Asim Khan – How to Attain Sabr during Tough Times

Asim Khan

AI: Summary ©

The pandemic COVID-19 has caused people to experience difficulties and struggles, including sadness, suffering, and self discipline. These struggles are different and have implications for everyone's suffering, including the ability to take care of oneself and be pleasing. The three forms of suffering, including sadness, suffering, and self discipline, are discussed, and positive thinking and learning stories are suggested as ways to motivate oneself and pursue one's dreams. The importance of learning stories and rewinding in generating positive thinking and building relationships with others is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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There is brothers and sisters. These are some of the most difficult times that we have probably experienced in our life. I know for some people, these times are the most difficult from all of their life. We have the pandemic Coronavirus to be worried about to be anxious about and then we have the lockdown with the restrictions which makes life difficult. As well as the financial worries or it carries with it as well. We're afraid for ourselves. We're afraid for our loved ones, especially our elders, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to protect us all and to preserve us. But we often probably find ourselves saying, I need to have suburbs. I need to have suburbs I need to learn to

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have more suburbs. And we struggle with this. In the back of our mind, we know that Allah loves the people who are patient, Allah says we're long your head but savarin Allah loves those who have suffered.

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And we know that the people who have suffered are those who are closest to Allah Subhana Allah and the prophets of Allah. They displayed sobor throughout their life. But the question is, what does somebody really mean? What does it mean to have Saba?

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So let's speak about this for a moment. The word itself somewhere in Arabic means to hold back or to restrain or even to choke something that is a matter of who learn to suffer, the person died because of suffering. And what that means is that the person was choked. And the idea of choking is one of restraining someone. This is the linguistic meaning as for the religious meaning, subber means to have control of your emotional state. So that you restrain your tongue from saying anything that displeases a law and restrain your body from behaving in a way that will earn a loss, anger, this is the meaning of suffer, to be able to control your emotional state. In good times, for example, you

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become very happy, overjoyed, and people can say things which allow would be displeased with people can do things that allow you to be displeased with or on the opposite side. When people go through difficult times become very anxious, very worried. They can say things which may curse the will of Allah, or show that they are unhappy or unsatisfied with what Allah has decreed. Or worse than that when someone passes away, it is difficult and painful, but then a person starts to wail, a person starts to shout and scream, they lose control of themselves. So having some other means to be able to hold back and control your emotional state, so that you don't end up doing something which

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crosses a line and earns you the displeasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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There is an amazing incident in the life of the province of Sweden, which shows us how he managed to overcome such emotional states and hold back from crossing that line. The process and on his face, he faced many tragedies in his life. For example, when he lost his son, Ibrahim, who was still an infant, and who he loved dearly. He passed away when he was an infant and in a generation the prophet SAW Selim was seen by the graveside after he had buried his son, and he was crying tears were pouring down his blessing cheeks, and the companion said to him, yada school a lot do you cry? And they were surprised to see that a man on top of that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is so emotional and is crying. for them. It was something unmanly. And the process of them he said something amazing. He said in the liner, let's head back. He said that, indeed. The eyes do shed tears were in a tub.

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And the heart is paining right now. The heart is grieving right now. Or I learn a coup de la buena that he said we will not say anything that will displease our master Subhana Allah. So he was teaching us that look, it's okay to be sad. It's okay to be worried. It's okay even to cry when things don't go your way. But then he said, I'm not going to allow my emotions to get the better of me and say something that's going to display a loss of paranoia data, that is what it means to have sub. Moreover, the scholars they explain that somebody is not just about having patience, which is often how we translate it. For example, the great scholar Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah He explained

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that summer is actually of three forms. We only think of the first form but there are two others that we are not aware of. For example, He said that the first form of submit is to be patient, over things that are beyond your control, for example, you fall sick, and it wasn't anything to do with what you had done.

