Asim Khan – Where it all began

Asim Khan
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the origins and context of the Bible, including the importance of the holy eye at a cave in Makiter, Arizona, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the holy eye, the holy eye being the
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala sherfane ambia mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in while earlier he was so happy he had married a man that said I'm already comfortable I will go to my dearest brothers and sisters Welcome to this Tafseer of swords of Allah, the 96th chapter of the Quran I do recommend if you have the Quran on your phone or you want to pick up a copy of the Quran just to go along together, it's it's a different experience going through it once it's being explained in Sharla.

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So that Allah also knows so that will take us back to the very beginning of the mission of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the birth of Islam. And in a way is that the origin of our faith when it comes to our Deen of Islam. And that's because the first five verses out of the 19 of this chapter were reviewed, or the first time we revealed to the province on louder cinema. So this is a one of those instances where we know for sure why these first five verses were reviewed. And we have a context which will help us to give get a better insight into what those first first five verses mean. And that's because the wife or the person shall not be louder than her. She explains in her

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head inside Sahih Muslim as to what took place,

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which built up to the revelation of these five verses. Now you all know the story. I'm just going to go through the narration in Sahih Muslim, or some of the details of it anyway, just to give us that better grounding in Sharla. So I shall not allow that on her. She says that the very first thing that happened to the professor said on when he

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started to be prepared for Prophethood at the age of 14, is should be about either him or her that he used to begin to love. seclusion, meaning he wanted to be by himself. He didn't want to be amongst his people. And so he would retreat up a mountain into the cave of Hira.

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And she says that he would spend nights on end up there. Just to think about that. Has anyone actually climbed up into the cave Hara on a trip? Yes, few people. It's a in the time of the process, Adam, that was way outside of Makkah. And from the top, if you were sitting inside the cave, you could actually see the cabinet directly.

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So his wife would prepare him, you know, food and drink to last him. And only when that would run out, would he then return home.

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Which is quite interesting, isn't it to be alone in a cave by yourself on just you know, basic items of food

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is not the most comfortable experience is a lot of brothers Mashallah they have to sit on the floor for an hour. They feel like this is other.

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So now we're hearing that our process and are used to like being by himself sitting in a cave, not for an hour, but four nights on end, yes. And only when his food would finish, he would come back.

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And she also said that around about this time that he's starting to see true dreams. That would come true The next day, just like the breaking of dawn. What that means is he would see something happening in a dream. And the next day, that very thing would take place before his eyes as if it was clear as day.

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These were signs from a law that something amazing is about to happen to you.

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But nothing really prepared him for what happened that one night inside the cave, where He sends the presence of someone. Now, if you were living in Makkah at that time, it's a small town. He has been living there for 40 years. Everyone knows everyone. So when he feels the presence of someone inside the cave, and he turns around, he sees someone who he does not recognize. You can imagine how scary that must have been. Not to mention it's in the middle of the night. Not to mention it's in the middle of the desert up inside a mountain. Yes. So he's already kind of shocked by the presence of who we know, is debris in Arizona.

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And then things become even more intense because jabril He instructs him. He says two o'clock, which in English means to read. Yes. When Arabic It can mean to read from memory, as if things have been etched in your memory writing or to read by looking at something written. Yeah. And the person said him, he responded very naturally. He said, Man, I'm a potter. I'm not of those that can do such a thing. Meaning he thought that he wanted him to read something. As if by looking at it. This is one interpretation. And now devialet ceram. He didn't say okay, it's fine. We know that you can't read. That's not what I'm talking about. We're really referring to is I'm going to start reciting

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something and you need to memorize it.

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and recite it back to me just like a teacher says, okay, write down the following. And then you get your pens ready, and you start to write as he says, He doesn't say any of that. What does he do? He grabs him. He embraces him. And the process of them says, Bella minion, do it. He helped me so tight until I was reaching the end of my insurance meeting I was gonna pass out

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is anyone have an uncle who likes to do either very hard? I have one. Not very pleasant. So he held him so tight, he felt like I'm gonna pass out. how intense is that? And then he let him go. And then the same thing read or recite the process when he's I don't know how to do this manner, because a lot of those has the ability to do such a thing. And the brain just does the same thing again, hold him until he thinks gonna pass out, releases him. And then a third time the whole thing is repeated. And when he released him the third time Then he began to dictate to him the first five verses of Quran ever to be revealed to humanity, which was a Korra Bismillah lady Holla Holla. Collinson. I

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mean, Allah, Allah wa buco Akram la de column, Alana malam, Jada, these five verses are pretty much by the majority of scholars, there is a difference of opinion, said to be the very first verses revealed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So what happens is he's given that revelation, and he still doesn't, he can't digest what is being said to him, because what is being said to him is that you're not a regular man anymore. You have become a prophet of God. And you have a mission now, to bring humanity into the worship of Allah. Imagine

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if someone said something like this to you,

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your instinct would would would be to think that am I seeing a ghost have gone mad was crazy.

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And as he says, when he left the cave,

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yo, foo foo. foo means his heart was pounding. His heart is pounding like what's happened to me? Now, people that have gone up to the cave, how long does it take you to come down from there? Roughly?

