Daood Butt – 30 in 30 – Ramadan 2022-1443 – Day 15

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the upcoming month ofagne, including the importance of praying in multiple ways, including during the day, during the day, and at night. They also touch on the history of Islam, including the use of the Prophet sallal for peace, the importance of knowing the history of the journey, and the need for people to live by the Prophet's teachings. The importance of respecting parents' laws and not giving back to parents is also emphasized. The segment also touches on the challenges of parenting and the importance of not reciting the Prophet's words in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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It was one or two while he was set up and we're gonna be headed Karim Allah here after the Salah to altimeter slim, rubbish Rockley sobre un Sidley Emery or whoever could attend the Sani of Kabul Kobe, my brothers, my sisters as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Today is the 15th day of the month of Ramadan, which means half of the month is gone. That's it. Now once you reach the halfway point, it's like climbing a mountain. Once you go halfway, or you reach the peak, there's nowhere left to go except come down. So the same amount of time that we've put into the month of Ramadan is now the amount of time that we have left to get out of the month of Ramadan, what we wanted to achieve. And so we hope that we are able to do that and we know that the last 10 nights are upon us and this is a time where of course rewards are multiplied even more and amongst the last 10 Nights is later to recover. So we hope that we are able to achieve those nights

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in sha Allah may Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us to

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to worship Him in multiple different ways throughout the rest of the month of Ramadan and to benefit from the abundant amount of rewards that he's showering down upon us daily and nightly I mean

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today we're gonna go through the 15th Joseph Quran which begins with Surah two SR Surah two very famous Surah where we know the command for Salah came through this night to journey of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam to begin sort of ultimately so a lot of will recite the first verse, Allah subhana wa Tada says, Let me initiate on some level of man and laheem

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So God had a lady as the RBD La

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Nina MSG deal how many in MSG the Arkansas lady

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who meet

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in was Sammy bell sleeve, Allah subhanho wa Taala says Glory be to the one who took his servant who was his servant,

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam by night from the sacred mosque al Masjid Al haram et al Masjid Al Aqsa to the farthest mosque right at the Masjid Al Aqsa,

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Al Aqsa, we, you know, a few things to point out there Allah Subhana Allah mentions it is of them are Condesa it is land that is fertile and sacred. blessitt land. It is also the farthest marks when we say up saw out meaning like to the end of the horizon, right, as far as you can see, so I must do the Aqua is the furthest masjid, what direction is a muster the luxoft from Makkah?

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When you're in Morocco, which direction is most of the luxol?

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Not South North. Very good. It's in the north. Right. So now that's important for us to keep in mind, because when the changing of the Qibla happened, the direction of prayer changed from and this was in Madina Munawwara, right. It changed from praying towards the north to praying towards the south. Very good, because Maca is south of Medina. Okay. So that's something to keep in mind. Now, of course, when we're in Bucha, you can pray in any direction, when you're in Bucha 360 degrees, and depending on where you are around the character, that's where you're going to pray, right, because the caliber is there and any direction that you're in or wherever you are, you're going to stop and

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face sometimes you'll be facing this direction, sometimes that direction, sometimes north, east, south or west, it varies. But then when you go further away from Africa, that's where it differs. But something for Muslims to know very, very well is that much of the luxol was in the north. And when the direction of prayer changed, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was leading this habit of the law, but it was not as simple turn around. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was standing for example, here reading the Salah, let's just use you know, the space we're in is in a temple. He's standing in the front of the as the Imam and the Sahaba of the Levant, whom are in the

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rows behind him when the direction of the fibula change that changed 180 degrees. So he walked around so the longer I think he was selling from there to the opposite side and continued to be the prayer from there. Some are longer and these are things that most people don't think of and don't you know, picture and imagine in their minds it while this actually took place, it wasn't simply like just turn in one direction. No, it was a complete shift 180 degree shift in the direction that they were

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grain in. And of course that's separate to our topic today with regards to salatu salam. So Allah Subhana Allah says that he took Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam in the middle of the night from monka to Al Aqsa, which is Jerusalem. Where we see upside is today. Lots of Hannibal Lecter LF free OXA and, and bless the lens with Islam and allow the Muslims to flourish and to be at ease and peace in those lens. I mean

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how do the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam get from Mecca to Jerusalem?

