer in the weather. I personally spent a good two hours early this morning, washing my car, and

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it just finished pouring rain.

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Which is so annoying when you wash your car. And then it starts raining. However, the interesting thing that is I came down the stairs and I know my wife is watching. So

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she knows very well I came down the stairs and I was like No,

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it's raining. Like I just spent two hours washing my car.

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But Alhamdulillah

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I initially was was like, like, why is it raining? You know, I just spent all that time and energy. But I thought to myself, Allah Subhana which Allah is in control, and he's the one who sends the rain, it's not us and it doesn't matter what the forecast says. And I thought you know, this isn't a time window has accepted so I should make up for the safety and protection of myself and my family and you know, loved ones and so on. Because the rain was falling and so I was accepted when when it rains. And I figured what better time to make you're out to a loss of how much added to protect us, especially while we're riding in the car. That was just washed, right so so raid Natasha, Indonesia

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now seven o'clock in the morning, Camilla watching nice on the law seven o'clock in the morning.

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You sure it's seven and not eight? Oh, you're in Indonesia. Okay, I'm thinking kale time. Kuala Lumpur. It is eight o'clock in the morning. Where are you in Indonesia. And in fact, if everyone could just write that in if anyone is outside of Milton, let us know where you are in sha Allah before we start up in five minutes. And today we're going to be starting the chapter on Zika. So if there's anyone you know, that wants to learn about Zika and might have some you know, interest in it or have some questions. We're not going to open up for questions at the end of today's session, but we will eventually you know, once we teach people the chapter then I'll open enough for some

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So, if there's anyone you know, who wants to learn a little bit about Zika then make sure you send them a message in Sharla that they should be online attending. Okay.

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hamdulillah Yes. And the sun is shining. Yeah, well, someone it's going down as well. Calgary, a shout out to someone out in Calgary, East Java all if I can have some nice coffee from each other right now. Copy.

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Copy. Dan suciu

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coffee with milk as I say coffee with milk and coffee Dan suciu and Mohammed mouth Mashallah, how's it going, man? How's the

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tender loving care shala Singapore eight o'clock in the morning. Good luck. Nice to see someone from Singapore and Samia, but to

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from South Africa from France, two o'clock in the morning, I'll show lots of Atacama What are you doing awake at two o'clock in the morning? hamdulillah I'm glad that you are awake and attending something good, hopefully something beneficial for you and your family inshallah, like I said, we're going to be learning about Zakat today. So message your friends and family that want to learn about seconds let them know that we're going live in three minutes in sha Allah Okay, we're gonna start up in three minutes and we'll keep it fairly short but this is a very interesting and very powerful class today so everyone needs to know about what we're learning but what we're going to be studying

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today inshallah okay

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where else where else where people from Milton almost eight o'clock nice, but make sure you're not late for an open shelf. Because I'm not gonna be stopping that Sharla so I don't know if it takes you 10 minutes to get here then you should be fine.

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All right, where else are you from? Where is everyone from?

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All right, you told me where you live. But where are you from? Originally? Anyone here speak French. Excuse me. Keep out of concept.

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Keep out ha say you see the France we Sania doctor from Phil be the CO have cancer.

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Classic Mufasa classic met shedule are pretty burnt in sha Allah. Avec earned dummies me gibbet ninja on Africa. Let mo monk of any Dharma Shalom, kickers any Danny's any military German

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officer These are some mujin a little more than a couple of Casa measures seven men POC and apparently and I have il handler j A p buku. The long

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demo on me savage handler in real danger nice Lv on a Debbie Downer nameshark median University and handleless

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semi interfit Super Mashallah de la every Canadian should speak some French right? Isn't it like something we should do originally from Pakistan Okay, who else just speaking French? Yes, on the law. All right. Born in a month, from oven to freezer.

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case we had

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a Shama Lacombe fire Sharla Simo who co milliohm below Fatima obeah sha Allah was Sen dos

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Kitab alone and more and Metallica be a second well may occur witness Patil Hades Elia to Cora Ania experiments and I mean, I yet I mean, of course and it's I lucked out at Allah Ville

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in him, may use some second.

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Alright, so should I start speaking in Punjabi God, he, oh, it's the first time for our class, this was saved by the bell. Alright, this

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will come to love Allah cenomar, Allah Sula, he will be here on the one on the back.

