Bilal Assad – Character #05 Cultivating Restraint

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of avoiding derogative nickonnage and "backbusters" when calling people by a nickname in Islam. They emphasize the importance of learning from one's own mistakes and respecting others' opinions. The speaker also provides advice on avoiding harm to others' names and offers a personal story about a teacher calling a coworker's child a "monkey."
AI: Transcript ©
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an apple today.

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Let's move on with our series.

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Today, I wanna talk about the next verse.

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Now this verse is really, really important. We've

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gotta listen to it.

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Basically, what this verse means,

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Allah is saying,

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do not revile one another

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with derogative nicknames,

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calling each other ugly names, putting each other

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downs with names.

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And then Allah says something interesting.

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a terrible

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thing it is

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that people make a name for themselves

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out of reviling others with nicknames.

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And whoever does not repent, Allah says, then

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they are truly the ones who are wrongdoers.

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This is a very common thing today, isn't

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We make a living out of putting other

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people down with nicknames

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in order to make a name for ourselves.

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Interesting how Allah

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has put it. He said, do you wanna

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make a name for yourself

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being derogative with other people's names?

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Calling people racial names, for example, racist names,

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sexist names.

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Calling people nicknames by,

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some deformity or fault or blemish

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in their body or in their face or

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their color or their background or their ethnicity,

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even their religion.

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You might be thinking even religion, even if

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the religion is wrong, even if they worship

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idols and so on? Yeah.

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Yeah. It doesn't mean you agree

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with their belief,

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but Allah does tell us in the Quran

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not to

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talk down or,

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talk in an offensive way or abusive way

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or swear or insult other people's religion and

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because then they'll also insult your faith. And

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Islam didn't come to put other people's

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down with insults, but rather to clarify and

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to guide and to present

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with respect.

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If that is the case with people who

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are not even believers or non Muslim, then

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what about people who share

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your same belief, which Allah called you brothers

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and sisters in faith,

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and then we go around calling each other

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Do you see how these verses in Surat

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Al Hujarat are so particular?

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I mean, when you say them in English,

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they almost seem like

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they're all the same thing, but they're not.

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Because people may say, well,

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I don't

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backbite, I don't slander,

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I don't,

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taunt people, but they call each other nicknames.

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Even in the name of laughter and joking,

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some people make a living out of it

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these days.

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You might say, well, what if the person

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doesn't mind being called that nickname?

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Well, if they don't mind,

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it's not really a sin,

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but it's still

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wrong. It's still wrong. You know, I know

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some people, when they call each other nicknames,

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even if the other person is okay with

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it, the moment they're not friends anymore, then

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and they call them that nickname, it doesn't

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sound the same. They get very upset. They

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get very hurt.

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And in fact, they look back and think,

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the shaitan says to them, you know, all

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those years you were acting like my friend.

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You called me that nickname just because I

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allowed it. I thought that you were my

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friend, but really you meant something by it,

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didn't you? That's where the shaitan comes by.

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So better to avoid derogative nicknames unless the

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nickname is nice. In Islam, you can call

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people nicknames by something that is nice, something

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good. The prophet, peace be upon him, used

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to do it.

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For example, his wife, he used to say,

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Yeah. Aisha Humira. Humira means one with the

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red cheeks.

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And sometimes he would call a a nickname

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instead of A'ish A'ish, and it's beautiful between

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husband and wife. If you like it between

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each other, go ahead.

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But the whole idea of a good nickname

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is to the the outcome has to be

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positive. It has to bring you closer to

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each other. You know what I mean?

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If you feel or you know or you're

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unsure that a nickname

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may not bring a good outcome, then don't

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say it, even if you're unsure, especially

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outright derogative names.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us again, don't

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make a name out of yourself by calling

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other people a nickname. This is talking about

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a person filled with negative pride,

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and feeling that you are superior to others.

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One man at the time of the prophet

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Muhammad, peace be upon him, he was a

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companion, but he still made a mistake. You

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know that when people followed the prophet Muhammad,

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peace be upon him, when he came out

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to them,

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they still had a little bit of,

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tribalism in them, a little bit of racism

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in them, and they were learning along the

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way. So one day, the companion Bilal

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he came in, And we all know, you

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know, Bilal radiAllahu anhu is an Ethiopian.

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he was,

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formally before Islam a slave.

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He has a big life story. And the

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today is called after him. He's the name

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that we know when we say the called

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to prayer, Bilal

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My name is Bilal, by the way, and

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we take pride in that name, don't we?

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Because Islam doesn't differentiate between color, race, gender,

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or anything like that.

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So Bilal

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enters, and one of the companions of the

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prophet, peace be upon him, who is from

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the Ansar, so another tribe,

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He got upset with him about something, which

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was really nothing, and he called him a

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derogative name about

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The Bilal did get upset and the prophet,

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peace be upon him, got upset on behalf

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of Bilal big time. And he said to

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to the other man who used that derogative

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said it in a way that the man

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wished that he could have died right there

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and then and never had said it. You

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are a man, he said, who still has

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the effects of the ignorant,

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low uncivilized

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For the prophet, peace be upon him, to

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say that to his companion, the messenger of

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they'd rather be thrown in the fire than

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and burned alive than for the prophet, peace

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be upon him, to say that to them.

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And he repented, of course, and fixed his

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ways. But you can see that throughout Islam,

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it focuses heavily on these things, as simple

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as a nickname.

