Bilal Dannoun – Beware Of Oppression Preview

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "oppression" in the title and the importance of "oppression" in the context of actions and events. The speaker emphasizes the need for firm belief in the church's teachings and the importance of honoring people in Islam, particularly in regards to wealth and relationships. The speaker also warns against committing crimes against others and advises against giving money to anyone without a clear legal statement.
AI: Transcript ©
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swindler, Rahim. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Ernie he was happy he he may

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or praises due to Allah who made the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow his footsteps to follow his way to follow his methodology until the last day, respected brothers and sisters in a stem cell mid comb want to lie to you about a cattle?

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Today inshallah hota Allah we are exploring another chapter from amongst the chapters of Riyadh to silence him by mmm nowhere to him or her love with her Allah and emammal. Now we in titles, this chapter as variable to harina volney Well, Mia Bella dilemma volume, that is the chapter pertaining to unlawfulness, the unlawfulness of oppression, the unlawfulness of oppression, and restoring other's rights. And

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basically, the lecture today is about beware of oppression, beware of oppression. And the word for oppression in Arabic is Vaughn Vaughn.

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And the one who oppresses others is a violin, one who is oppressing somebody else is a violin, violin coming from one

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and the one who is on the receiving end of oppression. The one who's on the receiving end, the recipient of oppression, is known as the mob loom, mob loom, the one who is being oppressed. So there is one, there is the violin and there is the Muslim.

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Now vollum linguistically means a shortfall or falling short, falling short, regarding something being deficient, being deficient. Now, when we look at it in the context of the Sharia, we look at volume in the context of the context of the Islam.

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It's about not carrying out an action

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towards somebody.

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And, or, for example, leaving off something that is obligatory upon you. So you could be behaving in a certain manner towards someone that is unlawful. Or you may not be fulfilling the rights of somebody that is both Yanni vollen.

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When it comes to volume when it comes to oppression, there's two types of volume. There's volume, that is to do with the rights of Allah as origin.

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So one could be committing vilem when it comes to the rights of allies origin, likewise, one can be committing villain when it comes to the rights of people. So there's the rights of Allah, the rights of our Creator, God Almighty, and there's the rights of people. So these are the two areas where people are likely to commit oppression.

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Now the greater of the two obviously is oppression committed towards Elijah within the oppression that we commit towards our last panel who were to Allah.

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And in Sahara Friday, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was asked about which sin is the greatest or which sin is the greatest, which sin is Most Great in the sight of Allah azza wa jal Are you are you are you them be? Have you done the album This is a question he was asked which one is greatest, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he responded by saying and touch islantilla he needs done wahala Kaka that you associate Are you a scribe a partner, an equal to Allah, whilst he is the one who created you? How can you ascribe a partner to Allah? When Allah azza wa jal is the creator, He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them. So the most

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serious offenses in Islam is shake, a shake, and that is polytheism. And as associating a partner with God Almighty,

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and Allah subhana wa tada that may pardon a person of any sin, except for ship, except for ship. So if you die, having committed so many different types of major sins and minor sins, you may be forgiven.

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But one scene that you will never be forgiven of, or for which warrants eternal punishment in the Hellfire purpose.

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punishment in the Hellfire is the crime of Schick having associated a partner with Allah azza wa jal.

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So, this is the biggest form of oppression, the biggest form of oppression is that you do not believe fully and wholeheartedly in in monotheism that Allah azza wa jal we call this article what we call this.

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So, there needs to be firm belief in the oneness of Allah azza wa jal

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next type of oppression comes or has been committed when it comes to major sins,

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such as what, such as, you know, Xena adultery or fornication such as theft,

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such as not being beautiful to one's appearance, such as dealing with Riba usury and there are books written about the major sins in the habit of him of Allahu Allah, He enumerates about 70 of them 17 major sins in his book The major sins. So, when you are committing these sort of sins, you are committing and oppression towards yourself. So yes, we can go back and say that many of us are pressing ourselves in many ways, and we are by not fulfilling the commands of Allah azza wa jal in the teachings of Allah azza wa jal, and some of us are committing oppression by not giving the rights to others. Then the next comes minus scenes minus scenes are also a form of oppression.

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so we go on, and we talk about oppressing the rights of Allah when it comes to having oppression, oppression also revolt revolves around three matters, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly defined and outlined in his farewell sermon, which is known as football to adapt during football to adapt, which is the sermon the process Selim gave when he was on the mountain of our fat when he was on a mountain of autofair, together a very penetrating sermon. You know, and remembering that this was like, like one of those a mother of sermons given that process, Selim was going to, he's, he's, his death was coming near because he passed away in the following year.