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What you're rolling down

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3045 minutes? Yes. So from the foot of the mountain, to get to the foot of the mountain 45 minutes. Then to get back home to his wife, Artesia, who lives somewhere around the Kaaba would be another hour's walk. This roundly upset two hours.

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Two hours go by. And when he reaches home, he's still in a state of shock and he says to his wife, a teenager zombie Louisa Maloney Cover me up, cover me up.

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And Khadija she takes a shoal she wraps it around him, and she says, I waited until the shock began to fate. Look at her wisdom is a wisdom wasn't to start firing questions. What happened to you? Who have you seen who he's talking to? wisdom was no wait. And then when the shock began to subside, the prophets of Salaam said Yachty Jamali, he said Khadija what's happened to me? I don't know what's happened to me. Then he said, I'm scared for myself, meaning I think I've gone mad. That's the kind of mind frame that the person was in that he thought

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that he'd gone crazy. Yes. And she reassured him by saying, hello ally, he may or has ecola. However, I swear by God, Allah will never humiliate a man like you know someone who takes care of the needy. you're someone who keeps the family together. You are a person who looks after others.

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And that began to settle his nerves. And then she did something else. She took him to a cousin water carbon, often, who was a man of Scripture, and he confirmed it. He said that was gibreel.

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A very even generation he says now most novels in Arabic actually means the secret keeper. And jabril is called the secret keeper because the Quran is not given to anyone except him. Revelation is not given to anyone except him. So it's a secret that is kept with Debian and then revealed to the prophets.

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And then he says something which surprises the person he says that you know, if Allah gives me life, to see the day your people will turn against you, I will be by your side.

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So the person says, they will turn against me,

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as if to say they love me. I am a Saudi, Colombian. I'm the one who they were hailed as the honest and trustworthy person that they wanted. Will they do that? And what I say is no man comes with a message like this except that his people turn against him and how true were his words?

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After 13 years of trying to get them to understand and accept, he had to flee like a fugitive is to Madina munawwara.

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So this in a summarized way is the incident that led to the revelation of these five verses. And as with that, we can start the the first of the series of the first verse where most Ponton essays are going to shoot on a jean Bismillah beacon lady holla. Translation read a prophet in the name of your Lord who create it.

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The first thing that struck me as if I'm trying to read this verse for the first time is, so the first thing Allah saves the person knowing that he's just gone through this ordeal or Angel jabril squeezing him and thinking that he's maybe gone crazy is read,

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meaning read the Quran.

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Now, if you could choose the first words to reveal to humanity,

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what would you choose? Maybe you'd be like, belief, that will be the first thing so people believe or if it's to the present in that moment, be patient, be patient. Allah subhanaw taala says no extra

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which means and instruction to read the Quran.

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That is where everything begins for the process Adam and in a way the transformation of this world it will find its root in what the Quran

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is the Quran the Quran is the thing that will bring change in the world. So that is why Allah began the Quran by saying, if you want to see change, start by reading the Quran.

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But how should you recite the Quran? ikura this Mira, Arabic, which means in the name of your master? What does it mean? When you say read in the name of someone? What do you think that means? Read in the name of someone?

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Okay, read the name of someone could mean read and try to get his help in what you're reading? Good. Yep.

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For their sake, very good read for their sake. Yes, this is very important. So when you say it cannot be is me this bar is create is creates a number of meanings. In Arabic sub palette, the word bar, or the half bar, particle bar can actually have up to 16 different meanings.

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So when you say Bismillah, that ba

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can have a number of different meanings, up to 16 in Arabic grammar. So here I'm going to share with you three, okay, what does it mean? B, which can mean a number of things is some name of your master. The first interpretation is what the brother mentioned here which is boundless, the ANA which means read, and seek Allah's help in what you read. As if to say if you really want to understand the Quran, to benefit from it, it realize that you can't do it by yourself.

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You can't sit in a room and think you know what, Allah has given me a smart mind. My eyes are 2020 I'm gonna read this book. And it's all gonna happen. Rather, it's no Allah, you've given me the eyes, you've given me a mind, but I need your help, to read and understand why I'm reading. And more than that, to be have the heart to live by these words. Because what the Quran will ask you to do is not going to be easy. What you may read, you may understand, but your heart doesn't want to accept it. Yeah, this is one interpretation. Another one is that the bat is that of Mula Bandha, which means the bar of closeness is the idea that read the Quran, trying to get a closeness to Allah

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subhanaw taala that your aim behind reading the Koran is to want to take that next step to become closer to Allah, for you to experience the closeness with your master Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the third is to read it, as you said, and read it once thinking about Allah.

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You know, these are not the words of the prophecy.

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We are not the words of liberalism, they're not the words of you know, some men who lived a long time ago. These are the words of ALLAH is a Russian man allemaal the Most Merciful One, he is the one who taught humanity the Quran. So when you're reading it, you're not reading Shakespeare.

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You're not reading,

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not reading Charles Dickens. You're reading a law's words. So when you're reading you're thinking, these are the words of Allah.

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himself. How amazing is it? I can get to read them?

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bismi Arabic. So these are three meanings. Yeah, the first is to seek His help and reading. The second one is reminding who's listening.

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the sake of him was the third one.

