Bilal Philips – Hijra Time To Make Tracks 5 Of 5

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the difficulties of living in a Muslim
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and believe that ultimately when we leave, even though as people say, but one Muslim land will accept us,

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they have all kinds of requirements and visas and all this and

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all kinds of issues.

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Know that if you make your intention, a law, we'll find a way for you. Of course, if you want to leave here, and go and find another place where you can stay at home and be on the dole, well, you'll have trouble.

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If you go to any part of the Muslim world, you know, they don't have this dole system, where you get taken care of, you know, you can be a beggar in comfort. Right? It doesn't work elsewhere, you go into Muslim world, either you get out there and work and take care of yourself when you starve.

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So if you are serious about trying to serve a loss, rantala and your life, and you're prepared to make efforts

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to strive and to sacrifice, then Alam token out of the law he was eaten for 200 euro fee? Is the laws Earth not wide and expansive, that you can make Hydrae in it? That question remains. And that is one we have to deal with. Until we face a law

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barakallahu li comb.

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As I said, this topic is really a topic about community

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about building a truly Islamic community.

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It can be done.

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It is really just a matter of people deciding let's do it.

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Then we figure out the house.

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Where's the wins, but

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Allah would not put this on us. If it were not possible, it would not remain an obligation until the last day. If it was, in fact something impossible, because a lie is just

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one should

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clear one's debts before making hedra. like

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that before Hodge we're doing this thing for the sake of a law. We don't use him as an excuse to run away from obligations. So one should clear it or get permission from those who want owes money to to allow you to go ahead but as I said, primarily hedra should be looked at as something to be done here.

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Not necessarily going overseas. It's because people as I said, they always think Hendra means first plane out of here. No, we can do it here.

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It requires effort.

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It requires sacrifice, but we can do it here.

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The conditions for the individual Hydra.

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Well, you know, the scholars put Hydra into five different categories. They said he drew from the land of this belief to the land of Islam, he drew from the land of Buddha. He drew from the land dominated by haraam to one less dominated by haraam, Hendra, where one's life, health property, etc, are threatened. And lastly, hedra from whatever a law has prohibited, so wherever one falls in these categories, then the obligation of Hydra is on him or her.

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At the moment, there is no city in the UK, where Muslims set up a community for the sake of Allah. As I said, I don't think that is true.

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in Leicester, from my experience there over the years, especially in the 90s, this idea or where we spoke about Israel quite often their people took a took a took this as a point that they should struggle with and strive for. And an effort has been made to set up a community. I don't know what has happened over the years, but I know they were striving to do that. Anyway.

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Where are Muslim countries? What Muslim countries I guess would you suggest Muslim to Mahendra to, well, whatever country one can

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move to where one can better practice Islam because the different levels in some countries you can do

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More than others. So one has to find out information regarding the various countries and make their choices accordingly. Personally, myself after accepting Islam in Canada, I'm a Canadian. I went to Medina to study graduated from Medina. My intention originally was to go just study, get the information and go back. But then after seeing what was happening for my children, in Medina, and what was happening to my friends, who had accepted Islam around the same time as me in America, I decided it was better for me to stay. And further my studies continue to have my children raised in a Muslim environment. So that's a choice I made. And I stayed on there for 20 years in Saudi Arabia,

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then 10 years in the Emirates, and then six years in Qatar. However,

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one of my goals was to establish Islamic institutions, you know, which are modern Islamic institutions, which would teach and integrate Islamic teachings with modern teachings. So trying to do that in the Gulf, I didn't find support, and hamdulillah I found support in southern India and Chennai. So now I have basically moved with my family to Chennai. So some people might say, Oh, he went from the land of the Muslims as far

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as he drew the other way around. But the point is that India, in spite of what we know, of its * by Hindus, we it's difficult to call rarely Hindu, the land of the kuffaar, Muslims ruled India for 1000 years. And they're still there. They didn't leave. They were defeated,

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ruled taken away from them, but it's not like Spain, Spain, where Muslims are driven out to Alas, man. So in India, you have communities where Islam is quite dominant, you have laws in at least the Hindi the Indian constitution recognizes Sharia law. for Muslims in the country, there are a lot of things there that, you know, you will not find actually even in some Muslim lands,

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you know, the legal system, their protection provides for the rights of Muslims on levels that you may be hard pressed to find in Muslim lands. So I moved there, move there to a Muslim community in Chennai, because of the project of setting up an Islamic University institution. That was the goal, and I'm the law, this is what I'm working on. So hilldrup can be also

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out of what may appear to be a Muslim country, to one which appears to be a non Muslim country, but in fact, you're moving from one level of Islamic work to another level of Islamic work.

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What are the key components of Muslim town? Well, the key components of Muslim town, of course, is first and foremost, that people are going there for the right intention to create that town, that community.

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Secondly, that all of your educational institutions need to be there.

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So schooling, etc, all of your medical facilities etc, need to be there, all of the components that are necessary for a community to function.

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They are the same components. Only they are being guided and practiced from an Islamic perspective. That's the main difference.

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What qualifies as a Muslim land, a land where Muslims are the majority?

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You know, we're talking difference between Islamic State and Muslim lands Islamic State, then you have Islamic law in place all these type of things, but a Muslim land is one where you will have a majority Muslims in some Muslim lands majority Muslims, Muslims may be oppressed.

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You can practice Islam hardly. And some Muslim lands is much more freedom one is able to practice

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