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How did you get there?

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Gibreel Alayhis Salam

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he rode he rode on and Barack. Right? Yes.

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On the animal called Al Buraq. Very good. And this was an animal specifically given to him for this journey. And it was an animal that traveled very quickly. And Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make this journey in the night when people are sleeping. Now if you go back, and do you think at their time, this was like, unheard of, for someone to travel from Mecca to Jerusalem, in the middle of the night and to encounter something and then to return in the middle of the night. It was like no way, this is impossible. And that's why the most should equal and when the Prophet said a lot, or even some of the came back and related the story of what

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took place to them, or related the actual incident, not story but the actual incident to them. They were like there's no way this is like you can't it's impossible.

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But to think of it nowadays, that's like a 40 minute plane ride.

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It's not really that far.

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You know, someone can get on a plane and go and come back so quickly and easily. Like I in fact, gone. So many times I've made trips like to the UK and back in the same day or, you know, gone to Vancouver and back in the same day. You know, you traveled to Australia, it takes 22 hours, but you get there in one day. Right? You literally go like halfway around the world. And so Allah subhanaw taala at their time, this was something like mind boggling. But still an hour time what happens after that is mind boggling as well. Right? And we believe in it, we submit to Allah subhanaw taala knowing that this actually did take place, it's mentioned as a story that's within the Quran. And

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remember Allah subhanaw taala says, as we've heard the other day that there are stories of things of people of the past that had Allah mentioned them in the Quran, we would never have known about them. Right stories have laid knowledge of the Unseen that Allah subhanho data has put in the Quran for us. Now,

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here Allah subhana wa Tada says, you know, this night journey took place, we'll just go through a few things in sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala begins a surah, praising He who has done what no other has done. Who is that that's almost a pathway to Allah. So he begins this surah by praising himself Glory be to the one who took his servant. So Allah begins by praising himself, and he took his servants Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam to Jerusalem and then from there, he elevated up into the levels of the sky. How many levels are there? Seven. So who was at the first level?

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Remember, there were prophets that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meant to every one of the seven levels who was at the first level?

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Adam Alexander, very good. Who was at the next level.

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No, Ibrahim was one of them. But he's at the last level, right? He's at the highest level.

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Yeah, and are you sorry? Yeah, yeah. And yeah, and our Isa, are you gonna set up and then the third level

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use of Allah your setup, and the fourth level seems like you know,

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it is. And then at the federal level,

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Harun and at the sixth level,

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Musa and at the seventh level, Ibrahim Alexandre, now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to travel through these gates, right, or traveled through these levels and layers of Skype. And as he gets through each one of them, there's permission that needs to be sought, who is there and he's traveling up with Djibouti Atticus setup, right Jubilee. Alayhis Salam is bringing him up. He's basically his host or his guide. And so he's bringing him up through these levels and through each level the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has to seek permission and identify himself to whoever is there in those levels. And then at the very top, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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you know, crossed his path, the hat

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crosses past the level of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, to invite him up more, where Ibrahim alayhi salam was, you know, Siddhartha monta Ha, this is like the highest level that any one goes to. And then after that, you know, you're basically communicating directly with the loss of hair or whatever Allah and so on. And, and so, at this point in time, Allah subhanaw taala communicates with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but not face to face as in.

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Yes, Allah subhanaw taala is communicating directly with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he doesn't see him.

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam does not see a loss of habitat. There is a sitar there's a part of that right? A drape between the two of them and that drape is not a physical doer. Okay, light that is there where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knows he's communicating with Allah so kinda was added that he can't see Allah soprano tab, because that's reserved for when people enter into paradise. Okay. And so

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and it's an interesting question because a lot of people don't ask this question. I thought we were going to stand before last parliament and on the Day of Judgment, how come we're only going to see him in Paris? You're asked yourself that question or thought of it.