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Very good to get closer to Allah, yes to get closer to Allah. But the word of the verse doesn't say, this Milla

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says bismi, Arabic,

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read, not in the name of Allah, but read in the name of your master. One of the benefits of using the word of Rob, which means master or Lord or creator, is that you think of the relationship that it creates. If Allah is your Master, what does it make you?

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slave? So when you're reading, you're reading like a slave read the words of his master, as opposed to a customer?

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How would a customer read?

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How would a customer say you have a brochure selling some items or service and your customer? You're reading it? How would that differ to you being asleep?

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Okay, you wouldn't give it the same importance, you will have another one of those junk mail? Yeah, yep.

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Very good. I'm going to come to you. This is a very important point. He's saying that when you read as a customer, it could mean that you read selectively, like, I'll take the things that I like, and the things I don't like, take, like in a shop, you look at things, what you like, you take what you don't like, you leave, right? So by saying no read in the name of your master, immediately you're thinking, you know, when I read the Quran, I'm a slave of Allah. That means I've got to accept every single thing that said, the bits I understand and the bits that I don't yet understand the bits that make sense and the bits that right now because of my lack of knowledge, they don't really make

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sense. Yes, young man.

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Yes, very good. They wouldn't read it with the importance like how people read cheat codes for games or something.

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Every single little word letter is going to be hung on to Yes, because it's so important. Very good. economist, Arabic Allah, Allah then Allah describes who is Allah, Allah, Allah is the one who Halak means created.

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One of the reasons why we worship Allah and we don't worship our own ego, we don't worship idols we don't worship other people, is because Allah is the only one who can create things out of nothing. The power to create out of nothing, everyone, every sense of was recognized, that's a power only God has. So Islam says, Well, if Allah God has the power to create, and he only has that power, nobody else has. It then follows that you worship him and him alone.

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That you love him in a way that you don't love anybody else that you fear him in a way that you don't fit anyone else because He is Allah, the

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other scholars of the sea, they say, Allah doesn't say what you created and say Allah, Allah subhana wa t when

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he says Allah, Allah is the one who created dot dot dot.

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The rhetorical benefit of that is to say the one who created everything.

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Because if I start telling you why I created you'd be like, oh, okay, so Allah great disguise and earth are created rivers. What about

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this? What about that? Allah the haluk captures every single thing in existence.

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And then Allah in the second verse, Allah Al insana mean Allah created humans from a clean cloth. He then if you like, you know, gives us a spotlight on one particular thing that he created out of the entire universe, and beyond. One of the things Allah wants us to think about now is colorful insan that he created people, human beings, why is this one thing been selected? Maybe because humans represent the highest form of creation?

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Yes. In social graph.

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Well, aka the kolomna Bunny, Adam

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israa, Walla Walla, pata carvana Benny Adam, Allah says, and we have honored the children of Adam. Yes. What are the Hala pelaku murfin our DJ Mian in Soto Baccarat says we created

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did everything for who for you guys?

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Everything Allah say we made it for you. So you could live in this world enjoy life and be able to worship me.

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Yeah. So human beings they are at the top of the

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food chain doesn't sound like a good way to put it.

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We are the top of the pyramid is hella Collinson. But then Allah says what do we create you from? Min Allah, the word Allah is the root of the word Allah.

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The word Allah in Arabic can also refer to a leech. leech, if you think about a leech, two things come to mind. Firstly, the image is basically like, you know, a squeegee in a

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reddish creature, insect. And that is why the scholars they say refers to the earliest stage of fetal development, when a human being is like just a blood clot in the womb of his or her mother. Yeah, it's tiny, basically. And it's basically just a blood clot. But the second thing about a leech is how does it survive?

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Yes, by sucking the blood of another creature. In the same way, when we were at that stage of our life, the only way we were kept going, is by taking the nutrients from our mother

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is taking the nutrients from her mother from our mother. That is why we were surviving. Now to describe people to describe people as you know what you are you are ilok

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is that a very nice and rosy way of describing human beings? No. Why did I choose to describe you? You know what you really are? Once upon a time you are

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a leech, like a leech, tiny blood clot taking nutrients like a leech from your mother.

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What's the wisdom behind describing humanity like that?

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Is it haha? Yes, well, you can say

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very good. I sent to show

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the humble origins of people

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that you know what you were

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something that you don't even want to think about you. Basically, that's what you once upon a time.

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Why is that needed? that's needed. Because if you see yourself as that Sophie or the Sofia, they say now

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that image is one which makes you vain.

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Makes you have pride. Ally saying that selfie of you, that you like to tune is once upon a time you as an ally. And before that, you don't even want to know where it was before that.

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Yeah. As if to keep human beings in their place. You need to learn to be humble. The beauty about being humble towards Allah is that automatically you gain respect in the eyes of people.

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Because it's like this guy's doesn't care about people. He only cares about his God.

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He's a principled person. He is he doesn't lose his job is not going to sell a table is alcohol.

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How do I come across a man like that before? Yes.

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So hello, Al insana, man, Alex is not just telling telling us about what we will once upon a time, but it's putting us in our place Be humble human beings. And then Allah repeats ikara in verse number three, Cora bukal accom.

