Bilal Philips – Uloom Al-Hadeeth – 07

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of analyzing a hadith and identifying defects in a narrator's story, as it is crucial in the process of legends and legends. They also touch on the use of narrators in various media, including the Hades and their relation to the world. The speakers emphasize the importance of legends and legends in the context of legends and the use of comparison methods to assert legends. They also discuss the use of headings in narrations and the importance of the method of reasoning in narrations. The speakers stress the need for more knowledge and education to avoid harm and discrepancies in the number of women in a school and class.
AI: Transcript ©
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First, let me apologize for

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my tardiness. I was trying to finish off this,

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the notes for you. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to

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get them printed, it's basically finished, but I couldn't get it printed in time. So I will bring it with me inshallah tomorrow, definitely.

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Now also, because there is

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some aspect of the course that I wanted to do, which involved the actual analysis of a hadith and how it takes place, and you need to have I can't, it's too much material to write on the board, you really need to need to have, you know, this text in your hand, so you can look at the chart and see how it edits. So I'm going to save that I was going to do it today, but since I couldn't get the book together in time, I leave that until tomorrow.

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The topic we did yesterday, dealt with the

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hobbies, life and its categories. And at the end of it, after analyzing the ways by which a hadith is classified by and we said that

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it is based on defects,

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either defects in the chain of the narrator's these

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are defects in the narrator himself.

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And the defects in the chain we went and looked at, it meant basically breaks in the chain either the beginning or the end or in the middle, more than one or a few, you know, and then we looked at obvious breaks and hidden breaks. Then we looked at the defects in the narrator's which had to do with either his Adela right his integrity or is blocked or accuracy. And we looked at the two categories and the subcategories under it. And out of it, we also looked at the fabricated Hadith which came out of

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the adalja issue of defect, where there was defect and integrity where narrators were known to be liars. They're referred to as known liars. And in such cases, their hobbies, whatever they narrated, would be classified as fabrications. And we talked about the fact that today's could be elevated IDs, which may be dive in and of itself, may be elevated to the level of

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Hasson the lady that we talked about has some data here and has some lady and

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added which is Hasson could be elevated to say, Hey, lady, because of other supportive narrative narration, right.

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So, we pointed out that the Hadees, which has a liar in the chain, is one which cannot be elevated under any circumstance. And then we also discuss the issue of the use of weak hubbies. In what circumstances is it acceptable to use such Hadith? We talked about the different opinions of the scholars with regard to it, is that basically the hobbyist scholars didn't want to use it at all. For the most part, they didn't want the fixed scholars, some of them

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developed a line of rationale for it, where it was in virtuous deeds, where it was not introducing any new practice we gave the example of salado hajah right, which is a new practice, you know, or you have as

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one of the forms of Salawat they have one called

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sola and Nadia salata nereo, which is very popular in India and Sri Lanka in these places.

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It is a form of Salawat but it is totally fabricated. You know, they attributed back to bumper

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fabricated and it contains in it should

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I mean clear statements of shit.

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Anyway, we then looked at the causes of fabrication. We identified four of the main causes, there was, there were a couple of other causes, which I didn't mention I just mentioned them now. One was that of storytellers that you had people, you know, just as we have today, we have novels because books are readily available. We are entertained by listening to listening to or reading stories.

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Right, we have the movies and whatever. Now, radio

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stories are told people enjoy stories. And these stories are for the most part fictional stories. And in the past, you had people who weren't storytellers. And I think they still have people around doing this. In fact, I remember reading about some literary contest in England, where they brought storytellers from different parts of the world telling stories. So it still goes on. Anyway, the point is that in

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the period when ideas were being narrated, storytellers, also

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for the purpose of, you know, promoting their train, and of course, the storyteller, you know, at the end of telling a story, maybe, you know, people may drop in with, you know, some money or whatever, you know, in appreciation hours, then, the point is that the storyteller would also add chains of narrators to his or her story. Those who are involved in it, they may change them narrations also. And

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though their stories in most cases, were stories, which are clearly fictional. Some of the storytellers didn't venture into actual Hades literature and claim that these things were coming from a total loss of asylum.

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And there is one example a number of examples actually. But there's one example of

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an occasion one occasion a,

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one of the scholars from the tabea, in by the name of an Amish,

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he had gone into the mosque, and one of the major mosques and Muslim. And he came in at the time when a storyteller was just began his story. And he was giving his chain of narrators. And he starts off by saying, I'm Ash reported to us on the authority of iOS hack, who reported from Abu YL. And he continued his chain.

