Bilal Assad – Lives Of The 4 Imams Imam Malik Part 1

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the rise of Islam in India and the importance of learning to defend oneself in public, including the teacher's pet, mother of a teacher's boy, and sister of a teacher's boy. The speakers also touch on the risks and uncertainties of the development of the US economy, including a possible recession and the need for a tax reform. The speakers express confidence in achieving their targets and acknowledge the potential risks and uncertainties of the situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mountains of Mexico What can you say of the day that Abraham passed to me and he was instructed by God to build a house of peace where people pray and they will come on every camera

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for the purpose of praising

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to glory

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mountains of Mecca What can you tell of the day the stones from the sky

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destroyed destroying an army determined to break the house

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Abraham built on mountains of Mecca How was the dawn on the day that my profit

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was gone? How'd it feel knowing he was to be the last and most beloved

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mountains of Mecca you

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win the Prophet Mohammed claimed in despair ingredientes hardware the words of his mood to love men can this was his called

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Oh people praise

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mountains of Mecca.

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On the day that the beloved returned to his Lord, and up to the last breath escaped from his lips, he prayed that his own would fan success on mountains of Mecca will feel when the earth Shockwave and tremble with fear and we shall be gathered together to stand in the corner of Allah with our deeds.

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Oh how we pray that

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we'll be with those soon.

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Peace be with you.

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I am pleased with

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mountains of Mecca bear witness to the Oneness

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testify for all that he's given me How can

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my purpose in life should be only to cry.

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There is no God.

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There is no

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for salatu salam ala rasulillah

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Lee wasafi.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam as Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Today, we continue our journey about the great 40 memes and we've already covered in brief in very brief

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information about Imam Abu hanifa and emammal album as they used to call him the great Imam.

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And today insha Allah, we are going to begin, again a very brief summary of his life. We only have a very short time to do it in

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an Amen medic ignore us another giant from the giants of the scholars of Islam.

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I'd like to clarify two things from last week's topic. I mentioned that

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a Abu hanifa sat in one of the classes of Eman medic, when Mr. Medic was only 13 years old, I'd like to correct that by saying that a man medic was not 13 years old at the time he was 13 years younger than him Mr. hanifa Imam medic began his circles of knowledge. And he actually became at the

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qualification of a Mufti

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Mr. Haddad, one who can actually look up for an and Hadith by themselves roar and bring out new verdicts, new rulings, for very new circumstances that haven't existed before. That's a Mufti and a mistake. It's not very easy to be like that. When he was 21 years old, he became that Mufti and he said in my medic, he said, I did not give any footwork.

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I did not begin giving footwork, until I had 70 great scholars who had qualified me

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how many great scholars and we're not talking about just any person like what, when you bring people along and they vote 70 people who thinks the man medic can give a fatwa and then you get the lay men or common people like us? No, these were 70 of the greatest imams fuqaha jurisprudence, scholars of Medina 70, who qualified him to be ready, they said, You are now ready to make your derive your own opinions, obviously, based on the lead from row four and row hadiths, at something beyond measure.

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And I am very sad to see that a lot of people these days and a little bit in the past as well, very quick to give thought was, and I like calling people over to them.

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And to answer questions, any question that comes up and they feel embarrassed? If someone asked him a question, they can't answer it, they have to make up something

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from somebody or sell them said, Whoever lies on my tongue deliberately let them earn or preserve their place in hellfire.

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And I'm going to come back to that and share a little bit later on about giving thought was by these humans what they thought of it. The second clarification I wanted to make from last week's topic, I mentioned that there was a group of people in Kufa, in Iraq, a new group of people with a new strange, dangerous idea that we'll call the Hawaii bridge. I mentioned that one of their beliefs was that they would say that a person is a character by merely committing any sin at all, even a minor sin. And I gave some examples, I'd like to correct that by saying it wasn't a minor sin. They made a person together only when they did a major sin like drinking alcohol or Xena. Just to clarify that

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and the knowledge is, belongs to our last panel with Aila we only use what we can. And we have to be very careful if we make a mistake we correct.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam. I'd like to start by saying there were many schools of thought in history. These mother when you talk about Hanafi, Maliki sheffy, and how many people who say these things, there are actually many schools of thought and the great immense, but for some reason, they were short lived because of some political reasons or other reasons. And it was amazing that last panel data allowed these four schools of thought to remain until today, the Hanafi madhhab. Maliki madhhab Shafi met them in Hamburg limited.

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Some of the examples of short lived models of the past were people like led by chef Ibrahim and Nakai, and the length of massage and Ozawa etc, etc. These names you probably haven't heard of them, but they were schools of thought that existed. And when you hear about I don't know if you heard about your parents

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So grandparents, or some people around in the community who assumed that if a man for example has physical contact with a woman, and then he loses his will or the woman has any physical contact, just the touch shaking of the hand, they lose their will.

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Obviously, scholars differ on that. But Mmm, Ibrahim inukai, who was a teacher of hanifa He is the one who began this opinion. That was his opinion. Based on the on his own Delhi, he saw this and it made its way into the Hanafi school of thought somehow.