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So today, like I said, we're starting chapter five in our book, which is the chapter on zeca. And we're gonna go through the introduction to the chapter inshallah.

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We're not actually going to get into the nitty gritty of it, because obviously, we have to, you know, follow through with the flow of it. But we're going to begin by looking at what is zecca? As in

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what is it? And we know very well that is that God is a pillar of Islam. Right, one of the pillars of Islam is zecca. So, we know the Hadith very famously of the lavandula, where he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Guney and Islam were and outcomes. Islam is built upon five, okay, five pillars. These are five things that we have to do. They're not talking about the pillars of men, a lot of the time, you know, people become confused with the pillars of a man and the Pillars of Islam.

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The Pillars of a man are the pillars of our belief and they are six, okay? To believe in Allah. I meant to be law, or melodica and the angels so believe in Allah and the angels, and the books and the messengers and the Day of Judgment.

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You will ask him on Saturday, Friday, He will surely we miss something. I'm going to be like, well, Malaika and the angels, what could you be and the books what is really well, you will ask it will call the recruiter He will surely right. And so there are six pillars of belief even in the last panel.

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However, when we talk about this

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There's Islam. Now these are things that once we believe in Islam and the pillars of Eman, right? Then we have to do certain things. And we looked at Salah prayer, right? And we also touched upon Ramadan, right fasting, and we did that before the month of Ramadan. So we've looked at prayer and we've looked at fasting already.

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Those are two of the pillars that we've covered. Now we're going to look at the pillar of zecca. So, even though the Allahu anhu he narrates a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Islam is built upon five,

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testifying that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the prayer.

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Okay? establishing the prayers, saga, givings economic

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pain zeca. Right? Making pilgrimage to the house, which is going for Hajj, okay, if someone is able to, and the fifth one is fasting during the month of Ramadan.

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these are the five pillars. The third one that we're looking at is the pillar of zeca.

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What is that? We know it's one of the pillars of Islam, which means it's an obligation, we must do it. Every single Muslim, whether male or female, who's mature and even the scholars say those that are not mature as long as they have some wealth has to pay zeca but they have to reach or meet a minimum criteria, which we will talk about next time. Okay, not today. We're not going to talk about the minimum criteria today. We'll talk about it next time inshallah. Okay.

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So Zakah has been mentioned alongside the prayers in 82 verses of the Quran 82 different verses of the Quran we'll take a couple of the examples from the Quran and then we'll also take some shots of sorry, some Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. To begin, Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, tober,

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rubella him in a shape honorable Jean, who's mean and wordy him saw the

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hero whom what was that key him the her? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Take ohms ohms is like the English word for a second is not a donation. It's actually a mount that we give from our savings, that's mandatory, right? So take those ohms from their wealth, from the wealth of the believers, of course, in order to purify them, and Sanctify them with it. So the zecca that we give, which is technically, you know, in a nutshell, I mentioned it to you today 2.5% of a person savings that they've kept for a year, that is above a minimum threshold, and we'll talk about the threshold next time, okay.

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That is a loss of data says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam take it from them, that is a payment that they have to give, we have to give this right if we meet the criteria, and what is the purpose, it purifies our wealth, and it purifies our own selves. Right. So it's something that is good for us. A lot of the time we think that Zakat is taking away from what we have, it's diminishing from our wealth, it's not diminishing from our wealth, actually increases our wealth because it purifies the wealth that we have. And that doesn't mean that when we give it away, we're giving away the waste, or we're giving away something that's bad. No, it's, I have set aside a

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certain amount for Allah subhanho wa Taala, and that purifies the rest of my wealth that I agree and I submit and I'm going to give this to Allah subhana wa tada for the use of whatever the categories are, that we're going to learn later on in sha Allah, and that will purify the rest of the wealth that I have. Right? It will bless the wealth that I have.

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And it will also bless ourselves, it will make it easier for ourselves because it is a submission to a law that we do for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that submission is, you know, one that is difficult to do. It's difficult for us to give away wealth right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions in a hadith that one phrase within the Hadith he says we're sitting at omega t filmen. The fitness of our time, the trials of our time is in wealth. Okay?