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And your master is accom account can mean a number of things. Two of them is the most generous This is repetitive is some of the the most generous or the most honorable, the most honorable, so translation again, read

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whilst your master is the most honorable or the most generous. Why is the person again being told to read some of the scholars they say, because this is about reading something and this about reading something else? I was gonna say, No, it's just to reassure him. Just like when you think about what's kind of mindframe he was in and kind of, you know, uncertainty that he was going through. When you talk to someone who's on edge, sometimes you repeat what you have to say to reassure them a brother, he says, You know what, I just lost my job. It's crazy. I've got bills to pay. I don't know what's gonna happen. You say, bro, it's gonna be okay. inshallah, it will be fine. When you say it

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twice. It reassures the person in the same way it could be understood ally saying twice now ecodan just read

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ikara warra Bukola. Come and read and know one thing about your master. He is a chronic, he is generous. Now

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Why did Allah choose to describe himself as being the most generous here?

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What do you think of Allah as a man? The Most Merciful, the most loving? The one who will forego punishing you for your mistakes? What kind of inspiration should you take from that?

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When you hit a lot of rock man, you know, man is what should make you want to do?

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What should be right when you hit a lot of rock man?

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essence your instinct is to say Allah forgive me. Allah have mercy on me. You are so much Allah have mercy on me.

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When you hear a lot, from the most generous, your instinct should be Allah. Show me your generosity.

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Allah You're so honorable, make me honorable. But the way to make us have honorable and receive generosity is actually mentioned in the verse itself.

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What is the way through Accra?

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By reading the Quran becoming a student of the Quran? Will you begin to receive the generosity of Allah? And by becoming a student of the Quran will you become a very noble person not just in the sight of Allah, but in the sight of people as well? There is a hadith which some scholars say is authentic in Allah He led me to notice that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam he said, Allah has a special group of people. And they said woman whom we are a salon Who are those people? And he said,

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a little Koran, la Bahasa to the special people are the people of Quran

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and the chosen ones. Yes. So a camera or a book or a crumb is alluding to, if you like, a way of finding a large generosity in life

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by being a person of Quran Reeves reading the Quran wanting to study the Quran, spending time with the Quran, will you inshallah enjoy the generosity of Allah May Allah make us people are gonna hold on.

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Next verse And last one says Allah de Allah, Allah,

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Allah, Allah will calm which means the one who taught with the pen is a lady, Allah McCallum, the one who taught by the pen, what does this mean? It means that Allah inspired people

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to invent this tool called a pen with which they could write down their thoughts and record their own history. This is what it means, as if to say that you know, the pen that we are so accustomed to, which now has turned into typing, this is a heavenly gift. It is not something which just was, you know, they say serendipity. Have you heard of this word, serendipity, you accidentally fall upon and discover something?

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It is not it's not a process of evolution that we came to learn how to use a pen Allah saying, No, Allah, the Allah will call him He is the one who taught you how to use a pen. Just think about life without writing.

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What would be the immediate consequences of that for humanity? If you couldn't write down anything? If you can archive anything, will be the consequence of this? Yes.

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Very good, Mashallah. There'll be no history.

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And he's thinking humbler subjects gone?

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That would be amazing. how incredibly devastating would that be? You couldn't know what your ancestors were like, or what they did? Or even who they were.

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It's not written.

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What's another consequence of not having

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ability to write with a pen? Yes.

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You could not archive anything. You couldn't keep tabs on anything. You wouldn't be able to preserve knowledge. Yes, this is another thing. Yes.

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Yes, to pass on things to the next generation. Yep.

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Everything will be dependent on word of mouth. Yes. And we all know how Chinese whispers turns out. Yeah. So this is an amazing gift of Allah, that we don't really reflect of as being something which we should give credit to Allah subhanaw taala. In the Quran, it seemed as though there are a number of heavenly gifts. One of them is mentioned here. The pen

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Who can tell me a few others something that humanity only learnt because a lot directly inspired it to someone or some people

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What about school

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You're close, you're close, but

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Yes, okay, elaborate.

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Who was taught how to

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take iron and

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bend it?

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though that Islam, some of the scholars say the verse in the Quran where Allah, Allah Allah did that we taught him how to bend iron, meaning how to create tools out of iron, is which if you think about the tools that we use, like just a knife or a hammer, all of those tools that we rely upon, they were directly inspired the invention of it was inspired to a prophet of Allah, though that Islam What about a mode of transport?

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Which was unknown to humanity until this one person was instructed by God to make it? Yes.

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No, hello Sonam? Yes. That was the end full cabbie? Are you Nina. This is sort of hood. Allah says, Now manufacture this arc,

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under our watchful gaze, align spider and that's what people use a lot for him.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:23

What do you call this?

00:31:24 --> 00:31:32

What kind of concoction is this? You know, they'd have no idea what was he doing? But then when the flood came? They will.

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But alas, Panda is telling us that just forget about the people and what happens and the fact that you enjoy the ability to travel over oceans. Yes, and all the trade and the Silk Route and everything else that comes along with it

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happened because I told them how to do that. Yep. Another thing in the Quran is Surah Rahman, Al Rahman, Al Al Quran.