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Now first Also, I'd like to say that my references for this where do I get all my information from some people ask me there are many books but unfortunately in English, you can't find many of them that talk about the lives of these four humans in English. The best one that I found that talks in English what I found was one called the four mm lives works and schools of thought by Mohammed Abu Salah that's in English. It's okay, it's good in the English language. But other books are used with books like Sierra lamb and novella the biography of the noble emblems. And that's only in Arabic. I don't know if it's in English, a great book about the great predecessors, and also a book called The

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four emails by Mustafa Shakur. I also use various lectures of historians and events from around the world just to see their view on on the subjects. I also use a little bit of poverty. And if you know about that, it has information that's authentic and information that I don't know where it came from it. Some of it boggles your mind sometimes. But these images dimension everything. The good thing about it is that they always mentioned where they got this information on, who narrated it by who, and they gave their opinion about its authenticity, but they still mentioned it. So that you know, I'm not sure which Imam taught his son 30,000 heads. And after he memorized the 30,000 Hadith with

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all the narrations, he said to him, son, now it's time to learn the authentic hadith. It's only 30,000 on authentic and we're talking about hundreds of years ago. So what about us poor people today hamdulillah. We have great scholars, who are men who have looked over these Hadith and these narrations and I think today we have a lot of information, a lot of authenticity from the renowned scholars when over and over them again. mm medic ignorance will have to hurry it up for the time in sha Allah.

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And the theme is the word of Allah in sha Allah him in Tibet, he

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the ones who truly fear the Lord are the scholars. When you know a lot more you see him more and the fear that I'm talking about is God consciousness. God consciousness righteousness, amen.

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They did the good, even the tiniest of good and they stayed away from the tiniest of bed, out of fear of a lot out of love for a loss pinata, these other olema and we are not talking about knowledgeable people who know information, able to regurgitate information and tell you this information. Now these are not these are not knowledgeable people. You've got criminals who are very good at hacking the nessa station if you like very good at hacking internet, you know, networks very good at doing all these sorts of things. And they've got they're extremely knowledgeable in their area of programming and the sorts but are they know, when we talk about olema we talk about morals

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and character before information.

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Amen medic hypno *.

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I compare him to Imam Abu hanifa. In this way, if I were to describe both of them with a title, I would say that Imam Abu hanifa his title for me would be the intellectually sharp and the loving

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is very loving and intellectually sharp. The way I would describe him and magic in one title would be that he was a man of aura, a man of absolute respect, meaning, I don't mean that I mean, every scholar was a man of aura but when I talk about mmm medic, mm medic had features that Allah had created for him. He was a tool men, why just broad chested men wide eyes

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strong looking men.

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And he was blond hair, white face and some narration say at blue eyes.

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His beard was long until it reached its chest.

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He wore the most elegant and eloquent clothing and this is what he did with the other thing is that he loved wearing eloquent clothing of the best kinds. When you looked at him, even if you didn't know that he was an Amen.

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His features strike you and you find something inside of you forcing you to respect this man. We call this scenario Bic haber. an aura the man of aura

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this man Eman Malik is known as his father

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was a tabula we said that he means that a person who met so

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hovers and died after they met them believed in them. a medic was a tabula tabulate, he met the people who met the Sahaba.

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His grandfather, the grandfather of a medic.

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His name was medicube, not on us as well.

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And he was a topiary, and his great grandfather was a Sahabi his name was acquired. His grandfather medical nowness was a friend of mine have not found or the loved one and he was one of those who made copies of the Quran. After the battle with masala and a lot of memorizing the Quran had been killed. He was one of those who carried the body of Othman or the learner to the Bahia. And he lived to the time of the honey farmer of knob disease, and he died when his great grandson mm Manik, our hero tonight was only seven years old.

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Mr. Malik

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started his knowledge at the age of 10 years.

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There is no limit to when a person starts his education knowledge, there is no limit to how far they keep learning.

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And when I talk about starting 10 years, in those days, the children of those were not like today. And unfortunately, the society and state we live in, makes people teenagers are 67 and 20 years old, seem like they're still children, or they're just teenagers, let them have a good time. Let him go a little bit of drugs, have a good time and drink some alcohol, hang out with a few girls go to the nightclubs. They're just teenagers when they hit 18.

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When they hit 18, they start their alcohol and stuff and they make it legal for them as though they're now become responsible and they haven't even raised them on responsibility. In those days talking about 10 year old was like a 20 year old today. In America 10 years ago, he started his knowledge and he spent his whole life in Medina, Medina Shetty, Madina, munawwara in the land of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he never left Madina munawwara his entire life only to Mecca when he went to did Hajj or Umrah. In fact, not only did he ever never leave Madina munawwara in his life until he died and he lived for 90 years, 90 years he lived, never lived Madina munawwara he

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never even on himself. He never even he never even rode on a camel or any transport vehicle in his entire life when he was living in Medina. Does anyone know why?

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Because in his What are in his righteousness and love for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and as a role model, he saw benefiting fitting in himself as the scholar of Medina, to always have his feet stuck to the ground of the land, where the body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is buried he saw it disrespectful as an Eman representing his Deen in the highest esteem to lift himself off the ground out of respect for the messenger so I sent him while his body was in the ground. Never in his life, did he ever lift his legs off the ground? Can you imagine that 90 years except when you went to Hajj or Mecca outside of Medina.

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When the whole affair The rule is when he went to meet them, and the rulers were in Iraq, in Baghdad and who found those areas. He never left to see them there. Whenever he wanted to give them advice. He waited when they came to Hajj to Mecca. If he was there, he'd meet them in the residential palaces. And when they came to Medina, he would go to the residential palaces and meet them there and advise them, he never went to a ruler for any need for himself or for any need of that ruler. So he never responded to a ruler to come for a need of that ruler. And never did he go there to ask for something. The only time he ever went to the rulers, or officials, who was for only one reason

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was to advise them when they had heard. And this is the traits of all the memes. All the scholars and especially the 40 memes my brothers and sisters, the four Imams, even though they differed in some opinions of branches of the branches of the religion, branches of the branches. Were talking about where to place your hand, but talking about what breaks it will do in in my new detail. We're talking about things like if I want to send my old hair, is it better to send it to my relatives? Or is it better to send it to poor people and they have differences of opinion like that nothing major at all. The problem is that Muslims today we make it major and even in those there's there came a

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time we'll talk about a show later on. Where people got so obsessed with them with heavy became like a cult that in Mecca itself. They prayed for Gemma is behind for imams because there were behind for different methods. This is division. There is a difference between difference of opinion and division. The scholars even the Sahaba differences of opinions, but they did never divided and those of you who those of us who divide

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Based on that one law you do not know, the scholars, the Imams, or you don't know their teachers because they respected each other, they followed each other, they took from each other, they converse with each other and learn from each other. And a lot of them their scholars and their teachers were each other's teachers, they know each other. So it's, it's ignorance, no matter how much information you know, to cause division in your knowledge. If your knowledge is causing division in the people and this is your action then you have no knowledge. So a medic, was one of those to talk a little bit more about him. He was born in the year 93 hijiri in Medina,

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about the 760

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and he died in the year 170 986 or 90 years old.