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he told his story,

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taken aback to those who lost on Salomon, then, you know, this elaborate story. Anyway,

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once he started to tell the story, and I misheard him, quote from himself, even sat right down. Next, close to the front there, I was telling a story. So while this man is telling his story, after is mentioned, the generation, you know, Amish started to pluck hairs from his armpit.

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So the storyteller is quite annoyed, quite upset. He said, shame on you, you know, what are you doing? You know, while we're discussing matters of knowledge here, you know,

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not appropriate, ama said,

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what I'm doing is better than what you're doing.

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He said, Oh, how could that be? Amma said, what I'm doing is so now is this enough to remove the hair from your armpit by blocking it.

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And what you're doing is you're telling lies, say because I am Amish.

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And I reported nothing of what you're saying. Right. And, you know, there are other incidents which occurred to other famous traditionalist, like, humble and others, right? Where the storyteller caught out, doing such things.

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There's also another group, which I hadn't mentioned,

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which I hadn't mentioned in the previous

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session, and that was wise sayings, which were turned into habits.

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A number of things which were popular amongst the people who shouldn't have been handed down from generation to generation people knew them, they liked them, whatever. And they ended up in Hades themselves, right? These were fabrications. Among them is that the abdomen is the house of disease and prevention is the head of remedies. And as a popular saying, and it was attributed to prominence I sell them.

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But it is not. And there are others, a number of others. I mean, among them seek knowledge on China, even if it's under China. You know, that's like a wise saying, the idea that one should seek knowledge

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wherever the opportunity presents itself, and there are actually prophetic narrations from the browser. Some of them are it does, you know, make statements of that nature, but that particular quote unquote heavy was fabricated.

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I just wanted to add those two points that you might find on your examination. So

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you can be aware of it.

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Anyway, what we're gonna be looking at now is the process of habeas criticism itself.

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As we said, previously, when we looked at the issues of the slats, and how they prophylactic, they were all they ended up all over the Muslim world. And I gave you examples of you know, some of these where it starts off with, you know, problems are seldom

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10 companions reporting from him next generation, did you end up with 26 different narrations of the hobbies? No.

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But what that did was it lended itself to facilitating the analysis of the Hadees and the generators.

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And the science of this, of analyzing narrators,

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rating them either in different categories or as valid generators, invalid generators, is referred to as Elm algebra. What tideal,

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validating, or invalidating?

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And this

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science evolved out of the basic instruction from the Batman's asylum, which he said that whoever intentionally lies on me will find a seat in place and the Hellfire, this statement of is well known to be found inside Buhari and most of the other books that have been

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caused those were involved in narration, to check and to confirm, you know, what was authentic and what was not.

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It also discouraged those who are not sure about what they're narrating from the narrator. That's why we said, you know, of the 10s of 1000s of Sahaba, who heard things and saw things from the

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majority of them because they all saw him.

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Only 1060 some narrations, or some scholars say about 1300

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of the Sahaba actually, were involved in narration.

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Out of such a large number, only a small number like that.

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And in fact, is the number who actually narrated the vast majority of the Hadith are less than 300.

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Because we said that 500 out of that 1060 were narrators of only a single hobbies, each one only narrated one single hobby

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and hundreds others narrated two, and three, you know, few numbers, those generated more than

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more than 20 you know, their number is someplace around 120 something

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the point is that

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people were very careful about what they narrated. And the scholars were involved in the process of narration, you know, themselves, try to ascertain the truth or whatever was being conveyed. And this actually began from the time of Salim himself, because you have narrations

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of companions, checking out what was being said,

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you know, things which they learned from the past, when they've had any doubts the well known hadith of, of Omar Adnan hapa, for example, when he heard one of the companions that reciting one of the chapters of the blind, and then he was upset he asked him, you know, recite like this, because it was different from the way he learned it. And he said, the muscle loss as I'm talking, and he was, you know, he felt he was lying on the promises, and that because what the recitation which he had learned was completely different, quite different from it. So, he, you know, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and took him to, you know, quite upset, you know, here is this president reciting

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the Quran along the way, you know, from the way you thought, so he told him he Sham told a sham recite and even say, and he said, that's the way the Quran was revealed. And he told Omar Musa

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which I did that

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was revealed in seven different modes, right. So here was Omar, you know, he when he heard something which seemed supposedly coming from a to Lhasa, whether it is Koran, whether it is a date, you know?