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I bought a bottle the Allahumma and narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if someone gives in charity, the equivalent of a date from his lawful and good earnings

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and Allah only accepts what is lawful and good.

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Allah will take it in his right hand and right

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Is it for its giver

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is in Allah subhana wa tada will look after that amount. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues to say, in the same way that one of you raises his small Colt, as in raises a horse, you know, back in the time of the Sahaba, of the alohar, and whom they would spend their time looking after their animals, especially a horse that was born, you know, a colt a young one, and it will grow to be an animal that you write, right, it will be a benefit to you will help you. And so he says a loss of habitat, and we'll take that and we'll we'll raise it for the giver, like the one who gave that amount, in the same way that one of us looks after and raises a horse until it becomes

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similar to a mountain in size, as in that small amounts that we give for the sake of a loss of time was added to please Allah. Allah multiplies it to the extent that it's like the size of a mountain. And so the little bit we give, we think sometimes Hatton's insignificant, but it isn't, because it's actually so much according to a loss of Hannibal.

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And that means that the reward for it is great as well. Right? The reward for it is great small amount that we give, really, when we think of it 2.5% of like,

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of this cup is less than a sip of it, right?

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It's less than that.

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And a lot that's, you know, when we think of it, it's nothing. And someone comes and takes a sip out of a cup of tea, a small sip. It's less than a sip, then really, when we think of it, it's it's hardly anything.

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Now let's look at the warning concerning that guy. And here's where, like I always say, sometimes we have to have balance, we can always talk about nice things and talk about paradise and talk about good things and just make everyone feel good, good, good and have all the fluffy stuff. Sometimes we need to you know, talk about the seriousness because that really shakes us up, it shocks us into place. You know, when the heart stops and you go to the hospital, someone has a heart attack or you know, their heart stops is no more palpitations, what do they do, they take out

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right, and they shock the heart back to beat again. And so it allows the person to come back right and it's good, it's beneficial, right? It like brings life back in. Sometimes we need a little bit of a shock. We need a little bit of a reminder right to come back and come closer to Allah subhana wa what to add. And so Allah Subhana Allah says

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in the Quran, in verse number 180 of suta and angulon, which is a third of the Quran in the third chapter, Allah subhana wa tada says, When I say larina

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fogli he was

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Ben Masha

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sayoko ponemah Buffy movie he'll know

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when he learned he was sent to one Omar Vina, una for be Allah Subhana Allah says, and do not let those who greedily who are greedy with their wealth right? Do not let those who greedily withhold of that which Allah has bestowed on them of his bounty.

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think that it is good for them to withhold that. So don't let those who are greedy, hold it back and think that oh, this is good for me if I hold it, keep it right there being greedy with their wealth.

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No, rather Allah Subhana Allah says rather, it will be worse for them. It's worse for us if we hold on to the wealth that will also pan with that as blessings within look unless Penwith Allah says, that which he has bestowed upon us from his bounties. So Allah is the one who gave us this wealth to begin with, right?

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So he says rather, it will be worse for them. The things with which the greed delete withheld, shall be tied to their next on the Day of Judgment, right shall be tied to their next like a color on the Day of Resurrection. So the wealth that people withhold from giving in Zakat will be tied around their necks on the Day of Judgment like a color, okay, like the color that you have sometimes your colors too tight, like ours, choking me and you like undo the button. Imagine it'll be tied on to our next

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on to the next of those who don't pay, right, let's let's hope that it's not on our next and ask Allah subhana wa tada to save us. I mean, and then a lot continues and says, and to a love belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And a law is well acquainted with all that you do. You know when something's holding you down on your neck and it's holding you down. It really

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feels heavy and it's annoying and it bothers us is what also kind of data saying it will bother us on the Day of Judgment we will wish that it was not there. And the way to remove it is to pay this account in this life. Okay. I will go right out of the law who narrates that the profits on a longer led were seldom said whoever is made wealthy by a law and does not pay zakat on his wealth.

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Then, on the Day of Resurrection, his wealth will be made like a bald headed poisonous snake with two poisonous Glen's told you sometimes we need to be shocked into place, right? Sometimes we just need to hear it straight. What is the punishment, and I don't want this punishment. So I'm going to make sure that if I meet the criteria to pay zakat that I will pay it why because I don't want this punishment. Okay, so let's go back. Whoever is made wealthy by a law and does not pays a cap on his wealth. Then on the Day of Resurrection, his wealth will be made like a bald headed poisonous snake. With two poisonous blends. It will encircle his neck and bite his cheeks

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will be loving that.