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Like if we're going to stand in front of a loss of habitat on the Day of Judgment, how come we don't see him? Same thing we want see Allah subhanaw taala will be in so much fear and all but we won't see a loss penalty Tyler until the judgment is over and until people make it to Paradise, that's where people will see Allah subhanaw taala so even on the Day of Judgment, we will not see Allah subhana wa tan.

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Okay, so then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he communicates with Allah subhanaw taala. And we know famously, Allah gives him the command to worship him five times a day to pray to Allah subhanaw taala sorry, 50 times a day. Right? And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is he takes what Allah gives to him, he submits to it and he leaves 50 times a day. We're gonna pray 50 times a day. And so he leaves and he comes out, he passes through, it is set up to Musa and at the sentence level, Musa alayhis salam asks him, What did Allah subhanaw taala tell you? What did your Lord communicate to you? He says that we should pray 50 times a day. He says, No, that's too hard.

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You won't be able to do it, your people won't be able to do it. Go back and ask him to lighten the amount lessen the amount. And so a prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes back and communicates to a loss of habitat and requests for him to lessen the amount and so Allah removes five prayers. So now 45 prayers per day. And then he comes back Mousavi setup says don't go back. He goes back and then Allah subhana wa Tada brings it down to 40. And then the same thing happens back and forth. 40 becomes 3530 2520 1510 Five. Then Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam says I had to, you know, humble to ask for Allah subhanaw taala to lessen the amount more than this. And

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him that for every prayer, the people will pray, they will get the reward of 10 prayers. So for every prayer that we just finished praying thoughts, and also we got the reward of praying 10 prayers. So technically everyday, we are still being rewarded for praying 50 times a day, but we are only praying five times a day. And this shows the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us as His creation, he knows a new that 50 times will be too difficult for us.

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But this is how he shows mercy to us. Yes.

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number of things that scholars mentioned first of all, to show His mercy, to show the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala right upon His servants you ask, and that's the next thing that you ask and I will answer what is it that you need Allah subhanaw taala showing that you know things are not made difficult upon you that you'll be able to live in this life in a way that is suitable for the world that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada created. So first off that he's merciful Second of all, that Allah subhanaw taala answers that are out of those. That's right, call upon me and I'll ask and there's many other

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sort of, what do we call it justifications or opinions of scholars amorphous city and about what the reasoning behind it is almost habitat and those best point is we pray and we get 50 times a day of prayers. And that's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala mercy, Dharma and multiplication of good deeds.

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So Allah subhanho wa Tada

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during that incident is when he made Salah compulsory upon us prior to that it was just optional. Someone wanted to pray they could pray at certain times and the Sahaba will be a lot more normal pray at random times. Right they would pray when they felt like they wanted nearness to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Then if we move to verse number nine of swelter and which Allah shows us in the Quran,

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the laity here up or

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when you met Shivani ad in a lady named Carmen no one else saw he heard he earn agilon can be

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almost whatever that says, surely, this Quran guides to what is most upright, the Koran guides towards what is right and true.

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So it's not just a guide, remember, we always use this example we say the Quran is our guide, it guides us through life, but it guides us towards what is right and true and honest and fair. And just right, it's not just a random guide. You know, like for example,

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I'm, I'm a mechanic by trade. So it's Palla. Anytime I think of examples, I think of cars. So you open up a manual of your car, right, the user's manual, and it tells you, if you want to check the oil, you need to do this and that and then if you want to refill the oil, have to open the cap and then pour it in and so on, and then you check the meter in the process, it doesn't tell you that your hands are gonna get dirty,

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your hands are gonna get dirt, it might not be the greatest way of going about doing it. bear head, you know, with your bare heads, you might want to put some gloves on or something like that. But the guides us towards what is true and the best way.

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Right? It doesn't take us down these roads that like oh man, this is hard. Like I didn't know what was gonna get dirty, I didn't know was going to be difficult. I didn't know I was going to need to use muscle and strength or need other tools to get this job done. Allah subhanaw taala has made this team so easy for us and laid everything out for us.

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If we simply follow it, and live by it, then life becomes easier. Life becomes more complicated and more difficult. When we don't fully or entirely live by the Quran.