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And are all following each other in the way they were born.

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He met a man of Sheffield

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and he met the great students of amount of honey honey for a while they have a use of and others and less of them.

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His father was a handicapped man.

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It was handicapped, in part of his body paralyzed

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and he earned a decent living making errors, but his father was a muhaddith. He was a great scholar as well. So he came from a line of of great scholars, Imam Malik, unlike Abu hanifa, who number one learned his knowledge later, when he was about 20.

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A man medical entered at 10 unlike Abu hanifa, Abu hanifa stumbled on learning knowledge he was passing by as we said last week and

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the amendment shibani he saw him and he said to him, where are you going sir I'm going on businesses and not enough business. Don't distract yourself with business I can see intelligence in your face and he swerved him he made him come into knowledge in my medic was not like that mm medic lived the life of religion in the massage it from a from his childhood. And there was a turnaround point in his life in how he went into knowledge. Very interestingly, I'd like to say that his father probably played a role in his turnaround. But his mother played the biggest role and I hope the sisters are listening to this. The mother of Imam Malik is the person who charted the future of mn medic. She is

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the one

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you know they say behind every great man is a great woman. I'm not talking about husband and wife. We're talking about mother and child.

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And we're gonna talk about that in a minute. His brothers and sisters, he had

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three brothers and one sister,

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one of his brothers, his older brother by the name of another ignoramus. He was the man of knowledge. in Medina, everybody talked about his older brother another as being the most knowledgeable.

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right up to the point where mn medic became afterwards the most knowledgeable and his brother mother was forgotten about. They never said they used to say Malik, the brother of a mom and mother. When Mr. Malik reached his position by the will of Allah, they started calling another another the brother of him and medic the other the other way around.

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his upbringing, Mr. Malik had a boyish upbringing. He had a he was a cheeky little boy, when he was a child, and he didn't listen to his parents much. They had a bit of a hard time with him. We say in Arabic and kashish Herman he had pigeons and used to hurt pigeons. That's what he used to do as a child. And he liked mucking around a lot as a child very active. But he had from a young age this this haber didn't like people messing around with him. He got angry at at when his honor was broken, but his anger was always maintained and channeled by his mother.

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The story begins like this mmm Malik was about nine or 10 years old.

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When he was sitting at the dinner table, or the dining the dinner, sitting they sit on the floor around and they stole a shed in his father. And I want you to watch something very carefully about how parents brought their children up his father tested his children with a question of means knowledge of Islam in things that we practice your prayers, your inheritance Riba all these things are in full understanding of the laws in every way. So he asked the football question.

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And the amendment he asked the team and medic medic didn't know the answer. But his older brother knew the answer quickly. And this his father said to medic, and hair can

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analyze in the pigeons

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distracted you from knowing knowledge. And this struck Mr. Malik right in the heart as a child

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Get him. But his anger was channeled as I said, it angered him to make a decision not to fight with his brother or to get jealous. This anger Muslim woman's anger is directed in a different way. The anger was the motivation to make him look forward, be optimistic and choose a pathway to make something out of himself. So this anger made him think of becoming a knowledge net was one aspect of maybe of what caused this turn around turning point. The other aspect was that his mother when she saw that he was angry,

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she took him and made him take a shower. Then she dressed him with a really nice clothing.

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And she put perfume on him. And she made him look really ready well groomed, presentable in the highest esteem.

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And he she said to him, you are going I'm gonna take it to the knowledge behind the Imams in Medina. He said, But Mother, I want to become a singer. Would you believe that? Imam Malik, you wanted a career as a musician to become a singer? He had a nice voice, but his mother. Now I want the mothers to listen again. The fathers. She didn't say things like, no, it's hot on sun or you shouldn't do that. No. Did she say Oh, that's a good one. So when I make money making Korea you should do it good on you. Let me hear your voice. No, no, no.

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His mother was very smart and wise. A child needs to be taught and fed with a spin you need to have patience, you need to repeat your words lots and lots of times have patience with them. So instead of saying all these things, this is what she said. manic in a singing is not just about the voice. Singing comes with good looks. And you don't have

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you don't have good looks. You don't have you don't have what it takes. So you know the X Factor and the I don't know the Australian Idol or the you know, they never passed someone with the most magnificent voice. This is what I people was telling me unless they had the look with it and what kind of a look where they got the bill and these days they want for singers. I'm talking about hundreds of years ago, talking about about 100 or so years after the process and and this is what singers were always about, you have to come with a look because people have to look at you otherwise, your voice means nothing.

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So this, you know, made him become demotivated. So I'm going to look, your child believes his mommy doesn't know anything about books, child.

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They haven't got the look. Even though mmm Malik was very good looking.

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But his good looks was one of respect. It wasn't the one of attraction who made you look at him and think oh how gorgeous he is. And I was like, he's a good looking men but I wouldn't dare to tell him that. It was like that he was very had that aura as I said before,

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so she took him to the Medina Masjid nabawi.