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A person loses a loved one is beyond their control. A person is made redundant. Despite their best efforts. All of these things are beyond their control. They have subber, meaning that they are patient with a decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But then what are the other two? He said the next is to have sobor, which means to be able to continue to do good in one's life. What does that mean? It means that when you have to wake up for Virgil in the morning, it is not easy, it is difficult. Praying five times a day is difficult. Fasting, the month of Ramadan is difficult. being kind to people in your life is difficult. But to overcome the difficulty, is an act of suburb. And this is

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the second form of having someone to be able to continue to do good deeds. The third then he said, is self discipline to be able to hold back on impulse and desire to say No, I will not do that, which will displease Allah subhanho wa Taala. We all have with words from shavon, tempting us luring us to do things that are haram do do things that will undermine our own integrity and honor. And when a person says no, I'm not going to do that. That is the third form of subject.

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What is really interesting is that even taymiyah, then goes on to explain which of the three is the highest form of suffering, the most pleasing, and the most rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala. He says, As for the least, of the three than it is to have some power over that which you have no control. For example, somebody lost a loved one, or somebody lost their job. He says that if a person had sober, meaning they had patients, of course, this is something amazing and valued by Allah. But ultimately, what choice does that person have, there's nothing else that they can do apart from have patience. Well, it is possible that a person could lose control and to become overly

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frustrated. But then after some time, people learn to deal with the difficulties and become and come to terms with it. So this is then the first form of sovereign, which he is saying is actually the lowest

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out of the other two. Number two, which is what to have suffer in doing good, versus the third, which is self discipline. He says that out of these to suffer in doing good is actually more valued by Allah than self discipline type of subject, why? It's very interesting to expand law. He says, if we look at the life of the use of artists around, he went through four trials in his life, the first trial was that of envy, his brothers hated upon him, and they threw him into the bottom of a well left him for dead. It was out of his control. But he had sobor, the first form, the second trial that he had to face was to be made a slave, and later on to be put into prison. And that is a trial

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of Rome, he was oppressed. And in that is another trial that he has no control over. Did he have suffer? Yes, he did. But then there are two more trials in his life, the trial of temptation, when the wife of Aziz tried to seduce him. When she try to seduce him, you have to imagine how difficult that must have been. He's a slave, he's unmarried, he's not living with his family. On top of that, she locked all the doors, and then she tried to entice him, seduce him, and she is from the rich and famous. And he said, Father, Ma, the law he says, I seek a place of refuge with ALLAH Subhana, Allah was never called back and he ran to the door. This is the third form of sub self discipline, that

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shaytaan brought to him a desire a temptation, and he said no, in the most beautiful wait. And then the last trial of his life, was that a power he was made into the Aziz, he is the state treasurer of one of the greatest states or countries in the entire world, the Egyptian Empire. And in that position of power, he didn't allow it to corrupt him, rather, he used it to benefit the people to help them from the family that they were facing, and to lift them from the recession. And so in a way, the power that he had didn't corrupt him, he continued to do good. And that is the second form of suburbs, the suburbs in doing good. Now, even Tamia harmala said, out of all of these trials, the

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form of sobor, which was the most difficult and the most rewarded for was to do good, even more than self discipline. Why he explains, he says that the evils that come from abandoning good deeds are far worse in the sight of a law then the evils that come from making mistakes and

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On top of that, when a person does a good deed, Allah says in and has an ad use hibben to say that barely the good deeds, they wipe away the bad ones. So if you abandoned the good deed, what you have done is lost the chance to delete a bad deed. And for these reasons and more, having suburbs, in continuing to do good deeds, is actually the greatest form of silver and puts you in the best position in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One of the things we learn from this, my brothers and sisters, is that it doesn't matter how bad you are, it doesn't matter how much you are sitting, never let go of your good deeds. Never say I'm not worthy of praying to Allah of raising my hands to

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Allah of doing good deeds because I'm doing so many bad things on the side. No, this is the trap of shape on if you continue to do good, not only is it the best one will suffer but it will also diminish the wrong that you are doing in your life and in sha Allah act as an explanation. May Allah Allah Allah makers of the Siberian people that have suffered when things don't go their way people that have self discipline, and people who continue to do good wakulla Hola. Hello, sir, for a lively welcome money sign

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in now who will

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah sugarfina bR masa Li Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi is married about

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a few practical tips on how to have somebody in one's life.