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That's when life becomes difficult. And that's where we as human beings, you see, we especially in this society that we currently live in is a very materialistic, you know, commercial filled society that we that we live in. Everything is like things, we need things and things is what makes us happy. You know, you see someone with a new car, we need a new car, we see someone with a new house, we need a new house or a bigger house or you clothing, we get clothing, you know, it's always like what are we going to buy? shop shop shop, you go on Instagram, you see people with things, you go on Facebook, you see people with things and you go on Amazon and you buy the things then you go on

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YouTube to watch how to use the things and they tell you buy this other thing in order to use that thing. Right? It's just so many things. But Subhanallah when we look at the world that we live in, and then you say I'm only going to apply the deen of Allah subhanaw taala to my life and keep things simple.

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Allah tells us we happy with what you have, have the love that we have is enough, educate ourselves, okay, I'll spend some wealth on education, but I don't need to spend my wealth on buying a BMW to get to my source of education. Right I remember I went to was at BCIT right, the university in British Columbia.

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I think Justin Trudeau went there or use something like that he went there but it's like this really posh University. And I went there I was doing a lecture and the brothers you know, they drove me and I got there and we're going through the parking lots a multi level parking lot. And there was no Toyota. There's no Honda. It was a BMW, Mercedes Porsche, you know, a couple Ferraris Lamborghini I'm like, which students are studying here? Like this is crazy. It's like some posh University where you go to where you got lots of money in your bank account. And I was like Subhan Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala showing us surely the Quran guides to what is most upright and gives good news to the

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believers who do good that they will have a mighty reward. Now when you're content with your mighty reward, when you're content with what will come from Allah subhana wa Tada then we don't need so much of the things of this dunya

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but then you'll notice Allah Subhana Allah blesses us with a balance that a person cuts off parts of their dunya for the sake of pleasing Allah. And because they're pleasing Allah, Allah grants the more of the dunya

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and so the more they give of the dunya and then dip

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lead from what Allah has given to them, they rise higher in status with Allah. And then because they've gone higher in status with Allah, Allah gives them more. And then they give away a vignette and then they keep going higher and Allah gives them more see this, this is what's happening. Right? And Allah subhanho wa taala, you'll notice that he gives to people who give to him.

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For him,

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look at the rough man out of your lungs.

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Even this love, he was wealthy.

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The Sahaba of the love Island generation has mentioned that his teeth were gold.

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His teeth were gold. You know, like today, you go to the dentist, and they charge you to a ceramic filling, and you pay hundreds and 1000s to get ceramic fillings in our teeth, his teeth, he just use gold, solid gold, that's just kept them a gold film of gold gold, you can afford it right now don't be alarmed until today has a bank has bank accounts in his name

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in his name of the OIC off of the of the the least that he did that continued to generate income. So he would do charities that week income walk. So you know, like,

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for example, the Masjid purchases a building next door and turns it into, you know, some restaurants and you know, a whole bunch of let's say they purchase a plaza, and there's a bunch of businesses there. Those businesses generate income and it comes back to the masjid. Right, so it's constantly being generated, or if none of the above it has millions and millions and millions of videos today, in his name, continuously being generated more and more and more.

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That's one example of one companion once a happy

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he would give you know, at times 700 Gold points to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some of us we get one gold coin or like Lubbock about hide this, keep it, you know, put it as safe. This one gold coin. This is gonna be something when we retire, we'll take out and it'll be worth something. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like, We need help. We're going on this expedition. We need animals, we need Armor we need you know, food we need. Let's go we need horses to ride camels. And he comes with like, here's 100 points, here's 500 points, 700 points.

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And here is 600 animals, you know, take take all the horses take everything I have. And that's just one. So

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think of their wealth. And when you look at who these people were, they gave everything for the sake of Allah and Allah subhanho it and it gave them back even more. And this is why today we're so amazed by their wealth are so amazed, purchasing a wealth, one wealth. But it wasn't just a well like today, we just go and we say okay, we don't go well have the lower like we did our southern Nigeria and go to paradise. No, it was a well, at a place and a time when the Muslims had no water to drink.