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Over there, he found the saw 70 imams giving 70 different classes at once. That's how Medina was using University. That's how universities work from dawn till dusk, 70 classes happening at one time. And sometimes there would be hundreds of older men in the coming and going through this Masjid. They had the tablet and the tablet had been in over the huge University. She chose for him a particular scholar she deliberately chosen. She chose an Imam by the name of Arabia, if not the rough man. I don't have time to go into his story. It's he's got a very fabulous story. Maybe one day we'll talk about him. But Arabia is the one who is known today abbreviated as arrabiata robbia

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of opinion he had really good opinions based on not very good introducing things. And you know, there'll be I've not been I've managed forgotten now when someone earns a title magnificence, they give him a magnificent name. And he no longer need to say the surname and his lineage anymore. So there's now he's called arrabiata. Right?

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Like, Alexander the Great, there are many Alexander's, but when you say Alexander the Great, you know who we're talking about? Yeah. So he was arrabiata. The Garden of the best opinions in America studied under him, and he studied under what we call the seven fuqaha of Medina. I'm not going to go into that, but there were seven foot Kohat with a third layer of scholars, there was the Russell sasana, the second layer with a sahabas. And then the third layer, where the Fabien who are called the seventh fuqaha of Medina, and the fourth layer, or the fourth image, they sit in the fourth layer this is this is called the

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avacado Lemma autoboca fuqaha the layers of scholars known layers that are known among the scholars. I'm not going to go into an IVR too much but Mr. Malik did learn of how to deduce opinion based on knowledge. His mother advised him

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The following advice I want everybody to listen to this advice, very important fathers and especially mothers,

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and especially those who want to learn knowledge of Islam.

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The first thing his mother said to him was this, she looked him in the eye, and said to him, son, I put you with this mm, not just so you can learn his knowledge. Before you learn his knowledge, I want you to learn his adapt his morals and his character.

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There's a story about a Jewish man who was a very Jewish man, Jewish group, I forgot his name. But he, he learned knowledge in the same way he used to go to a scholar in another land. And when he used to go to the scholar, and the scholar would say to him, Jewish scholar, say which dolerite you know, which part of the Torah Do you want to learn, he would say, I didn't come to learn the Torah, the information, I used to go to see how the scholar ties his shoes.

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Youngstown, I'm talking about students of knowledge, learn the other the morals of the person. So these students used to watch every pattern of work that these scholars did, they looked at the way they look, the way they sat, the way they moved, the way they dress the way they ate. Just like people look at celebrities.

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They didn't just learn the knowledge when brothers and sisters, which is sad to see that in nowadays, we have two problems, people who learn knowledge, they separate themselves from good character, and good morals. And the knowledge becomes debate and argumentation which causes division. And there are even people of knowledge, who forget the morals and character and things like yet showing off become the target and position and so on. Then we have things like government scholars and the likes.

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And this is a very sad, the very unique thing about these four imams in the Imams of those times different to the mmm as of today is that those imams was self. They survived on their on their own income. And they were and this made him very, very powerful. They did not survive on the state. They did not rely on any state organization or Masjid to provide them. They worked. Mr. Malik, he had his own humble business of selling clothes in America lost money from Yemen. He has sold clothes and he survived on that. The other way he survived he accepted gifts from the ruler. But he never took a person I'm going to talk about that in a minute. Because the other imams never accepted gifts. But a

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medic did very interesting if we have time, Michelle law to talk about his philosophy.

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When he went with these scholars, he was a bit as I said, naughty as a teenager. But he's mischievous. When he was not to give an example. He used to try and play a game to win the scholar offer himself. So he used to bring some dates and stuff. And he would assign some of his mates, his friends in the class and he'd say, I'll give you some data to persuade the students to go back home today. So they'd go back home and he'd be one with him or one or two people with this teacher and so we'd have this teacher offer himself and that's what he meant Malik began. He was a vessel of knowledge. He was so much so that he assisted he was like, you know, we call a teacher's pet. That's

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what he was and that wasn't looked down upon in those days. Nor was it looked down upon to someone saying my mother influences me. My mother directs me. Today they use an ugly name called mommy's boy

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and Teacher's pet. These are names to deter people away from knowledge and learning. And oh, madrasa as the poet says that the Chava even Araki the mother is an educational institution. If you look after you have prepared a generation to come full of esteem and knowledge and charisma and everything wisdom.

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So he was a teacher's pet, mommy's boy, if you like, I'm not afraid to say that. And he loved Hadeeth he loved his teachers.

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His he used to stand outside of wait for his teachers in the heat of the sun in Medina. It's not like you're in a clouds it was it was hot. And he used to enjoy. For example, one time he is the he waited for his mm outside on a very hot rock. And he said out there in the sunlight in it today. No one has respect for the amount they asked him there front and center. Everyone over loads each other and overload the man No, no, he's to sit there not even knock on his door. He'd wait for an hour, sometimes two hours, three hours in the heat of the sun, right in the middle of the law when everyone else was at home. And he'd wait for his email. And one of his mmmm had been been hormoz,

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which has been talked about as a second demand. He never liked people to stop him and ask him questions except at the time of his does, because he had to organize his time otherwise there'll be mayhem. But Eman Malik didn't settle for that. He tried to always work his way around. So he'd wait on that rock when the man came out. He see him and he'd rush off to him very secretly. And the first thing he would do is he would say a cinema Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the man has to say why they call center. This is how we began his introduction now first time is not gonna ask him a question just silence. So now he started his introductions there they go and pray the Lord and

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uploaded follow him again. Say

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Mr. Comey, a man who's got a pen and the tablet, they didn't have papers like this and this rock stuff and bark and everything. And he would say he man just about that muscle about that Hades. Can you just narrate that to me again and about this was he tried to get as many as he can from that, imagine a man would have to answer him, you know, as he was walking by. So that's what he used to do. He excelled in and mastered in his knowledge. But his sister became worried that you know, he used to stand a lot of day, a lot of hours in the sun, sometimes come back really sunburned.