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What is the word Huracan son, Allah Hu, l. bn. We taught man speech. The ability to speak in languages is something which is a divine gift to humanity. And even a linguist today, like Noam Chomsky, for example. He has a theory that the ability to speak is ingrained within human nature. It is something that hardwired human beings that they can pick up a language and speak it. And they say that when the last one that says, while I'm Adam Smith akula that when we taught them the names of all things included in that was the ability to speak multiple languages. Yes, this is one interpretation. And this is another one as well. I'm just going to read a quote to you by images a

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and is the seat about this verse, Allah de Allah below column. He says how that FCU lil Accra. He says, This is the actual explanation of what it means when you heard a lot is the most generous. Meaning, one of the ways Allah has already shown you so much generosity is that he allowed you to discover the tool known as the pen.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:27

So he says fidella and anamod tally akamaru. Nia matin. He says what that alludes to, is that

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the blessing of education is one of the greatest blessings of all time. Well hos minute tally Mark Al Kitab Bilal column and Allah He particularly highlighted writing when it comes to the area of education. Lima Fie her immediate, Li the loom because of what it allows of preserving knowledge or masala Hadid and the preservation and the benefit of people's religious and worldly life. Yes, amazing insight there by Imam Josie.

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Then Allah says Allah MA in Santa Muslim Yana taught humanity what they knew not. One of the interpretations here is that when when people come into this world and they born really interested, they don't know anything. Yes, they don't know anything. What they acquire of knowledge of education, the one who gave them the ability to acquire that knowledge and facilitated it is not the teacher is not their mother. It's not their father. It's not the professor. It is who it is actually Allah. He is the one who you should give credit to. When you think about every invention he humankind has come out with every technological advancement, including the new iPhone as well, all

00:34:50 --> 00:34:51

of that.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Allah inspired human beings to be able to invent that. Yes, and that is why

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A person, whenever they think about knowledge, they may also think about becoming powerful because knowledge is power, is knowledge. I'll give you one example. Knowledge is power.

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Let's say a complete stranger met you on the street. Let's say you're sitting on apartment, and someone called you sat next to you. And he says, you know, you're going to go to the cash one.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:30

And you're going to withdraw all your money for me. And you're like, no, no.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:41

And all he says to you, is, he starts telling you the name of your wife, your children, what school they go to, what time they come home.

00:35:42 --> 00:35:43

How are you going to start to feel

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scared? And they're gonna say you're going to go to the ATM and you're going to pull out all your money banker, what are you gonna say now?

00:35:54 --> 00:35:55

Now, you have a dilemma, isn't it?

00:35:56 --> 00:36:00

See his n became power

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is there any became power. And we all know that when when the person becomes an expert in a field, he gains influence, he gains interest which is essentially power. So here are level insana malam, yeah, Allah, Allah is telling us all the knowledge in this world doesn't rival the knowledge of Allah number one. But secondly, the knowledge that you have that you think makes you so powerful, you to humble yourself, because Allah is the one who taught you that.

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So your power, which came from your knowledge, goes back to Allah subhanaw taala. And this is an important point, because kids, you know, when they, when they clever and smart, and their parents say, Listen, you can do the 11 plus exam, and they come up with flying colors. And they realize, you know, I don't sit with regular kids, I say what the smart ones, I don't go to regular school, go to the private school, that starts to get to their heads. And then they're making their way to Oxford or Cambridge, or the universities. And there's a sense of pride in them now. They look down other people. They think that they're too good, for example, to sit with regular folks. Yes. What your dad

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works in Asda. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go sit with somebody else.

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Yeah, you see that?

00:37:13 --> 00:37:36

And this, this is something Allah hates. This is the reason why shavon is a cursed. He's got the curse of God on him, because he had too much pride to say, you know, Adam, listen to you and Alba Downton Kippur essentially, these this is some of the meetings are coming out these verses now this is these are the first five verses will unlock.

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The remainder from verse six and to the end is said by some to have come down in one shot regarding an incident that took place between Abu Jamal and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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Now, one thing I will tell you is about Abidjan is before the label of Buddha became applied to him, do you know what he was called? Before this? I will have a biohacker means the father of wisdom,

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meaning, he was a man who people respected

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person had knowledge person, generally speaking, was wise. So he became known as the father of wisdom.

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So the ration goes that I will journal we know he became a staunch enemy of the province. Awesome.

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That he started to say to his comrades, you know, what if I see this man praying in public next to the Kaaba, again?

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What do you think if I were to go and muddy his face in the dirt? What do you think about me stomping on his neck when he goes into such stuff? And they were like, yes, do it. noggins call this a day.

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I do it. So Buddha Hill, one day he sees a person. And this is the early days Wait, you know, the first time he's only has a small band of followers. And they are subject to the tyranny of the Quraysh, who are the majority. And he's praying a saw and he goes into such depth and the person used to make such that when he was by himself, longtime

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Buddha Hall, he sees opportunity and he makes his way forward. As he's making his way forward, he stops and all his comrades sees him doing this, this

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and then he stops and he walks back and sitting What happened to you?

00:39:28 --> 00:39:50

He says, You know what has happened to me? When I was getting close to him, this canyon open up between me and him. And I saw a fire coming from the bottom and these spirits Angel started to shoot upwards and they were coming for me. They were going to tear me limb by limb. So I became scared and I I step back.