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No one had water. They were thirsty, they needed water to survive. And remember, I went and put the price on the weld and purchased it for what in exchange for Paradise.

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So when we think of this habit of the Alaba, Enron, they don't always think that these were people that patches and didn't have luxuries, they had the ability to have all the luxuries of this world. But they gave it up for the sake of a lot. Why? At the end of this verse, Allah so can we tie that says and then imagine it can be Iran, that you will have a reward in the hereafter that is so great. So great.

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Had we known what the reward was, we would have come back Allah subhanaw taala tells us and we'll see it later on in sha Allah, that people would want to come back to this dunya for one purpose, what is it to give sadaqa

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believers want to come back Sadak welcome Mina, Saudi, to give in South Africa to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Let's fast forward in sha Allah, verse number 14, verse number 14 and 15 of solitude. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, If God kita that kava the NFC kelia O'Malley you care has II and it will be said, Read your record, read your book, you alo ficient this day to take care of yourself.

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Sharla this will be you know the idea that I quote tonight in our for after for drinks are we but for us to benefit No. When you think of it. Think of your day.

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Just think of your day, don't overcomplicate things think

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Do your day, how much of your day to judge to judge yourself? How much of your day would you be pleased with?

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How much if you were the one who's deciding whether you were going to go to Jana or not, or whether you be promoted to tomorrow to see another day? How much of today would you feel in terms of percentage, just think of it on your own, is sufficient to say you've done enough.

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And I think most of us would say, we haven't done enough.

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When Allah says, read your own record, your book of deeds, it cannot get out there and evaluate yourself. He then says kefir be enough sickly America has either it's, you know, sufficient for you on this day to take account of yourself. And then he says, whoever chooses to be guided, and I'll come to this in a second shoulder, he says, whoever chooses to be guided

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money data in an ideal NFC, it is only for their own good, and whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss, no soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another, and we will never punish a people until we have sent a messenger to warn them.

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So you choose whether you want to do good or not. Every single one of us we have the ability to choose good or bad, you know, fire or sin shelter.

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We have the ability to choose.

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But Allah subhanaw taala showing as well that if you are the judge, you your self, would send your own self wrong place. Allah subhanaw taala has mercy is shown to us 99% of His mercy is shown to us in the hereafter.

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Only 1% of His mercy is that is here with us in this world.

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And even that is amazing how much of it there is right 99% He keeps for the hereafter indicating to us that if I was to take myself Dawood to account, I would have failed myself. But Allah subhanaw taala knows that I was sincere throw certain things that I was genuine that I intended that I wanted to do good that I, you know, tried hard, even though we fail, even though we fail, the intention is there the sincerity is there. We are genuine for the sake of Allah subhanho attack. And because of that, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada puts us into paradise,

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because of the few good deeds

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because we hope, we hope knowing that Allah will multiply what we do, you will multiply the good deeds by 10 and up to 700 times and even more if he chooses right about fasting, we know that Allah subhana we tag goes even more than that. And as we learned before, that, you know, the first zero and say and some of the Sahaba said that it is fasting that will help people to get into paradise, when they fall short of the good deeds that they need.

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It is the fasting that Allah will say, these days you fasted, I'll increase the reward for those days and that will allow a person to go into Paradise

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because of the leaving and the loss of habitat. And so my brothers and sisters don't underestimate the little rewards that we do. And don't think that Allah Subhana Allah isn't merciful. Remember if we were to take ourselves to account we would fail our own selves versus number 2324 25

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compulsive habits and it says well Kobo book terrible do in

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the morning

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for your Lord has decreed that you should worship none but Him what Bill when they sat and honor your parents in my abdomen there in DeKalb Kibera Oklahoma Fela taco Laguna of Allah subhanaw taala says if one or both of them reach an old age, never in their in your care. Never say to them.

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In Arabic We say, right. Never say to them.

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Like the other day we're teaching our daughters this right and one of them we My wife asked one of the children to do something and she was like, Oh, that is what a wasp habitat is saying. Don't do.