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And his sister got worried. Does he know that? You know, his older sister, my brother, he's always standing outside he was only about like, we're talking about 12 years old. 13 years old, standing outside in the heat of the sun. Her father said to her, don't worry, daughter, he'll be alright. He is learning the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu. And he was sent him let him enjoy.

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My brothers and sisters, not every Ireland not every person has to study the way of immense knowledge of flicker. There are people who study other things maths and engineering, astronomy, we all have the fundamentals of the game, we all have to know not everyone has to be perfectly okay. But a lot of data says this in the end, that, you know, not all people are destined to learn the same thing. We all help and assist each other if it wasn't for, for example, Sandman and fantasy.

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In the Battle of 100, the Muslims would have been destroyed if he hadn't come with new ideas and innovations of building a trench. So if everyone was perfectly in a knowledgeable scholar in Islam, who will build the buildings and who will help us defend ourselves knows technology and so on and so forth.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam

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mm medic learns of his first teacher about karate for seven whole years dedicated to him. After that he started with the famous Imam of the law of Nicodemus, Abdullah Abdullah hormoz. And he stayed with him for eight years of the life no hormoz was an ex servant, slave. And remember, we mentioned last year last week that the majority of the scholars and that he memes that taught our memes. There were migrants from other places they converted to Islam. And they were mourning which means that they were served slaves of Tabernacles. Also, Hobbes

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was one of those one of those was a freed slave. And he was the teacher of him and medic,

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every Sahabi he was it was a servant of a servant of a companion. And notice my brothers and sisters, every Sahaba, who had a servant that soon became a master of knowledge of Islam. And Quraysh people, you know, coration family from the lineage of the prophet SAW Selim from his family from the tribe of courage, they like Augustine highest thing, they used to come and humble themselves these Arab Quraysh and sit in the circle classes of these millennia, these ex slaves who were freed. So there is always humility and humbleness and knowledge, no one is better than another.

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So much so brothers sisters, I'm going to surprise you with something mm Malik, he got married to one wife, again, sisters are happy about that, because I mentioned that well, honey for last week, he was married to one wife, and he had one son, a man Malik had one wife, and he had

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three sons and one daughter.

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his three sons were okay. They weren't really into knowledge, especially one of his sons, the oldest one.

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He was he didn't like knowledge at all. They never listened to his father about coming to him he was because he took up the pigeon herding pigeons as well. And he never liked knowledge. And the mathematic is to say to his son, son, people are coming to me from Spain and Porto, San and coming from Africa and come from all parts of the world, from China, on foot, traveling four months, six months journey to come and take the knowledge from you, your father, just come away from the pigeons and listen to one of my circles and his son just never did. He never had that. That gift. He never had that that motivation. And this tells us that you know, not every child has the gift and to take

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it easy. Some parents they want their children to be a particular thing. Don't worry, not I lost my dad, I put my gifts in certain people you didn't give to others just try and see which skill they best fit in and encourage them in their skill to exceed and excel in that so long as that skill or the interest that he wants or she wants is not hard on songs it had helped them and motivate them but it is the will of Allah. Otherwise we cannot be a community and know how to his Sampson was a Catholic, you know, what could he do? He was a prophet.

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Amazingly, Arab, his children, the one who became a scholar was his daughter. She was the one.

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Allah says in the Quran. You have Willem de Maya Koroma, who have a shadow enough he gives whoever he wants boys and it gives whoever he wants girls his daughters letter A you whom

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You will never know which one is more beneficial. The boy or the girl here it was the girl

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She memorized the whole of the book of mn medical just call them or whatnot. And we'll come to that very quickly

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full of Hadith and narrations and to the point where she used to correct her father, students, when her father was tired, he tell his daughter to test them. And whenever they made a mistake behind the door should knock and correct them and tell her father they've made a mistake in this narration, Miss chain. So his daughter was the one amazing his mother charted his future and his daughter, inherited and magmatic

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funny that I said inherited I don't say inherited she took it off in but in America when he saw his son, the one with pigeons. He used to look at him and say Subhana Allah,

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Allah who did not make knowledge and inheritance, you know, you can't just be born knowledgeable from a knowledgeable person.

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So in America, these famous teachers are via an email, Kevin hormoz.

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He graduated after eight years from Eben hermoza school, and he became his friend continued for 30 whole years, have been homeless, went over to Egypt and lived there the rest of his life. And he kept on with correspondence between him and his friend, the Imam until the Imam died, and Imam Malik never saw his friend. After that. There's 30 years.

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And he was sad that it didn't meet him after that.

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There is another email that he learns of his name was a Missouri and this Imam is sorry. I'll tell you a really interesting story about a man medic with him. It was a time and as students in aid, they go and celebrate Mr. Malik, what's he doing? In the morning after select Larry, he's going to the house of Amanda's ovary. He hasn't even eaten yet. And he went with his books and his pen. And he waited outside the house of Missouri. He was about 16 years old at that time. And he waited and waited and waited. And there was a servant of Amazonia, she saw a medic outside. And she told him a story about him. She said he asked her Who is it? And they used to call him the blonde boy. She said

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it was the blonde boy. And he said Let him in. So he came inside the members. Oh, he thought that, you know, he's coming to eat the right food with him. So the amount put in front of medic and demand medic looked at it and said, I don't want food. So what do you mean, you know, why are you here? He said, to have Disney.

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Teach me Tell me Hadeeth when you say howdy pathoma is a chain of narrators and its men and everything. He said he sat down and he taught him 40 Hadith with a chain of narrations. And the man was writing.