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Sometimes parents do that to their children, and

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then they wonder why their children grow up

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to be

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to be troublemakers.

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I've seen it a lot.

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If you call your child an animal

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every time they do something wrong, guess what's

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gonna happen?

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They're gonna act like animals.

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Call them a donkey. They're gonna grow up

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and act like a donkey.

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Sometimes we look at our little kids, and

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we wanna laugh, just for a laugh. We

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say to them, hey, go and do this

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to your uncle. Go and call him this

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name. Do that with your finger.

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Say this to him or her, auntie.

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And everybody laughs,

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but as they get older,

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doesn't really sound nice to anyone, and we

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want to reprimand them. We want to punish

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them for saying it. Why did you embarrass

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me? It was our fault.

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Of course, our children, as they grow older

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and they reach puberty,

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you know, they have to change their ways,

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but we carry some of that sin. And

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that is why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells

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us that our children are an Amanah, they

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are a trust. It all starts there. If

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you realize,

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most of the things actually start in the

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and then in the community, but before they

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start in the family, they start with the

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That child who I continue to call nicknames

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or I may not even call my child

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a nickname.

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I may call someone else's child nicknames.

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I may look at another person's child, and

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if they're not dressed very well, or they're

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a little bit dirty, I'll say, Look at

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that dirty family. They must be really dirty.

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Maybe that child just had a bad day.

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Maybe the family is very, very clean. Even

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if they are,

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why say that?

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Always remember our own faults before we call

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other people names.

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That child is watching you.

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They're gonna grow up and probably even call

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you names,

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Then you wonder why.

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Sometimes we may do it,

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because we truly do feel superior to others.

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You're ruining your family if you do that.

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You see, all the advices that Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala gives us is really about benefiting

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Yes, he said, don't do that.

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Be careful of that. There is a punishment

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for that. But it's at the end of

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the day, if you really analyze it, it's

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really about benefiting ourselves to make us better

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people, to make us really and truly,

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people of high value and honor, not only

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with people around us, but also among the

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angels and with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and

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that pays off not only in this world

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but also in the hereafter.

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Can you imagine that you've called someone a

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nickname and always thought that you're fine with

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that, and then on the day of judgment,

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that person has it in for you, and

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you never knew.

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But perhaps they never

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could be brave enough to say anything. You

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know, some people are like that. They've got

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a bit of low self esteem. They've probably

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been called and bullied by nicknames all their

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lives. And then we come along and do

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it again, and then we we don't realize,

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and they may not say anything.

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You gotta make sure that you're not hurting

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their feelings with these nicknames, brothers and sisters.

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We've got to make sure that you're not

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hurting their names their their feelings with those

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names because they can come up on a

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day of judgment

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and bang, they say, my lord,

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this person

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used to call me this and that.

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And Allah may forgive his rights,

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but he doesn't forgive the rights of other

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people that have been violated because Allah is

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and then we've got a problem with that

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala then tells us,

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woman lam yatubfa'ulaikahumu

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vwalimun. Whoever does not repent,

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then they are the wrongdoers.

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How do you repent from calling people nicknames

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and putting them down? Well, here is a

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few ways.

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You go up to that person, and you

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You really truly apologize,

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and you say, you know what? I've been

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calling you this nickname all my life, and

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I've never really asked you if you're okay

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with it. Or I'm calling you these nicknames,

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and it's time for me to really apologize

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to you.

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You know, even more, if you're brave enough

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and you've called someone a bad nickname in

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front of people and you want a lost

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mother to be extra pleased with you,

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then apologize in front of the people.

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Your value will be so high after that,

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and people around you will honor you. Even

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if your friends tease you and say, oh,

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what are you doing? You're putting yourself down,

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because people do bully like that. Know that

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they've got low self esteem as well. Turn

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around and say, no, I am in the

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I respect and honor

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a father or a mother, a teacher,

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an imam,

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anyone in position, authority, power, leadership,

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who humble themselves even with a child to

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say, forgive me, son. Forgive me, daughter. Forgive

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me, my nephew. Forgive me, student so and

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so. You know, I wronged you.

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You know, in school, for example,

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teachers who are truly respected and they are

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remembered forever by their students until their death

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are the ones who were humble and fair.

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A student loves a fair teacher.

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And when they see a teacher who says

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sorry to their student for something they embarrassed

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them in front of their friends, that student

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I find the young people very forgiving, but

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they honor and respect that teacher forever.

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And that's how the Prophet Muhammad was.

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I'll give you a little example.

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Before the Prophet, peace be upon him, his

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he stood up in the mosque and he

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gathered his companions and said to them, if

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I've hurt anybody with any word or anything,

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please take your revenge.

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And then one man said, you Rasoolallah, he

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had remembered that one time he was standing

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in prayer and the prophet tapped him a

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little bit on his stomach to move him

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back. He was joking with him. Said, You

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Rasoolallah, you hurt me. You tapped my stomach

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once. So the Prophet

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lifted his shirt and said, Take your revenge.

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The man kissed his belly instead

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because he said, I wanted to be,

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the last person here, Rasool Allah, to just

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feel, you know,

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have this,

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respect for you and this love for you.

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So my brothers and sisters, we are not

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better than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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and he he is giving us the best

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of raw material. And here's a here are

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the verses. May Allah

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protect us all and guide us.

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