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He's going to check it out if he sees or feels that it goes against the knowledge that he has, he will check it out. And you have one of the competitors by the name of demand, even Vallabha he came to the processor salon on one occasion and he asked them, you know,

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your messenger came to us, you know, somebody had come to them, as a messenger from Suzanne Solomon said to him, such and such a thing. And the prophet SAW Selim said, he told you the truth. So, the companions would go back and double check. So, this is the process of verification,

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verification, a similar, you know, type of verification of headaches, you know, have been narrated from alley waving of the lineman hammer, Omar, Zainab, the wife

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and others and after the death of problems, that's during the lifetime of

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or after his death, you know, each of the caliphs you can find incidents occurring of that nature, you know, where they ask questions, they sought information, when people brought information, they would double check in check with other people, you know, did this was this in fact, the case

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and such was the,

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the procedures which were also followed by the students of the Sahaba. And their students, all of them follow the same methodology, learning, obviously, from the confines of the problems of salad himself.

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Even Mubarak,

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made a statement in which he said to reach an authentic statement, one needs to compare the words of scholars with each other, and our use amongst the tabloids.

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And this was the most common method, which the scholars have had these, you know, employed in the various areas of the Muslim world to check on the correctness of what was said comparing.

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There are four basic methods here, comparison between the holidays of different students of the same scholar.

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comparison between the statements of the same scholar at different times in his life.

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comparison between oral narrations of the scholar and written texts, and comparison between Hadith that they're being narrated and related Quranic texts.

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These were different ways in which compares were made. Now the first, that the comparison between different students this method, Can people just turn off their mobiles.

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In the

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case of the third century scholar in Maine,

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he wants to move outside Venezuela Basra,

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a student of the great scholar Hamad bin Salman, and asked him to read the books of homage to him come out to him. When Musa asked if he had read the books to any other students of Hamad bin mine reply that he had read them to 17 others.

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I asked him what was the purpose of all these different readings to which in my in replied, Hammad, even selama committed mistakes, and his students added some more mistakes to his. So I want to distinguish between the mistakes of her mad and those of his students. By fine all the students of Hammad committing the same mistake. Then the sources hammered by find the majority saying one thing and a single student contradicting them, then the mistake was the students. This was the method of analysis on the basis of the students. So

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here was even mine who

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went to the students of this color checking with different narrations of the same material to determine where errors lay.

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The principle was, if all of the students are the majority of the students narrated the same thing.

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We're not going to accidentally or an error rate the same thing.

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Wrong means the same wrong thing.

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So there there's a

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majority of them are narrating the same wrong thing. And it means

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They must have gotten a trauma teacher.

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Whereas if the majority married one thing and an individual amongst them or a couple of individuals married some other things that are narrating the same text in another way, then this implies that the error was on the part of the students.

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And this was the

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method of

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analyzing or criticizing the narrations based on the material which the students themselves were narrating and copying down into their own text.

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And what you find is that

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this practice was actually done first by aboubaker

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Calif Ababa

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because while as a Calif

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a grandmother came to him and asked her asked him about her share of the inheritance from her grandson.

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And I will Walker's reply was, I didn't find anything in a laws book for you. Because there's no mention in the Koran concerning the grandmother.

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When he asked the other companions about it, and marinara, even Sharma said that the prophet SAW Selim gave the grandmothers a six

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abubaker then asked anyone if anyone could confirm your statement, and Mohammed Eben muslimah. And I'm sorry, he stood up and repeated the same statement that was said by

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Amira, and in this way amacher confirmed that the source of the information was definitely solid without any mistake. And he gave the grandmother the sixth

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occasion a booster shot, he went to visit Omar.

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And he called out gave us called out greetings to him, you know, knocking on his door calling on him three times. And when he didn't get any response he left.

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After he left Omar came out, I called him back and asked him why did he leave?

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And he said that he heard him say when any one of you asked permission to enter three times and is not granted he should go away.

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And Omar was saying Why did you think we should have just come in the house. But he will enter this Oh, my then demand that you prove his statement was correct. Otherwise, he would punish him with his when he was

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very strict. So I believe that brought a witness, you know, one of the other companions, who then confirm that, in fact, he had heard the same thing from us last Sunday. And then informed him that he didn't doubt his of the authenticity of his report. But he's just that he said, he was concerned that people should be very careful about what they narrate from a pseudo law.