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Then a man said Sidney to teach me more. And he said to him amazone go first and learn these and then come back. I'll teach you more. He said I've learned them. He said Really? He said yes. Give me gave it to me says Tell me and he said them all with a chain of narrations without a single mistake at all just by writing them once. When he did that the members only looked at him and he said stand up. And the person like you shouldn't be sitting should stand because a man should stand in honoring him stand before me. And he said to him confront them in a way Attila stand for you're one of the vessels of knowledge you are one of the exceptions, which are long, late. And that's what he meant

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medic was as we said before, at the age of 21 years he became was qualified to give new verdicts about new issues that have never happened before.

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It's very sad to see people today calling themselves Mufti isn't fan they moved is all of a sudden, they learn a few headaches. So they maybe graduate after learning couple of years, or even graduate movies. They can give new verdicts of new issues. And

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we have this problem. Unfortunately, some people don't even know Arabic language yet, and they're ready to get fatwas very quickly.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, I'm going to cut a few things. I can't really talk about everything, although there are many interesting things. But what I would like to say is Imam Malik

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was really

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qualified and witnessed by many imams as one of the greatest amount of sheffey, for example, said about him. If it wasn't for Sofia Ignalina, who was one of the close student Friends of the mathematic they studied together.

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And if it wasn't for him and magic knowledge in hijas, which is the Arab peninsula would cease in Medina.

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That's what I said about

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The special characteristic between American Imam Abu hanifa was that Abu hanifa students were mostly people of Iraq, Kufa, Basra and those areas. He meant medic students came from all over the world. Do you know why?

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Not because we're saying member medic is better than Ohio. No, no, no.

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Mr. Malik was in Medina.

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And people who went to have Genoa for all over the world pass through Medina, the grave of the prophets of Allah to send them as we see today. So people of the world went to Mecca and Medina so as coincidental this way that mn medic became more popular throughout the world in his time, and quicker than he meant Abu hanifa even remember honey for later on became more popular till today till today is much more famous and popular his mother, the man medic spread very quickly, and much more rapidly throughout the world any member hanifa and his time because of that.

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The third teacher of Imam Malik

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was a man by the name of Napa at de Lemmy. He was known that I call him Mola even Omar he was the ex slave of Abdullah the son of Amara their loved one human. And our beloved Norma he taught this man Neff a very important figure in our scholars of history of scholars, and he freed him an Imam Natha It was one of the teachers the third teacher of human medic.

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Mr. Medic was one of those who narrated Hadith Do you know what I'm talking about when you read a hadith there's something called the senate which is the text the sorry the mosques which means the text and the senate which is the chain of narration you know, not like I say, you know, on authority of Abu huraira yada yada yada and Mr. Muslim collected it No, no, no, when these people rip Hadith if you read their books like if you go to see them and Kathy For example, I used to read it when I was younger and I say man, I just want to know the Hadith I read the whole page sometimes will lie hopper page. So and So heard so and so but this man maybe didn't hear it from this man. And it's

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said about this man that maybe he didn't reach this man. But I say that he did because of this reach this man. Finally, the Hadith comes in one sentence, the whole page one sentence. And then I put the comments of the scholars about the strength of this Howdy. This is when these scholars said howdy This is how they said they didn't just say what I'm saying.

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Just by intentions and so on. No Not like that. They came in they started narrated narrated by so and so and so and so and this and that and so this is what I'm talking about knowledge here in America, Medicare is something very significant that is known till today. He had something called the Golden Chain as Cincy Let there be

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any Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that had the following chain from medic, who heard it from Nashville who heard from Ebner Omar, who heard it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you see that chain before anybody married her from Nashville, heard from him and oma heard from the prophet SAW Selim, the scholars unanimously say this is the strongest chain of narration to exist in any form of Hades. They call it the golden chain.

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Any man medic narrated

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as far as I can remember so panela

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he narrated many, many Hadees that we go by today,

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hundreds of Hadees that we go by today,

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his fourth teacher was ignore she had a very, he was a great debut. He

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is the one that he went to his house on, as we said before

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his fifth teacher with Java esodoc ever heard of him, a manager for the sadhak even though some of his followers today

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Miss interpret his teachings and they say things about him that are not true.

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Image episodic was a teacher and a friend of Imam Abu hanifa. And there is a school of thought called the Joffrey method

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and image generated nine candidates that are mentioned in the book of mn medical.

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Jaffa The line was the grandson of Alito the lawan

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and he was a very important figure who was the teacher of a magnetic

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I just want to mention one of the meme shoppers very famous quotes I think it's very beneficial towards about called dark color which Eman medic also adopted. Listen to this. For those of you who talk about you know, the worry about the future and destiny what Allah has written for you and the unknown. He said in the in, in the law either the Pinochet and

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min shaden

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Very simple terms, he said, Allah subhanho wa Taala distant for us things and he made them unknown. And he wanted from us things, firmer or other who've been a Tawana what he destined us for he made it unknown to us. What are the hoomin of hora hulin and what he wanted from us, he showed it to us. So why do you have to sit there and thinking of the future? The unknown brothers and sisters, don't think of the unknown Don't worry about the unknown and ask questions of the unknown. Think and worry about what you have that is known and work with it.

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a madman, my brothers and sisters.