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Don't even express frustration. Don't say something that's like, rebellious that you don't want to do it. Like so hard. No, it's not so hard. Yes. Our parents they asked

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That's especially when they get older, they ask us to do things that are difficult for us. Because we have many other responsibilities and we're not as young anymore. We're older as well. And we have other children to look after. Right? And so it's very, very difficult to look after the, the, you know, the requests of our parents. But Allah subhanaw taala knows that it's difficult. This is why he tells us don't express your frustration by saying

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he knows we're going to be frustrated. He knows that is difficult. He knows that it's not easy. That's why he doesn't say to us don't get frustrated. He's saying, don't say off, knowing very well, you're going to be frustrated. But keep it, hold it control it. Because that's what the believer does. The believer learns to control their own desires, control their mouths, control their eyes, control their ears, control their hands, control their feet, control what we say where we go, what we do what we

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do believe you should be in full control.

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And it's not easy, but this is what we try to do. Because when we give in to our desires, we've chosen to worship ourselves instead of worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So when our parents ask us something, Allah,

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sha Allah, we will try our best to do it. And remember, this is what I was talking about the other day, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah says will be widely Dany Sana, honor your parents, be respectful towards them. Right, be fair in your dealings with your parents, Allah subhanho data doesn't say obey them.

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Because, again, they may ask us to do some things that

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gossip how do we tie that? That leads to us disobeying a lot. Alright, especially growing up here in North America, many of our children

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you know, some of the parents are or not, and they celebrate things that they're not supposed to. Right that Muslims don't celebrate. And I know for for some of us, it's like, unheard of, because in your families, maybe you don't have anyone who's not listening, you know, or you don't have relatives that are from another faith or belief. But I've seen it since I was born. We had the Christmas tree in our house because our uncles lived with us and there was a dog in our house because our uncles lived with us, you know, and my mother embraced Islam and, you know, we we've witnessed the birthdays and the Christmas and the Easter and the Halloween ins and stuff like that.

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But slowly, steadily, you change slowly and steadily you come closer to Allah subhana tat. And that's what's important is that you try to respect your parents, but make sure that we obey Allah subhana wa Tada and do what is right according to him. He then says and be humble with them out of mercy and pray My Lord, He says why I feel sorry, what fifth level knowledge and I had to live in Oklahoma. Were called rock behind hammer home came out of Diana's camera. Yeah, and you saw the euro. Allah Subhana. Allah tells us when they're in your care, and they're of old age, don't express your frustration and be humble with them out of mercy. And ask Allah subhanho wa Taala be merciful

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to them. As they raised me when I was young, they were merciful towards us. No parent enjoys the smell of poop in the diaper. But we do it because it's our children. Right? No parent enjoys unclogging a toilet or waking up early to feed and to make you know, breakfast and lunch and stuff like that. When it's your day off. No parent enjoys, like, yes, we say we enjoy it. But it's a chore. It's hard. It's difficult, right? No parent enjoys taking time off from work because their child is not feeling well. And having to care for them. Yes, we do it out of love and concern. But we've got we know that in the back of our minds. I took a day off two days off three weeks off four

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weeks off a month, some people even more. I know some brothers and sisters, you know, for a year, two years, one of our brothers haven't left for a long time. His son was not well.

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And it was like months on end in the hospital. And you're thinking to yourself, how do I pay rent? How do I buy food? How do I you know, go home? How do I even go home? You can't even afford like an Uber to get home. How do you do it?

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It's not easy, but we do it.

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And the same way that the parents have mercy on their children because they love them. We when we get older have to try to show some of that mercy back towards our parents.

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You think of those that our parents were and there's no way that we can repay them.

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Yesterday I was reminded we were watching

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A short video clip that one of the brothers sent me from use of SSH. I think everyone knows use of acids, if you don't see is, you know, at our time he was he was like the English speaking. You know, day that was learning Islam teaching Islam Subhanallah very short clip he sent out and he was talking about parents and he was asked about birthday, and he switched the whole conversation. He was like, why are you celebrating your day? You know what your mother did in order for you to be in this world. Like he totally changed the narrative to talk about the importance of the mother.

