Bilal Philips – Hijra Time To Make Tracks 1 Of 5

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the concept of hedra as being a community, not just a group of individuals. The concept of hedra addresses the maintenance of Islam, including fasting, acknowledging the community, and breaking off from the community. The concept of hedra is also discussed as a way to protect the community and maintain their momentum.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim.

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Allah Allah was Hobie woman is standing beside Natty he Li Ahmed Deen

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operates due to a law and the laws Peace and blessings beyond the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and an all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.

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The topic hedra time to make tracks,

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addresses essentially

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the Muslim community,

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the community is made up of individuals.

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But ultimately, though those individuals

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make up the community by which Islam is implemented

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in its fullest,

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we know all of the various commandments of Islam

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call us to community

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whether it is Sala,

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in JAMA, our daily prayers done in congregation whether it is

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the fasting in Ramadan, where the community fast together

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those who seek to find out when the month begins when the month ends

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are doing so, for the benefit of the community as a whole. So, Moliro Yachty, when it is seen that all of you together should fast.

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Similarly, the giving of Zakah for it to be done properly, it must be done on a community

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basis bass to try to do it on an individual level. Of course, we do this if there is no organized approach to it. But the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam was that of doing it as a community and so on and so forth. Hagit cetera, all of the pillars of Islam, even the very rights of birth and death, all of it calls to community, the Attica, the community sharing in the birth, the janaza, community sharing in the burial, all of Islam calls to community. So, the concept of hedra addresses fundamentally the maintenance of the Muslim community. That is what is at the bottom of it. For us to be able to effectively implement Islam. We need to be a part and parcel of the community. Prophet

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Muhammad wa salam had said,

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I command you to do five things. The Hadith narrated by a hadith lashari.

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One to obey and to adhere to the community. First one, I commanded to do five things very first one is to adhere to the community,

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to listen, to obey,

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to make hedra and to fight in a lost cause.

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Here this Hadith,

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I command you to do five things, to adhere to the community,

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to listen, to obey,

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to emigrate, to make hedra. And to fight in a lost cause. Then he went on to say, He who secede from the community, as much as a palms with has cast aside the bonds of Islam, unless he returns.

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He who breaks off from the community goes off by himself, a palms with the width of a palm from the communities metaphorically speaking.

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Then he has cast off the bonds of Islam from himself. And he doesn't regain that until he returns to the community, because on his own, there are many other narrations where Russell Selim gave the imagery of the

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Community being like a flock, a flock of sheep. And the stray sheep is the one that the wolf can easily devour Satan, satanic forces, the forces of misguidance are easily able to overcome that individual who goes off on his own.

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So, the concept of hedger as I said, is primarily one of protecting the community of maintaining the oma

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the oma

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in all of its versions, whether it is the greater oma or it is the lesser oma of Muslims in given areas of the world.

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Now, the Quran lays the foundation of Hydra

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from the time of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in the fourth chapter known as Surah Nisa, verse 97, where a law says there in the Latina toa for whom will melodica to lolly Me and footsy him. Por lo fi macoun doom hollow canal mustafina Phil Paulo Alam taken out the law he was sat down for two * roofie ha for Allah wa Hoon jahannam wasa Atma Sierra

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indeed those whose angels take their souls in a state of self oppression,

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disobedience to a law, a law refers to in different parts of the Quran as self oppression. Because obviously in our disobedience, we cannot harm a law we cannot oppress a law. So who do we oppress, we oppress people around us, and in oppressing people around us, we oppress ourselves the most, because in the end, we will have to face the major consequence. Whatever harm we do to people in this life. It is oppression, but it is nothing like the consequence of that harm coming back on us in the next life.

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So that sin,

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whatever sin we do, is ultimately, oppression of ourselves. So those who the angels take in the state of disobedience to Allah, living lives of this obedience to Allah.

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The angels would ask them at the time of taking their souls, female quantum and what state where you

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call who those people would say quantum was further afield. We were weak.

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We were ourselves the oppressed in the land.

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And the angels will respond to them saying Alam takuna

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photography why wasn't the laws Earth expansive wide, that you could have made hedra in it, you could have emigrated, moved out to that situation.

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For Ola, a common law home jahannam.

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For those

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their abode will be held

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wasa at masirah

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and evil and

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as a consequence, for having not made hedra

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while being in a state of oppression,

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we know according to Sharia

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that whenever the consequence of an act is * than that act, if you don't do it

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right, this act must be Rajim so that if you don't do it the consequences * or the act is haram that if you do it the consequences *. This is a basic principle in Jedi are important for us to understand. How do the scholars get to the point of saying hedra is wajib

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is formed is obligatory. If you

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