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And there's also another occasion, similar to this, where Abu huraira had made a narration, which I believe and Omar heard and questioned. It was he quoted problems as lm is saying whoever attends the funeral until the funeral prayer receives one kilowatt hour reward.

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But whoever attends the funeral until the person is buried back to the graveyard and to the burial of the person, he receives two karats of reward.

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It's a huge amount.

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I'm delighted with Omar, a question

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he had noted before.

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And he doubted in In fact, he even said, You know, I think I'm aware you're narrating too many hobbies.

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So I took him by the hand and went to ISIS home and he recited the Hadees. So I shall I shall confirm that, in fact, that was the truth and

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missed out on a lot of

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this method was also used by some of the great scholars that we know like, Muslim, eminent judge, right, who is the author of say a Muslim, and who was himself a student of Al Bukhari.

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There is a narration that

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If not best spent a night in the apartment of his art maimunah was the why one otherwise is the problem.

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And during the night the prophet SAW Salam stood up and made what do you got up made with one began to pray. Then in that bath did the same instinct to the left side.

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The prophet SAW Selim then shifted him from the left over to the right.

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And he stood beside him on the right

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now the Hadith scholar yazeed, even ibz nyad he narrated the incident from Chora him from ignite bias, that did not bad stood on the right side. And the prophet SAW Selim shifted him to his left.

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And so there's two directions.

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So what Mr. Muslim did was that he gathered all of the narration of Yazidi colleagues who studied under Quran and he found that they unanimously agreed that Abbas and stood on the left, and the progress on some of them had shifted him to his right.

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Then he gathered all of the narrations of Craig's colleagues who studied under him that bass, and found that they also unanimously agree that even a bass stood on the left, and above sand, sand up shifted him to the right.

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But he didn't stop there.

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He further gathered the narrations of other companions, who had prayed with the prophets, as you know, alone, was just them in the process alone. And they all confirmed that he had them stand on the right.

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In which case, then it was conclusively proven that yazeed had made a mistake. In his narration, though it was among the reliable narrators, as a human being it is possible than a mistake we made. And of course, that standing on the right

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is standing next to the person in the same light. You know, you have some schools that traditionally have the person stand, you know,

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halfway behind one of the rights, because they're standing beside the mom, for instance, on the left is your mom, so they don't stand in the same level as the amount of stand behind a bit of a stamp or old stamp or whatever. But there is no evidence for this practice.

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All of the evidence indicates that they stood side by side.

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As informed for one to say, No, I've got to stand halfway back. Because the amount of normally stands in front and we stand behind you can bend really and the same is this is using your brain

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to determine something which they had is don't support

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that is don't support that position at all.

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So the correct method is to stand side by side. And of course, the women's prayer,

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the women's prayer when women are praying together, and again, you have one of the schools would say women don't pray together.

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Family school, they don't encourage the Jamaat for women, women pray separately. But the correct practice of the wives of the problems was that they prayed in JAMA, I would lead them on Salama would lead them different ways the cancer center did lead the women in Japan.

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So prayer and Gemma for women is established as a practice of the female companions the Sahaba yet and this is the correct way to go.

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However, when they stood, they stood in one line.

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The Imam female Imam stands in the middle of that same match, he doesn't stand out in front of the line. And this was the method which was followed by the wives have the problems that some of them and the others have yet.

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Now the second method is that of comparison between a scholars statements.

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And again, the roots of these methods can be found back in the time of this habit.

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And one occasion Ayesha asked her nephew Ottawa, to collect some Hadees from Abdullah bin Amma since he had heard a lot from the Prophet Muhammad's life and I'm gonna remember was the one who said I used to write down everything that I heard about myself and say, until one of the people from Croatia told me don't do it. And when I asked him about it, I was gonna tell him pointed to his mouth and said

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only truth comes out of it. So right is among those who are the major narrators narrated large numbers of headings.

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Anyway, I just sent her nephew orwa to go and

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collect some headings from

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above the line. And as I mentioned to you before, the companion did take headings from each other.

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one of the narrations which you heard from Abdullah

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issues which you heard from Abdullah, she had doubts about.

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But she didn't say anything.

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A year later, she asked Ottawa, to go back and to get some more Holidays from our delight. And to ask him specifically about that Heidi

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and bleiben are narrated to her, they had these exactly the same way that she had heard into the year before. That point, you said, what he she decided this position that what he narrated must have been correct, because He neither added anything to the narration nor deleted anything. I don't remember it exactly in the same way, it means that he had remembered it accurately

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after the day.