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And it will say I am your wealth. I am your treasure.

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After stating that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then recited the same verse that we recited just before this from sorta ad

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which mentions you know that Allah subhanaw taala will have it tied around our necks.

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Allah subhana wa tada also says in Surah, October when leadin acnezine wanted, they will feel about Elena, you see, see sabini la

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bien le yo mera la have been

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to club jiba

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the McKenna's Domini

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fusi comb says Oh,

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tech Nizam one was a pan with Alice's those who word gold and wealth are those who have, you know, wealth. And they hoard it, they hold on to it, they keep it they never let it go. Right they want to keep that wealth with them. Those who hoard of gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah announced unto them a painful torment.

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On the day, when that wealth will be heated in the fire of *. And with it will be branded their foreheads. So it must be titled will use that wealth to brand the foreheads of those who didn't pay the wealth, their flanks, their backs, all will be branded, and it will be said to them. This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of that. Now taste of what you used to hoard, as in now feel the punishment of hoarding that wealth and keeping it to yourself.

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Minimal some kind of way to add a protective salt.

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Okay, let's move on. What is the ruling concerning the one who refuses to pay zeca?

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We heard about versus and we heard Hadeeth.

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related to the punishment of those who refuse to pay the cat. What is the rooming someone refuses to pay it? What does that mean?

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zeca course is an obligation

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concerning which the entire Muslim Ummah has agreed upon.

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As in every one of the major scholars of Islam has agreed that Zakat is an obligation upon Muslims, of course, those who meet that criteria.

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If a person refuses to pays aka, while believing in it as being something that is obligatory, so they believe that it's an obligation, but they still refuse to pay it, then that person is sinful due to their refusal to paying zakat. But it does not take them out of Islam. Why? Because they know they're supposed to. And they believe that it's an obligation, and they believe that they have to pay it. But for some reason, whether it's laziness or lack of understanding or just didn't know the severity of it, or for whatever reason

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They knew about Zika they knew they had to pay it but didn't pay it for whatever reason, then that is considered a sin. And they're sinful for it. Of course, if a person did not know and was unaware and had no idea that's, that's different. And we've spoken about that in the past. But if they knew that they had to, but they didn't, for whatever reason.

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They were lazy with regards to it, then it is considered a sin. But it does not take them out of Islam. We don't say that they're not Muslim. Okay, that's because they believe that it is an obligation.

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If someone believes that it is not an obligation, then that actually does take them out of this, that

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that is something that that takes them out of Islam. If someone says, No, I believe I believe we have to pay this like this is part of Islam, but I just don't or I haven't, then they're being sent. That doesn't mean that they are not Muslim. But if someone refuses and says No, you know what, I don't think that this is part of Islam, we should not have to do this. This is ridiculous, it's dumb, it doesn't make sense and so on, then that in itself is refusal to pay to believe that Zakat is to be paid, which means that person technically has removed themselves from Islam because they refused to believe and what is important to believe in?

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Simple right.

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Now, let's Academy data protect us all. I mean, however,

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the scholars or the authorities, those that are collecting Zika, in here in Canada, we don't have like an authoritative body that collects our Zika we do have, we do have organizations that do collect ourselves, but it's not like they don't come after us, right. It's not like, you know, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If anyone would refuse to pay zakat, then they would be visited by those that will come and take from their wealth right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded that you go and take the wealth that is due, and that is the right of Allah subhanho wa Taala, right to be paid.

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So those authorities should take the data from the people who believe they should be things like that, but are lazy and paying it islamically technically, within, you know, an Islamic sort of country or set up, that would be authorities that would take that zecca from the people that refuse to pay it, or just are lazy to pay it. They'll come and take it by force, and

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their punishment for not paying it on their own behalf is that half of their wealth is to be taken away. Half of their wealth is taken away. Why people say why is after well taken away? Well, we see it in Heidi's of the profits and a lot of it to sell them that we'll mention shortly. But why? Why? Well, simple. If we lose half of our wealth, then we realize the importance of giving a little bit when it's needed to be given. Right We realize okay, when I have that wealth, I should give it because it's an obligation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. So because

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even Hakeem narrated from his father on the authority of his grandfather that he heard from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu atta you ascend them say, upon every 40 freely grazing camels so this is if someone is you know, raising camels like a farmer upon every 40 freely grazing camels, one young she camel is to be paid. So if someone has 40 or more camels, right for every 40

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they should give one she camel

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in zeca.