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So during this sermon he had in front of him, you know, over 120,000 Muslims, over 120,000 Muslims, that he captured their hearts during a period of 23 years of prophethood. And in it, we we capture one aspect of the sermon whereby he said in edema accom, what am well accom what are the comb haraam? Aleikum? That basically and then he goes on he says, komati amico, mhada fischeri, caminhada fi Bella decom, however, he said, Oh, people, that indeed, your D mat, your lives Kadena comes from the word blood. Okay, dem Deena acoem your lives, your lives. And your honor. And your property or the property of every Muslim is sacred. It's sacred. Three things, the lives of people, people's

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honor, and people's wealth, sacred in Islam, they are not to be violated it that there has to be no violations committed regarding them.

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And he said, just as you regard this month is being sacred, which month was he referring to the ledger, the ledger, the month of Hajj is one of the sacred months

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koshyari comb had, and he said, as this day is in this day was about out of it and out of that is the most sacred day of the

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kiyomi kumada. Feed biological mhada in this city of yours, which is Mecca. Mecca in Islam is considered the holy city, a very sacred city, the city in which is the birth of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the city of the Kaaba with the Muslims from all around the globe face for their five daily prayers. So he says to them, well, just as you recognize this month as being sacred, and this day as being sacred, and this,

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this city as being sacred, likewise, your lives and Your Honor, and your wealth as Muslims is also sacred in the eyes of Allah is always on the side of a lot of hands on with the island.

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So when it comes to our

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lives. What does that mean? What does it mean? deema accom your lives? Well, here the prophet SAW Selim is warning against violating the rights violating the rights of others, by and by afflicting bodily harm, whether it be killing or whether it be injuring others, or whether it be physical abuse, this is not allowed in Islam.

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Can you cannot commit this, commit these acts towards other other people, other Muslims, and

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he said our other Kumar is, Your Honor, Your Honor, people's honor, people have an honor. And, again, you may be violating people's honor by for example, having an illicit relationship with them. It is such as Xena, fornication, adultery, major sins in Islam.

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In Islam, you're not allowed to have intimate relations, *, okay?

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Unless you are married, so Islam is against girlfriend, boyfriend relationships, these are extra marital relationships, and they are shunned in Islam, and they are not allowed.

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Likewise, when it comes to honor, there's something known as alpha, alpha, which is false accusation that you accuse someone of having committed something that that without any evidence, sound evidence and proof. This is this is also damaging people's honor. So this is not allowed in Islam. Likewise, people's wealth and welcome people's wealth is not are not to be this there has to be no committing a violation when it comes to people's wealth. And for example, by not paying someone what is rightfully theirs,

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or spending for example,

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any wealth on prohibitions, or refraining from giving wealth to whom it is oblique of obligated upon you to spend well, so for example,

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if you are a father, or if you are a husband, you are obligated to spend on your wife You are obligated to spend on your children. Okay, if you are a person who has met the requirements of zeca, which is the third pillar of Islam, then you have an obligation to give Zakat money or 2.5% of your annual savings that reaches the nisab that reaches the minimum threshold that you give it to one of the eight deserving recipients of zakat. This is what it means here not to be committing oppression when it comes to your own one when it comes to the wealth. Okay? Likewise, if you own for example, money for someone, and by the way, when it comes to loans, when it comes to loans, it's very

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important that you very transparent in your loan, don't just give some just that don't just enter into a loan transaction without there being clarity. So you say look, okay, I'm borrowing from you $100. Okay, I'm going to pay it back to you by this date. Now you need to honor you need to honor that agreement. And if that person if the creditor comes to you and six seeks his money, then you have an obligation to pay him his money. If you're in a difficult circumstance, then explain to him your circumstance. Otherwise Don't delay because by you delaying you have committed oppression. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the horrific terrorist found inside Buhari, he said McClure

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lohani his own motto honey when you delay the person who is a honey in other words, the person here the creditor if you are delaying the creditor his wealth that is due to him. This is oppression so be careful. Make sure that you when it comes to repay your debts that you pay them back on time and don't delay Don't delay treat debts very seriously. And inshallah we'll talk about this in a moment when we

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read some of the Hadith mmm No, we chose in this topic in this chapter. So all forms of oppression brothers and sisters in Islam are haram and the oppressor, the violin, the violin, the oppressor will find no one to make him victorious, or to aid him on the Day of Judgment. Listen to this, these two, these two verses from the Quran that talk about this in sutra Baqarah verse 270, Allah azza wa jal he says why mag a volley mean I mean I'm sorry. Why man a volley Mina mean unselfishly mean is the plural of eivol in and oppressed by the mean of the moon.

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So and the wrongdoers or the oppressors will have no helpers no answer, no helpers and judgment. So, on the day of judgment, the oppressor the violin will find no hope

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