00:39:51 --> 00:40:00

Yes. So I will done. In that incident. Allah revealed the following verses. The first

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One Keller in the in Santa Lake Tahoe. But man exceeds all bounce. Man is laietana. This verse has three layers of emphasis. The word color is used to criticize and to dismiss, as if say this matter were down. He thought he was going to do something to harm our profit. But quite the contrary. In the insan, the word inner creates emphasis, this is the second and then last Yata La La Muto kids.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:45

No doubt about it, he's so wrong. The reality is that people truly are so Yato. Now the word Yato comes from Tolkien. Tolkien means someone who's a rebel. People are so rebellious.

00:40:46 --> 00:40:56

Now, when you think of the story of Buddha, how your mind might jump to think is talking about what johal period by in Quranic studies, we don't look at things like that.

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In Quranic studies, the the scholars of Quran they say no, the Koran, even if the verse is historicized. In terms of His revelation, it is understood in a universal sense. What does that mean?

00:41:10 --> 00:41:11

What does that mean?

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14

Yes, young man, what does that mean?

00:41:17 --> 00:41:19

Huh? Even me, even you?

00:41:21 --> 00:41:26

You're close. You're very close. It's talking about everyone. Yes.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:33

This is the other one. Yes. This is it. What does it mean, though?

00:41:43 --> 00:41:45

Okay, a little bit closer a

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

little bit closer, it means that

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the understood meaning is that which is applicable to every scenario in which it first was revealed. So Abu Jamal, and anyone like Abu Dhabi after that, is speaking about that person. In fact, it could be speaking about us as well. Just not on the same level. Because all of us we can't say we don't we don't have that rebellious side is no one here, Mr. fudger, for example. Yes, we all have a rebellious element to our nature. So that verse can, in fact, be speaking about every single person can let his intellect suddenly uttered the word the epilogue. In Arabic, the root of it can be used to refer to a flood. Tolkien is Tolkien and a flood the thing about a flood if you imagine a flood

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of water, you know, making its way through a city. You think about destruction. You also think about recklessness, because it doesn't discriminate takes everything. In the same way realizing this person and people like him, their behavior, and their speech is very reckless. It goes over and above all the lines. And I think a Buddha what he tried to do to the person that was outrageous, if you don't agree with him, say, you know, I agree to disagree, as they say, you're gonna go try and stomp on his neck. While he's in prayer, what kind of reckless behaviors that is color in in Santa liotta law. And that law says Aurora whose data

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is fascinating. This is first fascinating. Allah says, once they think they are self sufficient, technically the meaning here is that Aurora who he sees himself as a stoner. Now the word itself comes through to the center, which means rich and to be free. There is still cannot is a person thinks he is not in need of any one or anything.

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More than that, he thinks he's above others, because other people, they need things from others, you know, the guys that they need others to depend on. As somebody I'm independent, I'm old man, I could take care of myself. And the extreme version of that is I don't even need God earlier than Billa. I don't need Allah.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:37

Now the connection is that people that have layup Allah, rebellious nature, the root cause of that behavior is what? This idea that you think you don't need a law, or that you think you're above people, you're above the law is this is the root cause are Astana. Allah doesn't say that he is a man who is independent.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:42

Allah says he sees himself as independent.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:59

What's the difference here? Not that he is independent. The thing is about Yeah, he's a rich man. He's a man who's got prestige and position in society. In many ways. He is a man who is independent. By law says no, he's he sees himself as indifferent meaning

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He thinks in his mind that he's independent implication of that is he's diluted, he's not independent. In reality, he needs Allah just as much as anybody else. But this is the thing about

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arrogance and pride.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:23

You start to see your self image in a way that is not in line with reality.

00:45:25 --> 00:46:02

In the story of us hobble Sahaba Jonathan The man was to God and sort of guff you know, was one man is really poor. And his garden is so small that Allah doesn't even describe it is not even worth mentioning. The other man his garden is so amazing. Allah says, you know, is surrounded by these palm trees about grape vines in the middle of his river flowing right down the middle to supply water to all of it. And then I say this man when he enters inside his garden, he's like, you know, God is never gonna take this away from me. And even if he does, he's gonna give you something even better.

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arrogance, right, he's diluted. When this man the the believing man, he tries to give advice. He says, you know, when you enter your garden, why don't you say Masha Allah La quwata illa Billah? What do you say, you know, this is all from Allah will give credit to Allah. But then he says, In tyranny and a condemning Kamala,

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even if you see, or you think that I have less children and money than you now, does he have less children money than him? Yes or no?

00:46:35 --> 00:46:37

Is he richer than this? first guy?

00:46:38 --> 00:46:44

He is. He's way richer by he says, even if you think that you're richer than me,

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but he is richer than you? Or depends on what you understand by being rich.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:17

Isn't it? If you think material, you think money is wealth, full stop, then maybe. But the reality is that real wealth is more than just money. Wealth is contentment. Wealth is happiness, wealth is family. Wealth is having love. Wealth is having a connection with your maker. And when it comes to that definition,

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you only think that you have it. In reality you don't the words word in the Quran, very powerful Spanner.