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And all the all the various camels are considered indistinguishable, as in, they're all the same. Right? There's not like we shouldn't be like, Okay, take this one because it's sick, or take that one because it's older, no, take one of them. Okay. As for the one who refuses.

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Remember, this is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, As for the one who refuses to give that one camel out of every 40

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We shall take it from him, as well as half of his camels will take that one and half of their camels

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as it is the right from among the rights of our Lord.

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And none is permissible for the family of Muhammad, as in zeca. It's not to be used by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for his family.

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So even though the profits in the long run he was someone was very strict in collecting the cigar. That's because it's the right of a lot and none of this account goes to the profit center.

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About his or his family.

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Let's move on. That's a 22. No, yeah, that is gonna go soon. We'll take one last part upon whom is it obligatory. So who has to pay zakat?

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It is obligatory upon every free Muslim, who possesses the minimum amount, which is known as nisab. And one year has passed, since he or she has possessed that amount of wealth.

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except in the case of produce,

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we're in the Zika is due upon it on the harvest day, if it reaches the nisab, so if they have the minimum amount, and we'll talk about those minimum amounts next class inshallah, as Allah Subhana, which Allah has said, What to help God who young has already, I remember when I was in Moscow, right, which is the fourth level of kuliah to dowa.

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And we were studying

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and we studied the chapters of zecca. This part confused me. And it was because we were learning it in Arabic. And I was like, I don't understand. And also not because we're learning in Arabic. I'm like, we don't have camels. Why are we talking about 40 camels and we don't have camels. Whoa, what's the point of this? Right?

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So thinking, I was thinking to Canadian like, oh, in Canada, we don't have camels. So this doesn't make sense to me. All right. But some highlights on you know, certain things that we'll talk about next time. For example, crop fruit,

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livestock treasures that are found money, gold, silver, and so on.

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So we'll suffice with this for today. inshallah, we'll pick up the class next time sha Allah Tana does not come a level higher than about a cup of coffee come. I hope that the class was clear if anyone has any questions, you know, maybe open it up for a minute or two. If anyone has a question that they want to ask, feel free to ask. Otherwise, you know, we'll face with Africa today. We have moose. Yes, we do have.

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We have deer? We have moves. We have sheep. We have goats. We have cows.

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We have chicken, we have livestock. Right?

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Does that come along Hayden for attending? I know that zip code is always an interesting topic. And here's one that I'll leave you with this in sha Allah you know, sometimes people are married and they think that oh as husband and wife a wife thinks Oh my husband will pay for this account for us. No.

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If you have the minimum amount and you own jewelry for example, then you have to pay years ago so you have to calculate years ago and pay it out and you might say well I have no money I have lots of jewelry I have a person might say you know they have $10,000 worth of jewelry,

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gold and silver. And it's just storage they rarely ever use it they might use it once a year twice a year three times a year. That's it right maximum maximum

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you know, that sister would technically have to calculate hers because she's had it for you know the minimum amount and for the for the one year you know time period then she would have to pay out hers again, she might say but I have no money in my bank account but you still have well so you might have to calculate a piece of a you know, jewelry, maybe it's an earring or two earrings or a ring or something of that sort of chain or a necklace or something that you would give as yours as a cat from that wealth that you have. Right? So if someone has to give a camel, right because like in Hades you know 40 camels for every 40 you take one and you give that zeca well you you're not giving

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money you're getting from that livestock. So here you would get from that wealth and we'll talk about it more in detail inshallah just keeps getting my way

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come to Allah don't scare her just teach her right

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now lots of how to avoid and make it easy for all of us to understand his Deen and

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and bless all of us with goodness and faith and Allah subhanho wa Taala footbox pocket in your lives. Just like on the level field or vertical ball field on some level. I send them all about a cat and a Vienna Mohammed whether you're selling or selling or la cumbre to buy your backyard.

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