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And he quoted you know, the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam where companion makes the law for only garba carrying his mother on his back, asking the prophets of Allah Allah, Allah the son of afterwards, have I fulfilled my right towards my mother. I carried her on my back

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to go and perform the love.

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Now the life is not just the wife and they're telling like you don't show up in Emirates Airlines and then be taken with a beautiful air conditioned you know, Toyota Highlander towards the caravan you get out and you go make go up. And they're telling it was like you leave Medina by camel or walking and you have a 10 day journey by foot. And then when you get there, you're now still going by foot around the kava, right? So he's like, Have I fulfilled my right towards my mother, and the prophets love I didn't sell them says You haven't even fulfill the one pain.

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One. We could technically say one contraction that your mother had when you were in her stomach, not even one

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Subhan Allah.

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So when Allah subhanaw taala is telling us be humble with your parents out of mercy and ask my lord right to ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. But they are humble man came out of b&e, so they

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have mercy on them. As they raised me when I was young, with that mercy.

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And then in the next verse, Allah subhana, WA Tada says, Your Lord knows best what is within yourselves. If you are righteous, He is certainly all forgiving to those who constantly turned to him. Allah knows the frustration. This is what I was talking about. So don't worry, try your best and leave the rest to a loss of habitat. Allah, Allah knows your intention. He knows your sincerity and leave that to him, for him to be the one to judge because if we were to judge ourselves, we wouldn't be able to, you know, do justice. And then we could move on to the next Surah Surah. Two calf is the next hula after Surah Scott.

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We're not going to go through it entirely, obviously, because we only have like two minutes left. But here are a couple of things to point out with regards to swat to account. First of all, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of Surah to the calf will be protected from the fitna of dijet. Okay, so whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of Surah to the calf will have that protection during the time when you know did John comes also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that whoever recite Surah two Calif on Friday, illuminate that person with more from one Friday until the next. Now being illuminated with Nuance doesn't just mean

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that your face is going to glow and everyone's going to say mashallah you look like one of those Caf people. The people who respect this one on Fridays know, what Allah subhanaw taala is referring to here is that you will find goodness in your week.

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There will be things that happen throughout your week that you're just happy with your pleased with,

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that you didn't expect. You didn't think would would come your way. You weren't even looking forward to.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed you throughout that week because you recited to us.

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And in addition to that, things become easier because we submitted to Allah subhanaw taala so things become easier, nor that he's blessed us with and so it's an encouragement for every single one of us to read through it. Now of course the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked about three things. He was asked about the man who traveled from east to west, also about the people of the cave, and about the soul and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not say in sha Allah, He said, I will get the answer for you. But he didn't say in sha Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala withheld revelation from Him for some time.

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And this shows us the importance of saying in sha Allah when Allah subhanaw taala asks us, sorry, when we say we're going to do something, we should say in sha Allah.

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Like it's almost time for a thought shot. Okay, everyone will say in sha Allah but that was it like in sha Allah. Bring it faster.

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Right, everyone wants that it's got to come much faster. So Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah blesses us through this sewer, but also educates us about the importance of saying in sha Allah and then the stories are mentioned there within the soil. You could read through it and you'll you'll understand it very easily Alhamdulillah was permitted as laid out the stories very easily in the lessons within it. Also within the soil we see fitna of wealth, right test and how wealth is a test for us tomorrow, this will continue. So we'll take some lessons from the surah as well tomorrow in short, a lot of data because we have reached our 40 minute mark. So just welcome a local favor or about a

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local Fico.

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Remember, it's a time of drought, right the last part of the day and being fasting, vote from those who are fasting it's important for us to make up so use this time to at least for a minute or to call out to a loss of habitat or call upon Allah subhanaw taala and ask him from His bounties and mercy, especially for his Rama in the hereafter for we have to take ourselves to account we know that we would fail as we just finished learning. And so if we were to do that, we would need the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and therefore Allah is the One who will hold us to account and with his verse enter into paradise in sha Allah, Allah subhana wa Tada bless every single one of us with

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goodness and height and Baraka, Barack Obama de como la senemo biokinetic vina Muhammad wa salam, which is located in Santa Monica

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