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The third way is the comparison between memory and texts.

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On one occasion, Mohammed bin Muslim,

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and I'm falling even a bad we're studying Hadees with Abu Zora

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Muhammad and then further disagreed on the wording of a particular hot days. So they asked Abu Zahra to judge between that. He then refer to his books and found that the Hadith in question confirmed what Mohammed had that Mohammed was mistaken.

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So how these scholars did practices one back checking with books against what was being orally narrated, and on another occasion of the rough man, when Omar narrated I had a sombrero concerning the delay of the her prayer in the summer.

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Amazon stated that it was incorrect.

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But after a man returned to his hometown and checked his own books, he found that in fact, he was in error. He then wrote about acknowledging his mistake, and asked him to confirm to inform his colleagues and students of his about this mistake. As he said, shame is better than the Hellfire

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before method as that of comparison between the Saudis and the Koran,

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meaning that if they had these

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seem to contradict, the obvious meaning of the plan, then this raise questions about the authenticity because basically, the Quran and the Hadith coming from the same source will agree with each other.

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And an example of that was Omar Abdel Fattah.

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He, on one occasion,

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rejected the evidence which was our the statement of Fatima Ben's face.

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wherein she claimed that there was no maintenance for the woman who

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has been irrevocably divorced. This wasn't there was a discussion going on at that time, whether the woman who is irrevocably divorced has any maintenance.

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And Omar took the position that she had,

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because there is

00:34:18 --> 00:34:47

statement verse in the bond, which a lot says 65th chapter in verse one, do not expel them from their houses, nor should they themselves leave unless they have committed clearing decency, right as a general statement concerning divorce, and he included in that the irrevocable divorce, this was his understanding this was his reasoning. However, Fatima built face.

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had reported that Abu Ammar Ebbinghaus had divorced her irrevocably whilst he was away from home.

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But he had sent His representative to her with somebody just giving her a gift. Right? And actually there is

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evidence from so now that if a man divorces a woman, he should give her a gift. Some scholars hold that it is compulsory, because actually the evidence seems to point to that.

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Anyway, he gave her a gift. But she was not pleased with this gift

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to somebody, they've been married for some time.

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So she went to the Bronx asylum.

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She firstly complained and said, you know, you know, there should be maintenance. There's not enough.

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And he told her that there is no maintenance here. She had no claim on him for maintenance. So she went to the VA Salomon complaint, and the Rockstar Salim had said to her, there is no maintenance due to you from him.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:07

And he instructed her to spend her end up in the home of Omen, Shrek.

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00:36:13 --> 00:36:19

she's the one of course who after it was over, I was

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an amateur in the last I proposed to her.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:29

And she went through problems I sell them and asked him what to do.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:31

And the bugs are seldom said

00:36:33 --> 00:36:36

Sofia, is known to be stingy.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:41

And American, alas, beats his women.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:47

So the best thing for you is to marry Osama bin Zayed

00:36:48 --> 00:36:54

was his the son of his former adopted son. They didn't know how to write.

00:36:55 --> 00:36:59

And it was a big choice for her. Because Osama bin Zayed

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00:37:03 --> 00:37:04

the son of a former slave

00:37:06 --> 00:37:10

partner been faced with was from a very noble family.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:11


00:37:12 --> 00:37:19

I was a big choice. But she went for it. She said I took the recommendation and my life was

00:37:21 --> 00:37:37

anyway, the point is that this is what happened. She reported it. But when a shabby narrated this hadith of Fatima, in the Grand Mosque in Damascus,

00:37:38 --> 00:37:46

as well, even yazeed, who was nearby, heard him narrate this. He picked up some troubles and threw him in his direction in that

00:37:47 --> 00:38:00

direction, and told him will be to you. How can you narrate that? When Omar said we cannot abandon the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the messenger for the words of a single woman

00:38:02 --> 00:38:05

must position we do not know whether she remembered or forgot.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:16

There is maintenance and lodging for the irrevocably divorced woman, a lot of the Exalted and majestic sand and an equal to the present.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:37

This was his reasoning. This was the approach is wrong here. Okay. Omar doesn't mean every time somebody takes a position like this in a semi right, this case, Omar was wrong, but this was just showing the method of reasoning. If they saw this

00:38:38 --> 00:38:41

discrepancy, then they would

00:38:42 --> 00:38:44

raise the doubt raise the question, etc.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:48

Anyway, in this case, it said

00:38:49 --> 00:38:56

bottom of his face was correct. That is the ruling, correct ruling according to the Sharia, that there is no maintenance

00:38:58 --> 00:39:10

and that the editor of the woman and this is something which is not in practice today that the of the woman who is divorced three times irrevocably is only one month.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:27

What is normally practice that it's three months, whatever, in all occasions, but actually, she leaves her home, she's supposed to leave the home. She does not remain in the home of her husband and she waits and only one month.

