Bilal Philips – My Writings The Fundamentals of Tawheed

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of writing in Islam, citing the book The fundamentals of Connector as a reference. They explain that writing was necessary for understanding the core values of Islam, and that the book became a critical source of information for those interested in it. The speaker also mentions a new book on the topic, which is being published in the US and Pakistan, and encourages those who want to read and receive a reward for their work.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh among the earliest of my writings, is a book, which I entitled The fundamentals of Tawheed. And like all of the other books, which I've written, they came out of a need, it wasn't me, having a writing skill, which I felt needed to be expressed. And so I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote,

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it was me, having studied Islam, to a great depth, and become a teacher of Islamic Studies, eventually becoming a university professor in Islamic Studies, etc, etc, setting up departments and eventually even setting up my own university, my writings were born out of

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necessity, needs, that I perceive that needed to be filled. One of the things that I found in the early

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we could say, from the 70s, into the 80s

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Was that all of the books that were written in English available in English etc, you know, from various locations, whether in Pakistan, India, Egypt, etc. The books when talking about the pillars of Islam, would spend one page to talk about Tauheed, that's Lila and Allah, members of Allah, and then go on to elaborate, you know, 1015 20 pages on salah, then 1520 pages on zakah,

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on fasting on Hajj. But what was spent on Tawheed Aqeedah, was just one or two pages. So from my studies, in Medina, it became very clear to me that Arcada or faith, belief, the belief system comes first.

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And that this was the greatest aspect of the pillars of Islam. This determined whether you are a Muslim or not a Muslim, whether you go to heaven or go to *,

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it was just so basic, so fundamental.

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And getting it right, was critical, as there are many deviant sects which arose over time,

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as they arose after the time of Prophet Jesus, they arose after the time of Prophet Muhammad, God's peace and blessings be on both of them. So, there needed to be

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material developed and made available to people, English speaking people in the West, especially, because that was my background, that was my concern, which would convey the material which I had studied in Medina. Well, of course there I studied al Qaeda, fifth, Hadith tafsir, Arabic, many other areas. So I did want to convey all those areas of knowledge

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in English from their Arabic sources, but first and foremost, it was Tao hate.

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So I said about writing

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the fundamentals of Tao heat. This is a printing of the book

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done in the UK

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by an hedaya Publishing.

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It was translated into ODU and has been translated into many other languages. This is the cover that the hardback version and soft bag versions of it published in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia took this book now focused on

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elucidating sharing clarifying

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the teachings regarding the most fundamental principle in Islam. That's why I call it the fundamentals of towhead. That is the Unitarian

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believe in the unique pneus, the unique oneness of God.

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Now, this book, I completed it in Riyadh

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within the first couple of years that I was there.

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However, when I sent it to the publishers who are at the time publishing books, in English, in the UK,

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the US, Pakistan, etc. People didn't want to touch it.

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They didn't want to publish it, they had doubts about it. The publishers, I covered a number of topics, which maybe a lot of them never heard of before and never understood or whatever,

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whether it's about the jinn or about magic, and all of these were looked into. And

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in any case,

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though, the book was written from 1981 82.

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It was not published

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until I published it myself. By the late 80s, I had learned

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from a good friend,

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Abdul Malik Mujahid, the founder and owner of Daraa salaam publications, he was at the time setting up his own press. So he taught me how to set up pages, using prints, cutting them, setting them on boards and all of this. And I, with the help of

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some Saudi brothers, who helped to cover the costs for printing, I printed this book, the fundamentals of our head, and it began circulating, it became my magnum opus, my major work.

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And it has affected many people.

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Over the years, it opened up doors for people

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who are engaged in Dawa new Muslims, etc, which were close to them. Yes, there was a book called Kitab motorheads by Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab, a small book, a teacher manual, basically. But it didn't give explanations, didn't give clarifications, it was just a compilation of Hadith, etc, which teachers would use to expound on to explain the fundamentals of Tawheed. So this book was unique, and it remains among the unique books on the subject.

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Till today

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I ask Allah to accept it, and reward all those who translate it, who read it, and who distributed baccala ficam Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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