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Then Allah says in Illa, Allah Buckaroo Cha, no doubt about it, surely to your return? Surely to your master is the return. So first, Allah said, This man is rebellious. Then he said, Do you know why he's rebellious? Because he thinks he's independent. What do you do with people like that? What do you say to people like that? In in Arabic or Raja, you tell people like that? Do you know where you're going to end up?

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You know where you're going back to? You're going back to Allah.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:30

How do you think God is going to treat you when you're rebellious? How do you think your Hereafter is going to pan out? When you're miserly? When you're obnoxious when you behave arrogantly? Yes. As if to say that people that are have pride, they need to be issued warnings. They need to be given threats. This is the only way your pride can be reduced in a person. We know this. I mean, how many people do you have you heard of where they say, you know, one of the reasons I stopped I started to pray is because I realized I'm gonna go to hellfire.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:37

I'm going to go to *. If I don't pray. I'm gonna go to *. That's why I pray. Yes.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:44

Many times the main there was a story about someone they can they were on the verge of converting.

00:48:45 --> 00:48:46

They were dithering.

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And then they took the leap. And we asked them, Why did you choose to become Muslim when you became Muslim?

00:48:54 --> 00:49:01

It was the lady. She said, Well, the thing is, one of my friends called me and said, Okay, take as much time as you want, but just realize if you die now you're going to *.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:05

If you die right now you go to *. And she said, Well,

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if that's what's gonna happen to me, I'm going to become Muslim right now. And

00:49:10 --> 00:49:26

yes, sometimes the pride in a person needs to be reminded in a lot of courage. Our greatest example of this is around fear around is the you know, the epitome of what it means to be a rebellious arrogant person.

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But think about it when he was drowned in the ocean, and that lifeless body of his came back to shore and people were standing around looking at it looking at him.

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What do you so rebellious, then?

00:49:41 --> 00:49:55

The Oh, he had control over the whole of Egypt and Egypt was the, you know, the greatest civilization on the face of this earth and now he's lying on the shore as a lifeless body. He doesn't even have control over his fingers now.

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A lie saying that's what's gonna happen to you. When you think

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You're a big show. Remember what is going to happen to you after you die? May Allah make us humble.

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Now, the big the surah begins to criticize people like Abu john. And the first criticism is our atalla Deanna Abbott and either Salah Have you seen the man who prevents a servant of ours from praying

00:50:20 --> 00:50:31

the first thing to notice here is that these are two verses are at Ludhiana means Have you seen the one who prevents? Have you seen the one who tries to stop? Does that sound like a complete sentence to you?

00:50:32 --> 00:50:47

Or at the end? Have you seen the one who stops you like stops what was the crime he's committed? Allah stops that I are there and then the second I explains other than either Sala he stops a slave

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when he's trying to pray, who's he's talking about?

00:50:53 --> 00:50:54

And who

00:50:55 --> 00:50:55

the professor some

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but one of the perhaps one of the reasons why Allah splits the sentence into two as if to say first just think about this either Lydian Have you seen the one? As if to say in a criticizing? Have you seen that guy? Who stops people? And then you're like, Okay, stop some Doing what? And maybe in your mind you're thinking lots of crimes. Stop some eating, stop some drinking, stop some going to their homes, realizing No, no, there's a crime worse than that.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:30

You know, when your university takes away your prayer room

00:51:31 --> 00:51:45

right alerion Hmm. Other than either Salah that is a crime we are going to call out here. Not the preventing of people eating or drinking, sleeping. No, preventing me from praying this a lot.

00:51:46 --> 00:51:56

That is how important Salah is to Allah, that he calls it out in the Quran as a crime to stop someone praying. This is a crime other than either Salah.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:23

Yes. And if that is how Allah thinks about people that stop others from praying. What then about those who no one is stopping them, but they just don't pray a lot. how incredibly, you know, grave is that in the sight of Allah that Allah has given you life and choice and ability to pray and you don't pray? I must ponder. One of my teachers said he got this call from a young sister

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from India. And the question was, is it okay to pray in the toilet?

00:52:31 --> 00:52:38

Is it okay to pray in the toilet? As he's telling us? We were laughing like, maybe this is an example of someone who doesn't know much.

00:52:39 --> 00:52:40


00:52:41 --> 00:52:49

the reason why she's asking is because she became Muslim and a family are so strict. If they catch her, they may kill her.

00:52:51 --> 00:53:07

So she's asking Can I pray inside the toilet where no one can see me. And also the length that she is going to pray to Allah subhanaw taala and here we are. We have a whole home to pray to Allah. Yet no room is being used. May Allah give us understandings follow

00:53:08 --> 00:53:21

the second Christian criticism or eight or eight in Cana alhuda D assume him to be guided. Oh, Mr. B, taqwa or someone who encourages righteousness. The two ways to interpret this The first is I will journal

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or do you not see that he is on guidance meaning the person who you're trying to harm is a man on guidance. Oh, Mr. B taqwa. And he owed His righteousness, meaning Who are you trying to harm? This guy's good person? he worships law? Yes. The second interpretation is alright, do you not see meaning people? Do you not see in Canada, if a Buddha really was able heckum really was a man of guidance really was a man who told you to do the right thing? Would you be acting like this stopping someone being godly as well? Does that make sense?