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00:39:32 --> 00:39:45

there has been criticism of the methodology used in the criticism of Hadith by some modernists, and orientalist,

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saying basically, that

00:39:50 --> 00:39:52

there is no rational criticism

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

that it's just slavish acceptance of statements, directed statements, no matter

00:40:00 --> 00:40:20

So but actually, when you go back and you look at what's happening here, there's, there's reason here, people are using reasoning. But it's not blind reasoning. This is the point. It's not blind reasoning, meaning whatever seems good to me, is a good reason to reject this headache, for example, right?

00:40:21 --> 00:40:36

You have people who are made statements, and know whether it is the, you know, the statement of the last element said that a people who make their ruler, a woman will not succeed, okay.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:52

For the last 1400 years, people have any problem with this idea. But with the rise of feminism, right, now, people start to question this, how is this? You know, we have a female ruler, you know?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:18

So, they missed that question, because it seemed now this idea of Western promoted, where there's complete equality between males and females, they are the same, no difference between the two, whatever one can do, the other can do. So women are now you know, in the army, they're in the Navy, they're flying planes are driving tanks, and you know, everything, anything a man can do, a woman feels he has to be able to do it.

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So, when this happens now, as planned for

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this, and especially the modernists have accepted this line of rationale they rejected, this can't possibly be authentic,

00:41:37 --> 00:41:41

can possibly be a woman in the manner equal? The same.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

But, of course, this line of reasoning, and this is going according to women's

00:41:50 --> 00:42:23

is going according to women's, because there is clear instructions in the Quran, clear descriptions, or a lot referred to the men being in a position over the woman, you know, by one data job. Right, then they, but that is one of responsibility. It's not an issue of superiority. This is where people assume that because the male is the leader, it means that the male is claiming for himself superiority. But no, it is just that.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:42

On a general scale, males are more suited to leading than females. And, of course, again, I'm here, this one here. I mean, the whole of history, states that this is not because history was written by men.

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And it's the men who didn't give women a chance

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is the kinds of you know, the people don't want to look at reality. And they want to, because they all have these claims of equality. We know full well, when the time for the Olympics come with the men went against the woman, the woman was copied to the man

00:43:04 --> 00:43:26

in tennis to the women playing estimate, when it's equal, same. Why? Because women will lose all the time. They lose it all in eSports, if they competed against the males, because in reality, they are not the same. As a lot said, What les said, Zachary Calhoun, the male is not like the female

00:43:29 --> 00:43:30

in America,

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00:43:36 --> 00:43:37

it's very common

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practice, I mean, with all of the legislation and everything else that has come about, you know, the situation of women receiving, you know, lower pay for the same jobs this this reality remains. I mean, of course, this area, Islam does not support. You know, Islam is firmly in support that if a man and woman are doing the same job, they should be paid equally, and they're doing the same job, they should receive the same money. That's reasonable. But the issue that everything a man does, a woman should be doing. You know, it is like the case in

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

in Toronto two years ago, where women

00:44:25 --> 00:44:42

petition they raised an issue a petition, arguing that they should be able to walk *, in the streets, in the summer, just as the men because when summertime comes and people start to shed their clothes right

00:44:44 --> 00:44:59

there man, you will find men walking down the streets and their shorts, you know, bare chested, walk down the street, in the parks, etc. Now, if a woman sheds her top, she will be arrested for indecency and all that

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

What is in decent

00:45:02 --> 00:45:24

demand, justice, justice, you know, attractive to us as I just to them. So why should we not be allowed, they're allowed. And they fought and won. They won the right in Toronto if a woman wishes to do so she can do so step one, the right that it is not against the law for a woman to walk * down the Main Street. But not a single woman did it?