00:50:41 --> 00:51:17

It was a mistake as we said, I want to talk a little bit about his personality a little bit more. I said that he was tall handsome, good looking. He dressed in the most beautiful dressing I'm talking about his dress and all the brands he used to buy deliberately brands from Yemen and put our son in different places to within different brands. You might be thinking what was this is very unique in that way he different from all the scholars before humans in this in this thing. He loves to dress very pleasantly eloquent and beautifully. designer clothes. It says that one of his garments. One of his toes was worth 500 dinars. That's a lot of money in those days. That's a tremendous amount of

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money in those days. And

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he wore a ring. It was a silver ring and he had a black stone on this ring which said and was written on this ring has to be unlocked. When am I lucky enough for me is Allah and what a beautiful one to rely upon. He had that written on his silver ring. He always bathed in the morning. He always smelled the best beautiful perfume and medic was known for that.

00:51:45 --> 00:52:25

And he has an opinion of philosophy slightly different to those who we call xo head ascetics, is mostly known in Sufism, attributed to Sufism. Although Sufism did not exist, officially at the time of mathematic. It actually was, and some people might disagree with me, but historically, I can prove it. hundreds maybe a couple of 100 years after these imams did Sufism become an official way. But the actions of what they call Sufism today such as asceticism, meaning to abstain from the luxuries of the world was practiced, was practiced by the hustle and bustle he was practiced by amendment by hanifa, even in mathematics was in a certain way, anyway, the prophets Allah, Allah to

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listen. And Sufism was actually practiced in the West as well, way before the prophets Allah sent him himself but in a more complex way. So Sufism came from the west, actually, when they came and visited and invaded our lands hundreds of years later. And these ideas came and crept into us, and we took some of their ideas. Now some of the Sophie's ideas is excellent, Masha Allah, but some of the stuff that came from Greek theology, especially in our data, such as the visiting of the graves and seeking saints names and seeking their protection and their cure, it should have got here that we learned this came, unfortunately, from Greek philosophy and the rest. But imagine medic, he was a

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he wasn't ascetic, but how his philosophy was opposite to the others. He said, zuid is on the inside, in the heart, not outward appearance, so much so that he has to have a soft handkerchief, he has to bring it with him. And when I asked him, Why do you have a soft handkerchief? Hmm, he says, because when he makes a suit, on the rocks of Medina, you know, as a harsh, like today, beautiful carpet, these, the people used to get the sign here on their forehead for suit very quickly. And he realized that people were showing this up, people get it. And they weren't really, they didn't have the steam of that. And they call this guy, but he was a person of worship, you know, away from the

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world. He didn't want that on his head.

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And he used to say, so that people don't get tricked. And look at this. And just by looking at this sign saying, there it goes ahead. There it goes a great worship a saint, I wanted to break that stereotype. And we say today that it's sort of revealed that this, that when people have makia, we say, all you know, is a great idea. But some people I remember in Lebanon when I was there, the older generation, when they go down to Sousou, you could hear them hitting their head hard on the ground. And they used to somebody could watch them as a child. They used to rub their heads I could see from socially

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as well as this look at them and think they're not really good examples of dnl site

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is to say language that was appropriate to do things. So it's not about this and it's not about that a medic wanted to break that stereotype. He was a man of a very strong personality. No, I'm talking about, you know, when some people they do things to please people right? And they know that it's slightly wrong or they would hide the truth. In my mind. It was not like it was exactly the opposite of that. He was a man that he is to say based on on the deli and he would say his opinion people like that. They like

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If they don't like it, bad luck go away. That's that's that was his attitude. He the circles if anybody spoke while he is speaking, that would be

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that would be forbidden. Opposite Abu hanifa circles, he still encourages students to discuss and debate and see people talking on top of each other. He's like the modern day approach, and really have to be like that Pablo hanifa because he lived in Kufa, when many ideologies were brought in, so you had to have discussion. As for him and medic lived in Medina, the knowledge in Medina was different. It was quite strict and straightforward. And these ideologies of Howard is in the martyrs ILA and Greek philosophy and Aristotle's beliefs and stuff. They weren't in Medina. So the amendment was not interested in all those ideologies. Anyone who asked them there's a lot have a hand, where

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is he? Which face? Is he directed? And all those thoughts? He never attempted to even answer them, except in one way, brief answers that made them Be quiet, take it as it is, and walk away. And I'll tell you a little story one time he's sitting in his circles and a man entered.

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And he asked the question, he said, Yeah, amen. I have a question.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:27

Man, Allah largest our most merciful rose above his throne. What does rise above his throne mean? is stolen. In a medical student says he put his head down. And they could see sweat coming down his forehead. out of anger. He was angry. Then he looked up, and he said,

00:56:29 --> 00:56:46

Alistair Well maloom is the Where is not unknown to us. We know in Arabic, what is the Where is a button? His Highness above everything? Well, okay for Mattoon. But how is unknown? I don't know, how about it's not like Arab bubbliness. But Allah is above is not below, whatsoever.

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And ask you this question is an innovation.

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And then he looked at him and he said to his students, after you get him out, they carried him out of the masjid quickly. And he said, when I look at him, for 10, or 30, I don't see you except an innovator, or a mischievous person was the course fitna. That's how we dealt with these issues. In his circles, he never allowed someone he didn't like people ask him what's your daddy?

00:57:12 --> 00:57:43

I know that people think what's this? Ask me? What's the date? This was a mathematics philosophy. I'll tell you why. This man was the one who all around the world people in Morocco, for example, they used to send his students to him and Africa. When I had a question, none of the scholars of those countries knew and they would say, Amen. Manik is the most knowledgeable Imam in the world. There isn't any amendment. Of course, it is more knowledgeable than him. Everybody said this. He was he was the man and foreign and truly, even his teachers like to discuss with him.

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He was the man. And when he's whenever asked, What's your dededo complex issues?

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He didn't like it because you're asking him things which they don't understand themselves.

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And there's a story a joke, a humorous search. I heard from one of the speakers he said, actually read it as well, that one particular Imam said ahaadeeth, Abu huraira said this. And the students asked him a man, what's the chain of narration? He said, You want to know the chain of narration.