00:54:05 --> 00:54:06

What time is the other?

00:54:08 --> 00:54:16

Make an intimate decision making terms. So the second interpretation is to continue criticizing a Boogeyman and to say what?

00:54:17 --> 00:54:58

People think that you are a godly person. But the way you are behaving right now stopping this man being godly, it shows that you're not really on guidance, that you're not really a man cautious of Allah subhanaw taala or ATIA? In other words, don't you see that if he continues to deny amazing allies talking about an enemy of the forest to them and saying, if he continues to meaning, we may give him a second chance here. We may give him a second chance even though you tried to stomp on his neck. If you if you don't stop this behavior, then you will be punished as if to say you have a second chances panela or

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whatever luck

00:55:00 --> 00:55:13

means to campaign against the truth is not lying. Abu Jamal, you're trying to stop people doing the right thing. You're not just saying that I don't believe you're saying that this truth is really a lie.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:16

What's the one law and turning away?

00:55:18 --> 00:55:19

Lm yallambie anila euro.

00:55:20 --> 00:56:09

Now if you don't stop this overdone, then lm yalom doesn't know does he not know that Allah subhanaw taala Yara, he sees meaning he will punish. This is like a figure of speech in Arabic that Allah sees meaning Allah will punish if you don't stop this, Allah is going to punish you. Interesting thing about the word Yara is that the word for wrote yet to see has already been mentioned four times a writer or a writer or writer, do you not see Do you not see? Do you not see before that outra husana. He sees himself and after Allah says do you not see and he says of Allah and says Allah Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah sees everything. You think you can see. He thinks he can see but

00:56:09 --> 00:56:14

you know he can see everything. A lot can see everything but anila Yara

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and then the surah ends by declaring issue like war on Abu Jamal and anyone like him, Allah says color let them into he know if he does not stop learners from being now.

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We shall drag him by the forelock. The nasiha is the front part of the head and some say it is the bunch of here at the front of your head. You think about this description of grabbing by the forelock. And you see a man who has been shackled, tied up behind his back. And like you know, a warrior who's got this guy imprisoned, he grabs him by the forehead and starts to drag him alight saying if he doesn't stop, we are going to do this to him. Yes, we are going to do some and the word used to grip is NES fan. Yes. And the word

00:57:15 --> 00:57:20

sefaira in Arabic means to grab in a way that you don't let go.

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We're going to grab him by the front of his head in a way that we're not going to let go and then drag him face down. Notice here how the crime is being punished in a way that is befitting a man of pride vanity. What do people have pride like to how they walk they walk with their head held up high. Allah is saying you know we're gonna do to you take that face of yours, put it on the ground and drag it.

00:57:51 --> 00:58:08

Yes. Now see it in cassava. And I'll say this forehead. The forward itself is two things. cassava lines lying hottie arcinfo How can the skull of a person be lying and sinful?

00:58:09 --> 00:58:28

Some of the scholars they say what it means is, every bit of this person is is is is full of evil, his skull and everything else. Another way of looking at it is if his skull is this evil, what about the rest of his body?

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his skull is lying and deceitful. What then about the arms, his legs, his tongue, etc. Now see, I think kariba loss is folia their own idea. They let him go ahead and call his Nadia, Nadia refers to your group, your gang your comrades, Abuja, *, if you really want to go to war, go ahead and call your comrades, Senators urbania because we too will call as urbania as Zyban in Arabic refers to pushing away with extreme power. Yes, and here's the value refers to the aims of Allah that will come down, push back the enemies of the person in such an aggressive way that they will become annihilated. You want to call your brothers Go ahead, because you know who we will call, we will

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call as aurania these type of angels and then the the surah ends Kela again no love to to do not obey Him. The person is being told don't obey a Buddha. Why would the person a be a Buddha in the first place? I think about the story of him, you know he's in such the and someone comes in treads on your neck. In that situation, you may fail for your life, what's gonna happen next you might break my neck and you may then run away from the salon because your life is in danger. So Allah is saying even if your life is in

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Danger, you cannot leave the salon.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:20

And that's amazing, isn't it? You know, in fact, there is something called Salatu have the prayer of fear. And that's that prayer is that different type of prayer which you are supposed to use when you are on the battlefield.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:31

Imagine on the battlefield, you got bullets, bombs, your life is in danger and Allah saying you still need to pray. But the way you pray can be different now.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:57

Salah never can be dropped, Keller allowed to do don't fear him. Was Duda keep on frustrating walk atari and get close. Meaning try to continue to get close to Allah subhanaw taala. One of the beautiful things about the way the sort of ends is they say it connects to the way it began. The first thing Allah said the last thing I said, If Qataris

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read get close, and the scholars they say, one of the links could be that the reason why you're supposed to read the Quran is in order to do if tirado Allah to get close to Allah subhanaw taala this should be the reason why you want to study Quran, it is to get closeness to Allah subhanaw taala and also to show you that the tough times that he was going through, would only be made easier by virtue of the Quran and the Salah. May Allah make us people who are always on point in our prayers, and people that have an intimate relationship with the Quran. In other words, the law of cinema and Buna Mohammed in wild early he was his main designer here in Berkeley.

Tafsīr Surah al-Alaq

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