00:45:25 --> 00:45:42

After all that they wanted. They wanted it on paper, but nobody's doing it. Someone comes up and goes, nobody does it. Why? Because they know that in spite of Yes, we we did win the rights, the consequences for women

00:45:43 --> 00:46:23

have far more severe and harmful than the consequences for men doing it. That speaks for itself. Nobody wants to give any special explanation, right? Anyway. So the idea, you know, of us using our reasoning to determine whether we're going to accept the idea that we're not going to accept the idea because it goes against, you know, what we think to be appropriate, this line of reasoning, this approach is wrong. And it has led many people into various areas of deviation. And there's a well known hadith of Allah Vitali.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:35

And which he said, if the religion were based, purely on reason, then the bottom of the sock

00:46:37 --> 00:46:46

as more right to be wiped when you make the entire mom than the top. However, I saw rasulillah salam, right, the top and not the bottom.

00:46:47 --> 00:47:12

Clarifying That is not to say there is no reason here. But we are not going to judge and to do everything, according to what we feel is this know, if the box was on Did someone so then that's what we do. Whether it agrees with our reasoning, or doesn't agree, we must submit? Because that is the religion the religion is one of submission. Right?

00:47:13 --> 00:47:17

So when you consider the issue

00:47:18 --> 00:47:38

of certain Hadees, and there's a book called The Quran, the Bible and modern science, I have to warn you about this book. Though the book is very popular, by Dr. Murray's book I write in French doctor wrote it, he was a non Muslim, and he supposedly converted to Islam afterwards. Those people who

00:47:40 --> 00:47:49

know him quite intimately say he converted to Islam, but he doesn't make a lot. So anyway, the point is that in his book, which has been very popular,

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the last section of the book, The first part is dealing with the, you know, the Bible, and its contradiction to scientific

00:47:59 --> 00:48:04

facts, and how the Quran agrees perfectly with these facts, you know, very useful information.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:08

Very useful information. And in fact,

00:48:09 --> 00:48:29

there is a small version of it, the Quran and modern science, which he did, it's like a booklet, I edited it. And, you know, we distribute it from our center here, the Connemara fans, very good. Now, am I editing actually what I did was I removed some weak IDs and just stuck in there.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:42

I'm weakened is explained at some point I took them out. Anyway, in the back of his big book, the last chapter, very last chapter of the Quran, the Bible in modern science,

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

he goes to Hades and starts to discuss

00:48:47 --> 00:48:59

and he basically is coming from the same modernist position, whatever doesn't agree with my mind cannot be correct. And couldn't possibly be authentic, at least from the past.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:04

So he goes straight to the heartbeat of the fly.

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And his head is authentic found inside Buhari IDs of the fly. What is that? The fly?

00:49:16 --> 00:49:26

FAA fly drops in your drink. You dunk him in and throw him out. And you can finish your drink you can stop on

00:49:31 --> 00:49:46

the idea that you don't you don't need to throw it away simply because the fly dropped in, you know, you don't need to throw it away. He said because under one wing is disease and under the other is the cure.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:49

So what Dr. Morris mcisaac

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

science we don't know anything about any cure under the wing of in flight. All we know is that flies bring disease. This is what science has shown flies bring disease.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

Therefore this ad is could not possibly be correct.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:04


00:50:07 --> 00:50:15

point is, can we make such a conclusion? Simply because science has not discovered a cure in the fly?

00:50:16 --> 00:50:19

Can we say that there is no cure?

00:50:22 --> 00:50:39

if somebody were to tell you 100 years ago, that snake poison is good for your heart, he would look at them and say, Are you mad. And he would say, if a snake bites you die, the poison goes in your system, and it kills you today,

00:50:40 --> 00:50:44

right in Bangladesh, is the biggest exporter of snake poison.

00:50:46 --> 00:50:49

They extract from the snake poison

00:50:50 --> 00:51:00

the elements from it, and they inject it in the veins of people who have certain heart problems, and it helps them keep their heart ticking.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:14

So, I mean, for us simply because we don't have knowledge, you know, our thing, knowledge of a thing is an absence of knowledge and that knowledge.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:23

If you don't have knowledge of anything, that is an absence, it's not knowledge. So you can't make a judgement based on it.