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They don't know what the thing that was the chain of narration. He said, Okay, if you want to know the generation, anathema, Don, Mohammed Abdullah, Abdul Rahman, and he gave a chain of narration of medicine heard from Mohammed heard from, and it's an already down, and he said, Are you satisfied? This idiot said, Does anyone know who these narrators are?

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And some of them start to guess. Yeah, I know this person that guessing right. And he said, You're all wrong. That I've met is the neighbor next door to my house. And the second one is the baker down the road. And it just gave him any names. Just to go to shut down the Imams know when you want to ask Benny and you got to understand what they need. You have to be at that caliber of that level of study. We can assume that we can look at an amendment say Imagine you're a trustworthy person. This is a Muslim you say can I look it up the reference say yes, it's seamless. And that's it. You sit there asking all the details as if Mashallah you're a scholar now, how about would you understand

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about understanding that?

00:59:11 --> 00:59:13

Black and White we've got black and white rigid the waves.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, a medic love bananas.

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He loved eating bananas seriously. And he had a balanced diet. He loved the healthy diet. He was a man contrary to the others ate meat every day.

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Because he used to say when he was asked, Why do you eat meat every day? He said, because it provides me strength in knowledge and I need it for the sake of Allah. He also ate a lot of fruit again for the vitamins and minerals. He loved bananas because he said it is mentioned in the Quran we'll call him on both it is the fruit of gender. And the fact that it's nice and smooth. He liked it. So every day I been asked which strike me the other day I was thinking so pardon my memory lick like bananas or what was interesting is that his mother had his school of thought

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first started in Africa.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:11

And I heard I was at a nigga the other day and it was Somalians and I love to eat with their food any food, bananas meat.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:23

I don't know your food is cold all every type bananas. They eat their food they make with the bananas the rice with the bananas. Am I wrong? That's right. And I wondered I wonder I wonder if Eman Malik's

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you know, his character of liking bananas also went there and that's how bananas began with their food.

01:00:30 --> 01:00:52

So in my mind, it was at that time and it just goes to show that brothers and sisters You know, when people talk about a little bit wealthy not to be rich not to wear nice clothing. Where did you get this from? The man medic is to us two reasons. He said number one, and also some of them said in the law, your hibou Anuradha aurania matteotti Allah loves to see the effect of his blessings on his service.

01:00:53 --> 01:00:56

He also another reason I want to tell him

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where he used to sit

01:00:59 --> 01:01:08

was the same spot where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to sit and teach. It was the same spot where Amaro the Allahu the hanifa said and taught.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:12

And guess this, he never in his life

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narrated a single Hadith while standing.

01:01:17 --> 01:01:33

If you ever wanted to narrate a Hadith, just say a Hadith, we should listen to me carefully rather than sisters very important about those who throw their words very quickly, especially on the internet behind usernames, and no one knows who they are. Mr. Malik, before he ever said one had he

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began to have a shower. Well, he'd make well, then he prayed to us, then it were the best of clothing, put on the best of perfume and to the mustard quietly would not say a word, until serenity and pace befell him well I I'm not exaggerating his what his students saying. He went to the seat of the where the processor is to sit and he sat there. Then he looked at his students.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:05

And he spoke the Hadith with its narration. That's how Eman Malik narrated Howdy.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:44

When I'm talking about these scholars, these demands no type of people we're talking about. Time is up by now. I'll finish it here as panela. Maybe next week, we'll finish the rest of it. I'll finish it with this. When we talk about these imams brothers and sisters, even the MN medic, he, he had a very humble home, but very, very neat. didn't think it was very wealthy. He rented his house all his life, he lived in rent. And the house he rented well guess who it belonged to. It belonged to someone. They bought it from someone

01:02:45 --> 01:02:51

who bought it from one of the survivors of the Property Law Center. It was the house of the live number. So that's the house he lived in.

01:02:52 --> 01:03:16

It was so neat, so decorated, the best of furniture, but he rented this house. And he was not very wealthy. As I said at one stage, he was a bit tight on money. When I say tight, he preserved it for his education for his students. He's that's how the skulls they they they looked up to the students, there was so much so that he one time had to sell the wood in the ceiling of his house, to make ends meet

01:03:18 --> 01:03:41

without a roof for a while and of course the education and knowledge. But the most important thing I want to say to you brothers and sisters, again, as we started the theme in the martial law, I mean, I bet they are the ones who truly fear Allah and are righteous of the scholars. This man has like Abu hanifa and the rest was full of something called what are what a match means that they abstained from even the smallest

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things, fearing that it may lead them to harm and he

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01:03:53 --> 01:04:05

talking about these people live in your alcohol never knew cheating never knew lying, never knew gambling never knew backbiting never knew jealousy never knew envy, never knew. even looking at someone hurting their feelings in any way. This is their lifestyle.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:14

And they were truly like angels in every sense every name in every sense of the word that we're truly like angels walking with you.

01:04:16 --> 01:05:00

This is who we are talking about. I ended here in sha Allah And just last thing I want to say about his house so that we don't have to repeat it next week. Apart from his furniture inside his door he had a sign on his though entrance which said the following area Winner winner is the hunter genetic occulta Masha Allah and when you enter your garden, your agenda, say Masha Allah Oh what God will so for those who say that I shouldn't hang up yet shall It is okay. It's nothing wrong with it. mathematic had it as a reminder for people who entered but people could read it wasn't jumbled up. So that's what he had at the entrance. I finished

01:05:00 --> 01:05:09

Share insha Allah with this great Eman Malik and Sheldon next week we will continue to move on to the mammoth Sharpie. And then Amanda did not happen here that was on the last one in the Vienna Mohammed

01:05:11 --> 01:05:12

Darwin and in Hamburg

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