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One of the ways to inspire yourself to have more patience in life is to read the stories in the Quran about people who went through difficulty and had somebody, for example, think of Yahoo, the father of use of he had his most beloved son ripped away from him and kidnapped, taken to an undisclosed location and then had to separate from him for some scholars had 40 years. I use the word kidnap because yampa knew that use of wasn't dead. He knew that because Allah had shown him through the dream of his son, that later on use of wood become great. So when his other son said, The wolf has eaten him, then he knew that they were lying, but at the same time, he didn't know what

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his son was. And the Quran tells us that that really did affect the albinism, while they yelled Medina whom, you know, Quran says that his eyes turned white out of grief, meaning he cried so much that either he became partially sighted, or he lost the ability to see, he was full of pain. But what kept him going what gave him sober? What gave him sober, is remembering that Allah has given me a sign that things one day will change. What was that sign? It was that dream, where you sort of came to him as a child and said, my father, I've seen the 11 stars, and the sun and moon bowing down to me, that was always in his mind. So whenever he felt like the world had become too difficult, and

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things are getting too tough, he reminded himself what are the mamina law, he murder Darla moon, I know something from a law that you don't, meaning Allah has given me something to fall back on and to take strength from in the same way. We all have something in our past, where Allah has lifted us from a difficulty, which we can recall, in the next trial that we face in our life. I mean, it's so simple. When we were in the wombs of our mothers, we were the most vulnerable, we couldn't do anything for ourselves. And when we entered this world, we needed the care, love and protection of other people because we couldn't do anything ourselves. And did we do well Alhamdulillah we are here

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today. Why? Because allow us taking care of us. Allah gave us parents, Allah gave us resources, Allah gave us opportunities. And today we are here because Allah subhanaw taala took care of us in our most vulnerable moment. If that is the case, what then about every other moment in our life, nothing will make you more desperate than you were when you were a baby entering this world. And it's those types of positive thinking that allow a person to continue to be steadfast in difficult times. So this is one practical tip. Think about a moment in your life in the past where things were difficult and Allah Subhana Allah help you and aided you. A second practical tip, my dear brother

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and sister is have suburb

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by thinking of all the other blessings in your

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Life. This is something so simple yet so powerful with check on what he does is that he makes us zoom into one problem. One thing that is wrong in our life, until we become blind to everything else that is good in our life. And if you were to take a scale, on one side, place your problems and on the other side place all of your blessings, which do you think would weigh heavier Suppan in law? Allah has given us so many blessings that we could not count them. While we're in Darrow. dounia mata Lai la sua law says, if you were to try and count a number, the blessings, you would not be able to meaning number one, what I have done for you, you can not even perceive of its greatness.

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But number two, if you were to count your blessings, it would actually help you to trivialize the few things that are not going right in your life. And this is an amazing way to practice sobor you're you're going through a financial worry. And you tell yourself Yeah, that's true. I'm not doing very well financially and Hamdan, my health is good. And hamdulillah I'm able to walk and talk and move. I have friends, I have family, I have loved ones. I have so many blessings that I have yet to thank Allah for. And as you go through them one by one, what happens that problem that was blowing up in your mind starts to diminish slowly, but surely. And what is amazing is that Allah

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says in the Koran in Shackleton lezzy the knuckle if you are grateful, I'll give you more. So if you're grateful about what you have ended up having even more, and Allah also says the report on that if you are grateful for him, Mr. Yash, Guru NFC, then you're only being grateful for yourself. What does that mean? It means saying thank you to Allah doesn't make a lot even greater. It doesn't benefit Allah who then does it benefit. It benefits your own self, you become a stronger person, you become more mentally fit, and you become someone who is more positive in their life and therefore achieves more in their life as well. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us from the Siberian and

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people that know how to lift themselves from difficult times by relying and trusting on Allah subhana wa tada Avalon fusina Waylon Topsfield and Arthur Hamner, Len aku, Nanda milho, serene, proper Allah to the Pooh bah bah they had a terrible habit. anomalism kurama encanta la herb robina Tina dunya Hasina of fear to Hasina Joaquin Oliver na team sola

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