00:51:24 --> 00:52:01

You can make a judgement based on the knowledge that you have, which is positive knowledge. But negative not worrying where something is missing, something is not there, you can't make a judgment. On any other claims of that area, you can just say, I don't know, as much as you can say. And in fact, if one just stops and thinks for a minute, it is not unreasonable that a cure might be there when the flying because the same snake who bites people or bites animals, you know, with their poison, they kill the animal, and then they in the animal,

00:52:03 --> 00:52:18

they must have the antidote. Because if they didn't have the attitudes, when they bit the animal that the animal never died from the poison. So they must have and that's sure enough, they extract the antidote from the same snake, the antidote has to be there, otherwise the snake dies.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:27

So it is not surprising to find both the harm and the cure in the same animal.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:42

Also, we have in the plants, anybody who was a botanist, you know, can list for us how many different plants have both the cure, and the illness which can come from the plant in the same plant.

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There are many, many cases. So this type of argument is not acceptable. And we have to be wary of such arguments, because we are in a time when people you know, have access to a lot of knowledge, a lot of information, wisdom world, people have gone to the west and studied in the West. And they have been dazzled by the West.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:23

And so anything that the West says any position that the West hold, people tend to cling on to that they must know best, why Why not? You know, why are they at the top, and we're at the bottom, it must be because they know better than we do.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:28

This is the conclusion that they make. And as a result of that,

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they have come back into the Muslim world and have denied many basic principles from Islamic teachings and practices. And, you know, to the detriment of the Muslim world.

00:53:47 --> 00:53:49

I mean, a good example of that is

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00:53:56 --> 00:53:57

I just when I was in,

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I read that one of the top medical schools in America, I get Stanford, they are opening a branch in Qatar, and he mentioned in the news

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that they insisted that it must be coeducational because that is their policy.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:31

And the attorney state could not convince them otherwise, they had to submit they want. So they submitted,

00:54:32 --> 00:54:35

submitted to encode educational medical.

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00:54:40 --> 00:54:43

Because Stanford is the best.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:59

This is this is ignorance. And the harm that will come out of that in terms of the community, you know, many years down the line it will prove itself. The reality is that it has never been proven

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There's never been shown that co education is better than single * education.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:47

In fact, it arose in America, when the first person in the room, it arose not because people sat down and thought this thing out and said, you know, practically speaking, it's obviously better and more effective. We've tested it and look at our roads in America, after the American Civil War, where they started to give girls the right to education, but they couldn't go schools are only for boys. There are no schools for girls thought. They had what they called universal suffrage. So they started to introduce girls and allow girls to come into the schools. And when they first came into the school, they separated that

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they didn't have enough teachers to provide separate teachers for the girls. Some places they did maintain him a number of other places, they didn't they couldn't afford it. So they brought them in the same classroom, but they have them separated.

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Those are plentiful. But eventually,

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they intermingle. And that whole principle was wrong. And it just came about as a process. No reasoning, no thinking. And in fact, studies that have been recently done in England,

00:56:20 --> 00:56:38

in coeducational schools, and single * schools, especially amongst the Muslim schools, have shown conclusively. And people have been suspecting this even the feminist segment to some degree that girls, women learn better when they study amongst themselves.

00:56:41 --> 00:57:01

Their results are far higher than when they were mixed with the boys. They did find that in those schools, and some of the schools that they studied, that the boys when they studied when girls, and when they studied by themselves, didn't seem to be

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much better.

00:57:05 --> 00:57:09

In fact, they found there were some cases worse.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:13

So it seemed that there was a discrepancy, and they didn't have an explanation for it. But

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what they didn't do, because what is happening is in the schools, talking about primary school, secondary schools, the majority of the teachers are women.

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It's the thing. So what happened is that they separated the boys, and a woman is going to teach a full class of just boys. And of course, it was really a problem for them, maintaining discipline in the clouds for women, difficult. This is what so this is what led to the boys scores being lower, because in the Muslim schools, where males are teaching the boys, they show the advantage, then the increase in scores are far better single * with a male teacher, this was the key, the experiments they had done, they put them on the female teachers, and of course, there is this rebellion, you know, etc, etc. and the women had a hard time maintaining discipline in the classrooms, where it's

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all males.

00:58:17 --> 00:58:26

So, this is just to say that when we come to, you know, issues of reason,

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reason has a place,

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but it is a place after revelation.

00:58:34 --> 00:58:52

You know, we don't submit revelation to reason, but we submit reason to Revelation, the proper methodology, those who deviate those who go astray, basically, their approach is

00:58:54 --> 00:58:57

reason first, Revelation Second.

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That covers the first part of what I had to present to you. The second part Shall I will start after a 10 minute break.

Shaykh Bilal Philips, Uloom Al-Hadeeth recording on 12-05-2001, Episode 07

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